A song of Water and Fire - Valiente_Sheinkrol - 本好きの下剋上 - 香月美夜 | Honzuki no Gekokujou | Ascendance of a Bookworm Series (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Prologue Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: Rihyarda - My son is too much for this land Chapter Text Chapter 3: Eckhart - I will do anything to become Lord Ferdinand's knight again Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Ferdinand - In the land of Leidenschaft Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Kreszentia – Becoming Wiegenmich to Mestionora Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Trauerqual – A trial that I would never ask for Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Ferdinand - My new family Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Fabiane – Taking asylum in Gilessenmeyer Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Rozemyne - Reincarnation...again Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Rozemyne - The new life in Hauchletzte Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Trauerqual – When Erwachlehren was forced to wear the Dark Cloak Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Magdalena – Seeking the grace of Liebeskhilfe Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Celestine – The true Dunkelfelgerian Lady Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Justus - Observing the new fabric of Ventuchte Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Leonhardt - The crafty boy! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Sieglinde - The private meeting of Dunkelfelger's archducal family Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Werdekraf - Dealing the Ditter's rules Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Before the Match! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Sylvester - That pretty boy is scary! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Ferdinand - After the match Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Rozemyne - Found you, mad scientist! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Unpredictable events Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Ferdinand - Early socializing and... a blessing from Grun?! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Rozemyne - Reunion in a Dream Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Short Story 1 - Ferdinand POV Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Celestine - Mutual interest Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Magdalena - Facing Glucklitat's trial Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Celestine - Final decision Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Short Story 2 - The undercurrent in Ehrenfest (Part 1) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Short Story 3 - The undercurrent in Ehrenfest (Part 2) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Rozemyne – Try to move forward Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Rozemyne - The Weirdo, the smelly sauce, and... Hello, Unagi! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Rozemyne - Wicked weed Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Rozemyne - Travelling to the seashores and the mystery Karyda tree Chapter Text Chapter 35: Ferdinand - Life and balanced attributes Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Rozemyne – Building a greenhouse and giving a noble name! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Nahelache - The Art of Efflorelume and the secret princess Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Short Story 4 - The daily headache report in Dunkelfelger Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Rozemyne – Winter debut at Interduchy Tournament Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Prologue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mestionora was crying. All three Zent Candidates had climbed the Towering Height, and her beloved Erwaermen was dying, all because of these nonsensical 'mortal complications.'

Dregarnuhr and Ventuchte immediately began to reweave the thread to save the Garden. However, Ventuchte couldn't guarantee that the reweaving would work. After all, Quinta and Myne's threads were tightly intertwined and almost indistinguishable in color. Separating and reweaving these threads would make the flow of history more difficult to navigate.

"We must alter the threads of those connected to them, thus modifying some of their colors,"Ventuchte signed, "and I will need to ask Entrinduge and Wiegenmilch for help."

Anhaltung stepped forward and suggested, "Our beloved children cannot become Zent due to the lack of 'backing' in their mortal realm. It seems that Her Highness Schutzaria is unable to protect them all from the harshness of Chaocifer's kin."

Then she just needs to give them “the backing”, is that all?

Mestionora immediately ran to find her Uncle Leidenschaft and her Aunt Flutrane. She needed to move both Quinta and Myne to a land without the presence of the Goddess of Chaos. To be certain, she would give both of them their memories and even grant their followers from the land of Wind the chance to recall their memories.


Hello, this is my first fanfic of our favorite duo AoB. The idea of this fic comes from the ironic meaning of the Seven Pillar Gods that are associated with the duchies have Border Gate.

First, both our main characters Rozemyne and Ferdinand are from Ehrenfest with the Wind Gate - symbolic is the Shield from harm, and yet both are ... unprotected and getting all harm. Next is Ahrensbach with the Dark Gate. All the subordinates under Darkness represent hiding and escaping from chaos, plus fighting malicious, but we all know that Ahrensbach is the origin of all harmful things to not only our mains but the whole country.

Next, we have Gilessenmeyer which has the Light Gate, the homeland of Raoblut - the main antagonist who breaks the peace by using Trug to poison minds. However, all subordinates of the Goddess of Light represent the law, purifying evil and giving advice. Finally, Geduldh represents patience, love, and acceptance but the Gate of Earth is located at Klassenburg - the most ambitious and power hunger duchy that is responsible for the purge and maybe, all sources of the "Royal Family"

Now I am trying to change the little bit of our couple's backing duchy while trying to stay as much as canon to see how things will go. Feel free to send me any suggestions for the ending.

Chapter 2: Rihyarda - My son is too much for this land

Chapter Text

As much as Rihyarda loved her son, she had to admit that he might not be a good attendant for the archducal family.

As a member of a branch family of the archducal family, she did not have a set lord or lady—her loyalty had always been to the ruling archduke, whether it was the current Aub, his father, or his father before him. He would order her to serve whomever in the archducal family was struggling to find an attendant. Rihyarda also expected her children to be the same as her.

Lord Adelbert ordered Rihyarda to become the head attendant for Lady Georgine, indirectly requiring her children to become Lady Georgine's retainers instead of Lord Karstedt's.

And I also agreed with that decision.

In fact, on the day Rihyarda had been forced to leave Lady Georgine's side, she instructed her children to attend to the lady in her stead. While Rihyarda understood that she could not disobey Aub's order, she still hoped that the young lady she once served loyally would still be in good care. Gudrun had agreed and ended up becoming Lady Georgine's retainer, much to her relief.

But her son Justus was another story.

He had been such an eccentric child right after his baptism. While he did not like to run away from his work like Lord Sylvester, he enjoyed wandering around the city collecting a bunch of junk, which he called 'treasures.' He went as far as dressing himself as a commoner, and even stealing Gudrun's clothes and accessories to disguise himself as a 'young lady.'

Only the Seven might know how Rihyarda nearly fainted when she saw her son wearing his sister's clothes and standing behind young Lady Elvira at a tea party.

His 'always' excuse was to collect important information, but Lady Georgine disproved all of them. And Rihyarda, too, found his information useless. Good retainers, especially scholars, had to understand their master's wishes well and serve them with all their skills.

Justus started to distance himself from Lady Georgine, and when he reached his third year, he told her that he would take the attendant course together with the scholar course. He started to spend more time at the academy and make connections with higher-ranked duchies.

I believe that all mothers would be proud to see their child be heavily blessed by Mestionora, but this was so stressful.

An archnoble from the 21st-ranked middle duchy dared to become the best student in both the attendant's and scholar's courses, just like making a fool out of other duchies. While Lord Adelbert asked her to persuade Justus to stay in Ehrenfest, Rihyarda was genuinely worried whether his wish could be granted, and her fear soon became reality.

Justus denied the match recommended by Lady Veronica and announced that he had found an escort partner from Sovereignty—an attendance apprentice of a collateral princess. Furthermore, this princess had been engaged to the heir apparent of Dunkelfelgers. Thus, after her attendance apprentice graduated, both would move to Dunkelfelgers together and have their Starbind there. While Lord Adelbert gave his sympathy to Rihyarda for failing to hold the reins of her son, Lady Veronica showed her discontent very clearly since she saw this as disobeying the archducal house, or maybe... to herself.

Good grief, son. What have you done at the Royal Academy?

"Justus, you are the one who convinced me that the purpose of taking two courses and staying longer at the academy is to acquire better skills and relationships for your Geduldh," Rihyarda said, having no other choice. She immediately dragged him to the hidden room to know the truth. "What is your explanation now for all of your actions?"

"I do not lie," Justus answered with a grin. "By the grace of Anhaltung and Dregarnuhr, I have been working hard to become a pillar to the Supreme couple."

If this was his answer, then why did he have to move out of Ehrenfest? Suddenly, Rihyarda realised that she had been under her own assumption the whole time.

“My Geduldh is where my master is,” Justus looked straight at her with the most determined look she had ever seen. “No matter how Dregarnuhr spins, my name will always be in the hand of my master.”

So the princess is the master he chose. Yet Rihyarda revised that Justus had barely met her, according to his servant. Or maybe, the dance of Bluanfa... no, it would be even more dangerous for a retainer to harbour a raffle in his heart while serving an engaged lady.

“By the way, Her Highness Seradina and my future partner—Evelyn—would like to meet you at the Interduchy Tournament this year,” Justus timidly cut down her thoughts. “And Aub Ehrenfest has agreed to let you come to the Royal Academy.”

You should tell me sooner, you troublesome child!

Princess Seradina was a gorgeous beauty, often described as 'ethereal.' Her long, silken silver hair was beautifully braided in a half-updo and decorated with a golden ribbon, and her pale gold eyes shone under the light of the sun with an intelligent gleam. Despite her much higher position, the princess did not show any resentment or contempt toward her—an attendant of a mere lowly-ranked duchy. Conversely, she introduced herself with an elegance and poise befitting of a royalty member, so fitting that it made Lady Gabriele seem inferior, and Rihyarda truly couldn't say anything about Lady Veronica.

Both Lady Gabriele and Lady Veronica were continuously bragging about their Ahrensbach pedigree, yet they had all failed to show it. It was even more ironic how Lady Gertrude and Lady Adelheid had a more befitting manner from the high-ranked duchy, if not also including Lady Elvira and young Lady Georgine. After all, Lady Gertrude and Lady Adelheid were qualified to marry into higher-ranked duchies, one to a close cadet branch of the Werkestock archducal house, and one to the Zausengas archducal family.

The princess introduced her attendant apprentice—Evelyn, who was also the only daughter of her head attendant. She expressed her gratitude to me and Aub Ehrenfest for letting a rare talent like Justus come to serve her in her new future home. She suggested having Justus stay in Ehrenfest until Evelyn graduated to spend his talent to nurture his homeland as much as he could, while also offering him the position as a head attendant of her future son.

As much as divine the princess is, I am relieved that spring did not come to my son and the lady.

But Rihyarda also spotted the difference between Justus and his escort partner, as she could clearly see that Bluanfa had not yet danced between them. In fact, the way Justus acted toward Princess Seradina was also quite strange, as it showed nothing as a loyal subject to the master he chose.

Maybe the princess is not his master, but her future Dark God instead. If that was the case, all the suggestions by the princess seemed quite wrong. Furthermore, Justus's servant also reported that while Justus had been friends with quite many arch-scholars from greater duchies, he had no connection with the heir of Dunkelfelger at all.

Whatever the reason, it was certain that Justus would soon leave Ehrenfest and no one would object.

There are so many mysterious things involved with this eccentric son of mine.

“To obtain such a high match like this, you should be happy for your son, Rihyarda” said Lady Elvira.

After returning from the Interduchy Tournament, Rihyarda was invited to a tea party with Lady Irmhilde and the Linkberg. She would need to give them more information from her perspective besides the debriefing of Aub at the meeting.

“You're right, Lady Elvira. It was I who assumed too much about my son's future. At least I can rest assured that my son will have a secured position and be valued in Dunkelfelgers”, Rihyarda signed. After rejecting Lady Veronica so straightforwardly, it would be better for Justus to move out of the duchy.

Another thing that made her happy was the rejoining of the relationship between Justus and Lady Georgine. Unlike her mother, Lady Georgine was quite pleased with this match. She even sent congratulatory gifts and invited him to her tea party, sending out a sign that Justus was still her considered childhood friend.

Contrary to her thinking, Lady Irmhilde showed her concern about this rejoining.

“I am afraid that this is more a calculated move of Georgine for the Aubhood fight. Through Justus, she can get involved with Princess Seradina and maybe also Dunkelfelger. The worse is, Ahrensbach is still lower in the ranking than them, and you also said that the princess doesn't have a good impression of Lady Veronica”, Lady Irmhilde said.

That was true. For some reason, Princess Seradina ignored Lady Veronica intentionally. No, Rihyarda was quite confident that she could see the princess's hatred and disgust in her eyes. It was too clear to make people think that they might have a delusion, as it seemed to be a break of etiquette from such a posed lady.

Please tell me that it is not Justus who is badmouthing the First Lady of Ehrenfest.

“So Georgine still hasn't given up, I see," Lord Karstedt sighed, showing a defeated face. "Yet I thought she should have considered this potential future when I was demoted."

"The case is different, Karstedt. While you were educated as an archduke candidate by being the temporary sole male member of the house, our Aub once supported her—his eldest daughter—to be heir herself", Lady Irmhilde explained. "We all know how hard she has been working until now to be deserving of being an heir, and she has also proven herself qualified for that position. All but only to be robbed away because she has a younger brother now."

"And the worst is, the removal of the heir position was announced by her own mother, Lady Veronica," Lady Elvira continued.

To become the archduch*ess for Lady Veronica's sake, Lady Georgine worked so hard to overcome all the rigorous training from her mother, and now it was also her mother who rejected everything she had worked on.

Maybe I should not have left her side at that time.

"The burden of being a female heir is much higher than a male heir," Lord Bonifatius said. "It will take some time for Georgine to regain her composure, but she will be fine."

"Then Sylvester should show better qualities to soothe her," Lady Irmhilde smiled warily. "I am now more afraid about her future match, as Zausengas may cancel the engagement once she is no longer an heir. Only the Seven know how Georgine may act if she continues to lose more because of her younger brother."

Lady Irmhilde's concerns were somehow waking everyone up, as Rihyarda suddenly remembered the hostile glare from Lady Georgine to Lord Sylvester on his baptism day.

There was also a rumour that Lady Veronica wanted to send Lady Georgine away to earn more favour for Lord Sylvester's future reign. Hopefully not, as Lord Adelbert once told her that he would like Lady Georgine to become a relay Aub, just like Lord Bonifatius.

Chaosipher silently sneaked into the land of Schutzaria, whispering poison to disturb Gebordnung, who was so weak under the loose reign of the Supreme couple.

Let's continue to hold our hopes for a peaceful future for the new generations.




Chapter 3: Eckhart - I will do anything to become Lord Ferdinand's knight again


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Next is Eckhart,” Mother said while overseeing the attendants and servants moving my luggage onto the teleportation circle. I was leaving for the Royal Academy today, and only Mother came to send me off. Both my grandfather and father were busy with their escort duties.

"Since there are no archduke candidates yet coming of age, you will be the highest status of Ehrenfest dorm for the whole academic life," Mother said with a serious look. "Well, our dorm supervisor Hirschur is a little... eccentric, but I believe you could seek some of Erwachlehren's grace from her. And you may also ask Heidemarie to come with you when meeting Professor Hirschur. At least I know she is always fond of scholarly talent like Heidemarie."

"I understand, Mother. Is there anything else I need to consider?"

Mother gave a wry smile. "You will find a little uneasy with those belonging to Veronican but try to hold yourself and act as a good leader of the dorm. And I believe you will become an older brother who can guide Lamprecht when the time comes."

I proudly nodded to Mother's kind words as I stepped onto the teleportation circle. Starting today, I would be the one who led the Ehrensfest students in the Royal Academy, and I was also eager to look for a life without the interference of the adults.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the Ehrenfest dormitory. It was not too different from the castle at first glance. While waiting for my luggage to be taken to my room, I went straight to the common room to see how things were setting there.When I looked around, I saw a familiar sight from the winter room at the castle, as the students just separated and gathered together based on their factions.

It was kind of annoying, indeed.

Professor Hirschur came down later to explain the rules of the academy and swiftly disappeared without saying much... to me. She was eccentric just as Mother said, well, at least Heidemarie was able to exchange some notes with her and was welcome to come to her lab if she liked. Guessed this would not apply to me, but I also did not see the merit to come to a scholar lab.

The social greeting was held the next day and Ehrenfest emerged from door 21. Just as Hirschur said, from the higher-ranked duchy perspective, no one cared about the backwater duchy as much, not to mention that it was led by an arch-knight apprentice. All I needed to do was introduce myself with the name of the duchy, or greeting, literally.Here was the start of my academy life, quiet and boring.

Then came a day that changed my whole life.

"Lord Eckhart, I am Lasfam from the House Bernett. May we pray for a blessing in appreciation of this serendipitous meeting, ordained by the harsh judgment of Ewigeliebe the God of Life?"

"You may." I look at the boy in front of me. As a laynoble, he had made his name known by choosing an attendant course while being the eldest son of the house, excelling in his study for being an honored student for three years continuously, as well as securing his employment at a very early age.

Mother once told me that his future employer - Justus, even came to my house to ask Mother and Father to provide essential protection for him until he graduates. Looking at this excellent manner that can be even on par with Archnoble, I guess this is understandable to secure his employment as soon as possible.

"If you allow, I was tasked to present some gifts from my future Lord to you, Lord Eckhart, as the welcome gift to the Royal Academy." Lasfam said gently, "I understand that my sudden approach may annoy you. However, Lord Justus commanded that this gift must be sent to you directly, so I cannot present it to you in the winter room."

Now that's why he is seeking me at the training ground at this hour. Surely this is a convenient time to meet up since the number of students waking up early is very small. Yet what kind of gift is so special to be avoided not only by adults but also by other students?

I received the box from Lasfam. After a glance of checking, it turned out that there were two pendant-like amulets. I was still not sure how secretive this gift needed to be handled. Before I was prompted to ask, Lasfam had already requested the use of the soundproofing tool.

"This is the amulet of Anhaltung. There are two of them, one for you and one for your friend, Lady Heidemarie." Lasfam said, "As for its use, please pray to Anhaltung for her guidance while holding the amulet in your palm."

"For Heidemarie too? She will be thrilled to study more about these amulets. And did you just say that we need to pray, like a priest?" Now I was a little pissed at how he dared to degrade me and my friend with these lines.

"I'm so sorry for the use of my language that may offend you. But please believe in my words that I am not meaning to make you feel uncomfortable. After all, you need to pray when you enter the shrine of Anhaltung."

"The shrine of Anhaltung?"

"It is a little old story, but there are quite a lot of the ancient shrines around the Royal Academy. I think you would be quite amused to know that Lord Bonifatius, your grandfather, once half-destroyed one shrine during his training." Lasfam continues, "The amulet of Anhaltung was designed and made to, and it was proved to get more effective if you could go to the shrine of Anhaltung to pray. All the guidance and the map to lead to the shrine have already been in the box."

My interest had reached its peak now.

"Why would you, no, Lord Justus decide to give me this gift?"

It was then I spotted a strange look in Lasfam's eyes, which looked quite... nostalgic.

"Forgive me to be so bold, but Lord Eckhart, have you ever had a feeling that you might lose something, or someone up until now?"

Lasfam's words indeed made me startled.

"The Goddess of Advice would grant her blessing to those in need of her guidance in their life. I believe this is what you and Lady Heidemarie may need at this moment."

I hate to admit it but... it was true. I don't know how but soon after my baptism and coming to the winter room, I always feel a little lost. It seems to me that my life should not be like... this. Somehow, my instinct told me that there must be someone there for me, in the castle, in the winter room, and even in the Royal Academy.

I talked about my feelings to my parent and Heidemarie. Surprisingly, all three of them agree with me that there was something might be lost in Ehrenfest. Mother guessed that might be due to the absence of Justus, the one whom everyone suggested would stay in Ehrenfest and followed his mother's footsteps, while Father tended to disagree with that. I was not so sure how Father would feel, but he once complained that drinking between two people seemed... not enough. Seriously, Lord Sylvester just came of age not so long ago, how much did Father want to drink?

If what I got from Lasfam's words was right, then this gift might be the solution to all my questions. I sent my gratitude to Justus via Lasfam and back to my room to read more about the instruction. It seemed to be no harm to try it once, let just see it as a kind of... adventure. With that thinking, I also told my retainer to request a meeting alone with Heidemarie tomorrow to schedule the adventure.

Four days later, I, Heidemarie, and Lasfam all went together to the shrine as discussed.

The shrine was built in white stone and was quite difficult to find during winter days. Heidemarie commented that the shrine looked like the temple from afar, and she was quite wary about entering this shrine. As much as dismay I was, I still had a feeling that Lasfam did not lie, and this shrine... seemed to be not so much... bad as the temple. According to the guidance from Justus, each of us would take turns entering and praying inside the shrine with the amulet in our hand.

I took a careful look after entering the shrine. It was quite small, just about a half of an archnoble room in dormitory. The interior was quite clean, and simple as it only had an altar and a white statue of the Goddess, guessed this was the statue of Anhaltung. I recall the note attached to the gift box, now I had to kneel down, one hand on the floor and the other hand holding the amulet. Somehow, there was quite a pressure arousing that gave me a chill.

Come on, Eckhart. This is just a small challenge for the future head of HouseLinkberg.

I tried to hold myself back from giving up and started to dedicate my mana through both my hands. The amulet started to glow, and I chanted the prayer that was been told.

"O Goddess of Advice Anhaltung of the Goddes of Light's exalted twelve, I pray that you grant me your divine protection to seek for your guidance in recovering the lost fragment from Ventuchte's thread!"

A golden blessing fell upon and covered whole my body, and memories subsequently crashed into my mind. One by one, I crumbled under the wave of blessing light.

The winter playroom, where I first met him... The royal academy... my dedication to Lord Ferdinand... The dead of Heidemarie... My new little sister... Lord Ferdinand's depart to Ahrensbach... Alexandria...

It took a while for me to recover my consciousness, and when my eyes were clear, I had to use all my strength to restrain myself from running out of the shrine without offering my gratitude to the Goddess as being guided.

And just in the blink of an eye, I found myself already standing outside of the shrine. Appearing in front of me is the sight of his two most familiar persons, my wife, and my old colleague.

"It's nice to see you again, Eckhart."

"Yes, I'm back, Lasfam."

Heidemarie was surprised to see how I suddenly became friendly with Lasfam, but I could provide no clear answer. I urged her to come inside the shrine for her prayer while waiting outside. There were a lot of things that I wanted to ask, but I would try to refrain from doing so, just to wait for Heidemarie to catch up together.

Soon after, Heidemarie exited the shrine. Different than us, she only received the memories she had up to the time she was poisoned in the last weave. Hence the first thing she ever asked was about our Lord's situation.There were so many things to tell her about many things that happened after she climbed the towering height. I and Lasfam take turns to tell her all the events that happened in the last weave, how Lord Ferdinand found my little sister Rozemyne, how she had become his "all goddess" and how we have all failed to protect them under the wrath of those traitorous remains from the old Ahrensbach.

"It was Justus the first one to recover his memory through the Acquisition of Blessing in his year 3." Lasfam explained, "He then recognized the difference between the two weaves, and started to move to secure all of use for the sake of Lord Ferdinand in the future."

"So he found our Lord? Where is Lord Ferdinand now if he didn't stay in Ehrenfest?"

"Where else can he be, Eckhart? Judging from where Justus staying now and the place that Lasfam will be going after his graduation, it must be Dunkelfelger." Heidemarie signed, "However, I feel quite strange that there are no legends of our Lord that were sung in the Academy at this moment, and he also not appeared during the Gathering."

"Because his age also changed, Heidemarie." Lasfam smiled and dropped a big thunder on both of us. "That's why I was assigned to stay in Ehrenfest for now, and so do you guys."

"Wait, does it mean we cannot come to reunite with Lord Ferdinand now? Why?" It puzzled me. If Justus and Lasfam already decided to approach us, why did he ask us to stay?

Heidemarie quickly held me back, "Calm down, Eckhart! We're still underage! It is quite inconvenient to move us to another duchy without proper reason. And of course, there must be another reason for Justus to do that." Then she turned to Lasfam, "Could you please give us an overview of your current situation first?"

Lasfam then started to tell us about his journey.

"Different than Justus, I regained my memories after my baptism by praying with the Anhaltung's amulet and the Crown of the Light Goddess in the temple of Ehrenfest. Of course, the one who made the amulet and guide me at that time was no other than Justus himself. The reason it had to be done so early is because the time due for Justus to depart to Dunkelfelger had come, yet all three of us were not coming of age. Before his departure, Justus rescued me from my parents and then entrusted me to be baptized at House Bernett, thus cutting my ties with Veronica's faction while securing the relationship with their son, Damuel. After that, he left me with all instructions to lay the groundwork and the way to communicate from afar."

"Damuel... Oh right, that lay-knight of Rozemyne. It was indeed a good way to secure him soon." I nodded, as expected of Justus, he was all competent besides his dressing hobbies. "Then, should we have to secure other retainers of Rozemyne too, and also our Lord's retainers in Alexandria?"

"It takes time, Eckhart." Lasfam signed, "Have you forgotten that beside Damuel, all of her retainers are either unbaptized or not yet born? As for those from Alexandria, I am not so sure if this is wise to do so, as they are either still nobles of Ahrensbach or Drewanchel. And according to Justus, it seems only those name-sworns may have a chance to recover the memories."

"Is that why even I can get the memory?" Heidemarie wondered. While Lord Ferdinand did return her name back when she was pregnant, she was also the one who give her name, thus giving her the chance to reunite with us now.

Lasfam continued, "Justus told me that while Lord Ferdinand's father has changed, his mother is still the same person. Furthermore, there are no changes in all four of us, so maybe there is still a slight chance that Lady Rozemyne would be born in Ehrenfest. So, the original plan was to wait for both of you to recover your memories during the Blessing Acquisition. During this time, I will continue to keep track of the downtown and before departing to Dunkelfelger, I will transfer all the work to Heidemarie and both of you will stay until we confirm the birth of Lady Rozemyne. However, circ*mstances have once again altered."

Again? Is there any abnormal thing that happened that required us to catch up 2 years earlier?

"Lord Ferdinand had regained his memories, thus requesting to fasten the plan of memories regaining for both of you. Now we will work under his order, AGAIN."

The brightest smile appeared on both Lasfam's and Heidemarie's faces, and I sensed that kind of smile in me, too.

Lord Ferdinand is back. Milord is back.

"I see it now." Heidemarie held her head high, "Lord Ferdinand must still be concerned about Ehrenfest. That's why he ordered us to continue to stay here."

"There are many things he wants to do with Ehrenfest, giving many people trying to support him as before in here. And the most important is Lady Rozemyne." Lasfam said with a determined look, "We will join our Lord, but not for now. And there are tons of things we need to do."

We would do our best here in Ehrenfest to ensure that Lord Ferdinand could rest assured in Dunkelfelger with his plan—and just like the last weave, I would eliminate all obstacles that tried to get in our way.

I will do anything to be your knight again, Milord!

Mini-story (Just for fun)

Eckhart: I will do anything to become Lord Ferdinand's knight!

Rozemyne: I will do anything to become a librarian!

Elvira: I will do anything to collect more writing materials for my love stories!

Cornelius: I will do anything to protect my little sister!

Bonifatius: I will do anything to be near my cute little granddaughter!

Kardstedt: I will do anything to... keep my house peaceful!

Lamprecht: I will do anything to... uh, what should I say?


Ferdinand: Wiegenmilch, are you sure that you're not dropping Myne in the wrong house? She should have been born as a Linkberg!

Wiegenmilch: Actually, if you look at the downtown family, we will also have something similar in Gunther and Tuuli. Effa... well, maybe not so much to the peak but still.


Gunther: I will do anything to praise my children and to protect my family!

Tuuli: I will do anything to become the best seamstress like Miss Corinna!

Effa: I will do anything to... *sigh* keep my husband and Myne in control.


Ferdinand: So Lamprecht is the one who was born in the wrong house!

Wiegenmilch: Maybe, but look around you, there are a lot of people like that in Ehrenfest. Don't blame poor Lamprecht!

Hartmut: I will do anything to spread the legend of the Saintess Rozemyne!

Angelica: I will do anything to not think at all!

Charlotte: I will do anything to support my big sister!


Wiegenmilch: See, there are more... and more... and even you, Quinta, you would say...

Rozemyne *pouting*: Ferdinand will say "I will do anything just to stay in my lab to research and abandon all eating and sleeping!"

Ferdinand *sigh* OK stop! I got it!


Update retainers' situation:
Ferdinand's retainers = [Collected]
Rozemyne's retainers = [under processing] LoL Well, Eckhart and Heidemarie were only 10 now, so most of her retainers are still unbaptized and unborn.
At least Damuel is half-secured by tying the relationship with Lasfam right now.

The thing about Anhaltung amulet and praying in the shrine is fic lore. I need some reason for all the retainers to regain their memories.

Chapter 4: Ferdinand - In the land of Leidenschaft


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was just like yesterday when Ferdinand received his new cloak from Rozemyne. Ignoring all the complaints about noble etiquette, Ferdinand wore that cloak immediately in front of everyone, and he felt very clearly the smile on his face when he looked at his all-goddess.

That smile of his must be so shameless, he guessed

But Ferdinand would not care, as he was now escorting her to the Spring Conference, and they were having their true Starbinding.

Yet Chaosipher’s remnants were hard to be truly exterminated. The sudden attack was coming from Sovereignty and Blumefeld’s knights, as just expected that Eglantine and Anastasius still not completely held control of the Sovereignty.

His blood ran cold when he saw an attendant behind Eglantine raise her shining dagger up.

All the world suddenly blacked out, and when Ferdinand opened his eye, he found himself standing in the Garden of the Begining again.

When he was young, he always found it was pristine and undescribed ethereal beauty here - an all-white garden of stones enclosing a giant glowing tree with crystal leaves shining in all divine colors.

Yet no beautiful memories came from this place.The last one he had ever remembered was that selfish goddess banished him away from the garden after blaming him for using brutal force on her "beloved Erwaermen".

Absurd! It was them who used force on us first. Erwaermen forced wisdom into Ferdinand’s mind without his consent, then they just continue to force all the responsibilities on a young girl like Rozemyne. They always talk about how merciful they are in giving mana-ed people the land for asylum, yet they never think about our mortal circ*mstances.

They lamented about saving the garden, saving Erwaermen, then why they had never shown up to save that tree. They complained that we humans had not prayed to them, yet all they needed to do was show themselves and told these “Royals” to pray more. And if Erwaermen wanted mana, why they did not give mana to him, they are Gods, they had a bunch of “divine mana” in them after all.

Furthermore, the true proper way to earn the Book of Mestionora was lost for more than 400 years, yet Erwaermen only showed up now. Ferdinand could be so certain that Erwaermen knew that the humans had lost the guide to wisdom, but he definitely ignored it because Erwaermen was given enough mana from those “fake royalties”.

Just like when he decided to grant the wisdom to Gervasio. That tree – a so-called dignified former God, agreed to let mana-ed people to be suffered.

Those Gods were all ignorant, selfish, and lazy.

Just exactly the same as those “Royalty families”.

Ha, indeed, to the Gods, Zent, Aub, Nobles, or Devouring are not so different from each other, while to the Royals, all nobles had to be submissive to them.

The more he thought, the more Ferdinand’s emotions ran wild. His eyes turned rainbow, and he used all of his mana to attack that tree, but only to be stopped by Schutzaria.

“Stop it, Quinta! How dare you attack Erwaermen!” Mestionora shouted out.

“The garden will collapse soon, what’s wrong if I cut that tree down earlier?” Ferdinand snorted, he saw all the Gods presented here, even the Supreme Couple. Well, this garden was just a plaything to them, but if he destroyed it with him, he could at least make some of those Gods suffer, even just a little bit.

His Geduldh was gone, everything he cared for was gone, then why he had to care for those Gods?

Ferdinand ignored all the warnings from the surroundings and continued to release his mana for the attack. His mouth spat out the blood caused by the pain from the Gods’ crushing, but he didn’t care. After the incident two years ago, he had always brought those anti-god poisons together with him. Now let’s see who would be taken down first, he or that tree.

“My child!” A strong, dignified voice filled the entire place, “I understand your anger, yet if you continue to berserk like this, we cannot talk more about your and Myne’s problem.”

The God of Darkness had spoken.

“What do you mean about our problem?” Ferdinand replied, it was their problem in the first place.

“Quinta, I do not see any reason that stopping you and Myne became Zent.”

"Neither I nor Myne will be Zent" Ferdinand stubbornly refused, “As I told Erwaermen and Mestionora before, the Gods did not understand the mortal difficulties. Once I or Myne announced that we would be Zent, both of us would be killed immediately before we can reach to supply the foundation.”

“The people who dare to murder Zent, who are them?” The Goddess of Light sat beside him and raised her voice, soft but firm, elegant yet majestic.

“The Royal family of course, and their supporters from greater duchies.”

The God of Darkness frowned, showing his dismay clearly, “I am not yet seeing the problem. Who are the Royal family that you spoke up?”

“I believe that I, Myne, and Eglantine had once explained the problem to both Mestionora and Erwaermen!” Would he need to explain everything again?

All eyes placed on Mestionora, and that childish goddess fumed, “If you’re talking about the excuse that you bring out with that temporarily fake Zent candidate, it doesn’t matter! It was your duty to save the garden, and you dare to object it!” Mestionora interfered. “You humans just use all the excuses to avoid your duties!”

“You have agreed with our solution before!” Ferdinand snorted, “Yet now you’re rejecting it in front of your elders. You’re showing your true color now, even worse than Ewigeliebe.”

“How dare you mention his name!”

It seemed like her father Ewigeliebe was her sore spot, good, then Ferdinand just needed to focus on that.

The pressure again placed upon his body.Ferdinand writhed with the pain that Mestionora was inflicting on him, yet he did not step back, “You call yourself the Goddess of Wisdom, yet you ignore all the knowledge of the human world and blame everything on us, just like your father, ignores every life just to encase his beloved Goddess of Earth.”

“You impudent creature!”

“Enough, both of you!”

"But Grandfather! This brutal human is the one who tried to kill Erwaermen, and he now dares to offend us, we cannot forgive him!” Mestionora protested. “He even has that terrifying weapon capable of harming a god, Erwaermen is turning to sand, there is no time.”

"I am speaking now, Mestionora!" The God of Darkness scold her, made that ill-informed Goddess shrugged to step aside, then he turned to Ferdinand, “That’s why we are calling you here, Quinta. We hope to meet an agreement between the divine and mortal world about this problem.”

The Goddess of Advice – Anhaltung stepped up to whisper something to the Supreme Couple. A golden blessing was spread out widely to cover the whole place, then The Goddess of Light spoke up, “We decided to reweave the thread, and turn back time while keeping your memory. With this, you can secure the backing of the mortal world that you wanted for, Quinta.”

“Secure the backing, what exactly do you mean?”

Seeing Ferdinand had calmed down, Schutzaria lowered her shield and came forward, “Anhaltung just enlightens us about the mortal circ*mstances that you have spoken up to. You need pillars to support you in claiming the Foundation and restoring the order of the Garden. Unfortunately, my shield was cracked, I cannot protect you nor give enough support under my land, thus we will have to alter your threads to move you and Myne to my siblings’ domains.”

"If you can do this, why don’t you just choose another Zent?” Ferdinand protested, “There are at least two other persons with proper qualities to become Zent, I will prepare either of those two and make them Zent… A real Zent, without Myne and I being involved and all under the condition that you make that Zent swear to leave me and Myne alone."

“That plan of yours will not work for this new weave.” It was Ventuchte who spoke. “Your thread and Myne’s had been merged with each other, it was nearly impossible to separate them. The color altering is not only to move both of you out of Her Highness Schutzaria’s domain, but also to make the reweaving work smoothly. Hence, the color and the threads of all others related to you and Myne will also change quite drastically. To keep your memory, we must add more blessings to both of you and this makes the new weave become highly fragile. Unless you and Myne become Zent, other Zent candidates who possessed less blessing would hardly balance the new weave, it will be all for naught.”

“Quinta”, the Goddess of Light raised her voice, “Zent is the one who represents the Gods in the mortal world. It is Zent’s duty to educate mortals about us, guide them on the proper way to pray, and earn our blessing. And the most important role is to protect and nourish the garden. Zent must be the one most approved by us.”

This means the new Zent must have more mana and blessing than he and Myne and get approval from more Gods than them.

More than him, maybe. More than Myne, it will be hard.

As much as Ferdinand did not want to be Zent, if things truly did get worse, it would be up to Ferdinand to please what the Gods want. After all, this is the only chance to unweave and rectify all things.

“But if the is one who can satisfy all your conditions, it still doesn’t matter if I or Myne don’t be Zent, right?”

The God of Darkness chuckled, “Theoretically, yes. But I am truly astonished about your objecting to be Zent. It does not that bad, my child.”

The Goddess of Light also smiled, “It seems that we have come to an agreement.”

“Wait,” Ferdinand raised his hand up. “I demand to know where I and Myne will be relocated and when we’ll be sent back to.”

Dregarnuhr shook her head, “As much as we want to tell, I and Ventuchte are still working with your thread so we cannot guarantee yet. However, we can send your memory once you reach your baptism. Now, prepare yourself.”

Before Ferdinand could ask more, a sudden shock caused him to black out. And when he could regain his consciousness, Ferdinand found himself in an unfamiliar environment.

He was now standing in a hall of a castle… maybe, in front of a door, and around him were many people moving and acting so frantically. It took him quite a moment to recognize that all the knights were wearing the familiar blue cape.

Am I in Dunkelfelger’s castle?

Ferdinand didn’t know what kind of “his state” now, but he also found out that none of the people could see him, which was quite strange. And then, he saw a couple arriving at his place.

Aub and his First Lady of Dunkelfelger, or more precisely, the previous Aub and his First Lady, also the parent of Aub Werdekraf and Queen Magdalena.

The door opened, and a female attendant came out with a smile on her face, “Congratulations Aub, Lady Celestine. It’s a boy!”

For some strange reason, Ferdinand could not care more about the others. He just mindlessly walked into the room, followed the infant’s crying voice, and found himself speechless from the picture in front of him.

Laying there was the woman he only saw once in all his lifetime, but her image was deeply encased in his head. In Ferdinand's memory, that only one meeting was also the time when he received his name, a true name, not a number.

“You can live as you wish. I'm sorry.”

It was the same silverish long hair and the same light golden color in her eyes that Ferdinand had inherited, yet different than the lifeless eyesight with sorrows, his mother – Seradina, was now holding a small child in her hand, and looked at that child with a face shined in joy and happiness. And beside her was Werdekraf, the warrior Aub that Ferdinand was so familiar with.

How strange, for this man to be my mother’s Dark God now.

“What about our son’s name? You have been working on it for a while!” Seradina laughed.

“Should I honestly admit that I haven’t decided yet?”

“Now now, that’s not a nice thing for a father to say!”

The couple kept their joyful arguments about deciding their son’s name, and it took all Ferdinand's effort to constrain his voice, though he already knew that no one could see nor hear him.

What a lucky child you are, to be welcomed into this life by your family.

Ferdinand knew the situation was so different, yet looking at Seradina right now, he could not turn a blind eye to a very slight hope in his heart that his mother in the other weave was also hoping to give birth to him.

What a fool of me! That was absolutely impossible, no one wanted to give birth as a flower of that dreadful place.

Standing in front of the picture of a happy young family, Ferdinand continued to lose himself in his own thought, only to be interrupted by a firm elegant voice from the First Lady of Dunkelfelger.

“How about ‘Ferdinand’?”

What did she just say?

“Ferdinand… That’s indeed a nice name, mother-in-law!”

“A suitable name for a boy who inherited both Dunkelfelger’s and Royal’s blood. As expected as my Goddess of Light.” The Aub of Dunkelfelger beamed with pride.

“Enough with those praises, now let me hold my grandson first.” Lady Celestine quickly wore the mana-blocked gloves and received the boy from his mother. “He got your golden eyes, Seradina. And his hair, oh my, it’s the noble of color of Leidenschaft!”

“He is the son of Leidenschaft, just like me!” Werdekraf started to brag about his child.

“Nonsense, my grandson looks nothing like you. He takes after me, his grandfather!”

“Silent, both of you. Your voice will scare my grandson. And thank the Seven that he inherited his mother’s look.”

“Mother-in-law, isn’t it better for a boy to take after his male predecessor?”

“My dear Seradina! You should know how disappointed I was before when none of my children take after me, even my daughter, not the slightest part!”

The little boy seemed to sleep soundly, undisturbed by the loud debating of his parent and grandparent. And Ferdinand kept standing there, looking at the sight that he always dreamed of, yet never dared to hope for.

If this is what the Gods mean by moving to other domains…

For the first time in a long time after being forced to dedicate mana by Veronica, Ferdinand gave a sincere prayer of gratitude to the Gods.


Sorry for such a long hiatus. I found myself stuck in this chapter with Ferdinand's POV. The worse is I have finished chapter 7-10, but chapter 5&6 is still underwriting. I have the idea of the chapter but I just... stuck of how to write it down as a full storyline.

As for this chapter, since I aimed to move Ferdinand away from Veronica and give him his memory, I will let my dear Ferdie boy enjoy the family's love. Of course, I also hope to use this chance to... give Rozemyne a little "warning" for her "assumed familial love"

Well, the setting for our little Squirreldinand is done. Next chapter we will find out about our beloved book gremlin.

Chapter 5: Kreszentia – Becoming Wiegenmich to Mestionora


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The power transition time once again came, and Kreszentia could not say that she was thrilled to retire from the Royal duties as her husband was on his sick bed. While she was the Third Queen, Kreszentia still had a lot of things to do, especially to keep her son and her duchy neutral and distance from the continuing faction dispute between the First Prince and the Second Prince.

How ironically, while all three Queens had a good relationship with each other, this cannot be said about their son. Both First Prince and Fourth Prince were much closer to their cousin – Aub Werkestock and only the Seven knew what that Archduke whispered in their ear to make them believe that they can usurp the throne.

Kreszentia once again prayed for the abundant blessing of Sehweit that her Dark God possessed. Second Prince Waldifried was a true leader that everyone hoped for the future – studious, benevolent, wise but also assertive and cunning. Kreszentia felt even more assurance as Waldifried’s third wife, who would soon inherit Kreszentia’s seat, was also from Hauchletzte. Roseliese was the daughter born from the first wife of her full brother Heinrich – the current Aub Hauchletzte. The relationship between the Royal Family and her home duchy was secured for at least 30 years, if not more, as she received good Ordoschnelli that Entrinduge visited her niece two years ago.

If there is anything that could make Kreszentia worry now, that was her son Trauerqual. He was much younger than his two elder brothers and was educated solely as a future Knight Commander. Even his first wife hailed from Gilessenmeyer – a much lower-ranked middle duchy compared to Hauchletzte. Her husband once consoled her that this marriage was not only meant to protect her son but also to elevate the land of Light. Except Ehrenfest was barred from opening the Wind Gate due to the rebellion of Eisenreich 200 years ago, Gilessenmeyer was in the lowest rank among the six duchies which had border gates, with no strength in either military or knowledge. Its only trend was honey, which was already dominated by Klassenberg. That’s why Trauerqual was planned for taking the first wife from there, hoping to use the marriage with the Royal to connect with other duchies to elevate Gilessenmeyer. This, together with the rising of Jossbrenner and Gaussbuttel, can somehow reduce the influence of Klassenberg in the north.

Kreszentia was not merely an encased Gedudlh who passively waited for being rescued. She understood the great reason behind this marriage, yet she was still dismayed at how her son’s partner was chosen in such a way. While Trauerqual was not as excellent as Waldifried and Adalfried, he was gentle, kind, generous and a hardworking child. Yet due to the low rank of Ralfrieda, the next two wives for Trauerqual cannot be chosen from the high-ranked middle duchies, unless they are not a direct descendant from the main line of Archducal House. This would make her grandchildren have a much lower standard to start with as a Royal member.

As if Kreszentia was not frustrated enough, being a daughter of Aub Gilessenmeyer didn’t make Ralfrieda less mediocre as a Royal Wife, much less than the First Wife position. Kreszentia still remembered how hard she had to study when she was small, knowing that someday she would be married to the greater duchy. And when she was chosen as the Third Wife of the Crown Prince, her curriculum was elevated to a higher standard so that she would not bring shame to herself and Hauchletzte once she ascended to the Third Queen status. The only thing good about Ralfrieda is her understanding and her willingness to support Trauerqual. Hopefully, she could transfer that beauty characteristic to her two sons.


Everything changed in just one day.

It was the first day of the Interduchy Tournament, and Kreszentia was just having a tea party with her brother to receive some good news from Hauchletzte during the day. Then, that night, dreadful news came to destroy the peace of Yurgenschmidt.

First Prince Gewaltirre had assassinated Second Prince Waldifried and everyone from his family.

Zent collapsed due to the bad Ordoschnelli received.

Everything was failing under the realm of Chaoscipher.

Third Prince Adalfried had stepped up to fight with First Prince, thus bringing Klassenburg and Lortzing together with him to the war with Werkestock and Zausengas. As much as Kreszentia wanted to follow her husband to fall on the bed or hide in her hidden room for her sorrow, she had to stand still to keep the lead of her faction, to protect her son, her grandchildren, and her Hauchletzte.

Then one night, her lead attendant came to her bed and gave her the most unexpected news she ever wanted.

“Are you just saying that Verbergen has passed the trial from Glucklitat to hide Mestionora under his shroud from Chaoscipher?”

“It’s true, your majesty! And Chaosfliehe had brought the young Mestionora here, asking for the grace of Wiegenmich from you, my Queen.”

“Bring them to me now, but discreetly. And send Ordoschnelli that I was in dire need of Heilschmerz, thus accepting no visit from today onwards, even from my son.”


Kreszentia looked at her tiny 2-year-old grandniece playing on the bed. Yes, she would say that was just a game, while her little Rozemyne would pout like a Shumil and replied with her short, incomplete baby-talk: “It is no play… I am reading…”

Her hair looks like the midnight sky, her eyes shine in golden light, and her tiny hands are always trying to touch every paper in her reach. She is indeed a young Mestionora.

A season had passed, and Spring was coming, yet this year no one bothered to prepare for the Archduke Conference. From the day she decided to shelter Rozemyne, Kreszentia had ordered her palace to be closed to everyone. Trauerqual kept sending letters to ask for visits. As much as Kreszentia pained to let her son worry about her health, she could not let even the slightest intel about her palace leak to the outside world. Of all 20 Hauchletzte nobles and 7 Sovereignty nobles that made up Roseliese’s entourage, only 3 persons survived to bring Rozemyne safely to her palace. The cost was so high that Kreszentia ever imagined, and to their report, it seemed only around 5 Waldifried’s aides were alive, much due to their duties being far away from his palace that night.

Kreszentia thought of many futures that could be granted to her grandniece, but she could not put her strength into deciding. It was only a season and she had truly become attached to the girl. It was hard to believe, but Kreszentia could not sleep well now if not had a good night's farewell to little Rozemyne. She wondered if the little girl might understand that she could never meet her parents ever again, given she became so attached to Kreszentia – who looks like her mother.

After receiving the fifth letter from her brother, Kreszentia decided to arrange a meeting with Heinrich and Trauerqual at her palace, emphasizing that they could only bring their most trusted aid, and better if they were name-sworn.

After the soundproof barrier was activated, Kreszentia continued to dismiss everyone, leaving only Heinrich and Trauerqual in the room. As they were full-blooded family related to her, it was an acceptable request. And once everyone was cleared, Heinrich could not hold himself anymore.

“Third Queen, dear sister, please don’t tell me that you hold something very dangerous that required secrecy as this much.”

Even Trauerqual could not keep his noble face anymore, “Mother, I can see that your health is not as exaggerated as the Ordoschnelli came to me. May I ask what troubles you so much that you cannot even rely on your son?”

Looking at them like that, Kreszentia decided to abandon Grammaratur in this meeting. Her blessing is the finest weapon for the lady in a noble society, but not for seeking Anhaltung from her family.

She sent the signal through the magic tool to her lead attendant Adelle, and then she saw how the two closest men in her family were shocked to see Adelle coming out of Kreszentia’s hidden room, holding Rozemyne in her hand. And Heinrich, maybe he did see the familiar in Rozemyne’s face, as Kreszentia was certain that her brother was now trying to hold his tears.

“I believe… that the Dark God himself would want to hold Mestionora... once.” Kreszentia said, signaling Adelle to hand over Rozemyne to him.

It was such a sight to see a man in the peak of autumn trembled to hold a tiny Shumil, who was innocently looking at him with her curious eye. Kreszentia wondered if she should be happy that Rozemyne did not reject him outright or should worry as Rozemyne took no precaution against a stranger.

“Lady Rozemyne, this is your grandfather!” Adelle said. Her lead attendant now was fully embracing the role of Erwachlehren, as she used any possible chance to teach Rozemyne about new things. Kreszentia could sympathize with it, as the little girl learned very quickly, and it was such a breeze to teach her.

Oh dear, it seemed to be a bad act at this moment, because Heinrich was now bursting into tears hearing Rozemyne smiled at him and called him grandfather.

“I see the reason why you’re hiding now, Mother. Such an adorable child, no one could ever deny being her Schutzaria.” Trauerqual amused to see his uncle who was now turning into a doting grandparent.

Seeing the atmosphere had calmed down, Kreszentia started to explain the situation for the last season and then asked for help from Hauchletzte.

She hoped… that her brother could allow Rozemyne to seek asylum in our home duchy and be baptized as the daughter of the first wife of his heir. Seeing Heinrich was already so fond of Rozemyne, Kreszentia believed that she could trust her little Mestionora in his hand.

Only for… being rejected immediately by Heinrich. Her brother returned Rozemyne to Adelle and ask to bring her away, then turned back to Kreszentia with the most serious look ever.

“In a short time, it would be safer for Rozemyne to be baptized and raised in Hauchletzte, but have you ever thought about her future, Kreszentia?”

“Of course, I have. Being baptized as an archduke candidate born from a First Lady of Hauchletzte is not a demotion. She is originally a daughter of a Third Wife, once she graduates, she will marry to be the First Lady of a greater duchy. And her backing is still Hauchletzte, nothing will change. This is for the best, brother.”

“Looking at her pedigree in the paternal line, Kreszentia. If Prince Waldifried was alive, Rozemyne would not only be the daughter of the Third Queen, but also the eldest princess of Zent, and maybe even the sole princess if no more daughters were born. Should I remind you that your senior – the First Queen, is also a princess from the previous Second Queen?”

“You mean…”

“Most of the princesses who married out of Sovereignty to other duchies were from the cadet branch, not the daughter of the current Zent. They are backed-up Queen candidates in case the Zent Apparent cannot find a suitable match among greater duchies due to age gaps or political reasons. Only when all the Royal wife positions are filled, they can freely choose their match and if Liebeskhilfe does not grant them her blessing, she will have to find a son-in-law and create a new collateral family. Remember Princess Abedina, she was now your son’s senior now.”

That’s right. Princess Abedina, the youngest half-sister of Zent and the First Queen. She was teaching the senior years of the Archduke Candidate Course at the Royal Academy, while her son teaching the junior year.

“But… Prince Waldifried’s eldest son is 12 already, the age gap…” Kreszentia tried to find a reason to talk, yet she found the reason she chose was not supportive at all.

“Ten years different is not a problem. Zent is also 12 years older than the First Queen, and that was why the Second Queen from Werkestock had a chance to give birth to the First Prince.”

“But uncle, that was if Brother Waldifried was alive. Now…” Trauerqual hesitated to continue, and it seemed he also agreed to his mother’s wish. That’s my boy.

“It’s not only like that.” Heinrich sighed, “While I am always proud that Hauchletzte is the long-term highest-ranked middle duchy, we still cannot be compared to the greater duchies in resources. Kreszentia, my dear sister, both you and my daughter Roseliese were chosen for the Third Queen seat. It’s an honor for Hauchletzte to have such excellent candidates like both of you. But the credit was not for Hauchletzte alone. Once the Zent send his request for marriage, both Father and I had to ask for the tutor from Royalty to support both of you before your Starbinding.”

Every time Kreszentia remembered her old days, her heart pounded. Being a middle duchy that produced two Queens in two generations continuously brought not only an honor but also a burden.

Heinrich continued, “We have continuously faced a long time hatred from Kirschnereit for being the duchy to hold the Water Gate instead of them – the direct descendant of the old great Kirschnereit. And the competition between the bottom top 10 is never easy. Now Prince Waldifried has climbed the towering height, there is no connection between Hauchletzte and the Royal family beside you and Prince Trauerqual. If Prince Adalfried ascends the throne, we may still stand in the top 10 but definitely loose the rank to Lortzing, Gaussbuttel, and Jossbrenner. And may Greifechan bless us if Prince Gewaltirre won the war. That petty narrow-minded prince will try to exterminate everything related to Prince Waldifried, including the home duchy of his third wife.”

Kreszentia just realized an even bigger disaster than she could ever face. She had thought that the Royal family now was in a dire mess and unsafe for her family, so she tended to seek asylum from Hauchletzte. However, she would never think that her home duchy could not provide protection for them.

Heinrich move his seat beside Kreszentia, and put his hand over her hand to send the consolidation that she needs the most right now.

“Don’t fret now my dear sister. You’re right to keep being neutral from this feud, and this must be kept continuously. Right now, my recommendation is that you keep shielding Rozemyne, together with Prince Trauerqual and Lady Clementine.”

“Me? And Clementine?” Now it’s Trauerqual turn to be shocked. Okay, Kreszentia was shocked too.

“Why Clementine, and not Ralfrieda?”

“Oh dear, like mother like son. I can see that Zent truly adores both of you. While you two are not incompetent, it is still a long way to reach the level of the other Queen and Princes.” Heinrich held his head, “Prince Trauerqual is raised to be a Knight Commander, not even a Minister, so I can understand. But you, Kreszentia, how could you survive so long?”

“That’s rude, brother!”

“Okay, back to our talk. Firstly, Rozemyne is only 2, there will be 5 more years for her to be baptized. We don’t know how long the conflict will be, maybe very short or very long. So, we still have time to plan for her life. Right now, at least on the surface, Prince Trauerqual is not a threat to either the Third Prince or the First Prince. As long as Prince Trauerqual keeps doing his teaching job at the Royal Academy and avoids all the socialization until the Zent position is settled, then he will be safe, and so does Rozemyne under his care.”

“I also don’t want to involve in that.” Trauerqual immediately agreed with his uncle.

“Secondly is the Prince Trauerqual family. Kreszentia, I know you are not satisfied with Lady Ralfrieda, but this marriage is the one that protects Prince Trauerqual the most. At least no one could expect anything great from a 15th-ranked duchy, and it’s an open secret that Gilessenmeyer is the one being elevated, not your son. And his second wife is not a direct member of the archducal house, so she also brought no influence on her home duchy, either.”

Heinrich is right. Just as my husband comforted me before, this marriage is to secure the safety of our child.

“And finally, let me be insensitive for this time. Prince Trauerqual, if you could forgive me, both your sons from Lady Ralfrieda are still young, right?”

Trauerqual nodded, “Yes, uncle. The eldest is just reached 05 and the younger one is only one year older than Rozemyne.”

“Then could you expect Lady Ralfrieda to take care of Rozemyne as her own?”

Two sons from her own cradle and a daughter from “who knows where”, ah, the answer was so clear, Kreszentia mocked herself when thinking about that.

“Lady Clementine is still young, and while she was from Jossbrenner, her mother was also from Hauchletzte. We could secure that connection to provide support for Rozemyne later.”

“Wait a minute, brother. Are you suggesting letting Rozemyne be baptized as Clementine's child?”

“Baptized as a royal princess under Prince Trauerqual and Lady Clementine, yes, and later adopted by Prince Adalfried, if possible.”

Like Verdrenna sending her wrath in the early Spring to break up Ewigeliebe’s ice.

“Adopted… by the Third Prince?”

“Once again, I must remind you all about her pedigree. She is not only the descendant of Hauchletzte, but also now the only surviving descendant of the TRUE ZENT who possessed the wisdom. This pedigree is enough to make her the future First Queen, and even Zent, if she can find the wisdom.”

Grammaratur had truly lost in both Kreszentia and her son.

“It is now not a secret that Prince Gewaltirre murdered the whole family of Prince Waldifried to steal the Grutrissheit but found nothing instead. And while Prince Adalfried comes up to fight, he also doesn’t possess the wisdom. The wisdom is lost, which also means, the chance is equal to EVERY Royal member, including you, my nephew.”

“I never dare to think about it.” Trauerqual paled, trying to defend himself.

“Don’t think too much. I never expect you to do that either.” Heinrich waved his hand with his teasing voice, “Hauchletzte doesn’t have the resources to be the Pillar to Zent.”

“It was you who first mentioned it, and also about Rozemyne’s pedigree.”

“Rozemyne and Trauerqual are different when we talking about education and the marriage alliance. Prince Trauerqual is already in his autumn, never receiving heir education, having filled both the two wives’ positions with candidates from middle duchies, and also has 02 sons already. He cannot find any third wife from greater duchies carelessly or it will be the “civil war” in his own house.”

“I see it now. There is full of potential in Rozemyne. If my grandniece can be baptized as a royal member, the education she received is also of a higher standard than the one in Hauchletzte. And it is also not so difficult to find a proper son-in-law from greater duchy, at least Drewanchel and Dunkelfelger could provide at least one.” Just as Heinrich said before, Kreszentia had to admit that while her home duchy can provide safety in this special time, in the long run, even if Hauchletzte could sustain its position after the new Zent, Rozemyne would suffer for being lower than her paternal cousins.

She would have to lower her head for all higher-ranked archduke candidates while she should be the one who received their greeting as a princess.

And her match too, being a princess will have much more freedom to choose, at least she can get a son-in-law. But as an archduke candidate of a middle duchy, it would still be hard for her to be the First Lady of the great duchy. And if her true pedigree was known, Hauchletzte could not stand against any “ill-intent request” from those greater duchies.

“But then isn’t it better if she is baptized directly under Brother Adalfried? I believe he would be also thrilled to learn about Rozemyne.”

“I can trust Prince Adalfried, but not his First Lady. Or more specifically, Klassenberg.” Heinrich snorted, “According to my intel, it seems Prince Adalfried has sired at least one boy with his first lady. If nothing goes wrong, that boy will be his heir. There will be only two futures for Rozemyne, being baptized by his Second Lady or Third Lady, then married to the young boy, if Prince Adalfried wants to limit the influence of Klassenberg. Or, being baptized under the First Lady, then married out to Klassenberg to secure the connection with them.”

“Klassenberg definitely doesn’t want the first future.” Trauerqual signed.

“Truly. My husband and the First Queen are still lamenting about how Klassenberg pushed them for a marriage with Prince Waldifried when he was chosen as heir. While Prince Adalfried falls for their princess, Klassenberg still plans to approach Prince Waldifried's eldest son. Their ambition knows no bounds.”

“That’s why we have to keep Rozemyne’s existence secret until the feud’s results are known. If Prince Gewaltirre won or the feud lasted longer than 05 years, then let Rozemyne be baptized as Trauerqual’s daughter. On the other hand, once Prince Adalfried secures the throne, brings this matter to him, and lets him decide, it’s up to him to baptize Rozemyne or adopt her after that. Though I am quite certain that he would choose the latter.”

Kreszentia attempted to ask why, but she recognized the answer by herself. Once Prince Adalfried ascended the throne, Klassenberg would definitely rise to rank number 02, no, maybe even number 01 if Dunkelfelger kept being neutral until the end and Prince Adalfried cannot hold the pressure from Klassenberg for giving them the true rank of the First Queen's home duchy. Even if he didn’t want to increase the influence of Klassenberg, it would be unwise to provoke them with the request for Rozemyne due to the sensitivity of her pedigree. An adopted daughter of Zen would make her less dangerous than the true child of him, in every way.

The barrier was taken down as the three of them all reached the agreement that Rozemyne was better kept in her palace, with Trauerqual and Clementine going to her palace at least once a week in the name of visiting to get familiar with the girl. Heinrich would go back to Hauchletzte and select trusted aides to send to her palace for her and Rozemyne’s safety. While Trauerqual was still skeptical about keeping this secret from Ralfrieda, both Kreszentia and Heinrich suggested that Ralfrieda should be told only when Rozemyne reached 7 or after receiving the final decision from Adalfried. The anxiety in Kreszentia’s heart did not disappear. However, at the very least, she felt more certain about which road that she should go to protect her family during this difficult time.


This chapter originally is Trau’s POV, but after finishing, I find it too much packed in information, so I decide to divide the amount of info and make it half of the Third Queen Hauch POV. It will be also easier to add more political things into the current Queen's POV.
The Third Queen – Trauerqual’s mother is from Hauchletzte. This is canon from the Manga version. Looking at the introduction of Hauchletzte in the LN Part 4, a duchy with a unique trend and can produce a Royal Bride match with the Zent (And this is the Zent before the civil war, which means the standard should be very high), I then guess that Hauchletze must be in higher ranked than Gilessenmeyer, maybe in top 10, around rank 6-7. The first top 5 are the five greater duchies already.
Heinrich in this story is a scholar Aub version of Bonifatius, a doting grandfather but more political insight, and tends to be more scholarly than knightly as Boni.
Does anyone want a “verbal battle” between Heinrich, Boni and Aub Dunkel about their grandchildren?

Chapter 6: Trauerqual – A trial that I would never ask for


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

If Trauerqual had ever doubted the truth behind all the bragging of his fellow friends about their adorable daughters, he had none now. It was truly a bliss to be a father of a sweet lovable girl.

Well, “soon-to-be father” would be more precisely the term. Rozemyne started to call him Uncle first, and he dared not to scare the girl with any uncertain news.

At first, his mother was still concerned about the matter that keeping Rozemyne in Sovereignty. But now…

“Grandmother, look, I have finished my learning. Now I can read all this book on my own.”

“Excellently, my little girl. How about enjoying some sweets with your grandmother now?”

Trauerqual started to find more excuses to visit his mother’s palace more than once a week. He knew that might bring more suspicion, but he could not help to find some peace in here. Outside of this door, the fight between his two elder brothers had become fiercer. This was not a faction dispute anymore; this had become a civil war.

What hurt Trauerqual the most was the death of his father, the current Zent of Yurgenschmidt. The country was now headless, and his brothers focused on fighting each other while Trauerqual could not find himself enough time to mourn for their father.

The worst thing was that his fourth brother Bosekalt had joined the war and sided with Gewaltirre, bringing more duchies into the war. While Gewaltirre and Waldifried had a long dispute before, neither Adalfried nor Bosekalt were involved though they are full-blooded brothers of the two eldest. Now, even Trauerqual’s scholars kept suggesting that he should also choose a side to secure the benefits after the war, but he thought differently. To Trauerqual, the only reward that he would ever seek was peace and safety for his family.

Thus, he continued to emphasize that Hauchletzte and Gilessenmeyer would keep being neutral and accept no invitation from any duchies except those two and other neutral duchies.

Together with Klassenberg and Werkestock, it seemed that Drewanchel was considered to choose a side too. Drewanchel was the home duchy of Waldifried’s first wife and was a long-term opponent to Werkestock, given that both were knowledge-research duchies. While Drewanchel was more meritocracy and tended to look for more innovation in spells and tools, Werkestock was founded much longer and tended to focus on restoring and preserving knowledge. This made Werkestock a higher rank as they held most positions in preserving the wisdom of the whole continents, not to mention that they also took the lead in medical research.

Uncle Heinrich explained to him that this was in his expectation. As the civil war continued, whoever won the war would lead to a huge drop in the defeated side. History had proved that all defeated duchies would be disbanded or purged. Being one of the two most knowledgeable duchies, Drewanchel must take the side opposite to Werkestock so that at the end of the war, there would be at least one knowledgeable duchy left to continue to serve Yurgenschmidt.

That had to be also the reason why Dunkelfelger kept being neutral. As the only military duchy, the joining of Dunkelfelger would be the casting vote for the results of the war.

Well, that was not his concern now. A new winter was coming, and he needed to focus on his current duty as a teacher of the Archduke Candidate Course now.

This year there was a candidate from Dunkelfelger, the daughter of the Aub and First Lady of Dunkelfelger – Lady Magdalena. She was quite a studious student, and very eager to seek more Mestionora’s blessing after the class. In contrast to her blood, she was a patient and friendly lady. Guiding her made him unconsciously think about his little Mestionora at home.

I wonder if Rozemyne would also become like Lady Magdalena when she grew up.

While busy with Erwachlehren’s role, he did not ignore his role as a father. Today was the visiting day to Rozemyne, and he decided to bring a new book talking about basic feybeast. It was not like he expected such a high standard for his 03-year-old daughter. His little girl was heavily blessed by Mestionora as she could start reading a book on her own while still being very slow in speed. Now Trauerqual already ran out of the idea of what should be taught next. Thankfully, Trauerqual’s scholar suggested this book to him, given many drawings about feybeast in this book, focused on low-level and small feybeast like shumil and zanze. He hoped that his little Rozemyne would have a fun time with all the pictures in this book.

However, the blessing of Mestionora somehow was too much for such a young child.

“Uncle, when will my father and mother come back from the war?”

Rozemyne asked him with such innocent eyes, eager to want a good answer from him, yet Trauerqual became speechless with that question.

His little niece was already of the age to remember things around her, and it was not hard for her to recognize that she was transferred to from her own home to live with her grandaunt and could not see her parents. Everyone agreed to tell a story that there was a war and Rozemyne’s parents went to the war to protect the country. As she was too young, she would seek asylum in her grandaunt’s palace.

“I’m sorry that I cannot answer you. Things are very terrible outside now, so for your safety, I cannot reveal much of the information.” Trauerqual tried to smile, hoping to not show any of his anxiety to the girl.

“Father always sends letters to me and Mother when he was busy before. Now even my mother does not send any letters to me. I cannot write yet, but I can read now, they can just send a letter to me to read.” The girl pouted, showing clearly her insecurity feeling. For a young child like Rozemyne, being separated from her parent for such a long time was really difficult.

“I’m sure that they are very busy right now. Once the war is in a better state, they will send the news to you.”

“I just think of the best idea!” Rozemyne beamed, “Uncle, how about you are helping me to write a letter to father and mother? I want to tell them that I have learned how to read and about all the books I have read up till now.”

Trauerqual swallowed his uneasy feeling and then, both spent the whole day writing a letter for Rozemyne’s parents – his brother and his cousin. He felt so guilty to feed the girl with such a lie, but he also understood that it was too soon to reveal the truth. Trauerqual returned to his palace with a heavy heart and requested an appointment with his uncle as soon as possible. Hopefully, there was still someone in Hauchletzte who knew about Roseliese's writing, thus helping continue this sweet lie with the fake letter.

Two days later, Trauerqual came to visit his two sons with Ralfrieda. Sigiswald reached his 6-year birthday and had only a year left to his baptism. Ralfrieda was busy now, and maybe this was also the reason that she did not bother to where Trauerqual had been going or visited Clementine too many times. Trauerqual admitted that he did not hold any special feelings for his first wife. This marriage was purely political in the beginning, and he knew that his mother was also not quite fond of his first wife. Therefore, Trauerqual would provide all the power and respect that he could to Ralfrieda.

Both Sigiswald and Anastasius had shown good manners when giving a noble greeting. While Anastasius still easily let his feeling show on his face due to his young age, Sigiswald could guard it well beneath a beautiful mask most of the time.

However, when Trauerqual started to ask about his son’s learning progress, he realized something was so unexpected.

Trauerqual’s standard seemed to be twisted… by Rozemyne.

It could not be helped it. Trauerqual could never have expected that BOTH his sons were too behind compared to Rozemyne. Sigiswald’s harspiel skill was completely normal, and while Rozemyne was just starting to learn how to hold the harspiel like Anastasius, she was very sensitive to the sound and could read most of the basic notes on the scores. It was no doubt that Rozemyne also received the grace of Kunstzeal and she definitely passed Sigiswald once she reach baptism.

The literacy and mathematics education level were also too different. Anastasius had just started his learning, and Sigiswald had just proudly shown Trauerqual that he had finished his learning of 1-digit calculation and completed the writing of the alphabet.

But Rozemyne… well, she could not write yet, but she was already able to read, even though she read it at a very slow speed and only in basic sentences without euphemisms only, and she also completed her 1-digit calculation.

The most important thing was, Rozemyne was one year younger than Anastasius and three-year younger than Sigiswald.

Was the pedigree affected that much in the child’s ability?

Well, Trauerqual would never hope to be on par with Waldifried, and Ralfrieda could definitely not reach the level of his cousin Roseliese – the one who was educated to be the Queen.

Maybe all his thoughts were shown very clearly so Ralfrieda started to worry and hesitate to ask him if anything went wrong with their son’s education. Now Sigiswald started to show his annoyance that he did not receive any praise from his father, and it made Trauerqual feel something… wrong.

Trauerqual tried to recollect all his emotions and reassured his family that there was nothing wrong. He also gave Sigiswald a small compliment for all his work, hoping this would encourage his son to continue to work hard. Once again, Trauerqual reminded himself that his sons needed not to reach Rozemyne’s level, as Rozemyne’s future would soon return to her original position once the war ended – being a daughter of Zent, a true Princess.


Another winter had passed, and the future that everyone wished to see also arrived.

His eldest brother Gewaltirre had climbed the towering height on the battlefield, and his third brother Adalfried claimed the victory in his hand.

So, the time had come. Trauerqual then submitted a request for a secret meeting with his elder brother, prepared to bring the matter about Rozemyne to light.

Much to his surprise, Adalfried accepted his request immediately and they met three days after that. Trauerqual had prepared that Adalfried would delay the meeting to show some of his resentments, giving Trauerqual let his brother fight all alone by being neutral for so long.

Then after the pleasantries of the noble greeting, therealtalk began with the soundproof barrier.

Trauerqual used up all of his courage to retell the story of a little Mestionora that had been hidden under the shield of Shutzaria with the help of Verbergen and Chaosifliehe to avoid Ewigeliebe and Chaoscipher. And for the first time, he saw his brother’s noble face disappear.

“I am… speechless, Trauerqual. Such a secret that you and Third Queen hold! By the Seven, and you two could hold it for two years…”

“If possible, I really don't want to keep it from you and First Queen. My mother still feels guilty for keeping our niece from the First Queen. Of everyone in our family, we still believe you and First Queen should learn about her existence.”

“No!” Adalfried shook his head, “She is still an unbaptized child, and you have done your best to keep her existence secret. Revealing her identity is too risky in wartime.”

“I thank you ever so much for your considering.” Trauerqual quickly felt relief by his brother’s statement. “The problem now is her future.”

“Her future?” Adalfried lifted aneyebrow, “So this is the true intention of the talk today? What should you suggest?”

“Both I and my mother hoped that Rozemyne could be baptized under your Second Lady and receive the education of a true princess, just as her original pedigree.”

Just as Trauerqual had discussed with his uncle – Aub Hachletzte, before coming to this meeting. Just spoke out their true intention to Adalfried rather than playing with Grammaratur. Adalfried was the son of the First Queen, and he also received part of the heir's education. It was useless to try any tricks on the future Zent.

“As the only daughter of brother Waldifried, the position of the princess is what she deserves it. However, things are a little difficult now.” Adalfried signed and started his explanation.

As the war ended, there were many more problems that occurred. Grutrissheit had lost with brother Waldifried, and now Adalfried had to focus on finding the lost wisdom as soon as possible. All the border gates except the one in Ahrensbach had been kept closed for 2 years, trade had ceased, and the economy plus the mana started to show deprivation. Furthermore, as Gewaltirre’s faction was lost, all the duchies in that faction would need to be put under judgment.

Werkestock would definitely be disbanded, but without Grutrissheit the Royal family cannot redraw the borderline of the duchy. Klassenberg started to ask for their reward, especially for raising their rank. As Adalfried’s first wife was Klassenberg, it was certain that their duchy could be re-ranked as the first duchy. However, as we were losing one great duchy, it would be unwise to demote Dunkelfelger – the only military force that protected the whole duchy.

And until Adalfried found the wisdom, the relationship with Dunkelfelger could hardly warm up.

“Being putting in this position, now I can understand why Father and Brother Waldifried tried so hard to placate Klassenberg.” Adalfried rubbing his nose bridge, “It was a hasty act of mine when agreed to engage my eldest daughter to her Klassenberg’s cousin. I could not demote my Goddess of Light, but I could also not let Klassenberg absorb too much power to even override Dunkelfelger.”

Trauerqual could only keep silent. It was clear that Adalfried was put under stress so much that he could not express himself to anyone else, even his Goddess of Light. And Trauerqual had coincidentally become the most suitable person for Adalfried to talk with.

“Klassenberg seemed to look for another marriage alliance with my eldest son, who was also my heir presumptive at this time, and my youngest daughter too. Now I had to find the match for my two children as soon as possible… And yes, brother, you’ve come just at the right time.”

Trauerqual flinched, did Adalfried attempt to tell him that…

“I guess you’ve recognized my intent. I truly wish to baptize Waldifried’s daughter as my own, but being baptized under my first wife could only give Klassenberg more power connection. As for my second wife from Gaussbuttel, she was still recovering after her Entrinduge’s blessing, and her new child is also a girl, and I cannot so sure that Gaussbuttel would become a pillar to my niece since they’re also under the influence of Klassenberg.”

“Then what would you plan to do?”

“I remembered you while your Second Lady is from Jossbrenner, she also carries the blood of the Hauchletzte’s archducal house.”

“Yes, brother, in her maternal lineage, my second wife Clementine is also my cousin, as her mother was my mother's half-sister.”

“Then here is my suggestion, my niece Rozemyne will be baptized as you and your second lady’s daughter. Then she will be adopted by me and my First Lady, be engaged with my son, thus being recognized as the Future First Queen of Jurgenschmidt”

This was not out of expectation, but Trauerqual was still quite surprised at the declaration of Adalfried.

“At first, I am planning to send the request to Aub Drewanchel. His eldest granddaughter was born from his heir and the first lady, proving an appropriate lineage with the closest age to my oldest son. In the worst case, I still can match my son to my third daughter, but making Gaussbuttel the backing of the future first queen is not so much different than indirectly giving power to Klassenberg. But now we have Rozemyne. Hauchletzte is the highest-ranked middle duchy that has produced so many Royal wives till now, but more importantly, is her paternal lineage. At least during the time seeking the wisdom, it would help soothe the insecurities of all the duchies.”

“Rozemyne is just four-year-olds now. Would it take that long to find Grutrissheit?”

“Trauerqual,” Adalfried answered with tiresome, “I have been searching it for two years, and still no sight of it.”

Is that bad?

“And I would like to ask you for one more thing,” Adalfried signed, “It is not a request, but I hope you could consider it.”

“Please tell, brother. I will do what I can to help.”

“What do you think about taking a Drewanchel or Dunkelfelger’s archnoble as a third wife?”

This is… out of expectation.

“Brother, if you could please enlighten me in this matter.”

Trauerqual had never thought that this 2-year civil war could bring so much damage to the Royal family. By losing the Kingship, now the Royal Family had not only lost 1 great duchy with its followers but also had to find a way to placate the remaining great duchy. According to Adalfried, he planned to let her second daughter of the first wife marry out to Dunkelfelger, as he received the news that the eldest son of the heir apparent would soon be baptized in the next year. Since the current First Lady of Dunkelfelger was also from Klassenberg, Adalfried believed that his daughter would be enough to show the willingness to connect with Dunkelfelger. As for the third daughter, she was planning to be married to Ahrensbach's archducal house.

However, both marriages were for the future and at this urgent current time, it would be best if both Trauerqual and his brother married the third wife from Drewanchel and Dunkelfelger first. Since their second wives were hailed from the middle duchy, their third wives could only be archnoble. As with Adalfried, in the worst case, he had to demote his second wife to welcome an archduke candidate from either Drewanchel or Dunkelfelger for the Second Queen position.

Trauerqual did not answer the request immediately, but he did assure Adalfried that he would consider the offer and that he needed to discuss more with his family.


Before Trauerqual could meet Adalfried again to talk about his decision, another piece of bad news had reached him.

An assassin from the first prince was sent to the third prince Adalfried’s palace.

The whole of Adalfried’s family climbed the towering height.

The fourth prince Bosekalt broke the prison with the help of Werkestock and raised the flag to claim the throne.

And now, the Aub of Klassenberg was standing here in Trauerqual’s palace, calling him to lead their faction to go the war.

This is… truly unexpected.


Such a long journey of feeling for Trau. I always pity this man. By the way, at this time, Rozemyne still has not remembered anything yet. She is still "an original Rozemyne" of this weave, but the same "Rozemyne", thus a bookworm.

Chapter 7: Ferdinand - My new family


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It’s already nearly four years since the day God sent Ferdinand to Dunkelfelger in this weave.

Ferdinand still hadn’t figured out what kind of himself right now. He guessed he might be in the state of “soul” that Rozemyne once mentioned before, which she defined as “the spiritual immaterial state” of a person.

Basically, Ferdinand described himself as a “transparency existence”, he could see and hear everything around him, but no one could ever see or hear him. As for physical contact, Ferdinand could not touch any things, as his hand would go through any kind of material.

Another worth noting was the distance he can freely travel. He could only move around “his younger self” within a radius of 01 miles.

That’s right. At least Ferdinand could guess that the “little Ferdinand” in Dunkelfelger was rewoven himself, or soon-to-become him once reaching baptism.

He wondered if this is the act of Gods to make him familiar with the new environment, or a new type of torture by that ignorant petty Goddess, to watch everything but cannot experience himself.

The archducal family of Dunkelfelger was really a big one.

As an unbaptized child, “his younger self” could not have so much interaction besides his mother and her entourage.

Or that was what he used to think before.

Quite strange, many people came to visit that “little boy” in his nursing room, even just one time. “His younger self” was much more welcome to this life than Ferdinand thought.

There was a family of the Knight Commander family. The current Knight Commander is Aub's cousin and the only one who keep his archduke candidate status in his generation. Both his two sons are retainers of Aub's sons, and Ferdinand felt a little nostalgic when he saw Heissh*tze - the grandson of the Knight Commander, at 10 years old again.

Then came Ferdinand’s direct family. The current Aub was Ferdinand’s grandfather, Wenceslaus. He looked quite the same according to Ferdinand’s memory, a man with such a powerful appearance and colossal size that there is no obvious comparison to be drawn with any of the best-trained warrior elite even in Dunkelfelger. He barely visited his unbaptized grandson, but as a typical Dunkelfelger, every time “little Ferdinand” met him, his grandfather could not stop bragging about how he was undefeated in Ditter.

What's worse, “little Ferdinand” seemed to be quite interested in these stories. This attitude needed to be rectified, as Ferdinand didn’t want to be branded as “love to play ditter” as in the last weave.

His grandmother, First Lady Celestine was an elegant and refined woman. Every movement of her reflected dignity in appearance. She was also the one “little Ferdinand” seeing the most besides his parent, probably to meet his mother to worship Kunstzeal together. According to his grandmother, none of her children want to seek the grace of Kunstzeal at all and the only one who could share the same hobby was her daughter-in-law, Ferdinand’s mother. Typical Klassenberg at least, but quite understandable. However, when “little Ferdinand” started practicing Harspiel, his grandmother came even more frequently, and for some reason, Ferdinand felt like he saw… another Elvira in his grandmother, especially with her all-sparkling eyes and her hands keep hiding discretely in the leather pouch hanging from her belt.

Maybe it was just an illusion.

His uncle Eberhart’s family also visited him only once. Ferdinand also remembered; this man was also one of the very loud members of the Dunkelfelger archducal house that try to catch him to play Ditter with him at all possible chances in the last weave. Ferdinand once thought that Eberhart was Heissh*tze’s father due to their ridiculousness alike. Maybe this was also the reason why he was not chosen as heir though being born as the first son. At least he found himself a good first wife. Ferdinand’s aunt-in-law was from another duchy but was indeed heavily blessed by Verfuhremeer, and if Ferdinand remembered correctly, their son was the scholar who was chosen as Lady Hannelore’s fiancé.

But the worse thing ever that Ferdinand just realized was… that woman would be his “aunt”.

Damn, it must be the revenge of that ignorant selfish petty Goddess.

And Ferdinand started to think of a good excuse to not call Magdalena “aunt” in the future.

Magdalena came to visit “little Ferdinand” with the set of Gewinnen and lectured him on the importance of strategy and planning, and also warned him to study hard to not become ditter-obsessed like the other men in Dunkelfelger.

Is she serious? This younger self of mine would definitely not be a ditter-head, and I would never in the future too.

Magdalena also bragged about how she had won several Gewinnen over her brothers, and how she was praised to be a perfect Dunkelfelger lady, who was blessed by both Angriff and Mestionora. She even played the role of Anhaltung to Seradina that how “her nephew” should be raised differently.

Ferdinand rather saw that his father and his uncle Eberhard had given in to their little sister. And about Magdalena was praised to be the perfect Dunkelfelger lady and suggesting the education plan for him…

Ferdinand truly could not imagine how his “younger self” would be educated like Magdalena’s son in the last weave. It would be a complete disaster. Thanks to the Seven his mother and his grandmother had completely ignored Magdalena’s suggestion.

Now came his parents.

Ferdinand was shocked when he witnessed the affection and love from his mother Seradina and his father Wederkrauf. He always believed that most noblewomen used a nanny or wet nurse to raise children and the parent only see their children after dinner good night. That was also the reason Ferdinand became so jealous of the affection and love of Gunther and Effa for their children.

But here, Ferdinand saw his father Werdekraf come at least twice every day to teach “little Ferdinand” how to walk and to talk. He also brought many toys, like a small wooden sword to guide his son on how to train. Ah, the training also included “kidnaping” and covering the boy under the cloak, then bringing him to the training ground to watch everyone training. Of course, those “secret trips” would end with a double strike from his mother Seradina, and his grandmother Celestine.

As for his mother Seradina, Ferdinand felt he was steaming whenever he saw “his younger self” stubbornly clinging to his mother to demand a lullaby before going to bed, or when that “little boy” persistently demanded a compliment after he complete his learning and cuddled in his mother’s arm.

How shameless of… wait, this is in the hidden room, and this is my mother after all. Surely it is still… acceptable, as “I am” now just an unbaptized child.

So, this is not wrong, right?

And no one in Dunkelfelger had ever questioned the act of his parents as over-spoiling or too out of common, as if this type of relationship was completely a norm for every parent. Ferdinand wondered if this applied only in Dunkelfelger, or if this was the true relationship between parent and children in noble society, saving Ehrenfest's archducal house.

Then what had he done to Rozemyne in the last weave?

Ferdinand realized that he not only separate Rozemyne from her precious family but also forced her to endure untold amounts of suffering in the noble society.

Rationally, he had no way of knowing this before due to his upbringing, but in this case, ignorance was not bliss. He tried to console himself, that Rozemyne had confirmed that this was not his fault, and even after everything, she still considered him as her family.

However, Ferdinand could not ignore the fact that the harm was done. He silently swore to himself, whatever it cost, in this weave, he would never fail Rozemyne again. Even… trying to be Zent himself and spare Rozemyne from being noble and being separate from her family.

He swallowed the pain that he would never get to know her, to become her family ever again. But Ferdinand had decided, once he get baptized, he needed to plan carefully to move Rozemyne out of Ehrenfest to protect her from Veronica and Bezewanst, and of course, included everyone in her family. At least, in Dunkelfelger, he could protect Rozemyne and her family from afar with the power as an archduke candidate.

If there was anyone who had been familiar with Ferdinand, like Rozemyne and his retainers, they might already realize the big change in Ferdinand. From being a wandering soul silently watching under the shroud of Verbergen, Ferdinand now was calling Dunkelfelger's archducal family with the pronoun indicating possession, as a sign that he saw them as his own family.

Well, there was one retainer of Ferdinand here, while that man could not see him.


Ferdinand was surprised to see Justus in Dunkelfelger, even more, when he knew that his lead scholar-attendant had married his mother’s aid and had a son 02-year younger than him.

Maybe… if it was not because of me, all of them would gain a better life…

Lady Irmhilde would still be a minister to help Ehrenfest and Heidemarie… it would be quite difficult for her to get her house back, but she could be well-protected by Elvira, as long as Veronica did not care to attack her. After all, the poisoning incident was aimed at hurting Ferdinand.

Now I was not in Ehrenfest anymore, surely Veronica would have no reason to murder Lady Irmhilde and Heidemarie.

Ferdinand knew it was quite selfish but seeing Justus taking care of “his younger self”, he had a little hope that one day, he could ask his old retainers to come to his side one more time.


Winter was coming, and this year his mother and his father would come to attend the Interduchy Tournament. His father was still young, but it would take around 5-10 years to train with Aub’s work before ascending to the seat. And as “little Ferdinand” reached 04 years old, his mother Seradina could finally come out of her resting to rejoin socialization.

It was a little regretful that the arrival of Entrinduge to his mother was quite harsh, thus Ferdinand could not have any little full sibling for at least 05 years. Thus, his father had started working with his second wife – Lady Sieglinde, to increase the number of members of the house, and Lady Sieglinde had given birth to a boy last year. Well, it must be the same boy who dared to violate the rule to force the Bride-Stealing Ditter on Rozemyne.

I will need to educate him properly on this weave. It would be unacceptable for him to act like this as my little brother.

Ferdinand did not have a chance to think more about his education plan, as the whole Dunkelfelger archducal house was now in chaos.

Second Prince Waldifried was assassinated.

Damn… I was too lost in the peaceful life to forget that the civil war is coming.

Before he could think more about the Royal dispute, Ferdinand was filled with tumors as his mother Seradina was carried back home in the state of coma, and Ferdinand could only come to see her when she was already sunk in Juvere.

The moment Ferdinand witnessed his mother sleeping in that bluish potion, everything surrounding him was turning black… again.

When Ferdinand opened his eyes, he found himself now lying on a bed. Different than the “soul” state, Ferdinand could feel the touching around him.

“Milord, how are you feeling right now?”

Ferdinand turned to the side of the voice, and he saw Justus looking at him with deep concern. He raised his hand up to his eye level, and he saw the hand of a child.

He was now… Ferdinand Sohn Dunkelfelger.


This chapter was a little short. Let's see it as a transferring chapter to see how Ferdie has changed over four years.

For anyone who has not gotten the situation, just see Ferdinand as the wandering ghost flying around in this new weave, watching the "Dunkel!Ferdi" growing up from being born to 4yo. And when the "shock" came, the soul was absorbed in the body, and PUFF!! Two versions of Ferdie combined!

As for Roz, the situation would be a little different, but a little spoiler, she also recovers the memory before baptism.

Well, our duo are both gremlins in their own way.

Chapter 8: Fabiane – Taking asylum in Gilessenmeyer


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When Fabiane heard that Fifth Prince Trauerqual decided to join the war to fight again Fourth Prince Bosekalt, Fabiane’s blood ran cold. She severely considered submitting the request to ask whether Queen Kreszentia agreed to let Princess Rozemyne leave the Sovereignty immediately for her safety.

Fabiane was assigned as the nanny for Princess Rozemyne right after the princess was born. She was one of many retainers from Hauchletzte accompanied Lady Roseliese when she was married to Zent Waldifried, and also one of the three retainers survived after the assassination.

After that horrible incident, while Desdemona intended to guard them to go to the Third Prince's villa, Michelle suggested that they should come to Third Queen's palace instead, due to her home duchy was also theirs.

It was bliss that Queen Kreszentia accepted them, as also Aub Hauchletzte and Fifth Prince Trauerqual. However, Fabiane’s anxiety could not fade since her master’s fate was still undecided. Due to the sensitivity of Princess Rozemyne’s lineage, it was quite a matter which parent that she would be baptized under, and even get adopt later. While both Fabiane and Desdemona just wished for the Princess to grow up peacefully even as an archduke candidate, Michelle had expressed her hope that their Princess could regain her original status and enjoy all the privilege that she should have.

What came next was quite ironically. The three of them brought Princess Rozemyne to the Queen to seek shelter in peace and avoid the war of throne. Yet even Prince Trauerqual was involved after the assassinate of the Third Prince and his family. Now, Prince Trauerqual ordered them to prepare for his family to take asylum at Gilessenmeyer, which means, including Queen Kreszentia and Princess Rozemyne.

Soon after they arrived at Gilessenmeyer, they were summoned by Lady Ralfrieda and Michelle volunteered to go, asking both Fabiane and Desdemona to stay with the princess. From the day they received the decision of Prince Trauerqual, Michelle seemed awfully tense since she was dismayed with his decisions. As a scholar, Michelle was much more sensitive in politics than an attendant like her or a knight like Desdemona, and according to Michelle, this was an act to submit to Gilessenmeyer.

However, both Fabiane and Desdemona felt nothing too serious about going to Lady Ralfrieda’s home duchy. Desdemona even expressed her feelings that coming to Gilessenmeyer was better, given their ranking was too low to be seen as a threat, so the Fourth Prince’s faction could just ignore them while Sovereignty nobles would have higher privilege to act better in protecting their princess. As for Fabiane, she noticed that the tension of the war had touched her little master, and that was the last thing she ever wanted for. Fabiane just hoped that the meeting with Lady Rafrieda would solve all the stress of Michelle and prove that they all could work with each other well.

But things came back worse.

Michelle could not hold back her anger anymore once the sound-blocking tool was activated. It seemed that Lady Rafrieda had asked Princess Rozemyne to visit her and her sons, with the excuse as to learn more about each other as half-sibling.

“Isn’t it too soon to invite Princess Rozemyne to the tea party?” Desdemona confused.

“It is not even an invitation!” Michelle shouted, “Lady Ralfrieda asked for our princess’s presence, like the Goddess of Light summoning her subordinate.”

“That… that cannot be. Maybe you mistake something…” Fabiane paled.

“I want to make a mistake in this matter too, but… she sends the same request to the head scholar of Lady Clementine, who also came for summoning today just like me. She just sees our princess as her subordinate.”

Now Fabiane understood the anger, even Prince Trauerqual informed them about Prince Adalfried decision that her little master would be baptized under Lady Clementine, but the aim was to keep the connection with Hauchletzte in Princess Rozemyne backing and make way for her to become the future First Queen as the Zent adopted daughter. However, that plan was cancelled now. Given the situation, even if the future of Princess Rozemyne was unsettled, Lady Ralfrieda needed to treat her as sole child of Zent Waldifried.

“Lady Ralfrieda asks for Princess Rozemyne to make acquaintance with her half-siblings… is that the act to want our princess to marry one of her sons?”

“Her eldest son, precisely.” Michelle mocked, “There is no doubt that she knows our princess’ identity. How touching! Her husband is busy fighting the war and she is sitting here, already starting to make way for her son to be King. She better pray for her husband won’t climb the towering height before her wish come true.”

“Michelle!” Desdemona was shocked. “Be careful with your talking.”

“Please Michelle! I understand your anger, but Prince Trauerqual lost would be the end to our Princess too.” Fabiane insisted, “Please hiding all your frustrations under the Verbergen’s shroud, for Princess Rozemyne’s sake.”

The meeting with Lady Ralfrieda didn’t come out well, and after a long discussion, all three of them agree to go to hint some of their concerns to their Third Queen. Their excuse was that Princess Rozemyne was still unbaptized, and she might sense some insecurities due to the continuous absence of her parents and then her uncle, so meeting more people would be unnecessary.

With the involvement of the Third Queen, it seemed that Lady Ralfrieda had forgotten her earlier requirements. However, whenever Lady Clementine visited Princess Rozemyne, Fabiane sensed that the Second Lady had become more stressful over time. She wondered if Lady Ralfrieda had managed to abuse Lady Clementine for her petty vengeance. Deep down, Fabiane hoped that was only her overreacting, because if it was not, then Lady Clementine might refrain from acting as Schutzaria to shield their little princess.


Soon, Fabiane’s hope was washed away, due to the sudden ambush of the two little princes.

“So, you are Rozemyne, our future half-sister!” Prince Sigiswald blocked the way of their group with a much larger entourage. At first sight, it looked like he brought all his entourage just to trap them.

Today was a nice sunny day and she didn’t want Princess Rozemyne to lock herself in a room. Thus, Fabiane suggested that they could take a slight detour to Queen Kreszentia’s room through the small garden and read the book there. As it was a familiar activity, Fabiane decided to call only for Desdemona and three other knights from Queen Kreszentia to accompany them.

Looking at Desdemona who was now already in her responsive stand, Fabiane felt so regretful. It was Fabiane’s own carelessness since she overlooked the chance that there might be someone who could stop the way. She signaled one of the knights to sneakily run to the Third Queen’s room to ask for help. They are also members of the Royal family, and Fabiane could not stop them greeting her Princess.

“I heard about you. You’re Uncle Trauerqual’s son.” Princess Rozemyne looked at her cousin and replied, “I’m not your half-sister. I’m your cousin. Nice to meet you two!”

Then a smaller boy who looked in similar colors stepped up, “Why are you calling us your cousin? Mother said you will be our little half-sister, and my future sister-in-law.”

All the respect that Fabiane should have given to Lady Ralfrieda was now gone.

How could she… she is not yet holding the crown and she already decided our princess’s fate just like that?

“I’m not your half-sister. My father is not your father, so we are not siblings but cousins. And I have my own big brothers too.” Princess Rozemyne pouted. She looked so adorable with all her lamenting, but Fabiane suddenly scared about what might happen next.

Oh no… this conversation should stop now.

“Prince Sigiswald, Prince Anastasius… My apology, but it seems Dregarnuhr, the Goddess of Time, has woven today's threads with exceptional speed and grace. Princess Rozemyne, we should not let Her Majesty Queen Kreszentia wait for so long.”

The retainers from Gilessenmeyer became hesitant after Fabiane mentioned the name of Third Queen. However, this did not bring enough weight for Prince Sigiswald, as he kept no silence.

“Your father is not here anymore! Did no one tell you that you will be our father’s child?” Prince Sigiswald expressed his annoying at Princess Rozemyne affirmative response. He talked as if it was such a normal thing, but to them, it was more dreadful than the call of Verdrenna.

The secret that they had hold for two years…

“I heard from mother about the young Mestionora that Verbergen entrusted to the hands of the Supreme Couple.” Prince Sigiswald continued, “But it seems the resemblance to Mestionora was just in your appearance, as I do not see the blessing from the Goddess of Wisdom in you, my future wife.”

What is going wrong with Lady Ralfrieda? To teach a child in early summer like that?

That statement from Prince Sigiswald was too much stupidity for Fabiane’s liking, and she had to use all her noble’s education to keep her face calm. At most, his entourage seems to be also shocked at the statement and some of them started to step up to persuade the prince for the early farewell.

“I am not your future wife!” Princess Rozemyne shouted. “You’re rude! You’re a bad boy! I will tell grandmother, and when my father and uncle Trauerqual are home, I will tell them too.”

If it was not due to the love for books, Fabiane believed that Princess Rozemyne would throw a book in her hand to that bratty prince. It was not virtuous at all, but Fabiane really wished the one holding the book was her, so that she could do it for the Princess’s sake.

Please be patient a little bit, your highness. Once we’re back, I will report everything to Her Majesty and Verdraos will take her duties to fight Chaocipher right after that.

Prince Sigiswald just could not stop, really, they already stated their farewell demand and yet that bratty prince kept pursuing the problem.

“I see that you’re trying to devoid Anhaltung now. I understand that the pitiful fate of your parent make you feel down, but don't complacently think that you're safe in Schlaftraum’s realm. If your retainers cannot be your Erwachlehren, I can ask mother to send one to grant his blessing to you.”

“I am not… YOU’RE LYING!!!!” The princess burst out crying. Her eyes shone like rainbows and the yellow mist started to drift from her body.

Oh no…

“Your highness, please calm down.” Fabiane quickly reached her master and took a small feystone out of her pocket to absorb the excess mana.

However, the situation soon became out of control, and the Queen’s knight started to threaten the two princes’ entourage to surrender any empty feystones in their pocket to absorb all the excess mana from the Princess Rozemyne. As for those two princes, they were too shocked to say anything. What kind of reaction did they expect her highness to have, after hearing such a news?

“What in the world happened here?” All of sudden, the familiar mighty voice of Third Queen Kreszentia echoed in the midst of all the chaos. It seemed that Her Majesty became impatient, thus she had to come out to check the situation.

“Your majesty!” Desdemona immediately replied, “Prince Sigiswald and Prince Anastasius just block the way of Princess Rozemyne to reveal the truth to her, and that provoked Her Highness. She is now unable to control her emotion.”

Well said Desdemona! No more euphemisms or any sugar-coat for all these actions!

“Grandmother… they’re lying… right…?”

That was the last sentence from Princess Rozemyne before she fainted.


The physician diagnosed that the out-of-control of the mana and the sudden shock from emotion were the key reasons that Princess Rozemyne got her high fever right now. While all summoned physicians assured that the Princess was not in danger, seeing such an energetic princess spend days bedridden with sickness was torture to Fabiane.

Queen Kreszentia sent all the people presence at the incident for questioning and as the story began to unfold, Her Majesty could barely suppress her anger.While the situation at that time was unexpected, Fabiane could not give any excuse of how they had failed to protect their master from being hurt. The opponents were the princes, and they were guests taking asylum in their mother’s home duchy.

Soon after the incident, Lady Ralfrieda asked to visit Queen Kreszentia and Princess Rozemyne to explain the action of her sons but was refused entry. Fabiane was certain that Lady Ralfrieda might be dismayed, but Fabiane did not want to care to hear any excuse from her. Should they need to hear about what Ewigeliebe wants? Clearly Lady Ralfrieda’s objective was so obvious that it didn’t even need remarking upon.

It took nearly three days to lower the fever. With a sigh of relief, Fabiane started to write her own report. She would need to consult more with Michelle to perfect the report that would be sent to Aub Hauchletzte. Fabiane was scared that they might need to cover the content of the letter by code if required.

Suddenly, Michelle to the room with the most terrible new that she ever wanted for.

“There is a rumor that a child of Zent Waldifried has survived! It must be from Gilessenmeyer's side! We cannot stay here anymore!”

Then Lady Adelle came with an urgent order from Queen Kreszentia:

“Fabiane, Michelle, you two go pack everything up and prepare to move! Desdemona, you carry Princess Rozemyne, and remember to cover her well! We’re moving, immediately!”

“Now? But where?”

“Gebotordnung has forsaken this land. We need to go seeking for the graces of Her Holiness Flutrane and her subordinates.”

That was all they needed for now, Fabiane thought.

Don’t worry Princess Rozemyne! Soon we will be home, and you will be safe there!


A little explanation here:

1) Ralfrieda:

Basically, Trauerqual told her about the decision of Adalfried before, so she knew that the plan was for Rozemyne to get baptized under Clementine and then adopted by Zent. The problem is, since Adalfried died and Trauerqual joined in the war, that plan was automatically cancelled. Currently, there are no plans for Rozemyne, so the relationship between Rozemyne and Ralfrieda is nearly zero, and Ralfrieda should just pretend to ignore the presence of Rozemyne until the final plan is decided.

However, Ralfrieda is "delusional" enough to think the plan has just changed in the "Zent" part. She thinks that Clementine will still be Rozemyne's baptized mother, and since the Zent will be Trauerqual, no need for adoption. So Ralfrieda just acts as the First Lady to both the lesser wife and the daughter of a lesser wife. In Ralfrieda's opinion, the request for Rozemyne presence is not malicious.

However, the sudden meeting in the garden is in her plan. As she knows the true pedigree of Rozemyne, she is doing the groundwork for her sons. She thinks that the baptism and adoption is the certain, but she wants the marriage to make sure. Thus she thinks once Sigiswald started to connect with Rozemyne like an engaged couple, she can use the rumours as a force to make the engagement become true. Anastasius is just an add-on to make it less suspicious.

2) Sigiswald & Anastasius:

Don't expect anything from Dusty, he already adopted the new position as "the future heir" once people inform him that his father joined the "game of throne"

For Anastasisu, he is now just a 05-year-old baby and half-neglected by his mother (and his father). He just follows what his mother said, "She is your half-sister, she is your future sister-in-law, go to make friends with her".

No one told the two boys that they should not tell the little girl that her parents already died. Ironically, Trauerqual did not mention this one to Ralfrieda because he thought this was just natural to not tell a 04-year-old girl about the bad news, but Ralfrieda already assumed that the girl knew about everything since Trauerqual praised her so much, so she also didn't warn her sons at all.

3) Clementine:

She is nervous and tired not because of Ralfrieda, but for other reason. It will be revealed next chapter.

4) Attitude of the three retainers and Kreszentia:

Waldifried was not crowned as Zent yet, but in the three retainers' minds, they already see him as Zent, thus their master Rozemyne is the true Princess. As you can read in Fabiane's POV, most people still call Waldifried as Second Prince, but Fabiane called him Zent Waldifried.

After the incident with Waldifried, they became paranoid and the act of Ralfrieda when request the presence (actually not malicious intention first) made the three retainers think of the worst. Then with the incident in the garden, they are all on guard of Ralfrieda and her sons now. To them, Ralfrieda and her son are their princess's political enemies and as native Hauchletzte nobles, surely they will have a lot to report to Aub Hauchletzte later.

It also applied to Kreszentia. Basically, her duchy is higher than Ralfrieda's, she stays in the seat of the Royal Queen for a long time and gets quite "spoiled" in that position, and she is also a typical mother-in-law. Kreszentia doesn't like Ralfrieda much but does not hate her or her sons. However, Kreszentia is not involved in Dusty and Ana's education as the children's education belongs to their mother (not everyone is Veronica) and of course also because these two are still unbaptized.

When Kreszentia decided to be a "shut-in" to protect Rozemyne, she accidently reduces all potential chance to meet and learn about her grandsons. So, between the two grandsons that she barely sees, and a very close "granddaughter" that under her protection for 2 years, she will definitely favour Rozemyne more. After this incident, at least all of Kreszentia's resentment will going to Ralfrieda, because she still believes that children like Dusty and Ana don't know much about politics and are not at fault.

5) Rozemyne

Next chapter will be Rozemyne's POV. All I could reveal now is in this chapter, Rozemyne is a 04-year-old girl who was beloved and even spoiled by all her guardians. What would a little girl do if she found herself being abused? Of course, she will running to her guardians and cry out to them.


I just got a little cold during my travel so... go offline for a while. Don't worry as I am now recovered.

However, next chapter would take longer time, as I am now completing my master thesis and then, I will be back to my home country while waiting for grading and prepare for the defense. It will take a while to re-adapt my lifestyle after coming back to Asia. I am currently working on chapter 9 and 10, so I hope to publish it before my flight. After that, there will be a little hiatus. I will try my best to update the chapter regularly after that time.

Once again, thanks everyone for supporting this fic of mine. I hope you all get the wonderful time of reading.

Chapter 9: Rozemyne - Reincarnation...again


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Today is our wedding day!

It was already two years, but Rozemyne still could not understand fully the romantic relationship between man and woman. She felt bad that shecould not return Ferdinand feeling, as she was now recognized that he might have been fallen in love with her.

But Rozemyne could confidently say that she was happy to tie the stars with Ferdinand. She was happy to see Ferdinand could enjoy his eating, to see Ferdinand take his time off to do his research, to see Ferdinand relax when accompany her to see her downtown family, and to see Ferdinand’s most sincere smile when he received the cloak from her.

And she also felt that Ferdinand was happy, too.

But… why things turned out like this?

Rozemyne wanted to cry, her Starbinding ceremony was interrupted by another ambush, and the last thing she ever remembered was the familiar warm feeling whenever Ferdinand hugged her. Everything was then covered by the colour that she would never think that she could hate it so much.

The color of crimson red… like the color of Higanbana.


Rozemyne began to feel as if the fire enveloped her body. It was something so familiar before when she lost control of her emotions. Her mana was burning and rolling out of her body, and she began to suffer from seizure. Deep in her memory, it was always Ferdinand tried to calm her down by absorbing her excess mana with feystones and… his hug.

However, there was no Ferdinand here with her anymore.

She tried to regain her consciousness, but the mysterious fire was not given up on her. In the feeling of being heated in the darkness, she heard some strange voices from afar…

“What’s wrong with Myne’s soul? We need to summon her here first to inform her about the reweaving plan.”

“Myne’s soul was originally from other dimensions, then her body was once damaged by Mestionora’s divine power, making the connection between the soul and the body become so fragile. Therefore, when the shock was too much for her soul to handle, it started to break!”

“Ventuchte! Do something!”

“It can’t be helped it! We must modify her colour and start the reweave immediately! No more time to lose!”

“I’m afraid Dregarnuhr cannot send her to the right time!”

“The worst time might be before her baptism, but it will still be fine! We need to secure her soul first!”

“Myne! Hear my order, we will reweave you and Quinta’s thread! This time, be Zent and save my Erwaermen!”

While Rozemyne was unsure about the other voice, the last sentence would be definitely from Mestionora.

Selfish goddess, why don’t you save him yourself?

It did not take so long for Rozemyne to open her eyes and find herself in a very strange room. Those Gods said that she might be sent back even before her baptism, but Rozemyne was certain that she was obviously not home downtown. This room was also not like her room from any place that she had before.

Rozemyne tried to and look around the room. The wall was painted in a Tyrian purple, creating a regal and prestigious atmosphere. The centrepiece of the room is a grand canopy bed with elaborately carved, white-painted wooden frames adorned with flowing curtains also in the Imperial purple colour. She looked down at the bedding set, it consisted of a satin-like bed sheet, a plush pillow, and a sumptuous duvet. All in the cream colour decorated with a detailed embroidery of a vined flower like Wisteria in pale lilac colour. The room was also furnished with antique-style pieces, all finished in glossy creamy white contrasting beautifully with purple theme of the room.

This room was so luxurious and elegant in decoration, even much more than the room she had as an underage Alexandria’s Aub. Rozemyne was a little afraid that she might be reincarnated to a different position in a place that was so far away from Ehrenfest. While the color of the room was quite close to the colour of old Ahrensbach, Rozemyne was sure that the decoration style was so much different. She felt a little unsafe, but she tried to stay calm. She kept reminding herself that the Gods would never send her to a dangerous place, as they still needed her to save the garden.

Before sorting out of her mind to remember which kind of duchy that she was currently in, a big group of strange people suddenly entered the room, and Rozemyne could not hold her gaps to see most of them were wearing the black cloak - the symbol of the old Royal Family.

An elegant middle-aged woman rushed to Rozemyne’s bed. Her face seemed to be covered with worry and she gently hugged Rozemyne with her arms.

“My dear Rozemyne…You really scared your grandmother…Physician! Quick, come checking the princess!”

Wait a minute? Grandmother? Princess?

Her grandmother looked worried and asked if Rozemyne still felt uncomfortable somewhere. As she still couldn't figure out her identity this weave, Rozemyne tried her best to show the noble smile and nonchalantly replied: “My head is still hurt. Can I sleep more?”

However, the physician immediately tried to coax her: “Princess Rozemyne, you’ve been sleeping for too long. It would be better if you could eat something first and take a medication before going to sleep again.”

As much as Rozemyne wanted to have some quiet moment for herself, she knew that she should take the advice from the physician. Having a weak sickly body for a long time had made Rozemyne recognized how much important of being a healthy girl. Rozemyne nodded, and silently obeyed the doctor to eat and take medicine. All of her subsequent activities were carefully supervised by her grandmother and the attendants.

Thanks to all the training in the last timeline, Rozemyne could keep her standard noble face all along the time. She hadn’t gotten the full situation yet, but she could sense that the people in this room had no malice towards her.

In the last timeline, when Urano first reincarnated into Myne’s body, all the memories entered suddenly after hearing Effa’s voice. But this time, all the memories in her head were still Urano’s and Rozemyne’s life in Ehrenfest and Alexandria.

I don’t know what the background of this “Princess Rozemyne” is. Maybe I can get some after another deep sleep, I guess.

After her grandmother and everyone left the room, Rozemyne fell back to the bed. The effects of medicine she drank finally produced some effects as she started to lose consciousness and fell to sleep. It was then, a mental dam burst and memories that were familiar came rushing through her head.

Those memories just told Rozemyne the most ridiculous story that she ever thought beside reincarnation again. Basically, the Gods turned her, from a “Devouring-turned-noble” Myne to a “hidden princess Rozemyne”, or “the second Eglantine”. Her father was Waldifried, and that name was enough to tell Rozemyne who he was - the Second Prince who was supposed to be received the “fake Kingship” magic tool. Her mother Rosaliese was the third wife from Hauchletzte, and here, the grandmother she just met, was actually her grandaunt – the current Third Queen also from Hauchletzte. Funnier, she was a mother of an acquaintance – Aub Blumefield Trauerqual, no, now he was still a Fifth Prince at this moment. As her parents were assassinated by the First Prince and she was so small, all her “maternal family” decided to leave “hidden princess” completely hidden from the truth.

Princess Rozemyne was completely lived in the dark under the protection of the Third Queen, until the last summer when everyone had to move to Gilessenmeyer, and the reason was Trauerqual decided to enter the war, which mean Eglantine’s family were killed, just like the last timeline. The asylum life was quite peaceful, but those stupid bookless princes appeared and revealed everything, that’s why Princess Rozemyne was shocked and bedridden, then, “Rozemyne Aub Alexandria” came.

But memory didn’t reveal only information. It also rekindled thelove that had thought to be faded. All the feeling of the little princess flow over her mind, when the happiness memories were woken up.

It was the happiness when her Father Waldifried came to visit little Rozemyne and her Mother Rosaliese and brought many gifts with him. It was the joy when Father let her sit in his lap and taught her each single letter from his book. It was the warm when Mother gently sang a lullaby for her every night. It was fun when her elder half-brothers came to visit with all the dolls and flower bouquet in their hands, only to be rejected by little Rozemyne as she just aimed to take away their wooden board and pen instead. Father was there too, laughing out loud saying he needed to add books as the marriage conditions to his future son-in-law, while the First Lady was amused to see her sons looked so hopeless to get back their study note from little Rozemyne’s hand.

The memory started to fade away, with only Rozemyne being left, standing between a white blank space, still wearing the Starbinding clothes, and… a “little girl” who looked exactly like Rozemyne herself – pale blue fluffy dress with white frilly ribbon, truly a little adored princess, if only she was not crying non-stop.

Then a similar voice echoed all the place. It was a voice of a boy, but the way he spoke was so cold and scary.

“Your father is not here anymore! Did no one tell you that you will be our father’s child?”

That bookless scrub…Rozemyne knew that Sigiswald might told the truth, as she learned the Second Prince’s fate from her history lesson last timeline. However, the little princess in front of her kept telling different or tried to reject that truth.

“He was lying… Fabiane said that Father was the smartest and strongest of them all. He went to the war to protect the country, just like Geduldh’s siblings protect her… Uncle help me to write a letter to them, and Mother also replied. She said that once the Chaocipher is banished, Mother and Father will come home and bring me a lot of books…”

Rozemyne could not help but run forward and hugged “the little herself” tightly. She wanted to soothe the little girl, but tears were also filled in her eyes, making her unable to give the little girl any consolation.

Because Rozemyne understood that pain… the pain when everything suddenly went wrong without causes and the only thing left was the bitterness of realizing that their family were so far away.

We promised to visit home after the Starbinding ceremony at the Sovereignty. Ferdinand had ordered the best wine from Dunkelfelger as gift to enjoy with Dad. Mom said she had prepared a big meal for us. Lutz and Tuuli invite us to visit their newborn son, and I also had the new picture books for my little nephew. Benno and Kamil had just finished their trip to Ehrenfest and they would also joined us dinner. Everything was so perfect that time…

Even now as the Gods reweave her time, she hardly had a chance to be with her family anymore, no, maybe she could not even meet them. The social standing gap now was too much, and the geographical distance was also a huge hurdle. She even wondered whether little Myne had a chance to be born.

I cannot call them Mom and Dad anymore. I also cannot see my angel Tuuli, nor making book with Kamil, Lutz and Benno. Even my noble family… mother Elvira, father Kardstedt, brother Eckhart and brother Cornelius, grandfather, Sylvester, my little angle Charlotte, my little cutie Melchior… All of my retainers, my Gutenbergs… This new identity had cut off all possible relationship that she could have to all of them…

The more Rozemyne thought, the more her tears fell. Without Rozemyne being in Ehrenfest, her downtown family would be safe from being involved with too highly ranked noble and they might be much more peaceful and safer life. But Ferdinand… he must be still in Ehrenfest and suffered under Veronica’s reign, because Rozemyne was the one who asked the previous Aub Ehrenfest to pick Ferdinand up from Adalgisa in the past. The worst was, right now, she could not do anything to help him.

If I knew I would be reweaving like this, I would drop him in Drewanchel or Dunkelfelger when Dregarnuhr asked me to rescue him two years ago.

It was then a small, sweet voice interrupted her thought. Rozemyne refocused and found out the little girl in her arm looked up to her.

“You’re also crying… did you lost your family too?”

Rozemyne tried to hold her tears and smiled to the girl: “Not exactly… my family must be still alive… though I cannot see them anymore, as I am now a stranger to them.”


“Because… I cannot be their child anymore…”

“At least your Father and Mother are still there…”

Rozemyne wanted to say more, but she truly out of word, “…I’m sorry…”

“I don’t want to wake up… If I stayed like this, Father and Mother are always here with me…”

“But… your grandmother will worry if you just sleep like that. And… the past is in the past, we must move on…” Rozemyne wondered if that was her word of consolation to the little girl, or to herself. “I mean, you still have many people waiting for you like your grandmother, right?”

“I love grandmother.”

“And beside your grandmother? Like… your uncle, your nanny?”

The little girl seemed to calm down, “I like them too, Uncle Trauerqual, Aunt Clementine, Fabiane, Michelle, Desdemona, Adelle… but they all lied to me.”

“I believe they have their reason, and they are waiting out there for you. How about waking up and ask them yourself?”

“But… how about you? Do you have anyone waiting for you?”

The question made Rozemyne startle. Ferdinand’s face appeared in her mind, and it made her heart ache. She remembered the last sentence from Mestionora that the Gods would also send Ferdinand back with her. Did that mean Ferdinand would also have the memory, right?

“I’m not sure, but I think… he was also waiting for me…”

“Then… will you also wake up with me, too?”

“Yes! I will wake up too. Both of us will wake up from this dream, and we will move on from the past.”

Rozemyne regained her composure and looked so determined. She was the princess now, she had power now. If she planned things properly, she could still reunite with everyone, even with different statuses. In the worst case, she just needed to make some schemes and blamed them on Veronica, thus saving the whole Ehrenfest from her. Surely Adelbert and Sylvester didn’t have the gut to disobey the royal princess.

And at that moment, a big yellow blessing fell down, covering both her and the little princess. The blessing was so warm, and it made her body feel so light. Then her body started to shine and gradually fade away. The transformation was too sudden for Rozemyne so she didn’t realized that “the little princess” in her arms had long disappeared in the light.

Her eyes opened again when the blessing light disappeared. Rozemyne found herself still in bed, but her mind became much clearer, and in front of her was the familiar face of her grandmother – Third Queen Kreszentia. Her dark green eye was filled with care and love, and it reminded Rozemyne about all the mothers in her memories: Urano’s mother, Mom Effa, Mother Elvira… and Mother Roseliese.

Rozemyne grabbed her grandmother’s sleeves and snuggled on her lap. This action of hers made her grandmother chuckle and returned with a cuddle and a gentle pat on her head.

“It’s ok, don’t be scared. Grandmother is here with you. Whatever in your dream, it was just unreal my dear. Everything will be going fine.”

Rozemyne didn’t know what exactly had happened to her and the big, strange blessing in the dream, but she knew one thing. She raised her head up and beamed, “Thank you grandmother, I am good now.”

This is grandmother… MY grandmother…

And Grandmother looked so happy, so much that she even burst into tears. She held Rozemyne tighter, and of course Rozemyne took a chance to enjoy her cuddling in the warmth of her grandmother as much as possible…


“Grandmother, could you tell me what was happening after I fainted when we were in Gilessenmeyer?”

After having breakfast together, Rozemyne took a chance to ask for a talk with her grandmother in the secret room. She then saw a slight angry sight shown on her grandmother’s face due to her question, but then it was quickly replaced by a noble face.

“I have asked all the retainers appeared at that time.” Her grandmother said, “I understand that must be very difficult for you to receive the truth in that situation, but we just want all the best for you, my dear.”

Just want all the best for you… this is a signal that she doesn’t want to share anything. Not good, how can I get more information from this?

“I am young, but I am not ignorance. I still remember everything that Prince Sigiswald told me last time.” Rozemyne strongly emphasized, “Grandmother! Please tell me everything that I need to know! I want to hear the truth from you, not from any stranger.”

It seemed the last sentence did hit the sore point, as her grandmother signed, “If you insisted, my dear. You can blame on me or your uncle, but please try to calm down.”

Her grandmother then retold the story about the hidden princess Rozemyne. If mother Elvira was here, Rozemyne was sure that her new background story could be used as the reference for the new “Fernestine” immediately.

There was not so much different from her memory and her guess. Rozemyne was not sure if Eglantine was saved, too. But there may be a chance that there will be TWO hidden princesses at the same time. Based on the memory of the incident in the garden, Rozemyne saw herself had already become the marriage target for those two princes, no, just that stupid bookless scrub, because she was sure Anastasius would just go stalking Eglantine later.

Rozemyne signed, she had to find a way to contact Ferdinand, but she was just an unbaptized child now. While she could trust her grandmother and her three retainers, she could not find any reason to justify why a sheltered princess like her would know about an archduke candidate from Ehrenfest.

Being a noble-born now will be quite difficult to act freely compared to the time being a commoner.

However, it seemed she should worry about her current situation first. Her existence was already revealed while Eglantine’s was still in the dark. She only heard about the civil war through history lesson with Ferdinand, but she could imagine how violent and dangerous it was for everyone, especially those who had relationship with greater duchies and Royal Family. Rozemyne wondered if Lady Ralfrieda was stupid enough to reveal her identity to the world. Basically, Rozemyne could see herself as a “hidden triump card” to Trauerqual’s faction now, just like Eglantine to Klassenberg. She didn’t think Lady Ralfrieda or anyone in Gilessenmeyer was guilty like her grandmother’s opinion. It might be a spy from the Fourth Prince.

Raublut is not yet a Knight Commander, and Georgine is still a sheltered Third Lady. I can temporarily ignore them. The true enemy now is the Fourth Prince and Werkestock.

She signed again, a completely new enemy, and she had no information about them. Her new life was just began...


Finally, I just finish my thesis and waiting for the final review from my supervisor, just for sure. This waiting time is really the best chance to pick up this fic again, and thank you all so much for waiting.

Well, I hope this chapter will not be too confused for you guys. It just my own opinion, but I cannot bare the thought that any character after reincarnation would forget all the past life and get familiar with the new life so fast. That was also one of the reason why I love AoB so much, as it was quite realistic.

But of course, I don't think I could rewrite the three volumes just to write about how Roz and Ferdie get familiar with the new life, so I came up with this idea. Basically, Roz and Ferdie in this fic are not the same canon, they are mixed. Like Ferdie is the combined of Dunkel! + Ehren!Ferdie, and Roz is the combined of Urano + Alex!Roz + Princess Roz. The reason of combination will be revealed later.

So, in short, just imagine that Alex!Roz having a talk with her "reflection" and after they both overcome their weak moment, they are united into one person.

Chapter 10: Rozemyne - The new life in Hauchletzte


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rozemyne began her new life in Hauchletzte, but she quickly became frustrated with certain limitations. As an unbaptized noble child, she was confined to the eastern building of the castle with her grandmother, and there was a dedicated path to a closed-off section of the garden if she wanted to go outside. While her room was lavishly decorated in Dutch Gothic style, it made her somewhat uncomfortable. Additionally, there were many magical tools in her room that she initially deemed useless.

However, Michelle and Fabiane explained that these magical tools had been taken from her father's office and her mother's tearoom. These tools still held her parents' mana and had been preserved in her room to protect her color. This was made possible thanks to her grandmother and Uncle Trauerqual, who managed to transfer these tools to her room in the Third Queen's villa, and from there to Gilessenmeyer and Hauchletzte.

Apparently, Rozemyne’s father Waldifried had prepared high-quality juvere for her, which should have been sufficient for two years given his busy in political disputes. However, after the war had started, her retainers decided to conserve this juvere for emergencies until Rozemyne could obtain her own schtappe, ensuring the effectiveness of the juvere.

To protect Rozemyne from mana contamination, only her grandmother and her maternal grandparents, the archducal couple, could visit her frequently. Her uncle Jonathan had limited access, and aside from her three retainers, most of the knights and attendants from Hauchletzte had to maintain a proper distance. If Rozemyne fell ill, it was recommended that she use medicine or her maternal grandmother Vaitiare's juvere.

Rozemyne expressed her desire to make juvere herself, drawing from her experience in her previous life. However, all her guardians rejected her request, deeming it too dangerous. They emphasized that it was the adults' responsibility to protect her and that there were no precedents for a child without schtappe to collect materials and make juvere unless the child was a true orphan without any close relatives. Even then, they would adjust the child's color and prepare temporary juvere for emergencies.

“Princess Rozemyne, your father prepared the best quality one for you, and there are also some of the spare materials from your mother’s mana. In the worst case, you can still use my juvere to cure minor sicknesses. Please don’t worry much about this.” Her Grandmother Vaitiare – the First Lady of Hauchletzte once again emphasized this point to her.

Rozemyne understood their concerns and glanced at the children's tools in her hand. In her previous timeline, she was a Devouring child, and she didn't inherit any colors from her commoner parents, nor did they know how to make noble medicine. She was later dyed by Ferdinand after a memory reading, but neither of them was aware of this. Rozemyne realized that the best solution was to make the highest quality juvere possible on her own to match her color, as the mana clumps in her body were too numerous in both quality and quantity to be resolved by normal juvere.

If we knew from the start, maybe I could also use his juvere too…

A sudden thought crossed her mind, causing her face to flush. She recalled the incident when she mistakenly claimed to be dyed by Ferdinand in front of everyone. After the founding of Alexandria, Ferdinand had requested Mother Elvira to assist her with her lady education, revealing her lack of proper training. Rozemyne had since undergone intense training from her mother and all her female retainers, rectifying her previous mistakes.

As she reflected on her past blunders, Rozemyne also discovered answers to her unique attributes, including her omni-elemental nature, her comfort with Ferdinand's mana, and the reason Erwaermen mistook her for him.

I wonder how he is doing now…

While Rozemyne's days were filled with studying, practicing harspiel, and of course, satisfying her unquenchable thirst for book, there was a void in her heart that she couldn't ignore. She missed Ferdinand, her important family, more than words could express. Despite her best efforts to immerse herself in reading and studying, her thoughts often wandered to Ferdinand. She missed their spirited conversations, his unwavering support, and the warmth of his presence. The ache of longing was a constant companion, tugging at the edges of her focus.

It’s all Mestionora’s fault. If she did not say that….

She attempted to adjust to her new life in Hauchletzte after accepting that she would lose all ties to her previous life. But Mestionora's final words repeatedly reminded her that Ferdinand had also been reincarnated and that he was currently in Ehrenfest, searching for her even though she had changed from the Myne he remembered.

Despite her longing to reach out to him, Rozemyne understood that Ferdinand was likely safe and possibly thriving in his student life at the Royal Academy. She recognized the importance of staying focused on her mission in Hauchletzte, but the pull of her emotions was undeniable. In the quiet moments between her studies, she allowed herself to reminisce about Ferdinand and the memories they had created together. It was a reminder of the depth of their connection and the enduring bond that transcended time and distance.

Rozemyne's heart remained divided with her yearning for Ferdinand. As she continued to navigate her life in Hauchletzte, Rozemyne carried her longing in her heart, determined to honor the past while forging a path toward the future.

She once again gazed at her meticulously crafted child’s tool in her wrist, a simple and unassuming object that held the key to her newfound strength and health in this new life. While Rozemyne’s new body was strong and healthy, it might lack the mana capacity she needed for all the future challenges that lay ahead. Rozemyne knew that if she wanted to make a difference, she had to find a way to increase her mana capacity as soon as possible.

Thus, with the moon casting a silvery glow through her chamber window, Rozemyne made a secret decision. Silently, she removed her child's tool and hid it under her pillow, careful not to disturb anyone in the quiet of the night. Then, with a deep breath, she began her four-step compression, focusing her mind on gathering the ambient mana around her. It swirled and danced in response to her concentration, slowly coalescing into a gentle glow. Once all of her mana was compressed, Rozemyne let out a long sigh and put the tools back again in her wrist. She would need to repeat this act for several nights to ensure the steady growth of her mana. As for not making Fabiane and Michelle suspect, Rozemyne still let some of her mana flow into the child’s tool for “mana saving” as its primary purpose.

After the initial challenges of adjusting to her new body and surroundings, she found herself growing accustomed to the lifestyle in Hauchletzte. For being a long-term high-ranked duchy founded by the collateral royal family with the border gate, the bookroom in the castle was much bigger and richer than Ehrenfest’s and of course, Rozemyne was given permission to get the book from there any time she wanted.

Her dream of paper printing and bookmaking had been a driving force behind her actions, but she recognized the importance of adapting to the evolving landscape of her new life. One of the important lessons she learned from her last life was how nobility society emphasizes political support, which even overpowers the true divine power given by Gods. The gods still saw this country as their garden, but the country itself had changed, and reintroducing religion would be a gradual process. Despite her divine role and the power granted to her, Rozemyne knew that rekindling faith in the gods would not be an easy task. The country had been steeped in atheism for thousands of years, neglecting the divine power bestowed by the gods. It would take time to bridge the gap between the people and their forgotten faith.

The decision to conceal the sins of the royal family was a necessary one to protect the fragile peace that had been painstakingly achieved in the last life. But this choice had unintended consequences, leading to delusions among certain parties who longed for the return of the former society ruled by the royalty. The delicate peace was at risk of unraveling, and the forces that sought to bring back the old order were gaining momentum.

Even with the support from Dunkelfelger, Alexandria, Blumefield, and Drewanchel, Eglantine, who had been coronated as the new Zents and High Bishop, had struggled to find a way to reconcile the desires of the gods with the needs of the people. The desires of the gods were enigmatic and often required a level of faith and commitment that was difficult to instill in a society that had long neglected its spiritual roots. Ironically, Eglantine's home duchy of Klassenberg began to withdraw its support due to dissatisfaction over the diminishing political influence it had in other duchies. In a surprising turn of events, Klassenberg formed its own faction, firmly opposing the temple reform as they believed that it followed the trend of Ehrenfest – a former backwater duchy, a direction that many in Klassenberg found unsettling. Other duchies, like Immeldink and Corinzdaum, added their voices to the chorus of dissatisfaction with the proposed changes.

As Ferdinand said, it had become “common sense” to the whole nobility society. With Grutrissheit's return, the nobles believed that the "good old times" would be restored, and there was little appetite for new proposals or reforms. The allure of returning to a familiar past had created a sense of complacency, and many were content to keep things "unchanged" for the rest of their lives. They held onto the belief that the status quo was the ideal state of affairs and that any deviation from it would disrupt the stability they had come to cherish.

Despite the entrenched resistance to change, there was a glimmer of hope for the future. As younger generations ascended to positions of influence and authority, there was the possibility that they would bring new ideas and proposals to the forefront. Rozemyne also believed that the cycle of stagnation would end if an archduke candidate of non-royal descent obtained the Book of Mestionora.

Unfortunately, both Rozemyne and Ferdinand had never lived long to see that day.

In the face of these challenges in this new life, Rozemyne realized that, in addition to the divine power bestowed by God, she needed a formidable political support system to lead the temple reform. The temple reform needed time to take root and yield results, and to ensure its success, it needed at least five years for every duchy to witness the results and eventually embrace them. Furthermore, the reform had to be implemented before the revelation of the Book of Mestionora, and this time, no sins could remain hidden.

Her new identity as Royalty came with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, much like a double-edged sword. Rozemyne could lead the "temple reform" as a Royal princess with strong political backing. Then, the revelation of the sins of the Royal family in the past could potentially tarnish her reputation and the reputation of the entire royal lineage and even stop the trend she created. However, the harm would be limited once she revealed herself as the qualified Zent candidate with the true Book of Mestionora. The stakes were high, and Rozemyne knew that she had to navigate both the political and spiritual landscapes with great care to bring about the change she envisioned.

Rozemyne recognized the importance of establishing her political support base, and she saw Hauchletzte as the ideal place to begin this endeavor. Currently, most of her “supporters” are from Hauchletzte, thus Rozemyne wanted to secure Hauchletzte in her backing before Sigiswald gained it via Nahelache. Rozemyne then made a difficult decision - temporarily set aside her project in printing and paper making, even though she cherished the idea of bringing books to the world more than anyone else in the world. Rozemyne once again tried to hypnotize herself that she was not in dire need of making new books, and she still wanted to keep some trends for Ehrenfest.

Instead, Rozemyne turned her attention to attention to the rich resources that Hauchletzte was known for – marine goods. Rozemyne recognized that the key to creating a new trend and securing her political influence lay in harnessing the potential of Hauchletzte's marine resources. The duchy's reputation for its marine goods was well-deserved, and she saw an opportunity to capitalize on it.

Once again, Rozemyne decided to embark on a culinary quest. As one of the dominant trading duchies, most of trending cooking ingredients could be found in Hauchletzte. Of course, there were some special fruits and vegetables that Rozemyne was familiar with that were not available here, as they were Ehrenfest’s exclusives. She kind of missed her Parue recipes, but she saw this as an opportunity to blend the unique flavors of Ehrenfest with the ingredients of her new home, creating dishes that would bridge the gap between the two regions.

This may be a good reason to connect to Ehrenfest, thus finding a chance to reach Ferdinand.

Rozemyne, armed with her unyielding determination, decided to share her culinary dreams with her two grandmothers. With a warm smile and a sense of excitement, she approached Third Queen and Lady Vaitiare, ready to express her passion for creating "new food."

"Grandmothers, I have been thinking about something that has been on my mind lately. I would like to seeking the blessing of Cuococalura here in Hauchletzte."

The surprise on the faces of all the adults was evident as Rozemyne began to speak, her voice filled with enthusiasm and creativity. She was about to embark on a culinary journey that would not only challenge tradition but also introduce new flavors and ideas to their world.


A little insight about the new life of Rozemyne in Hauchletzte. This is just a beginning, as in my opinions, it will be never easy to get things done even the God side with you. Reincarnation doesn't make you become badass instantly, you will need to adapt to the new life and not making suspicious.

Next chapter, we will going further with the current politics after Rozemyne moving to Hauch.

Chapter 11: Trauerqual – When Erwachlehren was forced to wear the Dark Cloak


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As if Dauerleben want to forsake me…

Trauerqual signed, looked at all the corpses lying on the floor. This was the fifth assassination in a single season, and he lost track of how many of his retainers had climbed towering heights.

Trauerqual sometime questioned whether his choice to join in the war was right one, but he soon ignored his hesitation. Bosekalt would never leave his family alone, just by the threat that Trauerqual was also a Royal Prince and had an equal chance to grab the throne, if he could find Grutrissheit.More attacks had been directed to him since the rumor about Rozemyne’s survival spread out. Many among Bosekalt’s faction suspected that Grutrissheit was in the hand of his little niece.

Trauerqual and his scholars did their best to send Ordoschnelli that all the rumours regarding Rozemyne were untrue. How ironic, Klassenberg was the one who insisted Trauerqual join hands with them, yet at the same time they were also the ones casting him doubtful glances because of the gossip.

His scholars suggested that they may relay the news that Trauerqual had previously made a covert visit to Adalfried along with the disputing rumor.

Ah, that meeting about Rozemyne…

Apparently, they were able to make it appear as though Trauerqual had previously discovered Grutrissheit and had handed it to Adalfried. But once again, due to the assassination, the Grutrissheit lost. This partial truth intel could act as the Schutzaria’s shield for both him and Rozemyne, but it would also serve as an indirect confirmation of Rozemyne’s existence. His little Mestionora had faced too many trials from and the last thing he ever wanted was to welcome another one for her.

As it was still not enough troubles for Trauerqual to solve, his head scholar conducted an investigation and found out the rumour originated from Gilessenmeyer – Ralfrieda’s home duchy.

Even worse, his mother sent a secret letter via Hauchletzte expressed her frustruation about Sigiswald and Anastasius’s action toward Rozemyne, as the truth about her parents’ death was revealed. Then, Clementine also sent the new about her recent Geduldh’s burden, which worsen the situation. Thus, as swiftly as Steifebrise, his mother had taken both Rozemyne and Clementine and evacuated to Hauchletzte as she could not trust Gilessenmeyer anymore. These two duchies were the sole power bases for Trauerqual, and now they could not work together.

It took all Trauerqual’s strength to keep himself stay calm and not run to Gilessenmeyer immediately to check on them, because it would be like the confession to the whole country that the rumor was true. Thus, until things appeared to be under control, Trauerqual then arranged a visit Gilessenmeyer with the excuse to assess all the new knights that Aub Gilessenmeyer wished to introduce to be his aids, and for the first time, Trauerqual showed his dismay clearly on his face when reuniting with his first wife.

Aub Gilessenmeyer expressed his regret about the incident, and tried to reassure Trauerqual that it was not Gilessenmeyer who attempted to leak the information. However, this father-in-law of his also received enough blessing from Mestionora to admit that they need to bear some consequences, as a result of their own negligence in defending the duchy.

Through all the conversations, Ralfrieda could not raise her head to look at him. Logically, Trauerqual could understand the reason behind her plan for Sigiswald to court Rozemyne. However, he would never understand how Ralfrieda could be so unthoughtful to reveal such a dreadful truth to such a small child. According to his mother’s letter, Rozemyne was so shocked that she remained bedridden even after arriving at Hauchletzte. Trauerqual could tell his mother’s cries in her letter that after waking up, their little Mestionora seemed to become distant to her, and he doubted if she was ever willing to call him uncle again.

“Aub Gilessenmeyer, I was unable to ignore the damage because it is so severe. However, due to the sensitivity of the leaked information and the continuously wartime, the punishment for Gilessenmeyer will be on hold. I hope that until the war reaches its end, Gilessenmeyer can atone for its faults with the credits on the battlefield.”

Trauerqual called him Aub Gilessenmeyer, not father-in-law. Temporarily, Trauerqual judged that they were not the main culprits, but he could not be indulgent at this point. As for their punishment, it will be decided later, after he consulted with his mother and his uncle. Right now, he still needed Gilessenmeyer’s support, particularly since his children’s safety depended entirely on them.

Before Trauerqual left, he scheduled a visit to meet his sons. His sons were young, so Trauerqual did not ask for anything that would be beyond the capabilities of his sons. However, Trauerqual believed he needed to spend some of his time explaining the circ*mstances to them, the wrongness of their actions, and continued to emphasize the pedigree of Rozemyne. He hoped that his sons could grow up more to become a true Leidenschaft to protect Gedudlh, if Rozemyne agreed to become their sisters one day.

He wondered if his words were a little harsh, as both his child became pale. He once again reminded himself that they were still so young. Both of them looked down embarrassed and awkwardly apologized.

Seeing them understand his words, Trauerqual bid them farewell, as he would need to return to the Sovereignty soon. Little did Trauerqual know that there was a clear resentment in his eldest son’s eyes when he departed.

Just right before Trauerqual prepared to leave, his little son – Anastasius suddenly run to him.

“I… I just want to make friend with her… like mother said…” His little boy was quite scared, “I didn’t mean to hurt her…”

Trauerqual signed, another blunt from Ralfrieda for not explaining clearly to a young kid. “But you have done the harm, Anastasius, that’s why you should explain everything. Your cousin is still sick in bed now. Tell everything in truth, and apology to Rozemyne and your grandmother. I believe they will listen to you if you’re sincere.”

“But… they’re already left.”

“You can… write a letter to them.” Trauerqual recalled that his niece was so energetic to exchange letter, and she told him once that this was a kind of special connection that Waldifried made with her when he was busy and could not come to meet them.

“I… am still learning…”

“Anastasius, Rozemyne can read already, and I am the one who help her write the letter to her parent. Surely, as a big brother, you cannot be left so far behind.” The boy looked down again. Good grief, the education really, really needed to be reconsidered.

“You can ask your retainer to write on your behalf. But you are allowed to let them to be your writer only, to write exactly what you told them. As I said, be genuine, you don’t need to employ any noble euphemism, since your cousin and your grandmother are aware of your ongoing education.”

“Yes, father.”

Anastasius looked a little motivated now. It made Trauerqual realized that maybe he could follow Waldifried example of how to bond with his child while encourage them to seek the blessing of Mestionora.

“I also hope that I can receive the letter from you.”

“Really???” Anastasius now was beaming bright. “So, I can also send a letter to you?”

I should have done it earlier.

“I am indeed very busy, but I will definitely find time to reply to you. And I hope, soon, I can read a letter written by my son’s own hand.”

After a happily farewell with his younger son, Trauerqual quickly depart to the Royal Academy. He needed to ask for some tutors to send here for his sons’ education soon.


It took him more than three months later to secure a chance to go to Hauchletzte with a proper reason. He soon asked for a visit his niece. Her face was guarded more with a perfect noble smile, but it made him feel hurt to see that the little girl who was so openly smile to welcome him may be no more.

“It might take a little time for her to get through all this. You know, she was on guard with me first, but now she became so clingy to me and continuously request a hug from me.”

“That would be nice!” Trauerqual signed.

“Now now, don’t fret my son. There is more important thing that you need to care for. The reason why I want to meet you with your uncle here is… your son.”

“I know what you’re meant to, Mother. They’re still young, and I have some tutors sent from the Royal Academy to Gillesenmeyer to support their education already.”

“That may work with Anastasius, but not Sigiswald. Here!” His mother handed over a beautiful carved box, inside it was a several parchment papers that had been perfectly stored.

Trauerqual observed Anastasius's letters, carefully preserved and treasured by his mother, realizing that the bonding between his son with his mother and Rozemyne had indeed been successful. A smile of contentment crossed his face as he saw the results he had hoped for.

However, once he started reading the letter, he could not hold his frown.

The first letter held no surprises. As Trauerqual had suggested, Anastasius had acted on his advice and sent an apology to Rozemyne and his mother, explained the reason of the sudden meeting in the garden and asked for forgiveness. His words were written so straightforwardly and vividly that Trauerqual could almost envision his little son standing in front of him, speaking in the same tone as they had during their earlier exchange.

But from the second one…

Anastasius first apologized for the late reply due to his struggles with writing. He initially wanted Sigiswald to help him write the letter out of respect since both his grandmother and his cousin Rozemyne wrote their letters themselves. However, Sigiswald was too occupied with his education as the heir, leaving Anastasius without help.Anastasius went on to express his disappointment at the loss of Professor Gernot, who had been reassigned by Ralfrieda to serve as Sigiswald's exclusive tutor. He lamented that he enjoyed Professor Gernot's lessons, finding them more engaging and easier to comprehend than the new instruction he received.

He then recounted how his cousin Aaron had come to his aid. Aaron, who had been recognized as an Honor Student the previous year, was supportive and even attempted to teach Anastasius self-defense with a wooden sword. However, Anastasius’s nanny advised against this, as Aaron was only an apprentice and not a suitable choice as a guard knight. Anastasius revealed his desire for Aaron to become his retainer but noted that Ralfrieda refused, emphasized that Anastasius was too young to seek retainers and that it was her responsibility to choose a more suitable retainer. However, she also had reservations for Aaron to come to Sovereignty but not as Anastasius retainers. This apparent change of heart left Anastasius confused.

Things took an unexpected turn when Anastasius's uncle – the heir of Gilessenmeyer stepped in. He argued that Anastasius would need Gilessenmeyer-native personnel, and he persuaded Anastasius's mother to allow Aaron to become his official aide once he graduated. The heir of Gilessenmeyer was very supportive, as Anastasius continued his letter by mentioning that he had come to check on Anastasius’s education and even practiced Harspiel with him.

The last part of the letter, however, was the source of Trauerqual's frustration. Apparently, Rozemyne had sought the blessing of Cuococalura and successfully created a new sweet using native fruits from Hauchletzte. As expected of Waldifried's daughter, created a new trend even before baptism. Anastasius congratulated Rozemyne on her achievement and asked her to send the new sweet for him to try. In return, he inquired with his uncle about sending Gilessenmeyer-native ingredients to Rozemyne for her experiments, and they planned to discuss it with Aub Hauchletzte to facilitate transportation.

The issue arose when Sigiswald demand to have the sweet for his own and Ralfrieda requested Anastasius to act as Ordoschnelli to send the words to Rozemyne. She wanted the recipe of the new dish to perfect it for Sigiswald. Trauerqual was deeply shocked by the contents of Anastasius's letter. It seemed that Anastasius was experiencing a certain level of neglect from his own mother, which was a distressing revelation. What was even more troubling was the request to Rozemyne from Sigiswald to transfer her credits to him, and to make things more complicated, this request had routed through Anastasius. The situation was turning out to be more intricate and politically charged than Trauerqual had anticipated.

His uncle, Heinrich, finally broke the silence.

"I know Aub Gilessenmeyer; he is a respectable Aub in his own right," Aub Hauchletzte began. "Based on Prince Anastasius's letter, it's clear that the heir of Gilessenmeyer is fulfilling a responsible role in ensuring the well-being of his nephew. Yet, I never expected Lady Ralfrieda, of all people, is the one to deny the blessing of Gebordnung to her own child."

The revelation troubled Trauerqual deeply. It was difficult to fathom why Ralfrieda, who was known for her understandable and supportive characteristics, would withhold such a fundamental blessing from her own child. It left him questioning the dynamics within Gilessenmeyer and how it could impact his sons' upbringing and relationships.

“Trauerqual, my son, I know it may affect both of your sons, but Rozemyne once told me a very suitable sentence here – It is preferable to seek Schutzaria's blessing rather than Heilschmerz’s.”

“Prince Trauerqual, we all know you’re forced to join the war and it was still too soon to talk about this matter, but we have to look at things after the war?” His uncle’s voice became stronger, “If you won, you would be the one holding the highest seat of the sky, the ruler. You must care for your heir right from this moment and let Lady Ralfrieda handle the education in this way is too dangerous. She is an archduke candidate from a middle duchy, she even did not received education to become the third queen like your mother or my daughter Roseliese, how can a mere subordinate educate the future heir who don the Dark cloak of the sky?”

His mother snorted, “Even I cannot be confident to say that, as both I and Roseliese only prepared to become the pillar to the Goddess of Light, not the one dare to wear her crown.”

Trauerqual understood the anger of his mother and uncle, in fact, he was also wary with his sons’ education. In the past, he let Ralfrieda take control of his sons’ education since he believed that was the minimum respect he should give and entrust to Ralfrieda as his First Wife. Even after knowing his sons were behind Rozemyne, he didn’t intent to change their education as he thought the life goal of them were much more different than his niece – the prime candidate for the First Queen position, at least before he was entering the war.

“I, too, was not so fond of my sons’ education. But… if I could really win the war, would it be better if Rozemyne was the one who would serve as my heir? I believe all great duchies would be satisfied with her pedigree more than my sons.”

“And which backing will she get? Hauchletzte?” Uncle Heinrich signed again, “Really, my dear nephew. How many times do I have to remind you that my duchy doesn’t have resources to support Zent?”

“You’re supporting me now!”

“Thanks for the reminder! But our support to you now is unexpected and quite forceful due to the crisis, and soon will be unhelpful once you’re ascending the throne. Things will become worse, with Rozemyne becoming your heir with her current backing, Hauchletzte will be the primary backing of TWO Zents continuously, and all the greater duchies will try their best to devour Hauchletzte alive.” Uncle Heinrich paused, frowning a little, “Furthermore, how can you assure that everyone will support Rozemyne? Her pedigree is higher, but with her being baptized under you, officially she is the same as your sons. And I am repeating one more time for you, the fact that Grutrissheit was lost meant that any royal member had an equal chance to inherit the throne, as long as they acquired the Kingship.”

“She is even more disadvantage to your sons due to her gender.” His mother added, “It will be easier to find a lady from the great duchy for your son to acquire their backing, but it is not easy for Rozemyne to find a suitable match, and her consort must be the one who can replace her role when she carried the Geduldh’s burden. I doubt that any duchy would marry out a such a male candidate like that.”

“I believe there are many talented archduke candidates can be found in those duchies, Mother.”

“So, you’re sure that your son will not follow the whisper of Chaocipher to abandon Gebordnung once more to rob the Mestionora’s wisdom from Rozemyne?”

“Uncle, that is too much. I understand your impression about my sons is not so good, but they’re still not very young. Anastasius is also not yet reaching summer.”

“If you keep letting Lady Ralfrieda educate them, that will be the certain scenario. I can already imagine your son courting a Klassenberg lady and open a war to Rozemyne who will find… well, maybe a Drewanchel candidate. A new war between Klassenberg and Drewanchel, the two major great backing behind you, how fascinating! Now which one you will support?” His uncle smirked in such a pathetic way, suggested a scary future that Trauerqual would never wish to see.

“Klassenberg again, and if they know of Rozemyne’s pedigree, they will try to connect to her by all kind of dirty scheme of them. They may even try to send their candidates to all remaining royal child while baiting them to fight for the throne, not for the royal family but for their power.” His mother raised her voice.

Trauerqual was well aware of his mother's deep-seated resentment towards Klassenberg. As the Third Queen hailing from a middle duchy, she had often been the target of Klassenberg's scrutiny and political maneuvering, despite being shielded from direct political involvement. His mother's frustration stemmed from Klassenberg's relentless efforts to strengthen their blood ties with the Royal Family, particularly through the First Queen, who was Klassenberg's granddaughter.

Klassenberg's attempts to exert influence by pushing further for their connections in the Second and Third Queen positions had been a source of tension and conflict. Trauerqual's mother had faced covert attacks in the form of poisonous gossip and slander at various social events, particularly during tea parties. The situation had escalated when his brother Waldifried, the heir apparent, chose to marry all non-Klassenberg ladies as his wives. The abuses only ceased when his third brother, Adalfried, chose a Klassenberg princess as his Goddess of Light.

“Then do you have any suggestion for me. Mother, Uncle, honestly, I really don’t know what I should do now. Klassenberg is still my main backing in politics and military right now. As much as helpful of Drewanchel, they are newly joining in and I still feel their reluctancy, so I hardly emphasize them above Klassenberg. And I still need Gilessenmeyer’s support. I also promise a light punishment for Rozemyne’s matter if they proved themselves helpful in the war.”

“It is frustrated, but understandable.” His uncle said, “At least the punishment is not forfeited.”

“Then demoting her!”

“What?” Trauerqual was shocked by his mother’s words. “Is it too much, mother?”

“I don’t think so. If Gilessenmeyer helped you in the war, those credits are for all the knights that joined in the war and all the resources that duchy provided. Basically, it is not Ralfrieda’s own credit.” His mother said with such a light tone, “Those credits were only sufficient to address the mistakes made in guarding sensitive information. And don’t forget, Ralfrieda's role as an Erwachlehren to the Royal children was far from satisfactory.”

“That’s right! My little granddaughter is bedridden for nearly a month due to that act of hers.” Uncle Heinrich slammed his fist on the table.

His mother continued with her reasons. “Her act as abandoning Gebordnung and provoke Eisunheird also proves that she is not suitable to wear the crown of Light. This will also help you to welcome the new first lady. All your current ties, especially with Ralfrieda's duchy, were deemed fragile and inadequate for your position after the war. Even Hauchletzte doesn’t have enough political resources to help you, and you will need to acquire the backing from the great duchy, a strong tie one. What is the better way to gain the backing beside marrying a lady from the great duchy?”

“Excellent solution, my dear sister!” His uncle laughed, “And my little Mestionora will need a better mother, a lady who is blessed with Erwachlehren, Anhaltung and Schutzaria.”

Trauerqual recognized the significance of adopting a strategic approach to secure Rozemyne's position as the heir. He understood that entrusting Ralfrieda with this responsibility was no longer a viable option due to her recent actions, and doing so would place Rozemyne in an equal position with his sons, which could be disadvantageous for her given societal norms.

The solution lay in finding another noble mother for Rozemyne, ideally someone from a great duchy. This would resolve the potential gender-based disadvantages and create a secure path for her to become the heir. Even if the new First Lady gave birth to a child in the future, the age gap would be substantial enough to safeguard Rozemyne's position. Trauerqual believed in Rozemyne capability to capture the support from the great duchies. She inherited all good traits from Waldifried – studious, hardworking, and kind.

Trauerqual's only hesitance stemmed from the situation with Clementine. He was overjoyed about her carrying Gedudlh's burden and welcoming a new child, but he felt a deep sense of regret for not being able to fully support her during his time at war. All he could do beside preparing all the filled feystones for her was sending the request to Jossbrenner to let Clementine’s mother travel to Hauchletzte temporarily to support her. It was lucky that the lady was also his aunt, thus making the trip reasonable to the outside world.

Now, he had the difficult task of informing her about Ralfrieda's demotion, which would indirectly affect Clementine's position as well. He couldn't help but feel bitter about Clementine having to bear the consequences of Ralfrieda's actions.

Recognizing Trauerqual's troubled state of mind, his mother wisely refrained from pressing him for more details but advised him to visit Clementine. She understood the complexities of the situation and the emotional burden he was carrying.


It was just more than a year and so many things have changed.

As Trauerqual entered Clementine's room, he was greeted by a heartwarming scene. Rozemyne was sitting with Clementine, reading a story to the child growing in Clementine's belly. Both of them smiled as they saw him, and they began to offer their greetings, which he quickly dismissed. Trauerqual was intrigued by the wooden board in Rozemyne's hand, and he asked to take a closer look.

To his surprise, he discovered that it was a simplified story of the gods. The story presented all the intricate theology knowledge in a summarized, easy-to-read, and easy-to-remember format. It was an excellent way to teach young students about theology, and Trauerqual was deeply impressed with the skills of Rozemyne's scholar. However, his amazement reached new heights when he learned that Rozemyne had written the story herself. Her dedication to learning and her abilities never ceased to astound him.

“Such a wonderful idea! How did you come up with all of this?” Trauerqual asked in awe.

Rozemyne smiled, "Well, Uncle, the theology in the books is quite long and complex. All of my retainers have told me how difficult it was for them to remember all the names and stories of the gods when they were young. And for a baby, it would be even harder to learn from such complex texts."

Trauerqual pointed to Clementine's belly, saying, "You mean the little child growing in Clementine's belly? It seems a bit early, Rozemyne."

Rozemyne shook her head, "No, Uncle, it's not too early. Babies can begin learning even before they are born. It's essential." Her dedication to educating the future generation was evident in her every action. “Here, let me show you.”

Rozemyne extended her small hand and gently patted Clementine's baby bump, speaking playfully to the unborn child, "Hello there, little one. I'm going to be your big sister, and I absolutely love reading! Do you think you'll enjoy my stories too?" Her eyes were filled with anticipation, and the room was filled with warmth.

Trauerqual's smile widened, and he joined in, saying, "Hello, my child! I'm going to be your father. Your big sister is working hard to teach you. You should learn a lot from her, and when I'm away, always listen to your mother." As he finished speaking, he felt a tiny, delicate sensation against his hand. It was the baby in Clementine's belly, a gentle reminder of the new life soon to join their family.

Clementine chuckled, "Surprise, right? I was also surprised from the first, but it seems Rozemyne was right. The more I talked to the baby, the more she responded."

Trauerqual was still surprised but couldn't help but smile and appreciate the special moment. He tried to envision the image of the unborn baby, or as Clementine presumed, their future daughter, and added, "Oh little one, you're already starting to amaze us."

Rozemyne chimed in, sharing her insight, "Well, it must be a girl to be so gentle and well-behaved even in her mother's belly. Don't you think so?"

Clementine added, "It may be a gentle boy like his Father." The family was now cherishing this early connection with their unborn child.

After a little light-hearted talk, Rozemyne turned to Trauerqual and reassured him that she would be the best sister to the new child. Her words filled his heart with happiness and a sense of comfort. Trauerqual was deeply moved by Rozemyne's reassurance and care for the new child, making him feel more at ease about the future. He felt a sense of happiness and gratitude towards his niece. However, he knew that it was time to discuss important matters with Clementine. Trauerqual politely asked Rozemyne to give them some time alone, and with a warm smile, she agreed, knowing that the adults needed their privacy for certain discussions.

Once they had their private moment, Trauerqual broached the difficult subject of Ralfrieda's demotion with Clementine. He expressed his regret for not being by her side during this challenging time, knowing how it would affect her. However, Clementine surprised him with her response.

"My dear Dark God, the awaited challenge is too heavy for both of us, and my deeply apology as I could not give you any helping in anyway, since I was not the one destined to wear the crown of Light nor the one washing away Ewigeliebe to call for Spring. Please do not think it as an unwanted punishment to me, but rather a way to protect our family, now and in the future.”

Clementine's words filled Trauerqual with a profound sense of gratitude for his wife. She understood the weight of the challenges he faced as the expected future ruler and recognized that her role was different. Her willingness to accept her demotion and support their family touched him deeply. He realized that he was fortunate to have such a loving and selfless partner by his side.

Moreover, Clementine expressed her wish to become Rozemyne's baptismal mother if the first lady could not be married inward by the time Rozemyne reached the age of seven. Trauerqual felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that his beloved wife was not only supportive but also had her own dreams and wishes for their family's future.

Trauerqual hugged Clementine tightly, whispering words of love and appreciation for her understanding and support. In that moment, he knew that they would face the challenges ahead as a united and strong family.With a heart filled with gratitude and love, Trauerqual bid his family farewell once again and departed for the Sovereignty to continue his duties in the ongoing war.


As the season of Ewigeliebe approached, Trauerqual found himself in a rather peculiar situation. Ordinarily, he would have been immersed in preparing lessons as a Professor, a role he had not been compelled to relinquish. However, the escalating number of assassinations attempts in his life made it increasingly clear that he needed to prioritize his safety, as well as protect his students from being inadvertently embroiled in the dangerous political climate.

Amidst these unsettling circ*mstances, a glimmer of good news came in the form of Kirschnereit's recent alignment with his faction. This addition bolstered Trauerqual's standing and support network during a time of growing tension.

Despite the challenges he faced, there was some relief that the rumors surrounding Rozemyne's existence had somewhat subsided, at least for the time being. The broader landscape was dominated by the looming war, which had drawn in a substantial majority of the Sovereignty's duchies, with twenty out of twenty-five duchies now entangled in the conflict.

In the midst of this turmoil, Dunkelfelger and Ahrensback remained steadfastly neutral, a position that had been expected given their unique circ*mstances. Trauerqual's scholars had conveyed the complexities of the situation in Ahrensbach, where the First Lady hailed from Drewanchel, the Second Lady from Werkestock, and the Third Lady from the lower-ranked middle duchy of Ehrenfest. Aub Ehrenfest's fragile health had added to the uncertainty, and their declaration of neutrality only exacerbated their predicament. For Ahrensbach, being the sole duchy with an open gate, Trauerqual harbored hopes that they might manage to avoid involvement in the war, preventing the dire consequences that would follow association with the losing side.

As for Dunkelfelger, the country's only military duchy, Trauerqual couldn't deny his wish to secure the strength it could offer. However, he was keenly aware of his position and the limitations of his influence. Despite subtle hints from his scholars about the potential for collaboration with Dunkelfelger, supported by ample rewards should they emerge victorious, the duchy had made their stance resoundingly clear. In their unwavering resolve, Dunkelfelger emphasized their allegiance to the one who possessed the wisdom of Mestionora, setting a high standard for the expectations they placed on their future allies.

In the midst of all these pressing matters, there was yet another significant task looming on Trauerqual's horizon: the mission to secure a suitable First Lady from one of the great duchies. Currently, Drewanchel seemed to be the most promising duchy, given the meritocracy in the duchy’s nature, a significant number of archduke candidates, and, most importantly, their patron was none other than the Goddess of Wisdom, Mestionora.

Trauerqual had envisioned a scene in which his niece Rozemyne would shine in the Royal Academy, and Drewanchel would undoubtedly be enthusiastic just by her appearance alone. This plan had been meticulously discussed in consultation with his Mother and Uncle the previous season and strategized by his scholars, and it had been a driving force behind his focused efforts.

However, as fate would have it, Trauerqual's world was abruptly upended when Lady Magdalena, the young princess of Dunkelfelger, made a shocking and life-threatening attempt on his life with a knife. Trauerqual felt as though the world had come crashing down around him. Dunkelfelger has chosen a side, the war would end with his loss. His family, his followers would be perished. He silently closed his eyes to mourn the losses he had endured, hoping that if they could spare the life of unbaptized child, Anastasius and Rozemyne might have a chance to survive.

But just when he thought things couldn't get any more absurd, he heard a sentence that left him utterly dumbfounded.

"Prince Trauerqual, please give me the bride task!"

Wait, so she is not killing me…

Trauerqual gazed at the young lady, her face radiant and her cheeks slightly flushed, her eyes gleaming with a hopeful anticipation as she awaited his response. He couldn't help but wonder…

Uhm... could someone kindly explain what, precisely, the 'bride task' entails?"


Writing in Trauerqual's SS is actually much more easy than I thought. Because you just need to present the political stuff and then... Trau: Why everything turn out like this? I just want to be a decent Knight Commander and be chilled in teaching kids...

Roz existence create a series of butterfly effects:
1) With Roz, Trau's standard was twisted and he saw how much his sons are behind.
2) The garden incident make Trau's family separated, forcing Trau to visit Giles and found out his sons' education is lacking severely. I believe in canon, since Trau was busy with the war, he entrusted his sons' education + safety to Giles, creating the problem. Even after he found out, it was too late cuz both his sons were completely "formed".
3) Clementine and Third Queen flee to Hauch open a chance for them to survive. In Giles, all the priority would be given to the 2 princes. Which means, if Werke attacked, these two ladies were the most vulnerable. And we all know that Clementine's daughter were kidnapped and killed, while the Third Queen was completely not appeared at all (maybe just retired, or be killed already)

As for Ana, after the first apology letter, Kres and Roz replied that they forgive him, but Dusty and Ralf assumed that they forgive them all. As for Ana's reply, Ralf and Dusty "entrusted" the letter to Ana. Ana really didn't mean to accuse his mom or his brother, he just want to share his life to his family, so unknowingly backstabbing. And this Ana has not met Egg yet, so he is still incorruptible.

Chapter 12: Magdalena – Seeking the grace of Liebeskhilfe


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Magdalena held her position as a princess of the Dunkelfelger family in high regard, viewing it as a prestigious and honorable role. Although not having omni-elements, Magdalena saw herself as more than her brothers, who are obsessed with Ditter. In Magdalena's view, despite of seeking the same grace of Leidenschaft and Angriff like all other member of Dunkelfelger’s archducal house, she saw herself was blessed with Anhaltung, Seheweit, and Mestionora, which set her apart from her male relatives, who she believed did not share the same.

Magdalena often wondered how her mother, who embodied the typical Klassenberg lady, fell in love with her father. She was equally curious about her sister-in-law, who had even embraced the Dunkelfelger way to propose to her brother. While Magdalena always saw Dunkelfelger as her Geduldh, she silently hopes that Sterrat would tie her thread with a man better than her male relatives, a gentle, understanding lord but also firm and a man of act. If Liebeskhilfe really gave her grace to Magdalena, then as a Dunkelfelgerian Lady, she would gather all her strength and obtain what she desired, even at the cost of leaving her Geduldh.

In her second year, Magdalena's life took a dramatic turn during the Interduchy Tournament. While enjoying a tea party with Prince Waldifried's first wife, her sister-in-law Seradina was attacked in a poison assassination attempt. This act of violence was carried out by the First Prince's faction, and the intended victims were Prince Waldifried's household. While her sister-in-law was managed to survive due to being unintentionally involved, she was left in a deep state of unconsciousness in juvere for an unknown period. This unfortunate situation left her unbaptized eldest nephew Ferdinand without proper care and guidance, adding to the already tumultuous and distressing events that had unfolded.

To ensure the safety and well-being of Ferdinand, Magdalena's mother - Celestine, who held the position of the First Lady of Dunkelfelger, made the decision to take him under her care and serve as his temporary guardian. This act was not only to protect Ferdinand but also to reaffirm his position as the heir presumptive within the family. Magdalena welcomed the opportunity to be Ferdinand's Anhaltung and guide him to become a better man than her father and brothers. Her intention was to provide him with the guidance and support he needed to grow into a capable and responsible individual as a future leader of the Dunkelfelger family.

Magdalena's plans were quickly disrupted by the remarkable qualities of her nephew. Unlike the typical Dunkelfelger men who were loved solely by Angriff, Ferdinand displayed exceptional competence and talent at a very young age. He excelled in a wide range of subjects, from literacy to music, and Magdalena observed her mother beaming with pride as she proudly extolled her beloved grandson's virtues. While Magdalena harbored concerns that Ferdinand's abilities were leaning more towards scholarship, her brother Werdekraf proudly praised his swordsmanship skills. Upon visiting the training ground for unbaptized children, Magdalena was astounded by what she witnessed. Ferdinand had an astute understanding of his strengths and weaknesses, prioritizing agility over brute strength. This tactical approach allowed him to secure victory after victory in training duels, earning the cheers and admiration of all the tutors and spectators present.

However, Magdalena was not satisfied with Ferdinand’s demeanor. Despite being unbaptized at the time, he showed a cold and distant attitude. Magdalena noted that her nephew, Ferdinand, displayed a strong work ethic and was diligent in his training. He set high standards for himself and expected the same from the other boys at the training ground. However, despite his dedication to his tasks, he rarely engaged in personal interactions or socialization with his peers. Magdalena's concerns stemmed from the fact that Dunkelfelger traditions allowed unbaptized children from archducal families and close cadets to come together in the training grounds before reaching the age of 7. The main purpose of this practice was to enable these young individuals to interact and develop their socialization skills, which were considered vital. Many Dunkelfelger men were known to lack common social skills in noble society due to their abundant blessing of Angriff, which was why this early training in socialization was encouraged.

When Magdalena tried to address her concerns with Ferdinand, he appeared to disregard her words completely and continued on his own path. This behavior left her feeling infuriated. Such an arrogant boy! Magdalena was determined to teach him a valuable lesson to make him understand that he was not as exceptional as he believed himself to be.

One day, Magdalena, upon seeing her nephew practicing the non-mana version of Gewinnen alone, took the initiative to offer herself as his training partner. She sought approval from her mother, Celestine, who agreed with the idea. It seemed her mother also believed that Ferdinand could gain valuable insights and skills by learning the game from Magdalena, who had already proven her prowess by defeating her elder brothers even before enrolling at the Royal Academy.

However, to her astonishment, Magdalena found herself losing in a game that she had always been proud of.

How could this be possible?

The harsh truth was right in front of her eyes. Despite all the possible excuses Magdalena could think of, the reality was that Ferdinand defeated her by using an unscrupulous strategy, making the game become so unpredictable.

"Who taught you this? How could you resort to such an unethical way of fighting?" Magdalena questioned, her disbelief and concern evident in her words.

Ferdinand calmly responded, "Aunt Magdalena, if you believe my approach is incorrect, could you kindly point out which rule I have violated in the game?" Magdalena found herself unable to identify any specific rule that he had broken, as Ferdinand had indeed adhered to all the game's rules.

Magdalena stood firm with her opinion, "A true child of Leidenschaft should seek chivalry, honor, and passion, not resort to dirty tricks."

Ferdinand snorted, "Gewinnen is a miniature game of Ditter, and if I recall correctly, to raise the toast of Vantole in the end, we must embrace Brennwarme, seek Anhaltung and Mestionora, undergo the trials of Glucklitat to receive Anwachs' blessing to wield the spear of Leidenschaft and beckon the flame of Angriff. I see no limitations in any of those that prevent me from earning the grace of Seheweit to claim the treasure I desire."

Ferdinand's response reflected the teachings typical of Dunkelfelger culture: seeking knowledge, facing challenges to grow, and gathering strength for the battle while always preparing for changing tactics and seizing even the slightest chance to obtain the desired result. Despite the unease Magdalena felt due to his cold demeanor, she couldn't voice the same concerns within her family.

After learning of Ferdinand's answer, her father and brothers went bragging about Ferdinand with pride while continuing to encourage his attitude. Her mother and the Second Lady even expressed their joy in having such a rare gem within the archducal family.

Ferdinand truly stood out as an exceptional child, blessed by multiple gods and embracing qualities that defined the typical Dunkelfelger stereotypes. He inherited Dunkelfelger traits but didn't exhibit the same obsessions with Ditter or the fiery nature of Brennwarme that were characteristic of most Dunkelfelgerian men. Instead, he carried the grace of Verfuhremeer, which typically associated with ladies in this land, and Magdalena couldn't help but observe how Ferdinand had effectively established his authority over the boys in the training ground, all while maintaining his own unique blessing of Schneeahst.

He was still in early spring and just lost his Wiegenmilch’s protection. It was understandable that he could still be easily lost in Schlaftraum’s realm while receiving the praise of Erwachlehren.

As Ferdinand approached his summer, he would need to seek Seheweit's guidance and Duldsetzen's protection to undergo Answach, a crucial rite before assuming the highest seat in the land of fire. Magdalena was more than willing to act as his Anhaltung, ensuring that she would advise him to prepare for the future. She believed that, given his exceptional nature, Ferdinand would not be unwise to turn down the opportunity to receive her counsel.

However, Magdalena didn't have much time to worry more about her peculiar nephew, as her parents had just decided her marriage.

Magdalena's mother, Celestine, couldn't help but sign in relief about the fortunate timing of her brother Werdekraf's completed marriage. She then revealed a hidden twist in his romantic history. Initially, brother Werdekraf had intended to court a princess from Werkestock. It didn’t mean that he could not find his match in other greate duchies. This arrangement was based on his high mana quantity and his desire to secure an omni-colour wife to ensure the future of his heir. However, due to her mother had already been hailed from Klasssenberg and the limited number of ladies that possessed all the quality that Dunkelfelger desired, the princess from Werkestock stood out as the ideal choice, and that planned partner was five years younger than him.

The unexpected twist came when princess Seradina, Magdalena's sister-in-law, successfully flamed a heat in Werdekraf’s heart. Had it not been for her efforts, with this ongoing royal feud, Werdekraf would have to cancel his match. In this alternate scenario, Sieglinde, a planned Second Lady, would have been promoted to the position of First Lady. While Magdalena might not have a good impression about Ferdinand’s characteristics, but she held her sister-in-law Seradina in high regard. Additionally, she had high expectations for her somewhat annoying nephew, thus Magdalena could understand the feeling of relief in her mother.

However, Magdalena couldn't hide her disappointment when it came to her own planned marriage. In fact, Magdalene had found the Dark God in her heart, yet she wouldn’t dare to confess her feeling due to this royal feud.The man who had sprouted a beautiful rafel in Magdalena's heart was none other than Trauerqual, the youngest prince of Zent. The sparks of Brennwarme flew when Magdalena witnessed Bluanfa's mesmerizing dance during her third year in the class of archduke candidate courses. Trauerqual was a true gentleman and a highly supportive Erwachlehren, though he possessed a strong sense of determination that left a deep impression on her.

Magdalena distinctly remembered the first time she mustered the courage to initiate a conversation with him. Her heart raced as she listened to his calm, soothing voice responding to her questions. It was as if her heart was pounding like a feystone under a hammer, and every chance to witness him training with the professors and Sovereignty knights left her in a daze. Trauerqual was being trained to become the future Sovereignty Knight Commander, a role that came with great honor as a prominent sword in the future Royal Family.

However, due to the continuous political feud, Magdalena was arranged with a match with Heissh*tze, a ditter-head famous cousin of her as the future husband. Upon Werdekraf's ascension to the Aubseat, the current Knight Commander would retire alongside her father. He had already recommended Heissh*tze as the vice-commander, securing a high-ranking position for the soon-to-be graduate. The logic behind matching her with Heissh*tze was sound, considering that all her half-brothers had married, and there were no other talented archduke candidates available to capture Dunkelfelger's attention. Heissh*tze, as an honored student for many years, appeared to be the best choice for Magdalena. She was even offered a chance to keep her archduke candidate status after marriage.

While she couldn't deny Heissh*tze's merits as a fine knight, and his immense potential to become the future Knight Commander, she felt very displeased with this match, as she had emphasized many times with her parents about her wish for her future Dark God. Whenever Magdalena dwelled on these thoughts, she couldn't help but dream of becoming the First Lady of the Knight Commander, but in Sovereignty, rather than her duchy Dunkelfelger.

Magdalena was not one to give up easily. She followed Dunkelfelger's teachings and patiently awaited an opportunity to weave her thread in Liebeskhilfe's hand. From her intelligence gathering, she had learned that Prince Trauerqual maintained a certain distance from the ongoing dispute and seemed to be confirming his neutral stance, which meant he posed no threat to either side. Thus, with some luck from Greifechan, there was a possibility that Trauerqual could still be granted the position of Knight Commander once the new ruler of Zent was crowned. Magdalena saw this as a chance to rebuild the relationship between her family and the Royal Family after declaring neutrality. In her heart, she envisioned a bright future awaiting her and believed that her parents would not oppose her following her heart's desire while still bringing the benefits for Dunkelfelger.

However, one concern lingered in her mind – the current wives of Trauerqual. Given her noble pedigree, Magdalena would be a suitable First Lady, but the first two ladies in Trauerqual's household had committed no wrongdoing to deserve demotion. Moreover, she had heard that Trauerqual had already fathered an heir, and one of his marriages had been a love match. This raised the question of whether her parents would accept her as the Third Lady, given the less honorable position that entailed for the princess of the great duchy. Magdalena began to consider various scenarios, weighing her options carefully.

By the time Magdalena reached her fourth year, the royal dispute had escalated into a full-blown civil war. All three elder princes and their families had climbed the towering height in the conflict, and the feud now involved nearly twenty duchies. Dunkelfelger, proud as the Sword of Zent, had chosen to remain neutral in the midst of this turmoil, but Magdalena could not ignore that declaration anymore, as now Prince Trauerqual had been dragged into his family feud to survive and protect those opposing his tyrannical brother.

Magdalena's infrequent meetings with Trauerqual left her feeling disheartened. The strain of the ongoing conflict was visible on the prince, and it was evident that the attempted attacks and the ensuing chaos kept him exceptionally busy. Nevertheless, Prince Trauerqual still managed to send his regards to her and her fellow classmates. He advised them to take good care of themselves and wished for their safety while they stayed at the Royal Academy. Magdalena couldn't help but admire his nobility.

As the war dragged on into her fifth year, there were no signs of it coming to an end. Dunkelfelger remained resolute in their declaration of neutrality, extending the duration of the dispute. The longer this conflict endured, the more distressed Magdalena felt about her family's stance.

She had been taught to honor the choice of the knight, to choose their own master, and to serve the one they had chosen. As the Sword of Zent, shouldn't Dunkelfelger, among all the duchies, be the one to select the best leader for Yurgenschmidt? Shouldn't they be choosing the master to whom all the duchies should serve? However, when she expressed her concerns to her parents, her father, the Aub of Dunkelfelger, dismissed her ideas and reiterated the importance of Grutrissheit. While Grutrissheit was indeed the Kingship, to Magdalena, it was seen as merely a magical tool, as she believed that the current princes couldn't locate it because they were embroiled in the ongoing war. Magdalena was certain that once the war ended, the royal family would have more time to search and locate the Grutrissheit, ultimately securing the peace that everyone had been waiting for. Magdalena even tried to spark her brother's interest in the matter by bringing up the incident involving her sister-in-law, Seradina. However, she received nothing more than a disdainful snort and an angry glare from him.

Magdalena couldn't help but feel sorry for Seradina. It seemed that her brother, Werdekraf, did not value her as much as he should. Magdalena herself pondered on how she would react if her beloved Geduldh had been attacked like that. She was convinced that she wouldn't hesitate to seek the power of Ewigeliebe to avenge her Geduldh, unlike her brother's indifference toward Seradina's ordeal.

In her fifth year at the Royal Academy, Magdalena decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. While she strongly disliked the idea of marrying a ditter-head like Heissh*tze, she didn't want to sabotage his chances so severely that he would be left without an escort for his graduation ceremony.That ditter-obssessed man would be fine with any Dunkelfelgerian lady. The timing for Magdalena's action seemed fitting, considering her family's circ*mstances. Ferdinand had been baptized just this spring and had already started ahead with his impressive performance during the winter debut. Lady Sieglinde, the second lady of Werdekraf, had also successfully completed her second childbirth and was preparing to return to social life. Even her eldest brother, Eberhard, had been blessed with two healthy sons. Essentially, the next generation of the archducal family seemed to be halfway secured, making it an opportune moment to seek the blessing of Angriff.

Therefore, once Magdalena arrived at the Royal Academy, she instructed her scholars to clear her schedule. Her plan was to arrange a meeting with Prince Trauerqual at his villa, knowing that he would have been there for at least a week after the Gathering. Prince Trauerqual's commitment to exchanging information about the archduke candidate course was one more testament to his responsibility and dedication as an Erwachlehren, even if he was forced to leave that post. When the meeting was secured, Magdalena took advantage of his preparation to sit down and used a trick she had heard from her sister-in-law, a peculiar magical tool engraved with the "waschen" spell to clean tea stains from the floor. However, this tool had a dual purpose; it could be used to trip even a strong and sturdy Dunkelfelger knight if they were careless.

Magdalena seized the opportunity and called for her “messer”. It was at that moment that she boldly asked the question that she had longed to try:

" Prince Trauerqual, please give me the bride task!"

In that thrilling and unexpected moment, Magdalena felt that her wish had come true.


The joyous feeling continued to consume Magdalena even when she was summoned back to Dunkelfelger for an explanation regarding her bold request. As she made her way to the meeting room, she was stopped by her nephew, Ferdinand, who appeared to be waiting for her. For some reason, Magdalena felt that Ferdinand's already cold demeanor had become even more severe, and his childish voice felt oddly intimidating, sending a chill down her spine.

Ferdinand questioned her, "So, you've chosen to ignore Anhaltung and follow the whispers of Bluanfa to force Leidenschaft to wield his spear against Gebordnung?" Magdalena was taken aback by how Ferdinand seemed to know about her intention. She realized that it had to be from his head attendant, Justus, who was also a highly competent scholar that had been specifically recruited by her sister-in-law when she married into the Dunkelfelger family. If it weren't for Ferdinand's clear opposition, Magdalena would have spent more time praising Justus for his skills.

She defended her choice “I shall act as Anhaltung once more to all the children of the Land of Fire. While my decision is indeed for the dance of Bluanfa, it also serves as a mean to restore Gebordnung in Erwaermen's garden by granting the grace of Verfuhremeer over the fight between Brennwarme and Elpberg. It was the duty of Leidenschaft to quell the excessive flames of Angriff, and I also believed that the God of Fire should be the first to face Chaocipher, especially for the sake of his mother, the Goddess of Light.”

Ferdinand simply replied, "I see," and then turned away without offering a farewell. Before that moment, for the first time, Magdalena saw Ferdinand smile at her. It was a breathtaking, dazzling smile that could beguile most ladies once he grow up, she thought. However, something about that smile made her uneasy, as her instincts told her it was unnatural.

Magdalena was relieved that he didn't seem completely devoid of Anhaltung, unlike his father. She continued on to the meeting room, but the sense of wariness still lingered within her.


Mini fun-story

(not related to the main story, just for fun, I swear ^^)

Aub Hauch: Woa... nephew, just one season and you already got yourself a first queen candidate! Impressive! A princess from first ranked duchy, and even from their First Lady!

Trau: I...I... realy don't know, uncle! I swear I have not done anything. She just... Dunkeldon me...

Aub Hauch: What is Dunkeldon? Whatever, thing will be good now! We catch Dunkelfelger in our side!

Mag: Don't worry Prince Trauerqual! For the peace of Yurgenschmidt, I have oppose my whole family to be sided with you. Now, with our match, Dunkelfelger will have to support you to end this war!

Aub Hauch & Trau:...

Mag: And please tell your First Lady that she need no worry. I am not intent to break the peace in your family. I am willing to be your third wife, so the inheritance order of your family will be no change. I will be absence completely from the politic so your first wife and your sons would feel no threat from me. And I can be your escort knight too!

Aub Hauch & Trau:...

Dunkel *angry* How could you do that, Lady Mag??? Make us support the Wisdomless Zent and even submit yourself as a subordinate to a middle duchy lady???

Mag & Dunkel started quarrel...

Aub Hauch: I think we have a big problem now... Little sister!!!! HELP!!!!

Trau: My head....


Writing Mag's POV also very easy... Just keep thinking as "I am not wrong, I am always right, the men in my duchy are all ditter-heads and I am above them!!!"

I suggest that in the situation with no Ferdie in Ehrenfest, no talented ADC enough to catch the eye of Dunkel. Ferdie was chosen to be Mag's match because of (1) his hidden royal identity, (2) his outstandard talent and (3) his ADC status from the neutral duchy. The only neutral duchies in canon at that time were Dunkelfelger, Ahrensbach, Ehrenfest, and Losrenger. In the situation of no Ferdie, I don't think Ehrenfest and Losrenger could produce a good son-in-law in Dunkel's standard. Ahrensbach may have the sons from the Second Lady, but since she is from Werkestock, thus it will be difficult choice. So the safest way in no-Ferdie situation is marry Mag inside Dunkel, and the most suitable one are either her half-brothers or the best archnoble (like Hannelore's situation). So, with Heissh*tze's pedigree is high enough and the age is also match, he is the most suitable choice for Mag politically.

Chapter 13: Celestine – The true Dunkelfelgerian Lady


This chapter was written with INCORRECT untranslated source, so it is NON-CANON compliant. Please read with care and control your emotion!

Chapter Text

Celestine, the esteemed First Lady of Dunkelfelger, gazed out of the grand window of the castle. She couldn't help but feel a profound sense of pity for her daughter-in-law, Seradina. The recent assassination attempt had taken a toll on the young lady, leaving her deeply immersed in juvere for an unknown period. Celestine couldn't imagine what would happen to the archducal house if, one day, Dauerleben and Heilschmerz gave up on Seradina, leaving her eldest grandson under no care.

In light of the recent incident, Sieglinde had stepped in to manage both her own duties and those originally assigned to Seradina. The Second Wife was meant to assist the First Wife, but placing too much power in the hands of a lesser wife for an extended period could be precarious. While Seradina had displayed her own talents upon her arrival, her extended absence due to the difficulties surrounding Ferdinand's birth and the subsequent attack had caused her to neglect her First Wife's duties. Traditionally, the title of First Lady was typically granted to a lady from a foreign duchy, often one from a great duchy like Celestine herself or a collateral princess like Seradina. Conversely, the Second Lady hailed from a Dunkelfelger branch family. This practice extended to all potential heir candidates, and their second wife candidates were meticulously chosen during their baptism to undergo the training required to become future Second Ladies. After their Starbinding, the First Wife and Second Wife would establish their own factions while also inheriting parts of their respective predecessor faction.

In reality, Celestine had already begun transferring some of young members in her faction to Seradina, and she believed that the Second Lady Millicent, had initiated a similar transfer to strengthen her successor influence. However, Seradina's prolonged absence forced Celestine to take Sieglinde under her wing for temporary training, resulting in some Dunkelfelger families from her faction shifting their allegiances to Sieglinde's side. Officially, Seradina would always maintain the title of First Wife, and even after Werdekraf became Aub, the title of First Lady would remain unchanged. However, the practical aspects of the role were in jeopardy.

If Seradina continued to slumber in juvere as she had been, Celestine faced a tough decision. She might need to transfer her faction to Sieglinde upon her retirement, leaving Ferdinand and Seradina without a faction to protect their interests within Dunkelfelger until Ferdinand could establish his own. In her heart, Celestine knew she was biased, but Ferdinand was her firstborn grandson, and she was particularly close to him compared to the daughter of Eberhard. Her maternal instincts couldn't help but worry about his fate. While Ferdinand possessed unique talents, he differed significantly from the typical Dunkelfelgerian. The ladies in their society may have found his distinctiveness refreshing, as they occasionally grew weary of the overwhelming blessings of Brennwarme and Angriff present in Dunkelfelgerian men. However, leading a duchy like Dunkelfelger required more than just talent. Her own children were prime examples: Werdekraf was chosen as the heir for his charisma and talent, but if she had to choose between Eberhard and Magdalena, she believed most people would prefer Eberhard due to his charisma and his adherence to typical Dunkelfelger culture.

As for Magdalena, while undeniably talented, her sometimes blunt distaste for Dunkelfelger culture would likely limit the number of supporters for her to be the heiress. If Sieglinde's son, Lestilaut, exhibited more Dunkelfelger traits, the voice to support him as heir would likely grow stronger. As an exceptionally competent archduke candidate with a minor faction of his own, Ferdinand would need to decide whether to act as a subordinate to Lestilaut or seek a different path, such as becoming the son-in-law of a female heir from a great duchy. The choices that lay ahead were complex and filled with uncertainty, causing Celestine's concern for her family's future to deepen.

As Celestine watched Ferdinand, her precious grandson, practicing Harspiel in the courtyard, she was filled with a complex blend of emotions. The child was extraordinary in every way, showing remarkable talent at a young age. Ferdinand possessed excellent skills in various subjects, and his competence was astounding, as the union of all the great bloodline in this country. The Gods seemed to love him, as they showered him with many blessings, and he seemed destined for greatness.

However, there was one aspect where Celestine felt the need to be strict – his emotional expression and communication style.

In Dunkelfelger society, the riches in blessings of Angriff and Brennwarme often led to an abundance of forthrightness and sometimes a certain degree of what others might perceive as ditter-headedness among the men. It was a cultural trait that forced you to abandon Grammaratur to put some common sense to their head. Dunkelfelger men tended to prioritize action over open dialogue, making it difficult to have normal heart-to-heart conversations with them without being involved in all kinds of Ditter.

Ferdinand, however, displayed a different demeanour. He was well-guarded in both his thoughts and feelings, a remarkable quality that set him apart. His beautiful smile concealed much beneath the surface, and he carried himself with a noble grace that would have made Celestine praise him fervently if he was a Royal prince or a Klassenberg archduke candidate. But Ferdinand was, first and foremost, a Dunkelfelgerian lord in the making.

"Ferdinand," she began, "while your mother, your close attendants, and I can understand the anger behind your smile, only a limited number of people in Dunkelfelger can truly grasp that smile of yours. For all the goodness, please stop smiling and express your concerns directly."

The boy stiffened, nodding in understanding. "Yes, grandmother."

Celestine was unyielding. "Don't just say 'yes.' You need to act upon this, Ferdinand. And Justus, it's important that you cease your giggling and do your best to help educate your lord about this matter."

In private conversations with Ferdinand, she would gently emphasize the importance of finding the right balance between his noble demeanor and the directness expected of a Dunkelfelgerian leader. She knew that his talents were boundless, and with proper guidance, he could flourish not only as a lord but as a wise, compassionate leader who could navigate the complexities of their society while honouring the values that the Dunkelfelger family held dear.

As Ferdinand grew older, he began to question the strange behaviour of his aunt, Magdalena. One day, as he practiced his writing, he turned to his grandmother, concern etched on his young face.

"Grandmother," he began hesitantly, "Aunt Magdalena has been acting so different lately. She's so eager to learn about the royal’s feud and takes on matters that don't concern her. Maybe you should talk to her more."

Celestine turned her attention to her grandson and smiled gently. "My dear Ferdinand, your aunt Magdalena is a proud Dunkelfelger lady. She's always had a strong sense of justice and duty. She believes in the values of our family and is determined to uphold them."

Ferdinand furrowed his brow, still puzzled. "But isn't she going too far, Grandmother? Grandfather has claimed Dunkelfelger to be neutral, so Aunt Magdalena should just focus on her academic life at the Royal Academy and nothing more. Her behaviour worries me when she keeps encouraging everyone to take a look about the war and factions, especially now that the Fifth Prince has joined the conflict."

Celestine sighed, her eyes filled with maternal concern. "It's true that your aunt's actions might appear extreme at times, but I believe she will see the bigger picture. Magdalena just wants to ensure the prosperity and safety of our land. I have faith that she knows what she's doing."

Ferdinand wasn't entirely convinced, but he seemed to trust his grandmother's wisdom. "I hope you're right, Grandmother."

As Celestine watched her grandson's serious expression, she couldn't help but reassure him. "Well, Ferdinand," Celestine began, "if it would make you feel better, I will arrange a tea party with Magdalena. However, I hope that until everything is clear, you won't jump to conclusions in front of your aunt, as this may lead to unwanted disputes between you two."

Celestine was genuinely worried about the engagement her daughter, Magdalena, had been placed into, knowing that Magdalena held reservations about it. Both her brothers were fortunate enough to marry the lady they desired, but circ*mstances had forced Magdalena into an uninterest match in her opinion. However, she had faith that her daughter, a proud Dunkelfelger lady, could navigate the complex web of family and duty. Heissh*tze was not a bad boy. Celestine believed that Magdalena would soon come to appreciate the beauty of sincerity and straightforwardness hidden behind the boisterous characteristics of Dunkelfelger men, just as Celestine had before.

However, Celestine didn’t have a chance to have a tea party with her daughter because she received the shocking news that Magdalena had proposed a Bride Task to the Fifth Prince, Trauerqual.

All her faith in Magdalena was shattered.

In the castle’s meeting room, Wenceslaus shouted angrily, "Don't tell me that you don't understand the severity of your actions! Everyone knows that these two princes are trying to gain our power on their side. For all these years, we've had to terminate nearly every connection with other duchies to maintain our position as the Sword of Zent. And now, after securing a good engagement that could save you from being used as a prize for their claws, you propose a prince as a princess from the Land of Leidenschaft?"

Opposed to Wenceslaus's anger, Magdalena appeared determined and calm. However, Celestine couldn't help but notice that her daughter's hands were tightly clenched within her sleeves.

"I understand that all of you oppose my decision, but I believe it's for the greater good," Magdalena began. "It has been quite a time since the day Prince Waldifried ascended the towering height and the Wisdom was lost. The border gate has been closed ever since, no more interduchy communication, no conferences, no trading. This war has escalated too far, and there's no sign of it ending. But with our power, Dunkelfelger's power, we could help bring an end to this war and restore peace to Yurgenschmidt. To enter the war, a marriage is necessary. Compared to the Fourth Prince, the Fifth Prince is a better choice since he is not a power climbing but was forced into the war, and he is also leading all the duchies that formerly belongs the Second and Third Prince’s faction – the former heir of the country. That's why..."

"So you're admitting that all your actions are driven by the call of Bluanfa rather than the summon of Gebordnung?"

Celestine had finally caught the hint in Magdalena's statement. When discussing the Fifth Prince, Magdalena's voice had softened, and the way she explained the reason for choosing him sounded more emotional than rational.

Celestine couldn't help but think that Prince Trauerqual had been chosen as the Professor of the Archduke candidate course before the civil war even began. This likely meant that Bluanfa had dance between Magdalena and that Prince at the Royal Academy. She recalled Ferdinand expressing concern over Magdalena's peculiar behavior and how she had tried to ignite everyone's interest in Dunkelfelger's neutral stance.

Her daughter had been meticulously preparing everything in silence, waiting for the right moment to reveal her decisions. While Magdalena's loyalty to Dunkelfelger's traditions was commendable, the results of her actions were turning out to be less than ideal.

"It's not just a rafel of mine, but it's for the peace of the country. We, as the kin of Fire, are proud as the Sword of Zent. It must be us, the children of Leidenschaft, who stand up as Verdraos to banish Chaocipher, cool down the flames of Angriff, and restore the land under the grace of Gebordnung."

"You talk so much about us being the Sword of Zent. Should I remind you that none of the princes, not even your beloved, were chosen by the Gods?" Werdekraf stared at Magdalena, his fist clenched, and its pressure weighed heavily on the table as it started cracking. His anger was evident, and it felt like a silent Elpberg was about to erupt.

"That's because the war has been prolonged!" Magdalena raised her voice. "As long as the war ends, Prince Trauerqual will have time to seek for the Wisdom. Everything will return to normal."

"And what if Prince Trauerqual can't? Are you asking all of us, the Dunkelfelger archducal house, who were educated as the true supporters of the Zent who were bestowed the Wisdom, to stand up and fight for a Prince without the Kingship?" This time it was Eberhard, and he didn’t care anything about his noble demeanor anymore. "And what if, after we follow the Fifth Prince, Prince Bosekalt finds the Wisdom by himself? Then you will have condemned all Dunkelfelger to the worst punishment as betrayers of the true Zent!"

"Prince Bosekalt will never find the Wisdom! He was educated to be a minister, and he is brutal and ruthless. Such a person cannot be a good leader!" Magdalena argued.

"Then will Prince Trauerqual be able to do this? Need I remind you that he was also educated as a minister?" Eberhard retorted.

"But he is so much better than Prince Bosekalt!"

"You're talking like this because you're blinded by your rafel!"

"Brother! You're talking like I'm lacking Seheweit severely when I'm merely following the guidance of Anhaltung! I sought peace through my marriage with the help of Dunkelfelger's tradition!"

"No! You are abusing our sacred tradition!"



"Enough!!!" Wenceslaus slammed his fist on the table, finally crushing it. "Everyone, except Celestine and Werdekraf, leave this room now!"

"Father! I understand you're angry, but please do not forsake Anhaltung. We should..."

"Magdalena!" Wenceslaus's eyes shimmered with a rainbow of emotions. "Leave now, while I still see you as my daughter!"

That sentence was enough to shut Magdalena down.

Once they had their private moment under the sound barrier, Celestine could not hold her calm anymore.

"Children are usually more sensitive than anyone," Celestine admitted, covering her face in shame for her daughter's fault. "Ferdinand once expressed his concern about Magdalena's strange behavior, yet I thought he just overreacting. I should have looked after her more and stopped her before her wrong commitment."

"It was not your fault, mother. She also came to me many times to encourage me to get revenge for my family. I should have known better..." Werdekraf sighed. "Magdalena was not wrong about the inconvenience of the prolonged war. But the problem is not as simple as she thought. If we could join any faction, we wouldn't have to wait until now."

Celestine understood her son's point. When Zent established a new foundation magic, the first Aub of each territory decided how to proceed. Therefore, there must be variations among the duchies. As one of the only two remaining founding duchies, Dunkelfelger's ancestors had devised a unique way to protect the foundation while remaining true to their duchy's creed.

The Vow of Leidenschaft.

It was a secret known only to the Aub, their heirs, and in some rare cases, First Ladies, depending on special circ*mstances. Celestine had learned of it from her husband, while Seradina had discovered it on her own. Essentially, to access the foundation, candidates needed to swear an oath to Leidenschaft, the God of Fire, that they will protect the country and pledge to serve as the Sword of Zent who would possess the Wisdom.

As the current Aub of Dunkelfelger, who had sworn an oath to Leidenschaft, he couldn't choose a side of any prince who didn't possess Grutissheit.

Magdalena, did you know that you just condemned your father to be burned alive by breaking the sacred oath?

Celestine understood that Magdalena didn't know about the vow, but she still felt resentful when thinking of Magdalena's decision and its consequences. "Magdalena just gave the Fifth Prince the best reason to court us, and the one in the advantageous position is him. Once Magdalena finishes the bride task and marries him, even if Dunkelfelger declared neutrality, no one would believe it."

"At least Werdekraf still hasn't sworn the oath," Wenceslaus said, turning to their heir, “You could start recruiting and preparing for the real ditter! From now on, everything belonging to outside duchies will be handled directly by you, as I will withdraw myself from politics.”

“Father! Is it too soon?”

“Things will move faster than we thought!” Wenceslaus added, “After confirming the result of Magdalena’s bride task, I will announce my retirement, making way for you to lead the duchy better as Aub, but I will still keep the foundation secret, saving you from making the vow. Only after the feud is settled, Dunkelfelger can withdraw from factions to be neutral again, then you can go claim the treasure.”

“Yes, father!”

“Celestine!” Wenceslaus now turned to me, “I’m so sorry for the suddenness, but you may proceed with the faction transfer to Werdekraf and Sieglinde.”

“Then… Ferdinand…”

“It was unfortunate, but since Seradina has not yet woken up, it will be Sieglinde who needs to step up for the power in this difficult time. I will spare some of my retainers to Ferdinand to start building his faction for protection, and you are also free to do so, Celestine. In the worst situation, we could still adopt Ferdinand to assure his standing in the family.”

That…is indeed a best way we can do right now.

After the meeting, Celestine was not going back to her room, but went to the eastern building. That building was originally reserved for the retired archducal couple, and would become Celestine and Wenceslaus’s living building soon. After the incident 3 years ago, they had chosen a room there as the place for Seradina’s treatment, as it was too urgent to go back to Werdekraf’s estate to set up the room. Celestine stepped into the dimly lit room, the air filled with a mixture of anxiety and hope. Her daughter-in-law had been left unconscious like this ever since the assassination attempt. Ferdinand, her beloved grandson, sat quietly beside Seradina, his eyes locked on her as if wanting her to awaken. She knew the boy had struggled with the situation, witnessing his mother's pain and the uncertainty that hung in the air. Ferdinand had grown in many ways, both in maturity and understanding, throughout this ordeal.

Celestine softly approached him, her eyes fixed on Seradina. The first lady of Dunkelfelger could hardly bear the thought of her daughter-in-law's fate, unable to wake from her slumber, and her young grandson left unbaptized, deprived of his mother's presence. Thus, in her own way, Celestine had taken Ferdinand under her care. Of course, it was also due to her other daughter-in-law Sieglinde being busy with her one-year-old son Lestilaut. And by keeping Ferdinand with Celestine, they could allow Ferdinand to visit his mother once a week, a delicate balance between providing comfort and sparing him the pain of seeing his mother in such a state.

She knelt down beside the bed and silently prayed for Seradina's recovery, hoping that she would have the strength to continue fighting for her son and her family.

Ferdinand, unable to contain his curiosity, finally spoke up, breaking the somber silence that had enveloped the room. "Grandmother, what happened during the meeting today?"

Celestine sighed, her heart heavy with the knowledge of the bitter results that awaited their family. "The meeting was not good, Ferdinand. It seems that Glucklitat's trials have taken a toll on all of us, and there's no easy way out."

Ferdinand frowned, concern etched in his young features. "So, Lady Magdalena still insisted on forcing Leidenschaft to wield the spear while holding the Schutzaria’s shield not to protect the true Goddess of Light but for her Erwachlehren.”

Celestine was struck by her grandson's insight and the maturity that he displayed. She had always known that he was intelligent, but he had grown even wiser in the face of adversity. "You are right, my dear. It was a shame of mine as the one wearing the crown in the land of Fire, to be failed as her Anhaltung. And as its consequence, the archducal family must carry the flame of Angriff to seek for the God of Darkness even when it seems to join hand with Chaocipher.”

Celestine took a deep breath and began to explain in detail the outcomes of the meeting. She talked about how his grandparents, including her husband, Wenceslaus, would soon retire from political matters, moving their residence to this building. This meant that the burden of leadership would fall on the shoulders of the next generation without the help of Dregarnuhr.

Celestine wanted to make sure Ferdinand understood that this change meant he had to stand on his own and build his own faction within the family. She emphasized that Seradina would be unavailable to provide him protection given her current condition. She spoke of the importance of Ferdinand establishing his presence, gathering loyal supporters, and finding his own footing within the complex web of Dunkelfelger politics. It was a challenging task that demanded courage, leadership, and an astute understanding of the family's traditions and alliances.

Ferdinand leaned closer to his grandmother. His expression filled with determination, "No matter how heavy the trials that Glucklitat may bestow upon us, we are the Sword of Zent, the chosen ones to keep the light of the Queen upon the sky shine through all their children. It was a duty of a member of archducal family to work for their Geduldh. And fear not grandmother, I won’t start a fight that I cannot win."

Celestine was touched by her grandson's comforting words, and a sense of pride welled up within her. She had watched Ferdinand grow to be the one who could understand the bigger picture and be willing to stand with his family to protect their duchy.

Yet, amid her feelings of pride, she couldn't shake her disappointment in her only daughter, Magdalena. Celestine had once been so proud of her strong-willed and independent daughter. Still, the recent events had revealed a side of Magdalena that she could never have anticipated. Celestine had also noticed that Ferdinand no longer referred to Magdalena as "aunt," a sign of the growing divide within the family.

Following the call of Bluanfa and seeking Liebeskhilfe without the blessing of the Supreme Couple is never easy. Oh, my dear daughter, even Geduldh still needs the graces of her family, have you ever prepared to be ceased forever from those graces in the rest of your life?

Magdalena had always taken immense pride in her identity as a Dunkelfelger's lady, and she had consistently presented herself as such. However, recent events and actions on her part had given Celestine pause, causing her to reflect on whether her daughter truly comprehended the essence of being a genuine Dunkelfelgerian lady.

In Dunkelfelger, ladies held an esteemed position as strategists and were cherished as the ones favored by Verfuhremeer, the Goddess of Ocean. They were renowned for their intellect, political acumen, and influence behind the scenes. But Magdalena appeared to have overlooked a fundamental aspect of her heritage.

Celestine realized that Magdalena seemed to forget one crucial truth: without the willingness of Elbberg and Brennwarme to seek for Verfuhremeer’s rafel, the goddess couldn't mediate, reconcile, or cool down their fiery passions just by herself. It was a harmonious collaboration where the strength and abilities of both men and women were required to achieve equilibrium.

In a one-on-one situation, Magdalena might indeed have the skills and intellect to stand her ground and make an impact, but it was crucial to acknowledge that Dunkelfelgerian men were formidable and determined individuals. If a lady found herself in a position where she needed to directly confront a typical Dunkelfelgerian man, she might find it pretty challenging to prevail unless she possessed significantly mana quantity to overpower these stubborn and single-minded men that we referred as "ditter-heads."

The essence of being a Dunkelfelgerian lady was not solely rooted in combat prowess or political maneuvering. It was the combination of blessings from many goddess – Mestionora, Duldsetzen, Anhaltung, and Gebordnung – that set them apart. These blessings made them stand out and captured the attention of Flutrane, the Goddess of Water and allowed Verfuhremeer to bestow her divine grace upon Dunkelfelgerian ladies to fulfill their vital roles in the duchy's politics and society.

Celestine hoped that her daughter would find her way back, that the girl she had raised would emerge from the shadows of doubt and uncertainty.

Three days after Celestine's heart-to-heart conversation with Ferdinand, she found herself hosting a tea party with several ladies from the Dunkelfelger duchy. The guests included the Second Lady, Millicent, and the Third Lady, Tusnelda, as well as Sieglinde. The purpose of this gathering was to discuss the upcoming tea party that would serve as a platform for disseminating information about the current political situation. Simultaneously, they intended to recruit more retainers for Ferdinand, and begin the process of selecting potential candidates for Werdekraf's third wife.

The planning session was proceeding smoothly, and the ladies discussed various aspects of the upcoming tea party. Millicent and Tusnelda expressed their desire to have Ferdinand attend the meeting with them. They believed that involving him in the recruitment process would be an excellent opportunity for him to learn how to gather retainers independently. Ferdinand had garnered considerable attention after his splendid performance at the winter debut, and his exemplary behavior in the children's room only heightened the interest of potential families who wished to align themselves with the young noble.

However, on this particular day, Ferdinand had a prior reservation and was unavailable for the meeting. He was scheduled for a gewinnen practice session with Wenceslaus and Werdekraf. Celestine had thoughtfully reached out to the two men to ensure that Ferdinand received more guidance on socializing with other men, as she believed this aspect of his education was crucial.

Then, in the midst of their pleasant conversation, a sudden interruption disrupted the serene gathering. An ordonnanzt appeared before Celestine, a bearer of urgent news. With a sense of urgency in his voice, the messenger relayed the startling information that Ferdinand had proposed a Treasure Ditter to Magdalena at the Royal Academy in the usual time of Interduchy Tournament.

The challenge was to settle the question of whether Dunkelfelger should join forces with Prince Trauerqual after Magdalena's marriage to him. This unexpected development left Celestine and the other ladies in a state of shock and surprise. It was an audacious move that had the potential to have far-reaching consequences for the Dunkelfelger family and its political standing within the land.

Why did it have to be my adorable Ferdinand of all people to decide on such a recklessness course of action now?


My OWN THEORY when writing this chapter:

After this chapter, I know that people would want to cut Magdalena off, but please wait a little for my explanation.

The "Sword of Zent" thing is mentioned in Lestilaut's POV published as a side story in Fanbook 7.

As many web novel readers are aware, Werdekraf led Lestilaut to see the Dunkel foundation before Werdekraf departure to the Royal Academy in preparation for the battle with Lanzenave. Lestilaut was astounded by the size of the foundation during this visit and in awe of Rozemyne's amazing accomplishment of dyeing the foundation in just two bells. Essentially, when one is shown the Dunkel foundation, they must go through a series of puzzled and the answer is the sworn of "the Sword of Zent.

And here is the MTL sources of the vow from Lestilaut POV

When the magic circle was completed, a letter appeared in front of me. I read the words written in an ancient language.
"Swear to the God of Fire Leidenschaft."
I know what, you don't have to say. I looked at my father. His red eyes narrow and his lips form a smile. "This is why the Archduke family of Dunkelfelger has to learn the archaic language. Here, Stylo, write down your answer quickly. Because if you don't understand it, you are not qualified to be the next archduke."
I schtappe out and chant "Stylo" and write down the answer in the archaic language.
"Dunkelfelger is the sword of kings. He will avenge the king whom the gods have chosen, and he will keep the peace of Yurgenschmidt."
As I finish, the wall in front of me disappears and I see a tint of iridescent oil slick.

Based on the information JP wiki provided, it appears that Werdekraf ascended to the role of Aub at a relatively young age, around 25 years old, which is younger than the average age for a new Aub (around 30). The official appointment as Aub typically occurs during the Spring conference, but due to the war, we all know that the conference was not held. So there is also a chance that Werdekraf inherited the Aub seat even before the time, like younger than 25, and it's possible that he led the Dunkelfelger army during that time.

So why does Werdekraf need to become the new Aub so soon?

I speculate that the nature of the "Sword of Zent" sworn was actually a sacred commitment, like the oath of Librarian. Therefore, the previous Aub Dunkel may have to retire early not just because he was angry with Magdalena. Due to the sacred oath, if the previous Aub dare to lead the army to help Trauerqual, then he would be burned alive due to breaking the magical contract. Therefore, he had to withdrawn from power and let Werdekraf assume leadership when Magdalena involved Dunkelfelger in the war. Werdekraf was the apparent heir, yet he might had not been shown the foundation or taken the sworn. Therefore, he could lead their people into battle for a non-Zent, saving his father breaking the magical contract. On the surface, Werdekraf appeared as the Aub involved in the war, while in the secret the former Aub still hold the Dunkel foundation but withdrew from politics completely. This strategic move likely helped them both survive the consequences of Magdalena's actions.

However, it's widely acknowledged that the genuine Kingship has been absent for nearly a millennium. Thus, all the Zents since the era of Rauchelstra were considered fake Zents in a divine context. While they held the foundation, they did not truly possess the Wisdom. As a result, it can be argued that technically, all the Aubs should have perished long ago based on the phrase "the King chosen by the Gods." To address this, I have a theory:

1. Zent (divine definition): The one acquired Book of Mestionora from Erwaermen with pre-scan of the golden shumil and hold the foundation

2. Zent = King (current mortal definition): The one get G-book (improper BoM by copy from Manual without pre-scan of the golden shumil) or get the fake tool (magical tool for 6-color user), maybe also hold the foundation or have mortal coronation by Temple.

According to these definitions, the "King" mentioned in the oath could be interpreted in mortal terms. This perspective suggests that all Dunkelfelger Aubs remained alive because they didn't violate the oath. However, due to the unknown truth about the Royal Family, all Aubs Dunkelfelger still believed that "King" (mortal definition) equated to "Zent" (divine definition), and they have followed the oath accordingly.

Regardless of the exact "Zent definition" in the oath, Trauerqual during wartime didn't align with any definition, divine or mortal. Therefore, Magdalena's actions indirectly put her father and brother at risk of being burned by breaking the oath. Werdekraf distancing from the Royal Family, even after Trauerqual ascended the throne, likely saved him from the consequences.


UPDATE: It's confirmed that it is just an ANSWER written in ancient language to the PUZZLE to enter Dunkelfelger Foundation. Therefore, this chapter is MY OWN HEADCANON, so please be gentle more to Magdalena.

Chapter 14: Justus - Observing the new fabric of Ventuchte


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Justus’s life had changed dramatically. During the Blessing Acquisition, as Justus bowed his head before the holy altar, the familiar words and chants began to fill the chamber. He received not only the protection of the gods, but also the knowledge and memories from his past life. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to bend, and a vivid stream of memories from his previous existence came rushing back.

He remembered his life as a devoted scholar and attendant to a noble lord, a young prodigy by the name of Lord Ferdinand. Theirs had been an unbreakable bond, forged through years of unwavering loyalty and shared experiences. Then, as quickly as the memories came, they vanished, leaving Justus with a profound sense of loss and yearning. His heart ached to serve his lord once more, to be by his side and share in his achievements.

During his current life, Justus once again declined the opportunity to serve Lady Georgine and opted to become an attendant instead. It was a decision he had made for his own reasons. However, after the blessing acquisition and the vivid memories from his previous life had rushed back to him, Justus realized that he needed to acquire more knowledge and connections to better serve his Lord in this new weave. Thus, he approached his mother, a devoted retainer of the Ehrenfest archducal clan, to express his interest in taking two courses at the same time. He was not a genius like Lord Ferdinand, but with more than 25 years of experience and knowledge of the future, he believed he was more than capable of managing two courses simultaneously.

As he began his journey toward the Scholar class, he couldn't shake the feeling of having missed a chance to reunite with his lord. He was aware that Lord Ferdinand had just been born and would take at least five more years to arrive at Ehrenfest. He secretly hoped for an opportunity to serve his Lord earlier to protect him and Lady Irmhilde. The gods had given Justus a chance, and he was determined to ensure that Lord Ferdinand was not left motherless or without his loyal retainer.

But, as Ventuchte loved to play with the threads of mortal, Justus encountered a figure in the bustling corridors of the academy who seemed out of place. A royal princess, whose striking resemblance to Lord Ferdinand was uncanny, caught his eye. She was an enigma—someone who didn't exist in his past memories. The princess's presence sent a shiver down his spine, and his curiosity about her identity led him to an astonishing revelation. The name she carried was none other than “Seradina”.

In the previous weave, Justus had secretly delved into Lord Ferdinand's maternal lineage by studying old documents and uncovering hidden truths in Adalgisa palace and Ahrensbach. Lady Rozemyne's revelations through her time-traveling efforts had also provided insights into his lord's past. The regained memories from his past life indicated that Princess Seradina was Lord Ferdinand's mother. This realization prompted Justus to consider the wildest theory he had ever entertained: What if Lord Ferdinand was no longer in Ehrenfest? Could that be the reason the gods had bestowed his past memories upon Justus so suddenly, granting him an opportunity to continue serving his lord in this altered reality?

By the time Justus reached his fifth year at the academy, he was convinced that Lord Ferdinand's absence from Ehrenfest was a reality in this timeline. The shocking news that Princess Seradina was courting Lord Werdekrauf, the future Aub of Dunkelfelger, seemed to affirm his theory. The absence of Princess Apollonia, who should have been baptized this year, further fuelled Justus's suspicions. Although Lord Ferdinand had taken measures to keep his affairs private, the unmistakable resemblance between him and Princess Apollonia could not be ignored. Her deep admiration for Lord Ferdinand's musical talent raised questions in Justus's mind. He speculated that her fondness for Lord Ferdinand might have a deeper connection beyond mere admiration, possibly indicating a close blood relationship with Lord Ferdinand on his mother's side. The absence of Princess Apollonia was a conspicuous absence in this altered weave, adding another layer of mystery to Lord Ferdinand's whereabouts and relationships.

Justus was determined to confirm his theory about Princess Seradina and find a way to meet her. He embarked on a mission to gather more information, seeking clues that could lead him to the princess. In the hopes that the princess would find it, he set out to leave a coded message in a covert location where she frequently passed by within the Royal Library. He believed that such a message would be the key to initiating a private conversation.

After some careful investigation and planning, Justus managed to place the coded message where he thought the princess would encounter it. It was a daring move, but he knew it was essential to confirm his suspicions and gather more insights about the unusual circ*mstances in this timeline. The coded message was discreet but clear in its intention: Justus wished to have a private and confidential conversation with the princess.

To his great relief, Princess Seradina not only found the message but also responded to it. She extended an invitation to a tea party, granting Justus the golden opportunity he had been waiting for. During their meeting, he knew he needed to be audacious in his approach to uncovering the truth.

Justus began by sharing a rather bizarre proposition with the princess. He explained that he had dreamt of serving a child who bore an astonishing resemblance to her, leading him to believe that this child was her son. It was an audacious claim, and he knew it. However, the princess found his justification intriguing and couldn't help but chuckle at how outlandish he was. She did express some doubts, questioning the sincerity of his intentions.

The princess proposed a condition: she asked if Justus would be willing to offer his name as proof of his sincerity. Justus firmly declined. He was unwavering in his loyalty to his true master, Lord Ferdinand, and would not compromise that loyalty. Instead, he proposed an alternative, a countrywide contract. He assured the princess that he would serve her as a genuine scholar to fulfil her wishes until her son was born. This arrangement would hold until the child's true identity was confirmed. If it turned out that her son was not his master, Justus vowed to willingly fake his death and she would then return the citizen medal to him. Moreover, all the information he had acquired during the time serving her would remain confidential to everyone, no matter the outcome.

Princess Seradina took a moment to contemplate his offer. She seemed to recognize the depth of his commitment and was intrigued by the audacious proposal he had presented. Justus had waited three days for a response from Princess Seradina after their private meeting, and it finally arrived through an archnoble from Berschmann named Evelyn. Evelyn introduced herself as a daughter of the head attendant and a knight in the princess's service. Justus received the letter with a sense of anticipation, eager to discover the contents of the princess's response.

As he opened the letter and read its contents, he was genuinely surprised by the turn of events. The princess's response held an unexpected twist. She was not only acknowledging his proposal but also asking for his opinion regarding Evelyn. It was a subtle suggestion for a potential match between Justus and Evelyn, made through the framework of a marriage arrangement with her retainers.

The fact that Princess Seradina had entrusted Lady Evelyn with the details of Justus's proposal indicated a high level of trust in her attendant. Justus was taken aback by this revelation, realizing that his interactions with the princess had garnered the confidence of others close to her.

But what surprised him even more was Lady Evelyn's additional request. She expressed a desire to learn from him how to gather information, essentially asking for tutelage in becoming a scholar-leaning attendant. Her words held a genuine sincerity, and it was clear that she hoped to tie her fate to his.

“I hope that you could allow me to tie my thread with you and grant me the blessing of Entrinduge, so that on the fateful day when Dregarnuhr weaves your thread in the land of Fire, my little master would never become Ewigeliebe upon losing Erwaermen.”

This unexpected turn of events raised numerous questions and possibilities in Justus's mind. He was aware that his actions and choices would have far-reaching consequences, and he needed to weigh his decisions carefully. The opportunity to work with Lady Evelyn and strengthen their bond was enticing, but it also came with its own set of challenges and responsibilities.

Liebeskhilfe likes to play with my thread, so it seems… But I have to admit, Lady Evelyn is a much more comfortable partner than that “beloved subordinate” of Veronica.


Justus started to lay the groundwork before his relocation. He understood the importance of ensuring that everything in Lady Rozemyne's life remained stable, especially if Lord Ferdinand was not in Ehrenfest to protect and guide her. The thought of a downtown massacre by Veronica loomed if Lady Rozemyne were left unchecked and crushed Bezewanst to death, given the chaos that would ensue without Lord Ferdinand's presence.

After confirming Lord Ferdinand's existence, Justus would also need to bring Eckhart, Lasfam, and Heidemarie to Dunkelfelger to aid him. Without trustworthy allies in Lady Rozemyne's matters and with Veronica in the picture, it was crucial to ensure Lady Rozemyne's safety and the prevention of any potential disasters. The Linkberg, while valuable, would not be sufficient without Lord Ferdinand's involvement.

Justus considered who could best manage Lady Rozemyne and help keep her in check. He decided that Benno would be the ideal candidate. To prepare for this arrangement, he needed to offer Benno the appropriate support and establish early connections with Lady Rozemyne's family. After returning to Ehrenfest and informing his mother and the archducal family about his decision to join Princess Seradina's entourage in Dunkelfelger, Justus made the first move.

He sought Gilberta's company under the pretext of a temporary exclusive arrangement while he was still in Ehrenfest. During this time, he discovered that Liz, Benno's fiancée, was a Devouring. This explained Benno's concern for Lady Rozemyne, which presented a valuable opportunity for Justus. He took the chance to teach Benno how to gather and use feystone to aid his fiancée. This act of goodwill earned Benno's trust, making it easier for Justus to establish acquaintances with Mark and Benno.

He gradually promoted Gilberta to stand independently in front of other business opponents and even introduced it to Lady Irmhilde and Lady Elvira. Then, he used an excuse to secretly research the rare feytree known as Parue, information he had learned from Damuel and Lady Rozemyne in the last timeline, to recruit an apprentice soldier from the South Gate. The chosen apprentice would be paid a substantial payment, and that person was none other than Gunther.

Through their interactions, Gunther had the chance to get to know Benno earlier. With improved funding and investments, Justus believed that all the hardworking individuals in Lady Rozemyne's downtown family could start a better life, and he hoped to ensure their well-being and prosperity before Lady Rozemyne was born.


Two years had passed since his graduation from the Royal Academy, and there was still no sign of Lord Ferdinand's arrival at Ehrenfest. The absence of any decision from Aub Ehrenfest regarding Lady Irmhilde as his second wife only strengthened Justus's confidence in his theory. He knew he had to take matters into his own hands to ensure Lady Rozemyne's safety in future.

He reached out to his old colleague Lasfam and decided to entrust the Bernett House with Lasfam's baptism. This symbolic act was meant to cut the ties with the Veronican family and forge an early connection to Damuel. The process was not light, but it was necessary to fulfill his mission.

Justus patiently waited for Bezewanst's departure during the Spring prayer. Once the High Priest left, he paid a hefty fee to the current High Priest and brought Lasfam to the temple secretly. There, he allowed Lasfam to pray at the altar with the amulet of Anhaltung, aiming to trigger Lasfam's memories. The Goddess had answered, and Justus could share all the details with Lasfam in relief. To ensure Lasfam's safety, Justus enlisted the help of Lady Elvira, who would protect Lasfam while he transferred out of Ehrenfest. From now on, it would be Lasfam who continued connecting with the downtown people in Ehrenfest and exchanging information with him from Dunkelfelger.

The wait for further developments continued, and it was not long before Justus received news during the graduation ceremony. He was escorting Evelyn, who had become his fiancée. The message indicated that Lady Seradina, now the first wife of the heir of Dunkelfelger, was expecting a visit from Entrindunge the following spring. This information was a significant development, but Justus knew he had to be patient and wait for confirmation from Evelyn as she was also preparing to transfer from Berschmann to Dunkelfelger.

Finally, the confirmation arrived in the form of a letter from Evelyn. The letter was brief, but the content left Justus with tears in his eyes. The words in Evelyn's letter resonated deeply within Justus. The news of a spring child being born and named "Ferdinand" filled him with immense joy. The mention of the noble color of Leidenschaft in the child's hair and the beautiful eyes inherited from his mother painted a vivid picture of Lord Ferdinand.

As Justus read the last sentence "Justus, is my little master also yours?", he couldn't help but shed tears of relief and happiness. It was the confirmation he had been waiting for—the knowledge that Lord Ferdinand was indeed alive and well. The bond between them, the connection he had cherished for so long, was still intact.

With a heart filled with renewed hope and determination, Justus embarked on his journey to serve his Lord Ferdinand once more. Life in Dunkelfelger was different from what he had experienced in his previous life. The weather was harsh, reminiscent of the hot and humid climate of Alexandria, but he was willing to endure it for the sake of his little master.

He watched Lord Ferdinand grow up again, this time with the love and care of the archduke's family. He could tell the difference in Lord Ferdinand because he was a true spring child who had received loving care from the gods. Yet he also noticed some familiar characteristics that had remained unchanged.

Justus was always amazed when he caught his little master trying to sneak off to the brewing room of the scholars, mirroring the same curiosity and determination he had displayed in his previous life. Lord Ferdinand's childish voice was a true blessing from Kunstzeal, and his musical talent was already evident. His studious nature and stubbornness in learning and reading, especially in the field of magical knowledge, were a testament to his inquisitive mind.

But what warmed Justus's heart the most was seeing Lord Ferdinand enjoy his meals. Gone were the days of Veronica's poisonous food, and he would never again suffer from being ripped away from the blessing of Cuococalura. He was free to relish his food without fear, and Justus couldn't have been happier to see his little master's appetite satisfied.


It was already six years since he started to relocate here. Dunkelfelger in winter had a peculiar climate. It lacked the typical snow-covered landscapes seen in other northern duchies. The temperatures were considerably higher, making it distinct from the usual image associated with a northern land. However, the winter nights were characterized by biting winds, and if there happened to be rain, the chill could easily make people fall ill, even in the Land of Fire. Justus could imagine the harshness of the winter weather as the Interduchy Tournament was in full swing. Yet he had a lot on his plate to handle.

In the coming spring, Lord Ferdinand was set to be baptized. Although it was a happy occasion, his mother's absence made it less so. Justus couldn't help but curse the entire royal family for the cruel separation. Two years ago, during the tournament, Lady Seradina had been poisoned during a tea party with Prince Waldifried's first wife. Dregarnuhr had played her treacherous game, and the assassination of the Second Prince occurred later than in the previous timeline while he traveled to close the Border Gate. Ahrensbach again remained the only duchy with an open gate, a fact that concerned Justus about their "unfriendly neighbours”. The attack prevented Lady Seradina from attending her son's baptism, and Justus couldn't help but feel anger and sorrow for the unfortune that had befallen his Lord.

The attack indeed had a significant impact on Dunkelfelger, but what shocked Justus even more was Lord Ferdinand regaining his memory right after seeing his mother's condition. Justus was thrilled to be reunited with his master, but the return of his memory had robbed Lord Ferdinand of his carefree childhood while he remained under Wiegenmilch's protection.

Ventuchte bestowed her blessing, which allowed Lord Ferdinand to regain his old thread. Following Lord Ferdinand's order, Justus sent a letter and two Anhaltung amulets to Lasfam, instructing him to assist Eckhart and Heidemarie in Ehrenfest. Lasfam's responsibilities were then significantly reduced as he was now maintaining his connections with the downtown residents only, while Heidemarie focused on gathering political information and Eckhart shadowing the movements of the Ehrenfest archducal family and the Linkberg.

Events seemed to be spiraling in unexpected directions, taking turns that none of them had anticipated. It was as though Ventuchte had lost control of the threads of fate. Rumors of a hidden child of Prince Waldifried began to circulate, creating an anxious moment for Justus. For a brief instant, he had feared it might be Lady Rozemyne, but both he and Lord Ferdinand refrained from drawing hasty conclusions until more information was available.

Then, a letter arrived from Ehrenfest, bearing news that sent Justus into a sweat. The information was too overwhelming, and he feared that his Lord might not be prepared for it. Nevertheless, he knew he had a responsibility, one that he couldn't avoid, no matter how dire the circ*mstances may have become.

Justus chose the perfect moment during Ferdinand's visit to his mother Seradina to convey some startling news.

"Lord Ferdinand, I have some rather unusual updates from Ehrenfest. With the assistance we had provided earlier, Liz managed to survive and marry Benno. Gunther was promoted to be gate commander earlier than expected, and Effa has risen to be a frontier dyer at her workplace. Their first child is a boy, but there's a twist: he's also a Devouring. Fortunately, with the intervention of Lasfam and Heidemarie connecting with Benno and Otto, the boy managed to survive since he also has a very low mana. Tuuli was born as well. However, there is… no sign of Lady Rozemyne, even though she should be around two years old now. I think that the survival of Gunther and Effa’s lost children might have altered the time of Lady Rozemyne’s birth. She may be born later, or… "

"Are you saying that Rozemyne isn't in Ehrenfest?"

Lord Ferdinand seemed to struggle to comprehend the implications of this development. His eyes widened, his control over mana began to waver in shock, and his voice trembled with anxiety. Justus understood the gravity of the situation and allowed Lord Ferdinand a moment to collect himself. He knew that this news was not only shocking but also deeply troubling for his lord. He watched as Lord Ferdinand took a few deep breaths, trying to regain his composure.

After a while, Lord Ferdinand managed to speak, although his voice still carried a hint of fear and concern. “What about the rumour of the hidden royal child of Waldifried? Have you found anything new?”

"The only additional information I could find is that the rumor originated in Gilessenmeyer. I couldn't confirm the child's gender or age, but I suspect that the child remains unbaptized. Another update is from Hauchletzte. Though kept discreet, it appears that Aub Hauchletzte arrived at the Royal Academy before the Interduchy Tournament. He returned to Hauchletzte without participating in the tournament, accompanied by his half-sister, who had long been married off to Jossbrenner."

"His half-sister… Is she Lady Clementine’s mother?"

"Yes, milord. We will need more time to gather further information, but I suspect that Lady Clementine may have relocated to Hauchletzte."

"Hauchletzte... the home of Trauerqual's mother, the current Third Queen. Lady Clementine may now already carry the Geduldh's burden like the last weave. And the third lady of Waldifried..."

"She is also from Hauchletzte, milord. The rumour may indeed be accurate. That duchy is heavily fortified, given its rank, and obtaining information from there is challenging unless it is intentionally leaked."

Another significant change in this timeline relates to the Third Queen. In the previous timeline, she was poisoned alongside the First Queen after the Fourth Prince's prison break, which forced the reserved Fifth Prince to join Klassenberg during the war. Subsequently, following the war's resolution, Lady Clementine's little princess was kidnapped during the Werkestock attack on Gilessenmeyer, leading to disastrous consequences and Prince Trauerqual's approval of Klassenberg's purge.

However, with the new information at hand, they could surmise that the Third Queen and Lady Clementine had sought refuge in Hauchletzte this time, carefully guarding the hidden child. With both the Third Queen and Lady Clementine now in Hauchletzte, the course of events might take a different turn.

"For the Third Queen to have to return to her home duchy, bringing her second daughter-in-law and severing the relationship with the first one, who has already given her two grandsons, indicates that the Third Queen may care for this hidden child more than I initially thought. The rumor from Gilessenmeyer seems illogical since it appears to function as an attack on Trauerqual himself, possibly originating from his first wife, who might not be the brightest. This hidden child... might be a boy instead."

"Would the Third Queen truly forsake her own grandson for a grandnephew, milord?"

"That grandnephew would share a closer maternal lineage with her, making their relationship stronger. Trauerqual would likely favor making that boy his heir, given his emphasis on high-ranking lineage. For all his flaws, that man knows his place and understands his own weaknesses. If this child turns out to be a girl, then Ralfrieda acted foolishly, making an attack like suicide because she could have simply married that girl to her son. We still require more information on this matter."

Due to the significant impact of the rumor, Justus no longer had to work alone, as the Dunkelfelger archducal family initiated their investigation as well. However, the Queen of Hauchletzte, known as "the Beloved of Darkness," seemed to have even earned the favor of Darkness's subordinates, making it challenging to gather any news for a while.

Spring arrived, bringing with it the preparations for Lord Ferdinand's baptism and his move to the northern building. While Lord Ferdinand was a grandson of the Aub, his father, Lord Werdekrauf, had been confirmed as the heir apparent, which allowed Lord Ferdinand to be baptized as an Archduke candidate, unlike his cousins. There was also a need to recruit more young people for Lord Ferdinand's entourage. It was just like a dream to Justus to see that his lord had sufficient support as an archduke candidate, with an allocated budget and adult retainers, although most of them were transferred from Lady Seradina and Lady Celestine's entourage.

After the baptism ceremony, Lord Ferdinand accelerated his training, leaving all the professors and tutors at the castle in awe. At the same time, being semi-independent, he instructed Justus to begin collecting ingredients to prepare the seven-color mana bracelet, which could serve as an alternative to the Schtappe. Lasfam had graduated safely and was still waiting in Ehrenfest to support Eckhart and Heidemarie. Lady Seradina had not yet shown any signs of awakening, despite Justus and Lord Ferdinand secretly praying for Heilschmerz and Dregarnuhr to expedite the treatment. The only silver lining was that the mana was indeed melting faster than before, and the entire archducal family viewed it as a positive sign.

A letter arrived from Ehrenfest, and this time it was from Eckhart. It brought surprising news.

"Lady Gertrude sent a letter expressing her regret for being unable to visit Ehrenfest. She stated in her letter that she had been recruited to serve at Werkestock's castle due to personnel shortages caused by the war. I'm not entirely sure, but I don't recall this event happening in the previous timeline either."

Upon hearing this, Lord Ferdinand's expression darkened considerably. He tapped his temple, deep in thought, and eventually spoke up:

"Lady Gertrude, while already demoted to an archnoble, was a fully qualified archduke candidate who graduated from the Royal Academy as an honor student. She did not attend scholar or knight courses. What could Werkestock possibly need from a retired former archduke candidate?"

This revelation clearly shook Justus. What set an archduke candidate apart from normal archnobles was their knowledge of wielding foundation magic and their distinct education in governing a duchy. Most archducal families retained at least one or two archduke candidates to serve as ministers, helping with the Aub's governance and supporting the duchy's education of the new generation. In the previous timeline, Lady Gertrude had come to Ehrenfest to visit the ailing Lord Adelbert and had agreed to become Lord Ferdinand's escort partner after Lady Magdalena vehemently rejected the engagement proposal. There had been no talk of being recruited as a tutor in Werkestock Castle. Werkestock wasn't experiencing personnel shortages, even though it was involved in the war.

The only logical explanation seemed to be that there was a very important archduke candidate that needed to be carefully hidden under Verbergen’s shroud, and recruiting a retired archnoble lady who was a former archduke candidate hailing from a 21st-rankedmiddle duchy would serve this purpose.

"It can't be... another hidden royal child?" Justus speculated.

"It's quite likely," Lord Ferdinand concurred. "It's a clever move, as it caught us off guard. If Klassenberg could keep a hidden princess concealed until the end of the war, so could Werkestock. We only know about Eglantine because of our previous memories. The same applies to Werkestock, as we can only uncover this new through our connection and our memories from our previous experience in Ehrenfest. It's not surprising that both duchies believe their hidden royal child is the sole surviving one."

"There are too many hidden royal children... I fear this won't bode well. Werkestock will act more fiercely to protect their royal descendant."

"So will Klassenberg. Any news from Hauchletzte?"

"Not yet, milord. However, Prince Trauerqual did visit Gilessenmeyer to assess more knights from them. I doubt it's his true intention. He also scheduled a visit to Hauchletzte two weeks ago. At least we can confirm the existence of Prince Waldifried's child."

"The child from Werkestock... maybe a girl, and also maybe Rozemyne..."

"Pardon me, milord. How can you be so sure?"

"I'm not," Lord Ferdinand sighed. "That child would likely be the First Prince's child since Werkestock is acting so protectively. The Fourth prince is still the same, brutal and violent. He would not allow that child to be protected like that, as a boy would be a hindrance to his own child. But if it were a girl, then it would be another matter. Of course, he might be kept hidden from that child too. There have been so many changes happening, and these are still being kept in secret. Until we have solid evidence, we cannot leave anything to chance. Try to leak some information to grandmother and let her scholars help with the investigation."

"Yes, milord."

"And Justus," Lord Ferdinand's face darkened, "Magdalena reaches her fifth year this winter. She will soon propose to Trauerqual and force Dunkelfelger to join the war. We need to be faster in seeking confirmation. In the worst case..."

"What are you intending to do, milord?"

"I have to prolong the war!"

Well, I should expect that much after knowing how much he treasured Lady Rozemyne.

"Your plan, milord. And we, as your retainers, will do our best to serve you!"


Surprise!!! Welcome to the reason why Ferdinand cannot figure out where Rozemyne is: because there were THREE hidden royal children, and also because our Ferdie is too paranoid.

Well, our gremlins are already too badass pre-retro, so it would be so easy to them and boring to read if there are no butterfly effects, don't you agree?

And here is Ferdie's efficiency in proposing Ditter to Mag:
- Prolong the civil war to have more time to identify Roz
- Reduce the Mag ego to force Mag follow Dunkel's condition in the future if she still wants to have Dunkel's power.
- Make credits to establish his own faction in Dunkel
- Send his name with his new fame to all the duchies to alert Roz about his whereabouts.

And another 5 more reasons will be revealed in later chapters.

Too many birds with just one stone!


Yup, it was an early update by my mobile phone since my laptop needs to go to the "hospital" for a while. I planned to update the "ditter rule" in this chapter too, but I realized that there will be a bunch of political things exclusive for Aub family alone, so it is illogical for Justus to be the narrator.

The next chapter will focus on the private conversation of the Dunkel Archducal Family about how Ferdie persuades everyone to allow him to Ditter and how he deals with Mag about Ditter rules.

Ok! Now, which POV everyone want to have? A Dunkel men or a Dunkel lady? There will be the Aub couple, the current Second and Third Lady, Werdekrauf and Sieglinde, Eberhard (elder brother of Werde and Mag), other two ADC (half-uncle of Ferdie), the Knight Commander (Heissh*tze's grandpa) and the Vice-commander (Heissh*tze's uncle).

Or you want another Mag's POV? It would still be ok but it will not let you guys read about how Ferdie con his daddy and grandpa.

Chapter 15: Leonhardt - The crafty boy!


I planned for the multiple POV first, but the first POV is already over 2500 words, so I think it could be a short chapter for your craving first.

Here, enjoy the POV of a rare "well-controlled" Dunkel men. No Heissh*tze POV, he is still a student and still has a lot of classes in his final year, so he cannot attend these meetings. Only Magdalena was summoned to explain her action.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leonhardt, a respected lead knight in the service of Lord Werdekraf, stood at the cusp of a significant change in his life. He was well known for his dedication and prowess and had recently been appointed as the Vice Commander of the Knight Order. This position marked a significant step in his career, but it also came with a new set of responsibilities.

His connection to the Dunkelfelger archducal family ran deep. His father had held the esteemed role of Knight Commander and, interestingly, was the first cousin of Aub Dunkelfelger himself. Leonhardt's elder brother had carved out a prestigious niche as the lead scholar serving Lord Eberhard. It was customary that members of Leonhardt's family would serve as close retainers to the archduke candidates. This tradition reinforced their loyalty to the ruling family in Dunkelfelger.

However, Leonhardt's nephew, Heissh*tze, had not chosen to become the escort knight for Lady Magdalena. It was Heissh*tze’s own decision to not to be an escort knight of anyone. This decision might have raised eyebrows, but Heissh*tze's pedigree and exceptional talents earned him another unique position later. He had been selected as a marriage partner for Lady Magdalena, a move that went beyond mere matchmaking. It was intended to safeguard her from becoming a target in the power struggles of the royal family vying for Dunkelfelger's influence.

Despite the pragmatic reasons, it was a matter of pride and honour for Leonhardt's family to have their child be recognized as Lady Magdalena's suitor. With Heissh*tze and Lady Magdalena being close in age, they had enjoyed plenty of Ditter at the Royal Academy. It appeared to be a match that Leidenschaft himself had approved.

However, their world was shaken when Lady Magdalena proposed the unthinkable: she chose the Fifth Prince as her husband through the sacred tradition of Dunkelfelger, the Bride’s task. This unforeseen decision sent shockwaves throughout Dunkelfelger, and everyone was left dumbfounded. When Lady Magdalena returned to report on her decision, it became clear that she was deeply in love with the Fifth Prince.

Though the audacious move seemed to bring personal victory and a desired future for Lady Magdalena, it had provoked fury within the Dunkelfelger archducal family. Lord Werdekraf and Aub Dunkelfelger himself were seething with anger, and Leonhardt found himself harbouring a sense of indignation as well.

Heissh*tze was in the final year of his studies, set to graduate in two months, and now he had to face the embarrassment of being escortless right before graduation. Leonhardt's brother and sister-in-law couldn't hide their frustration, and they had reasons to be angry. The choice to marry Heissh*tze to Lady Magdalena was largely due to a suggestion of Aub and First Lady, and the whole duchy was caught off guard due to the lack of observation of Lady Magdalena’s retainers and the poor information gathering of archducal house.

On the day Lady Magdalena was summoned back to Dunkelfelger, the duchy found itself shrouded in an air of intrigue and unease. Following a lengthy and private meeting with his parents, Lord Werdekraf extended a special invitation to Leonhardt for a private gathering, which proved to be a momentous occasion. As the evening unfolded, Leonhardt would receive news that would forever alter the course of his life: A decision of early promotion and the chance to join a real Ditter! Dunkelfelger would become the military support for the Fifth Prince under the lead of Lord Werdekraf and the marriage with Lady Magdalena.

As someone who cherished the Dunkelfelgerian heritage, Leonhardt understood that the people of Dunkelfelger loved the game of Ditter, just as he did. The prospect of playing a real Ditter might have motivated many to volunteer for military service. However, he was certain that the enthusiasm was for the game itself, rather than an endorsem*nt of Lady Magdalena's actions.

All who called Dunkelfelger their home, whether knights, scholars, or attendants, were raised with a deep sense of pride in being a Sword of Zent. The role of a Zent was regarded with utmost respect because it signified the highest honor achievable within the entire Jurgenschmidt. A Zent was chosen based on their talents and recognized by God, marked by the bestowed Grutrissheit.

Observing Lord Werdekraf's reaction to the premature ascendance of Aubhood, Leonhardt was made aware of the severe consequences of Lady Magdalena's actions, maybe even more than everyone would know. It was evident that there were other reasons behind Aub's declaration of neutrality and the prolonged isolation of Dunkelfelger from external conflicts.

Leonhardt knew that Lady Magdalena's decision had been prompted by a desire to end the lengthy war (or as she excused), but the brash move had forcibly conscripted all of Dunkelfelger into the war. This had inflamed Leonhardt's ire.

Amidst the tumultuous circ*mstances, Lord Werdekraf suggested that Heissh*tze should serve as the escort knight for his firstborn, Lord Ferdinand. It was a move to elevate Heissh*tze's standing and provide greater protection for the young Lord as he faced the Glucklitat's trials to obtain his rightful place in the Land of Fire since he lost the Wiegenmilch’s protection so early.

However, Heissh*tze was known for his stubbornness, and whether he would accept the role remained uncertain. A Dunkelfelger knight had the privilege to choose a master he wished to serve, and it was his solemn duty to carry out his master's orders and protect their interests. He understood that the intricacies of the archducal family's decisions were not his concern, but rather, it was his role to carry out their will. Leonhardt could merely promise that he would relay the suggestion to Heissh*tze but could provide no guarantees, as Heissh*tze's submission would be solely based on the young Lord's talent.

On the following day, Leonhardt went to deliver Aub's decision to the Knight Order. As they entered the assembly, the reactions from the knights were quite expected. Many wore looks of confusion, while others couldn't hide their outright anger. A few displayed visible signs of worry. Some knights approached Leonhardt, curious about the decision and its implications. One of them, Sir Reynald, a knight known for his sharp wit, couldn't contain his skepticism. " Commander, we are intrigued by the opportunity to participate in the Real Ditter. It's a rare chance. But we would like to know whether Lady Magdalena's new match aligns with the best interests of Dunkelfelger."

Leonhardt considered their questions carefully before responding, "I understand the allure of the Real Ditter, and I'm sure it will be an exciting experience for those who participate. As for your other question, this is a decision from the Aub, and we must follow his lead.”

Another knight, Dame Elara, raised a significant concern, her voice carrying a blend of curiosity and a subtle note of wariness. "What about Heissh*tze? Cancelling the engagement at the last minute, using the Bride Task as a means to do so, is a humiliation for the groom's side. Was this part of the plan, Lord Leonhardt?"

Leonhardt understood the weight of Dame Elara 's question. The cancellation of the engagement was undoubtedly a blow to the reputation of the archducal family. As a close branch family and loyal subjects of the Aub, their actions were closely scrutinized. He took a moment to consider his response, choosing his words carefully.

Leonhardt addressed Dame Elara's concerns with a reassuring tone. "It's a complex situation, indeed. However, I want to assure you that our family has already made arrangement for another match for Heissh*tze. This time, the match will be handled in a way that ensures he won't face any embarrassment."

It was fortunate that Leonhardt's first wife proposed for her younger sister to be chosen as his nephew's new escort partner. It seemed that girl had feelings for Heissh*tze, but she had kept them hidden as Heissh*tze was destined to become the son-in-law of the Aub.

Liebeskhilfe won't abandon that nephew of mine, at least.

While the reactions within the Knight Order were diverse and emotions ran high, Leonhardt couldn't help but notice a considerable number of knights expressing genuine interest in participating in the Real Ditter. However, what gave him pause was the question of their motivations. Were these knights merely captivated by the opportunity to partake in the Real Ditter, or did they share the approval to Lady Magdalena’s action? This was a matter that required his vigilant observation and careful attention in the days to come.

Two days later, he accompanied Lord Werdekraf to the meeting room, where they joined Aub and the Knight Commander. Aub had arranged for his grandson, young Lord Ferdinand, to attend this meeting for some practical socialization sessions. Naturally, the most suitable way for men to socialize was engaging in a game of Gewinnen.

Leonhardt couldn't help but ponder as he observed the young Lord defeat the admirable Aub in two out of three matches of Gewinnen, not the non-mana version suitable for unbaptized children. This wasn't the first time he had witnessed Lord Ferdinand playing Gewinnen. He had accompanied Lord Werdekraf on previous visits to his son, bearing witness to their practical sessions. It was clear the boy possessed a strategic talent, grasping the game quickly and even managing to win against Lord Werdekraf on occasion.

The Gewinnen game had ignited a competitive spark in Aub Dunkelfelger, who promptly challenged Lord Ferdinand to another match. But the young Lord didn't back down. He proposed a genuine Gewinnen match with stakes, offering to reveal all the tricks he had employed in the last three games. In exchange, he requested approval to participate in a true high-stakes Ditter game.

This proposal elicited laughter from the room's occupants, including Lord Werdekraf, who deemed his son too young for such high-stakes Ditter and suggested more training was needed. But the young Lord remained resolute and continued to provoke them, revealing a Dunkelfelgerian spirit beneath his seemingly scholarly demeanor.

Curiosity got the better of Leonhardt, and he couldn't help but ask, "Who would you like to challenge in Ditter, Lord Ferdinand?"

"Lady Magdalena, of course!" Lord Ferdinand replied without hesitation.

As Lord Ferdinand laid out his request for the high-stakes Ditter match with Lady Magdalena, the room fell into a tense silence. Uncertainty and curiosity gripped those in attendance.

Amidst the hushed atmosphere, it was Lord Werdekraf who couldn't contain his curiosity. He sensed the significance of this moment and broke the silence:

“For what stakes?”

Lord Ferdinand, maintaining his composure, calmly outlined his terms.

“If Lady Magdalena won the match, Dunkelfelger would throw its support behind the Fifth Prince and assist until the result of the ongoing conflict was settled.”

“And if you won?”

“Then Dunkelfelger would remain neutral and uninvolved in wars, despite Lady Magdalena's marriage to any prince.”

A collective realization swept through the room. The attendees, who were initially in awe of Lady Magdalena's audacious move, started to appreciate Lord Ferdinand's suggestion. It was a clever way to ensure that the duchy did not get dragged into external conflicts, given Lady Magdalena's unexpected proposal to the Fifth Prince.

Lord Werdekraf then immediately expressed his willingness to challenge Lady Magdalena in the Ditter game, but Lord Ferdinand intervened, stating that only he was permitted to engage in this particular Ditter, and it must be held at the Royal Academy.

Outrage and confusion filled the room. Lord Ferdinand, being only seven years old, was seen as too young for such a significant undertaking. They demanded an explanation for his bold proposal.

Lord Ferdinand, however, played his cards masterfully. He offered a compromise: if Aub Dunkelfelger won the next Gewinnen game, he would explain all his plans for the upcoming Ditter but wouldn't partake in the challenge, leaving it to his father and others to represent Dunkelfelger. However, if he emerged victorious, the right to the Ditter would belong to him, plus the right to discuss the Ditter rule with lady Magdalena, and he would earn permission to attend the Royal Academy for this Ditter.

The new offer was met with unanimous agreement. Then, Justus, the head attendant of Lord Ferdinand, swiftly presented the well-prepared formal contract on the table. The young lord's calculated approach became more apparent. Even Lord Werdekraf couldn't help but admit the shrewdness of his son's proposal. "You sly boy..." he murmured to himself, understanding that Lord Ferdinand’s offer wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision; he had been prepared for this negotiation from the beginning.

Although Leonhardt knew that Lord Ferdinand's plan was crafted, he found comfort in the fact that a solution had been discovered. The terms of the agreement had successfully addressed the dilemma that Lady Magdalena's actions had created.

Lady Magdalena, if you were so proud to be a Dunkelfelger lady, surely you will not oppose us who follow Dunkelfelger tradition too.

Leonhardt was confident that if all the members of the archducal house joined forces, they could defeat Lady Magdalena in Ditter. Despite her talent, she was not a match for their combined skill. Their victory would be swift as Steifebrise, and it would bring solace and unity back to the duchy. Nevertheless, Lord Ferdinand's proposal for the stakes was essentially a confirmation that the Ditter match with Lady Magdalena would be approved. With Aub's permission and a signed contract, it was almost certain that even those aligned with Lady Magdalena's decisions could do nothing but silently comply.

As Leonhardt watched the game unfold, his mouth nearly dropped in astonishment. The young lord was making moves that no one had expected, catching them all off guard. Once again, Lord Ferdinand had deceived them all, and Leonhardt began to worry that the last three matches had merely served as his decoy.

"Why did he move the Lancer to that position?"

"Aub, the treasure is there, seize it!"

"Fool, the Sword and the Support are in that position. Aub can't attack!"

"Father, if you're too tired, let me take your place to play against my son!"

"Quiet, Werdekraf! I'm focusing here!"

"Damn! The Scholar is a trap itself!"

“He sacrificed a Bow to eliminate two Swords! How cruel!”

In the midst of the intense match, Leonhardt recalled Lady Magdalena's past comments about Lord Ferdinand's "dirty" fighting style, suggesting that he didn't adhere to the proper way of playing. He could not agree since it was not inherently wrong to employ tactics and tricks within the rules. The crucial issue at hand was that no one believed her. They dismissed Lady Magdalena's concerns, attributing Lord Ferdinand's actions to mere childish behavior and her own reactions as an overreaction.

I think we all owe Lady Magdalena an apology…

Leonhardt couldn't help but become preoccupied with a pressing thought as he watched the game. He wished he could shout it out for all to hear.

Where have your tactics gone, Aub? Do you have such little regard for your own grandson that you'd thrust him into a game of Ditter at such a tender age? Ditter is absolutely an enjoyable endeavor, but... but... your grandson is still just a child!

The game had concluded, and as per the contract, Lord Ferdinand had earned the right to challenge, dictate the rules, and lead the Ditter team in the Royal Academy with Aub's permission. The faces in the room showed disappointment, but Lord Ferdinand remained composed, inviting all the noble ladies to the meeting room to explain his plan.

Leonhardt was tasked with delivering the invitations to the First Ladies, and he overheard his father, the Knight Commander, silently trembling. "I wonder if Lady Celestine will shower her grandson with praise or transform into the Lord of Summer to vanquish us all."

"Perhaps... both," Leonhardt pondered.

May the Seven save them from those ladies...


The biggest advantage for Ferdie now is his age and his appearance.

The next chapter will continue with Sieglinde's POV. It's quite funny. I remembered our Hannelore was only 1 year old, so Sieglinde shouldn't be available to socialize yet. But everyone loves her, so be it. It will not take long; maybe 2 days more.

Chapter 16: Sieglinde - The private meeting of Dunkelfelger's archducal family


5500 words, damn, how could I ever think that I could combine all the content in chapters 16, 17 and 18 in one chapter?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Upon receiving the message from Leonhardt, Lady Celestine promptly halted their tea party, and with urgency in her demeanour, she led everyone to the meeting room where Aub awaited. Anger brewed among them. Sieglinde observed the reactions of all the ladies as they made way to the meeting room: Lady Celestine, who was on the brink of becoming Elbberg; Lady Millicent, who had already taken out her schtappe and was ready to turn it into a whip upon encountering the men; and Lady Tusnelda, who maintained her composure. However, Sieglinde had discreetly noticed that Lady Tusnelda had that special “paralyzed” device hidden in her sleeve, ready for use.

Lady Tusnelda whispered to Sieglinde as they approached the meeting room, her voice tinged with skepticism: "I hope this is merely a misunderstanding, but I fear it may not be, especially given that the one reporting the news is Leonhardt himself."

As the ladies entered the room, the reactions of those inside were quite telling. Leonhardt and the Knight Commander, his father, were noticeably subdued, appearing awkward and sheepish, which was a stark departure from their usual demeanour. Aub Dunkelfelger and Werdekraf exhibited similar behavior, almost as if they were trying to avoid making eye contact, resembling children caught in mischief.

The other archduke candidates, including Eberhard and Geisslerg, were also present, but they appeared bewildered and filled with questions, clearly unaware of the news. Their expressions conveyed their confusion, giving the impression that they were also surprised by the news.

In contrast, Ferdinand stood out in the room. Sieglinde's stepson presented a striking difference in both appearance and demeanor. He sat there with an air of contentment, wearing a dazzling smile on his face that set him apart from the rest of the room. His conspicuous confidence and satisfaction seemed to defy the atmosphere of uncertainty and tension that permeated the meeting.

Once everyone had settled, Leonhardt took the floor to briefly report on the recent developments. Sieglinde's mother-in-law couldn't contain her anger, erupting with frustration by throwing her teacup over her husband. "By the Seven, what is going on with you guys? Such an important proposal, and you didn't even ask for our opinion?"

Aub Dunkelfelger managed to dodge the cup and immediately defended the idea: "Celestine, this is a wonderful idea. It will solve all of our problems."

Lady Celestine remained unconvinced. "So you are telling me that you don't recognize Ferdinand's trap?"

Werdekraf quickly explained, "Of course not, mother. We all realized that Ferdinand planned the Ditter from the beginning when he presented a well-prepared contract. We just..."

Lady Celestine interrupted, "Just don't expect to be defeated completely by a seven-year-old child, huh?"

"That's Father's fault! He must be tired from playing so many games continuously. If we can take the game again..."

"Werdekraf! Your fighting style is just like our father! You would be defeated easily, just like him! Come! Nephew, let me be your opponent!" Eberhard's eyes gleamed with excitement. Once again, this elder brother-in-law of Sieglinde's proved to be the biggest fighter enthusiast in their house.

Another voice chimed in, "This is an important decision related to the whole archducal house's fate! We cannot let it be just one game to decide it all. Ferdinand must match with all members of the house." That was Geisslerg.

"More like you just want to try it with him!"

The room quickly descended into a lively argument among the men, debating how Ferdinand should play more games with them. Veins on Sieglinde's forehead were practically pulsating with irritation.

Good grief, these men! Have they already forgotten the key points of this meeting?

Lady Millicent then transformed her schtappe into a substantial whip, slashing it down on the table with authority and demanding immediate silence. "One more sound from you gentlemen, and I'll whip you into shape and prohibit any of you from playing Ditter for the next three months! Understood?" As the Second Lady of Dunkelfelger, she was known for her ability to put every Dunkelfelgerian man in their place.

Sieglinde had received her education long ago, back when she was chosen to be the future second lady of Werdekraf. She had to admit that the use of a whipping lash seemed a bit violent, and she preferred Lady Tusnelda's more subtle approach. Sieglinde hoped that the men in her generation wouldn't require the schtappe to be used in such a brutal manner. Still, she noticed that it seemed quite effective on the young boy sitting there, as he nearly lost his noble composure.

He's usually under Lady Celestine's gentle care, so it must be the first time he's witnessed how his grandmother and Lady Millicent exert their influence over the men.

Sieglinde had a close friendship with Ferdinand’s mother, Lady Seradina, but she rarely interacted with him, as he was still unbaptized at that time. Later, when he moved to the castle to live with Lady Celestine, Sieglinde hardly had the opportunity to meet him. She had mostly heard about him from Lady Celestine and Werdekraf, and their assessments of him were polar opposites. Lady Celestine continually praised the boy for being perfect and unlike the typical Dunkelfelgerian men, while Werdekraf commended him for embodying true Dunkelfelger values despite his motherly appearance. It was bewildering to hear such conflicting evaluations, but Sieglinde had to agree that both perspectives were accurate once she met the young boy.

Now I understand why my mother-in-law was so shocked after hearing the news. It appears her beloved grandson is also a Ditter enthusiast beneath that delicate façade.

"Thank you, Millicent." Lady Celestine expressed her gratitude and turned back to her husband. "Now, let's return to the matter at hand. You mentioned that you were aware of Ferdinand's plan. But my question remains the same: why didn't you send an ordonnanz to summon us for a discussion before signing the contract?"

The Dunkelfelger men shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Aub Dunkelfelger stammered, "But... the contract is already in place, and we thought..."

Lady Celestine interjected, her patience waning. "Is there anything in the contract that prohibits you from discussing it with us, or did Ferdinand explicitly forbid you from seeking our opinions?"

Aub, looking somewhat sheepish, replied, "No, but... the contract was meant to solidify..."

Lady Millicent couldn't contain her frustration any longer and sighed audibly. "Good grief! Ferdinand already told you how to nullify Lady Magdalena's actions through the Ditter and how the stakes should be written. He offered the solution for free, and all you needed to do was simply ignore his offer, summon us for a detailed discussion, and then issue the orders. Aub's orders are absolute; there was no need to sign the contract. Even if Lady Magdalena has followers to support her in the Ditter, as you've said, she wouldn't be able to fight against all the members of the Archduke family."

The Dunkelfelger men gasped in realization and turned their attention to Ferdinand, who calmly responded, "It's your own fault for being so easily deceived with Ditter involved!"

Indeed, Ferdinand had played his father and grandfather like a fiddle, using his strategic thinking and intelligence to influence their decisions and secure his desired outcome. What a clever boy! Sieglinde couldn't help but think.

Her thoughts drifted to her own son, Lestilaut, back at home. While Lestilaut wasn't lazy or frail, given the choice, he would often opt to stay indoors with his wooden board, spending his day drawing rather than engaging in outdoor swordplay. Sieglinde was now very tempted to ask her mother-in-law to mentor her son so that he too could develop the same wit and intelligence as his elder brother.

Her thought was interrupted when Lady Celestine raised her voice: “Ferdinand, as much as I want to praise you for being able to beat your grandfather, I am definitely not happy about the fact that you will join Ditter at the age of seven, and never ever expect me to allow you to do that.”

“The contract was already a done deal!” Ferdinand smiled.

“Ferdinand!” Lady Celestine interfered, “Stop that smile and explain everything on your head, or I will try every possible way to redo that contract, even asking Lady Tusnelda to paralyze you or asking Lady Millicent to tie you up, then forcing you to sign another contract to rewrite the conditions. Just believed that I, your grandmother, as the First Lady of Dunkelfelger, could issue that order."

"That's a great idea!" Lady Millicent exclaimed with a smile.

"I would be delighted to assist, Lady Celestine!" Lady Tusnelda added, showing her support.

Ferdinand appeared somewhat troubled when he noticed that his grandmother had chosen to go against him. Evidently, Lady Celestine had rarely revealed this side of her to her beloved grandson, considering him so distinct from the "usual Dunkelfelger." Sieglinde could understand this. Her mother-in-law usually categorized men into two groups: "non-Dunkelfelger" and "typical Ditter men." Now that the First Lady of Dunkelfelger had labelled Ferdinand as a "hidden Ditter man," it might be somewhat challenging for the boy to receive the opposite treatment he had enjoyed previously.

Ferdinand frowned and began tapping his temple, deep in thought about how to respond to his grandmother’s request. It was quite an unusual expression for a child. He then requested confirmation that no one agreed with Lady Magdalena's decision, signalling that he might view her as a political enemy. However, his careful wording seemed to raise concerns for Lady Celestine. At our recent tea party, Lady Celestine revealed her concerns that Ferdinand's approach, by implying that his aunt was an obstacle, might not be the best way to handle the situation. She believed that while Dunkelfelger might not be keen on serving a wisdomless Zent, Lady Magdalena's marriage was already a settled matter. Lady Celestine thought that the best approach would be to maintain a warm and friendly demeanor towards Lady Magdalena, even if only as a façade, to ensure Dunkelfelger could use the situation to its advantage and gain valuable insights from the royal family.

After the sound barrier was activated and all the aides had turned away, Ferdinand started: “Then, grandfather, grandmother, father! I would like your permission to explain the Vow of Leidenschaft to everyone."

"What is the vow of Leidenschaft?" Not only Sieglinde but everyone looked confused, except for the three mentioned individuals. Aub Dunkelfelger hesitated at first, then nodded. With his permission, Ferdinand began to explain:

"Basically, when an archduke candidate is chosen to be the heir and becomes Aub Dunkelfelger, that person must take a sacred oath to the God of Fire, Leidenschaft. In that vow, the future Aub Dunkelfelger must swear to become the Sword of Zent, chosen by God, and serve to protect the country."

"Wait, does that mean Father has already taken the Vow?"

"Of course, I have. That vow must be taken before dyeing the foundation."

Everyone was shocked, realizing that the consequences of Lady Magdalena's action were more severe than they had initially thought. Lady Millicent then raised her voice, "Is that why you prepared for your early retirement?"

Lady Celestine sighed, "Werdekraf has not yet taken the oath, so he is saved. We plan for an early retirement while still maintaining the foundation. This way, Werdekraf will lead the army under the guise of a brother supporting his sister, rather than an Aub supporting a royal prince."

"Why didn't you mention this to us? This is more troublesome than we expected! Does Magdalena know about it?"

"It's customary that only Aub Dunkelfelger and his chosen heir would know. As for the First Lady, it depends on whether Aub decides to tell her or if she can deduce it on her own."

Upon hearing this, Sieglinde began to wonder if Aub Dunkelfelger had already chosen Ferdinand as the next heir, considering he was already aware of the information.

Seeing that everyone was getting increasingly angry, Ferdinand continued with his explanation. If they revealed that Aub was bound by the sacred oath, Dunkelfelger could use it as an excuse to avoid being dragged into the war. However, outsiders might not understand or could intentionally ignore Dunkel's neutrality, and the Fifth Prince's faction would exploit the fact that Magdalena used the Bride Task to force Dunkelfelger to support them. Furthermore, even after knowing about the Vow of Leidenschaft, the Fifth Prince's faction would demand Werdekraf's involvement in the war as the heir apparent. So, the best approach was to send a fake Ordoschnelli indicating that even Werdekraf was bound by the oath. By doing this, it would help the entire country see that Dunkelfelger's neutrality was not merely a selfish act but a necessity, since both current and future Aub had their hands tied.

“But we are not bound.” Eberhard asked.

"It was just the first step. Technically, only grandfather and father have the right to order and lead Dunkelfelger's army, which is why the first step is necessary to prevent outsiders from forcing them.” Ferdinand continued, addressing their confusion, "The next in line for leading the army lies with all two of you, my uncles, but also with Lady Magdalena, me, Knight Commander and grandmother, as we are archduke candidates at this moment. Both Knight Commander and my grandmother were excluded, as they are bound by the decisions of my grandfather and my father."

Lord Eberhard admitted, "I still don't understand."

"Uncle Eberhard," Ferdinand explained, "the result of the Bride Task is just for granting Lady Magdalena's marriage, not Dunkelfelger's participation. Grandfather merely needs to affirm the decision of neutrality, and no one can oppose him. Aub's orders are absolute. The Vow of Leidenschaft is just an additional excuse for us to use against those who demand otherwise."

"Ferdinand," Lady Tusnelda interjected, "It is a social norm that the bride's family belongs to the groom's faction. That’s why Dunkelfelger had to join in the war after the Bride Task."

Ferdinand responded, "I would rather say it is grandfather’s initial intention to push the Fifth prince on the throne as a relay Zent!"

"Eh? Really, father?"


Sieglinde carefully observed Aub Dunkelfelger and Lady Celestine, and it was evident that Ferdinand's revelation had taken them by surprise. Their reactions made it clear that they hadn't disclosed this information to Ferdinand before.

"How could you know that?" Werdekraf inquired.

Ferdinand calmly replied, "It is not so difficult to guess, father. Like I said, grandfather just needs to hold our standing firmly as neutral. Yet he decided to retire early and let Dunkelfelger join the war. So, grandfather did plan to support the Fifth Prince, but not like supporting Zent, as he could do that when the war began. I guess, grandfather's plan is to stay neutral and let those two factions fight until they are exhausted. Then Dunkelfelger will join the war, not taking any side, but acting as the power to cease the fire. Finally, as the one who acts as the sole factor that decides the feud's result, Dunkelfelger could choose a suitable prince and push him to be a relay Zent until the true Zent with wisdom appears. There would be no winning or losing side, no rewards or punishments applied, and none of the greater duchies would have a dominant voice over the newly appointed relay Zent."

Sieglinde sighed, acknowledging that Lady Magdalena was right in her assessment that the Fifth Prince was more suitable than his elder brother to be a ruler. He had a reputation as a proper Erwachlehren and not a power climber, making him a better candidate as a temporary Zent. However, Lady Magdalena's hasty actions had thrown a wrench into this plan. With Dunkelfelger joining the war, it would result in a win-lose situation, and the Fifth Prince would become the official Zent. While this outcome wasn't significantly different from the initial plan, it did place Dunkelfelger in an awkward position.

Lady Millicent expressed her concerns, saying, "I'm afraid this plan still has its shortcomings. If Prince Trauerqual were to assume the position of relay Zent, Dunkelfelger could only provide him with provisional support until the new generation of the Royal Family grows up, and no marriage alliance would be offered to ensure the balance. However, given how deeply Magdalena is in love, she would quickly propose marriage to him, disrupting the delicate union between Dunkelfelger and Prince Trauerqual."

"Following the first step of my plan, grandfather and father will be unable to voice their words, and the right to make the final decision will be divided equally among every archduke candidate left in Dunkelfelger, creating an unwanted internal conflict. Even if all archduke candidates here agree to stay neutral, Lady Magdalena can still rally quite a number of Dunkelfelger's knights to support her by using Real Ditter as a lure. Unless she was disowned, the whole country would still see her actions as representative of Dunkelfelger. That's why I propose Ditter!" Ferdinand explained. "The Bride Task is sacred, and so is Ditter. First, it’s Dunkelfelger’s way to resolve the conflict through Ditter. By using Ditter to finalize the final decision, no one in Dunkelfelger would dare go against it; even Lady Magdalena or her Bride Task would be forfeited. Secondly, it allows us to maintain our neutral standing and enables us to follow our initial plan, saving the country from being divided into winning and losing sides while honouring Leidenschaft's oath and the Bride Task. And finally, it safeguards the future generation of Dunkelfelger from Lady Magdalena's precedence."

There was confusion in the room, and someone asked, "What precedence?"

“By getting a Dunkelfelger lady, those royal princes can gain access to Dunkelfelger's power, even if they lack Wisdom.” Sieglinde answered on Ferdinand’s behalf, and her statement received a fierce reaction, with exclamations like "Absurd!" and "How dare they!"

That was also a reason why Sieglinde was so angry at Lady Magdalena’s action. Her thoughts turned to her own daughter, Hannelore. The princes all had sons, and their ages varied. But, from the latest example of Lady Magdalena, who was much younger than Prince Trauerqual, Hannelore would be an attractive target for these princes despite her age. Sieglinde didn't mind if her daughter were chosen during peacetime, under the rule of a wise and honorable Zent. But now, with the situation in turmoil...

“I also don't want any future royal princes coming to take away my daughter, asking me to join a war for them!" Werdekraf affirmed.

"I agree that Ditter is sufficient in this situation," Lady Celestine confirmed, raising excitement among the men in the room. "But I fail to see why it must be you who fights in this match and not your uncles."

The boy then turned to his grandfather and asked, “Well, grandfather, why did you agree to sign the Gewinnen contract with me before?”

“Because of the Ditter proposal you offered!”

“So, you didn’t expect me to win?”

Sieglinde’s father-in-law shrugged, “Of course not! You just barely won over me in the prior match; how could you even... wait?" His eyes widened as he just realized, “That’s your plan from the start?”

“What's the plan?” Once again, Eberhard just proved to everyone else why he was not chosen as an heir, even though he was the eldest son of the archducal couple.

“Ferdinand! Your uncle is not the brightest one, can you explain it in detail like you just did?” Geisslerg raised his hand, making his mother, Lady Millicent, pinched the bridge of her nose really, really hard.

Even Ferdinand looked quite exhausted by the request for a detailed explanation. But he, a newly baptized child, once again tried his best to explain the politics to his two uncles who had graduated long ago. It was quite a miracle that the Dunkelfelger archducal house could produce at least one man with political sense in each generation, that's what Sieglinde thought.

Lestilaut! I don't expect you to be as good as your brother, but please don't take after your two uncles.

According to Ferdinand's perspective, there were three compelling reasons why he should be the one to participate in the Ditter match against Magdalena.

First, Magdalena, despite her considerable skills, was still a student at the Royal Academy, while Eberhard and Geisslerg were experienced adults with years of combat training. Adult knights were not allowed to go to the Royal Academy and play Ditter as they wanted without sufficient permission. If the two adult knights were chosen to represent Dunkelfelger and fought against Magdalena, the Ditter match would have to be held in Dunkelfelger territory. By holding the Ditter match in Dunkelfelger, other duchies would claim that Dunkelfelger was violating the results of Ditter as the match was held in secret to them. This could tarnish Dunkelfelger's reputation. Even if adult knights were allowed to participate in the Royal Academy, both princes’ factions would likely interfere in the match to manipulate the outcome in their favour. However, Ferdinand, although not yet of the required age to compete in the Royal Academy, had already been baptized. This allowed him to participate in activities at the Royal Academy with his grandfather's permission alone. The match between Ferdinand and Magdalena could be framed as a student activity, with all participants being students. Ferdinand stressed that student activities at the Royal Academy were typically considered independent and non-interference events by the adult factions. This approach would help them avoid external manipulation and pressure.

Secondly, if Eberhard and Geisslerg were chosen to represent Dunkelfelger and won the Ditter match, regardless of the location, it could be perceived as Dunkelfelger bullying Magdalena. This outcome might be seen as Dunkelfelger trying to force Magdalena to submit to their will and disregard the sacred bride task. Such a negative reputation was something they wanted to avoid at all costs, as they needed Dunkelfelger’s name to be placed at the top until they could join the war. Ferdinand was the only non-adult archduke candidate left in the family, and he was also holding the status of heir presumptive as the first born of Werdekraf, making his status enough to represent Dunkelfelger. By sending Ferdinand, it would be easier to frame the match as an effort to settle the dispute and reach a peaceful resolution. This way, Dunkelfelger could avoid negative perceptions and maintain their notoriety in the ongoing power struggle.

Thirdly, Ferdinand's young age provided another advantage. On the surface, his youth created the illusion that Dunkelfelger had agreed to Magdalena's actions and that the Ditter match was merely a formality to legitimize her decision and unite the whole duchy. This element of surprise would leave Magdalena and her team unprepared for the challenges they would face in the match. Additionally, the perception of an unbalanced battle with a 7-year-old boy facing off against an older, skilled knight added significant pressure on Magdalena.

"Even if I lose, Lady Magdalena's team would need to win in a particularly glorious and honorable manner to prove her worth and maintain her reputation. If her team struggled against me, the criticism would be substantial, casting doubts on the effectiveness of her strategy and consultations, which could potentially damage her reputation as a strategist. Moreover, if she dares to brag about her win in the future, everyone will see her as a petty lady, and this time, it will be her reputation that is ruined by abusing a newly baptized child."

Ferdinand finished explaining his plan with a poisonously sweet smile that sent chills down everyone's spine. The room fell into deep silence, filled with tension. It made Sieglinde wonder how the education provided by Lady Celestine resulted in such a vast difference between Magdalena and Ferdinand, both of whom were the most recent two archducal candidates raised by Lady Celestine herself.

However, Sieglinde noticed that she might have made a mistake as she glanced at her mother-in-law, Lady Celestine, who displayed the most bewildered reaction anyone had ever seen on her face. All her noble composure had evaporated, leaving her utterly confounded. It was clear evidence that all of this came from Ferdinand himself, a boy who would turn eight next spring.

Sieglinde took a deep breath and finally found her voice, breaking the silence in the room. "Ferdinand," she began, "I must admit, your plan is quite brilliant. However, I do have some concerns. What do you think will happen to you if you lose the Ditter match against Lady Magdalena?”

Ferdinand then replied, " If I lose to Lady Magdalena, the outcome would still be the same—Dunkelfelger would have to join the Fifth Prince faction. That's why I've added the condition that we'll only assist the Fifth Prince until the ongoing conflict is settled. This way, we can safeguard our neutrality after the war."

Lady Celestine decided to interrupt Ferdinand, as she felt he was avoiding Sieglinde’s direct question with elaborate explanations. She addressed him with a more assertive tone, "Ferdinand, this is a private meeting within our archducal family. It's essential that you provide clear, direct answers to our questions. I need you to answer Sieglinde’s question directly."

The boy nodded in acknowledgment, understanding her point, but he chose to remain silent regarding this matter. He expressed, "I comprehend your concerns, and I appreciate your care, Lady Sieglinde. However, I propose this plan to avert a more significant disaster. Lady Magdalena may disregard Aub's orders and compel us to pick a side. There's no assurance that she and the Fifth Prince's faction will leave Dunkelfelger uninvolved in the future. They will continue making demands of us. With Ditter, even if I lose, Dunkelfelger can avoid being dictated to by wisdomless Zent and Lady Magdalena. It's a duty I must undertake as an archduke candidate."

Sieglinde decided to express her concern directly, saying, “What I want to know is whether you're aware of your situation in the future. Given the conditions in the Gewinnen contract, your loss could be seen as a failure on your part alone, and you would bear the blame for squandering such an important opportunity. People in the duchy can be quite unforgiving. They might not see the bigger picture and only focus on your defeat. Even if your grandparents can protect you, once Werdekraf becomes Aub, your position could become very fragile."

Ferdinand, displaying remarkable maturity, responded confidently, "I understand the risk very well, but I don't believe it would have a significant impact on my current position. My standing within the duchy is already quite precarious. Some scholars within my mother's faction have even mentioned the possibility of you temporarily assuming the role of First Lady on my mother's behalf. Thus, quite a lot of people are frustrated with my mother's prolonged absence from politics, and most of them are either ‘Dunkelfelgerian extremist’ or ‘short-sighted opportunists’. They see me as less of a typical Dunkelfelger knight, given my scholarly inclinations and the emphasis on my studies and music. Adding one more flaw to my reputation would hardly make a difference. I have plenty of time to overcome this 'Ditter shame,' as I'm just 7 years old."

Sieglinde listened to Ferdinand's response and couldn't help but feel a deep sense of concern. She knew the gravity of being labeled “Ditter Shame”, and how it could weigh heavily on a young child like Ferdinand. Sieglinde couldn't help but wonder how Ferdinand could seem so nonchalant about the idea of bearing the shame by Ditter, a burden that held significant weight in Dunkelfelger. She pondered if he truly comprehended the gravity and consequences that could follow such a decision. Ferdinand's calm and confident demeanor might have masked a lack of understanding regarding the full implications of his choices.

It was at this moment that Lady Millicent decided to contribute to the discussion. "Ferdinand," she began, "it's not easy to erase such a stain on your reputation. To truly overcome the shame by Ditter, you may need to participate in another Ditter of equal importance or attend the real Ditter. If it were one of your uncles, we could simply send them to the front to gain credit. However, this doesn't apply to you."

"I may not be certain about the Ditter, but I am confident in my scholarly abilities. If I excel during my time at the Royal Academy, no one can criticize me for this remaining flaw. In the worst-case scenario, I can still serve as a minister and relay Aub to support any half-brother of mine who is chosen as heir."

It was clear that he had thought this through meticulously. However, Sieglinde was still afraid that the boy was too young to gasp the true consequences. Sieglinde didn't know how Ferdinand acted when he was 4 years old, but she could predict that her son Lestilaut might not possess the same level of political intellect as his elder brother once he reached the age of 7. Lestilaut might also not even be an omni-elemental like Ferdinand, given his lineage, while Ferdinand was known to be one upon his baptism. Comparing Ferdinand, an all-attribute candidate with a higher pedigree who excelled in tactics, politics, and the arts but had a flaw and less support from his maternal side, to Lestilaut, who had the most support from native Dunkelfelgerians and bore no fault, Sieglinde wondered if there might be internal conflict within the duchy in the future over the race to the Aub seat.

After listening to Ferdinand's explanation in silence, Aub Dunkelfelger finally spoke up. "Ferdinand, it is true that you are the new sprout of spring, but you have been baptized and debuted as a proper noble in the land of Fire. This is my final word to you as Aub Dunkelfelger. All adult members of the archducal house will guide you as an Erwachlehren to face Glucklitat's trials, but we cannot protect you like Wiegenmilch, as you have already left her cradle. It will be up to you to either gain the blessing of Greifechan and reach Anwachs or be deprived of the blessing of Leidenschaft when Jugereise dances."

“I am very well aware of this, and I seek no further than your support and approval, Aub Dunkelfelger.” Ferdinand replied with unwavering determination in his eyes.

"I hereby decree: I will honor the Gewinnen contract as Aub Dunkelfelger. As stipulated in the contract, Ferdinand will be solely responsible for his actions in this Ditter, and no one within the duchy can interfere," he declared, then turned to the Knight Commander, "Summon Magdalena to this meeting; it is time to inform her of the result and for her to discuss the rules with Ferdinand personally."

After issuing his orders, Sieglinde's father-in-law crossed his arms over his chest with his eyes closed and fell into a contemplative silence. The entire room remained tense, with no one daring to utter a word. From the moment Leonhardt reported the situation, Sieglinde had anticipated that revoking the signed contract would be no easy task.

Perhaps the reason they summoned us, the ladies, is to explore potential ways to revoke the contract or absolve themselves of any fault for their carelessness.

The boy was truly well-prepared, as he employed the country-wide contract for this match. Despite the rationale behind Ferdinand's explanation and the benefits he secured for the duchy even if he lost, it couldn't overshadow the very high risk that Dunkelfelger might lose a highly promising archduke candidate like Ferdinand. And when Aub Dunkelfelger issued his decree, he conveyed his readiness to sacrifice his grandson for the sake of the duchy. Once again, Magdalena's actions had severe consequences in every aspect.

Magdalena entered the meeting room in a matter of moments, and her fury was evident. It was clear that she hadn't taken the news well at all. Without exchanging pleasantries, she immediately focused on launching an attack against Ferdinand.

"I had hoped that you would heed my advice, especially given your abundant blessing of Mestionora. But it appears you've chosen to ignore my counsel and have become fixated on this meaningless Ditter match!" Magdalena lashed out at Ferdinand, her words carrying a sharp tone of disappointment and frustration.

Magdalena's words seemed to trigger Elbberg's anger to erupt. Sieglinde discreetly channelled more mana into a tool under the table designed to restrain Werdekraf. This action helped prevent any immediate outbursts from him. Thankfully, she had activated the tool before Magdalena entered the room, allowing her to maintain control over the situation. Additionally, the other ladies present used their own means to help maintain a peaceful atmosphere and prevent any further explosive in the room. Sieglinde also looked into Werdekraf’s eyes, subtly signalling him to remain composed.

This is the Ditter that your son has planned, and he's currently in charge. Please refrain from disrupting and undermining all his hard work. Stay composed and conserve your energy to offer him support when needed.

The room remained tense, but the ladies, including Sieglinde, made every effort to keep the situation under control, showing their steadfast support for Ferdinand as he undertook this significant endeavour. Ferdinand glanced around the room, acknowledging their support with a nod, and proceeded to describe the challenge that his grandfather had approved of.

The Ditter’s bell has rung. Do your best, Ferdinand! We are here, right behind your back!


Sieglinde's POV may sound quite negative, but that's from her perspective. We can predict the Ditter result because we knew that is retro-Ferdie. But to everyone's else, it is the fight between a 14-year-old knight-trained girl and a slender pretty 7-year-old boy, no way they could think about the winning would be the later.

Next chapter will be the detailed of dealing Ditter's rule! Which POV do you like? Werdekraf, Sieglinde, SL Millicent or TL Tusnelda?

I have a new goal now, I will turn this fanfic into a full storyline by combining POV of every characters appears. How is that ideas going? Of course Fermai will have multiple chapters.

Chapter 17: Werdekraf - Dealing the Ditter's rules


Sorry for not able to reply all your comments, but please assure I read all of them. Thank you a lot for take your time reading my fic. So many ask for Werdekraf POV, so here we are. This chapter is non-canon-compliant: all things about Dunkelfelger politics and Real Gewinnen was made up by myself based on some hints from canon, please read with care.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In the heart of Dunkelfelger, where politics and tradition intertwined, Werdekraf contemplated the challenges that lay ahead as he prepared for his early ascendance to Aubhood the following spring. His primary concern, beyond the realm of politics, was his two sons, Ferdinand and Lestilaut. Werdekraf turned to his head attendant, a loyal confidant who had served him for years, to inquire about the progress of his second son, Lestilaut. As Lestilaut underwent his first training sessions, Werdekraf couldn't help but feel a bit anxious. Lestilaut was not as boisterous as the typical boys in Dunkelfelger, even though he was better built compared to Ferdinand. The head attendant, however, offered reassurance, emphasizing that appearances could be deceiving, as Ferdinand's training result had shown. Still, Werdekraf's concern lingered.

After meeting with his entourage about his early inheritance, Werdekraf then retreated to a hidden room, a sanctuary where he could find solace. He clutched a vize bottle, seeking a moment of quiet reflection. The training for an archduke candidate was exceptionally demanding, and it extended far beyond ordinary education, especially for the heir. Failure during the course of this training was not uncommon, with many candidates struggling with mid-assessment and facing the prospect of not passing the final assessment. Those who couldn't meet the standards would be demoted before enrolling in the Royal Academy or immediately after graduation, a fate that had befallen the sons of the Third Lady Tusnelda.

As Werdekraf reflected, he recognized that only two other male archduke candidates had successfully navigated the arduous path of education within the archduke house: his elder brother, Eberhard, and his half-brother, Geisslerg, the son of the Second Lady. Magdalena, still a year away from her final assessment, had been allowed to retain her status as an archduke candidate as compensation for her forced marriage. The differentiation between the male and female candidate curriculums remained a mystery to Werdekraf, but Magdalena had appeared to excel until her significant blunder cast a shadow over her prospects.

Before embarking on the rigorous training of an archduke candidate, all children in Dunkelfelger followed a general curriculum. As part of their education, every child would begin their training as knights from the day of their baptism. There was a strict selection process to determine which children would proceed on the Royal Academy's knight course. Those who failed the knight selection would have to choose an alternate course, redirecting their educational path. They could explore additional classes, which were designed to encourage knight apprentices to engage in more mentally stimulating subjects while also allowing attendance and scholar apprentices to take some knight training classes.

In the case of archduke candidates, it was expected that children from the archducal house would excel in the selection, even if they weren't enrolling in the knight course, and it was customary for them to engage in additional knight training, especially the boys. Girls typically focused on their archduke candidate course and had the option to take some scholar classes if they wished. However, there was no precedent for students in the Royal Academy to pursue multiple courses because all Dunkelfelger students were required to partake in special Dunkelfelger training within the academy's dormitory, leaving them with little time for additional courses in addition to their main one. It was important to note that this curriculum, while demanding, was the standard education for children in Dunkelfelger.

Beside their academic and knight training, the children of Dunkelfelger archducal family were also educated in socialization and faction building, an essential part of their upbringing. Dunkelfelger was a land with many factions, each serving various purposes. Some factions followed an inheritance model, such as Aub's faction, which combined his own followers with those who had previously served his predecessor and transferred their allegiance to him. Similar inheritance factions existed for the three wives of Aub and all the members of archducal house.

In addition to these, there were smaller factions that represented historic families from different regions and those from Giebe's family who declared their neutrality in the race for the Aub's seat. However, the most significant portion of a faction under an archduke candidate was the one they built themselves. Candidates started practicing faction-building from the time of their baptism, utilizing debut performances, winter rooms, and training grounds to attract and select their retinue.

The candidates had various paths to choose from, whether they aimed for the Aub's seat, aspired to become a minister, or were willing to become a son or daughter-in-law in another duchies. The crucial factor in the final assessment of archduke candidates was their ability to gather and maintain a faction under their leadership. This process didn't occur in isolation; candidates received assistance, mainly from their mothers and some from their fathers, up until the age of 10.

The foundation of a candidate's faction was built from the apprentice retainers that they attracted and the adult retainers appointed by their mother, whether newly recruited or transferred from their mother's faction. The size of the faction, the status of its followers, and the quality of the retainers were all indicative of the candidate's ability to recruit, lead, and command respect. These aspects were instrumental in determining the suitability of an archduke candidate.

Werdekraf's early ascension to the position of Aub had unintended consequences for his first son, Ferdinand. One of the most pressing concerns was the timing of Ferdinand's faction-building. Seradina's coma, which had prevented her from playing her part in Ferdinand's faction-building, made the situation even more difficult. While there was good news that her mana had begun to melt, indicating potential recovery, it was going to be a long journey before she could wake up and regain her physical health. It was expected that she wouldn't be able to re-join social life until the end of the following year, and even then, it might take several more years for her to rebuild her faction.

This delay would cause Ferdinand to miss the prime time for faction-building. The golden period for an archduke candidate to gather their base supporters and start forming a faction was before they entered the Royal Academy, as this was the only time they could rely on adults to assist them. Once inside the Royal Academy, they would be on their own, and be left to build their faction independently.

The situation could have been more manageable if it weren't for Magdalena's actions. If not for her disruptions, Werdekraf’s mother, the First Lady Celestine, who was also Ferdinand’s current female guardian and still holding power, could have stepped in to guide the boy in recruiting adult retainers. However, upon becoming Aub, Werdekraf’s parents would have to relinquish their power and transfer it immediately to their successor. This transfer of power was not just a matter of avoiding divine punishment for his father; it was also due to the customary practice for all archducal couple to prevent any power struggles, lingering influence, or interference from other individuals who might try to exploit the transition period and disrupt the new Aub's rule.

As for Sieglinde, despite her willingness to help Ferdinand, Werdekraf didn’t want to ask for her help as her hands were indeed tied. With her son Lestilaut focusing on his education and preparing for baptism, she needed to provide guidance and support to ensure he was on the right path. Additionally, their one-year-old daughter, Hannelore, required her care and attention as well.

On the political side, it was not feasible to leave the First Lady's faction frozen for several years while waiting for Seradina to recover. The people in that faction would have to be temporarily transferred to Sieglinde's faction, but it wasn't a permanent solution, as Sieglinde couldn't abandon her duties as the Second Lady, or the faction inherited from Lady Millicent. Thus, a careful balance had to be struck between these two factions and maintaining this delicate balance was going to be a complex and challenging task for Sieglinde herself.

Werdekraf had planned to choose the third wife after becoming Aub for several years, allowing him to observe the changes and assess who would be the best candidate to maintain factional equilibrium. In most duchies, the position of the Third Lady was traditionally reserved for the beloved of the Aub. However, in Dunkelfelger, the Second Lady was the beloved of most Aubs due to their being the closest female friend even before enrolling in the Royal Academy. On occasion, the role of Geduldh could also be the First Lady, as was the case with Werdekraf's mother, Celestine. He believed that this arrangement could apply to his Goddess of Light Seradina, too. As for the Third Lady, this role was aimed at balancing the factions within the archducal house. However, given Sieglinde's overwhelming responsibilities, Werdekraf realized that they needed to expedite the selection of a third wife, and that lady could be adopted by the archducal family first to help manage family affairs. He would send a message to his mother about this problem.

And that was only about the time and the guidance received in building a faction. The origin and type of retainers included were also counted in the assessment. Usually, the child of the First Lady had a significant advantage as they would inherit a part of the faction from their mother, who was an archduke candidate hailed from foreign duchies. These candidates usually came from greater or high-ranking middle duchies, and some even were princesses from a royal family. The non-native nobles from the First Lady's faction would bring enormous benefits, from foreign trends to knowledge that could be passed down to future generations, as well as a broader perspective on different cultures around the country. At the same time, the children of the Second Lady would inherit their mother's faction filled with full Dunkelfelger nobles, particularly local, prominent historical arch-families or branch families of the archducal house. The children of the Third Lady would usually receive retainers from Giebe's family or from lesser duchies under Dunkelfelger's asylum.

This inheritance model of faction gave the children of the First Lady a significant edge in the race for the Aub's seat and being chosen as Zent's first marriage partner. The children of the Second Lady often ended up as the backed-up First Lady, ministers, knight commanders, or opening branch families, while the children from the Third Lady were typically married out to other duchies for marriage alliances.

However, the children themselves also had to attract new young native Dunkelfelger nobles. It wasn't challenging for a typical boy to draw in young, energetic knight apprentices to join their faction. But both his sons seemed to barely have any. One of the reasons Magdalena was held in high regard before was her characteristics and her excellent grade in knight training. She attracted many young knights to follow her, and she did manage the overabundant blessing of Brennwarmen from those boys, although in a different way. Everyone thought that she preferred a “knightlier” way like Lady Millicent and didn't think much about her qualities as a princess of Dunkelfelger. She also had a faction of her own, but Werdekraf wasn't sure how many of them agreed with her decision. Leonhardt reported to him that many knights were excited about the chance to attend Real Ditter, and there might be a sign that those belonging to Magdalena's faction would follow her. He wondered how many knights she had influenced with her traitorous idea of supporting the wisdomless Zent. They would need another assessment to quickly identify and remove those “corrupted” knights as soon as possible.

Returning to his son's education, Werdekraf wasn't worried about Ferdinand's academic abilities, and the boy was very fond by his grandmother’s and mother’s non-native retinue. However, Ferdinand's small stature concerned him in the context of the upcoming knight's assessment, as the standards for men were much higher than for women, and given his outstanding debut performance, Ferdinand was expected to get the highest grade in the assessment. He observed that Ferdinand was much smaller than other children his age, and he often wondered if his son's reluctance to eat was a result of the trauma from his mother's poisoning. Werdekraf contemplated assigning a physician to focus on improving Ferdinand's physical development. As for Lestilaut, he had a combination of traits from Werdekraf and Sieglinde in his appearance but was still quite delicate compared to a typical boy. He was a good-natured boy who diligently completed his lessons, but he preferred indoor activities to outdoor ones. Unlike Ferdinand, who displayed a keen interest in Gewinnen, brewing, and music, Lestilaut's primary focus lay in drawing, a form of minor art in noble society. Werdekraf understood that Lestilaut was still young, and perhaps it was a good idea to drag the boy outside to enjoy with him before he became buried in new responsibilities as Aub. If both his sons failed the assessment in the Dunkelfelger standard but excelled in the standards of other duchies, it could become a scandal.

He considered following his father's suggestion to have his parents adopt Ferdinand. This arrangement would ensure that Ferdinand continued to receive full care until Seradina's return and allow Werdekraf to assign his mother as a minister. With this, his mother could still keep her faction active and assist Sieglinde during this challenging period. Werdekraf couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. His mother, Celestine, had often lamented the fact that none of her children inherited her artistic talents. It was as if these special traits had skipped a generation and gone straight to her grandchildren. He recalled that Eberhard's eldest daughter also had a fondness for singing. While Werdekraf acknowledged that Ditter was an art in itself, the Art of War, he knew better than to mention this to his mother. He had no desire to receive a teacup flying in his direction, a gesture that only his father seemed to enjoy.


On the next day, Werdekraf entered Aub’s meeting room to continue with the work of transferring responsibilities. He had been assisting his father for a long time and already managed 70% of the workload, making him very familiar with the tasks. However, abrupt changes and transfers like these were still a challenge, and Werdekraf had to admit that Dunkelfelger men were not particularly skilled at paperwork.

As the third bell began to chime, an attendant entered and informed them that Ferdinand had come for socialization practice, which meant it was time for Gewinnen.

"Hey Werdekraf, let me play with my grandson today. I won't have the chance later," his father Wenceslaus said.

"Oh, Father, isn't your job to observe how he plays to prepare for the Real Gewinnen next year?" Werdekraf replied.

"Next year will be your job! I am going to retire in Spring, remember?" His father reminded him.

I forgot that.

In the noble society, Gewinnen was not only a way for men to socialize but also a compulsory lesson in the heir's curriculum, serving as preparation for the duchy's defense. However, in Dunkelfelger, Gewinnen held even more significance. It was the introductory lesson for every knight and scholar in preparation for Ditter. For male archduke candidates in Dunkelfelger, there was a special type of Gewinnen known as 'Real Gewinnen', involving high stakes formalized through a magical contract.

Every boy born into the archducal house at the age of eight would be offered a chance to play 'Real Gewinnen' with the current Aub Dunkelfelger. They could request any favour or condition they wanted. Since most Aubs came to power when they were around 30 to 35 years old, almost 90% of children played with their grandfather, except for some younger boys born later. All boys, even if they were not the heir's children, were offered a chance to play 'Real Gewinnen' if they wished, providing an opportunity to be promoted to the status of archduke candidate when their father was not the heir. Failure in the match meant they had to finish a special task the Aub had given them within a certain time frame, typically until they were adults. If they failed to accomplish it, demotion to archnoble status was the inevitable outcome, as they were deemed "unsuitable" for archduke candidate status.

The purpose of 'Real Gewinnen' was threefold. First, it aimed to identify more potential candidates within the family, as there was no harm in having more talented archduke candidates. Second, it served as an examination for the final assessment to retain the status. Finally, it was designed to provide the boys with a harsh reality lesson.

Usually, an older male family member would play the Erwachlehren's match with the younger boy, with the aim of teaching them the proper moves in Gewinnen. Winning was meaningless if it meant sacrificing secret moves to secure victory over children. The boys in Dunkelfelger, however, received a lot of blessings from Brennwarmen and Angriff, and they usually lacked Seheweit to recognize that their elders were not playing the customary Gewinnen practice with full sincerity. This led to the need for the 'Real Gewinnen,' formerly known as Verdraos's match, which helped the boys to recognize their actual levels. It was better for the boys to make mistakes during this early summer stage so that Erwachleren, the adults, could guide them to reach Anwachs by the time autumn arrived. It would be too late to teach them after they sow a Ditter Shame and were outcasted by the whole duchy.

"So, Ferdinand's time has come. The last Real Gewinnen I observed was with Faramund, and that was already 10 years ago." The Knight Commander smiled and commented, “You're quite cruel, Aub, to let the boy collect the egg of Giftigython alone without any retainer accompanying him."

His father replied, "The one who started that idea was our grandfather, and need I remind you that you accomplished it?"

Leonhardt was shocked and asked, "Really, Father? How could you do that?"

"It's my secret! I was allowed to keep my archduke candidate status due to that accomplishment. How could I reveal it?" The Knight Commander laughed.

Werdekraf remembered his half-brother, Faramund, and remarked: “Ah, my little half-brother Faramund was a very fine knight, but he was a little...quiet. I can understand why Father gave him that task—to encourage him to develop some courage and determination.”

Leonhardt asked, "But Faramund failed, right?”

“Leonhardt, your father was also a shy boy before, but look at him now.” His father signed, “I thought Faramund could be the second him, but perhaps it was better for Faramund to avoid the leading positions that come with so many responsibilities.”

Suddenly, Werdekraf recalled Seradina's earlier suggestion. When he introduced the concept of Real Gewinnen to her, Seradina proposed that they could also apply it to girls by lowering the standard slightly. She argued that in Dunkelfelger's society, girls held a high status, and it would be a disaster if a girl made a mistake that affected the entire duchy. At the time, Werdekraf hadn't given it much thought, as there was no history of girls committing such significant errors.

The primary aim of Real Gewinnen was to temper the boys' excessive excitement over winning the regular Gewinnen and make them realize their true weakness, as well as understand the weight of their decisions before coming to Royal Academy, where the adults could not interfere. This would help them refrain from offering stakes too easily. However, Werdekraf now regretted not considering Seradina's suggestion more seriously, and he also wondered what would have happened if he, his father, or Eberhard had used Real Gewinnen to teach Magdalena a harsh lesson, preventing the current situation from occurring.

Werdekraf began to contemplate which task he should assign to Ferdinand. The boy was intelligent, determined, diligent, and hardworking. He also didn't exclaim triumphant over victory. If there was any drawback, it was his petite stature and his lack of boisterousness, but those characteristics couldn't be used to design the task.

I really cannot just request him to build his body bigger as a task.

However, he didn't have much time to think further, as Ferdinand approached and offered to engage in a Real Gewinnen directly with his father Wenceslaus.

"Grandfather, how about we started exchanging stakes in the next game, like Ditter?"

The way Ferdinand proposed showed that he didn't yet fully understand Real Gewinnen, but the stake he offered was truly appealing. Finally, a way to teach Magdalena a lesson and revoke her action. As much as Werdekraf wanted to laugh, he started to reconsider his earlier evaluation of his eldest son, as he may have overestimated the boy. Just winning two matches, and Ferdinand had already shown his arrogance. Well, history was true; no Dunkelfelger boy escaped that fate. Werdekraf was amused, looking at his father, who also nodded in acknowledgment.

It was a season earlier, but it doesn't matter. Let your grandfather teach you a lesson, son!

However, it seemed like Werdekraf's day took an unexpected turn, since a while later, Werdekraf sat quietly at the table, still unable to believe what had just happened. The room now had more guests, including his second wife, Sieglinde, as well as the three wives of his father and his other two archduke candidate brothers. They were all waiting for Magdalena to arrive.

Ferdinand had won! In such a... astonishing way! The boy, who he thought was too overconfident to challenge the mighty Aub Dunkelfelger in the Real Gewinnen, had emerged as the victor. They had all invited the ladies in the family to come to discuss and convince Ferdinand to sign a rewritten contract. However, the boy’s arguments were so logical and rational that they couldn’t be easily denied, ultimately leading his father to follow along and approve the match's result.

The room was filled with tension as Magdalena stormed in, her face contorted with anger. She wasted no time and immediately attacked Ferdinand verbally as if the young boy was the one at fault for this confrontation. Werdekraf's anger flared, but before he could react, his second wife, Sieglinde, channeled mana into a strangling tool, nearly paralyzing him. It was a stark reminder that he could not act hastily, as his father had ordered that no one could interfere with the rule dealing with this matter.

Ferdinand remained firm, his voice steady, as he gently revised the meeting results. He focused on the Vow of Leidenschaft, explaining why Dunkelfelger had to remain neutral. Magdalena's face turned as white as the color of Ewigeliebe when she heard about the sacred oath. Werdekraf couldn't help but scoff; at least his sister wasn't heartless enough to see her father and her brother die.

Ferdinand continued, "As you can see, both Grandfather and Father were not allowed to release Dunkelfelger's army. All the other adult Dunkelfelger's archduke candidates, including Grandmother, uncles, and the Knight Commander, opposed your idea and even requested for your disownment. However, the Bride Task is sacred, and usually, it's a norm that the bride's family would belong to the husband's faction. Therefore, as the only non-adult candidate left in the archduke house like you, I challenge you to a Ditter that could resolve this dispute. If you win, then Dunkelfelger will send the army to support the Fifth Prince until the war is settled, under the name of 'supporting family,' as the order would be issued by archduke candidates instead of Aub and Heir apparent. If you lose, we will still honor the results of your Bride Task, but Dunkelfelger has the right to maintain its standing as neutral."

Magdalena was taken aback. "Why only until the war ends? If it's in the name of supporting families, Prince Trauerqual would be part of our family, too. He would become Dunkelfelger's son-in-law!"

Werdekraf fumed, his veins bulging on his forehead as he struggled to maintain his composure. He felt the mana channeled into the strangling tool increase, and Sieglinde's hand tightened. He turned to Sieglinde to send a silent message. I don't think I can continue if that girl keeps talking.

Sieglinde frowned but continued channeling more mana into the tool and held his hand, offering silent comfort. Celestine, Werdekraf's mother, raised her voice, her disappointment evident. "Then what will happen to your father and your brother after that? You have forced Dunkelfelger to choose a side in the war, and now you're demanding us to continue supporting the wisdomless Zent? If you truly want to see your father and your brother climb the towering height by the flame of Gebordnung, then remove all excuses and say it outright, so I can disown you without regret in my heart."

Magdalena paled, stammering. "I... I really don't mean that... there might be a way..."

Eberhard seized the moment and interrupted Magdalena's faltering argument: "If you were so certain that Prince Trauerqual is the true leader and could find the Wisdom after the dispute ends, then why force Dunkelfelger to follow him after that? Or are you also wary of his ability to find the wisdom, that he's actually a useless prince who can't do anything without the help of a 14-year-old girl who abandons her duchy, her honor and her family?"

The tension in the room grew thicker as Magdalena burst in, her face flushed with anger. She immediately focused her wrath on Eberhard, interpreting his comment as an insult to Prince Trauerqual. With determination in her voice, she demanded that Eberhard took back his words. Her outburst left the room stunned, and Werdekraf couldn't help but wonder how far Magdalena was willing to go for the Fifth Prince.

Before Werdekraf could react to Eberhard's comment or Magdalena's response, Ferdinand interjected, his voice calm but resolute. He continued to emphasize that Dunkelfelger would only join the war temporarily, and once the conflict ended, they would return to a neutral stance. To comfort Magdalena, he added, "If Prince Trauerqual can find the wisdom after the dispute, Dunkelfelger will support him voluntarily, with no marriage alliance required."

Magdalena, visibly taken aback, hesitated for a moment. After a brief internal struggle, she accepted the proposed stake. She then began to inquire about the details of the Ditter.

Ferdinand was prepared. He proposed the rules for the Ditter, explaining that it would be held at the Royal Academy, on the first day of the Interduchy Tournament. Each team would consist of seven members, with the choice of members depending on the leaders, which were Magdalena and Ferdinand themselves. All members must be students, they had to recruit their team members without using any privilege or power to force anyone into the Ditter.

Magdalena questioned why it had to be at the Royal Academy and not in Dunkelfelger, as she believed that the dispute should remain private and not reveal any disunity among the people of Dunkelfelger.

Werdekraf couldn't resist another mocking comment, his voice slipping out, "Dunkelfelger is united except for you. If we're in dispute and need a solid opinion, a public Ditter is necessary. What if your beloved Prince Trauerqual uses this as an excuse to claim anything negative about us to force us to follow him?"

Magdalena retorted that Prince Trauerqual was not that kind of person, but her words found little belief among the gathered. She accepted the fact that her future Dark God had a terrible impression on Dunkelfelger.

Good, at least her head is still clear enough to see it.

Magdalena then tried to persuade Ferdinand to reconsider participating in the Ditter, warning him that it wasn't child's play like non-mana Gewinnen. She emphasized that no one could protect him after his reputation was tarnished in a public way.

Eberhard couldn't help but scoff. "Do you dream of victory so soon, Magdalena?"

Magdalena ignored Eberhard and continued her attempt to dissuade Ferdinand. She argued that he did not yet know how to wield mana, and without highbeast, amor, or schtappe, Ferdinand would be a hindrance to his team, dragging them down in the Ditter Shame.

It was then that Werdekraf realized the meaning behind the term "meaningless Ditter" that Magdalena had mentioned when she stormed into the room. She truly believed that everyone was engaged in redundant actions by proposing this Ditter when all they needed to do was follow her decisions.

As much as Werdekraf wanted to overturn the table in front of him to express his frustration with Magdalena, Sieglinde's control over him through the strangling tool prevented him from doing so. Frustrated, Werdekraf refrained from making his wife waste her mana on controlling him and reached into his pouch to release some of his pent-up emotions, only to discover it contained nothing but gold dust. He couldn't help but wonder how many feystones he had powdered in the past week.

Ferdinand did not waver; instead, he put on a sad smile. His appearance was enough to arouse parental love from the adults in the room, making them wonder where they had done wrong with this small and seemingly helpless child. However, Werdekraf's instincts screamed that this boy was scheming something truly menacing.

"I'm glad that, even though you stand alone amidst criticism, my 'dear aunt' hasn't forgotten to be a Schutzaria to Mestionora. I'm very grateful for that," Ferdinand smiled beautifully. "Unfortunately, besides me, no other archduke candidates are allowed to join this Ditter because it would violate the purpose of this Ditter: a fair match to resolve the dispute without interference from any adults in the country. This is planned to be a Ditter between students."

Magdalena's demeanor softened, and she looked confused and regretful. "But... it's so terrible for you to join this Ditter at your age. We can still apply for a Ditter between adults in the Royal Academy. The Interduchy Tournament is the time when adults are allowed to participate."

Werdekraf blinked.

Adults are allowed! We can... Wait, wait, wait, Ferdinand did mention the possibility of the Ditter being interfered with and how people might see Dunkelfelger as abusing Magdalena. But Ditter... Ditter…

As expected, Ferdinand looked sad and signed, "I'm sorry, Aunt Magdalena. You were so sure of Prince Trauerqual's characteristics that I assumed he would be fair. But how can you ensure that Prince Bosekalt will not resort to any dirty tricks to sway the outcome in his favor?"

Magdalena's expression shifted, and she appeared remorseful as she responded, "You're right, nephew. Prince Bosekalt is ruthless and a warmonger. We can't predict what kind of extreme actions he might take."

The atmosphere between Ferdinand and Magdalena had become so peaceful, and it almost felt as if Werdekraf had entered Schlaftraum's realm. If it wasn't for Ferdinand's earlier rational explanations, he might have believed that the boy and Magdalena were on the same team from the start, deceiving them all. However, his instincts told a different story, and when he glanced at his mother, she silently nodded in confirmation.

Rather than worry, Werdekraf now felt excited to see just how deeply Magdalena had fallen into Ferdinand's trap.

Ferdinand then proposed, "How about this, as a newly baptized child who doesn't have enough knowledge in playing Ditter, I would need a temporary guardian in the Ditter. So, I suggest that one adult be allowed to join to protect me. What do you think?"

Adults are allowed! Well done, my son! You know your father... Ouch!

Werdekraf was abruptly cut off as a shockwave coursed through his body. Sieglinde and even his mother had intervened, using their tools to keep him in check. Both women glared at him, silently reminding him that the story they told the world was that he was bound by the oath and needed to stay silent.

But... but... Ditter... Damn… Why did I agree to that fake Ordoschnelli?

Eberhard and Geissleig immediately proposed to act as Ferdinand's guardian in the upcoming Ditter. But Ferdinand firmly maintained that no adult archduke candidate could participate, emphasizing that the match's integrity should be preserved.

All of a sudden, everyone's attention turned to Leonhardt. In essence, he would be the most trustworthy person for Werdekraf to entrust his son to. This time, Magdalena vehemently raised an objection.

"It's unfair! Sir Leonhardt is the Vice-Commander of Dunkelfelger. How can you expect any of us students to compete against him?" Magdalena protested.

Ferdinand emphasized the importance of fairness, stating, "Of course, it wouldn't be fair. I genuinely hope that this match remains as equitable as possible. I don't recommend adults from the archducal house participating, and this applies to close branch families as well."

In response, the room resounded with shouts of "Ferdinand!"

Magdalena then made a suggestion, "What do you propose, nephew?"

Ferdinand pondered and eventually said, "Well... I hope that the person acting as a guardian will be someone I am familiar with or, even better, someone stand... neutral." He glanced subtly at his own head attendant Justus, who stood in the corner of the room.

"Oh, I understand," Magdalena said with a satisfied smile, "It's a deal!"

"Thank you for your generosity, Aunt Magdalena!" Ferdinand responded with a charming smile.

Ferdinand! If you continue to negotiate with her like this, I might start to suspect you of being a secret traitor too!

"I believe we've reached an agreement. Is there any other request you'd like to add, Aunt?" Ferdinand inquired.

Magdalena fell silent for a moment and then made a unique request - if she won, she wanted the freedom to choose her position within Prince Trauerqual's family without opposition from Dunkelfelger. The request surprised and puzzled everyone in the room as they tried to discern her true intentions.

Ferdinand then inquired about the specific position that Magdalena desired. Magdalena hesitated and trembled, attempting to avoid a direct answer. Eventually, she explained that since she entered this marriage of her own free will and had used force on Prince Trauerqual, the first two wives of the prince bore no fault. She wished to avoid conflicts within the prince's family in the future.

This revelation was worse than Verdrenna delivered in the Spring. His father, Aub Dunkelfelger, broke free from the influence of whatever tools his mother used to control him and slammed his fist hard on the table. He demanded to know if Magdalena intended to continue embarrassing her Geduldh by submitting herself as a lesser wife to a non-heir prince.

His mother was also furious, her face turning the color of Geduldh, but Werdekraf could see that was her anger at Magdalena for making such a ridiculous request. At this moment, the mana in the tool that had been strangling Werdekraf lightened, and Sieglinde's hand nearly dug into his skin. One by one, each man in the room broke free from being controlled and prepared to pull out their schtappe, ready to confront Magdalena and wake her up from Schlaftraum’s realm.

Magdalena's hidden request had shocked everyone in the room to the point where they couldn't remain calm any longer, including the ladies present.

Ferdinand, however, stepped in to defuse the escalating situation. "Your request is a little too much, Aunt. It should be part of the stake. So, you wouldn't mind if I added some more conditions to the rule?" Ferdinand interrupted the tense atmosphere in the room, and Werdekraf believed he needed to prevent the situation from escalating further.

"What are you doing, Ferdinand? I don't agree with this!" Werdekraf objected.

"It doesn't matter whether you agree or not. Aub's order: The rules of the Ditter will be negotiated between me and Lady Magdalena only.” Ferdinand declared as he turned to Aub Dunkelfelger, "Grandfather, would you please?"

His father Wenceslaus took a deep breath and returned to his seat, saying, "Everyone, compose yourselves! Let Ferdinand continue!"

Magdalena then inquired about the conditions Ferdinand wanted to add.

"You see, aunt, everyone is upset with your additional stake. I don't ask for much in the stake, but I want to add two rules. Firstly, neither of us is allowed to use any materials from the treasury of the archducal house, from feystones to weapons. However, you're free to seek support from others, but it must be given willingly, and people are allowed to refuse our request without any punishment. Secondly, anyone involved in this Ditter, whether as a member of the team, scholar support, logistics, or witness, must sign a contract stating that they are not allowed to reveal or reuse any weapons or tools used in the Ditter match without grandfather permission."

Magdalena questioned the necessity of these rules, asking, "Why must it be that way?"

"To ensure fairness, the Fourth Prince's faction must present to witness the match, and I don't want any of Dunkelfelger's power secrets to leak out," Ferdinand explained.

Magdalena, unable to contain her frustration, muttered her displeasure, suggesting that they should just cancel the meaningless Ditter. Inwardly, Werdekraf was struggling to maintain his composure by all means, as he was out of feystone already. He knew he couldn't resort to violence, especially against Magdalena.

With Magdalena's acceptance of the additional terms, the contract for the Ditter was finally set with the following rules:

  1. The Ditter will be a Treasure Ditter and held at the Royal Academy on the first day of the Interduchy Tournament.
  2. Each team will consist of seven members. All members must be students, except for Ferdinand and one member of his team, who will serve as his guardian.
  3. Ferdinand's guardian must not be an adult from Dunkelfelger's archducal family or from any branch family within the most recent three generations.
  4. Magdalena and Ferdinand are not allowed to use their status or power to force any noble in Dunkelfelger to join their team for any role. All nobles in Dunkelfelger will be allowed to refuse the offer without facing any troubles.
  5. Magdalena and Ferdinand are not allowed to use any kind of materials, weapons, or tools from Dunkelfelger's treasury. This rule applies to all members of each team.
  6. Anyone involved in this Ditter, whether as a team member, scholar support, logistics, or witness, must sign a contract stating that they are not allowed to reveal or reuse any weapons or tools used in the Ditter match under any circ*mstances without Aub Dunkelfelger's permission until the war ends.

The contract was prepared and signed by three parties: Magdalena, Ferdinand, and Aub Dunkelfelger. Then, Ferdinand requested that his grandfather issue an official Aub Decree to the whole duchy about the Ditter rules. Following the issuance of this order, Ferdinand pivoted his focus towards Magdalena, encouraging her to return to the Royal Academy. Her mission was two-fold: to apprise the Fifth Prince of the upcoming Ditter and provide him with a detailed copy of the contract. As Magdalena happily departed to fulfill this task, the room's atmosphere transformed into a cacophony of questions, inquiries, and contemplations about the implications of this historic confrontation.

"Ferdinand! How could you agree to those conditions?"

"I never thought Magdalena could be so shameless!"

"A daughter of a first lady of Dunkelfelger asking to become the third wife of a non-heir prince! I hope all the late Dunkelfelgerian Queens in the past won't curse our children."

"It was such a wonderful opportunity to let an adult in. Why did you add those conditions?"

"Boy! Justus is talented, but he's not a knight. He can't protect you."

"The rules are set. Justus, from this evening on, you will join the Knight Order for special training by the two commanders. I will assign another attendant to take care of Ferdinand."

Ferdinand raised a hand to capture everyone's attention and signaled Justus to bring in some wooden boards and deliver one to each of them, each with unique markings. Werdekraf couldn't contain his curiosity and read aloud from the board he received.

"Flammelz fruit, Kverweide leaves... What is the meaning of this, Ferdinand? I thought you couldn't use materials from the Treasury," Werdekraf inquired.

Ferdinand sported a smirk. "Only materials registered by the treasurer, to be precise. There's no rule against using personal belongings. Since I'm allowed to ask for anyone's help, are you willing to assist me in gathering these materials?"

The room fell into complete silence. It was evident that the wooden boards had been prepared in advance, long before the meeting that day. Just how long had Ferdinand been planning?

Leonhardt interjected, "Does this mean Lady Magdalena can do the same?"

"Of course, but do you think she'd come to ask for help from you guys?" Ferdinand replied with a hint of craftiness.

Leonhardt chuckled, acknowledging Ferdinand's cunning.

Celestine, his mother, looked at her board and smiled. "Deliver Ordoschnelli to the ladies of the duchy, offering them insight into the archducal family's perspective. It appears you intend to send a warning to the ladies, so they can act as Verfuhremeer to keep their children in check."

The Knight Commander also smiled. "I'll follow and keep tabs on the students who've agreed to join Lady Magdalena's team, as well as the adult knights who've declared their support. This will make it easier for us to identify those who Lady Magdalena's treasonous ideas may have influenced.

Aub Dunkelfelger, Ferdinand's father, raised an issue regarding Ferdinand's team. "Ferdinand, I've seen your list of team members and your requests. First, the first two members don't seem to fit the rules you've proposed. Second, I don't see the name of the adult member. Third, even including the undefined adult member, there are two spots unfilled. Lastly, what is the purpose of those special tools you've requested?"

Ferdinand responded calmly, "I haven't asked the first two members yet, but please revise the second and third rules; they still apply. I have an idea for the adult guardian, but I haven't yet confirmed his willingness, so I'd like you to either summon him back or allow me to reach him at the Royal Academy as soon as possible. As for the two blank spots and the special tools, please allow me to keep those details secret, as I am still in the midst of my research."

Another round of silence swept through the room. Werdekraf couldn't resist his curiosity but held back from trying to read more from his father's board. Eventually, his father signed, "Everyone, do Ferdinand a favor as he's requested on the boards sent to you. Ferdinand, I will find a reason to summon them back tomorrow for you to ask their opinions individually without alerting Magdalena. Now, you're excused for lunch, as the adults have some matters to discuss."

Before Werdekraf's father could say anything after the door closed, his mother, the esteemed First Lady of Dunkelfelger, who had the most stunning yet frightful smile on her face, silenced him. It was then that Werdekraf realized that his son, Ferdinand, had picked up this habit from his grandmother.

"I understand that you have something to discuss," his mother whispered gently. "But I'm afraid I can no longer contain my anger. So, my dear Dark God, would you mind if your Goddess of Light vents some of her frustration on you?"

In a state of shock, Werdekraf thought about making a run for it, but before he could react, Third Lady Tusnelda acted swiftly, and his entire body was paralyzed.

"Well, Sieglinde, take care of your husband." Lady Tusnelda then turned to the other men. "Eberhard, Geisslerg, you two are also excused until you're summoned back. As for our mighty Knight Commander and his son... Don't worry, I've called your Goddess of Light to come and take care of both of you."

As quickly as Steifebrise, his two brothers left without looking back, leaving Werdekraf lying on the floor while the two commanders of the Knight Orders stood in suspense, awaiting their impending punishment.

Sieglinde looked at her husband and sighed, "I really don't want to do this."

"Then don't."

"But... considering your father's situation, I'm afraid I can't oppose the ideas of my seniors," she chuckled.

Werdekraf attempted to lift his head and witnessed his father receiving the wrath of his mother Celestine. Lady Tusnelda had brought a tray holding a collection of intricately carved wooden cups that his mother brought from Klassenberg as part of her dowry, which was intended for decorations. However, his mother had found another use for these cups, as she kept throwing them, one by one, to his father. His father desperately wanted to escape, but Lady Millicent had her whip ready to strike his father every time he attempted to flee toward the door.

At times, I found myself truly pondering how my mother came from Klassenberg.

The room resounded with the heated exchange between his parents.

"It's all your fault!"

"Celestine, this was not my intention. You see, there is a customary... "

"Are you referring to the Real Gewinnen? Of course, I know, but not only did you let it happen ahead of schedule, you also lost to a seven-year-old child, and you wagered such a heavy stake! What is wrong with your judgment??"

"Please, Celestine, you should take pride in the fact that our grandson won! He is the first boy in history to win the Real Gewinnen!"

"And then what? No highbeast, no armor, no protector, no schtappe, and he's thrown into a party of Angriff and Brennwarmen! He might as well greet the Supreme Couple before I praise him!!"

"Be gentle with the cups…"

"Damn you, Wenceslaus!"

The "argument" showed no sign of ending soon.

In the end, while the Lord of Summer was indeed formidable, the Lady of Summer and her minions always emerged as the mightiest force in Dunkelfelger.




End Note:

The men in the meeting room didn't just fall for Ferdie's trap that easily; they also had a reason why they agreed with it. But as Celestine and Millicent said in the last chapter, they just need to ignore the offer, and the Real Gewinnen can be played later. In the end, Dunkel men are indeed easily lured by Ditter, but they are not airheads. So they recognized that they f*cked up and then accepted the anger from the ladies willingly

This chapter was also used to give Magdalena some credit. Before the blunders, she was a favorite type of Dunkel and got some admirers of her own. Her style of controlling Dunkel fellows was quite violent as she emphasized knight training, but it worked. Both Ferdie and Lesti are up-standard in other duchies, but not in Dunkel, not until they reveal their credits in Ditter. In summary, Magdalena in my fic was actually a Dunkel-MAN but born as a woman, she received the "wrong education", so disaster happened.

Again, this chapter was also my theory as to why Lestilaut seemed so forced in his characteristics because, usually, the art enthusiast was quiet, detailed, and sensitive, but in Canon, as the eldest son and also son of First Lady, Lestilaut must prove himself more than that. Here, Ferdie already carried most of the expectations, so Lesti would be free from holding such expectations and enjoy more of his hobby.

As for the idea of Real Gewinnen, I got it when I reread Hikaru No Go. In chapters 2–3, Sai/Hikaru won over Akira in the first match, but that match was not real Sai's level; he told Hikaru that he used a "teaching match" to play with Akira. Only in the next match, he reveal his true level, and Akira has to admit the loss before the table gets full. This actually also happened to me before, when my grandfather taught me how to play Xiangqi (Chinese chess). I played casually with him for a year, some wins, some losses, and then he asked whether I wanted to play real. I agreed and lost completely in 10 minutes (LOL). So scary!

Btw, Giftigython is (giftig) poisonous + (python) python. Of course, it's fake. All pythons are non-poisonous... on Earth.


GUESSING GAME: Which characters will be included in Ferdinand's team? Here is the hint: 1 adult (canon) + 5 students (3 canon, 2 original characters, but 1 original character was mentioned)

I will be quite busy in the middle of November, so I guess I cannot guarantee my update timetable. Therefore, once the new chapter is available, I will update it as soon as possible.

See you next chapter!

Chapter 18: Before the Match!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rozemyne - Too many butterfly effects to handle

Rozemyne's frustration had been mounting for a while now. There were still certain rules and constraints that she found suffocating, as her insatiable curiosity and desire to experiment with new ideas often clashed with the rigid customs and norms of the noble society she was born into.

Her retainers, who were dedicated to her safety and well-being, insisted that she stay sheltered and protected. According to them, she was still an unbaptized child, and any undue exposure or risks could jeopardize her future. Despite Rozemyne's relentless efforts to persuade them, her retainers were steadfast in their belief. They saw her as a precious and fragile gem that needed to be preserved until her baptism ceremony, which was the next significant milestone in her life.

It was both frustrating and disheartening for Rozemyne, as her grandmothers, Third Queen Kreszentia and Lady Vaitiare, echoed the same concerns. They believed that even if rumors about Rozemyne's existence seemed to have subsided, there would always be those who remained skeptical. People would be waiting for a sign, a confirmation that the hidden child of Zent Waldifried truly existed.

Thankfully, she had a loyal and capable scholar, Michelle, who understood her frustration. Michelle managed to catch the two talented cooking apprentices, who were twin daughters of the castle’s lead chef, and they were hired exclusively for Rozemyne's experimental kitchen.

With her growing enthusiasm, Rozemyne began to entertain the idea of opening Italian restaurant in Hauchletzte just like in Ehrenfest before. This time, she thought of creating two separate establishments – one for the Noble Quarter and another for the Lower City. However, this idea was met with mixed reactions. Before she could even take the first steps in her culinary venture, her two grandmothers presented her with a magical contract that outlined strict rules and secrecy. The terms stated that everyone involved in the experiment team would be bound by an oath of silence. They were not allowed to reveal anything about their work without Rozemyne's explicit permission.

Her grandmothers agued that their intention was to keep her culinary innovations a well-guarded secret until she was officially baptized, and they wanted to preserve the honor and prestige for her baptism ceremony. However, Rozemyne could see it more like they underestimated her creative capabilities, and they believed that it would take a long time for Rozemyne to develop a new dish. That’s why they want to keep it in secret because they didn’t want any bad rumour surround Rozemyne as she was incompetent to make any kind of trends.

The most frustrating part of the contract was the restriction on sharing her creations. Rozemyne didn't mind if the people of Hauchletzte enjoyed the modern cuisine, and she saw no need to keep her achievements shrouded in secrecy. Of course, it would take time to replicate her recipes, but she believed that if Ella and Hugo could make it in her last life, then these new apprentices could achieve it in short time.

Rozemyne's mind was abuzz with ideas and enthusiasm. Her first thought centered around recreating pound cake, which was also her first sweet that Myne had recreated with Freida and Leise before. It was a classic dish, simple but still captivated enough the palates of her fellow nobles.

However, as Rozemyne began to plan her confectionery masterpiece, a daunting realization struck her. The critical ingredient for her pound cake was absent – sugar. Oh, right, sugar was the trend after the civil war, so it doesn't exist yet, she murmured to herself.

This realization meant that her initial creation would have to be a sugar-free version, using honey as a sweetener. It would be a little difficult, as even her honey flavour pound cake required sugar, too. Sugar played a multifaceted role in baking. It helped retain the air in the baking mix, keeping the cake moist and providing it with a light and fluffy texture. Sugar also preserved the cake and maintained its original color, making it a natural food preservative.

Her mind abuzz with ideas, Rozemyne's next step was to visit the kitchen and instruct her new cooks, Linn and Erna, on how to bring her vision to life. But before she could embark on her culinary journey, her retainers firmly prevented her from entering the kitchen.

"Of all the places I want to visit," she grumbled inwardly, "it's the kitchen that's off-limits to me, too?

Rozemyne's agitation grew as her retainers persistently invoked her high rank and noble status. In their eyes, such a place was not befitting for someone of her stature. The noble society had its rigid customs, and they were intent on adhering to those customs.

"But I need to be there to see each step of the process," Rozemyne argued. "I can't merely give instructions and hope it turns out as I imagined."

Her retainers, stern and unyielding, maintained their stance. They insisted that it was her privilege as a noble lady to issue orders that would be dutifully executed by her attendants and servants, even in the kitchen. Fabiane's servant, they suggested, could serve as the intermediary between Rozemyne and the kitchen staff.

Rozemyne's exasperation reached its peak. "You don't understand," she protested. "I can't just give vague instructions and expect them to get it right. I need to be there to see the process to ensure the dishes turn out as they should."

The retainers stood firm, steadfastly adhering to the norms of their noble society. They argued that it was the way things were done, and that she must trust the capable individuals serving her. Rozemyne then came to reason with her grandmothers, using all the persuasive tactics at her disposal.

After much debate and deliberation, Adelle, the head attendant of her grandmother the Third Queen, offered a compromise. "Perhaps," she suggested, "we could find a middle ground. Her highness Rozemyne could start by sending her instructions to the kitchen staff. If the first attempt doesn't go as planned, then, under a veil of secrecy, she could visit the kitchen discreetly."

Rozemyne, ever determined, nodded in agreement, relieved that there was a way forward. As expected, the first experiment with the honey pound cake was far from a success. Using honey alone resulted in a dense, caramelized cake that was overly sweet. Despite others praising the taste, Rozemyne couldn't help but grimace with each bite. The sweetness was too much for her tongue. She began to question the palate of the people of the Sovereignty.

I never thought that the taste of sweetness in the Sovereignty was already bad before sugar.

The strong reaction on her face prompted Fabiane, her nanny, to finally relent. She agreed to accompany Rozemyne to the kitchen to "instruct" the cooks directly. Rozemyne couldn't understand why noble society had become so paranoid and restrictive, even after living in it twice. She contemplated whether this level of paranoia was common among the nobility. If it was, she found herself grateful for her initial life in Ehrenfest, where common sense was so twisted before she was born.

After asking Linn and Erna carefully each step they had taken, Rozemyne decided to modify the recipe a little. A traditional pound cake is made by combining four equal parts of ingredients – flour, sugar, eggs, and butter. However, sugar cannot be substituted for honey in a one-to-one ratio. Their textures, tastes, and densities are different.

"Separate the egg and whisk them separately," Rozemyne explained as they began the process. "The yolk should be turned pale yellow and ribbon-like, while the egg white needs to be stiff, pure white. Use some apelsigel's juice to help it stay stiff."

The twins meticulously followed her instructions, their hands deftly separating the eggs and whipping them into the desired consistency. They were genuinely intrigued by this new approach to baking.

Rozemyne continued, "Now, reduce the amount of honey by half. Mix it with melted butter and flour first, then combine it with the yolk to create a fluffier batter. Finally, fold in the egg whites to make it even airier."

With each step, the batter transformed before their eyes. When they reached the final product, the twins were visibly excited. The cake batter was unlike any they had encountered before, and they were eager to see how it would turn out.

The end result was a complete departure from the previous attempt. It still cannot be compared to a traditional version, but Rozemyne couldn't ask for more. The cake was lighter, fluffier, and retained the taste of honey but much less sweet.

Linn, the calmer of the twin, immediately grabbed a basket of fresh fruits and started slicing them. She expertly arranged a slice of the pound cake with fresh cream, a selection of berries resembling rutreb, fallold, and viorebe, some mint-like leaves called minze, and a drizzle of dark honey. The result was not only delicious but also visually stunning. Rozemyne marveled at Linn's presentation. She hadn't given any specific instructions for decorating the pound cake, yet Linn's artistic sensibility had turned it into a delightful work of art. Now no one could ever say that her pound cake looked drastic.

As she savored the improved pound cake, a feeling of satisfaction washed over Rozemyne. A wide grin adorned her face, and she couldn't help but chuckle softly. Witnessing is better than hearing, hehehe… Rozemyne mused to herself, fully appreciating the truth of that saying.

When her grandmothers tasted the cake, there was no room for doubt or hesitation. They were thoroughly impressed with the result. From that point on, Rozemyne was granted the freedom she desired to conduct her food research in the kitchen.

It was a little regretful that she didn’t know many recipes for sugar-free sweet, but now she was given a freedom in the private kitchen in the eastern building and acquired two talent cooks, Rozemyne determined to make more food to satisfy her food craving.

Hauchletzte seafood dishes are not bad, but I want more.

Her journey with savory dishes was much easier, as honey could easily replace sugar in most savory dishes, although seasoning required careful adjustment, given the difference in sweetness. Sometimes, Fabiane would inquire about how Rozemyne acquired such knowledge, but her responses were always vague. She claimed to have imagined different ingredients and flavors coming together, but she needed to experiment to be sure. To her surprise, this answer was met with acceptance, and when she inadvertently used unfamiliar words or phrases, she attributed them to her recollections of hearing her father or mother discuss such matters.

"I remembered I heard it from someone, maybe father or mother… It was so long," Rozemyne would say, her tone slightly wistful. Her retainers, eager to validate her words, often responded with certainty.

"Ah, it's definitely your father!"

"That's right, Zent Waldifried knows a lot of stuff that us don't know."

"Your memory is so good! As expected of Zent Waldifried's daughter!"

Rozemyne smiled at their acknowledgement and the ease with which her outlandish reasons were accepted. She gave a silent thank you to her father Waldifried for giving her the ideal excuse behind her back.

I’m sorry father, for using your name as excuse again. And thank you so much, Michelle, for being my father’s fanatic.

Rozemyne's culinary creations became a topic of interest within her family. Her grandpa, Heinrich, and her grandma, Vaitiare, soon joined her with grandmother Kreszentia for meals regularly, eager to sample her innovative dishes. Rozemyne felt somewhat guilty that all her grandparents were willing to sign a "secret contract" just to eat her food, especially when they enjoyed it so much.

Rozemyne couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and unease at the layers of secrecy and protection her family had wrapped around her and her culinary endeavors. While they aimed to safeguard her budding talents and innovations, their actions also revealed the intricate web of family politics that lurked beneath the surface. Rozemyne was inspired to share her culinary creations with her uncles, Heinrich's sons, and their families. She considered sending them some of her dishes, but both her grandmothers warned against it. They explained that unless her uncles and their families agreed to sign a contract, some of them might attempt to reproduce her recipes in a less quality version and take credit as an inventor. Those people could be anyone, such as her grandpa’s lesser wives and their children – her half-uncles and aunts, even the family of her fullblood uncles. This could dilute Rozemyne’s credits as her trends would be seen as updated versions but not original ones.

While Rozemyne felt pleased that all three elders had done their best to protect her and her endeavors, she couldn't help but be uneasy about the silent disputes within the Hauchletzte family. She couldn't help but compare the situation to her previous life in Ehrenfest, where she had remained blissfully unaware of in-family conflicts due to her own ignorance and the protection of everyone around her.

I missed them again…

The protective layers surrounding her were immediately reinforced by her vigilant grandparents once Rozemyne found herself inadvertently revealing the secret of her new sweet creation to Anastasius via letter. In truth, it wasn't Anastasius's fault; rather, his mother, Ralfrieda, had indirectly instructed him to request the recipe from Rozemyne for remaking it in Gilessenmeyer. While her grandmother Kreszentia concealed her emotions well, Rozemyne could sense an undercurrent of fury.

Grandmother really doesn’t need to tell me that. How can I give away my recipe for free? Benno would scold me to death.

The complex nature of Rozemyne's feelings toward Anastasius mirrored the tangled web of their relationship. She had discovered that both he and Eglantine had sincerely tried to protect her from Sigiswald and that disgusted Immanuel in her previous life. However, this didn't absolve them of using Ferdinand to force her for the shrine tour or steering her towards the bookless scrub to maintain their version of "peace." Rozemyne’s relationship with Anastasius had soured since the time she obtained Eglantine's name and when Ferdinand forced those two to reside at Adalgisa’s palace.

Yet, when Rozemyne received Anastasius's letter in this new life, she found herself reassessing her perspective. The prince she once knew was now revealed as a mere child. His words in the letter exuded innocence and sincerity, convincing her that he harbored no malice. She decided not to hold Anastasius responsible for actions he had not yet committed. Of course, it was also because Rozemyne found herself unable to resist the little Anastasius in her recent memory, his chubby face, curious puppy eyes, and the innocent tone of his letter. It was really difficult for her to remain on guard or hold onto any lingering resentment.

Grandpa Heinrich immediately responded to the heir of Gilessenmeyer's request, expressing gratitude for the offer of native ingredients from their ally. However, he conveyed that the wartime conditions were not conducive to creating new culinary trends. Rozemyne remained uncertain about how Ralfrieda and Sigiswald would react to her grandfather's reply, but Trauerqual told her that he would handle any repercussions that might arise from the response to Gilessenmeyer.

After Trauerqual departed, it was her grandmother Kreszentia who broke the news, her expression unreadable as always. "Your uncle and I have decided to demote his current First Lady," she announced, her words carrying a mix of determination and authority. "We are preparing to marry another lady who will take on the role of your baptism mother," Kreszentia continued, her tone steady and businesslike.

"Bwuh?!!!" The revelation sent ripples through Rozemyne's thoughts. Now this was what they called “butterfly effect”. It seemed the garden incident and the recent letter from Anastasius were setting off a chain reaction of events in the intricate web of nobility.

Curious, she probed, "And who might this new lady be?"

Her grandmother, however, remained tight-lipped about the details. "You'll know in due time," Kreszentia replied, leaving Rozemyne with more questions than answers.

As the days unfolded, so did the layers of her adjusted curriculum. The lessons on Drewanchel's history and culture were piled onto her schedule, a clear indication that the chosen lady hailed from that duchy. Her guardians, particularly grandmother Kreszentia, closely monitored her progress. Each lesson and discussion aimed at refining Rozemyne's understanding of Drewanchel's cultural nuances.

However, there was something intended to happen.

One day, the dining hall was filled with the usual sights and sounds of the evening meal. The rich aroma of food filled the air, and the Hauchletzte family members sat together, enjoying their dinner. But amidst the chatter and laughter, Rozemyne couldn't help but notice something unusual. Her grandpa, Heinrich, wore an exhausted expression, and it raised her curiosity.

Heinrich picked at his food, lost in thought, and the lines on his face spoke of a heavy burden he carried. Sensing something amiss, Rozemyne decided to act on her impulse. She knew better than to intrude on serious matters, but if it involved the war outside, she felt it was important for her to be informed.

"Grandpa," she said, her voice gentle but concerned, "You seem troubled. Is there something on your mind? Does it pertain to the situation outside?"

Heinrich glanced at Rozemyne, his weary eyes softening as he regarded his granddaughter. He sighed before replying, "You're perceptive as always, Rozemyne. Indeed, it's a matter related to the war, but there's more to it."

After observing Rozemyne’s culinary invention, her grandparents had been quick to adjust her education curriculum. Her accomplishments in the realm of food trends had sparked their interest in hastening her learning and involving her in more complex political discussions. These discussions were couched in noble euphemisms and took place during their private tea parties. While the topics discussed were not particularly challenging for Rozemyne, the layer of complexity introduced by the noble jargon often left her feeling utterly defeated. As Rozemyne attempted to “translate” those euphemisms into an “understandable language” in her head, her two grandmothers watched with a mix of exasperation and unwavering determination. It was evident that they took the task of imparting this knowledge to her as a worthy challenge to prove their pride as noble ladies.

However, it seemed the recent news was not such a good one, as once they entered the hidden room, her grandpa abandoned all noble talking to share the news to her.

"Rozemyne," Heinrich began, his voice steady but tinged with concern, "originally we have been planning to have you baptized under you uncle Trauerqual, and it was expected that he would find a suitable First Lady candidate from our new ally – Drewanchel, to be your baptism mother. However, we have received a proposal from Dunkelfelger."

From Dunkelfelger? Magdalena? And yet I thought me being born as a hidden princess and the plan to get a Drewanchel first wife would serve as butterfly effects to avoid her.

"Dunkelfelger? Why suddenly they proposed to us? I remembered in my last lesson; you told me about why they want to be neutral."

Heinrich shook his head, his expression troubled. "My poor choice of words. It wasn't an official Dunkelfelger proposal, but rather a personal proposal from Lady Magdalena, the only daughter of Aub Dunkelfelger. She utilized a traditional marriage proposal method unique to her duchy. As for Aub Dunkelfelger and his remaining family, it appears they are not particularly inclined to support your Uncle Trauerqual. That's why they offered a Ditter as a means to settle the final decision."

"Bwuh?!!!" Rozemyne couldn't help but be shocked by the news. The unfolding events were drastically different from her past life.

“Ah, you may not know it yet.” Heinrich patiently explained, " Ditter is a noble competition sport used as a mock battle for apprentices to practice their attacking and defending skills in the duchy. In Dunkelfelger, it is often employed to resolve disputes or make significant decisions."

"So, they proposed a Ditter because they oppose Lady Magdalena's decision to support uncle Trauerqual?"

"Partially," Heinrich affirmed. "But don't worry too much, Rozemyne. We've reviewed the contract and discussed it with Lady Magdalena. We believe that the Ditter is merely an excuse to formalize the marriage between your uncle and Lady Magdalena. She mentioned that there are many debates in Dunkelfelger regarding whether to join the war or not, and her decisions have offended some factions. Therefore, a Ditter would help quell the dissent within Dunkelfelger."

Sounds logical, but I’ve never heard about this Ditter. Or maybe it happened before but Dunkelfelger concealed it?

With the pieces of the puzzle falling into place, Rozemyne couldn't help but inquire further. "What about the Dunkelfelger team participating in the Ditter? Do you have any information about them?"

Heinrich shared insights gleaned from his conversations with Magdalena. "The Ditter will be a student battle held at the Royal Academy next week. The leader of the Dunkelfelger team is the only non-adult archduke candidate besides Lady Magdalena. He is the eldest son of the Heir apparent, her nephew, and he was just baptized this Spring. This is one of the reasons why we think the Ditter is merely an excuse. According to Lady Magdalena, the boy excels in many areas, but his qualities are quite different from the typical Dunkelfelger, making it challenging for him to build a faction or garner support. His mother's absence from politics further complicates matters, and he may be at a disadvantage once his father becomes Aub. Our scholar also found some information about the boy and suggested the theory that he was chosen to be a forsaken pawn to relieve him from the heavy responsibility of being Dunkelfelger's future heir, despite his achievements.”

Wait wait wait, the butterfly effect is too big now! Magdalena’s nephew, and the eldest son of current heir apparent… isn’t it Lestilaut?

Rozemyne agreed that Lestilaut’s drawing talent was quite rare for Dunkelfelger, but his persistent pursuit of Ditter and his reliance on it to solve problems were indeed characteristic of Dunkelfelger nobles. Why did her grandpa say it in such a way? Or maybe Lestilaut was a dandere boy when he was small?

But her main concern was Lestilaut's mother, Lady Sieglinde. The main cause for the Ditter seemed to be the absence of Lady Sieglinde, who kept the men of Dunkelfelger under strict control. Her thoughts turned to her best friend, Hannelore. If Lestilaut was considered an abandoned pawn, she worried about what might happen to Hannelore later.

Furthermore, her grandpa shared another intriguing detail. "Lady Magdalena faced some difficulties in recruiting knights from Dunkelfelger. She managed to secure only two knights from her entourage and seeks more. That’s why Klassenberg will contribute some knights to her team, while Drewanchel and Hauchletzte would help preparing tools with scholars. However, after reading the contract, we saw this does not specify that all knight apprentices must be from Dunkelfelger, I suspect that this is a test from Dunkelfelger to see if Prince Trauerqual is sincere in this marriage."

Rozemyne, still grappling with the intricacies of the upcoming Ditter, couldn't help but express her concern about the apparent unfairness of pitting students against a seven-year-old child. "Grandpa," she questioned, her eyes reflecting her unease, "is it really okay for us to fight a seven-year-old? It seems so unfair."

Heinrich, always composed, offered a measured response. "Rozemyne, Dunkelfelger has allowed one adult to join as the guardian of that young boy."

Rozemyne's worry persisted. "Then won't it be difficult for the students to face a full-fledged adult? It doesn't seem like a level playing field."

Heinrich, understanding her concern, sought to reassure her. "The adult joining will be the lead attendant of the young boy. Dunkelfelger has indeed allowed the most leeway for our side to win, as they've chosen the boy's attendant, not a formidable warrior. It's a calculated move to secure an advantage without overpowering the students. After all, they couldn’t just offer so many advantages to us because the Forth Prince factions would attend the match, too."

The Dunkelfelger I knew would never give away victory so easily. Is it genuinely their intention, or could it be a result of Lady Magdalena's exceptional persuasion skills, or because Lady Sieglinde was not there for the negotiation?

Sensing her continued confusion, grandpa retrieved the copy of Ditter rules and began to read through them once more, offering explanations as he went.

Then, the requirement for everyone involved, even witnesses, to sign a secrecy contract about the events in the Ditter raised Rozemyne’s suspicions. Furthermore, the stipulation that no tools used in the competition could be revealed or reused without Aub Dunkelfelger's permission was added to the enigma.

Rozemyne inquired, a furrow forming on her brow, "Why is there a secret conditions for everyone involved in the Ditter? And what's the deal with not revealing or reusing the tools without Aub Dunkelfelger's permission?"

Heinrich took a moment before responding. "Well, according to Lady Magdalena, the secrecy contract is likely in place to prevent strategies employed by Dunkelfelger during the competition from being disclosed to external parties, especially Werkestock."

"But Grandpa, the secrecy is not just for Dunkelfelger, it extends to us as well. According to the rules you just read, we would not be allowed to reuse any kind of magic tools employed in this Ditter, too. Furthermore, the leeway in recruiting apprentices from other duchies also applied to them."

Her grandpa considered her words thoughtfully. "Rozemyne, Dunkelfelger's knight apprentices are highly skilled, so they really didn’t need to recruit apprentices from other duchies. However, your insight into the magical tools is commendable. Let me assure you, I will discuss this matter with your uncle. We might need to choose our tools wisely."

Then, her grandpa patted her hand reassuringly. "Your vigilance is commendable, Rozemyne. However, Dunkelfelger respects their traditions. As lady Magdalena used their tradition, it is certainty that Dunkelfelger will have to follow Prince Trauerqual. This event, according to her, serves as a mediator to quell internal opposition within their duchy."

In the days that followed, Heinrich fulfilled his promise and communicated with Trauerqual. They worked together to choose the tools for the Ditter wisely, considering the conditions imposed by Dunkelfelger. His act somehow eased Rozemyne’s worries, but the underlying tension remained.

As Rozemyne grappled with the looming unease surrounding the Ditter, her grandpa's silence on the matter after the tea party left her in a state of heightened curiosity. Her history lessons that once delved into Drewanchel's past were swiftly replaced by a focus on Dunkelfelger's history, a subtle shift that mirrored the changing dynamics in their plan.

Unable to concentrate on the lessons, Rozemyne sought out Michelle and asked for her opinion about signing the secrecy contract, which would allow Michelle to be a witness at the upcoming Ditter match. The contract required not to reveal the magic tools but still freely to describe the match, and Rozemyne also would like Michelle to gather information about things happened in the Royal Academy now. Hopefully, she could get some news about Ferdinand and Ehrenfest at this moment. The desire to go to the Royal Academy tugged at Rozemyne, but her unbaptized status remained a significant barrier. Her grandparents, protective of her, would never allow her to attend such an event.

There were other concerns weighing on Rozemyne's mind. Her little sister Theolinda was born in the last season. The past incident involving Theolinda's kidnapping and the subsequent agreement of Trauerqual for the purge after the war echoed in her mind. While her life had taken a different turn as Waldifried's daughter, the proposal from Magdalena served as a stark reminder that some events remained inevitable, regardless of the changes people attempted.

She recognized the need to stay close to her little sister, a guardian against potential threats, and harbored a hope to prevent the purge from unfolding. As her grandparents and Michelle departed for the Interduchy Tournament, Rozemyne sought a moment of privacy at her own library. Kreszentia had converted the study in the eastern building into a little bookroom, and Heinrich had upgraded the small kitchen and sent the twins over here because Rozemyne insisted on going out too often before her baptism.

However, even as Rozemyne's eyes tracked the words, her fears began to rise to the surface. Fabiane noticed that Rozemyne's page-turning had ceased and offered to take the book from her.

“I saw that your eyes seemed fatigued, your highness. How about a short trip to the kitchen? Linn is working on perfecting the honeyed rumtopf you requested, and the results so far have been promising.”

"Fine, I'd go check it out and see how it develops."

Sugar plays a crucial role in making rumtopf, serving not only as a sweetener but also as a preservative for the fruits. However, the idea of replacing all the sugar with honey posed a challenge. She noticed that while her grandmothers liked the pound cake best with jam and fruit, her grandfather preferred it with just cream and minze. Recalling her first tea party at the Royal Academy, hosted by the Music professors, Rozemyne reminisced about Anastasius's inclination toward pairing his pound cake with a generous serving of rumtopf, despite initially criticizing her cake for its rustic appearance.

Then, a realization struck her – Anastasius was now just six years old, which also meant that Lestilaut – the eldest son of future Aub Dunkelfelger Werdekraf, would only reach four this year.

Then…who is the newly baptized eldest son of Werdekraf now? Is it still Lestilaut or… another person?

Ferdinand – The gift from family

Ferdinand found himself grappling with a sense of unease as he delved deeper into the intricacies of the upcoming Ditter. The realization that he was actively altering the threads of fate, weaving a new narrative for himself and Rozemyne, unsettled him. The fragility of these threads, as delicate as they were unpredictable, loomed over his thoughts. Even the Gods, it seemed, couldn't foresee where he or Rozemyne would be reborn, introducing an element of uncertainty into their destinies.

Before Ferdinand could ascertain Rozemyne's whereabouts, the war needed to remain in a state of uncertainty. He couldn’t let it reach a conclusive win-lose resolution.

While he requested to use Temple sacred tools and get approval, Ferdinand hesitated to employ them unless absolutely necessary. The contract included a clause demanding secrecy regarding the use of tools in the Ditter without Aub Dunkelfelger's approval; nevertheless, the risk went beyond the original scheme, as he would now have to protect such power from both Drewanchel and Werkestock. His efforts would be pointless if these duchies knew about the Schtappe-transfer sacred tool and how powerful it was, and they would find a hole in the contract to research and use it for the war. The Ditter was aimed not just in extending the war, but also in protecting the country from the impending purge. As long as Dunkelfelger's military strength was unrivalled, a truce could be ordered, putting an end to demands for collective punishment.

But just because he had his recollection from a previous existence did not mean that things would be simple. His memories of the complex brewing rituals involving prayers and circles stayed on. However, achieving a balance between concealment and advancement was crucial, especially knowing that his act of suggesting the Ditter had already garnered the attention from Dunkelfelger archducal houses. After three years staying low, Ferdinand came out of hiding and into the spotlight as he showed everyone his concealed cards. Officially, Ferdinand was still “a child” with no knowledge, no schtappe and no skills to brew nor play Ditter, and the burden on Justus to manage the brewing alone posed significant challenges.

Justus, his loyal confidant, approached Ferdinand with a set of sound-blocking tools in hand. He got down on one knee in front of Ferdinand and reassured him that things were looking up.

"Lord Ferdinand," Justus said, "is it truly because you are worried about attracting too much attention, or you're guarding from everyone like a usual habit from your past life?"

Ferdinand frowned, “It makes no sense for a seven-year-old child to produce any kind of magic tools.”

“If you’re allowed me to be bold. Milord, you're no longer the motherless child of the backwater Ehrenfest with no backing. You have support and protection. You're now born as the eldest grandson of Aub Dunkelfelger. Your father is the heir apparent, your mother is the royal princess, and your home duchy now is the first ranked duchy of Yurgenschmidt. I can assure you that you will be the highest ranked archduke candidate in your generation."

"What do you want to say exactly?”

"It seemed ‘the younger self’ affected you more than I thought." Justus mused, “I don’t see any reason for you to hold yourself back. Lord Ferdinand that I knew from the last weaving would not give a damn and would instead try his hardest to establish his worth to the world. As for this weave, milord, you also need to prove yourself because you were born into such a prominent position. But it looks like you're more scared that people will treat you differently and leave you if they find out you're not the kid they watched grow up.”

Ferdinand pondered, "Justus, I…"

"While I cannot guarantee unconditional love like Gunther and Effa to Lady Rozemyne, I believe your family now genuinely care for you. They will protect you as much as they can. I can understand that you have raised your guard to be able to stay low in the last three years. Please lower your guard, Lord Ferdinand, and open yourself to them. You might find more acceptance than you expect.”

Ferdinand was still wary of what Justus said, but his attendant was right at one point. Ferdinand exposed himself in the last meeting, so there was no need to hide anymore, and he needed to build his faction in Dunkelfelger. However, he still needed to carefully consider what would be revealed.

The conversation shifted toward the intricate plan involving the magical tools. To shield Ferdinand from suspicion, Justus would act as a mediator to give the proper reason if anyone raised the question. The hidden tales would be about the young lord who wanted to grow faster in knowledge and skills to make his mother proud and keep the hope of his mother’s faction. According to this narrative, Ferdinand had clandestinely acquired the necessary knowledge every time he visited his mother in the juvere room to avoid attraction.

“To not expose all your knowledge, I would like to know what kind of tools you wanted to brew and the circles you planned to use, so that I could decide which part would be normal to reveal as your own.” Justus proposed, “When working with the other scholars, you could offer your vision and suggest the designs, then reveal the “safe part” for a “normal genius”. The rest of the work, please leave it to the others. This approach will not only shield you from suspicion but also help you gather favor from scholars across different factions.”

Ferdinand slightly nodded, showing his agreement with the idea. There was only three weeks to the Interduchy Tournament, and he needed to act quickly. Fortunately, Professor Raufen readily agreed to participate in the Ditter. Beside Raufen, Ferdinand asked Geraldine – Eberhard’s eldest daughter, to join them to perform the closing ritual with Verfuhremeer’s staff, while he would offer the real blessing by using the Leidenschaft spear for the beginning. Dunkelfelger had keep so many rituals from ancient time, but some of them had become more a customary than the true ritual. This was also a good chance to promote the ancient ritual, and lay the first step for the temple reform later. The team was further reinforced with the inclusion of Heissh*tze and Hermann from Dunkelfelger, plus Eckhart and Heidemarie from Ehrenfest, bringing the total to a sufficient seven members.

The decision to involve non-Dunkelfelger knights surprised everyone in the archducal house. Ferdinand offered no explanation, seeking only the necessary permissions. To avoid raising suspicions from Magdalena, he communicated with his former aids from Ehrenfest through discreet letters sent by Heissh*tze only. Despite his annoyance characteristic, Heissh*tze was known for his loyalty and commitment to following senior's orders, making him a reliable conduit for discreet information. Additionally, Eckhart's excellence in the knight course facilitated smooth interactions with Dunkelfelger knight apprentices, minimizing any potential suspicions.

Over the three weeks of preparation, Ferdinand primarily dedicated his time to coordinating with the scholar teams assigned by his grandparents. While he couldn't engage in the brewing process himself, collaborating with the scholars of Dunkelfelger proved efficient and exceeded Ferdinand's expectations.

As the week leading up to the Ditter match unfolded, Ferdinand sought an early arrival at the Royal Academy for a pre-match meeting with his team. While the primary purpose was to discuss the intricacies of the plan, Ferdinand harbored a secondary curiosity — to test the true potential of the ritual employing proper prayer and Leidenschaft's spear. The meeting provided an opportunity to fine-tune their coordination and gauge the effectiveness of the blessing.

In the initial attempts, the team encountered challenges in controlling their mana. However, as they persisted through the practice sessions, a sense of familiarity and synergy gradually developed. Ferdinand couldn't help but marvel at the efficiency of their teamwork and the potency of the blessing from a proper ritual.

Ferdinand couldn't help but wonder about the magnitude of mana Rozemyne must have wielded to impact Ehrenfest apprentices when she performed the collaborated research with Dunkelfelger in last weave. According to Laurenz, they even said the blessing at that time was more like a curse as their body could not keep it up.

The day before the Ditter match, Aub Dunkelfelger invited Ferdinand to accompany him to the noble forest. This marked Ferdinand's first venture outside the castle in this life. Upon landing at a designated gazebo near a central lake, typically used for hosting ladies' gatherings during hunting tournaments, Ferdinand sensed something peculiar. Notably, he observed the absence of retainers in the vicinity. As a sound-blocking barrier enveloped the area, Aub Dunkelfelger signaled for the retainers to withdraw, even excluding Justus from the gazebo.

With an air of confidentiality settling over the secluded spot, Ferdinand couldn't help but feel a heightened sense of intrigue and anticipation. His grandfather, Aub Dunkelfelger, first expressed his surprise at the array of tools Ferdinand had recently crafted with the scholars. A hearty chuckle escaped him as he commented on the brutality of these tools, emphasizing their potential danger if factions outside their realm managed to popularize them in the battlefield. However, the scholars had also informed him about the inefficiency in mana production, making these tools accessible only to archnobles and archduke candidates.

Ferdinand, quick on his feet, acknowledged this fact and pointed out that it was precisely why he proposed the rule to keep these tools a secret, subject to Aub Dunkelfelger's permission. The archduke laughed heartily at Ferdinand's candid acknowledgment, “Ferdinand, you're practically admitting you planned for these tools to be used right from the start, and you knew their effectiveness very well and how they could change the game. It is so different than merely presenting your ideas as other reported to me.”

Sensing an underlying tone, Ferdinand became more uneasy and feared that something could be off. Then, Aub Dunkelfelger continued to delve into the scholars rushing to his office to report the new mana replenish potion.

“I must admit, boy, I was very shocked upon trying it. A miraculous effect, yes, but the taste is horrendous. I found it peculiar for a child like you to keep a noble façade after tasting such an unusual concoction. But I am now quite worried.”

His tone changed, and with a sign, Wenceslaus remarked, “I thanked the Gods to give Dunkelfelger such a genius during these difficult times. Yet I am really upset to see that my talented grandson must cover himself while I am still in reign, as I believe Dunkelfelger's archducal house is quite peaceful and supportive compared to other duchies.”

Ferdinand's mind churned with conflicting thoughts. He had guessed it - Aub Dunkelfelger was well-prepared for the conversation. If it was in the last weave, Ferdinand believed he could maintain his noble façade flawlessly, offering perfect excuses as needed. However, something within him hesitated this time, a reluctance to don that well-practiced mask.

Maybe Justus was right. That ‘younger self of mine’ is still lingering and affects my behaviour.

It was a tug-of-war between the skilled diplomat Ferdinand had become and the younger, more transparent version of himself.

Interrupting his internal conflict, Aub Dunkelfelger's voice cut through Ferdinand's thoughts, stating, "There is only you and me sitting here. No one dares to interfere, as I have made an order." Ferdinand couldn't help but wonder if his grandfather had anticipated this moment.

Part of Ferdinand yearned to reveal everything, a desire to let Dunkelfelger understand the situation fully and, hopefully, guide the resolution. However, his deep understanding of noble society told him that belief in his story might not be enough. The strength of his voice, especially given his current age and the unknown whereabouts of Rozemyne, might not carry sufficient weight.

If Rozemyne turned out to be one of the hidden royal children, revealing the truth could lead Dunkelfelger to eliminate all members of the royal family to restore order as they believed. On the other hand, if she was still a devouring child but being born later, connecting with her might be strictly forbidden due to the ingrained aristocratic disdain for commoners. After all, as much as honour and upright Dunkelfelger might be, they were still nobles.

While concocting a logical excuse for Sylvester would be easier – given Sylvester's penchant for belief and aversion to complex matters – Dunkelfelger's archducal house posed a different challenge. Ferdinand understood the need for a meticulously crafted cover story before revealing the intricate details.

"I am afraid that I cannot tell you… yet. It is a little difficult to explain."

Upon hearing Ferdinand’s reply, Aub Dunkelfelger sighed and, after a brief pause, sent a message for the attendants to replace the tea. He stopped pushing for the answer, but casually inquired about the Ditter's preparations and Ferdinand's needs, opting to leave the revelation for another day.

Their conversation meandered for a while, and Aub Dunkelfelger eventually accompanied Ferdinand back to the castle. To Ferdinand's surprise, the entire archducal family, minus Magdalena, awaited them in the meeting room. His grandmother, Celestine, then approached him and handed over a box.

After the usual poison checking, Justus bent down, tilting the opened box so Ferdinand could see the contents, and to his surprise, what met his eyes inside was unexpected and held a poignant familiarity.

A Dunkelfelger blue cloak, adorned with the emblematic color he had worn for an extensive period in his previous life. The cloak, crafted with exquisite detail, was smaller than the typical size for a first-year student, given Ferdinand's current age of seven, though this particular cloak surpassed even Heissh*tze's in elegance. This unexpected gift left him momentarily speechless, reminiscent of a time when such garments were something outside of his reach until his Starbind day with Rozemyne.

"You cannot go to the Ditter field without a proper cape to protect you. It was made in haste, but we all tried our best to make it in time for your match tomorrow. It's a little regrettable that Seradina was not the one sewing your first cape, but I think she would understand the situation."

Lady Tusnelda then stepped forward, presenting him with another small box. "My home duchy Losrenger has a very old tradition to make a special charm for every boy when they prepare to go for war. There aren't many chances for a lesser duchy to join the battlefield, but this tradition is still taught to the ladies of Losrenger." With a gentle touch, she opened the box, revealing a small bracelet within. "The charm is made by weaving the hair of all the ladies of the house, in the hope that their husbands and sons can return home safely. As I and my children will not participate in the Tournament, consider this my gift to you, little boy."

Lady Millicent, with a solemn expression, added her voice to the words of encouragement, "Your path would be very challenging from now on. You're still barely stepping into your eve of summer this year, yet you have chosen to face Glucklitat's trials on your own. But remember, you're the child of the land of fire. It's fine to fail in your summer, but don't take it to your life and give up on everything. We all appreciate your effort, whatever the result might be."

Justus quickly kneeled and looked for his agreement, then quickly placed the new cloak over Ferdinand’s shoulder and put the bracelet on his wrist.

The Dunkelfelger blue cloak enveloped Ferdinand, and as its folds covered his back, an ethereal warmth radiated through his entire being. It wasn't the intense surge of emotions he felt when Rozemyne had gifted him her cloak in a different time and place, but rather, a serene and comforting sensation.

Looking up, Ferdinand found himself standing in the midst of his archducal family, surrounded by towering figures. The last memory of being in such a scene was when he was introduced to the Ehrenfest archducal family, a moment tainted by fear and vulnerability. The ochre color he once yearned for seemed to overshadow him and cast shadows on his fledgling self. However, a transformation had occurred, and the atmosphere shifted. The blue color that engulfed him now was not only strong and stoic but also incredibly welcoming. It symbolized not just a change in attire but a shift in perspective, a sense of belonging, and an acknowledgment of his presence within the Dunkelfelger archducal family.

In that moment of silent gratitude, Ferdinand's lips curved upward not just in response to the physical gifts he received but in acknowledgment of the emotional and spiritual gifts that bound him to the Dunkelfelger archducal family.

As the morning sun bathed the Ditter field in a soft glow, the Dunkelfelger archducal family, along with most of its adult members, made their way to the Royal Academy. Ferdinand, anticipating a standard crowd for the Ditter match, was taken aback as he reached the field. The stands were teeming with spectators, a far more extensive assembly than he had initially planned for.

The bustling atmosphere contradicted Ferdinand's expectations. Despite the magical contracts intended to limit the number of witnesses, the stands were filled with most Aubs and their respective entourages, even members of the Royal Family, with the notable absence of the fourth prince.

The two teams, each comprising a mix of Dunkelfelger knights and non-Dunkelfelger members, walked onto the pitch. The trio of referees, Professor Primevere from Klassenberg, Professor Mariam from Werkestock, and Professor Werner from Ahrensbach, took their positions in the middle. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the rules were explained, setting the stage for the unfolding contest.

Ferdinand's gaze swept across the field, assessing the composition of Magdalena's team. He detected a hint of surprise on her face, likely in response to the unexpected inclusion of Professor Raufen, Heissh*tze, and Geraldine in his lineup. "The rule does not include members of the Archducal house and their branch family!" Magdalena declared vehemently; her face flushed in Geduldh color as fury simmered beneath the surface.

Ferdinand responded with a snort, a wry smile playing on his lips. "That rule applies to adult members who will serve as my guardian only. Heissh*tze is not an adult yet, and Geraldine is only a third-year student."

Magdalena, undeterred, retorted, "I agreed for an adult to join as it would be your head attendant!"

"When did I ever say that Justus would be my guardian?" Ferdinand shot back, his tone edged with a hint of amusem*nt. "I distinctly remembered saying I prefer someone familiar or neutral. And Professor Raufen is neutral." Ferdinand declared, looked to the Sovereignty Noble standing next to him.

Raufen smiled in confirmation, “I am, as all Sovereignty nobles would be counted as neutral during all kinds of royal disputes. And it means the same as my home duchy – Dunkelfelger, had declared neutrality from the start.”

Magdalena, still clinging to the sanctity of the bride task, sought to establish the gravity of her position. "The bride task is sacred! Dunkelfelger is no longer neutral."

"Lady Magdalena, to my understanding, you have not finished your task yet. So officially, there is no guarantee that Dunkelfelger would join Prince Trauerqual’s faction as in-law. And until the result of this match is settled, Dunkelfelger would still stand as neutral."

With a smile, Ferdinand called this argument over. Again, Magdalena was not a fool; in fact, she was a strong knight and a skilled strategist, but the bad habit of hers from the previous weave had not at all improved. Whenever she sensed the favor of Greifechan upon her, she became susceptible to overlooking numerous tiny, concealed traps close to the treasure. She resembled Dunkelfelger's soldiers a great deal, but she lacked the instinct that usually let those men avoid the fatal trap that lay ahead.

The best way to defeat Magdalena was playing along with her plan until she lost herself in her own Schlaftraum. If the trap was set up with great care surrounded the coveted treasure, she would be the one to stumble and fail on her own.

The Ditter bell had finally rung.


I know some of you find boring with so much Dunkelfelger stuff, but please be patient. Technically, there is no much for both Ferdinand and Rozemyne to do anything as they are restricted in action due to their young age. Ferdie even need to lay low and only start moving after his baptism. While he manage to pull a trick, the Dunkel family could actually force him to revoke the contract by signing in another contract to overlay the rule.

02 more chapters, then Dunkelfelger Arc will end. We will have another 3-4 chapters to deal with Ehrenfest a little bit to settle Ferdie's former aids. Then we will move on to Hauchletzte Arc with Roz and Ferdie would be absence for a while later.

It still be a long journey, but finally I can say this:

Chapter 19: Sylvester - That pretty boy is scary!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sylvester was succeeded in courting Florencia and securing his marriage as the only Goddess in his life, yet his triumphs in the academic realm were marked by a mix of achievements and shortcomings. While he managed to be the honor student in his fourth and fifth year through dedication and hard work so that Aub Frenbeltag agreed for Sylvester to court his desired goddess, he failed to remain this achievement in his sixth year, yet it was deemed acceptable due to his status as the heir apparent, the sole biological child of Aub Ehrenfest destined for succession.

However, his mother Veronica was furious as he didn’t follow her Anhaltung to choose an Ahrensbach wife. She was displeased with her son's decision, but Sylvester wielded the threat of becoming the son-in-law in Frenbeltag, allowing his uncle Bonifatius's grandson to inherit Ehrenfest instead. This strategic move silenced his mother, a significant victory for Sylvester, or as he thought.

Post-graduation, Sylvester delved into assisting his father with duchy administration. However, he soon realized a stark disparity between the theoretical knowledge acquired at the Royal Academy and the practical demands of paperwork in his administrative duties. Sylvester, as the heir apparent with no siblings, possessed a substantial entourage, yet he discerned a deficiency in the quality of his aides. While not inherently sensitive, he could perceive the noticeable difference between his aides and those serving his father Adelbert and Bonifatius. They operated at a slower pace and exhibited a higher rate of errors.

Despite Bonifatius's efforts to mentor Sylvester in paperwork, and his father's intention to pass on his factions, Sylvester harbored a sense of unease. He recognized the inadequacy of his own entourage, and his instincts guided him not to rely solely on the aides of his seniors.

Complicating matters further was the discord surrounding Sylvester's choice of Florencia as his wife. His mother, staunchly opposing the union, excluded Florencia from her faction. Fortunately, Irmhilde and Elvira joined Florencia's faction, providing crucial support. Sylvester anticipated that, over time, his mother might come to accept Florencia, much like she did with his firstborn, Wilfried, whom she eventually embraced and cared for.

A scholar in Sylvester's circle raised concerns about his mother's reluctance to accept Florencia, suggesting that Florencia alignment with the Leisegangs, political adversaries of his mother, might be a contributing factor. The scholar urged Sylvester to consider the difficulties of his mother, and he agreed. Sylvester then devised a plan to court members of the Leisegang faction to his side.

I got more quality aids, showing people that I am welcoming other factions to my entourage. Then, mother will not need to worry about accepting Florencia from other faction anymore.

When Sylvester expressed his intention to recruit Leisegangs, his mother vehemently protested and brought his father into the tumult. Sylvester, quick on his feet, scrambled to find a plausible justification and, fortunately, found one. Highlighting Leisegang's crucial role as the breadbasket of Ehrenfest, Sylvester argued that, as a future Aub, he needed to enlist talented aids from that faction not only for control but also to maintain balance within Ehrenfest's factions.

His father initially rejected the idea, insisting that courting Leisegang was Bonifatius's responsibility. Undeterred, Sylvester countered that Bonifatius's entourage was in late autumn, emphasizing his own youthful position. He expressed concerns about the quality of his entourage and argued that the younger Leisegangs, just like Kardstedt and Elvira, would be more advantageous. Surprisingly, his father took these points seriously and managed to persuade his mother to relent.

Despite this apparent success, Sylvester's attempt to court the Leisegangs proved a complete failure. Mother's influence dissuaded potential supporters, and Sylvester, forced to rely on Rihyarda and Nobert to find recruit some from neutral faction. However, he then found his new neutral aids mysteriously resigning one by one. Frustrated and determined to uncover the reasons behind this pattern, Sylvester ambushed one of his neutral aides introduced by Irmhilde. To his dismay, Sylvester discovered that the situation was worse than anticipated.

"When I knew that you actively sought our support, I did hope that you could become the Verdraos that could banish Chaocipher and bring back the Spring to our Geduldh. However, I saw that while you're not tarnished by the blood of Chaocipher, you’ve been sheltered under Verbergen for so long that you have become completely devoid of Mestionora, and you're also unable to wield the Schutzaria’s shield to all of us."

Sylvester was left speechless. Did this mean that he was so hopeless that they didn't want to serve him at all? And why Schutzaria’s blessing? Did he fail to protect them from something?

"Lord Sylvester, by seeking me out secretly like this, I assume that you have not completely abandoned Anhaltung. Here is my last word for you as your former aid: the one who spread the shroud of Verbergen is none other than the God of Darkness himself. He embraced and cared for Chaocipher instead of the Goddess of Light. While Leidenschaft was ordered to give you his blessing and send Erwachleren to guide you, he could not help you much as he was also bound to the absolute order of the Dark God, and his subordinates despise you. Our land was bereft from Flutrane, the shield of Schutzaria was breaking, and our people were seeking Chaosfliehe. Please, seek for Mestionora, pray for Unheilschneide, bring back Gebordnung to our Geduldh. If not, by the time you wear the Dark cloak, you would be just like Geduldh herself, completely encased by Ewigeliebe and left no subordinate under your realm."

Sylvester struggled to believe that Leisegangs were victims of his mother, given he grew up learning about her tragic childhood. However, if he interpreted what his former scholar said to him correctly, the accusation belonged to his parents – the archducal couple. The accusation was so grave, suggesting that his parents allowed Ehrenfest to suffer, that Bonifatius could not genuinely help him as he was bound to his father, and Bonifatius’s aids - solely from Leisegang - despised him.

What was worse, people in Ehrenfest were fleeing their duchy to avoid his mother, and all his neutral aids were withdrawing from services because he was unable to protect them from his mother. He then remembered that no Leisegang agreed to serve him. He had once tried to contact native nobles of Ehrenfest in Sovereignty to help him or, at the very least, recommend some young faces to his entourage. However, none of his letters received replies, as those nobles had completely abandoned their Geduldh. This made Sylvester wonder about the reasons behind it. He sent his scholar to seek out the reason but received nothing in return.

Sylvester used to believe that he had been making progress in seeking peace in his family. Deep inside, he tried to find excuses for his parents, but part of him contradicted these thoughts. All of his past encounters with other factions suggested that his former scholar was right. He wanted to find more evidence, whether to prove his parents' innocence or confirm their guilt, but he didn't know how.

He recognized that his entourage would never help him investigate his mother, and Bonifatius would also never assist him in looking into his father. Rihyarda was like a second mother to Sylvester, but he knew that as much as she cared for him, Rihyarda followed his father’s order only, and he was really not so sure about Nobert. Sylvester found himself helpless as, for the first time, he realized that his entourage was not only lacking in quality but also not his support; they were more aligned with his mother. Those people who supposedly belonged to Sylvester’s faction were, in reality, more aligned with Veronica.

Besides Kardstedt, he had no trustworthy support at all.

Then came the day when Aub Dunkelfelger contacted his father via the water mirror, and it was a mess. This was the Aub from the first-ranked duchy. Both Sylvester and his father had never had a chance to talk to Dunkelfelger in their whole lives, and Sylvester was sure that his grandfather would share the same sentiment with him. The highest-ranked Aub that his father had a chance to talk with must be Aub Ahrensbach, and maybe Aub Werkestock, if they counted the greeting with him about the marriage of Aunt Gertrude, too.

He wondered what was wrong with the high almighty Aub Dunkelfelger that he would care about such a lowly 20th-ranked duchy. Then it came out that two of the apprentices from Ehrenfest had agreed to join a "marvelous Ditter" with his eldest grandson on the first day of the Tournament.

That would be only less than a week left!!!

Sylvester, of course, knew those two students too well. Eckhart and his courting partner Heidemarie were highly talented young students; they got honour in their first year, and even managed to get the best in the class for the last two years. According to Elvira, they socialized with high-ranked duchies frequently, much like Justus – Rihyarda’s son.

His father was impressed with Eckhart and requested that the boy become Sylvester’s knight, which Sylvester felt very welcome initially. His mother eventually prepared a match for him. However, the boy rejected the request immediately and even had a big fight with Bonifatius. Kardstedt had to come and apologize on his son’s behalf, just like Rihyarda before. Sylvester hadn’t thought much about it, he just felt sorry for his cousin, so he stepped up to help deny his parents’ request, saying that he would like Eckhart to be his son’s escort knight later, which was accepted by his parents.

Now, he understood clearly that the boy must also despise serving him and maybe joining with Dunkelfelger would help him to run away from Ehrenfest with their help.

However, besides knowing that Eckhart and his partner would participate in Ditter, Ehrenfest received no information about this. Sylvester remembered how his stomach nearly collapsed from apparent displeasure of the Archduke of Dunkelfelger when he reprimanded his father for being spineless and proposing to punish Eckhart and Heidemarie. Immediately after the call, his father decided to send scholars to the Royal Academy to acquire more information, as well as sending letters to summon the two children and the Dormitory Supervisor to come back for an explanation. The scholar did return with a pale face, but no sign of the three others.

They were all shocked to know the importance of the Ditter to the fate of the whole country, and what's worse, those two children accepted the offer from Dunkelfelger a long time ago but didn’t report anything back to Ehrenfest. In response to the Aub’s call, they just dryly replied that they needed to focus on preparing the Ditter and had no time to return and oppose Dunkelfelger’s order.

His mother fumed in fury, pouring all the blame on Bonifatius and the Linkberg as they were trying to sabotage Ehrenfest's neutral standing and ignoring Aub's order. She then continued to vent her anger at Professor Hirschur, knowing that she also knew about the deal but ignored her duty by skipping all the necessary reports.

“I understand that she’s moved to the Soverignty, but I’d rather Hirschur showed our duchy a little more consideration,” Kardstedt said.

Sylvester sighed; he wondered if this was the result of her lingering resentment. He didn’t think about this much, but Nobert once mentioned that Hirschur used to be a scholar apprentice for Kardstedt. When Sylvester got baptized, Kardstedt was demoted to an Archnoble and became his lead knight, making him lose a chance to fight for Aub's seat. Kardstedt’s entourage was disbanded, and Hirschur sought to become a Sovereignty professor, so did many of her colleagues. While Hirschur was from a distant branch family of Ehrenfest archducal house, it seemed she shared the same opinions with Leisegang, and she saw Kardstedt’s demotion was a slap to their faction, and running away from Ehrenfest, from Sylvester’s mother.

Sylvester, again, stepped up to defend Linkberg. He understood that father and mother were both frustrated at the news, but he also sympathized with those three people. According to the intel of the scholar, Eckhart and Heidemarie participating in this Ditter could earn them a favor from Dunkelfelger. It would help shield Ehrenfest from the later consequences, as Ehrenfest was aligned with the Fourth Prince’s faction more in marriage meaning, namely Werkestock, Zausengas, and Frenbeltag. Mother then again attacked Florencia for making Ehrenfest suffer from connecting with Frenbeltag, but her words annoyed Sylvester. He immediately shot her down with the claim Constanze was also married to Frenbeltag, and Ahrensbach, her proud backing, would also suffer the same fate as it had marriage partner from the losing side, too.

I did it. I silenced mother successfully again. Hopefully, it would show a little bit to Leisegang and Neutral that I was not completely covered under Verbergen…

… right?

Sylvester entered the Interduchy Tournament with such complicated feelings. He really didn’t want to come this year, as Florencia had just given birth to an adorable daughter. However, his father told him to come as his heir. Bonifatius, Kardstedt, and Elvira also joined as the Eckhart family, and also due to the request from Dunkelfelger. Of course, this year's Tournament was much more special, given this important Ditter would be held. Since every witness was required to sign a secrecy contract, his mother refused to come, and she could not vent her frustration as the requirement applied to everyone, even the great duchies and royalties. The higher the security around this Ditter, the more Sylvester feared for him and Ehrenfest later.

It was the largest stadium in the knight building, the usual place to hold practical classes for knight apprentices. When the two teams came in, it was easy to recognize the identity of each team. The team for the Dunkelfelger princess was filled with three students in blue capes, including her own, and the other four were wearing the red cloak from Klassenberg. The other team led by Aub Dunkelfelger’s grandson also stood out with the two ochre cloaks sneaked in, making Sylvester feel the need to hold his stomach as he sensed that every other duchy was looking at Ehrenfest. However, he was more worried about the lead of the team, as it turned out to be…

“This was..."

“A… a girl? And so little?” Bonifatius slipped out.

“Father-in-law!” Elvira quickly reminded him, “That’s the boy. He is the grandson of Aub Dunkelfelger!”

Sylvester silently averted his eyes away; he could not voice out that he also thought that was a little girl in armor.

“By Leidenschaft, what is Lord Wenceslaus doing? Letting such a small petite child join such an important Ditter?” Bonifatius’s eyes widened.

“Lord Bonifatius,” his father's head scholar chimed in, “The information we received was Dunkelfelger just want to use this Ditter to resolve their internal dispute. So, that young lord was forsaken from the start.”

Sylvester was shocked. He knew the great duchies could be so merciless, but he would never think they could abandon such a small child in this dangerous match. That little boy might greet the Supreme Couple during the match.

“To proceed with such a big event just to solve an internal matter… Dunkelfelger is really a thing, huh?” Sylvester trembled. He felt pity for the boy, and he again reminded himself that he would never let his child suffer from such harsh treatment.

There were three professors chosen to be the referees, representing Klassenberg, Werkestock and Ahrensbach, or more specifically, they represented the three factions. The professors described the rules of Ditter again, and then Sylvester saw a small quarrel between the Dunkelfelger princess – named Magdalena – and her nephew. Oh, that little boy was called Ferdinand… Strange, why did I feel like I heard that name before?

“What are they arguing? Is there something wrong?”

“Sylvester, use mana enhancement. It is important to fully watch the match.” Bonifatius scolded him. “It seems things are much more complicated than we thought.”

Basically, that Ferdinand boy managed to play some tricks for his advantages and angered his aunt. Wow, family relationships in great duchies were really screwed up, huh?

“This is a treasure ditter between Lady Magdalena and Lord Ferdinand.” Announced Professor Primevere from Klassenburg to the audience. “Whoever kill or steal the treasure wins. Naturally, either team will lose if they accidentally kill their own feybeast or surrender by themselves. The treasure needs to be marked with the tool given by the Referees after it was captured. Any objections?”

After a brief moment of silence, Professor Werner from Ahrensbach handed out the tools to the two leaders, then Professor Mariam from Werkestock struck the ditter bell and the battle began.

As the two teams split to opposite sides of the stadium, Sylvester then saw a strange scene. First was from Lady Magdalena’s team. The knight apprentices formed a circle around Lady Magdalena, then all of them transformed their schtappes into spears, then began moving their spears while praying to the gods related to combat. It looked like a sword dance, and Lady Magdalena then thrust her spear up into the air and shouted, “Fight!” The apprentice knights roared in response and copied the gesture as if attempting to pierce the heavens.

“Is that some kind of special dance or something?” Sylvester asked.

“Sylvester…That’s Dunkelfeger pre-Ditter ritual. They always do that before every Ditter match. You must have seen it before at least one.” Kardstedt quietly explained with a glare.

Well, I could not say that I have never focused on these Ditter matches before when I attended the Royal Academy… Ehrenfest barely showed up in the annual Ditter game since that was the war between big player, and I was completely hiding in the dormitory. Should I care more from now on?

A similar scene was happening in little Lord Ferdinand’s team. The only difference was that little Lord didn’t have a schtappe yet. Sylvester still wondered how he could perform the dance, then one student in his team gave the boy a… well, spear-like weapon. Sylvester had to enhance his eyesight, then he found out that was indeed a spear, but it was covered by cloth. It seemed they didn’t want to expose what kind of spear it was.

The spear seemed too big for the little boy, but he managed to make a dance so elegantly just like his aunt. It would be no different than the dance of the other team, only after the boy shouted out his command, a great colorful light shot up from his spear, drew a circle in the air, then abruptly poured down on his team, so dazzlingly bright that made Sylvester have a big gasp.

The whole ground was then deep in silence.

“What… what had just happened? Is it… a blessing? How can a blessing be that big? Then what kind of spear he used?” Sylvester couldn’t help but ask again.

“I thought it was a kind of manablade… but it seemed I’m wrong!”

“Maybe that’s why they required secrecy.”

“I am afraid it was a very highly secured secrecy in Dunkelfelger.” Elvira shook her head, “I saw that the other team is also in awe, so are most of Dunkelfelger witnesses.”

Sylvester quickly turned his eyes to Lady Magdalena’s team. The young lady really lost her noble façade after the scene, but she then soon got back her composure. The two teams left for the hunt, and as everyone waited in anticipation, Sylvester couldn’t shake off the feeling that this Ditter would unfold differently from the usual matches. There was only one Klassenberg’s apprentice stayed in defense, and he was quite… distracted? Guess that student didn’t think much about the other team. Sylvester then curiously looked at the little boys’ team and found that he stayed in the treasure circle with the two girls in his team. One of them took out a highbeast and… wait, that was not a normal highbeast, that was a carriage instead.

His team also came back earlier than the other team, and everyone was curious to see what kind of feybeast they caught. It was… eh, a Zanze?

Harsh comments echoed through the crowd, questioning why they chose to open the match with such an underwhelming creature. Then the referees confirmed that the treasure was marked according to the tool they used.

“The beast is too weak!”

“Why does Dunkelfelger need to open this match? The result is clear right from the start?”

Sylvester could hear the dissatisfaction from the audience, and he felt it was true, though. Maybe Dunkelfelger tried to make the match easier, so it would end quickly, saving everyone from wasting time and avoiding injuries. Kardstedt’s voice cut through his thoughts, drawing his attention back to the unfolding events.

“What are they doing there?”

Sylvester quickly regained his focus. He saw the little boy carry the Zanze and... go inside the carriage. He also noticed his knights carrying some bags and putting them inside that carriage at the same time. So, the carriage was for protecting the boy; that was a wise move. The team then quickly rode their highbeasts and flew up into the skies, waiting around the treasure in the air. Again, only the two girls were left with the carriage.

The referees continue to declare that the other treasure was marked successfully. Shortly after, Lady Magdalena’s team came back with a schnefeld, raising the disappointment toward the young boy around the audience seat. However, before her team could settle, the three student boys in Lord Ferdinand’s team suddenly attacked them. It was Eckhart, damn, the ochre cloak making him stand out too much. Kardstedt’s eldest son hastened his highbeast and made a sneaky attack. He cut down the net that carried the Schnefeld and let that highbeast fall down freely. Then, another Dunkelfelger’s knight immediately flew toward and aimed for that falling Schnefeld with his sword.

But the attack was stopped by Lady Magdalena. She quickly turned her schtappe into a shield to stop that boy, and Sylvester could hear the lady laugh, “So you finally learn to use your brain, huh, Heissh*tze? Or is this Ferdinand’s scheme instead?”

She talked like this surprise attack was from the little boy’s plan.

The boys in Lord Ferdinand’s team were skilled; they could fight on par with the six apprentices from the opponent team. Even Kardstedt was shocked to see how his son became so strong, and Bonifatius puffed his chest proudly, eagerly wanting the match to finish so he could spar with his grandson. Sylvester then heard his father chuckle: “That boy could be a very fine Knight Commander to your son later. He showed his skills on par with Dunkelfelger’s student, and this would be enough to cover his flaw.”

I don’t think Eckhart wants to serve me or my family, father.

Sylvester quickly re-focused on the unfolding battle. The clash between Lady Magdalena’s team and Lord Ferdinand’s team was intense, filled with magical and martial prowess. Sylvester observed the strategic moves, the precision in attacks, and the teamwork displayed by both sides. Despite the initial surprise, Lady Magdalena’s team showed resilience and skill. Of course, the number was just in half, so Lord Ferdinand’s team soon to be overpowered. Then, the voice of the young lord suddenly echoed all over the ground.

“Heissh*tze, Eckhart, Hermann! That’s enough! Plan 2 succeeded!”

What is plan 2? Wait, how did the boy end up there?

Sylvester followed the voice and found a small figure up in the sky. A small but majestic-looking eagle in white iridescent color, how peculiar a color for one. Sitting on that highbeast was the young child in armor. He didn’t wear a helmet now, so Sylvester could have a clearer look at his face. Really, if that boy wore a dress, no one could ever guess his true gender. His face was so pretty, so feminine, with braided light blue hair placed upon the blue Dunkelfelger cloak. He was truly a child of Leidenschaft. His hand held on to something, it seemed to be the sound-amplifying tool, as his beautiful spring voice echoed all over the ground. Damn, that kid would be very popular with the girls later, if only his light-golden eyes would soften a little bit. How could a child have such a cold, chilly eye?


The territory in Lady Magdalena’s team suddenly exploded, smoke soon spread out, and her team quickly fell into a mess shortly after their mini win over their opponent. The audience was also confused, and when the smoke gradually dissipated, they found that the Klassenberg apprentice stood on defense had passed out.

“What… what had happened? Everything was so fast; I cannot follow up!”

“Neither can I, Sylvester! We were so focused on the fight just recently. Look!” Bonifatius pointed to a Dunkelfelger girl in Lord Ferdinand’s team. “It was her. She left her area and sneakily shot something into the opponent area. It must be some explosive weapon.”

The explosion created a chaotic scene on the battlefield, disorienting Lady Magdalena’s team. Lady Magdalena, enraged by her nephew's cunning tactics, issued commands to her team members while openly expressing her disdain for Ferdinand's perceived underhanded play.

"Bradleye, handle Geraldine now! You accompany me to their domain, Olivier. Go check Alain first, Fernhame, and then go defend our treasure with others!" Lady Magdalena commanded before yelling. “Now no one would question my words when I said you play dirty, Ferdinand! You have revealed who you really are to the entire nation!

The young lord led his team confidently, not even seeming to be phased by his aunt's anger. "6 people remained! Eckhart, Heissh*tze, plan 3. Hermann, Geraldine, plan 4. Heidemarie, plan 5. Professor, you don't have to do anything. Just relax there!”

What audacity! You truly do know how to infuriate your rival, huh?

"Acting so arrogant up there is inappropriate; Ditter is not a simple game like Gewinnen!"

Sylvester gasped as Lady Magdalena instantly changed her schtappe to a bow and pointed at the boy. Hey hey hey, that’s your nephew! Do you truly intend to murder him? Don’t be so petty; the child is merely talking!

However, the young Lord showed no signs of fear at all as he lifted his hand and began to, uh, chant.

“O Goddess of Wind Schutzeria, protector of all. O twelve goddesses who serve by her side, please hear my prayer and lend me your divine strength. Grant me your shield of wind, so that I might blow away those who mean to cause harm.”

A sharp windy sound echoe, a circular shield appeared in the air protected the child and redirected an arrow that was aimed at him.

“It’s truly Schutzaria’s shield… how could he…” Sylvester murmured. This presentation of a novel shield stunned the spectators, including Sylvester. Not even Bonifatius nor his father could immediately supply any insight on this specific display of magical ability.

Observing the audience, Sylvester noted a stark contrast in reactions. While the majority appeared clueless and bewildered by the unfolding events, the Dunkelfelger's seats stood out as a beacon of excitement. The members of that duchy were fervently cheering, evidently thrilled by the recent explosive occurrences in the Ditter match.

On the ground, the boy called Hermann teamed up with Dunkelfelger girl Geraldine on the ground, Heidemarie handed over to them several small bags from the carriage. When Lady Magdalena and her two companions arrived, Olivier, a student at Klassenberg, brandished his sword and lunged at Heidemarie. He was fast, but Geraldine and Hermann were faster; they defended Heidemarie and took a stance against their three adversaries. To the surprise of the onlookers, Heidemarie swiftly retreated, retrieved another bag from the carriage, summoned her high beast and took flight, leaving the defense area unguarded. Initially, shock and confusion gripped the spectators as they witnessed an unconventional move. However, the atmosphere shifted dramatically as Heidemarie opened the bag, revealing a zanze – the treasure that emerged with its neck extending out.

The unexpected appearance of the zanze intensified the already frenzied situation. The crowd's reactions ranged from amazement to disbelief, and murmurs of astonishment rippled through the audience.

“Preposterous! Why would she take the treasure from the territory when it was so risky?” Angrily, Bonifatius yelled.

As Lady Magdalena and Bradleye focused on Heidemarie, they flew to her position right away, and then Heidemarie did something even more shocking: she threw the zanze to Bradleye and Lady Magdalena, pulled up a scarf under her armour to cover her face, and flew away.

"What's wrong with that girl from Ehrenfest?" There was a voice from someplace, and although Sylvester wasn't sure where it came from, he was positive it was the side of the Forth Prince.

Please... Even if you were told to hand over the treasure, Heidemarie, please refrain from doing it so…public. It was Ehrenfest who took the brunt of your action.


“Watch out!”

Out of the zanze, a ball of black smoke enveloped Bradleye and Lady Magdalena. By shielding her face with her cape, the young princess managed to escape the smoke, but her knight did not have the same luck. Following the mysterious smoke, of which no one was aware the effects, the boy's highbeast vanished and he dropped freely from the sky to the ground.


Argh. It sounded really hurt.

“It appeared to be a remedy for sleeping.” Kardstedt paled, “The boy lost control of his highbeast when he dozed off. Pray to Dauerleben that he still wears his full amour. A healthy individual may be sent to welcome the Supreme couple with that fall.”


"Arrgh! Let me out!”

Hold on, I still can't grasp the thing that's going on there.

It was an apprentice from Klassenberg named Olivier. Unlike Lady Magdalena, he stayed to keep Hermann and Geraldine on the ground rather than charging after Heidemarie. But as Sylvester turned to his area, Olivier's hand was clutching "another zanze," and a net encircled both of them. The youngster was having trouble moving around in the net, and the zanze in his palm was having trouble using its claw. The feybeast had left numerous scratches on the boy's face.

“Four remain. Everyone, retreat! Raufen, you must be tired of witnessing such mindless assault repeatedly. Take a nap in the carriage.”

With an expression of triumph, the young lord, still sitting atop his highbeast, observed the sight. His pale golden eyes, like his voice, remained distant and frigid.

But it was quite simple for his opponent to become irritated by the way he spoke. It makes sense why Lady Magdalena was so enraged—you know, take a nap during the fight. However, she restrains herself this time and withdraws inside her domain. She has already lost three members of her team. Finally, a little break for this stressful match.

"Uhm... We received the information that this little match was just a way to legalize Lady Magdalena’s marriage and soothing the opposite faction inside Dunkelfelger, right?” Sylvester gulped hard. “Why has the match turned so violent all of a sudden?"

"I apologise for my mistake, but this is truly what we had gathered," said his father's scholar, who also paled. “Perhaps as a result of our distancing with the local Ehrenfest aristocrats from Sovereignty, so…”

"We cannot predict anything right now," his father interrupted. “Just keep watching the game. We have at least established contact with Dunkelfelger.”

"I can be certain of one thing at least. That Aub Dunkelfelger grandson is the key to the match," declared Bonifatius. “It was obvious that the child had planned the entire thing, and everyone in his team dutifully obeyed his orders! All the youngsters who are of the same generation as this boy, is going to face tremendous challenges.”

Now Sylvester was terrified, he quickly calculated the boy's age. Phew…Wilfried, you're very fortunate. The young lord would have already graduated when you entered the Royal Academy. Kardstedt's second son, however, would attend the academy with the boy for at least a few years. Given that Eckhart had already established his reputation, perhaps Lamprecht would also be the target of Dunkelfelger’s son.

My deepest sympathies are with you, cousin.



“Damn! He tricked us again!!!”

"This has to be another trap; just ignore that zanze!"

Too quickly? The boy just retreated his team, didn't he?

It was not the student. It was Professor Raufen who was assigned to the team as Lord Ferdinand’s guardian. Sylvester couldn't understand; wasn't the child telling him to take a nap in the carriage?

“He turned his schtappe to something like a round stick and hit a zanze over the other territory.” Kardstedt gave an account of the recent events. “I am now very curious how many zanze did they captured.”

“This young lord chose zanze as his treasure for this reason. How clever and mercantilist!”

Alright, Elvira, I get your compliments. But why are your eyes so sparkling now?

This time, the zanze did not blow up in someone's face. This zanze, on the other hand, was restrained and slept soundly.

Lady Magdalena's team peered carefully at the sleeping zanze while Lord Ferdinand's team had all returned into the carriage, all except him. Sylvester was curious as to why the youngster hadn't gone to rest with his team, but his gaze was drawn so strongly to the neighbouring area.

As the other members wrapped themselves in cloaks, one Klassenberg apprentice moved forward, pulled a magic item from inside his sleeve, and hurled it to the zanze. With ease, the zanze was vanquished; all that remained on the ground was its feystone and the rope that bound it.

Professor Primevere quickly clarified, though, saying, "The treasure of Lord Ferdinand's team is still alive. The match continues.”

Everyone took some time to realise that zanze was simply that—zanze. The former Klassenberg boy went to get the stone-wielding magic instrument. He had to bring the rope back too because it appeared to be jammed with the tool.

"That rope is the trap!" A raised voice from the seats of Drewanchel. "Drop it off! NOW!


It was too late. The rope that was tying the zanze suddenly started to shine and kept erupting, but it was too late. All over the squad, a weird liquid bubbled and splashed. Dunkelfelger apprentice once more demonstrated their excellence in knight area as both the apprentice was able to escape that unanticipated snare. But the remaining two members from Klassenberg were all on their knees. They weren't actually dead; rather, they were stuck to the ground by that enigmatic liquid. In essence, they were no longer able to fight, exactly like the other three.

"Two remained!"

After that remark, there was anxiety throughout the stadium. Apart from Dunkelfelger, most others were frozen like a statue. Sylvester noticed that everyone in Dunklefelger's chairs was applauding their young lord with very loud cheers. He could guarantee that the people in Dunkelfelger appeared to be much more excited than they always were when they won the yearly Ditter.

The adults genuinely listened to the little child as he raised his hand to signal hush over Dunkelfeger's side. What was fed to the boy in Dunkelfelger? How could a youngster of seven years old be so majestic and brave? His blessing of Angriff must be on a whole different level.

“Lady Magdalena!” The boy smiled, “Your surrender?”

"Asking for the surrender of a Dunkelfelger? This is not the world of Schlaftraum; this is Ditter field!” Lady Magdalena gave a sneer.

Sylvester was awed by Lady Magdalena’s spirits for not easy to give up. Running towards her team, the woman removed every magic tool from their bodies, triggered the most of them, and dispersed them about the schnefeld, making sure to leave enough space so the weapon wouldn't kill anyone but her treasure. Then, with the last knight she had, she called forth her highbeast and ascended to watch over the area above that feybeast. The enigmatic liquid also caused her treasure to plant its feet firmly on the ground, impeding its movement.

Now her team only had two members left to fight, and Sylvester withdrew all his pity at the beginning of the match.

Why did I ever feel pity for that pretty boy?

“Raufen, just stay in the carriage, you need to chill a little after that hit!”

Uh…did that Professor really a teacher of Knight course? How could he be so weak? He almost did nothing at all…

“Eckhart, Hermann, plan 8! Heissh*tze, plan 9.”

How many plans did he have?

Eckhart and Hermann teamed up and attacked Fernhame, while Heissh*tze went to fight against Magdalena. Those three students from Lord Ferdinand’s team looked more energetic now; it seemed they did take some rejuvenation potion while resting inside the carriage.

Fernhame soon was tied up. It was a good thing, but...

“How dare you call yourself a Dunkelfelger? Two fight one, this is abuse!” Fernhame shouted out angrily.

“I am not Dunkelfelger!” Eckhart proudly answered.

Sylvester really wanted to hold his stomach now. Yup, one of the unfair students was from Ehrenfest, and his ochre cloak was so dazzling, too much that hurt Sylvester’s eyes. How could Eckhart proudly say that outright? Sylvester felt that all other duchies’ eyes were locked at Ehrenfest now.

Kardstedt also held his head, “What is Eckhart thinking?”

His father sighed, “This would not bode well…”

But Eckhart didn’t stop. He continued by waving at his team member, “Heissh*tze! Hurry up! Finish your opponent!”

Sylvester trembled, “Did…did your son just ask a Dunkelfelger knight apprentice to ‘finish’ an archduke candidate also from Dunkelfelger?”

Kardstedt was now not only paled, but his face also turned into the color of Ewigeliebe, and he looked like he prepared to passed out.

What's worse, the other students, and even Professor Raufen, got out of the carriage. They didn’t rush to defeat the treasure, but just stood there and cheered up for Heissh*tze.

The stimulation was too much for him now, also for his father, and his aids quickly prepared medicine for both of them.

He remembered that Rihyarda once confessed to him that she was willing to let her son go away because Justus was too much for this land. He could understand that sentence completely now. He felt sorry for the Linkberg, but he was scared that Ehrenfest could not control that boy, and Sylvester would very much welcome it if the boy decided to move to Dunkelfelger.


Please…not another explosive… Why does that Dunkelfelger kid love explosives that much?

“The treasure of Lady Magdalena was defeated! Lord Ferdinand won!!!” Announced Professor Primevere.

The Ditter just ended!

Everything happened so fast. The stadium was so quiet that you could even hear a pin drop.

Then the whole Dunkelfelger’s audience blew up the silence with their loudest cheers ever. All of those from Dunkelfelger lost all the noble façade, even their ladies.


Bonifatius ground his teeth hard. “That spear… that hidden weapon of Dunkelfelger. He held that one for so long with him, but no one ever noticed it. The whole cheering and fight were just a distraction, no, the whole match was just merely a distraction from the beginning so that the boy could attack the treasure freely!!! Where did that boy learn to scheme like that? His grandfather was not such a man!”

Who knows… maybe his grandmother, his father, his mother… Damn, who cares about that boy’s teacher? That boy was scary; he was even scarier than the Lord of Winter!!!!

The boy just slowly descended from the sky. Once the boy reached the ground, the whole team ran to his side and stood proudly behind him. Then, the entire Dunkelfelger audience rushed to the ground, marvelling at his achievement at such a young age. Sylvester even saw Aub Dunkelfelger picking him up off the ground and spinning him around, making all the ladies beside him worried.

Contrastingly, the young princess of Dunkelfelger sat on the ground silently. She just stared at her family cheering for her defeat, and she looked so lifeless.

Aub Dunkelfelger then loudly declared, as Lady Magdalena lost, Dunkelfelger would still stand as a neutral duchy and not side with anyone except the one possessing Mestionora’s wisdom. He then also comforted the fifth prince, stating that if Lady Magdalena completed her bridal task, Dunkelfelger would still honor her marriage and provide her with sufficient support as a bride from Dunkelfelger, but nothing more.

It seems like the war will not end soon...

Then, an invitation from Dunkelfelger's archducal house was sent to the Ehrenfest dormitory, inviting all the members of the Ehrenfest archducal family and Linkberg to the tea party room of Dunkelfelger for discussion and celebration in three days.

Please... could you please leave Ehrenfest alone?




End Note:

Sylvester in this fic is getting better, but also worse. Better, because no one shielding him or babysitting him, he had to do the work by himself and recognize the wrong. Well, he still thinks very naive, but Greifechan loves him, so he accidently finds the correct way to solve his problem, but his objective was merely because of his mother and his wife, not for the duchy.

He is worse, because he is surrounded by incompetents. Sylvester was quite quick to get an update on the new knowledge, as long as someone explained it to him. In canon, we saw how Ferdie explained everything for Syl and Syl still can recognize which one is wrong and which one is correct. Now, no more Ferdie, no explanator, no HR trainer. Forget Boni, he was surrounded by Leisegang and he trusted them. Boni was also the one who always avoided thinking if possible, and he also don't care much about explaining or doing something until Rozemyne appeared, and he covet Adel just like canon Ferdie covet Syl.

The Leisegang this fic was even hated Syl more, why, because no one overcompetent enough to be Florencia meat shield, and Leberecht was not foolish enough to pull Elvira to his scheme, so he directed the ire to old Leisegang instead. And all the suffering of Leisegang happened sooner than canon. The young Leisegang and neutral wanted to try with Syl, but Syl cannot protect them from Vero, so they quit.


So, how does you think about this Ditter? Is it easy to imagine? I tried to write as clear as I can, but if anyone want a SS about the detail plan of Ferdie, just vote and...I could write it if I find a time LOL

Chapter 20: Ferdinand - After the match


Sorry for such a long hiatus. I did mention that I would be quite busy in the mid-Nov so I cannot guarantee my update. But I really didn't expect that the research trip was longer as I need to recollect the sample.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“The treasure of Lady Magdalena was defeated! Lord Ferdinand won!!!”

Ferdinand couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as the referee announced the defeat of Lady Magdalena’s team. The Treasure Ditter match had concluded more quickly than he had expected, and he took a moment to reflect on the intricacies of the plans he had carefully prepared.

The overarching strategy was to maintain distraction by systematically taking down each member of the opposing team until the Leidenschaft spear was fully charged with mana. The ideal scenario was to secure victory by defeating the treasure before resorting to the use of the spear. However, Ferdiannd later changed his plan, as he opted use it anyway with the cloth sheath covering the spear. His rationale was to ensure that no one could wield the formidable power of the spear in the forthcoming war without explicit permission from Aub Dunkelfelger.

Originally, Ferdinand had envisaged the worst scenario for him as Lady Magdalena successfully recruiting the entire Dunkelfelger team and leaving no room for any adults on his side. Therefore, he had devised a series of traps to counter their specific abilities based on his understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the Dunkelfelger knights in Magdalena and Heissh*tze’s generation.

Magdalena, in her characteristic arrogance, assumed that victory in a student's fight was inevitable, given her low opinion of other Dunkelfelger knights in her generation. Technically, it was correct that her strategic prowess had contributed to Dunkelfelger's undefeated record in the annual Treasure Ditters. Therefore, Ferdinand crafted a scenario that exploited Magdalena’s pride by making this Ditter appear as she was abusing a child if she emerged victorious so easily. This ploy aimed to goad Magdalena into accepting the condition of allowing one adult to join in, a condition she found hard to resist due to her pride as a fair lady.

Concerned that Magdalena might impose additional restrictions on the participating adult, Ferdinand skillfully manipulated the situation during the discussion to convince her that Justus would be the chosen one. Even if Justus were selected, Ferdinand believed his plan would still proceed smoothly, but he was relieved that Raufen's presentation had proven effective. Raufen, a knight professor with top-notch skills, served as the ideal decoy and instigator to provoke Ebberg within the Dunkelfelger knights.

The roles of the other five team members were interchangeable and followed a numerical order. All the members of his team, except Raufen, would need to remember all the traps and be prepared to execute any traps according to Ferdinand’s order on the Ditter field. For Raufen, Ferdinand established a coded order system. Only when Ferdinand directly addressed Raufen by name would he act based on the provided code. For orders referring to him as a professor, Raufen's role was to remain inside the carriage, supplying mana for tools, and preparing to fire an arrow at Magdalena.

That’s right, Raufen's opponent was only one person, and that was none other than Magdalena herself, chosen for her strategic acumen and combat resilience. Ferdinand acknowledged that she could likely evade most of his traps, making her the probable last person standing on her team. Although Magdalena might not match Heissh*tze in sheer strength, Ferdinand believed that cornering Magdalena would unleash a more brutal and fierce fighting spirit inside her. To counter this, he required someone overpowering, and Raufen, who had silently conserved his strength, emerged as the ideal candidate.

The reveal of Raufen’s participants in this Ditter would make Magdalena and her team be cautious of their teacher's moves, thus Raufen's every action would be watched and monitored. Therefore, the best way to utilize Raufen’s power was allowing him to remain silent with false orders earlier in the match. With this trick, Ferdinand aimed to divert attention away from Raufen, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of his eventual attack.

Ferdinand chuckled at the effectiveness of the ladies of Dunkelfelger archducal house and the Knight Commander in limiting the number of Dunkelfelger students joining Magdalena’s team. However, he hadn't anticipated Magdalena accepting Klassenberg knights. Those knights, according to Ferdinand’s memory from the last weave, were not so bad in general. However, if you compared them to Dunkelfelger knight, they could be seen as decorative ones, and he remembered that boy Olivier – the favoured child of the beloved flower of Aub Klassenberg. It seemed Klassenberg had aimed to gain more recognition for their favored knights through this Ditter, but their plan backfired spectacularly. The net trap, intended as a distraction for Heidemarie to defeat a Dunkelfelger with a sleeping potion, successfully disarmed Olivier. Similarly, the rope trap, designed to create a break for Ferdinand's team to recover and consolidate the schnefeld, unexpectedly disarmed two Klassenberg knights simultaneously.

As Ferdinand descended to the ground, he observed all members of his team running toward him. The decision to use Raufen sparingly was unexpected, but it aligned with his plan to force the other five members, especially Heissh*tze, Hermann, and Eckhart, to engage in endlessly fighting during the match.

Feeling a moment of hesitation, Ferdinand recalled his grandmother's advice about expressing his opinions openly, a practice suit to Dunkelfelger culture. Setting aside his reservations, he addressed his team, "Well… You’re all… doing a good job."

For accepting to follow the order of a child in such an important match, they’re doing quite... good.

The team then took turns marveling at the victory in the Ditter.The atmosphere among the team was infectious, and Ferdinand found himself smiling, a subtle reflection of their joy.

"It was the most spectacular Ditter that I have ever joined.”

“Too bad that we could not use all the traps we prepared."

The match concluded with fewer traps employed than planned, and Raufen had minimal involvement, having barely stepped out. Ferdinand only planned four coded orders for Raufen, but all were crucial.

  • First, "Take a nap in the carriage" – Take the napping zanze with rope trap in the carriage, swung to the other side.
  • Second, "Chill a little after that hit" – Armed with a crossbow while Heissh*tze, Hermann, and Eckhart ambushed. If any opponent managed to pass the trio, Raufen would fire at their feet, immobilizing them with a gumka-like liquid similar to the rope trap.
  • Three, "Don’t vent your frustration for not being allowed to fight as the opponent was so weak" – Take the treasure with you and throw away the decoy fetze to the other side. The fetze was also covered with explosives, but the amount was double compared to the first tool used by Geraldine at the beginning of the match.
  • Finally, "Time to conclude the match; you can step out to celebrate our win," was intended to be the most crucial and humiliating trap for Magdalena. It involved Raufen using the schtappe-seal magic tool to restrain Magdalena, preventing her from using the schtappe for an attack. That magic tool was copying the function of the schtappe-seal chain, and can only use one time. This trap aimed not only to incapacitate Magdalena but also to serve as a powerful symbol, portraying her as a criminal to Dunkelfelger for attempting to force her duchy into a futile war.

However, Ferdinand felt a sense of relief, as he didn't need to send the final order. Stopping Magdalena with the schtappe-sealing was a severe and effective trap, but it would also significantly impact her direct family, which was also his. The shame for Magdalena's actions would extend beyond her to her parents, the archducal couple, also Ferdinand's current grandparents. Ferdinand was aware that in his last life, both Wenceslaus and Celestine had withdrawn completely from politics, leading a sheltered life while still being in good health.

After Magdalena’s proposal, Ferdinand vividly remembered the deep emotional toll on Celestine when she expressed a sense of failure in her roles as both a mother and a First Lady. Despite her elegant exterior and political acumen, Celestine was very soft. She carried a burden of guilt deep in her heart for the decision to give birth to Magdalena at an old age, feeling unable to give Magdalena all the attributes that had been given to Werdekraf and Eberhard. Dunkelfelger’s men, while still keeping calm in their expression, but Ferdinand recalled their reaction: his grandfather Wenceslaus dismissed all his aides and retreated to the solitude of Aub's room for all day, his father Werdekraf also sought solace in a vize bottle within his hidden room, and his uncle Eberhard refrained from appearing at the training ground for the following day.

After all, while being so angry at Magdalena, everyone in Dunkelfelger house still cared for her, that’s why they were so hurt by her action. Ferdinand thought, and he decided to refrain from giving the final order. Beating Magdalena with minimal involvement from Raufen was humiliating enough. Since everyone knew that Ferdinand had been under the care of both Wenceslaus and Celestine, winning this match served to emphasize that any fault lay with Magdalena alone and not in the upbringing provided by her parents. This outcome would prevent the fourth prince’s faction from exploiting opportunities to sabotage Dunkelfelger's family. Additionally, it would spare Dunkelfelger’s family from enduring further emotional turmoil.

It seems that I am becoming softer…

Amidst Ferdinand's contemplation, a sudden eruption of loud cheers interrupted his thoughts. Turning around, he realized that the entire Dunkelfelger assembly had descended to the ground to join in the celebration. The atmosphere was charged with exuberance as they approached, the cacophony of jubilation echoing around him.

Before Ferdinand could utter a word, Aub Dunkelfelger swiftly swept him off his feet and twirled him around. His grandfather’s booming voice rose above the rest, declaring loudly, "Look at him, this is the pride of Dunkelfelger!!!" The Dunkelfelgers continued to erupt with various expressions of praise.

"As expected of our boy!" exclaimed one.

"He played Ditter at seven, and even won it!" cheered another.

"All underhanded tricks! How evil!"

“He even kept the best part by defeating the treasure himself!!!”

“That’s because he loves Ditter so much!”

I am not!!! I used the Leidenschaft’s spear as the groundwork for the temple reform, and also keeping it from being used in the war! Ferdinand wished he could protest or offer an explanation, but the dizzying effects of being spun in the air left him temporarily speechless.

What worse, his father Werdekraf seized him away and embarked on another round of spinning. Laughter and shouts of joy accompanied this unexpected encore, adding to the jubilant atmosphere. “That's my boy!!! The true son of Leidenschaft!!! Ah Hah!!!”

The festivities reached new heights as Eberhard, Ferdinand's uncle, joined in the revelry. Lifting Ferdinand high into the air, Eberhard added an extra dimension to the celebration by tossing him upward. It was the Knight Commander, realizing Ferdinand's disoriented state, who swiftly saved him from being tossed around further and placed him gently on the ground. Damn, this body of his was still so fragile, and Justus had to come forward to help him stand on the ground since Ferdinand was still dizzy after being tossed and spun. For the first time, Ferdinand couldn't help but empathize with Rozemyne, recalling the moments when Bonifatius “joyfully” tossed her into the air. This kind of love was definitely NOT for everyone.

However, before Ferdinand could fully regain his senses, his grandmother, Celestine, seized the opportunity to embrace him tightly, showering him with praises, and kept rubbing her face with his. The public display of affection and admiration from his grandmother left Ferdinand feeling like he was being tossed into a different kind of fire – one fueled by embarrassment.

“My baby ~~~ my adorable grandson ~~~ You looked so fabulous when dancing with the blessing from the sky ~~~”

“Gran…grandmother… too tight, please, your lady decorum…”

“Nah ~ who care about that decorum nonsense ~”

Nonsense? Are you sure you are from Klassenberg? Glancing around, he noticed that all the female knights of his grandmother had already stood surrounding them and raised their cloaks to cover the sight from the outside. Except for a little smile on their faces, they looked absolutely normal at Celestine’s reaction, as it was such a daily thing.

How can all of you act so normally? This is completely out of noble sense!!!!

"Ahem, Lady Celestine!" A voice chimed in, breaking through the jubilation. "Maybe you could save some of your maternal care for later in the hidden room!"

“Oh…” Celestine expressed her regret and released Ferdinand. Finally, some air for him to breathe...

It was Lady Millicent. “I really have a little question to ask our little hero. She showed her curiosity by asking, “How many zanze did your team catch?”

“The plan was to catch a minimum of two fetzte and as many zanze as possible.” Ferdinand regained his composure and answered. “Thanks to Professor Raufen, we successfully caught 6 zanze in total.”

“Fetzte? I didn’t see any of them in your team.”

"It's here, Lord Werdekraf!" Heissh*tze brought two black bags over, revealing two sleeping fetzes inside. One of them bore the mana-mark of a treasure.

“Wait a minute, that mark…”

Raufen excitedly responded, “That’s right, Aub! The true treasure is the fetze instead, not any zanze. All zanze were just traps!”


“But I saw you carry the zanze!”

“Uncle Eberhard, the treasure is the one marked by the magic tool, not the one I carry.”

“I see, that’s why all your knights just leave one zanze in your hand and put all those captured feybeasts into the bags. It would help to cover your true treasure, too!” Lady Millicent chuckled.

“And the other fetze also carried a huge amount of explosives too!” Eckhart proudly stated.

“Such wisdom from Lord Ferdinand!” Heidemarie continued, “There is another trap to throw that fetze, and the other team will be fooled that “fetze” as the scariest trap, so they will avoid the ‘true treasure’ as much as possible.”

“How evil!”

“He is just seven! He must be born to play Ditter!!!”

"The Lord of Ditter!!!" A knight suddenly yelled, triggering everyone to become even more wild. "The Lord of Ditter!!!"

What kind of name is it? Now it was Ferdinand's turn to panic. He was shocked by the new title given to him by the Dunkelfelger knights. He immediately rejected that ridiculous title and shouted out, “Don’t ever call me that!”

“What are you talking about? This suits you!”

“Indeed! The Lord of Ditter!”

“The Lord of Ditter!”

“Absolutely not!” Ferdinand tried to think fast to find a solution in this situation, as he already saw that his family seemed to be tempted to accept that name. If it was approved, there would be no way to undo it. “If you continue to call me that, I will… I will…. not play Ditter with you guys ever again!”

The cheer suddenly stopped, and Ferdinand started to wonder if he had chosen the wrong method. His father's eyes shone. “So as long as we’re not calling you like this, you will play Ditter every day?”

Then, before Ferdinand could object, his grandfather shouted, “No one in Dunkelfelger is allowed to call my grandson by that title! Aub’s order!” And he turned to Ferdinand and laughed, “Now, shall we have a congratulatory Ditter?”

“Perfect! A congratulatory Ditter in our training ground now!”

“Then we can have a welcome back Ditter after we come back to Dunkelfelger!”

“And a morning greeting Ditter!”


“Enough!” Celestine, with her commanding presence, stepped forward and halted any kind of congratulatory Ditter idea. “You can't possibly be thinking of another Ditter so soon. Ferdinand is still a child. He needs to rest!”

She scolded everyone for their overenthusiastic push for another Ditter, emphasizing the need to consider Ferdinand's well-being. Ferdinand sighed inwardly, grateful that his grandmother was there to intervene. Seizing the moment, he announced that he would only play Ditter if the opponent offered an attractive stake to him. Additionally, he needed time to recruit more members for the Ditter.

Before anyone could react, Eckhart, ever the eager one, immediately offered himself, “You don’t need to recruit, milord! Let me be your knight!”

The crowd erupted in cheers, "Hooray! Eckhart will come to Dunkelfelger!"

“Slyly! He took my chance!”

Heissh*tze, not to be outdone, exclaimed, “Lord Ferdinand, no, milord, me too. Please allow me to be your knight."

“Wait! If both Eckhart and Heissh*tze said that, then accept me too, milord!” Hermann ran forward. “Please don’t be so biased! I, too, can be your escort knight! I can also play Ditter with you!”

“It’s not fair!”

“That’s right, Lord Ferdinand! You haven’t seen my ability yet!”

“You didn’t offer us a chance to play this Ditter with you!”

“Let Ditter decide who will be Lord Ferdinand’s retainers!”

“That’s right! Ditter!”

“Enough! Being my retainer doesn’t mean you can Ditter all day." Ferdinand snorted. “I still need to consider many qualities!”

“Then how about me?” It was Heidemarie, “I can be adopted into Dunkelfelger, be your scholar, and bring Eckhart together with me as a son-in-law!”

“Really? Heidemarie coming too?” Geraldine beamed, "Then, cousin, how about me? I mean, I am a knight apprentice, but I just finished my year 3. I can still change the course to be a scholar if you want! We’re family, and I also fond of music just like you… Ah!” Then she scoffed Hermann's arms with her, “I can court Hermann, and we can both serve you as a knight-scholar duo just like Eckhart and Heidemarie!”

"Now now, stop that!” Celestine stepped up and said, “Girl, it is too much to decide someone to court just in your year! Well, Hermann is not a bad boy, but you still need to talk with your family first."

“But grandmother…”

“E hem!” A voice stopped all the noise among Dunkelfelger. Ferdinand turned back and saw that the Royal family and all Aubs of great duchies had also descended to the ground.

Immediately, except for the members of Dunkelfelger archducal house, they stepped back in line and kneeled down. Ferdinand’s grandparents took the lead of the archducal family, and made greetings to the Royal Family, namely Second Queen, Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual.

The sudden shift in atmosphere silenced the lively crowd, bringing an air of solemnity to the moment. The lead of the Royal Family, Second Queen Theresa from Werkestock, acknowledged the introduction with a nod. "Dunkelfelger has displayed remarkable prowess in the Ditter today. Congratulations on your victory."

Aub Dunkelfelger bowed respectfully. "Thank you, your majesty. Dunkelfelgers are honored by your presence."

"And here is the rising star of your house. Your performance today was truly remarkable."

Ferdinand bowed in return. "I thank you ever so much for your praise, your majesty. It was a team effort, and I'm fortunate to have such skilled companions."

Aub Drewanchel's voice echoed with excitement, his eyes beaming with the prospect of a newfound rare feystone. "Impressive! All the magic traps used in this match are completely unheard. And I’ve just seen that such a rare talent approached by our Gundolf had been snatched by you, little boy!" His hearty chuckle filled the room, and his eyes slid over to Heidemarie, who was bowing low not far away behind.

"I appreciate your compliment, Aub Drewanchel," replied Ferdinand. "But I believe such talent that was recognized by Drewanchel would also be blessed by Anhaltung and Mestionora to seek for her true Geduldh."

Now it was Aub Werkestock's turn to weigh in, his curiosity piqued. "I'm more curious about that mysterious spear you wielded. Is it a new creation or… something traditional preserved in the land of Fire?"

The air was thick with a social dance as complex as the magic traps laid out in the match. Not wanting to give too much away, Ferdinand replied cautiously, "I am afraid I cannot give you the answer you seek, Aub Werkestock. Nevertheless, perhaps you would enjoy discussing its origins with my grandfather, the Archduke of Dunkelfelger."

As expected of Werkestock – the land of knowledge preservation. Ferdinand could be certain that the use of sacred tools as weapons was actually not widely known in the current generation. Still, he indeed feared that there might be some old documents in Werkestock mentioning a spear-like weapon used by charging mana. After all, many of his books before were purchased from there.

At least I have used the Leidenschaft spear in this match. Now, if they want to use it, they have to ask for permission from grandfather.

The archduke of Werkestock, ever the diplomat, wasted no time in exploring alliances with his father. "Unfortunately, Liebeskhilfe didn’t bless the union of my land with you, Lord Werdekraf,” he said, “but I see no reason to prevent us from seeking one in the future. My granddaughter from my heir would make a splendid Goddess of Light for your son.”

"Aub Werkestock, not so fast!" Aub Drewanchel chuckled with diplomatic grace, "But I can understand your hastiness. I, too, am very tempted to bond with such a promising talent as this boy. Well, it would be such a waste to minimize the choice for such a promising talent as this young Lord. Drewanchel also has an abundance of talented archduke candidates for that position."

"Liebeskhilfe and Entrinduge would never give such a blessing to too distant threads," Aub Klassenberg, ever the hawk, his sharp gaze calculating, interjected. "There is no Verbergen to unshroud. The prowess of the young Lord Ferdinand is a clear testament that only the union of the noblest of blood could yield such excellence."

It was an intricate web of words and aspirations. Aub Drewanchel, eyes glinting with strategy replied, "Oh, I would rather think different, Aub Klassenberg."

But before Drewanchel could retort, Aub Klassenberg turned to address the Archducal couple of Dunkelfelger. "It is a joy to see my beloved sister is so cherished in the land of Fire, and a thrill to witness the gift of the Seven uniting our prestigious bloodlines. What could be more fitting for young Lord Ferdinand than a match that secures further blessings from the Gods? Don’t you think so, sister, brother-in-law?”

Into this high-stakes banter interjected Prince Trauerqual, cutting through the thick aspirations with a sharp word of caution. "Aub Drewanchel, Aub Werkestock, Aub Klassenberg!" He interposed, "You would scare the young boy, he has just merely made his first step in summer. And I believe Aub Dunkelfelger would hardly give up such a talented grandson to be the son-in-law in another duchy."

Ferdinand felt a wave of relief when the prince intervened just in time. He saw that Wenceslaus, Werdekraf, and Eberhard were preparing to defend Celestine, and the prince's interference prevented further conflict. The strained relationship between Celestine and Klassenberg had become an open secret among nobles. This began when Wenceslaus proposed to Celestine, bypassing Klassenberg and securing Zent's approval for their union, effectively ruining Klassenberg's plans for Celestine to become the Third Queen.

Despite this, Aub Klassenberg now proudly displayed his relationship with Celestine to show that their family still had a connection to Dunkelfelger. While the relationship between Celestine and Klassenberg was lukewarm, as long as Klassenberg did not disown her, Dunkelfelger maintained a marital connection to that duchy.

Dunkelfelger was able to avoid getting involved in the dispute, initially declaring neutrality due to its high rank. However, Magdalena's actions changed everything. Due to its two undeniable connections with the Fifth Prince's faction through Celestine and Magdalena, other duchies found it difficult to believe that Dunkelfelger could remain neutral. This is precisely why, in the previous weave, Dunkelfelger had no choice but to join the Fifth Prince’s faction. Similarly, in this life, they agreed to Ferdinand's ridiculous Ditter idea as it presented the perfect opportunity to emphasize that a "marriage alliance" held no significance for Dunkelfelger.

Whatever the reason, the Fifth Prince's interference was a great help to Dunkelfelger. He disrupted Aub Klassenberg's questioning, providing a temporary shield so that Dunkelfelger's family could avoid responding to Klassenberg's claim of being "family."

Suddenly, Aub Werkestock shifted his focus to the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual, bringing an unexpected turn to the conversation. He asked, "What about becoming a son-in-law of the Royal Family? Queen Kreszentia, surely you won't seek a future grandson-in-law from the land of Fire after securing such a highly prized bride for Prince Trauerqual?"

"Oh, really?" Queen Theresa, with a voice as smooth as distant silk, turned to her counterpart. "Has Mestionora decided to descend upon the land of Spring to seek protection from the Supreme couple, Kreszentia?"

The normally silent Third Queen, Kreszentia, spoke up with deliberate and cool words. "Sometimes Ordoschnelli likes to play with Grammaratur to convey unsuitable things for the Anhaltung," she said, her gaze unwavering as she addressed the others. "If there is any good news, I would say that my son could find a suitable bride from great duchies that match his position as a royal prince. I hope the same for your son, and I look forward to hearing such good news from the fourth prince."

"Ah, too bad. The Dark God forbids Liebeskhilfe from tying my son's fate according to my preference, and unfortunately, aside from the daughter of Summer, no one dares to oppose the wishes of the Supreme Couple," Queen Theresa chuckled. "I guess I still have to wait a while longer to receive the good Ordoschnelli for any news about my own Mestionora. Unlike you, my dear Kreszentia, I wasn't blessed by Darkness and gain support from Verbergen."

Ferdinand's unease deepened as the conversation took a darker turn, filled with veiled threats and hidden meanings. References to the names of Gods and Goddesses were used as subtle weapons, each alluding to secret intentions and hidden knowledge. It seemed that Aub Werkestock and Queen Theresa were attempting to provoke Queen Kreszentia, possibly in regard to the hidden child of Prince Waldifried. It appeared they were trying to confirm that the child was a girl, potentially revealing the existence of three hidden princesses. However, Ferdinand couldn't be certain of anything anymore. The circ*mstances had shifted so dramatically that Ferdinand found himself even uncertain if the hidden royal child in Klassenberg was Eglantine, as in the previous weave.

Celestine tactfully intervened in the brewing tension between the two Queens, skillfully diverting the conversation towards a more positive topic. She spoke of the joys of being grandmothers and wished that both Queen Kreszentia and Queen Theresa could experience the happiness of seeing their grandchildren grow.

Wenceslaus, seizing the opportunity to address the gathered Aubs, expressed his gratitude for their presence at the match. "My esteemed fellows," his eyes twinkled with heartfelt gratification, "I am grateful to each of you for taking the time to be here today to watch the match with us. Your presence lends grandeur to this occasion."

A ripple of acknowledgment rolled through the dignitaries as Wenceslaus continued, his tone firm and unyielding in its resolve. "I want to take this opportunity to reaffirm Dunkelfelger’s position of neutrality amidst the shifting alliances between our duchies. Dunkelfelger has long been proud to be known as the Sword of Zent. The children of the Land of Fire will only wield their spears for the true Dark God who holds Mestionora’s wisdom in his hands, to protect the garden of Erwaermen. This remains our commitment, for the present and the foreseeable future."

His gaze then shifted, landing on the Fifth Prince with a respectful nod. "Prince Trauerqual, I want to assure you that Dunkelfelger continues to value the results of the Bride task. We recognize our own daughter Magdalena’s hard-earned efforts and achievements. As such, I promise that a proper dowry awaits her, fitting of her stature as the future princess of Dunkelfelger and the royal bride."

As the tension lingered, Celestine gracefully asked for an excuse to allow Ferdinand some much-needed rest after the strenuous fight. With the Queens' permission granted, the Dunkelfelger contingent withdrew. The knights, as silent as the family they served, were an inscrutable guard as they closed ranks and ushered the household away from prying eyes and ears. The air inside remained tense until the formidable doors of the Dunkelfelger dormitory shut with a resounding thud. Silence—a thick, almost solid entity—enveloped the family. It was a quiet ripe with unspoken expectation that permeated the air, fraught with the day's unshed anxieties.

A break came unexpectedly from Eberhard, the mirth in his eyes betraying an unvoiced joke. "Ditter?" he said, with a knowing smirk that seemed almost mischievous.

As if that word was a key, the room transformed before Ferdinand’s eyes. All eyes turned towards Lady Celestine, seeking confirmation. After a silent exchange of looks between Celestine and Lady Millicent, then his grandmother exhaled - a signal for breaths held too long to be released—and with the air escaped words, breaking the tension, "Work can wait, today we celebrate first!"

The relief was palpable, the joy unfeigned. "Hooray!!!" echoed the voices of blood and bond alike.



"Bring out the Vize!!!"

Laughter and lively banter filled the once-stale air. "Come on! We will have a Vantole Ditter to choose the member to Ditter with Ferdinand tomorrow morning!" the voices rose in a boisterous chorus.

In that moment, the unassuming Ferdinand stood with his mouth agape. So, 'Ditter' also meant "celebration." Oddly enough, Ferdinand felt that ancient languages might indeed be simpler than Dunkelfelger's intricate dialects. He was too embroiled in his own bafflement to notice that the men of his family had already arranged a new Ditter without his consent.

"Let men sing praises to Vantole and relinquish the stifling heat of Brennwarme inside them! Come here, Ferdinand, and demonstrate the ritual dance again! How wondrous it is; we must compose a fitting melody for it!" Celestine declared, her excitement cutting through Ferdinand's reverie.

"That is the pre-Ditter dance, lady Celestine! You are well aware that it traditionally has no accompanying song!" Lady Millicent clarified.

"No... no song?" Celestine looked genuinely heartbroken. "But... such a beautiful dance..."

"Grandmother! The Pre-Ditter dance is a sacred ritual; it requires no song!" Ferdinand swiftly interjected, dispelling the absurd suggestion. All the while, he puzzled over why her spirits had dipped so significantly; surely this wasn't the first-time grandmother saw this dance.

"Fret not, Lady Celestine! Instead, let us compose an ode to the legend that is Lord Ferdinand!"

"Yes, Lord Ferdinand’s legend needs to be immortalized in every work of Kunstzeal and Grammaratur so that all the younger generations can learn about him!”

Heidemarie! Eckhart! What in the world are you two up to?!!!

"A most splendid notion!" Celestine's eyes shone anew with a visionary light. "Come, bring forth my Harspiel! I shall recite a verse!"

Before Ferdinand could protest, his grandmother began: “In the glow of the Goddess of Light, stepped forth dire the son of Fire so fair, Clad in armor of Angriff, the blessing woven in his air. Angriff’s dance to perform, his challenge to bear, A sight divine, a tableau bright, beyond compare….”

Hold on, wait! Was she truly making me the subject of her verse?

"A wonderful opening verse, Grandmother!" Geraldine chimed. "Let us expand this into a full ballad! It shall be the song for my upcoming music class next year!"

"Ah... it's unfortunate that we're unable to share the recording with everyone due to contractual restrictions. It was such a marvelous match..."

"May I offer a suggestion, if you would permit?" Lasfam interjected with a stride of confidence. "I've learned that in Klassenberg, they pay tribute to the spirit of Kunstzeal through an art form known as 'theater.' Why not recreate the events of the previous match on stage? We can adapt the story creatively without breaching the contract."


It seemed Ferdinand’s old retainers were all out of leash today. Eckhart and Heidemarie acting out of turn, Justus preoccupied with his mirth against the wall, even the typically reserved Lasfam was proposing such ridiculous ideas...

"Lasfam? Oh, you are the high mana lay noble attendant that Justus spoke of. You were to accompany him to Dunkelfelger? And Ferdinand has also spoken highly of your service and your tea-making skills!" Celestine said with a smile, clearly delighted. "You must be quite the skilled attendant to come up with such a splendid idea. This reminds me, Idale! Go write an invitation to Ehrenfest for three days from now. We have much to discuss on the subject of transferring such talent to Dunkelfelger."

That was it? Another wave of astonishment swept over Ferdinand. He had already lined up numerous reasons to convince his grandmother of Lasfam's suitability as a retainer – even as a laynoble from low-ranked duchy; yet it appeared that a mere theater proposal—notably one featuring him in a lead role—was sufficient?

He suddenly remembered in the last weave, Heissh*tze was able to pull out many rare ingredients as the stake for normal students’ Ditter match, some even only found in Dunkelfelger’s treasury (which he only knew in this weave). Then how all the Dunkelfelger’s knights just easily arranged a marriage for an archduke candidate like him with their princess, and the Aubs just agreed without asking any question. Of course, there would be more complicated reasons from the archducal family’s side, but for those knights, they wanted him just because he played Ditter so well, even with “dirty tricks” as they called it.

After knowing Dunkelfelger for so long, Ferdinand still found those people in this duchy were really out of touch compared to what he knew. He glanced around the room and found himself completely out of place in such a "messy congratulatory party."

“Praise to be Leidenschaft! For the glorious Ditter in the future!”

“Woohoo! For Vantole!”

“For Angriff! For Ditter!”

“For the lead of the Ditter tomorrow, only the final one still standing would be the team leader!”

“How about the team member?”

“The last 10 retainers standing will join with the team leader!”

“Unfair! Father, you just exclude all of us!”

“Then try to beat me in Vantole Ditter, or you will have to wait. The privilege to Ditter with Ferdinand will be mine!”

Grandfather! Father! Uncles! Don’t ever decide Ditter with me without asking my agreement!

“Upon the Ditter field under the sky's azure vault, a brave young son of Leidenschaft took his courageous assault. With silver-blue hair like the dawn's first light, and eyes aglow with gold, a glimmering sight…”

“Beautiful as always, Lady Celestine!”

“Kunstzeal must be so pleased!”

“And Grammaratur! Such blessing must be recorded!”

“But the contract…”

“As long as we don’t include the name, no one will know!”

Grandmother! Geraldine! Don’t ever record or publish those poems. You cannot fool everyone with such detailed descriptions of my appearance!

“This potion is scary! How could you ever drink this!”

“This is the crystallization of the wisdom from Lord Ferdinand! You cannot be his retainer if you cannot drink this potion!”

“I will try my best!”

“Let’s conduct a potion-drinking Ditter to decide the final winner!”

“How about a Ditter for hunting materials? Lord Ferdinand likes researching!”

“That’s right! Let’s Ditter tomorrow!”

“Perfect! A speed Ditter for collecting materials! I will be the referee!”

“Yes, Professor!”

Don’t just put Ditter in everything! Heidemarie, don’t spread the wrong information around. No way I will accept retainers just by drinking a potion! And Raufen, control your students!

Ferdinand helplessly looked for someone who could put this mess under control, and he found that Lady Millicent and Lady Sieglinde, the two ladies who were supposedly the Verfuhremeer of Dunkelfeger, were having a small tea party and ignoring everything around them. He used mana enhancement to hear what they were talking about, only to find out that they were discussing which kind of girl would be suitable to be HIS FUTURE SECOND LADY!

I'd rather play Ditter than be stuck in this mess - was the last thing Ferdinand could think, and he didn’t even realize that he had started showing some symptoms of being “corrupted” by the heat of summer in Dunkelfelger.

May all the Gods bless you, little spring boy!


Sorry Ferdie, Dunkelfelger's common sense is weird, but your own common sense was sucked, too.

Thank you all for the comment in the last chapter. I was shocked to see that the last chapter reach more than 80 comments just in 2 days. Really, you all are hidden Dunkelfelger, right? LOL This chapter is a little justice for Raufen. Poor him, because Magdalena's team was s*cked so he didn't get a chance to fight.

Well, I also used the chance to practice some "poem composing" in English LOL, hope you guys don't mind.

Next chapter would be Rozemyne POV with Michelle's "headache report" about a particular Dunkelfelger's boy. See you soon.

Chapter 21: Rozemyne - Found you, mad scientist!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

With the revelation about the biggest butterfly effect that was happening, Rozemyne’s usual tranquility was shattered. She was on edge, eagerly awaiting the news from the Ditter match. Even her usual sanctuary, the comfort of books, offered no reprieve, and Rozemyne’s mind was unable to focus on the words inked on the pages. To compound the anxious anticipation, she felt more alone as her three guardians were absent, each dispatched to the Royal Academy.

The bells chimed the fifth hour of the day, their usual harmonious echo grazing Rozemyne’s heightened nerves when Desdemona barged into her study. Her bright green eyes were alight with a mix of trepidation and thrill.

"Princess Rozemyne. Michelle has returned."

Rozemyne felt a thrill race up her spine. Michelle's report! She had been awaiting this news with bated breath. Just as rapidly, she addressed Fabiane, who was quick to respond to the need as well.

"Fabiane, set up the sound-blocking tools. We must ensure complete confidentiality for this debriefing. Not a word of Michelle's report should reach outside this room."

Fabiane, ever efficient, nodded. "Understood, your highness."

Like well-oiled gears in a clock, they each set to their roles. Rozemyne turned back to her desk to organize her thoughts, while Desdemona went to escort Michelle back. She sighed at her realization: if Rozemyne herself could be born in a different position, why would she rule out the possibility of Ferdinand being of a different position than widely assumed that he still in Ehrenfest?

Instead of leaving us to a guessing game, why didn't the Gods reveal these first before sending me back? She thought with a hint of frustration.

In no time at all, Rozemyne was visited by her leading scholar, Michelle. However, the initial report that Rozemyne received was a letdown. Magdalena's team had lost the Ditter match and Dunkelfelger had seized this chance to declare neutrality. This implied that there would be no support forthcoming from Dunkelfelger for Trauerqual's faction. Yet, the Bride task entrusted to Magdalena had not been revoked, meaning it seemed she was still expected to marry Trauerqual despite the developments.

"When Lady Magdalena sent the information about the Ditter, Prince Trauerqual felt guilty for placing such a heavy burden on a young lady like her. As a result, he gave Lady Magdalena full authority over preparing the Ditter. Moreover, since Lady Magdalena insisted that the Ditter was not the same as the Bride Task, Prince Trauerqual gave her a markedly simpler task, hoping that it would lighten her load."

Upon hearing this, Desdemona looked absolutely shocked. It appeared she found Magdalena's loss hard to comprehend. "I once had the opportunity to witness the knight training in the Dunkelfelger Dormitory. For Lady Magdalena, a perpetual honor student and a candidate for the position of archduke, to lose such a crucial match... How could this have transpired? The opponent was just a newly baptized child!" she wondered aloud.

On the other hand, Fabiane presented a distressed picture. Her gaze swung to Rozemyne, her eyes shone with worry. "That lady would bring no support from her family, which means, Princess Rozemyne would lack maternal support too."

Michelle offered a slow, solemn shake of her head. "Their defeat was not due to their incompetence. Magdalena’s team performed admirably, but the opposing team surpassed them in terms of strategy. Their unpredictability was astonishing, both in preparation and their combat style. No one could have predicted their actions. Who would have thought such a young boy could be so... vicious?"

Immediately, Rozemyne caught a word that she had waited to hear for so long... a vicious boy... Did that mean…?

"Michelle, what is the name of that boy, I mean, the eldest grandson of Aub Dunkelfelger?"

"Ah, yes, Your Highness. That young lord's name is Ferdinand. He's two years older than you," Michelle replied before she sighed. "I had to double-check multiple times to confirm he was indeed from Dunkelfelger. To me, he looks more like a royal prince, even more so than Prince Sigiswald and Prince Anastasius. If I didn’t know, I really would have thought he was a hidden son from Royal Family."

"That much?" Fabiane asked

"It's unfortunate that I cannot use any recording tool for everyone to see. His hair was the noble color of Leidenschaft, but the silverish shine on his hair made him appear so royalty; his eyes blessed with the color of the Goddess of Light. Oh..." Michelle suddenly stopped, looking at Rozemyne. "Now that I think about it, that young lord's colors are lighter version of our princess's!"

“That reminds me," Desdemona interjected as she clapped her hands together. "There was a royal princess who married into the Dunkelfelger archducal house! Could that be his mother?"

“Yes, it’s her, Princess Seradina! She was also a friend with Zent Waldifried’s first lady!”

“So, she had given birth before the poison incident. Poor little boy, being ripped of the protection of Wiegenmilch at such a young age.”

"I beg to differ. He was under the direct care of the archducal couple. Truly, we should not take all of Lady Magdalena's information at face value but rather seek out the truth for ourselves. After the match, I spent the entire day gathering intel about that young lord and discovered that we had been misled by Verbergen."

The three retainers discussed so ardently that Rozemyne was left completely astounded by the revelations.

Seradina married to Werdekraf? And giving birth to Ferdinand in Dunkelfelger? Damn it, I should have asked for the names of each member of the archducal families before. There were so many reasons to seek out that kind of information, and I've overlooked it.

"Michelle!" Rozemyne interrupted the discussion, "Tell me everything you have found out about the Dunkelfelger archducal family and Lord Ferdinand!"

Overall, three years ago, on the day the First Prince assaulted their villa three years back, his followers had successfully managed to poison the First Wife of Waldifried and three other guests who were attending her tea party. Among them was Seradina, a former princess from House Schoneimeren, a subsidiary branch of the royal family overseeing the Royal Academy. Following that horrifying incident, Seradina was absent from the political realm. With no Spring Conference, information was scarce except the Interduchy Tournament. However, since her husband Werdekraf also rarely attended, there was no exact intelligence on her survival. Rumors suggested Seradina might have ascended Towering Height, but Dunkelfelger continually denied these claims. Many assumed this denial was a way to prevent another interduchy marriage for Werdekraf since the entire Dunkelfelger had cut off relations with other duchies from Waldifried’s assassination.

“All the information we could get was based on the only archduke candidate who attended the Royal Academy – Lady Magdalena. Her information was not so… completely wrong, as I contacted some of my old acquaintances, Lord Ferdinand was under the care of his grandparent – the archducal couple and being raised like his father. However, since Lady Seradina was absent from politics, her faction had been significantly reduced in influences and many of her responsibilities were delegated to the Second wife of Lord Werdekraf. Lord Ferdinand’s standing in Dunkelfelger was really fragile even though he was put in high regards since his winter debutante, at least until this Ditter!”

“So, the intel about he was a pawn to forsaken is not wrong, is that what you want to say?”

“Partially, the problem is not in him but from the archducal family!” Michelle sighed, “The Ditter was not intended to appease internal disputes as Lady Magdalena claimed. Because of the Bridal Task, Dunkelfelger would be doubly connected to Prince Trauerqual’s faction, from their First Lady who hailed from Klassenberg and Lady Magdalena's potential marriage. From what I gather, the Dunkelfelger doesn't hold any royal princes in high regard, so their true intention of this Ditter is to maintain neutrality!”

"I don't follow," Fabiane frowned. " It was indeed a surprise that Lady Magdalena lost, but what if she won, then they must join Prince Trauerqual’s faction as per tradition. And for such an important match, how could they trust everything to a child?"

“It must be some conditions inside the Ditter contract!” Rozemyne raised her opinion, chimed in, "Michelle, do you know the specifics of the Ditter contract? I remember grandpa mentioning something about it, but he only knew a rough rendition. I'm interested in the actual wording the contract uses!"

"Getting a copy is notoriously difficult. Even Aub Hauchletzte could only get the proverbial 'hearsay version,'" Michelle replied as she retrieved a wooden board from her scholar bag, "However, thanks to a former scholar classmate of mine, I managed to obtain a copy of both the Ditter and secrecy contracts that all witnesses need to sign."

Rozemyne received those boards and read carefully. Oh dear, there are a bunch of holes in this contract, if grandpa knew about this sooner…

"Princess, is there something amiss?"

"Quite a few discrepancies, as a matter of fact! Look at this clause, it states that an adult guardian cannot hail from the archducal family or any branch thereof within three generations, but this definition is highly ambiguous. If a Dunkelfelger lord or lady marries into another duchy, they still share bloodline ties with Dunkelfelger, but are not registered as a citizen as they already moved their medal out of the duchy, so that person also can claim not to be from Dunkelfelger. Similarly, those of the Sovereignty could also bypass this rule due to their citizen status, even though their duchy roots can be traced back to Dunkelfelger.”

“Oh, my goodness, you’re right, princess. He chose the Professor Raufen as his guardian – the teacher of the knight course!”

“A teacher of the knight course! How could those students in Lady Magdalena’s team fight against him?” Desdemona was shocked.

“Actually, that professor didn’t fight much, but I bet he was more as the final solution.”

“There's another loophole right here! See this rule?” Rozemyne pointed her finger to the fourth rule, “It says that the two team captains cannot force any noble of Dunkelfelger to join the team, meaning all remained member of the archducal family can persuade any noble of Dunkelfelger to join any team they want. Moreover, both team captains can coerce nobles from other duchies to fight on their behalf."

"Hold on a minute," Desdemona chimed in, clearly perplexed. "Didn’t Lady Magdalena use this chance to secure member from Klassenberg for her team?"

“Our previous information was that there are only two Dunkelfelger students willing to join her team. That’s why Klassenberg volunteered four knight apprentices.”

“There are more.” Rozemyne continued, “Both sides are unable to use anything from the Dunkelfelger treasury, and all kinds of weapons used in this match are forbidden to reuse until the war concludes.”

“Yes, your highness. And I remembered that you did mention this to Aub Hauchletzte before. We also discovered that buying tools was not restricted; that’s why Drewanchel and Klassenberg bought a lot of tools from Werkestock. Lady Magdalena said that this rule indeed does favours to us, as it helps to extend some restriction to Werkestock. All the tools Lady Magdalena used were bought by students to avoid suspicions.”

“Buying tools is not restricted, so is making new tools. What if Lord Ferdinand was making his new tools?”

“Your highness, he is still a child. He could not brew nor make new weapons.”

Oops, slipped it…

“I mean, Dunkelfelger archducal family could assist him in procuring new weapons if they wanted him to win, correct?”

“But the weapon would be restricted to be reused…”

"With Archduke Dunkelfelger’s permission! And then the real stake: even if Lord Ferdinand lost the Ditter, Dunkelfelger could still revert to being neutral after the war. That means no support from them thereafter!"

This contract is heavily skewed in favour of the Dunkelfelger archducal family. Of course, it also provides some favours to the Trauerqual’s side, but only if they manage to seize those opportunities, such as purchasing Werkestock weapons to prevent their use in war. However, Rozemyne was unsure if Ferdinand would ever regain his memory, as the contract could be a result of skilful negotiation on Dunkelfelger’s part.

Michelle could not suppress her sigh, "Given what Princess Rozemyne just pointed out, many of my questions about the match have been answered. Now I understand why this young lord could enlist two excellent students to fight for him. He must have exploited his position to coerce them."

"Two excellent students? From which duchy? He couldn’t force anyone from Dunkelfelger, could he?" Rozemyne asked curiously, though she already felt turmoil inside her as if a storm were raging. When Michelle mentioned "using his position to coerce," it suggested those two must be from a much lower-ranked duchy. Rozemyne then quickly recalculated the ages of everyone in Ehrenfest at this current time and, if she remembered correctly, one very familiar person to her was in his fourth year.

"They are from Ehrenfest, Your Highness."

"Ehrenfest?!?!" All three gasped at Michelle's revelation. For Rozemyne, it was like the final piece needed to solve the puzzle.

It must be Eckhart!

For Eckhart to join the Dunkelfelger side in this Ditter without Ferdinand's involvement, the only plausible explanation would be that both of them had regained memories from their past lives. No wonder Magdalena lost – with a “reincarnated Ferdinand” leading the Knights of Dunkelfelger, he was virtually invincible.

“That full of mysteries but nothing-for-good duchy?” Desdemona exclaimed.

"Mysteries but nothing-for-good? What does that mean, Desdemona?"

"Oh, you may not be aware, given that your education has primarily focused on the leading duchies," Desdemona began to elucidate. "Ehrenfest was one of the six duchies guarding the Border Gate, specifically for the Gate of Wind. This region was once a great duchy called Eisenreich, famous for its mining and ore. However, 200 years ago, it conducted treachery and was disbanded into several. Then, a royal prince became the Aub of the newly established middle duchy, and it is now at the twentieth rank."

Rozemyne, recalling what Giebe Kirnberger had shared with her, was now more curious about the context of Desdemona's remarks. "Would you say it's similar to Hauchletzte?"

"Indeed, yet more unfortunate, Your Highness," Desdemona replied with a shake of her head. "Hauchletzte's economy is bolstered by marine products, upholding the original practices from the old Kirschnereit. With the foresighted policy of Hauchletzte’s first Aub—prioritizing education and fostering ties with the Royal Family—Hauchletzte prospered, re-establishing connections with Royal Family through marriages. This allowed our Hauchletzte to reopen the Border Gate from the second generation of the new archducal lineage. By resuming the marine industry and consistently providing at least one Royal Bride each generation, we’ve risen in rank and successfully became the highest ranked middle duchy. The most distinguished position we have reached is the Third Queen position, including Queen Kreszentia and presumably your mother—Lady Roseliese. However, Ehrenfest faltered; their mines were claimed by Klassenberg. After the first two generations, Ehrenfest lost the chance to leverage based on their former royal ties."

It was technically the same as the past life. Ferdinand was a first-rated genius, yet even his presence couldn't leverage Ehrenfest enough and its rank dropped immediately after his graduation. It was also quite a surprise that Desdemona’s grandmother was also from Ehrenfest. According to her knight’s perspective, Ehrenfest's potential for growth had been missed long before Veronica's ascendancy.

Rozemyne mulled over her new lessons about Ehrenfest. Combining with what she had learned before, Rozemyne speculated that the dominance of the Leisegang might be the reason that had impeded Ehrenfest's recovery, considering the generations preceding Gabrielle's inward marriage.

When Rozemyne started her "crash course" in politics, Vaitiare emphasized the need for factional balance for a duchy's long-term stability, with the continual rise of different factions to ensure that no single group dominates to the detriment of the archducal family authority. The long-standing historical factions prioritized local benefits and might serve to preserve local traditions, while lifespan factions are centered around a single ruler’s era, and short-term factions respond to immediate political climates.

The 200-year-old purge likely eliminated both the old Eisenreich archducal house and closely tied clans, leaving the Leisegangs as the only remaining local historical faction. To consolidate power, the first Aub married a Leisegang lady, aligning his rule with local interests—a typical strategy for a foreign ruler. But by the time of the fourth Aub of Ehrenfest, the Leisegang family had occupied the First Lady position for five generations, and the First Wife of the next heir—the first Giebe of Groschel—was also from Leisegang. Even with Gabrielle's intervention, the First Lady position still belonged to a Leisegang princess with the marriage of the fifth Aub. Furthermore, with Bonifatius's marriage and the poor health condition of Adelbert, it was expected that the power of the First Lady position would still belong to Leisegang. This must be the key reason behind Leisegang’s “delusional” to claw so hard on that position. Yes, now Rozemyne could judge them by that phrase.

This was an absolutely disastrous tradition that should have been stopped long ago. Both Kreszentia and Vaitiare taught Rozemyne that the role of the First Lady customarily required an archduke candidate—a princess from a foreign duchy—to ensure a strong mana lineage and increase interduchy connections. The benefits of having knowledge about foundation magic, possessing high mana in both quantity and quality, and bringing new trends from her home duchy, were things that a local archnoble lady could barely offer. By continuing to marry archnobles with a lower side of mana quantity and quality, the new generations of Ehrenfest would become weaker, and this would further hinder Ehrenfest's future.

Desdemona stated that the 2nd Aub – who was the grandson of 1st Aub, had successfully maintained the connection with Royal Family, and since there was already a two-generation gap, bad memory of Eisenreich started to fade, and it was a peaceful reign. Ideally, power diversification should have begun during the 3rd Aub's reign to reduce Leisegang influence and build up other factions. The archducal family should have encouraged marriage with lesser-ranked duchies for the First Lady position, but they failed to do so. Well, they “somehow” managed an alliance when the first Giebe Groschel married Gabrielle from Ahrensbach but again, they failed to exploit it. Desdemona blamed Ehrenfest archducal house for that, but Rozemyne knew clearly that it was due to Gabriele’s stupidity and also the grudge of Leisegang’s old man. Worse, the balance of power swiftly shifted once Adelbert wed Veronica. Her domination replaced the Leisegangs', closing doors to talent, and leading to an even more precarious state of affairs once she fell from power, culminating in the severe backlash thereafter.

Similar situation, but Hauchletzte thrived thanks to well-managed connections and consistent specialized trend. Ehrenfest lacked creative trends and necessitating innovation, thus they never surpassed twentieth place until Ferdinand’s era.

Desdemona concluded her story, "I was a little surprised at first to know there were two Ehrenfest students on the Dunkelfelger’s team but given how Ehrenfest has been famous for mysteriously producing either remarkable talents or eccentric ones, it is understandable."

"I would agree with you on this point, Desdemona. These two students, one knight and the other a scholar, were the best students of their course last year. That knight apprentice could fight on par with Dunkelfelger and Klassenberg students. Truly remarkable!"

Then Michelle began describing the match, and all Rozemyne could do was try to put on the best noble smile on her face while Desdemona and Fabiane widened their eyes in awe.

Multiple distraction was expected, but… a highbeast carriage? Putting a treasure into a carriage? A sudden attack before the treasure was secured? How many of her tricks did Ferdinand employ?

I will definitely charge him a royalty fee for using my tricks without asking. Hmm... how about a hug for each trick? No, too cheap! This is equally to plagiarism in education, and the punishment must be hard enough, so… three hugs per trick would be acceptable.

That mysterious, spear-like weapon is definitely the Leidenschaft Spear. Well, at least that spear would be well-protected under Aub Dunkelfelger's watch. It was now clear to Rozemyne that Ferdinand was trying to prevent Dunkelfelger from getting involved in the civil war. She suspected his reason might be related to the purge. However, Rozemyne was still obscure about how Ferdinand's plan would unfold later, as things would drastically change from now on.

Arggh! Is there any way I can talk to him? I don't know what his plan is, and I have to let him know where I am. If he thinks I'm still in Ehrenfest, it could be disastrous. He might even try to get rid of both royal factions now!

Perhaps her frustration was evident because all the three retainers were looking at her warily.

"Your Highness! Are you alright? You look uncomfortable!"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. The battle must have been too violent for someone of your age. That was my mistake! I won't mention it again."

"Well, it's almost time for dinner. We should probably wrap up our meeting here."

"Wait! I was just lost in thought." Rozemyne quickly interjected, "Michelle! Will my grandparents return tomorrow?"

"Aub Hauchletzte and Lady Vaitiare will return tomorrow night after the graduation ceremony. As for Queen Kreszentia, she will stay at the Royal Academy until next week. Her Majesty plans to socialize with our allies and with Dunkelfelger's First Lady!"

Socializing with Dunkelfelger? This could be my chance.

"Is it about the discussion to make Lady Magdalena my baptismal mother?"

"A powerless woman with no support is going to be our princess' mother." Fabiane lamented, overtly distressed about this matter. “Is there any chance to revoke that kind of Bridal Task?”

"Unfortunately, chances are slim. According to my investigation, while Dunkelfelger doesn't support Prince Trauerqual, they still support Lady Magdalena's Bridal Task if she succeeds. The marriage is pretty much set, and all we can do now is negotiate to gain the most benefits from this union. That's why Queen Kreszentia needs to talk with Dunkelfelger's First Lady."

Perhaps she won't become my mother. I was sure all my grandparents would oppose the idea of me being baptized under the Third Lady.

Rozemyne didn't know whether to comfort my retainers about this. She distinctly remembered that Magdalena had insisted on being the Third Lady and withdrawn completely from politics. It was only after Trauerqual became Aub Blumefield that she was promoted to the First Lady to bridge the gap with Dunkelfelger. However, it was clear that the promotion wasn’t of her own volition, but rather a decision made by Trauerqual, together with Ralfrieda’s way to avoid divorce.

With Ralfrieda facing demotion, the only choice left was Clementine. Rozemyne really liked Clementine and Theolinde, but the role of First Queen would be too much for Clementine to handle in the future difficult situation. It might be as bad as making Florencia the First Lady under Veronica’s rule.

I really, really wanted to meet Ferdinand now…

"Pardon me, your Highness… Do you mean you wish to meet Lord Ferdinand?" Desdemona, sharp as a knight, noted her mumblings.

Oops, I slipped my mouth again…

"I was just thinking… if Grandmother had a chance to meet him…"

"That young Lord Ferdinand is really quite famous now… All the duchies are sending invites for a tea party with Dunkelfelger, hoping to curry favour. Queen Kreszentia is only able to meet them four days from now." Michelle sighed, "He hasn't even reached Academy age yet, so I highly doubt he will linger longer after today."

The only chance to inform Ferdinand of my existence is four days from now during Grandmother's tea party… Aha!

Rozemyne clapped her hands, having thought of a plan. The only things that could hint at her existence were her food innovations, but they were restricted by a magical contract until her baptism. Following Michelle's revelation that the current First Lady hailed from Klassenberg, Rozemyne was assured that a song would be the perfect gift; Ferdinand would surely recognize the songs they composed together previously.

Of course, assistance was required. Rozemyne planned for Michelle to return to the academy and deliver letters to her grandparents. With Ferdinand currently in Dunkelfelger, and his influence a factor in keeping Dunkelfelger impartial, it seemed safe to reveal her identity.

"It's too dangerous, your Highness! Your existence now is like a looming secret. The second Queen and Aub Werkestock have even deduced your gender. Any mistake could expose your identity and we really don't know how the world will react to it. Your other uncle could be tempted to invade Hauchletzte, like his elder brother did."

"That’s why we need to inform Dunkelfelger of my existence." Rozemyne insisted, "Didn’t Aub Dunkelfelger say they were preparing an appropriate dowry for Lady Magdalena? We can leverage this for our protection. It would seem reasonable to ask for some knights for my protection, disguised as Lady Magdalena’s retainers."

"Would they agree?"

"We have to try first, but I honestly believe Dunkelfelger won't expose my existence to the Fourth Prince's faction. This is also an opportunity for us to gain some advantage from Dunkelfelger. We need to show that we're unwillingly entangled in the war due to my protection, and to reveal our initial plans to court Drewanchel. Comprehending how their archduke candidate ruined our plans should solicit compensation from them. We can also trade my food recipes and children’s theology lessons for human resources. Ideally, I would conduct these negotiations myself."


Regardless of agreeing with her ideas, the three defenders adamantly prevented her from moving around and meeting others, even advising Rozemyne to write a letter to Kreszentia instead. Rozemyne sighed, they were even more paranoid than Ferdinand. After dinner, she took time to detail her negotiation plan and handed the papers over to Michelle for delivery, along with four new song scores and a set of simplified theology lessons on wooden boards. Reminded of theology, she wondered if her unpredictable mana was due to the gods' existence in Yurgenschmidt.

I wonder…if I prays in the temple and asks Ordoschnelli to deliver her message to Ferdinand directly…

No one in Hauchletzte would ever allow Rozemyne to visit the temple, as not everyone would be as sympathetic as Sylvester. The only way to visit it was to sneak her way there during the night by a highbeast.

Then, Rozemyne looked at Michelle with a burning intensity; she would need an highbeast feystone and a baptism ring as soon as possible. Just wait a little longer, Lessy-kun. This time, I will not let anyone accuse you, she thought.


Next chapter for Christmas Eve: The adventure of Lessy-kun!

Chapter 22: Unpredictable events


What should you do for Christmas for AoB? Of course, it's rampage time LOL!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Fabiane – The failed nanny

Fabiane paced the dim corridors, her heart heavy with a complex burden—a blend of worry and responsibility. As the castle walls echoed with the soft patter of her steps, Fabiane revisited the pang of that tragic day three years ago, the memory as clear and piercing as the moment it happened. Fabiane could still clearly recall that night when she hurried past every corpse on the ground while attempting to avoid staring at her friends' well-known faces.

Her little master, princess Rozemyne, was expressing her frustration more often. The girl saw their vigilance as paranoia, but for Fabiane, it was necessary carefulness. The war had costprincess Rozemyne so much—her innocence, her unworried laughter, and most importantly, her parents. It was a mercy that Fabiane’s little master had slowly overcome the harsh truths about her parents and appeared to have adapted to her new life within the protective confines of Hauchletzte. Yet, Fabiane was concerned. Princess Rozemyne had grown... remarkably complacent, perhaps due to the peacefulness they had fostered around her, or maybe because of her early accomplishments within the Cuococalura domain.

Lately, princess Rozemyne had exhibited a new trait that puzzled and worried Fabiane even more. After a recent meeting with Michelle detailing the Ditter match at the Royal Academy, princess Rozemyne had developed a fervent interest in controlling mana—a skill typically reserved for older and more seasoned practitioners.

The little princess, usually so obedient, shrugged off their warnings, her golden eyes glinting with determination. She argued that the young lord of Dunkelfelger must have practiced magic from a young age himself, given his prowess in controlling highbeasts and wielding the weapon to vanquish the schnefeld with stunning aptitude. When challenged, princess Rozemyne stated defiantly she was five and a half years old—old enough to pursue the beginning lessons on mana.

Again, her little master was not wrong. While other children were focused on their harspiel performances and elementary lessons for the winter debutance, princess Rozemyne had already surpassed them and even reached a much higher level. She had a myriad of culinary trends credited to her name; not to mention various original melody she composed and the most importantly, the children’s edition of Theology lessons. In short, her intellectual prowess was irrefutable.

However, Fabiane feared that the reason behind her proposal was not only her quick advancement in learning but was actually her desire for recognition and competition, particularly compared to that young lord of Dunkelfelger.

"Fabiane, understand me," princess Rozemyne had implored, her determination clear. "If I cannot prove that I am on par with that young lord, how will I ever get recognition, or even make friends in Dunkelfelger? My contributions need to be visible."

Fabiane had tried, with all her might, to argue against this, but the tides were against her. Michelle and Desdemona, who had always been stalwarts of prudence, had betrayed her careful stance and sided with the princess.

Michelle had argued that princess Rozemyne's proficiency in controlling mana at such a tender age would earn her favorable views from not just Dunkelfelger, but also Drewanchel, where merit was held in high regard. It would also help to elevate princess Rozemyne in the future contest with the two sons of Prince Trauerqual. Desdemona, with the fierce practicality of a knight, had added that mastering highbeast could serve princess Rozemyne well in wartime emergencies.

As the evening turned into night, the princess finally retired. Looking down at the sleeping face of her adorable master, Fabiane felt a swell of protectiveness. The war continued to unfurl outside these walls, and Fabiane didn't know what the future held for her little master. As she closed the door to the chamber, leaving a sliver of light to comfort Rozemyne in her dreams, she whispered a plea to the night, "Please let her brilliance light her path... not lead her into danger."

Two days later, the first lesson in magical control commenced in the confines of a empty room near princess Rozemyne’s chamber with the presence of the Aub Hauchletzte and Lady Vaitiare – who had returned from the graduation ceremony. Fabiane stood at the doorway, her heart pounding in anticipation, her eyes widened with apprehension. The blatant excitement in the young golden eyes still pained her, but there was no space for rationale in the princess's determination to grasp the strings of magic.

Much to Fabiane's surprise—and dread—the little princess was a quick learner. Guided by Michelle's careful tutelage, princess Rozemyne's first attempt at transmitting her blessing using the baptism ring was an enchanting spectacle. Her blessing was vibrant, radiant and just the right tangibility of beauty for it to overwhelm the senses.

At the sight of the huge blessing—the size of which even the finest of magic practitioners couldn’t accomplish without years of training—Fabiane was both awed and fearful. This unorthodox accomplishment confirmed their suspicion, princess Rozemyne was indeed an extraordinary talent. There was no doubt that the little princess's breakthrough was admirable, but the enormous expenditure that had produced the blessing flagged Fabiane's concern. The Royal Academy was waiting, where her little master would need to save her mana the most. The worry reflected in her eyes, and she voiced her concerns only to be quelled by Michelle's silent dismissal as she briskly resumed the lessons, instructing princess Rozemyne to dye the highbeast feystone.

Under the hands of princess Rozemyne, the dyeing and shaping of the feystone seemed effortless. It seemed the child had picked up this craft as well within the short span of the lesson. However, before a sense of accomplishment could take over, Michelle abruptly halted the session as a deathly pallor washed over her. With a startled urgency, Michelle retrieved a magic tool Fabiane recognized—the mana meter—and every fiber of Fabiane's joy at her charge's achievement was dampened by a chilling dread as Michelle announced the unthinkable—princess Rozemyne had been inadvertently compressing her mana. The shocking revelation rippled through the attending entourage like a cold wave, and a panic-stricken silence descended.

Lady Vaitiare spearheaded a careful inquiry into princess Rozemyne's recent behavior and activities. The little princess then timidly confessed to feeling a strange warmth inside her chest, afraid, as always, that she would be barred from her bookroom or the kitchen. More shockingly, princess Rozemyne revealed she had noticed cracks on her beloved bracelet— which was actually child magic tools made by Zent Waldifried himself— and feared losing it. What followed was how the little girl had discovered to transfer the internal heat back into herself and how that small triumph had gradually turned into a silent habit.

This confession crushed Fabiane's spirit as she blamed herself for not noticing her young master's distress. The ironclad vigilance she prided herself on seemed in vain. She had failed her nanny duties and had fallen short as a head attendant, not discerning the gravity of her little master's predicament despite sharing her every hour.

Much to their relief, the little princess’s physical health was intact as confirmed by the physician. Michelle, after administering another test, reassured everyone of princess Rozemyne's health conditions. Yet, in the silence that followed, Fabiane could hear the echoing ripples of uncertainty, raising more questions about the future of 'their' extraordinary little princess.

Rozemyne – The short secret adventure of Lessy-kun!

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting elongated shadows across the marble floors of the archducal palace, Rozemyne sat in her chamber, reflecting on the day's events. Her heart pounded with excitement. She had successfully charmed her retainers, played the part of the 'genius innocent princess' perfectly, and now, she had access to the highbeast and baptism ring much earlier than anticipated.

The showmanship required to convince her doting attendants and guardians was nothing short of theatrical brilliance. She had used every ounce of her acting talent, every endearing gesture, and every sweet smile to nudge them incrementally towards her desires. But next to the veneer of this success, her secret was unravel like thinly spun silk.

The lesson, a grand display of Rozemyne’s magical ability, had started ordinarily enough. However, the unravelling came quickly and unexpectedly after the dyeing practice. No one had imagined that the very secret of Rozemyne in silently mana compressing would suddenly be spilled open. After all, the self-imposed compression had been a double-edged sword. It had enhanced one’s mana quantity but was a lethal act to a normal child at Rozemyne’s age. The look on Fabiane's face was a sharp jab to Rozemyne's conscience. The barely concealed grief and self-accusation reflected in her attendant's eyes were echoes of Rozemyne's own guilt. As she watched her retainers blame themselves for their perceived negligence, the weight of her actions bore down on her with an uncomfortable heaviness.

Her remorse, however, needed to be carefully concealed. She crafted her response delicately, always threading the needle between truth and necessity, expressing her obliviousness and natural disposition towards this method of compression. The explanation was not all lies. In Rozemyne’s previous life, such sensations of internal heat were real, and pushing it back had been necessary for survival. When those daunting memories met her current life's whimsy, she developed a technique that served her well... until now.

The revelation of her mana capacity left both Heinrich and Vaitiare shaken to their core. The very thought that a nearly six-year-old girl might surpass them in mana quantity was as awe-inspiring as it was frightening. There was a torrent of chides and reprimands laced with worry, but in the end, a reluctant agreement was reached. Rozemyne was allowed to continue with her mana compression, albeit under strict conditions. Every discomfort and every deviation from normalcy had to be communicated—no secrets, no omissions.

Seizing the moment, Rozemyne presented her request to continue her mana lessons and proposed her intentions to study ancient language.

“It was good that you’re studious,” Vaitiare echoed thoughtfully, “but that subject might be too advanced for your age. Your schedule is already burgeoning with new lessons in magic. Perhaps you can pursue that after enrolling at the Royal Academy.”

“But to use a new language fluently takes time to learn, and I want to get that special book as early as I can.”

"Special book?” Heinrich’s voice suddenly went chilled.

“Yes, the special book," Rozemyne affirmed, skilfully assuming what she internally dubbed 'Angelica’s pose'—the very same she had once adopted in her former airhead knight. “Father spoke of it before. A very special book is reserved for those who work hard and learn to read the ancient language.”

An audible gasp filled the room, and Rozemyne felt the gears of her plan click into place. Her argument was compelling: she needed to prepare to obtain a "special book," one requiring proficiency in ancient texts. The 'request', of course, was strategic—not merely a tiny beacon of her interests but a planted seed hinting at the importance of the ancient language and "hard work" in acquiring Grutrissheit. Now, Rozemyne had dangled the bait and set the stage. The key decision would lie in Trauerqual’s hands now. It was undeniable that Trauerqual was still in very good health and of clear mind, so this information might be put to good use to support Rozemyne herself rather than his sons later on. And given the "paranoia" of the people standing in this room, Rozemyne could ensure that Klassenberg and Gilessenmeyer would never have a chance to access this information from them.

It might be advantageous if the war dragged on, making that bookless prince wary and, thus, pushing for early acquisition of the schtappe, as in her last life, rendering him ineligible for consideration. Rozemyne was open to having as many Zent candidates as possible, but to that scrub, it was an absolute NO.

Of course, that was a scenario for the future.

What Rozemyne needed to do now was find a way to sneak into the temple.

If the Gods could hear all my prayers when I dedicate a song in the Ehrenfest castle, then they would hear my request more accurately if I made my prayer in the temple. I just wondered if they could relay the message over the duchy’s border.

As night fell over the sky, a sense of exhaustion threatened to overtake her. Staying awake with this petite body was an arduous task. However, Rozemyne's determination was unwavering. She tiptoed quietly to her office desk, beside the window, and grabbed the highbeast stone that was settled there.

Rozemyne couldn't help but appreciate her own ability to deceive. The excellent acting skills she displayed today had been unchallenged, and she felt a sense of accomplishment. Truly, someone needs to praise me for today. Perhaps it was because of the series of unexpected events that had occurred throughout the day, her request to keep wearing the baptism ring was unsurprisingly unopposed. Still, she was not allowed to rid herself of the children's tools entirely.

"Come! Lessy!" she beckoned.

A creature of rotund form, adorable stripes, a fat tail, and a cute pudgy face with triangle ears appeared. Ah~ my Lessy-kun was a sight to behold. Too bad that no one witnessed the birth of Lessy-kun, but there's no time to bear this loss. They will have ample opportunities to pamper it later.

To ease her covert mission, Rozemyne decided it best to modify Lessy in a unique way. She changed it to a jet-black color and added two small headlights in its eyes, making it the perfect accomplice in the thick of night.

Before embarking on their secret adventure, Rozemyne decided to cast a blessing on her new companion, her lips whispering her heartfelt prayer softly into the quiet night.

"May this highbeast receive the favour of Verbergen to hide from the unwanted eyes wherever it roams this night.”

Feeling it was not enough, she continued to put two more blessings on her so-called “car”.

“May Anhaltung guild this highbeast to find the true destination of its journey, and may Greifechan grant her blessing to avoid trouble until the journey ends."

Securely sitting inside Lessy, she embarked on her secret mission, disappearing into the darkness with hopes of piercing through the veil of secrets the temple held for her.

The cool embrace of the night hugged Rozemyne as she coasted through the velvety black sky inside the car. Rozemyne could not suppress the flutter of relief that had washed over her upon being granted Verbergen’s and Greifechan’s blessing, which allowed her to sneak out of the castle undetected. Navigating the night sky was no simple feat, but with this divine favour, she found solace in knowing she wouldn't have to rely solely on Lessy's frontal illumination, which would have surely drawn the attention of patrolling knights.

The landscape's familiarity offered Rozemyne a modicum of comfort as she approached the noble side of the Temple. The roads and byways were not entirely dissimilar to those in Ehrenfest, which led her to mentally offer her thanks to whichever Zent responsible for such orderly planning.

Rozemyne was primed for conflict, her senses taut for any sign of resistance from the temple's guardians. However, to her astonishment, the doors were carelessly ajar, and her Lessy wandered through to the chapel with an almost casual demeanour. Was this the work of the Verbergen blessing, or simply the consequence of the blue priests’ neglect, their duties forgotten in favourof nocturnal activities?

As she stepped into the solemn space, the air thick with sacred tranquillity and dust particles dancing in the misty light, Rozemyne felt a surge of anger. The disuse, the lack of reverence, the sheer abandonment of such a hallowed site—it stirred her spirits with indignation. Her frustration grew as she considered the royal lineage to which she belonged—a lineage responsible for the unwelcome condition of the temple, a condition she felt compelled to confront and challenge.

"Focus, Rozemyne, focus!" she whispered fiercely to herself, pushing back the tide of her emotions. She knew time was fleeting, and she had to act swiftly.

Gently stepping away from her Lessy, Rozemyne positioned herself at the middle of the chapel. Ideally, she would have preferred a more formal setting like the ritual chamber. However, as the duchy temple was counted as a 'branch office' to the main temple of the country – the Royal Academy. Technically, anywhere in the temple would be sufficient, if her guess was correct.

Assuming her devout stance, one ingrained from countless prayers in her past life, she began:

" O mighty King and Queen of the endless skies, O mighty Eternal Five who rule the mortal realm. I offer you my prayers and my gratitude."

As she chanted, the ring on her finger pulsated and a cascade of light bathed the chapel in an ethereal glow. Kneeling, she continued her prayers with an intense fervor.

"O Goddess of Couriers Ordoschnelli of Schutzaria's exalted twelve, please hear my prayer and graciously lend me your blessings to deliver my word to the one I loved."

Ferdinand, here I am, in Hauchletzte. Stop your rampage, you mad scientist, and remember to eat and sleep well.

The chapel remained silent as the glow from the blessing faded, its absence leaving a haunting echo of her spoken words. As much as the uncertainty gnawed at her, Rozemyne understood that tonight's efforts were an experiment—a test to gauge the reach and resonance of her prayers. Her true hope for connection lay not in these spoken words but in those melodies sent to the First Lady of Dunkelfelger, the one that she could indirectly reach at this moment via her grandmother.

With a sigh, Rozemyne admitted to herself, "Being an unbaptized noble truly brings its share of troubles."

She quickly returned to her Lessy, ready to make the return journey to the castle. The flight back was smooth and quiet, as the world lay asleep beneath them.

Upon landing in the sanctuary of her chambers, pride swept over her. Not a soul was aware of her nocturnal escapade. "Mission accomplished!" she thought, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips as she recalled Lessy-kun to his resting place.

But her moment of triumph quickly dissolved as her gaze fell upon Fabiane—her usually unshakable nanny—whose face was drained of colour. And then, as Rozemyne approached in concern, Fabiane crumpled to the floor in a silent heap.

A knot of dread tightened in Rozemyne's stomach.

Um… I think things just got really bad, really fast.

Michelle – The Shattered Blessing

As the light dimmed, the familiar grandeur of the Royal Academy came into view, and Michelle steadied her resolve for the tasks ahead. The sprawling corridors and rich history nearly made her forget the ongoing turmoil—but only nearly.

Queen Kreszentia remained at the academy for a different reason—to calm the restless Ordoschnelli among the duchies and to seize the opportunity for socializing. Every time Michelle thought about how hard Queen Kreszentia was working, she felt a surge of annoyance with Gilessenmeyer. Lady Ralfrieda had made such a foolish political move, to the detriment of all, including herself. A demotion had been administered, but in Michelle's mind, this was far too lenient. She even pondered the idea of a divorce for Prince Trauerqual, potentially opening a path for a Drewanchel lady to join their side and become Princess Rozemyne's mother. It was an audacious dream, to be sure, but one Michelle quietly nurtured.

Michelle composed herself before continuing to walk on. Today she was given a crucial assignment—delivering gifts from Princess Rozemyne to the First Lady of Dunkelfelger and conveying a message to Queen Kreszentia. With these, she hoped to pave the way for a successful tea party tomorrow between the two influential women.

As she proceeded to Queen Kreszentia's villa, Michelle pondered an unusual occurrence earlier in the day. First, there was Fabiane's unexpected request to remove the highbeast feystone from princess Rozemyne's possession—a puzzling act since the stone was already dyed with their little master’s colour. Even more curious, princess Rozemyne did not protest, and Michelle detected a hint of guilt emanating from the young princess. Why? The question lingered.

Upon meeting Queen Kreszentia, Michelle promptly presented the two letters: one from Princess Rozemyne and the other, startlingly, from Aub Hauchletzte. They discussed a potential deal with Dunkelfelger regarding Rozemyne's true identity. Michelle marveled at Aub Hauchletzte's endorsem*nt of the revelation. With his support, she felt assured Queen Kreszentia would accept the proposal.

With official matters addressed, Michelle took the opportunity to brief the queen on recent events about princess Rozemyne’s hasty lessons on mana and her current situation after compressing mana at such young age. Queen Kreszentia's reaction mirrored what Michelle expected; she would have felt similarly, after all. Yet, what happened next was unprecedented.

From her pocket, Michelle took out Princess Rozemyne's highbeast feystone to demonstrate the prodigious talents of their young princess. But as soon as the stone being taken out of the pouch, it cracked, and a towering yellow blessing erupted, soaring towards the ceiling. The blessing vanished upon contact, reminiscent of the "Roht" emergency call spell. Everyone in the room, Queen Kreszentia included, wore expressions of utter disbelief.

The room fell silent as the grand show dissipated, leaving behind a shroud of gold dust in Michelle's palm. She stared down, uncomprehending, as Queen Kreszentia finally broke the lingering stillness with the question echoing in every mind.

"What had just happened?"


Merry Christmas everyone, and wish the best for you all!!!

Ordoschnelli have heard the prayer. Unfortunately, Lessy had to say goodbye after 1/3 chapter, and our little gremlin had to make a new highbeast soon.

The question is: When will Ferdinand receive the message?

Chapter 23: Ferdinand - Early socializing and... a blessing from Grun?!


I'm back! Happy late New Year, Happy birthday to me! Yup, today is my birthday, and I have to admit that this chapter was late because I was busy partying LOL.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After the intense Ditter match, the Interduchy Tournament continued as usual, with research presentations and Interduchy Ditter battles. As promised, the members of Ferdinand's team in the Ditter were given rewards of their choosing. Surprisingly, besides Heidemarie and Eckhart, all the remaining members chose to become Ferdinand's aids instead of receiving payment in money or ingredients, as previously discussed.

After careful consideration, Ferdinand accepted them all, including Heissh*tze's fiancée, as his retainers. Based on Justus’s advice, Ferdinand decided to share his mana compression method as an additional reward for his aids and also to attract more retainers. He also gave the method to Heidemarie, so she could catch up with Eckhart. The compression method Ferdinand chose to share was an upgraded version of his own 2-step compression method before, incorporating an additional step from an ancient compression method used by the only Zent from Dunkelfelger.

Ferdinand stumbled upon this new compression method while delving into Dunkelfelger's history to reinforce his cover story. During his search, he discovered a hint of a compression method hidden within a secret code made from the Gewinnen board. This new method coincidentally shared some similarities with his and Rozemyne's compression techniques, particularly regarding the concept of boiling down mana like brewing a potion. In addition, there was a step similar to the way Elbberg's molten grace melted all materials around him during his fight with Brennwarme. Drawing inspiration from Rozemyne's idea of combining different methods, Ferdinand decided to incorporate this step into his previous method to create a new compression technique.

The new compression method proved to be just as effective as Rozemyne's 4-step method. However, Ferdinand acknowledged that it was much more challenging for individuals who lacked a deeper understanding of brewing or had never witnessed Elbberg's molten grace in action. This could pose a difficulty for children and First year students, particularly those from the northern duchy, who may not have had exposure to such examples from Elbberg.

Nonetheless, everyone was overjoyed with the new reward, except for Ferdinand's family, who scolded him very harsh for compressing mana secretly without informing them. Surprisingly, Ferdinand found himself oddly enjoying the scolding in his time, and he even felt warm when the physician was summoned to check over him.

However, the situation quickly took a concerning turn when Celestine nearly deemed Justus unsuitable and wanted to fire him for his involvement in Ferdinand's secretive mana compression. Ferdinand had to step in and defend Justus, explaining that the compression method was purely coincidental and had been stumbled upon during his reading. Justus agreed for Ferdinand to use the method under his supervision only, alleviating some of Celestine's concerns. Ferdinand's explanation was well-received by Wenceslaus and Werdekraf, as they acknowledged that none of Dunkelfelger's Aubs had discovered the method so far, and they believed that compressing mana under adult supervision was preferable to doing it alone.

To ensure the method remained a secret, a decree was issued to forbid Ferdinand and his aids from sharing it with anyone else. However, Wenceslaus allowed members of the archducal family to find the hint for themselves. Once found, they could use the method for their own retainers, but only under the condition of a magical contract ensuring the secrecy of the method.

Although this decree posed a slight problem for Ferdinand, he saw that it could be exploited to his advantage. He decided to transcribe a copy of the book containing the hint and planned to give it to Rozemyne in the future, knowing that she would never refuse a book. This would also serve as a good excuse for him to provide her with the method later on.

Raufen, as for his reward, requested Ferdinand teach the students how to give true blessing with Leidenschaft Spears for the ritual dance from this year onward. Unfortunately, Ferdinand had to reject the request, as the spear could not be revealed until the war ended. In return, Justus proposed that Ferdinand could bless the students in a similar manner to Rozemyne's blessings. This proposal was accepted, and Ferdinand was allowed to stay in the Royal Academy longer to bless the students as an example. From the following year, Geraldine would take over this task until Ferdinand reached the age of ten.

For some reason, Ferdinand couldn't shake the feeling that Justus had ulterior motives for suggesting the idea. Although it provided a good alternative response to Rauffen's request, Ferdinand couldn't help but sense something amiss. He understood that he wasn't as extravagant with mana expenditure as Rozemyne, but he still decided to spend a bit more mana to bless all of the knight apprentices. As Ferdinand observed the reactions of the knight apprentices and even his gentle grandmother, Celestine, during the blessing, he couldn't help but notice that their eyes held a strange and abnormal gleam. Ferdinand was no stranger to the passionate and spirited nature of Dunkelfelger. However, the abnormality of their gazes sent a shiver down his spine. This intrigued and unsettled him, but he decided to brush it off as part of their enthusiasm.

The Interduchy Battle proceeded without much difficulty for Dunkelfelger, despite Magdalena's absence. The only frustrating aspect was the reports of Klassenberg students becoming more obnoxious during the battle, but they didn't cause any major issues. It was expected, as they needed to save their power for the real war, particularly their dealings with assassinations from Werkestock. The Royal Academy now was a gathering place for the highest authorities, making it the perfect opportunity for opponents to strike during the Royal disputes, where injuries were acceptable.

Ferdinand couldn't help but reflect on how the fiercely competitive nature of the Treasure-stealing Ditter had laid the foundation for numerous futile wars caused by the Royal Family. However, at the same time it was replaced with the Speed Ditter, the overall power of the country had significantly decreased. In the previous weave, the battle with Lanzenave was extraordinarily ferocious, even though the main force was from Heissh*tze and Eckhart’s generation, who were skilled in Ditter. If the country’s army was filled with only younger knights who only knew about Speed Ditter, they would be powerless to fight by their own.

No matter what it costs, I must prevent this replacement from happening in this weave.

The Interduchy Tournament went well, at least until the award ceremony began.It was at this point that Fourth Prince Bosekalt suddenly stepped forward and announced the 'late debut' of his second son from his second wife, after the award ceremony.The boy, who was already turning eight this year, would share the same class with Sigiswald, if he would still be alive later on.

"It is regrettable that the Archduke Conference has been temporarily on hold for a long time due to unfortunate events," Bosekalt said."However, I am more frustrated that the legitimate descendants of the mighty Royal Family have been robbed of the opportunity to present themselves in front of their future followers.The debut of a new member from the Royal Family was practiced in the Spring Conference long ago.This distinguishes Royal children from other noble children.Thus, I hereby decree that all newly baptized children of the main Royal Family line will have a proper debut in the Interduchy Tournament.This arrangement will continue until the true Dark God claims his rightful black cloak in Erwaermen's garden.”

This announcement came as quite a shock to everyone who attended the ceremony, with the exception of Queen Theresa. It was apparent that this was her plan, and this foolhardy prince was simply following his mother's consultations.

The Third Queen attempted to object to the idea, asserting that neither Trauerqual nor Bosekalt technically had the authority to issue any Official Royal Decree to the Aubs. However, Queen Theresa outright supported her son's announcement.

The public debut in the Interduchy Tournament would do no good as it would expose the young royal descendants to the public and provide the opposing faction a chance to eliminate them. The most insidious point in this announcement was the attempt to spread a false perspective targeting the middle and lesser duchies. Without opposition from the higher ranks, people would assume that children who debuted publicly, like this, would be emphasized more, based on the words "legitimate" and "main line" that Bosekalt used. Therefore, other children would be presumed insignificant or not heirs, as they debuted and performed like "other nobles".

This would undoubtedly incite a hidden unrest on Trauerqual's side, as Ralfrieda and her beloved eldest might protest, but it would be too late for Sigiswald to have this "special debut" next year when he turns nine. To cover this weakness for their side, Gilessenmeyer may want to push for Anastasius next year, but this could potentially ignite conflict between Trauerqual's two sons, and only God knows what Sigiswald would do.

As for the other unbaptized royal children, the choice would be challenging: either find a way for them to be baptized as royals and presented publicly, thus confirming their existence to the entire country, or keep them secret and have them baptized as archduke candidates instead. Klassenberg didn’t object to the announcement because it didn’t conflict with their choice. As the war dragged on, Klassenberg would prioritize Eglantine's safety, and they already planned for Eglantine to be baptized as an archduke candidate. If they wanted to return her to the Royal Family, it would be quite easy for them, since with Klassenberg’s backing, she would become the sole candidate royal bride, and all royal princes with the middle duchy’s backing would vie for Klassenberg’s favor.

Regarding Werkestock, if Ferdinand's prediction were correct, their hidden child was also a princess, and the situation would be the same. In fact, both Sigiswald and Bosekalt's eldest son could become perfect puppet Zents for Klassenberg and Werkestock, as they would be perceived as slightly flawed for not having had a 'proper' royal debut, with their support coming only from a middle duchy.

But, as Ferdinand observed, the key target was Queen Kreszentia and Waldifried's hidden child. Queen Kreszentia appeared to favor this hidden child over her own grandsons. Unlike the other hidden princesses, Waldifried’s child could only be baptized as royal because as an archduke candidate of Hauchletzte, they would be completely excluded from the succession race, regardless of gender. However, if the child were to be baptized under Trauerqual and debut in the Interduchy Tournament, that child would become a living target for all sides, from Werkestock to Klassenberg, and even Ralfrieda would take action to remove any obstacles for her sons. The child could be baptized under Magdalena to gain some advantages, but with Dunkelfelger remaining neutral, Magdalena could not offer proper protection from great duchy. Then there was the Second Lady, Clementine. If Clementine and her daughter survived under Hauchletzte’s asylum, she would not recede from politics as before. With support from Hauchletzte, Jossbrenner, and the Third Queen, Clementine could gain more influence than Ralfrieda and Magdalena, potentially standing as the baptismal mother for the hidden child. However, with Clementine still young and able to bear more children, would she commit all her support to another's child instead of her own?

Actually, the Third Queen could have easily ignored Bosekalt's unofficial order, but the combined response of all the Aubs merely worsened the situation. Dunkelfelger and Ahrensbach remained neutral, offering no comments about this matter. Aub Drewanchel showed a slight frown but still kept silent, as he did not see any disadvantage to his duchy, while Klassenberg and Werkestock observed that the announcement did not impact their plans. With no open opposition from the great duchies and strong support from the Second Queen - the highest-ranking Royal member in the country, Bosekalt's proclamation was silently accepted.

Queen Theresa's scheme was designed not only to foster discord within Trauerqual’s faction but also to pressure Queen Kreszentia into making a difficult choice: either to acknowledge the child’s existence, thus exposing them to endless assassination attempts, or to concede their position in the inheritance race. Ironically, although the war raged fiercely in Sovereignty with armies and weapons amassing, at the Royal Academy, where the two faction leaders could still smile and converse with one another, such overt violence was absent. This must be why Queen Theresa devised her plan for this particular venue, where Queen Kreszentia and Trauerqual could not blatantly contest Bosekalt, and she likely amassed sufficient intelligence to anticipate tacit approval from the great duchies. Such a subtle maneuver came with weighty consequences.

However, this audacious strategy entailed substantial risks for all involved. Bosekalt himself faced potential internal conflict by publicly championing his second son at the latter's debut. Such favoritism threatened to estrange his eldest son and those loyal to him, rendering Ferdinand increasingly suspicious of the Second Queen's true motives.

What if, hypothetically, Queen Theresa sought to exploit this chance to remove any of Bosekalt's three wives in preference for a bride from Werkestock? This move could consolidate Werkestock's backing for Bosekalt and secure the best lineage for the hidden child of the First Prince.

Given that all of Bosekalt’s wives originated from middling duchies, this strategy appears quite feasible.

Though previously occupied with Heissh*tze's insistence on observing his sword dance, Ferdinand found himself preoccupied with other concerns as Veronica unnecessarily complicated things. Veronica, upon receiving the invitation from Dunkelfelger, had stirred up commotion in Ehrenfest by feebly arguing that Elvira ought not to attend the forthcoming tea party at Dunkelfelger for being "a mere archnoble". Her outburst unintentionally elevated the event's fame, causing an overwhelming number of invitations for Ferdinand. To address this, Celestine suggested the hosting of a grand tea party that exclusively included the high duchies and the Royal Family. This would ensure Ferdinand's prolonged stay at the Royal Academy would be kept to a maximum of one day.

Ferdinand could only snort at the unpredictable way Veronica managed to convolute the simplest of situations. He didn’t remember Veronica was that absurd before, at least that old woman was still subtle in her way enough to fool everyone outside of Ehrenfest until Sylvester became Aub. Ferdinand wondered if that was due to him not appeared in Ehrenfest and become a political opponent to Sylvester in this weave.

Three days sailed by briskly. Ferdinand, with a quiet sense of turmoil, awaited the arrival of the Ehrenfest delegation in Dunkelfelger’s tearoom. The circ*mstances differed slightly from his memories. In this present weave, Adelbert still maintained enough health to attend the Interduchy Tournament. In contrast to last timeline, when Ferdinand reached his 6th year in Royal Academy, Adelbert had been so infirm that he could barely sit up in bed on his own, a vivid sign of Dauerleben's waning grace. During that time, Lady Gertrude had visited Ehrenfest to bid her final goodbye to Adelbert, and Ferdinand took that opportunity to ask her to accompany him as his escort partner to the graduation ceremony.

Lost in his thoughts, Ferdinand was brought back to reality by the arrival of guests from Ehrenfest. He had to battle his swelling emotions as he attempted to maintain his usual composure.Basically, most members of the archducal family presented, except for Florencia and Irmhilde. Behind Kardsted tand Elvira were his former aides, Eckhart, Lasfam, and Heidemarie, and to Ferdinand's surprise, even Hirschur made an appearance, an event that seldom occurred.

Raufen is also here, so her present is also not out of place. That’s good, I can use this opportunity to resolve her situation.

After the initial greetings, Wenceslaus's laughter filled the room as he praised Eckhart for his demonstration of the Ditter. "My old friend, Lord Bonifatius, Eckhart is indeed a knight blessed by Angriff. We Dunkelfelger would heartily welcome him and his fiancée to our lands."

Celestine's gentle smile complemented her words, addressing Bonifatius and the issue of transferring Eckhart's allegiance. "To lose such talented individuals would indeed be a great loss for your family. Our Aub and our Knight Commander hold you in high regard, Lord Bonifatius. As such, we wish to offer suitable compensation to Linkberg for such promising young talent.” Celestine addressed Bonifatius and Linkberg directly, placing them above the Ehrenfest archducal family. She likely had insight into Ehrenfest's internal politics, or perhaps the relationship between Dunkelfeger's older generation and Bonifatius was more valuable and worthy enough to be considered.

Ferdinand’s attention sharpened as Veronica boldly interjected, essentially undercutting the stature of her own house with her response. "There is no need for compensation. It is an honor for mere archnobles to serve an archducal family, especially one from such an esteemed duchy." And to Ferdinand’s expectation, Adelbert chose silence to support her.

A frown flickered across Ferdinand’s features. Having been raised in Dunkelfelger this life, his perspective had shifted. Certainly, Veronica's words weren't entirely inaccurate. To the great duchies, a low-ranking duchy like Ehrenfest, ranked 20th, appeared nearly inconsequential, a mere "zanze" of the realm. It was indeed an honor for any nobleman to be recruit to the 1st ranked duchy. However, seizing talent without offering compensation was seen as a tactless and graceless act for great duchies, who valued their reputation and dignity highly. Adequate compensation negotiation was essential as it not only represented the value of the talent but also influenced how other duchies perceived both parties involved. The negotiation outcome relied heavily on the skills of the negotiating parties.

If a lesser-ranked duchy failed to extract worthy compensation, it was their own folly for allowing such an opportunity to escape them. Conversely, skillful negotiation could raise their stature and mark them as potential vassals worthy of protection under a greater duchy’s wing.

Veronica's declaration hung in the air like the strike of a gavel, unequivocal and bold. The members of the Dunkelfelger family exchanged looks of bewilderment before turning their attention back to the proud woman before them.

Ferdinand, observing from a distance, noted the array of reactions from the Ehrenfest guests. They ranged from stoic acceptance to barely concealed defiance, each one unfolding just as he had anticipated. Veronica's pride was unmistakable, the corners of her lips curling into a satisfied smirk. Still, beneath that pride, Ferdinand discerned a deeper delight. With Eckhart set to depart from Ehrenfest, she must have been imagining her loyal subordinate Trudeliede rising in prominence, undermining Elvira's position.

Beside Veronica, Bonifatius and Kardstedt maintained a veneer of silence, yet the subtle twitch of his brow betrayed Bonifatius's inner turmoil. Perhaps they had been commanded by Adelbert to hold back any objections to Veronica's decisions.

Sylvester had chosen silence too, but a different kind. Ferdinand watched as his former brother concealed a stressed grip on his stomach—Sylvester never was adept at disguising his struggle with pressure. Just like when Magdalena breaking her engagement, both Adelbert and Sylvester said nothing besides some consolation to Ferdinand, and it was Ferdinand himself went to deal with Dunkelfelger for compensation, that asking Dunkelfelger to be the one who testified that Ferdinand being escorted by a relative from Werkestock was absolutely due to the urgent incident, and it was not an act to prove any political siding in the war.

Then, there was Elvira, who managed to cloak her annoyance with a facade of noble grace, yet to Ferdinand’s trained eye, the slight clenching of her hands on her sleeves was evident. Unfortunately, Elvira was the only one who could negotiate effectively to secure some advantages upon Eckhart’s departure. However, among the notable adults from Ehrenfest present here, she was the lowest-ranked and could not stand up to advocate for her own child.

According to Heidemarie, the situation in Ehrenfest was worse than before. In the last weave, as much as Ferdinand wanted to support Sylvester, his own existence was perceived as a threat since he stood as the sole beacon of hope for both the Leisegang and Neutral factions, even if it was a false hope. His achievements alone empowered the Leisegang to fight and gave Veronica a reason to fear. Whenever Veronica threw one of her tantrums, Ehrenfest was invariably thrown into turmoil, and Adelbert's health deteriorated under the prolonged stress. But now, with Ferdinand absent from Ehrenfest, the Leisegang and Neutral factions lacked a potential candidate to support. Sylvester remained the sole descendant, leaving Veronica's power unchecked. A contented Veronica meant a healthier Adelbert, whose support would consequently endure longer. Things took a turn for the worse when Sylvester received some sort of encouragement and began to court other factions, but he failed due to his lack of proper assistance. Sylvester's acts of defiance led to Veronica's dissatisfaction, prompting her to exact her revenge on the Leisegang even sooner.

Eckhart reported that the mismanagement of mana to the Leisegang took place two years earlier than in the previous cycle. Bezewanst didn't completely withhold the chalices, but the quantity of mana they contained was cut in half, even more. Veronica's excuse was that the temple lacked a sufficient number of blue priests, thereby forcing the Leisegang to send their low-mana children to the temple, offering them no chance of demotion or adoption. This, too, must have been a means for her to exact revenge for her little brother.

Ferdinand glanced back, noticing the men in his family snorting in disdain. His grandmother could not even hide her look of pronounced disappointment. He sighed inwardly. The prelude to this mess was a seemingly innocent tea party with the Ehrenfest family, in which Celestine had labelled it as a practical lesson for Ferdinand. It was supposed to be a simple observation of the exchange of human resources between duchies; there was no expected fallout, given Ehrenfest's low status. Even if he made a mistake, his grandfather Aub Dunkelfelger could nullify any objection with a simple order.

Yet here they were. The disappointment plastered on Celestine's face clearly indicated that things were not proceeding as planned. Ferdinand had thought that Celestine had no prior interactions with Bonifatius, but since Wenceslaus and the Knight Commander both highly praised the man, leading Celestine to expect more than Bonifatius current silent submission.

Caught in an awkward silence, Ferdinand cleared his throat, “Grandfather, grandmother, father, may I get permission to take up this negotiation?”

Werdekraf shrugged, “They will be your retainers, it is naturally for you to take up the matter.” Wenceslaus and Celestine also nodded, their faces mirroring agreement and a shared sense of, 'Just play until you are satisfied'. While disheartened at their expressions, Ferdinand noted the potential advantage this disrespectful attitude could present him with. He turned to his former aids.

“As the First Lady of Ehrenfest stated that they don’t want any compensation, all the benefits would belong to the three of you,” Ferdinand declared. He caught the sight of Veronica fuming, but he was undeterred. “According to our agreement prior to the Ditter event, you agreed to join my team and follow my orders. I promised that, regardless of the match result, Echkhart and Heidemarie would receive Dunkelfelger protection to move to Sovereignty if your applications were approved. Is there anything you want to change, like the other members of the team?”

Heidemarie promptly replied to his statement, revealing information to the rest of the room. “It was our previous idea," she began, her tone steady. “Both I and Eckhart have long planned to apply for professorship in the Royal Academy. Our hope was to escape from Ehrenfest and provide support for innocent Ehrenfest students like Professor Hirschur does from afar. However, we are worried that the Ehrenfest archducal couple and my father’s family would try to prevent it and get rid of us. Therefore, when Professor Raufen came to speak with Eckhart about the Ditter, I nominated myself to join as the scholar in your team, hoping that you could provide us some asylum for our effort in fighting for you, Lord Ferdinand.”

The room erupted into confusion and mutterings of disbelief. Her words had painted an image of Ehrenfest as a cage from which even its brightest minds struggled to break free—a revelation that shattered the polite veneer of the tea party.

“What nonsense are you talking about, Heidemarie?"

“You scoundrel! How dare you accuse your superior?"

“What kind of heresy was happening here? Is that why Ehrenfest doesn’t require any compensation at all?"

“Lord Bonifatius, this young boy is your grandson, right? Why did you want to get rid of your own blood?"

“My grandfather didn’t know,” Eckhart leapt in, defending Bonifatius but exposing a deeper rift within Ehrenfest. “He was also uncaring, as he only followed orders from the archducal couple without question."

“Eckhart!!!" Bonifatius’s voice boomed, thick with fury as he branded Eckhart's statement as treachery, “This is treason against your Lord!”

Heidemarie's calm voice sliced through the turmoil as she addressed the room. “Ask any Ehrenfest native noble here in Sovereignty. They would give you the same answer. Better to forsake Geduldh than to endure the reign of Chaocipher and losing all the protections from Gods. We have Professor Hirschur here, who got cut off the blessing of Greifechan. And we also have Lord Justus who was forced to receive the curse of Liebeskhilfe and Gebordnung so he had to move to Dunkelfelger"

Now all eyes were drawn to Justus, then, according to the plan, Justus immediately wore a regrettable face. He knelt gracefully, eloquence etched into his every move, “My apologies, Lords and Ladies, for making you witnesses to such a dark history from my former Geduldh.”

The accusations and confessions that poured forth from Heidemarie and Justus had left every noble of Dunkelfelger’s court in a state of utter disbelief.

“This is insanity!"

“So this is the real reason why all Ehrenfest nobility sequestered in Sovereignty never ventured back to their homeland…”

Professor Nagelsmann – an old professor who was once the Dormitory Supervisor of Dunkelfelger before Rauffen, turned to face Professor Hirschur, his eyes wide with a mixture of realization and concern. "Hirschur, is that the reason you haven't published any research in the past few years and disregarded the Ehrenfest dormitory?"

For that question, Hirschur just shrugged, “It cannot be helped. Why work so hard for a duchy that pays nothing? I accepted the post only because none from Ehrenfest would in Sovereignty would care. And once my research funding was prematurely severed, I saw no reason to publish my works under Ehrenfest’s name and inadvertently bestow credit upon them.”

Shaken by the sheer enormity of these revelations, Bonifatius stood up from his seat and glared at Adelbert, his voice quivering with a mixture of incredulity and fury. "Adelbert! What on heaven did Hirschur just reveal? How could you allow such mistreatment of a dormitory supervisor within our own duchy?”

Adelbert's face went pale, his composure crumbling under the scrutiny. “There must be some misunderstanding...” he attempted to deflect, but his voice lacked any earnest conviction.

Adelbert's face, contorted in feigned ignorance or misdirected concern, was a painfully ironic sight for Ferdinand.This expression, worn like a mask, was all too familiar—it was the same one Adelbert adopted each time he learned of Veronica's wrongdoing.Whenever Veronica indulged in her cruel harassment, tormenting both Ferdinand and Leisegang, this face would make an appearance. Every time, when Ferdinand attempt to fight back Veronica’s harashment, Adelbert's illnesses got worse, and seeing his father suffer was a terrible torment for Ferdinand, forcing him to keep quiet about the mistreatment he was subjected to.

The man whom he once called as a father, Adelbert, had been his world in his past life. To a child destined to be merely a feystone—a sacrificial offering to foreign soil—a man who rescued him from that cursed fate had been nothing short of a savior. Adelbert gifted him Lady Irmhilde as a mother, allowed him to be raised as an archduke candidate, and granted him the privilege of being called Adelbert’s son and Sylvester’s brother. A man who opened the dormitory year-round to allow Ferdinand to pursue education relentlessly, and who showered him with praise whenever he excelled.

Good job, Ferdinand. Ehrenfest could not ask for a better archduke candidate. You are my pride and joy.

Yet, it was that same man who passively condoned Veronica's cruelty. Adelbert, who asked Ferdinand to secure a namestone as a safeguard against Veronica’s wrath. A man who, with the namestone in his grasp, demanded a promise of lifetime to protect Ehrenfest and Sylvester, releasing the stone only upon receiving Ferdinand's commitment.

Ironically, amidst the tumult, Ferdinand didn't feel anything now. He no longer felt any strong feelings when there was noise around him. Instead, there was a void of indifference. Where he might have felt a twinge of guilt in exposing Sylvester, leaving him so vulnerable before the critical eyes of Dunkelfelger, towards Adelbert, he didn't feel anything at all.

Like a true stranger…

Ferdinand of Ehrenfest had cherished Adelbert above all else before his bond with Rozemyne, but to Adelbert, Ferdinand was merely a precious feystone—a living resource brimming with skill and mana to Adelbert’s family – which actually never included Ferdinand.

Why did Ferdinand wait so long to realise how hard things really were? When did he start to think that Adelbert's love was not what it seemed?

Maybe it was Gunther's propensity to protect his family unequivocally that cast light upon the shadows of Ferdinand's past loyalties. Perhaps it was Deid's open statement that a man who adopts a child merely for business is rarely a good father.

Or was it the time when such a simple promise with Gunther that Ferdinand would come and visit again and bring the best vize he could get, getting a headpat and the two could sit and talk about security of the duchy gate? Or when he saw Werdekraf use his muscular arms to tenderly support little Ferdinand’s hands as the boy took his first wobbly steps, guiding him with a soft touch and patiently?

Next time, you prepare the drink!

You've arrived, my boy!Come, tell me of your heroic battle against the sea monster.A fisherman just relayed this news to me.You must have strived hard, right?Let's celebrate with a drink.

See over there, Ferdinand! That's the training ground. Once you're baptized, we can come here every day and train together. I will train you to become the finest knight in Dunkelfelger.

Oh, did that pique your interest?What if you had a sword of your own?Happy seventh birthday, son!

That's my boy!!!A true son of Leidenschaft!!!Ah Ha!!!

Just look at him.This is Dunkelfelger's pride!

“My apologies for interrupting!”Justus's voice brought Ferdinand back from his daydreaming.He raised his head, realizing that he had lost focus during a tea party.This young body got distracted so easily!“As an ex-resident of Ehrenfest, I empathize, but this matter has been blown out of proportion.Dunkelfelger should not have to worry about Ehrenfest's affairs.”

It seemed that Justus had hastened the plan slightly. They still had an additional part of the plan to execute, so this was a good time to proceed. Ferdinand sensed that everyone from Dunkelfelger's archducal house agreed with Justus.

That was a narrow escape!Dunkelfelger must not feel that this meeting was organized for them.

“Heidemarie, Eckhart!” Justus's tone hardened. “I understand your discomfort, but do not involve my Lord in Ehrenfest matters.”

Heidemarie promptly knelt down, "I deeply apologize for my misstep. My intention was merely to publicly express my willingness to move to Dunkelfelger to avoid any detrimental rumors about Lord Ferdinand."

"And with everyone here as witnesses, nobody can accuse us of having surrendered our name against our will." Eckhart continued, "Because we freely offer our name to Lord Ferdinand."


"What do you mean by surrending name against will?"

"It's nonsense!Ehrenfest people have really lost their minds!"

"Heidemarie, Eckhart!" Wenceslaus, taken aback, "Are you clear on the implications of your words?"

"We are perfectly aware.Traditionally, to prove our loyalty, we swear our name!"

"That… is not incorrect!" Dunkelfelger's Knight Commander furrowed his brows, "But… the way you've put it is so… Lord Bonifatius, have you properly lectured your grandson about the significance of namewearing?”

"I have!" Boniface angrily retorted, his face crimson, "Eckhart! I strongly remember imparting this lesson to you concerning this matter. How could you describe such a holy and honorable act of a retainer in this fashion?"

"But..." Eckhart appeared bewildered, "Is it that the way you taught me is a low-ranked duchy custom?I've heard that in great duchies, it's customary to offer your name to your Lord.Otherwise, you won't be trusted.Heidemarie,isn't that what you were told too?"

"Yes, I was taught the same." Heidemarie looked equally puzzled.

"There is no such custom in Dunkelfelger!" Werdekraf exclaimed

"Nor in Klassenberg!" Celestine interjected, "Which duchy taught you such a treasonous act?"

"It's Ahrensbach, Lady Celestine!" Eckhart answered honestly, "Apprentice knights from factions under Lady Veronica taught me.They said it's a tradition in great duchies.They told me Lady Gabriel – a former archduke candidate from Ahrensbach – introduced this honorable tradition to Ehrenfest."

"It's Ahrensbach!"


Ferdinand tried his hardest to fight off a grin, Heidemarie had done a great job training Eckhart to play his part. But now, it was his turn.

"My apologies for my ignorance, but first, can anyone tell me what nameswearing is?"

All eyes stalked Ferdinand as Justus picked up the narrative: "Lord Ferdinand, it's not your fault. Nameswearing is not something someone your age needs to know about.”

"Dear, you are often so mature that I forget you're still a child," his grandmother sighed.

"My son, let me put it this way, Namewearing is an act of swearing loyalty to the master you have chosen. The retainers will create a namestone, contained their true baptized name, and offer their name up to their master. The offering was not only their name, but their life and fealty. It is an honor for a master to receive such an offering, and an honor to the retainers to dedicate to the master they chose."

"So, it is an act of commitment and dedication?"

"Certainly, and it always has been. However, I see some who dare to distort it for their benefit. Despicable!"scoffed Werdekraf.

In response to this conversation, the Ehrenfest archducal couple mirrored the Divine colour of the year's final season.Adelbert turned white as though reflecting Ehrenfest's weakness, while Veronica's complexion was layered in the tint of Geduldh.It wasn't easy to discern whether this stemmed from shame or anger over the accusations.Yet despite these feelings, she proved wiser than her granddaughter, choosing not to openly resist Dunkelfelger's remarks.

"Heidemarie, Eckhart! Considering what I've just learned from my father, I can't accept your names just like this. I believe you understand why," Ferdinand stated. In truth, he wished otherwise, especially to keep Eckhart under control, but he had to restrict himself. "I appreciate your loyalty and wish to serve Dunkelfelger. Just like my mother allowed Justus to remain in Ehrenfest to aid his former Geduldh to the best of his ability, I extend the same courtesy to both of you. Express your concern."

Upon hearing this, Heidemarie and Eckhart exchanged glances, then both knelt once more.

"If I may voice a concern, I hope Heidemarie will be adopted by Dunkelfelger and that I may join later as a son-in-law," Eckhart proposed.

"I share this hope," Heidemarie began, "of being adopted into a patriarchal family so that upon reaching adulthood, I can separate and establish my own matriarchal family. This way, there will be no hindrance to the line of succession in my new family. As a gesture of goodwill, I'll offer all my family heirlooms to Lord Ferdinand."

With a smile, she beckoned her servants to provide a bundle of parchments to Justus.Upon receiving them, Ferdinand then acted as he doing a quick read on the documents, indicated to Justus to implement the sound-blocking equipment around Dunkelfelger, and issued an order.The adult bodyguards moved forward and gathered before the table, obstructing the view from Ehrenfest and leaving only the scholars and the Dunkelfelger archducal family behind.

"Sir Dominic, please examine this. The scale of this offer surpasses my wildest thoughts."

"Good heavens, 350 books? All originating from the Eisenreich period?"Dominic marveled as he passed the collection of parchments around, prompting looks of astonishment from everyone.Professor Nagelsmann even declared that Werkestock and Drewanchel might band together to rival Dunkelfelger for this bounty.

"This proposal is quite bountiful, yet it leaves me feeling uneasy. The direction of this meeting has strayed far from our initial intent. Ehrenfest is fraught with issues that I'd rather Dunkelfelger not become entangled with."

"The purpose of this tea gathering was for Lord Ferdinand's learning," added Werdekraf's leading scholar. "Let see it is also a good opportunity for Lord Ferdinand to observe the chaos and lack of grace inherent in a backwater duchy. Dunkelfelger, in contrast, stands tall as a beacon of Leidenschaft culture. We are graced not only with Brernwarmen and Angriff but also with Erwachlehren. Our culture excels at fostering talent, unlike those beyond our borders."

"It's a mere 200 years since the once illustrious Eisenreich has plummeted," Celestine reflected sadly."Now Ferdinand, what's your course of action? I believe Ehrenfest warrants no further heed from us. Even Heidemarie and Eckhart are prepared to forsake it and are keen to relocate; perhaps we should close the deal early."

With consensus from Celestine and the others entrusting him with full decision-making power, Ferdinand turned to his aids nearby, "Hermann, you and Eckhart are classmates, aren't you? Do you know anything about what's happening in his life?"

"Indeed," Hermann replied, "Eckhart often shared his concerns about his fiancée Heidemarie suffering at the hands of her stepmother. Despite his family's higher standing, Eckhart could scarcely intervene as even his mother held little sway within their household. I only know that both Heidemarie's and Eckhart's mothers were from allied factions, opposing their stepmother's. He mentioned they sidestepped much scrutiny due to their excellency, yet he feared for his brother and mother once he departed for Sovereignty. It's difficult for me to understand before, as joining Sovereignty usually ensures one's family protection—but perhaps..."

With a touch of sympathy, Geraldine interjected, "It appears that, for the people of Ehrenfest, being ennobled by Sovereignty is a mere escape. How unfortunate for them!"

"Does anyone have details concerning the mothers of Heidemarie and Eckhart?"Ferdinand inquired.

"I must caution that my information may be biased," Justus responded with a smile."All I'm privy to is Heidemarie's heritage, her family's long-standing Feytree research lineage from Eisenreich, and her status as the final successor after her mother's passing. Presently, her father is the temporary guardian of the family until Heidemarie came up age, and he also had a second wife with a son."

"That makes sense. It's a reprehensible and all-too-common plot," Perrault - the head scholar from Celestine's group sighed. "Ultimately, it falls upon the shoulders of the heiress to safeguard her inheritance and whether the status of her family is high enough to catch the archducal house's support."

Justus continued to provide information about Elvira and Haldenzel, sharing selective intelligence that he and Ferdinand had prepared to leak. With Ferdinand absent and Adelbert still in power, revealing Veronica's crimes to Dunkelfelger could prove perilous for the Linkberg and Leisegang families. Although Ferdinand had little concern for the Leisegangs, there were retainers of Rozemyne whom he needed to protect, and he wished to ensure the safety of Sylvester and his family as well.

Ferdinand was confident that Veronica and Adelbert would not harm Sylvester physically, but he feared that Adelbert might coerce Sylvester into marrying a second wife from the Veronican faction to consolidate Veronica's influence. Sylvester and Linkberg would require support to fend off Veronica, and the optimal solution was to connect Elvira—one of the most remarkably capable ladies in Ferdinand's memory—to Dunkelfelger's protection. She would be the one who knew how to harness such modest protection to her greatest advantage.

Upon revealing his plan, Ferdinand encountered no resistance; they all regarded it as a trivial exchange for the valuable acquisition of Heidemarie's book collection. Then, to his expectation, Celestine expressed her wish to align with Ferdinand concerning Haldenzel’s plan, a desire Ferdinand attributed to her interest in the "beautiful wood carving." When Celestine expressed her eagerness to see the array of designs Haldenzel could contribute to wooden cups, Ferdinand noticed Wenceslaus flinch slightly, in contrast to the others, whose lips curled into smiles—all except for the students, of course.

After the sound barrier was removed, Ferdinand proceeded to announce his decision.

It had been decided that Heidemarie and Lasfam would be adopted by Dunkelfelger the following summer. Until that time, Dunkelfelger would send people to Ehrenfest to help Heidemarie list and pack up all the books from her house. At Heidemarie's request, she would be adopted by a patriarchal house to receive their protection until she came of age; then, she would move out to establish her own family and marry Eckhart into Dunkelfelger. Her father – originally a son-in-law, would be left in Ehrenfest with his other family.

Ferdinand also stated that since the offer from Heidemarie was too vast, he would provide additional compensation. As Eckhart was worried about his mother and brothers, his maternal backing – Haldenzel – would be under Ferdinand's asylum. In return, Haldenzel must prepare a good trade of artistic carvings each year for his grandmother, and selling three Blenrus fruits per year – a special feyfruit that can only be harvested in early spring and strictly kept domestically.

"Lord Ferdinand, it was very generous of you to offer this, but Ehrenfest does not have the resources and capacity to trade with Dunkelfelger. As Heidemarie, Eckhart, and Lasfam have all agreed to move, Ehrenfest desires nothing as compensation," Adelbert replied.

"I think Gramaratur didn't grace you enough, Aub Ehrenfest. My master offered asylum to Haldenzel only, not Ehrenfest. And he also wishes to trade with Haldenzel only. As you stated before, Ehrenfest would receive nothing from Dunkelfelger!" Justus immediately corrected Adelbert with a snort.

I can oppose Adelbert now; you really don't need to worry about that, Justus.

But Justus's statement was very effective, as the entire Ehrenfest clan was just dumbfounded by the decision.

"That… there is no precedent for this matter before…" Adelbert still tried to negotiate.

"There is also no precedent for a duchy embezzling funds from their own dormitory supervisor, nor for forcing name swearing and concocting lies to tarnish great duchies' reputations, as I recall," Dominic, the head scholar of Wenceslaus, added on.

"It was not a lie..." Veronica murmured, but it was loud enough to be heard.

"So, First Lady of Ehrenfest, are you telling me that this was a real tradition from Ahrensbach?" Ferdinand then turned to Dominic again, "Sir Dominic, if it was Ahrensbach who started this dishonor, what punishment would they receive?"

"It depends on the situation, Lord Ferdinand," Dominic caught up with the play. "But in the current situation, Ahrensbach is the only duchy with an open border gate. They claim to be neutral, yet they dared to abuse such honorable tradition in forming power. There is a high chance that they may team up with a foreign country and plan for treachery, just like Eisenreich before. Thus, I suggest we must report it immediately to the Sovereignty to disarm the Ahrensbach archducal family as soon as possible before the worst thing happens."

"Sir Dominic, we don't have exact proof against Ahrensbach, right? We would need to tread carefully," Perrault chimed in.

"But we have enough evidence from Ehrenfest right now! All the conversations from the tea party have been recorded!" Dominic smirked. "And with Ehrenfest being a duchy under Ahrensbach's asylum, they still cannot avoid collective punishment. Not to mention that the one who carried out this horrible act was their former archducal candidate. In the worst case, Ahrensbach would be disbanded into smaller duchies, and the entire Ehrenfest archducal family would be executed for such a crime."

It was enough to silence Veronica... and the entire Ehrenfest clan was in non-stop turmoil. How funny, the vile woman who once was Ferdinand’s lifetime nightmare, now, was a total stranger to Ferdinand, and... not threatening at all.

After allowing Ehrenfest to absorb the new information, Justus broke the silence, "Aub Ehrenfest, I believe both duchies have met the deal?"

Things became much easier then, as Ehrenfest agreed to all the conditions Dunkelfelger requested, even allowing Elvira to be the sole scholar to deal with Dunkelfelger from now on. Veronica wanted to retort again, but a word from Perrault stated that they didn’t trust the scholars of the Ehrenfest archducal couple due to their many known faults. As Elvira was also Eckhart’s mother and hailed from Haldenzel, she would be the most suitable person to report on things in Haldenzel. Before ending the tea party, both Dominic and Perrault sent a subtle warning regarding the safety of the three in Ehrenfest, as well as a request for a guarantee from the Ehrenfest clan for the grace of Flutrane in Haldenzel. Ferdinand just silently watched how Sylvester and Kardstedt nearly collapsed at the warning, but he could not raise his voice to avoid suspicion. Now, with Elvira having been indirectly elevated, Sylvester could use this opportunity to secure more power for his own faction. As for Kardstedt, he had ordered Eckhart and Heidemarie to be Anhaltung for him; hopefully, the relationship between Kardstedt and Elvira would warm up.

I can only help you guys with these.

Once the Ehrenfest clan left, Ferdinand was sent back to his room to rest and reserve his best for the party later that afternoon. Justus was kept at the tearoom to report information from Ehrenfest. It was quite an exhausting meeting, but the reward was worth it. At least now, he could temporarily ensure that if Rozemyne were still to be born in Ehrenfest, there would be a safe place for her and the downtown folks to avoid Veronica and Bezwant until he could come for her. He would need to ask Lasfam to persuade Gilberta to set up another store in Haldenzel, perhaps letting them be in charge of the artistic goods to trade with Dunkelfelger.

Justus only returned to Ferdinand’s side to prepare for the next tea party, and it was fortunate that none of the people in Dunkelfelger suspected any part of their earlier theater.

“It seemed that once I objected to Heidemarie and Eckhart’s revelation, there was no suspicion at all. However, your family was still somewhat doubtful about recruiting Lasfam as your retainers. Lady Celestine was fine with Lasfam coming to Dunkelfelger, but she thought that he would be my retainer instead.”

“There were enough reasons for recruiting Lasfam. He received honor awards continuously, has the mana match with mednoble in Dunkelfelger, and I like him. Just send the Orsdoschnelli like that and focus on the point that I prefer people who excel above their status.” Ferdinand said, “As for Heidemarie and Eckhart, tell them they still need to act for a while, and Justus, remember to act like you need to be very strict to ‘guide’ them back to proper common sense.”

“Yes, my lord. I also talked to the new four retainers of yours in Dunkelfelger and request for their help. I believe they will trust our scheme – that all the information was just accidentally revealed as Heidemarie and Eckhart received skewed education from Ehrenfest.” Justus nodded, “In my view, Dunkelfelger didn’t care how much Ehrenfest messed up, but your grandfather and Knight Commander were very displeased with Lord Bonifatius, while that old man was angry at Eckhart.”

“Do I need to care about that?” Ferdinand snorted. “Bonifatius should care more about how to support Sylvester and give him a proper education instead.”

The bell had rung, and they started to depart to Dunkelfelger’s tearoom again. This time, the guests were of much higher rank. The two princes and their mothers were there, in addition to all the Aubs from the great duchies. Ferdinand's role was to play the part of decoration in the tearoom and leave the dealing to the adults. It was a role that Ferdinand greatly appreciated, until he saw that Prince Bosekalt had brought his favourite second son with him, and dealing with another arrogant, spoiled brat was the last thing Ferdinand wanted. That little prince was just the same as Sigiswald.

Ferdinand really wanted the war to drag on as long as possible just to see Sigiswald and this boy fight each other. That sight would be something to behold.

The greetings were exchanged, and the real "tea party" had just begun, but something happened that shook Ferdinand to the core.

“A feybeast!”

“Knights! Assemble!!!”

“Protect the Prince!”

“What kind of feybeast is this?!”

“It’s a Grun! A black Grun with shiny eyes!”

Rozemyne, you fool! What are you doing????? How could you ride that deformed highbeast and pass through the teleportation door here? And why did your highbeast change colour?

Surprisingly, every attack went through the highbeast, and Ferdinand realized that it wasn't actually Rozemyne’s highbeast but more likely an image in the air, like a recorded image. People started to become confused about what that thing was, and the "grun" suddenly burst into yellow light, which rained down on Ferdinand and Ferdinand alone.

“A… a blessing?”

“How can a deformed grun give out a blessing?”

Then, Ferdinand heard a familiar voice in his ears that he'd been longing to hear.

<Ferdinand, here I am, in Hauchletzte. Stop your rampage, you mad scientist, and remember to eat and sleep well.>

The one currently rampaging is you!!!

Hauchletzte, which means…Ferdinand searched for Prince Trauerqual and Queen Kreszentia, then noticed that the Queen and the two female retainers behind her wore expressions he found… familiar. It was the expression everyone wore when they knew about Rozemyne and her antics chasing books.

“Ferdinand, this is not your doing, right?” Wenceslaus asked warily.

“I have no idea about this!!!” It was not a lie; he knew it was from Rozemyne, but he had definitely not planned it.

Then he heard some very crazy interpretations about the blessing. The grun's colour of darkness, its eyes of light, and then the yellow blessing – the divine color of Mestionora, who was a subordinate of Schutzaria.

He really wanted to shout out that the black color must have been some trick from Rozemyne for her to hide in the dark, and the yellow blessing was probably from Ordoschnelli or Dregarnuhr instead. But he couldn't.

You little gremlin! Better prepare your cheeks when we meet again, Rozemyne!




Endnote (Quite long, you can just ignore it LOL)

Dunkelfelger use the tea party with Ehrenfest for Ferdinand practicing, but he and his team use this as the theater stage to set up both duchy to their scheme. Ferdinand actually abused Ehrenfest with his new status to force adoption for Heidemarie and business deal with Haldenzel to push Elvira forward.

If you have an excuse for Sylvester, Georgine, and Wilfried due to their inadequate education, then Adelbert doesn’t have that excuse at all. He received the same education as Bonifatius, and he knew the true meaning of name-swearing. He can control Veronica during his reign, even managed to have his own faction – not like Sylvester, so he is definitely not inept at all. It was Adelbert’s responsibility (as a father and Aub) to stop Ferdinand from creating the stone. Yet, he even suggested that Ferdinand dedicate his name to either him or Sylvester, which means in his eyes, Ferdinand is nothing more than a “special retainer” to him or Sylvester. He never asked Bonifatius or Kardsted the same, right? Then, when asking Ferdinand for the promise, many defend Adelbert by saying Sylvester made the same promise, it was Ferdinand’s fault for misunderstanding the meaning. I would rather think he asked for two different promises because he only released the mana from the namestone after Ferdinand’s commitment to the promise. If it was just the same promise as Sylvester, why not return the name first to Ferdinand? I really doubt if Ferdinand said something different, he might order Ferdinand to do so.

This chapter is my own selfishness for letting Adelbert live longer to criticize him and for my previous Squirreldinand let go of that toxic father. He had Gunther for a commoner father, and he had Werdekraf and Wenceslaus as his noble father figures now. The current Ferdinand was a mixed, and the young Ferdie affected adult Ferdie quite much, like I mentioned before. To young Dunkel!Ferdie, Adelbert was nothing, so… Shoo shoo, go away Adel!

As for punishment, actually, the royal family is at war now, they don’t care much about the 20th ranked Ehrenfest. It was just an empty threat, but enough to scare Adelbert and Veronica. Even if the nameswearing thing is published, Ahrensbach will not face any fault because they can claim that it was made up by Gabriel, and Gabriel being demoted was a sufficient excuse. Furthermore, Ahrensbach could blame all the fault on Ehrenfest to avoid punishment. Right now, Ahrensbach is still neutral, but the two princes could choose to protect Ahrensbach so that they could get Ahrensbach on their side. When things get published, the only one who will be in danger is Ehrenfest themselves. That’s what Ferdinand used to threaten Adelbert and hinted that he must control his wife if he doesn’t want his entire family to be vanquished.

The asylum from Ferdinand was actually just “mouth protection” only, like Ahrensbach’s to Veronica, it was actually nothing to Dunkelfelger’s side. That’s why Dunkelfelger didn’t care because it cost them nothing. The key point is how Elvira would use that “shield” for her advantage, like how Veronica uses her Ahrensbach shield to dominate Ehrenfest. But could it make any difference for Ehrenfest? Not enough to take down Veronica and Adelbert, but it helps to prevent Veronica's further harassment, which means preventing the chalice from being completely stolen. At least right now, Haldenzel must receive the full chalice to keep Spring coming, and Elvira would have an elevation as she was appointed as the one to deal with Dunkelfelger’s scholar, thus became the new backing for Sylvester since the head of Linkberg is still Bonifatius, so officially, Linkberg still belongs to Adelbert’s faction.

As for the announcement of the 4th prince and Queen Theresa’s scheme, I based it on a story told by my grandfather’s family. It is said that long ago, during feudal times, my many-great-grandfather was a wealthy landlord. His eldest son from his second wife served as an officer in the court in the capital and opened a branch of the family there. The land and the house in the hometown were to be inherited by the second son, also from the second wife. However, both the landlord and his heir died in a traffic accident on river, leaving behind the third and fourth sons, the sons of the third and fourth wives. All power fell into the hands of the first wife who came from a prestigious family, despite having only a daughter. On the day of the funeral, the first wife played a scheme by announcing that she wanted all the grandsons to come and live with her in the main building so she could personally teach and assess them to prepare for the future generation, as the other two sons were busy with the family's business after the sudden death of the landlord. It was just a suggestion, but since the first son, who had the highest social ranking, didn't object, everyone accepted it. Thus, a war broke out between the two sides, and both employed various tactics to undermine each other’s child. In the end, all the boys died in “untold accidents” – only to be noted in record as “child death”, their mother – the daughters-in-law either went insane or committed suicide, and the two sons faced numerous struggles because they were not educated to be the head of the entire family, but only expected to inherit a part of the fortune and open small branch families.

As a result, the first wife asked one of her daughters to send back a child for her to adopt, thereby ensuring that the entire house was inherited by the maternal grandchild of the landlord. Later, the daughter of the first son – the officer, was sent back to marry that boy, unite the bloodline.

This story also serves as a hint for you all. Can you guess what Queen Theresa's scheme is?


Ferdinand received the message in the most unexpected way. I planned for him to receive the blessing only, but the discord chat changed my mind, so I made it like a Grun blessed Ferdinand instead.

You should be honor, Ferdie, to receive blessing from Lessy-kun!

Chapter 24: Rozemyne - Reunion in a Dream


SoWF is back!!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Waiting was always difficult for Rozemyne, but her anxiety intensified when she witnessed Fabiane fainting due to her connection with Lessy-kun. Once again, she underestimated the deep-rooted animosity Yurgenschmidt held towards the Grun. And yet she hoped that her retainers would be a second Brigitte.

Not only was Rozemyne's high beast stone confiscated, but there were also additional consequences. While Fabiane didn't directly interrogate Rozemyne about her secret trip, it was evident that her every move would now be closely monitored, and Fabiane's paranoia would reach its peak.

Rozemyne was uncertain if her message reached Ferdinand or not, as it was purely a guess. However, when she learned that Fabiane had been summoned to the Royal Academy, she couldn't shake off the feeling that her message had been successfully delivered, perhaps even too successfully, to the point where everyone had heard it.

"Oh Ordoschnelli, please..." Rozemyne whispered anxiously. "I am grateful for your help, but please don't make this public."

She continued to nervously hold onto that thought as she lay on her bed. When the lights were finally turned off, a mixture of blessings in white and yellow hues gently cascaded down onto her canopy. Fortunately, none of her retainers were present in the room to bear witness to this miraculous occurrence.

When Rozemyne opened her eyes, all she could see was a vast canvas of pure, unblemished white the world unfolded in a series of softly undulating hills and valleys, all blanketed in white fluffy clouds. Every surface seemed to be made of the same ethereal substance, underfoot and overhead, creating an otherworldly, weightless sensation that enveloped everything.

As far as the eye could see, the landscape flowed and swirled, creating a mesmerising, surreal effect. No distinct landmarks interrupted the smooth and uninterrupted expanse, and no shadows marred the perfection of the pure white surroundings.

And then, amidst the white fluffy cloud cover, a figure emerged in the distance. It was a person whose presence Rozemyne desperately longed for, and in that moment, she couldn't help but employ the "traditional method on Earth" to verify whether this encounter was real.

"The scene surrounding me is unquestionably a dream, but to encounter Shota Ferdinand here... it's almost too unbelievable," Rozemyne muttered to herself, her curiosity getting the best of her. She pinched herself slightly, and not surprised, she felt no pain at all.

At that moment, the figure she yearned for, whom she called "The Shota Ferdinand," let out a scoff and opened his arms wide. "If you truly desire to be pinched so much, then come here and present your cheek to me!"


That tone confirmed that it was indeed her “grumpy lecturer”. Without hesitation, Rozemyne ran forward and just a moment later, she found herself snuggling into his embrace, finally experiencing the long-awaited privilege of "Ferdinand's gyuu."

"You little gremlin! Your rampages have caused me quite a lot of trouble with that Grun of yours!" Ferdinand was grinding his teeth, although his arms remained securely and tenderly wrapped around her.

Despite the grumble in his voice, the reassurance of his embrace filled Rozemyne's heart with warmth and contentment. She relished the joy of being held so tightly by Ferdinand, cherishing the moment she had yearned for since their separation.

“I don’t know!” Sill holding him tightly, she protested, “After your famous Ditter, I just fervently want to reach you. I planned to reach you through Aub and the First Lady of Dunkelfelger, but I am not sure how much your grandparent would tell you as you are also a child, so I think I may ask the Gods to help me a little bit.”

“Ask the Gods… good grief, don’t tell me you sneak into the temple in the dark inside that black Grun?”

Rozemyne timidly hid her face in his chest, and that was all it needed for Ferdinand to confirm his statement. This time, he released her and used all his power to stretch her cheeks.

“You fool!!! Do you know how much dangerous it is to go to the temple at this time?”

“I ow oweyy ~~~”

“The temple now was full of sickening like Bezewanst and Egmont! It is not a place for an unbaptized child to visit, especially alone at night!”

Okay, he started nagging already, and Rozemyne must stop this. Of course, with them being so close in age now, it wasn't so hard to get his hand out of her cheeks.

“How do you know that I went there in the night alone?”

“Your focus point is always different!” Ferdinand sighed, “Your Grun arrived this afternoon during the tea party of Dunkelfelger with other great duchies and the Royal Family. The Third Queen and two of her retainers were also there, and their facial expressions were enough to tell me who you are. And I believe none of your retainers would allow their ‘precious hidden princess’ to go to the temple.”

“Wait, does that mean everyone heard my message to you?”

“From how the others react, no. But tell me, what exactly have you done in the Haucheltzte temple at night, huh?” Ferdinand grumbled, and he returned to continue tormenting her cheeks.

“I just prayed for Orsdochelli to send a message to you.”

“Just that?”

“Yup, just that. I also prayed for Greifechan and Verbegen so that I would not be caught, but after I returned to my room, my nanny found me with my Lessy. She confiscated my high beast feystone this morning and then later, she was summoned to the Royal Academy. I knew nothing after that.”

He smirked, “As expected of the gremlin, always rampaging whatever the weave.”

“Hey, look who's talking here!” Rozemyne pouted, “What about the grand Ditter you just executed recently?”

“It’s different!” Ferdinand snorted, “That is the only way to stop Dunkelfelger from joining in the war and creating a win-loss situation that results in the purge later, not to mention that I still cannot locate where you are.”

“I also mean the same. I am afraid that you could try to eliminate both sides of the royal family without knowing that I changed my identity now.”

“Good grief…” Ferdinand sighed, then pinched my cheek again but much slighter, “You know I got my memory back, why don’t you ever think that I have tried to locate you in Ehrenfest before making such a big move?”

“Oh, right!” Rozemyne’s eyes widened, but she was attracted to another thing, “Then how about things in Ehrenfest? Is everyone ok?”

For once, Ferdinand’s mood seemed to be down a lot, and then Rozemyne spotted a rare apologetic sight in his light golden eyes.

It took a moment for him to talk. “Everyone in the downtown area was fine, at least.” He stopped a little, then continued, “Justus got his memory first after his blessing acquisition, and he started to lay the groundwork in Ehrenfest. He became the patron for Gilberta and managed to save Benno’s fiancée Liz. Benno and Liz are married and have a daughter now. Justus also indirectly levelled up Gunther and Effa with his personal assignment. After Justus moved out of Ehrenfest, Lasfam continued to work with the Downtown folks, while Eckhart and Heidemarie worked in the noble area.”

“So, Benno finally escaped the [FA] fate, I hope that his daughter will not become a mini-Benno or Mark will have a bunch of headaches later.” Rozemyne chuckled, “Then how about Dad and Mom, and looking at the time, my Tuuli must be born now?”

“She is, and she is the youngest daughter, not the oldest anymore.”

“Wait what?”

“Maybe due to Justus’ interference…” Ferdinand looked so guilty, “Gunther became the vice-captain of the Gate quite soon after coming of age, and Justus introduced Gunther to Benno so that he could hunt feystone to help absorb Liz’s mana. The two families got closer and Liz hired Effa to be a dyer in Gilberta. They also moved to the border of the northern city, and they have two more sons before Tuuli… Don’t cry, Rozemyne, I know it was our fault for intervening too much...”

“Why do you have to apologise?” Rozemyne sniffed, “I am just so happy that everyone downtown has a better life. Do you know that when Kamil was born, Dad told me how hard it was for a commoner child to be born and survive? Including Kamil, our family had a total of six children, but only three survived, and I was also on the brink of death many times.”

“I…I just thought that you would be sad because our intervention is the reason why you were not born as Gunther and Effa’s child anymore.”

“Of course I am sad, but it cannot be helped, and it was not your fault, right?” Rozemyne quizzed, “Wait, don’t tell me you think that you’d never expected me to be born in a different duchy? That sounds unlike you.”

“All of my retainers were born at the same time and in the same place.” Ferdinand answered, “As for myself, while I was born in Dunkelfelger, my mother was the same person. Since she was not Adalgisa’s flower anymore but a Bud instead, she has a chance to escape and not meet Aub Ehrenfest. I thought you would be in a similar situation, like having at least one of your parents unchanged. But I hardly find a reason that either Gunther or Effa marry another person, and I think the Gods seemed to prefer to have your mana more flexible as a Devouring child.”

“That’s understandable. But you still have to work on with your low self-esteem and your self-harm.” Rozemyne pulled Ferdinand down and forced him to look straight at her, “Don’t just blame everything on yourself, understand? I am not a fool to not understand that Justus did it on his own, and once you knew, you approved it because all of you thought it would make my life better if I was still born as a Devouring in Ehrenfest while all of you were away. If there should be a reaction from me, I should appreciate all your guys’ efforts.”

“I will deliver your appreciation to Justus.” Ferdinand just tried to walk away from her lecture. “I want to know more about your situation now.”

“Well, I think you should guess it all, as my grandmother told me that my existence was more of an open secret now. I am the hidden child of the Second Prince Waldifried, and my mother is his Third Wife from Hauchletzte. When that brutal First Prince attacked the villas, three retainers of my parents managed to hide me in my nanny’s hidden room, and then they took me to the Third Queen Kreszentia. Then I stayed with her until Uncle Trauerqual joined the war, I moved to Gilessenmeyer first, and then that bookless scrub revealed that my parents were dead, and told me that I would be adopted by Uncle and Aunt Clementine to become his future wife. I was so shocked and bedridden, then I regained my memory after that.”

“Bookless scrub?”

Rozemyne pouted, “It’s Sigiswald! He is so annoying even when he is small. Just thinking about sharing a few years in the royal academy with him in the future makes me annoyed.”

Ferdinand chuckled, “Then you should prepare, because there will be more than one annoyed prince. The second son of the fourth Prince is no different. Maybe they would be busy fighting each other and leave us alone.” Then his ‘mad scientist’ mode turned on, “So sudden emotional shock is also a key to absorbing memory besides the blessing acquisition and the dedicated prayer to Anhaltung.”

What is the dedicated prayer to Anhaltung? He just said Justus got memory via blessing acquisition, then who is the one who got it via Anhaltung’s praying?

Seeing Rozemyne’s confusion, Ferdinand started answering. “Well, Justus had tested it out by making an amulet of Anhaltung and letting Lasfam pray with it, together with the Crown of the Goddess of Light in the temple of Ehrenfest. Eckhart and his wife Heidemarie got their memory back also by praying with the amulet, but at the small shrine of Anhaltung in the Royal Academy.”

“Then how about you?” Rozemyne asked.

“Before you regained your memory, what did you talk to the Gods about?”

“I didn’t have a chance to talk with them,” Rozemyne complained, “After I saw those rebellions attack you and you fell, I could not control my mana, then all my sight became blank. I only heard the gods quarrel about something, saying my soul was breaking because I came from another world and got damaged from divine mana, so Ventuchte had to alter my thread and send me to reweave earlier than the defined time. And the last thing I heard was Mestionora ordering you and me to be Zent and save her Erwaermen.”

“As unreasonable as always,” Ferdinand snorted, and Rozemyne nodded fervently to agree. “But did they tell you anything about how those damages could affect you in this weave? And how about your colour, have you tested it?”

He removed her from the hug for a moment, then started examining her health as before, but it felt like nothing. It was then they realised that they were actually in a dream, so they could not feel anything about each other's mana.

Rozemyne felt a little sad that she could not enjoy the warmth of Ferdinand’s mana, but she ignored that moody feeling as there were still many things they needed to discuss.

“They didn’t say anything about the after-effects. I heard Ventuchte only said that they have to change the color of my thread immediately, so I cannot be summoned to talk with them. As for my mana, based on my high beast feystone, it was still light yellow. My mother has only 6 colours, so I guess I am not an omni in this weave.”

“And you’re still born in summer?”

Rozemyne nodded, “My mana should be light blue. But my scholar Michelle suspected that might be because both my parents were born in Autumn.”

Ferdinand frowned, “Strange… My colour was still pearlescent white… Since my father also changed, my colour should be a mix of light blue and white, maybe a hint of light green as my birth season. My mother’s attribute was extremely strong in Life due to her birthplace, while my fathers was extremely strong in Fire. My birthplace now was also affected heavily by the Fire Gate.”

For some reason, Rozemyne felt that Ferdinand was easier to get lost in his ‘research world’ compared to his last life.

Looking at him now, he nearly forgets I am here with him.

Feeling annoyed, Rozemyne raised her hand and… pinched Ferdinand’s cheek very hard.


“Payback!” Rozemyne grinned.

“You’ve got some nerve…” Ferdinand then gave out the most shining smile ever.

Oh no, I just woke up the Demon King!!!

Thank God that she found a perfect excuse, “You… you haven’t told me about your case! How could you regain your memory?”

“That…” Ferdinand’s mood changed immediately, and now Rozemyne was wondering what had happened in Dunkelfelger that made Ferdinand become so lax and get distracted so fast. “I was successfully summoned to meet those gods and made some deals with them about returning the time for us. They told me that as our threads had been merged and it was hard to separate, they had to alter our colour from many surrounding us. They were not even certain how our colour would change, just told me that we would get our memory back once we reached seven.”

“I see, but because I got an emotional shock, I regained my memory earlier.”

“So was I. My mother was attacked, and when I saw her in juvere, I was also shocked and got back my memory when I was four.”

Rozemyne looked up at him, then opened her arms wide and hugged him again. “It must have been hard for you. You were not even allowed to enjoy the time with your mother.”

Rozemyne heard a sharp intake of breath before he spoke, “After the deal with the Gods, I was sent to Dunkelfelger in a non-physical state, like a ‘soul’ you once described to me. I could observe everything around my younger self and watch him grow with his family. It was not exactly that bad.”

“But it would make it even worse! To be a wandering soul and not be able to do anything except see.”

Of all people, Rozemyne knew how much Ferdinand yearned for familial affection, and to her, seeing everything in front of you but not being able to grasp it was the most terrible thing that could happen. It was just like how she saw a grand library and could not enter it. She burrowed into his neck and squeezed him tighter. It was then she felt Ferdinand’s arms around her also tighten.

“The one who has it hard must be you,” Ferdinand said, “The gods took your family this time…”

“It was indeed quite hard for ‘princess Rozemyne’ when she knew. But I remembered Mestionora’s order that I and you would be reweave and we must be Zent to save Erwaermen. I knew that I would not be alone, so I am waiting a chance to reconnect with you. But I didn’t know how, I thought I must wait for Magdalena to marry uncle Trauerqual first, then try to ask about her former fiance.”

“You know that if you contacted me in this way, I will hide as much as I can.”

“If you have your memory, of course you will search about me!” Rozemyne pouted, “Right?!”

Ferdinand chuckled, “You’re right…”

She snuggled inside his chest and enjoyed a little quiet moment between them. After a while, Ferdinand returned to their conversation.

“After the blessing incident today, I cannot leave the Royal Academy as the Royal Family requested to have another tea party with me to learn more about the blessing. They seemed to think that Grun of yours is the sign from the Supreme Couple and Mestionora.”

“What? How could they interpret it like that?”

“Because you make your High beast black, with his eyes shining, and then that Grun dissolved into a yellow blessing!” Ferdinand grimaced

“That was because I wanted to blend into the night, the eyes were actually a car-light, and the yellow blessing… must be Ordoschnelli!!!”

“I guessed that, but I could not explain this to everyone else.” Ferdinand signed, “My grandfather could not find a reason to retort. What's worse, after I returned to the Dunkelfelger dormitory, another white and yellow blessing rained down on me, and the news immediately travelled all the way to the Royal Academy.”


“Think about it more. Why do you think we can meet in a dream like this?”

“You mean… Ordoschnelli and Schlaftraum?” Rozemyne gasped.

“They send me a magic circle into my head. I copied it down and used it before bed with Justus helping. Never thought it could be used in this way.”

“Does that mean we can meet each other everyday from now on?” Rozemyne beamed.

If it worked, then it would be just like when they contacted each other via Dinan before.

“I am not sure, maybe it could work anytime and anywhere, but now I am in the Royal Academy, closer to the Gods. Maybe it only worked here.”

“We can check it out after you return to Dunkelfelger! And I can also checked what will happen if I am the one who activate the circle in Hauchletzte!”

Ferdinand nodded, “That’s a good idea! If it worked, we could meet each other every day to update our situation!”

“And having gyu ˜˜˜” Rozemyne squeezed him again. She needed more hugs! “It’s a dream anyway, even more secret than a hidden room. And I need a lot of compensation!”

“Shameless!” Ferdinand hissed, but he didn’t release her nor push her away.

He doesn’t reject it, hehehehe

However, Ferdinand still pushed Rozemyne away after that so that he could write down the circle for her. It was very convenient in the dream, as you could just imagine something and it would appear from the air.

The magic circle was not too difficult, but the design was strange. It took Rozemyne a while to recognize that the circle was actually like a picture puzzle, as it used Ordoschnelli and Schlaftraum’s symbols and arranged those to make bigger symbols - a combination of Geduldh and Ewigeliebe twisted to each other.

“So it also can be arranged in this way…” Ferdinand contemplated.

“Only if you have to look at it from this angle,” Rozemyne said, “Maybe Geduldh and Ewigeliebe also meet each other in secret like this?”

“Now the answer to why Ewigeliebe could still take Geduldh away and lock her in winter while being stopped by Schutzaria’s shield. It seems like Schutzaria has such a rebellious subordinate,” Ferdinand smirked.

“Talking about rebellious… How are things going in Ehrenfest noble square?” Rozemyne asked. Knowing Ferdinand resided in Dunkelfelger was a bliss because he would be safe. But her heart ached as she knew without Ferdinand, Ehrenfest would have a very hard time under Veronica’s tyranny.

“It is hard to say,” Ferdinand frowned, “Adelbert is still alive and quite healthy in this weave except for the excuse of being sick for Ehrenfest to be neutral, that’s why he can still control Veronica. Justus told me that because of my entourage’s reweaving, their excellence could not be ignored, and for them to reject joining Veronica, Leisegang started to suffer earlier though not outright publicly.”

“Then… Linkberg…”

“Linkberg and Haldenzel will be temporarily fine,” he assured, “I used the chance of this Ditter to secure Haldenzel under my protection. My grandmother is very pleased with Haldenzel’s artistic wood carving; she would also be a patron to Haldenzel. I planned for Gilberta to open a branch there and move your family in case you were born in Ehrenfest. But you’re here now… If you wanted it, I could find a way to transfer your downtown family to Hauchletzte.”

“Don’t do that. I mean, I am very happy that I could meet them again, but this time I am just a stranger to them. They… don’t have any responsibility to care nor protect me like before…” I tried to hold back my sadness, “Not to mention my situation is very sensitive, and once I started my journey to reform temples and seek the Book of Mestionora, it is better to not involve the commoner community now. Veronica nor Bezewanst would never care for a normal commoner family. Just… bring them to Haldenzel only if there is any danger.”

"Rozemyne," Ferdinand asked, his voice steady but filled with hesitation, "Do you truly want to be Zent?"

“Only if I could make a library country… But Mestionora also ordered us to be Zent.”

Ferdinand regarded her with a thoughtful expression before replying, "It is not exactly an order. The Supreme couple themselves have indicated that they are open to the idea of another person being Zent, provided that individual possesses greater mana and blessings than us."

“Then what is your plan? You just know about me recently due to my message, right?” Rozemyne asked, “What is your exact plan when you’re still unaware of my identity?”

"It doesn’t matter now.”

“I want to know. You have been prepared a lot just to secure my safety, and your plan was based on the assumption that I could still be born as a commoner.” Rozemyne made her demands, “What was your plan exactly? Tell me!!!”

“I still want another person to stand as Zent. But with me and you having previous knowledge about the temple, I hardly believe anyone could achieve it better. Melchior had that potential in the last timeline, but it took too long. He hasn't even been born yet this time. And now I hardly believe anyone else could be a relay until Melchior comes of age. Eglantine failed even though she had so much political support.”

“So you plan for us to be Zent this time.”

“Actually, only me.” Ferdinand sighed, "The problem with your vast quantity of mana is due to your lack of a children's tool. Your family is now aware of the Devouring, and they also know the way to get rid of your excessive mana. As long as your mana doesn't exceed the mednoble level, you can use the Shumil feystone to sustain yourself, just like Liz and your elder brother. Once your family and Gilberta move to Haldenzel, they will also be under my protection. If you regain your memory and wish to pursue bookmaking later, you can still do it as a merchant with Benno's help, just like you did before becoming a Blue Priestess Apprentice. Even if you were captured by a noble, Claudio and Elvira are both respectable and considerate nobles. They will not mistreat you and your family as long as you reside in Haldenzel."

As expected of Ferdinand, very thorough planning. But he seemed to forget something very, very important.

"So you want to get rid of this problem child and break the promise of becoming family between us? And then live with potions for the rest of your life?"

"How could you ever think that?"

"Because that's what you are doing!" Rozemyne was very angry now. "You make it seem like everything we went through in our last life meant nothing to you!"

"I just don't want to separate you from your family again."

"How many times do we have to talk about this matter? And how many times do I need to headbutt you so that you can understand? You have saved me and my family numerous times, and I wouldn't be alive without you! Don't ever think it is your fault that I have become noble. I am not that naive like I was before.” Rozemyne shouted. “And don’t overestimate yourself! Without me, who could take care of your life? Who could ensure you eat and sleep well? You will overwork yourself and create a bunch of enemies due to your insensitivity and your pettiness!”

“Ohoho… talk again…”

Ferdinand raised his eyebrows and opened a chilly smile, then he pinched both her cheeks.

“Ew ew ew ew ew ~~~ U jus annot e~ny it~”

“I don't understand what you're talking about.”

Damn, let him walk away from this matter again. Just wait, I will continue to scold him if he reveals having such negative thoughts next time.

“Shoooo~~” Rozemyne hit his hand, making him release her, “Whatever plan you make, it won't work now. Don't try to run from me; I will definitely get a book and save my new family from being destroyed!”

“Your new family?”

“My grandmother Kreszentia, my baby sister Theolinda, my Aunt Clementine, and my Uncle Trauerqual too. Once the truth about the Royal Family is revealed, there will be a voice to exterminate them, and the only way to save them is by having a Royal member holding the Book of Mestionora, which is me.”

“To think that you even considered Trauerqual as your family, I could still say you’re too soft and naive again.” Ferdinand frowned, “Did you forget what he had done to you in the last weave?”

“But it is not his fault. I mean, he did propose the adoption, but the marriage to Sigiswald is actually Eglantine and Anastasius’s work. The one who assigned Adalgisa as my living place was Sigiswald. I was angry at him when thinking about him forcing you to leave Ehrenfest and when he withdrew from fighting Lanzenave, but that time he was deeply compromised by Trug.” Rozemyne explained, “At least right now, he is a proper uncle to me, and he tried his best to protect and support me. I cannot blame him for what he hasn't done yet.”

Ferdinand thought for a while, then finally agreed to Rozemyne's explanation. “As long as he won't approve of that purge again.”

“As long as he has enough backing to fight against Klassenberg’s pressure.” Rozemyne pouted. “And my baby sister is unharmed.”

Ferdinand hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Dunkelfelger plans to remain neutral until the suitable time, then will cease the fight and push for Trauerqual to be a relay Zent. As long as your uncle knows how to work, Dunkelfelger will be his proper backing. Magdalena ruined his chance, but things will just go as planned from now on.”

Rozemyne clapped her hands, “If that, things will become better. We can start to reform the temple and guild people to get the Book. Once we have many Zent candidates, the Gods will have more choices and we won't be forced to be Zent anymore.”

“It could work.” Ferdinand tapped his temple, “I will work on Dunkelfelger’s side, while you could work on the Royal Family and Hauletzte side. When you go to Royal Academy, you should try to involve Drewanchel with Lady Adolphine; she would be the most appropriate candidate to become Zent in characteristics. I will see how much I could work with other duchies under Dunkelfelger’s asylum. How was your relationship with other Royal family members in Trauerqual’s faction until now?”

“My grandmother will support me. Uncle Trauerqual would, too, but we have to be careful with Raublut and not let him have a chance to trug my uncle. Aunt Clementine would also support me, and my baby sister Theolinda definitely adores me. At this moment, my relationship with Anastasius seems fine, but I cannot say the same for Lady Ralfrieda and Sigiswald.”

“As expected. But that is a problem. Your uncle and grandmother would engage you with Sigiswald to stabilise the power within the faction. They likely get you baptised under Lady Clementine and then adopted by Lady Ralfrieda.”

“They won’t.” Rozemyne answered, then she told Ferdinand about the initial plan for her family towards Trauerqual’s next marriage until Magdalena interfered. “My grandmother is very worried because Magdalena will become a flawed lady and help nothing, and my retainers outright said that they don’t want Magdalena to be my baptism mother. But the problem is actually more than that. Magdalena would aim to be a third wife, but then with Ralfrieda being demoted, Aunt Clementine will be the first wife.”

“That’s… even worse than the last time.” Ferdinand frowned, “When I found that the Third Queen took you and Lady Clementine to Hauletzte, I thought that you may be a boy so that the Third Queen would have to evacuate you to avoid being attacked by Ralfrieda’s faction. But now… like mother like son, really stupid.”

“Maybe it was not her…” Rozemyne murmured. “It could be spies from Werkestock.”

“Lady Clementine will have Jossbrenner and Hauletzte’s backing; it would not be bad for you.”

“Please, she is not trained nor prepared for this. Aunt Clementine is the one who proposes to be demoted to welcome another first wife. She really could not hold against the pressure from Klassenberg, and this will also put my baby sister in danger later. My grandmother thought about that, too. So she planned to have a tea party with your grandmother tomorrow to find out a way to cancel the Bride Task.” Rozemyne protested

“Don’t ever think about that, no way Dunkelfelger can cancel the results of the Bride Task, or else the results of my Ditter would also be cancelled.” Ferdinand scoffed, “The only way is to use this chance to pursue Magdalena to be the First Wife.”

“Well, my grandmother planned to use this chance to reveal my presence to Dunkelfelger and ask for more guard knights for my protection.” Rozemyne timidly admitted, “I also slipped some of my songs and my honeyed pound cake so that you could know my whereabouts, in case you could not receive my message via Ordoschnelli.”

Ferdinand smirked, “The songs would be a fine gift for my grandmother, indeed. At least you’ve prepared a backup plan. Not bad, not bad at all.”

Finally, some compliments from him, hehehe. “But again, your aunt is very troublesome. She messed up all our plans, you know.”

“I am not considering her my aunt,” Ferdinand scoffed. “She will soon to be married out.”

“Just reject all you want, but from now on, every time they talk about you, they will call you ‘Lady Magdalena’s nephew’.” Rozemyne curved her palm and posed a cat paw gesture.

“Stop that weird act of yours.”


“How unladylike…”

It was nice to talk casually with Ferdinand like this, without holding back or being restrained. It felt like when they were still in Ehrenfest and Alexandria before. But then, an idea seemed to spark in Rozemyne's mind.

"I suddenly got an idea. The original plan is for me to be baptised under Uncle Trauerqual with his new first wife so that I could have better backing than his own children. But what is better than being my own pedigree?”

Just like in Ehrenfest, the true backing that gave her the best political support was being a Leisegang princess, a child of Kardstedt and Elvira, not being Sylvester’s adopted daughter.

“What if I was baptised as my father Waldifried's daughter instead, and then adopted by Uncle Trauerqual? This would allow me to avoid being baptised by any of his wives and still have my grandmother as my guardian, just like I have you as my guardian in Ehrenfest." Rozemyne beamed.

Ferdinand was astounded at her words. He must have thought this idea was ridiculous.

“If I am to be baptised under Uncle Trauerqual, there must be one of his wives to stand up as my baptism mother, and we cannot choose the best candidate right now. But if it was only for adoption, then only Uncle Trauerqual was needed for the adoption contract.”

“Usually, adoption also needs both father and mother, just because Sylvester only had one wife at that time, and also the urgency required, there is no need for Florencia to sign up for the adoption contract because as the only wife of Sylvester, she automatically becomes your adopted mother.”

“Yeah, that’s why until the end, she still called me Sylvester’s adopted daughter only.” Rozemyne replied as seeing Ferdinand’s eyes widened in realisation. “I believe there is a way to baptise a child without their blood parent. I mean, Philine was also baptised when her mother was already deceased.”

“Philine still has her father, and her father is alive with the ability to prove his marital connection to his deceased wife and also, the blood relationship with Philine herself. You have to prove both connections through the magical test if you want to be baptised under either mother or father alone, or else you would become an illegitimate child like me.”

“What kind of test?”

“A magical test for a relationship would be similar to the mana matching ceremony. We need to push the mana of the pair who need to test the connection, and in the case one of them is dead, it would be testing with their remaining, their feystone.” Ferdinand explained, “Do Hauchletzte or Trauerqual possess your parents’ stone now?”

“I don’t know. But my mother's engagement stone is here with me. My nanny told me that my father left it for me to play.”

“Maybe that Waldifried was not so trustworthy as everyone praised him…” Ferdinand pinched his nose bridge, “Let a 2-year-old child play with the engagement stone... whatever, just ask your family first about your parents’ feystone. The engagement stone would still work. In the worst-case scenario, you could check with the supply registration stone. I believe Waldifried’s registration stone would still be in the Sovereignty supply room.”

“I know it could work!” Rozemyne beamed, “I will tell this idea to grandmother immediately. Hauchletzte has already started to prepare for my baptism.”

“Oh? Then tell your grandparents not to let you perform your winter debut at the Royal Academy!”


It was then that Ferdinand told me about the recent 'unofficial royal decree' from the Fourth Prince: all royal children would debut at the Graduation Ceremony instead of the Spring Conference, as none was held during the feud. According to Ferdinand, this was mainly an attack on her due to her sensitive identity.

Rozemyne thought differently.

“But won't this plan fail once I am baptised with my original identity?” She asked. “There is no way the Fourth Prince’s faction doesn't have any spies in Hauchletzte and Gilessenmeyer. Once I get baptised, everyone will know. Wouldn't it be better if we made it public instead?”

“It seems like you are not hearing at all. Your existence became a public secret already, but many still cannot identify your gender. The key to this plan is to force the Third Queen and Trauerqual to decide: whether to baptise you as Hauchletzte’s archduke candidate and lose the chance to be back to the Royal Family or being baptised as Royal but many harms follow.” Ferdinand analysed, “If you came to the Royal Academy for your debut, then you would have an excuse to be put higher than Sigiswald, the eldest son of Fourth Prince, and maybe even Anastasius. The mother duchies of those princes would try to eliminate you or force you to marry one of them. Furthermore, visiting the Royal Academy would allow a chance for assassination. The best scenario would be just let you be baptised as Princess but not debut in the Royal Academy. You would be deemed flawed according to the Fourth Prince’s faction, but it was fine because you could still make many credits later.”

“But you also said that the Decree is unofficial and makes no sense!”

“That is the truth, but it doesn’t mean everyone would believe in that truth!”

Rozemyne thought for a while, but she was still firm with her idea. “I still think differently! I need everyone to witness the blood test… I mean, the mana test results show that I am indeed Waldifried’s and Roseliese’s child. Only that no one could dare to suspect my lineage and use this to attack me later.”

“Who else would dare to suspect it? The results would be recorded and sent to every Aub during Spring Conference later. That’s why Sigiswald, Anastasius, and Eglantine were able to be baptised and debut last weave. ”

“In my old world, all kinds of documents could be forged, so there are many cases that even with official test results, people would use it against some children born out of wedlock to prevent them from inheriting the family heirloom.” Rozemyne explained, “Eglantine was recognized because her maternal grandparents are from Klassenberg, and she revealed her true lineage when Klassenberg was at the peak of power. Even if her lineage is fake, with Klassenberg, she is still a prime candidate for Queen, that’s why Uncle accepted that marriage request. Mine is from Hauchletzte, and with no winning-losing side, I don’t have that backing like her. If they wanted to blame any weakness on me, this is the best one.”

“Politically wise, you’re right! But the chance of being assassinated is too high!”

“That’s why the Dunkelfelger knights would be perfectly essential!”

Ferdinand sighed, “If my grandparents reveal this to me, I will try to persuade them to increase the level of the sending knights.” Then he opened a chilly smile, “By the time you are baptised, Magdalena would be married into your family already. Tell your ‘uncle’ to assign Magdalena as your knight. She would be a perfect meat shield for you.”

“You still hold a grudge against her, right?”

“It was the most efficient solution, after all. If she died, then your uncle could marry another First Wife from Drewanchel!” He grinned. “We can be saved from worrying about another stupid child that allows Lanzenave’s army to get a schtappe illegally.”

May your soul be blessed, Magdalena… And to think he still considered Hildebrand a threat, well, this time I would help to educate Hildebrand properly.

“So it would be decided now that I will present this idea to my grandparents. Do you think I can trade my recipes to Dunkelfelger for more knights? I still cannot make too many sweets due to the lack of sugar. But savoury dishes are fine. This is my only trend now.”

“No paper and printing? No woven hairpin and Rinsham? Is Hauchletzte lacking in any kind of resources?”

“It’s not. It's just… I want to keep this for Ehrenfest. The Plant Paper industry is for Ilgner and Printing industry in Haldenzel. And the flower hairpin, I still want to keep it for Tuuli.”

“Rozemyne.” Ferdinand looked straight into my eyes, “I can guess that you want to prioritise Ehrenfest with those industries, but this is not yet a time. Veronica is still in power, and with Adelbert living longer, which means Sylvester would hold very little power to support those industries. Dunkelfelger patronage is only enough to back Haldenzel and protect Elvira to prevent Trudeliede from getting power and Nikolaus being Linkberg heir in the future.”

“Nikolaus is not a bad child.”

“That is because Veronica fell down when he was just four years old, Trudeliede’s backing was lost, then she got imprisoned when he was nine. Nothing could ensure Nikolaus being the same as last weave if Veronica and Trudeliede keep poisoning his mind and thinking. It would also apply to Wilfried. Veronica would try her best to push Wilfried for Aub and Nikolaus for claiming Linkberg. Adelbert would do nothing to prevent it, as to him, it means more power to protect Veronica.”

Rozemyne paled at Ferdinand’s claims. As much as she wanted to oppose, she could not find any suitable reason to talk back, especially when Ferdinand reminded her about Wilfried. Wilfried in the last weave nearly failed his debut, and even after that, just one meeting with Veronica already made him believe that she and Ferdinand were bad guys. Trudeliede was the one suspected to murder Eckhart’s family, leaving only Eckhart alive. Rozemyne didn’t want to accuse an innocent child like Nikolaus, but she also didn’t want Elvira and other people from Linkberg to be harmed by Trudeliede.

“Don’t expect anything from Bonifatius. Adelbert is alive, Bonifatius would support him wholeheartedly. We have so much power to do whatever we want because Sylvester trusted everything on us. Right now, all Sylvester's retainers are Veronica's followers and Adelbert’s retainers. Rihyarda is the trusted servant of the archducal family, which means she followed Adelbert’s order, not Sylvester's. The only follower Sylvester has now is Kardstedt and he is still in spring with Rosemary.”

“Then my old retainers…”

Ferdinand's voice became colder. “Your position now is also different. Without proper reason, you cannot just give any industry to Ehrenfest because every other duchy would unite to tear Ehrenfest apart, not to mention that all the profit will go straight to Adelbert and Veronica. You also could not hire any from Ehrenfest unless they are exceptional enough to become a Sovereignty noble. Even I have to use the Ditter to make ways for my old retainers to come to Dunkelfelger.”

It made Rozemyne nearly in tears. She had heard about how harsh the conditions for any noble to become a Sovereignty noble from Michelle and Desdemona. The priorities would be given to archnobles, especially for low-ranked duchies like Ehrenfest. This also meant she could not collect her lay- and med-retainers from Ehrenfest. Grandmother Kreszentia loved her, but she was also very strict in ranking and status, and her three retainers were over-paranoid.

“Don’t be so upset. Most of them still attend the Royal Academy at the same time with you. You could try to make some scenes to let them express their talents. As long as it is unique enough, you could still get them. However, prepare your heart that they would face hardship in Sovereignty.”

“All my beloved retainers are excellent. They would definitely pass with flying colours!” Rozemyne pouted.

“Of course, because I trained most of them.”

“Just initially. Later on, their excellence was my work!”

“Your namesworn might have gained memories like mine. So… maybe you could challenge me to a Ditter to show off their skills!”

Gasp… “Ferdinand! You have been corrupted by Dunkelfelger!”

“I am not!” Ferdinand shrugged, “It is the most efficient way after all!”

Geez… “No thank you! I will never ever play Ditter again, and don’t ever expect me to play Ditter against the Lord of Evil.”

A normal Lord of Evil is OP enough. This reincarnated Lord of Evil even got an additional power boost; I would never win against such a top-server cheater!

Ferdinand just chuckled at Rozemyne’s comments, then he continued the previous topic.

“You should continue with your Paper and Printing Industry. I believe there will be enough resources in Drewanchel. Just remember to prepare all the closed contracts to prevent them from being stolen by Hauchletzte. It should be your trend, and if you want to give it to Hauchletzte, payment from them to you is required. You better make it seem like you are the one holding the power behind it and that it is you who gifted the industry to Hauchletzte for their support.”

“If you say so… then just wait for the news.” Rozemyne puffed her chest a little, “Dunkelfelger should start preparing money to get recipes and new trends from me.”

“Then I will be waiting for the mercy of the Merchant Saint!”


Rozemyne hugged Ferdinand tightly one last time before they parted. She had a lot of things to talk about with him, but Ferdinand still needed to rest for another tea party tomorrow. She felt a little guilty as she was the one who put him in this difficult situation.

Before leaving the dream, Rozemyne expressed her appreciation to Ordoschnelli and Schaflaum first for letting her meet Ferdinand again. She then prayed to Schutzaria to protect all the people she cared for; to Unheilschneide to cut off evils following her family and her loved ones; to Glucklitat to help everyone overcome the hardship of the feud; to Verdraos to help everyone fight against the Fourth Prince and Werkestock; to Dauerleben for everyone’s longevity.

Rozemyne also sent her prayers to Flutrane to help wash away poison in Seradina’s body and Verdrenna to wake Seradina up. It was a little off, but she also sent some of her prayers to the Goddess of Earth - Geduldh. Well, Geduldh was a mother already, maybe she would understand maternal love so that she could negotiate with her ‘yandere husband’ to not take Ferdinand’s mother away.

Feeling satisfied, Rozemyne fell into a very restful sleep and woke up full of spirit the next morning.

Little did she know, another rain of blessings would fall down in both the Royal Academy and Dunkelfeger castle, and her cheeks would soon be pinched once again.



I am stuck between writing too much because Ferdie POV is too hard to write. Finally, I decide to write all in Roz POV and cut part of this transfer to Celestine POV later. Best solution ever, praise to be the Grammaratur!!!

Celestine: I told you no more weird blessing!
Ferdinand: It is really not my doing, grandmother. *murmured* Just wait, you little gremlin!

Chapter 25: Short Story 1 - Ferdinand POV


The last chapter about reunion was initially for both Rozemyne and Ferdinand POV, but writing Ferdie's POV was so difficult and I got stuck, so I cut most of it and combine to be Roz POV only.

Some of Ferdie POV is actually nice, so I decided to make it a short story instead and not throw it away.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ferdinand woke up, feeling grateful for the circle from the God that had helped him reunite with Rozemyne again. He had regained their bond last night, and it felt as though a heavy rock that had always been located in his heart had disappeared.

He had always feared that Rozemyne might change her decision after the reweave. Although she had chosen him last time, it was also because she had become deeply involved in noble society, and her appearance would inevitably bring many troubles to hide it. Furthermore, she had always desired to have her own family, to have her own children, and Starbinding with him was the last resort.

But as Ferdinand had explained to her, a different beginning could lead to different outcomes. Her family was now leading a better life, and they also knew a way to deal with Devouring symptoms if the mana level was low.

This meant that if they found out Myne was a Devouring when she was born, they could find a resource by themselves to get rid of the excess mana. Myne would never need to compress even after regaining the memory of her dream world. She wouldn’t need to step into noble society anymore, and Ferdinand believed that between him and her downtown family, she would choose them over him.

To be honest, when she said that she would stay with him, even though just to control his lifestyle, Ferdinand was still worried that the reason behind it was because she was born noble this time. But she was really determined to gain wisdom now.

So you plan for us to be Zent this time?

It was not “I and you”, but “us”.

“Us” huh? That was quite a nice word.

Rozemyne always underestimated her own power. Her continuous rampage was indeed troublesome, but the influence afterward was incredibly immeasurable.

With her being Zent, she would try her best to make “a library country” like she wanted. She would need a proper partner that could deal with all political and underground dirty stuff, of course, that partner would need to be able to hold her reins.

Without me, who could take care of your life? Who could ensure you eat and sleep well? You will overwork yourself and create a bunch of enemies due to your insensitivity and your pettiness!

Ferdinand smirked, likewise, without him, who could hold her reins and lay the groundwork for every rampage of hers?

If you say so, not trying to be together with Geduldh would be a big mistake of Ewigeliebe, right?

Ferdinand carefully evaluated his potential opponents.

Klassenberg had a son from a second wife, he remembered. That boy was not worthy of caring for. Eglantine was a different problem. She was the most suitable meat shield, but she was so useless. Two years, with all the potential political support, yet she still failed. If he and Rozemyne got the Book of Mestionora, Klassenberg would try to push for Eglantine to be his second wife. In the worst case, they could try to force Eglantine to seek the Book and back her to be Zent. Among all the royal candidates, Eglantine was the most dangerous threat due to being born with all-attribute and having Klassenberg backing.

If Klassenberg was so proud of Eglantine’s pedigree, then maybe it wouldn’t mind having her as the archduch*ess.

Drewanchel had many adopted male candidates, but with Adolphine and maybe Ortwin later as potential Zent candidates, as long as Ferdinand beat them academically and gave them appropriate benefits, it would be fine. The only problem that might arise is similar to Eglantine; they might push for Adolphine to be his second wife or Ortwin to be Rozemyne's second husband. Drewanchel was cunning but not too difficult to deal with; at least Ferdinand was confident that he could still negotiate with them.

Ahrensbach and Werkestock were like the hidden Gewinnen pieces. Georgine’s son was also in the same age range. If he died just like in the last weave, it would be for the best, but things could change. With Dunkelfelger being neutral, Ahrensbach would not be brave enough to stand on their own. A less hostile neutral greater duchy with an open Border Gate would be a perfect alliance for marriage.

Justus told him that he once tried to direct Georgine’s anger towards Adelbert and Veronica before she was married off. According to Justus' report, Georgine didn’t practice force namesworn within Veronica's faction but rather tried to recruit Leisegang instead with the offer for a second husband. That action had stepped on Adelbert’s landmine, so he still sent her away.

Another difference in this weave was that Georgine also didn’t poison Sylvester. However, the hidden Georginian left in Ehrenfest continuously spread bad news about Sylvester while whispering wicked words into his ear, making Sylvester the most flawed candidate ever in the Royal Academy. It was only until Sylvester received Honor rewards that some of the bad reputation was alleviated, but his reputation was still completely tarnished. Aub Frenbeltag married Florencia into Ehrenfest hoping that Ehrenfest could become a puppet under his duchy. It's just that he underestimated the power of Veronica inside Ehrenfest.

All of Georgine’s attacks in this weave leaned more towards political rather than insanity attacks, and Ferdinand actually wasn’t offended by that type of attacks. Luckily, Sylvester seemed to head for Anhaltung and start working against Veronica. As long as Georgine didn’t try to shake hands with Raublut and Lanzenave, maybe it would not be so bad to let her son be Aub Ahrensbach. Hopefully, it could placate Georgine’s power thirst and leave Ehrenfest alone.

As for Werkestock, their archducal family was very large and not lacking any male candidates. They also backed two princes and had one more hidden royal child. That second son of Bosekalt would be another nuisance, and who knew what he might do just to be the heir. Thinking about the silent but vicious Second Queen and the violent tyrant Bosekalt, Ferdinand really hoped they would make some foolish moves so that he could find an excuse to remove them.

The last but biggest problem was Dunkelfelger. For all its goodness, Dunkelfelger was like a double-edged sword. According to Rozemyne, the Third Queen and Trauerqual really wanted to push her to be heir, which meant they would need to find a proper consort for her very early, and they would look for a candidate from the great duchies. The priority would be Drewanchel, but Dunkelfelger also had Lestilaut. This half-brother of Ferdinand was the most dangerous opponent now. In this weave, he was only a son of the second wife, so marrying him away for political reasons was absolutely normal.

The best way to remove Lestilaut from being chosen as a potential consort was either Ferdinand being too bad to be Dunkelfelger's heir or being too excellent that the weakened Royal Family could not ignore him, just like last time they tried to claw their hand at Rozemyne. After suffering for many years without Grutrissheit, he bet the Royal Family would ignore a candidate that had both Royal blood and was at the forefront of finding Grutrissheit for them.

Indeed, Ferdinand thought, being adopted by the Royal Family might not be such a bad option after all.

Ferdinand closed his eyes and added one more compression level. With the new method of the ancient Zent from Dunkelfeger, Ferdinand could add one more level to the current 4-step Rozemyne compression method. He tried and could only add 1 more level. Next time they meet, he would share this new method with Rozemyne to see if she could find a way to combine them all to make it an 8-level method.

As long as he could balance her mana while the others could not, all the plans for second marriage partner would be useless.

There was another plan of his, but it must wait until Rozemyne determined her attributes. Since their mana color seemed not to change, there was a high chance that she was still an omni-color. If so, Ferdinand didn’t need to push for keeping the schtappe acquisition age in the old curriculum. Those arrogant princes would be free to get their schtappe as early as possible if they wanted. After all, they needed to get hurt before they understood the serious consequences of their stupidity. Getting schtappe in Year 1 before performing the blessing acquisition would eliminate all the threats from the Royal Princes, making him, Rozemyne, Eglantine, and maybe the hidden child of Werkestock the only potential Zent candidates.

And to eliminate those other two, all Ferdinand needed to do was find an opportunity to show that he and Rozemyne outranked them in mana. Tying them with the mana rope during the Ditter of Interduchy Tournament seemed to be a fine chance.


Before coming to the Dunkelfeger tearoom, his grandparents checked with him again, and Grandmother Celestine smiled.

“Ferdinand, I will temporarily believe that those blessings yesterday were not your fault. That’s why, I hope that in today's tea party, no more weird blessings will occur. Understood, child?”

To think that he would receive this kind of warning instead of Rozemyne. Her blessing rampage was indeed useful for his plan to elevate himself, but also problematic with his grandparents.

Well, Rozemyne already knew that her actions caused problems, today she won’t do that anymore.

“Yes, grandmother.”

But Ferdinand spoke too soon.

When another 7-colour blessing rained down on him, all Ferdinand could do was keep his noble smile while glancing at his grandparents.

Grandfather's mouth widened in shock while Grandmother smiled chilly, and their eyes screamed out loud ‘I told you that no more weird blessings!’

When Prince Bosekalt stomped forward to interrogate him about why none of those blessings fell on him, Ferdinand really considered if he could try faking being unconscious like Rozemyne before.

You little gremlin! You really haven’t learned any lessons at all, right?



Ferdie planned to eliminate all the potential threats before the race started.

He also hoped that Georgine would be fine for her son to be Aub. He would never expect that Georgine won't stop if she knew a way to conquer Ehrenfest.

Roz shenanigan make Ferdie really want to cosplay "weak archduke candidate" in front of those Royal.

Chapter 26: Celestine - Mutual interest


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The excessive blessings from the Gods posed a problem, a thought Celestine never imagined having.

For some reason, when her grandson visited the Royal Academy, numerous peculiar blessings rained down upon him.

Today's blessings were technically a bit off, focusing on Ferdinand, yet many others seemed to share some light blue and black blessings in them. However, she noticed that apart from Dunkelfelger, most people were from the Fifth Prince faction, focusing on the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual, except for Klassenberg.

What could this signify exactly?

With this strange phenomenon, no one believed that Dunkelfelger would remain neutral. Celestine really wanted to believe that her grandson wasn’t the one behind these blessings, as it contradicted all of his actions so far.

Her husband and son had to rush forward to shield Ferdinand from the Fourth Prince. For a Royal Prince, he was too emotionally immature and inconsiderate. It truly frightened her that the Prince was prepared to strike a 7-year-old child like her grandson. Only when Second Queen Theresa raised her voice and demanded Prince Bosekalt to calm down did his interrogation cease.

Celestine thought she was adept at evaluating people, yet it seemed she misjudged the Second Queen. She noticed that Queen Theresa allowed her son to freely throw tantrums as he pleased, using the opportunity to assess everyone's reactions until she deemed it enough.

Queen Theresa had always appeared wise and politically astute, unlike her deceased predecessor. The First Queen, despite her elegance and proficiency in the arts, lacked the charisma to attract people and was rather soft in politics while being born a Princess. If not for Queen Theresa’s two unsuitable and unbearable sons, Celestine wondered if Zent would think differently about the heir position.

With Queen Theresa as the true adversary, things would prove quite difficult for Dunkelfelger to navigate and set up the relay Zent afterward.

When everyone settled again, Queen Theresa resumed the conversation about the blessings falling upon Ferdinand yesterday, and she also inquired about the recent unusual displays of blessings.

When questioned, Ferdinand simply smiled. "Besides continuously praying to God to protect Dunkelfelger and praying to Heischmeiz to help my mother overcome trials, I've done nothing."

"Continuously praying?"

"I prayed continuously for a year, even when I was in Dunkelfelger. It just... perhaps the Royal Academy was a bit different. I felt like God really listened to me."

To think that her logical grandson believed in unrealistic thing as the God listening to his pray, Celestine nearly lost her noble appearance.

"Just that?"

"Yes, just that!" Ferdinand still smiled.

Once again, she knew her grandson well enough to guess from his smile. Ferdinand definitely knew part of the reason why those blessings kept falling upon him.

If only Dunkelfelgerians were present, Celestine would have thrown her teacup at the boy. She felt proud of his skill in maintaining a noble facade, but now it was truly annoying.

Ferdinand expertly navigated all the verbal attacks about the blessings and the "secret spear" he used in the Ditter, impressing everyone. Another strange thing about him.

Indeed, Celestine had already begun arranging lessons for Ferdinand in political discussion and socialisation since his baptism. Yet, she distinctly remembered those lessons not having reached that far.

If he dared to claim he learned all of this just from reading books in the castle library, she would definitely throw a cup at him.

Suddenly, an attendant delivered a note to Dominic - Wencelaus’ head scholar. It seemed like a letter from Dunkelfelger. After screening the letter, Dominic immediately stepped up to give it to Wenceslaus.

It was a rare occurrence for a scholar to interrupt the serene atmosphere of the tea party at the royal court. The arrival of urgent news from Dunkelfelger was met with raised eyebrows and hushed whispers among the attendees. Celestine, ever observant, noted the unusual break in protocol. It was unlikely for Dominic to allow such an interruption, as it was considered quite rude. However, she knew Dominic well enough to understand that there must be something of great importance for him to make an exception.

A sense of worry gnawed at Celestine as she wondered if there was trouble brewing back home. She watched intently as Wencelaus, the designated reader of the news, perused the message with a mix of amusem*nt and surprise. His laughter filled the room, drawing curious gazes from the other nobles gathered for the tea party.

After composing himself, Wencelaus rose from his seat and addressed Werdekraf and Ferdinand, excusing them from the gathering. His declaration rang out with certainty as he confirmed the truth of Ferdinand's words. A blessing had indeed fallen upon Dunkelfelger castle, and Seradina, her daughter-in-law, had awakened.

The news sent shockwaves through the room, with Prince Bosekalt expressing skepticism and demanding proof. Seizing the opportunity, Celestine stood up and recounted the unfortunate incident involving Seradina, highlighting the need for a thorough investigation. She appealed to the Fourth Prince to lend aid in uncovering the truth behind the poisoning of Prince Waldifried's First Wife and future First Lady of Dunkelfelger.

Queen Theresa intervened, wisely defusing the tension and preventing further escalation. As the highest-ranking individual present, she decided to dismiss the tea party and allow Ferdinand to return to Dunkelfelger. Celestine breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the resolution but wary of the challenges ahead.

The revelation of Seradina's awakening brought a sense of relief, but Celestine couldn't shake off the lingering doubts. She couldn't be certain if the blessing upon Dunkelfelger was true, but she trusted her instincts enough to know that Ferdinand's prolonged stay at the Royal Academy might not be ideal. Reports from Justus hinted that during Ferdinand’s time here, his mana was quite unpredictable.

As the other Dunkelfelger members began to depart, Celestine remained behind with Wencelaus. Aub Ahrensbach sought a meeting with him, while Celestine found herself engaged in a tea party with Third Queen Kreszentia. Though reluctant, she recognized the importance of the occasion, especially regarding the marriage arrangements for Magdalena. She made a mental note to extend an invitation to the Second Queen afterward, ensuring transparency and dispelling any rumours of hidden alliances with Prince Trauerqual.

The tea party with Third Queen Kreszentia had commenced, presenting an opportunity for leisurely conversation. As delicate porcelain cups were filled with fragrant tea, the gentle murmur of polite chatter filled the air.

Celestine found herself captivated by the new treat presented by Kreszentia—a honeyed raisin pound cake. Its appearance resembled that of a slice of pie without the crust, and with each bite, it offered a sensation akin to floating among the clouds. The taste was a delightful blend of familiar honey sweetness from Klassenberg, with a pleasant chewiness from the Dunkelfelger dried Rohre mixed in. The heavenly aroma filled the room, wrapping everyone in a warm embrace of comfort and satisfaction. It was a simple pleasure, not overly sweet, yet every bite brought immense joy.

"Is this a new creation from Hauchletzte?" Celestine inquired.

"It's indeed a fresh recipe, but not from Hauchletzte," Kreszentia replied with a proud smile. "I can only say that this recipe will be up for trade once Gebordnung returns to the Garden of Erwaermen. And there are countless flavours available for this pound cake. You could opt for the traditional version and customise it yourself, or indulge in all 22 unique flavours that have been crafted so far."

"Twenty-two flavours?" Celestine exclaimed, intrigued. "You're quite the tease, old friend! I'd love to learn more about the mastermind behind this delectable creation."

"Well, all will be revealed once our meeting concludes!" Kreszentia teased, leaving Celestine eagerly anticipating the discussion ahead.

Then, an unseen barrier of sound-blocking magic was erected, shielding the conversation from prying ears. With this protective measure in place, the true discussion could unfold without fear of eavesdropping or interference. Once the privacy of the enchanted barrier was secured, the atmosphere shifted subtly, signalling the commencement of a more candid exchange.

“I believe you could guess the true meaning of this meeting,” Kreszentia remarked, her tone measured yet revealing a hint of concern.

“Oh, if you were about to ask for any extra preparation for Geduldh when the Jugereise dance, we would love to hear the reason and hope to have a fair trade to not delay Sterrat,” Celestine responded calmly

Dunkelfelger has announced that, aside from political support and military power, Magdalena will retain her dowry befitting a Royal Bride. If Kreszentia and Prince Trauerqual desired additional benefits, they needed to propose an appropriate reason and benefits for Dunkelfelger.

Kreszentia's subtle frown at the mention of the Goddess of Earth did not go unnoticed by Celestine, sparking a wave of concern inside her regarding Prince Trauerqual's motives.

"No, it's not about delaying Sterrat, but rather to implore the Supreme couple to instruct Gebordnung to cease the antics of Liebekhilfe," Kreszentia explained, her voice tinged with apprehension. "The realm of Fire is vastly different, and I fear that the passion of Brenwarmmen may not align with Erwachlehren's pursuit of Flutrane."

The mention of cancelling the Bride Task sent a shiver down Celestine's spine. This was absolutely impossible for Dunkelfelger.

But... Flutrane? Does Prince Trauerqual seek to usher in new changes within his faction? And if Magdalena is deemed no longer useful to him, will he discard her after exploiting her potential?

"The fire of Brenwarmmen cannot ignite without the Lord's involvement," Celestine added, her voice firm. "And despite their differences, Erwachlehren remains subservient to Fire."

As her Erwachlehren and her courting partner, didn’t Prince Trauerqual also bear some responsibility in this relationship? After all, it was the Prince who had accepted the Bride Task and also agreed to the Ditter later. Pushing all the responsibilities onto the lady's side was undoubtedly ungentlemanly behaviour.

"Erwachlehren is merely a subordinate god," Kreszentia frowned a little. "To wield the power of Gebordnung, he requires the support of one of the Seven."

Of course, this was why Prince Trauerqual had agreed to Magdalena's proposal.

Her education to become the Third Queen during childhood in Klassenberg and the training to become First Lady in Dunkelfelger later had equipped Celestine with the knowledge that only the Treasure Ditter was recognized by the Royal Family for dealing with big conflicts between duchies, especially if one of the party was Dunkelfelger. Other types of Ditter, such as Bride Taking, Bride Stealing, and even the Bride Task, were Dunkelfelger traditions that were rarely known by other duchies and could not be easily imposed without consent of both parties.

However, Celestine understood that sometimes, Dunkelfelger men, especially knights and apprentices, were swept up in these traditions without proper instruction. It was then that a lady from an archducal family or the highest-status lady in Dunkelfelger at the Royal Academy had to step in as Verfuhremeer to calm the situation and act as Anhaltung to give other duchies a proper understanding of Dunkelfelger culture.

While exploiting weaknesses through Ditter may seem like a strategic move, it could also lead to many grudges from other duchies, and even become a political feud if the opponent is another great duchy or the Royal Family.

She wasn't sure whether Prince Trauerqual knew about the Bride Task beforehand, but when he accepted it and signed the contract, it was a confirmation. Unless Magdalena had misled him with false information, which she doubted, given her daughter's pride.

"The God of Darkness allows Leidenschaft to nurture life, not to fight Ewigeliebe," Celestine interjected, her tone firm.

"We didn't expect Leidenschaft to wield his spear for Erwachlehren. Instead, we hoped that Leidenschaft would seek Anhaltung and Gebordung to keep Angriff at bay. Initially, we sought Flutrane's aid to help us thaw the ice and be crowned with the support of her subordinate."

They didn't plan to lure Dunkelfelger to their side? Really?

Kreszentia continued, "Jugereise has danced for a daughter in the land of Mestionora with the permission of its protector this autumn. It was only because of the excessive heat from Brenwarmen that changed our plan, and we were advised to pass Glucklitat’s trial with the Lady of Fire."

So, their planned marriage partner was Drewanchel. It made more sense to Celestine now. But to think that Drewanchel would agree for their lady to be the Third Wife...


Celestine immediately reconsidered all the actions of Magdalena during the negotiation with Ferdinand before. She knew Kreszentia; her old friend might not be excellent at dealing with scheming, but she was very decisive and sensitive when it came to her son’s benefit and was one of the strictest in the country that Celestine ever met in the matters of status and order.

The backing of Klassenberg was due to there being no other Royal candidate to deal with Prince Bosekalt. Similarly, Drewanchel supported Prince Trauerqual because their Lady was the First Wife of Prince Waldifried. To sum up, Prince Trauerqual had no certain backing from greater duchies, while Prince Bosekalt was at least of the blood of Werkestock.

In this case, a marriage alliance for the Third Wife position was absolutely nonsense. Because a future Third Queen actually didn’t help much in politics, except for acquiring intelligence. That’s why, unless it was in a dire situation such as no strong marriage connection existed, Klassenberg would send a daughter of a third wife - either true blood or illegitimate - to get that position.

Which also meant, it was her own daughter Magdalena's decision to hold the Holy Grails of the Earth instead of wearing the Crown of Light.

Celestine really wanted to turn back to Dunkelfelger and use all of her teacups to throw at Magdalena at this moment, but she held herself back and requested confirmation.

“I heard that the two goddesses of Prince Trauerqual are all admirable for supporting him,” she praised, using the words Magdalena had used before, “that make the lady of Fire even has to lower herself so that she won’t be deemed as Chaocipher’s follower that disrupts Gebordnung in his family.”

Her old friend Kreszentia took a sudden breath in shock. It was more than enough to answer the question that Celestine wanted to know. She used to cling to the hope that the fault lay on Prince Trauerqual's side while her daughter was just too naive and still in summer.

Where has my education gone wrong? Eberhard, Werdekraf and Ferdinand are all nor… ok, Ferdinand is a little abnormal compared to his father and his uncle, but his sense is still totally fine.

“There is no such thing as disrupting Gebordnung, as her blessing had been granted in my son's house,” Kreszentia regained her focus and spoke. “We all knew that my son needs a ‘proper’ Goddess of Light to help him don the Dark Cloak. Just like you said, Erwachlehren was the kin of Fire, not Dark.” Then she smiled, “Geduldh must be heartbroken to be pushed away from the domain of Earth, and I trust the wisdom of the Supreme Couple to not give her away to a subordinate like Erwachlehren.”

To sum up, all Kreszentia suggested was that Dunkelfelger cancel the Bride Task, let Magdalena find another man to be treated as Geduldh as she wanted, and let Trauerqual find a better First Wife to level him up for the competition to Zenthood.

There is no such thing as easy as you want .

Celestine responded evenly. “As much as the Supreme Couple treasured their daughter, the marriage between Geduldh and Ewigeliebe had been approved and witnessed by all the Gods. It is Ewigeliebe’s choice to either crown or encase her during Winter.”

Well, once she is married, it is your choice to treat her as you want. Whether she becomes Trauerqual’s first wife or third wife would not be Dunkelfelger’s problem anymore. Dunkelfelger has promised that all proper dowry would be prepared for Magdalena, and that is all.

Kreszentia fell into a thoughtful silence, prompting Celestine to gesture for a tea change. Suddenly, Kreszentia raised her hand and instructed her attendants to turn their faces to the wall. Intrigued by her friend's determination, Celestine followed suit, ushering in a new conversation.

"As fellow grandmothers, I trust you understand my desire to protect and ensure the best education for our grandchildren. That's why I cannot accept your daughter as my son's new bride," Kreszentia began.

"Are you implying that my daughter would heed the whispers of Chaocipher and seek to harm your grandchildren from the Gilesenmeyerian Lady or your niece?" Celestine's voice hinted at a touch of anger.

"Mestionora is shielded from Ewigeliebe's influence, thanks to the protection of the Supreme Couple and their subordinates," Kreszentia explained. "Unfortunately, your daughter would bring no blessings other than Efflorelume and Brenwarmen if she were to become Geduldh."

"That's an insult to the Princess of Fire, Your Majesty! I firmly believe my daughter possesses more blessings from the land of Fire, including Erwachlehren. Ultimately, it is up to Ewigeliebe whether she receives the crown or not," Celestine countered.

"Mestionora can hide from Ewigeliebe because she received the colours bestowed upon her by the King of the Night and the Queen of the Day," Kreszentia elaborated.

Kreszentia’s continuous use of euphemism under this absolute secrecy setting aroused Celestine's suspicion, prompting her to delve deeper into the matter. The mention of Mestionora triggered a realisation in Celestine's mind.

Mestionora… the colour granted from the Supreme Couple…

The hidden child from Prince Waldifried!

Why entrust Dunkelfelger with such information if she has been so careful with Grammaratur so far? Celestine wondered silently.

"The actions of Leidenschaft in honouring Gebordnung led Verbergen to believe his veil could be lifted," Kreszentia explained with a smile, addressing Celestine's unspoken question. "A subordinate of Light failed to maintain Gebordnung, allowing Chaocipher to harm Geduldh's daughter. As a result, Wiegenmilch, Erwachlehren, and Verbergen intervened to protect little Mestionora. However, true protection will only come from the Supreme Couple once Mestionora receives the colours of her grandparents."

So, it seemed, a princess had been born from Prince Waldifried's third wife, and Gilessenmeyer's negligence had allowed rumours of her existence to spread. Even without Magdalena's proposal, the First Wife of Prince Trauerqual would likely face demotion for this oversight.

But the information Kreszentia shared wasn't particularly beneficial to Celestine at this moment. It was widely known that a hidden child of Prince Waldifried had survived, and Queen Theresa even suspected the child's gender. The reasons for rejecting Magdalena's proposal were clear-cut, but Prince Trauerqual still had another wife from Jossbrenner, who also happened to be Kreszentia's niece and received protection from Hauchletzte. Whether Magdalena or the other lady stood as the baptism mother of the hidden princess didn't matter much in the grand scheme — it was a family matter for Prince Trauerqual, not Dunkelfelger.

"Celestine, the Goddess of Light requires much assistance from Anhaltung to restore Gebordning to the Garden. A subordinate like Efflorelume lacks the power to gather such support or to take Mestionora under her wing. As for Geduldh, despite being one of the Seven, she lacks the subordinates to fulfil that role."

Round and round, Kreszentia's message boiled down to the fact that Magdalena had lost all her advantages, from home duchy backing to personal credits, rendering her unfit for the role of First Wife or baptism mother for the hidden princess. As for Prince Trauerqual's Second Wife, Kreszentia's use of Efflorelume indicated that the lady lacked the proper education and was unsuitable for ruling.

Celestine noticed Kreszentia consistently used the imagery of the Goddess of Light when referring to the future First Wife position of Prince Trauerqual, while Prince Trauerqual himself was relegated to the role of Erwachlehren—a subordinate. She also stressed the desire for Mestionora to receive protection solely from the Goddess of Light on multiple occasions.

It seemed Kreszentia cared deeply for this hidden princess.

"I'm surprised you would prioritise Mestionora over your own blood," Celestine remarked.

"We believe the highest seat should go to the one with the appropriate pedigree," Kreszentia replied.

Defining what constituted an appropriate pedigree in the current circ*mstances was challenging. Considering the father's lineage, the hidden princess would indeed have a higher lineage than any other member of the royal family. But when it came to the mother's lineage, there were more than one hidden royal child with better maternal backing. Their father was once a candidate for the Crown Prince seat, and they all received heir education, with their mothers hailing from greater duchies.

I wonder if Kreszentia knew about the likely existence of two more hidden royal children in Klassenberg and Werkestock.

"Let's abandon Grammaratur if you truly trust me and Dunkelfelger with this news of yours," Celestine suggested. "While I personally understand your reasoning and struggles, my final say remains the same. All Dunkelfelger cares about is the Grutrissheit and the true Zent, not who has the better mother or father."

“If you understand our hardships, surely you would comprehend the trouble your daughter has caused,” Kreszentia's tone grew slightly sharper. “As her parents, shouldn’t you and Aub Dunkelfelger take action to guide her while she is still in summer?”

Are they blaming us for not educating our daughter well and causing problems for them?

But... they're not entirely wrong. We do bear some blame for overlooking Magdalena’s actions and characteristics.

Dunkelfelger wouldn't be dragged into this mess if Magdalena had just stayed put.

Celestine sighed, realising that in the end, Dunkelfelger needed to offer some placation. After recent meetings with the Royal Family, both Wenceslaus and Celestine agreed that Prince Trauerqual was more suitable to be put as a Relay Zent with Dunkelfelger backing. Thus, the relationship between two parties could not become sour because of Magdalena.

However, if Magdalena had chosen to be the third wife, she wouldn't listen to anyone in Dunkelfelger trying to change her mind. Magdalena's attendants still reported her resentment toward the Ditter results, and she tried to persuade Sieglinde and Millicent about Ferdinand's unsuitability for this Ditter. Werdekraf told Celestine to let him and Eberhard handle Magdalena, but she wondered if it would work.

Glancing at her old friend, Celestine smiled. “The Bride Task is also a type of Ditter protected under Gebordnung. Cancelling it requires both parties to dissolve the contract or the lady to abandon the task herself. Unfortunately, there's nothing more we can do, as the Bride Task was a gift from Leidenschaft for all ladies to defy the order of Liebeskhilfe from the sky.”

Their family couldn't influence the girl in this matter, unfortunately. The Bride Task was designed to go against the lady's family's wishes, after all. How could she be expected to listen to her family?

Kreszentia's eyes widened in realisation, and she replied sincerely, “Then I hope Dunkelfelger won't mind if Anhaltung grants her advice to the aspiring bride.”

“That would be more than welcome! I trust the power of Anhaltung in guiding the lost one.”

“Then what if your daughter still insists on marrying my son?”

Now I'm impressed by your persistence, Kreszentia. You haven't changed at all over the years. You and my daughter would get along just fine with that shared characteristic.

“Traditionally, a Royal Bride would bring her attendants from her mother duchy,” Celestine explained. “Dunkelfelger will send an Attendant of the Sword to serve the future Royal Bride, but won’t send more than the traditional number due to our neutrality. However, we could suggest Sovereignty nobles who are Dunkelfelger natives, as Magdalena is the only Royal bride from Dunkelfelger for years.”

Choosing attendants proficient in knight skills was Celestine's and Wencelaus's initial plan, knowing Magdalena would face many challenges after marriage. Despite their disappointment in her, they still hoped their daughter would be safe. If anything escalated, those attendants would be skilled enough to bring Magdalena and any future children of hers back to Dunkelfelger for asylum.

But Kreszentia might not know their true plan, so it wouldn't hurt if she thought it was a benefit Dunkelfelger provided. It depended whether Prince Trauerqual and Kreszentia could persuade her daughter to use those personnels for their benefits.

As for the Sovereignty nobles, without a Zent as a ruler, Kreszentia could choose any of them as retainers with her Third Queen position. However, it was understandable she couldn't do that due to the high risk of spies from other factions. At least Dunkelfelger would send her a list to choose from.

It would also be a good opportunity to gather more intel from Hauchletzte. Assessing that hidden princess would also help determine whether Kreszentia and Trauerqual’s favorability stemmed from personal bias.

Their conversation ended quite peacefully, and they both signalled for their retainers to turn away from the wall to change the tea. It was then that Kreszentia presented another new surprise for Celestine: two completely new melodies, ccompanied by a large honeyed raisin pound cake placed in a time-stopping box.

"The melodies were composed by our little Mestionora," Kreszentia explained with pride. "She was inspired by Kunstzeal and wanted to share her creations with you as a gift."

"Composing new melodies at such a young age? That's quite remarkable," Celestine remarked, carefully inspecting whether Kreszentia exaggerated the girl’s talent.

"Mestionora is beloved by all the Gods," Kreszentia replied firmly. "And for your further information, Cuococalura holds a special affection for the daughter of his master."

Celestine was taken aback. It was indeed surprising to learn that the one behind the pound cake was none other than the hidden princess herself.

"The list of potential subordinates from Sovereignty will be prepared in the next three days," Celestine confirmed the benefits that Dunkelfelger would provide.

"Then I hope we can schedule another meeting with both you and your Dark God regarding the matter of the crown that will be placed on Lady Magdalena."

"After she has received the guidance of Anhaltung, of course!"

The barrier was lifted as Celestine exchanged some casual banter with her old friend, partaking in the laughter of lady society.


Celestine had lunch with her husband the next day to discuss with him what she had gained from the two meetings with the Queens. Of course, she asked her chef to prepare a slice of honeyed raisin pound cake from the time-stopping tool that she received from Kreszentia for the private tea party later, and Wencelaus took not much time to finish the plate.

After receiving the news from her, Wenceslaus could not hide his irritation about the risk of cancelling the Bride Task. While the outcome would meet the needs of both parties, it was obvious that Magdalena would bear the blame for multiple faults, and she would suffer if still residing in Dunkelfelger.

Celestine lightened her husband's mood, “According to the recent reports about Magdalena, I would say that she won’t give up and would never agree to dissolve the Bride Task. I think we should focus more on reviewing the personnel that could be suggested for the Third Queen instead.”

“It seems so,” Wenceslaus sighed. “What do you think about the news of the hidden child of Prince Waldifried?”

“I believe Kreszentia’s words regarding their preparation for letting Prince Trauerqual be that girl’s guardian and only a relay for her to be heir. But the praise about her talents was too good to be true,” Celestine frowned. “Yet again, the melodies sent to me are very attractive and completely new, and you also tried the honeyed raisin pound cake. Music and sweets are not the strengths of Hauchletzte, so it's hard to believe that there are some rare talents at Hauchletzte to help promote that little princess.”

“We will need more information about that little princess,” Wenceslaus said. “How about the tea party with the Second Queen?”

“I can ensure that there is another child who is also favoured by Queen Theresa herself. She kept reminding me about the role of Werkestock as the Duchy of Knowledge, then emphasised that Mestionora was the child of Geduldh and Ewigeliebe - the two Major Gods.”

“Another princess?” Wenceslaus raised his eyebrow.

“Likely, but not sure. The hint she gave was very light, which could make people think that she only wanted to state that Werkestock’s heir would have more advantage in finding Wisdom.”

“How about Klassenberg? Any confirmation from your cousin?”

Celestine pondered for a while. “There might be a child who will be baptised next year in the castle, but my cousin could not be sure if that child was another hidden royal or just… another illegitimate daughter.”

“Damn!” Wenceslaus stomped his fist on the table. “If all these information are truth, then we have three hidden royal children with much better pedigree than the public one.”

“I never thought you'd care so much about pedigree!” Celestine was surprised.

“While I myself and all of my predecessors agreed that meritocracy was much more important, in terms of mana, pedigree did play a big role. I believe you knew that too well.” Wenceslaus said. “I cannot ignore the fact that the one hold a foundation would need to have as much mana as possible. All the wives of two princes are from middle duchies, and Prince Trauerqual’s mother was also from a middle duchy. I would hardly say that their mana base level is even equal to our children. The fact that Magdalena could sense Prince Trauerqual when she was still in summer is already a certain proof.”

“Indeed, the two other hidden children in Klassenberg and Werkestock would have more advantages in terms of both quality and quantity. Prince Gewaltirre, Prince Waldifried, and Prince Adalfried all have seven colours, while their First Ladies are also all-attributes and hailed from greater duchies. The Third Lady of Prince Waldifried, however, is from Hauchletzte and only has six colours.”

“Their baptism has not yet been held, so it could be changed,” Wenceslaus said, holding his head. “To be fair, I hope that more members of the Royal main line survive, as it also increases the chance of finding Grutrissheit. So many losses in this prolonged war already, and with the win-loss situation, a political purge would happen, and the country would suffer by losing at least one great duchy. Just think about the consequence that Dunkelfelger would need to send more personnel to cover the loss—it's a nightmare to me!”

“Werkestock holds more than 50% of personnel in charge of medical, administration, data archive operations in Sovereignty and the Royal Academy, while Klassenber accounts for a similar portion of personnel in intelligence. Drewanchel also has a bunch of scholars specialised in magical tools. If one of those duchies were purged, Dunkelfelger would likely go bankrupt if we received a demand to cover such a loss,” Celestine sighed. “Let us wait for the final decision of Magdalena about the Bride Task, then we could discuss more with the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual to see their perspective about the aftermath.”

As the tea was changing, Celestine turned to seek news from her husband’s side.

“How about the meeting with Aub Ahrensbach?” she inquired.

“Tsk, nothing special,” Wenceslaus scoffed. “That sly old fox just wanted to confirm that Dunkelfelger truly wished for neutrality until the end of the war. His duchy did not have enough resources or reason to choose a side until it became certain. After that, he proposed a daughter to our Ferdinand!”

“Again?! Which one? Her First Lady was my age!!! Don’t tell me…”

“He assured me that if we agreed, a daughter would be baptised under his First Lady for the next few years, and he confirmed that she would share several years with Ferdinand at the Royal Academy so they could have time to get to know each other. Given the age of that girl, it would only be…”

“His Third Lady from Ehrenfest!!!” Celestine raised her hand and hit the table they were sitting on. “Don’t you dare agree to that proposal—just thinking about having an in-law relationship with that First Lady of Ehrenfest is enough to give me nightmares.”

“Of course not, what do you think I am?” Wenceslaus lamented. “Ferdinand is still young; we still have a proper excuse to avoid the marriage proposal. In the worst case, we still have our Hannelore, right?”

“Wait, I didn’t know about this! When did you come up with this plan?”

“It wasn't even a plan, just my thought. I haven't discussed it with anyone else, except you now,” Wenceslaus shrugged. “Basically, the best option for Ferdinand would be a lady from a neutral duchy like us, and Ahrensbach is a good choice, but its neutrality isn't stable. Not to mention that the Ahrensbach lady may hardly match our grandson. Furthermore, the risk of being dragged into the mess of Ehrenfest and Ahrensbach, with all their insanity, would be worse than having allied with other duchies. If that girl is better than expected, we could still propose to Ahrensbach to match her with Lestilaut. As for Ferdinand, he's now an heir presumptive, and his marriage would need to be restricted to avoid a situation similar to Werdekraf and Magdalena before. Werdekraf and Magdalena didn't have available half-siblings for their marriage, but fortunately, Ferdinand has Hannelore now. Seradina and Sieglinde are good friends. Everything will be solved beautifully, don't you think?”

“Indeed, you're right… and the younger one on the Bride's side is even more appropriate,” Celestine nodded. “To be honest, I hadn't thought about Hannelore because she was just born a year ago, but about Geraldine. They seemed to be very close and shared many interests, however, Geraldine was too old for Ferdinand, and she also expressed her interest in Millicent's grandnephew.”

“Geraldine would have also been a good choice… Actually, if Geraldine were younger than 3 years, I wouldn't mind adopting her to make her the future First Wife for Ferdinand,” Wenceslaus contemplated. “I'm more worried about a different problem. Ferdinand's early compression might make it hard for him to find a suitable match.”

“Talking about this, I really want to fire Justus for daring to hide such an important thing from us,” Celestine angrily said.

“It's past the time we could interfere with his retainers. And different from you, I think Justus was actually quite good for our grandson,” her husband laughed. “Our Ferdinand was a little out of place compared to other Dunkelfelger nobles when he was very young. Remember how he successfully escaped from our watch just to sneak into the brewing room of the castle when Seradina and Werdekraf brought him to visit us?”

Celestine chuckled at the fond memory, “And he was only three years old at the time. To think such a petite boy succeeded in passing many guards and none could discover him except Justus. Ah… he really hasn't changed at all for all his out-of-the-ordinary behaviour. Do you remember how he explained the way he escaped?”

“Of course, like this…Ehem!!!” Wenceslaus tried to mimic the young Ferdinand's way of talking, making Celestine laugh non-stop. “ [It was nothing difficult. Father showed me how to do a secret duty of Dunkelfelgerian knight before, and since no one knew the way when I asked, I just went there myself.] ”

“Secret duty… pfft… such a clumsy excuse from you and Werdekraf just for kidnapping your child to the training ground!” Celestine chuckled, then she casually tossed a wooden cup toward her husband. “I still remember how much you scared me when you took Eberhard on that secret road to the training ground.”

Wenceslaus caught the cup easily and smirked, “It's tradition, Celestine, a tradition for father-son bonding. Didn’t you throw all of your iron cups at me as punishment? Even Werdekraf received the same treatment… Wait, no, you only threw wooden cups at him, it was unfair!”

“I wonder if it was punishment for you, as all my beloved iron tea cups were strained after hitting you,” Celestine murmured. “What have you eaten to make your body so hard? My poor teacups…”

“Uh… for the answer, I would say it is mana enhancement and…”

“Don’t! I don’t want to hear the answer!!!” Celestine sulked. “Basically, it was all your fault! And Werdekraf's fault!”

“Come one Celestine, the key to those secret duties is to enjoy the feeling of risk in doing something in secret. No one would ever think that a three-year-old child could remember that road and even successfully walk by himself all alone!” Wenceslaus complained. “Shouldn't you blame Ferdinand for being too abnormal compared to us?”

“Say it again?!” Celestine immediately took another wooden teacup and threatened to throw it again.

“Okay, okay, all I wanted to say is ‘special duties need special people’. I have a feeling that since Ferdinand has forsaken his disguise, he would cause a bunch of problems just like a normal Dunkelfelger boy. But we could not guess and predict what kind of problem he could cause, as it is so much different than normal sense. At this moment, Justus is the only one who could catch up with Ferdinand even just a little. Maybe the misstep of his work is due to his overload of attendant and scholar works. Dominic reported that our grandson utilised Justus in all the task that he could do: gathering intelligence, collecting ingredients and brewing.”

As much as Celestine dismayed, she also agreed that only Justus was barely able to keep track of Ferdinand. Well, then she would ask Perrault to assess the potential personnel for Ferdinand's scholars.

Celestine then summoned her retainers to discuss suitable personnel as Magdalena's attendants and additional support for Kreszentia. It didn't take much time to receive another invitation from the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual in late spring for the discussion of Magdalena's marriage. To her surprise, Magdalena asked for a chance to meet at the Gazebo near the Central Lake of Dunkelfelger Central Hunting Ground before that meeting.

What is your decision now, dear daughter?



Ferdie: What's the deal with you, Liebeskhilfe? Why are you so insistent on matching me with that... slu*t?

Liebeskhilfe: Dramatic necessity!

Chapter 27: Magdalena - Facing Glucklitat's trial


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Magdalena sat alone in her hidden room, the weight of recent events pressing heavily upon her. She had faced defeat in the Ditter against her own nephew, Ferdinand, and the repercussions were swift and harsh.

Aub Klassenberg's interrogation echoed in her mind, his accusatory tone slicing through her already fragile composure. She had no answers to his questions about the “secret spear” and the explosive magic tools used by the Dunkelfelger side. Her inability to provide a satisfactory response left her feeling exposed and vulnerable. Only Prince Trauerqual's intervention spared her from further humiliation. His unwavering support was a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to consume her. Aub Drewanchel's endorsem*nt offered some reassurance, but the doubts lingered, gnawing at her resolve.

The members of her team, especially those from Klassenberg, now regarded her with suspicion and resentment. They blamed her for failing to anticipate Ferdinand's cunning strategies, for overlooking crucial details in the contract that allowed him to manipulate the match to his advantage.

Magdalena buried her face in her hands, overcome with a sense of defeat and despair. She had fought so hard, sacrificed so much, only to be undone by her own flesh and blood. The weight of their disappointment bore down on her, crushing her spirit. But amidst the darkness, a flicker of determination ignited within her. She refused to be defined by her failures, to succumb to the doubts and fears that threatened to consume her.

A true Dunkelfelger would never give up!

All Magdalena needed was a chance to prove that she was not wrong!

She held her head high and walked steadfastly through the murmuring crowd. There was no time for tears, not when the Bride Task awaited her. This, at least, was a duty her family could not fault her for.

Upon returning from her hunting trip, the sight of a massive green blessing cascading over the eastern wing of Dunkelfelger Castle had made her heart clench. Then, snippets of whispered conversation reached her ears.

“Is this the same blessing of the Pre-Ditter Ritual from Lord Ferdinand’s dance?”

“I think it looks more like the one he bestowed on the students in the Treasure Ditter for the Tournament!”

“No! It reminds me of the blessing he received from the gods yesterday!”

“Lord Ferdinand truly basks in divine favour!”

What are they talking about?

Determined to uncover the truth, Magdalena sought out her scholars, desperate for answers. With each new report of her eccentric nephew's "achievements", her composure frayed.

Patronage of a Giebe’s land from a bottom northern duchy in return for three retainers, collection of books, rare Spring materials and artisanal goods?

The collection of books was indeed extremely valuable, and that boy Eckhart was also exceptional enough to be considered. Rare materials... well, they could be accepted. But to be an official patron of a land was a little too much for a 7-year-old child. That action might cause conflict inside that duchy, as the land under Dunkelfelger’s heir protection could go on par with the archducal family’s order. Ehrenfest was nothing to be cared for, but Ahrensbach was its official patron, so wouldn’t Ferdinand's action be seen as opposition to Ahrensbach?

But the art-decorated products seemed more like her mother’s interest. If her parents agreed with this act, maybe things would not be that bad.

Then what next? Attending a tea party with the Royal Family and Great Duchies and receiving the blessing from the Supreme Couple and Mestionora right in front of them?

This was beyond carelessness – this was outright treason in the current climate! Had a single ditter turned her nephew so blind to his place, to all propriety?

What is this boy thinking?

And as people reported, Ferdinand was kept in the Royal Academy because the Royal Family wanted to investigate more about the blessing thing.

The last credit was more widespread and made everyone excited, but it was the one that sent shockwaves through Magdalena's mind. Ferdinand had deciphered a compression method from their ancient Zent, a puzzle hidden within the castle library all this time, and none had ever found out except this eccentric nephew of hers until now.

Honestly, learning that Dunkelfelger once possessed a Zent had been baffling to Magdalena. Yet, as one of the original founding duchies, it was not impossible. Her professor bemoaned having only one Zent on record, but Magdalena found it understandable. Dunkelfelger men were notoriously ditter-obsessed; perhaps that Zent had been an outlier. Perhaps their Zent, like Ferdinand, inherited traits from his mother's side.


A horrifying thought struck Magdalena. Ferdinand's mother was a princess! Why had this crucial fact slipped her mind?

What if... her family's neutrality in the civil war was because they planned to push Ferdinand forward?

That Dunkelfelger Zent could don the cloak of Darkness because he must have the Grutrissheit. If that Zent left notes about his own compression method in Dunkelfelger Castle Library, there might be some notes related to the Grutrissheit itself.Maybe how it was made, or how it was usually stored, and based on this information, they can track the Grutrissheit better.

Perhaps... knowing Ferdinand's ability to find something that everyone could not, her parents decided to place their hopes on him instead of the two Princes. Later, with the Grutrissheit in hand, they could bargain for power – a betrothal to a princess, a path to a Zent from Dunkelfelger?

That was why he remained cloistered in the library! How could her parents place such a burden on a child? Should they not inform the Royal Family if they suspected this?

Magdalena tried her best to shake those horrible ideas out of her head. She kept telling herself that it was too treasonous and absurd to believe. After all, her sister-in-law was from a collateral branch; her position and status were not high enough to compare to the members of the main Royal Family. There were a bunch of Royal princes and princesses with higher order in inheritance before Seradina, and Ferdinand was also still too small to be considered a candidate for the throne, unless he married a princess from the official line, and currently, there was no one. Until she had enough evidence for these ideas, she should keep her suspicions to herself.

Thankfully, her father, Aub Dunkelfelger, had wisely opened the library to all members of the archducal family to seek the compression method on their own. Magdalena decided to spend every waking hour within the castle library, searching for any trace of the lost wisdom herself. Even if there was no trace, learning a compression method from an Ancient Zent would be a big reward in itself. As long as she found it by herself, she could donate it to Prince Trauerqual after they started binding. After all, her father didn’t forbid the act of giving the method to a marriage partner.

Just as she made her decision, another attendant came to her room and informed Magdalena that her sister-in-law Seradina had woken up. It was the grand blessing earlier; whether it was Flutrane or Heilschmerz, it had indeed accelerated the speed of mana melting in the juvere, and Seradina was finally out of that bluish liquid after three years.

It was a little heartless, but since the time Seradina spent sleeping in the juvere was too long and too abnormal, everyone had already prepared to forsake her. The only reason people had not outright said it aloud was because Seradina’s unconsciousness became an excellent excuse to keep Dunkelfelger and her brother Werdekraf out of involvement in interduchy relationships. That was also a reason why Magdalena initially thought her family planned to take Ferdinand out of the Aubhood competition and free from the pressure of lacking maternal backing.

But now, as Seradina awakened, the political landscape in Dunkelfelger would change once again. Her brother was still young; it would be at least 5 years later until he could become Aub, and it was enough time for her sister-in-law to regain control of the faction. Furthermore, with Ferdinand’s current achievements, people from Celestine’s and Seradina’s factions would once again unite and support Ferdinand instead.

Magdalena sighed in relief, knowing that this would also increase Ferdinand's chances of becoming Aub Dunkelfelger. While she found the idea of her parents pushing Ferdinand for Zent too ridiculous, she couldn't shake off her fear. With all the recent reports about him and the latest blessing miracle that completely healed her sister-in-law, it seemed that her nephew was indeed out of the norm and unpredictable, just like the rumours about how the Gods loved him. Magdalena wondered if that was also a key to finding Wisdom.

"No, it can’t be," Magdalena shook her head, "It was just a magic tool." The most plausible reason for its loss was because it was guarded so fiercely. Prince Waldifried was also considered exceptional; maybe he had designed a series of traps to protect such a precious tool, similar to how archducal families usually have many traps around their treasures.

Regaining her focus, Magdalena asked her attendant to prepare her to visit her sister-in-law. Sieglinde was already there with Second Lady Millicent and Third Lady Tulnesda, and she saw Seradina’s attendant had helped her to sit down.

“Magdalena? You have grown up so much that I barely recognize you,” Seradina smiled at her.

“I’m glad to see you've recovered, sister-in-law.”

“Not quite recovered, I'm afraid. I can't move my body now without the strengthening magic tool. It seems I'll have to ask for the warrior princess’s help in training my body,” Seradina chuckled, then she looked at Magdalena expectantly. “Where is my child? Everyone told me that three years have passed, which means Ferdinand has been baptised and transferred to the castle now, right? He would share a building with you, Magdalena. How is he doing in the castle?”

Magdalena was relieved that Lady Millicent took the opportunity to explain things to Seradina. Magdalena was at a loss for words in this matter because all of the interactions between her and Ferdinand seemed to be far from peaceful, and it would be terrible if Seradina heard about Ferdinand’s news from her.

Magdalena felt awkward when she heard from Evelyn—Justus’ wife and also Seradina’s trusted attendant—that Ferdinand had trouble eating and had become very guarded with his food. When Evelyn mentioned that Ferdinand even had quite a few nightmares and had to visit Seradina every day, and that Justus had to use the excuse of guiding Ferdinand in learning to distract him from the stress, Magdalena was overwhelmed with guilt. She had concocted so many elaborate schemes behind Ferdinand’s abnormal behaviour, but the real reason was just a vulnerable child who had lost his Wiegenmilch and was fighting so hard to become stronger.

That’s why when Seradina shot a murderous glare at her once the Ditter was recounted, Magdalena didn’t protest anything but only stood to accept Seradina’s silent anger.

And when her brother Werdekraf returned with Ferdinand, Magdalena quietly withdrew from the room together with the others, knowing that it was not the time to interrupt the precious family reunion. Before leaving, she glanced at the room one last time and saw Ferdinand snuggled into his mother’s arms, a sight so different from the over-matured little schemer that she was familiar with.

He is just a kid after all … Magdalena realised, feeling ashamed of her previous ridiculous ideas. Perhaps I need to refresh my mind with some Ditter .

Magdalena went straight to the training ground after lunch. While she had been prepared, the scrutinising gazes from everyone still made her shiver a little. However, Magdalena maintained her composure, as her scholars had just reported some very important news to her.

Another grand blessing of seven colours had rained down on Ferdinand at the tea party in the Royal Academy this morning, around the same time when the green blessing had fallen on Dunkelfelger Castle. Her nephew explained that it was because he was praying for Dunkelfelger to be protected from harm and for his mother to be able to fight the poison.

This excuse was widely accepted and believed because everyone from Dunkelfelger had also received that blessing, and now everyone was singing Ferdinand's praises everywhere. Everyone was fervently chatting about how they had received the blessing and how it was different in Dunkelfelger and in the Royal Academy. Magdalena also heard people lamenting that they had missed the chance to receive a blessing, and some even blamed her, saying they didn’t receive the blessing because they were associated with a traitor like her.

But Magdalena didn’t care because she had found more important news: Prince Trauerqual and his followers had also received some blessings. If everyone accepted that the blessing was a favour from the Gods, did that mean Prince Trauerqual was also favoured by God?

And with Prince Bosekalt and Werkestock excluded, it seemed like the Gods also agreed that Dunkelfelger should side with Prince Trauerqual. Thinking about that, Magdalena held her head high. Soon, Dunkelfelger would see that her decision was right!

While Magdalena was lost in thought, her eldest brother Eberhard approached and proposed, “I could see that you have succeeded in your task!”

“Of course, that task was actually nothing compared to what I have received in Dunkelfelger training.”

“Then I think you would not mind having a Ditter with me?”

“Are you sure, brother?” Magdalena chuckled. This brother of hers was a strong knight indeed, but in Treasure Ditter, he was not a strong opponent when coming to a battle of wit.

“Three people in a team, one of them acting as the treasure. I have booked ground number three for us. Feel free to choose the best adult knight you want, and I will also choose a female apprentice to match your team.”

Magdalena now recognized something was wrong; Eberhard usually sounded so playful, but now he sounded so... serious.

“There will be a stake and a contract has been prepared!” Eberhard said, “If you win, I will side with you to continue pursuing Aub Dunkelfelger to join with your beloved future husband. If you lose, you will have to play Real Gewinnen with Werdekraf.”

Magdalena's mind raced as she processed the sudden turn of events. Really? Why does he offer such conditions after everything has been settled?

"What is Real Gewinnen?"

"You will know once you meet Werdekraft."

Despite the unexpected proposition, Magdalena found herself intrigued by the offer. It would provide a welcome distraction to her mind now, and even if she lost, it would be just a Gewinnen.

Magdalena discussed the match with her knight, and once again, only Bradleye and Fernhame offered to play. She wondered if they simply wanted to play Ditter or if they were seeking redemption from their last loss. Initially, she considered asking for Heissh*tze, whose strength was notable. However, Heissh*tze was now Ferdinand’s retainer. Eberhard was also a familiar opponent, and Magdalena's winning streak favoured her, so perhaps Heissh*tze wasn't necessary. In the end, she chose Bradleye and another adult knight, Killian, as Fernhame was still a student.

After discussing strategy with her team, they decided that Bradleye would act as the treasure. When the bell rang, Magdalena would lure Eberhard by pretending to attack him, then use a magic tool bought from Werkestock’s students that was embedded with a binding circle to trap him while Killian dealt with the other knight. Meanwhile, Magdalena would steal the treasure.

Upon arriving with her team, Magdalena was surprised to see Geraldine, Eberhard's eldest daughter, also present. She had been chosen to be his team's treasure. Technically, she couldn't join any non-practical Ditter without Ferdinand's permission, but Geraldine assured her that Ferdinand had agreed for his retainers to join any kind of Ditter they wanted in the Dunkelfelger training ground, as long as the stakes didn’t involve him. This was a generous act from Ferdinand, and now Magdalena felt regret for not recruiting Heissh*tzte earlier.

Naturally, all rituals needed to be performed for a proper treasure Ditter. Things went as normal when Magdalena finished her ritual dance, but after Eberhard completed his dance, he accompanied Mullerer and kneeled down, surprising Magdalena. Geraldine then offered a prayer to Angriff and Schlageziel, casting a blue blessing over the team.

What exactly are those blessings? When does Geraldine start acting strangely like Ferdinand? She has only become his retainer a few days ago.

Before Magdalena's plan could unfold, Eberhard and Mullerer ignored her and swiftly disabled Killian together, throwing him out of the arena. Magdalena barely had time to react before Eberhard launched a fierce attack at her, his intent to kill palpable.

This was not a normal Treasure Ditter.

In frustration, Magdalena shouted, "What is the meaning of this, brother?"

Eberhard's response was chilling. "Meaning? This is just a simple match when Verfuhremeer’s cold sea didn’t matter to Elpberg’s lava anymore."

Does it mean he plans to kill me? Does he know how severe the crime is for harming a fellow archduke candidate?

Magdalena took a chance to activate her captive tool, but Muller shielded Eberhard and volunteered to be captured instead. While her plan failed again, at least Magdalena now could get some time to replenish her mana. However, before she could reach her rejuvenate potion, Eberhard continued to attack her. As the match continued, Magdalena struggled to defend herself against Eberhard's relentless assaults.

Just endure a little more… Once he stops to replenish his mana, I can secure that chance.

But Magdalena didn’t have that chance. Right at the moment Eberhard’s attack was getting weaker, the green blessings falling on Eberhard were from Geraldine. She raised her schtappe and murmured something, her actions becoming increasingly bizarre.

That kind of blessing again… Ferdinand! What have you done to your cousin? Magdalena thought incredulously.

Eberhard continued his onslaught, leaving destruction in his wake. With each blow, Magdalena felt her strength waning, her mana draining rapidly, and worst of all, she didn’t have time to drink her rejuvenate potion. As Eberhard cornered her and tied her up, Magdalena knew she had lost. Yet, instead of delivering the final blow, Eberhard left her alone in the arena, a humiliating display of disregard. It was then that Magdelena realised Mullerer had long escaped from the net and was waiting at the treasure circle where Bradleye stood. With Eberhard's confirmation, he swiftly apprehended Bradleye, thus ending the Ditter.

Magdalena seethed with anger, convinced that Ferdinand was behind this elaborate scheme. No way Eberhard could have come up with such a match like this.

As if sensing her fury, Geraldine stepped forward, "For your reference, Lady Magdalena, the initial plan was all from my father. But I found it took too much time to follow his original plan with a team of 10 persons, so I recommended some changes to make the Ditter shorter in time."

"Changes? Are these the blessings you referred to?"

Geraldine smiled proudly. "It was just some new wisdom I learned from my master - the prince of Fire, the beloved son of Leidenschaft, the Lord of Ditt… no the Lord of Evil, the darling child of Mestionora, the favored child of Kunstzeal, the genius of Dunkelfelger, the…"

"Lady Geraldine, I think Lady Magdalena understood!" Mullerer stopped her.

"Oh, okay!" Geraldine stopped her ranting, but her voice expressed regret for not finishing her praise of Ferdinand.

Magdalena was dumbfounded. Who is this girl? This is not Geraldine I know! Ferdinand, what have you done???

She planned to have a meeting with her entourage to inform them about the results of the Bride Task and to see if any of them agreed to come with her. Normally, only attendants and maybe knights were allowed, but most Royal Brides and Consorts could also bring their scholars, as it represented their backing in Sovereignty.

Bradleye looked terrible after this defeat, and while he still treated her properly as his master, Magdalena could see the conflict building up in that young man. Bradleye was the most loyal follower of Magdalena before, however, given this situation, maybe it would be better if he stayed in Dunkelfelger instead.

The meeting with the entourage was temporarily on hold as Werdekraft immediately sent an invitation for Real Gewinnen for the next morning. He and Eberhard indeed moved quickly. Since it was the stake of the Ditter, Magdalena had to follow, though she became more aware that there would be nothing good awaiting her.

She didn’t know what Real Gewinnen was, but the way it was named must be something much more serious, like the way they named Real Ditter.

With that level of seriousness, Magdalena wondered why Werdekraft spent his precious time wasting it with her, instead of using it for his newly awakened wife.

Maybe he wanted to vent his anger and humiliate me like Eberhard. But I have been prepared now. If it were not for Geraldine and all her weird stuff from Ferdinand, I would not be attacked by surprise like this.

As long as Werdekraft worked on his own, Magdalena was confident that she could beat him, just like the old times.

Magdalena entered the meeting room, and as she thought, the atmosphere was completely different. It was likely the same as when she was called back from the Royal Academy to be questioned about her proposal to Prince Trauerqual. But she would not step back.

The Real Gewinnen was not much different from the normal one she learned, it just involved magical contracts like Ditter, and Magdalena was also free to negotiate her stake. She really wanted to use this chance to negotiate good benefits for Prince Trauerqual, but she suddenly remembered that Werdekraft had made a vow to Leidenschaft, so he would never allow it.

Furthermore, she sensed something off in the actions of her two brothers, so she just wanted to finish the match as early as possible.

"You will not use any kind of tricks learned from your son and his entourage," she stated.

Geraldine turned weird, and there was also Swanhilda - Heissh*tze’s fiancée, and Justus - that eccentric scholar-attendant. The scholar girl from Ehrenfest seemed to be dangerous too, given how she was very fondly regarded by Professor Gundolf and Aub Drewanchel himself. Who knew what Ferdinand had stuffed in their heads with indescribable tricks and passed them to Werdekraft.

"Deal! If I win, all of the personnel you bring later would be decided completely by Aub and the First Lady of Dunkelfelger."

Which means, she could not bring her own aides even if they agreed to follow her.

"That’s too much!"

"You’re free to add more for your stakes."

Magdalena was tempted… She was very tempted to ask for Dunkelfelger’s aid. But she was not so stupid to not recognize that the whole duchy was against her right now.

"If I win, I am free to choose my retainers and have a chance to study all the weapons that Ferdinand used in the last Ditter!"

Those mysterious spears and those blessings… Everyone was calling those blessings from Ferdinand were from Gods. If she could manipulate those blessings and grant them to Prince Trauerqual, the public voice would support him. No one would suspect because he indeed received some blessing during the latest Tea party.

And with that, Dunkelfelger had to agree to support Prince Trauerqual even secretly because the blessings would bind them together.

Werdekraft frowned a little bit, then after discussing with his head scholar and Dominic- their father’s head scholar, he also agreed with her stakes.

The games began.

The beginning was not so far from Magdalena’s expectations. After all, it was not the first time she had a Gewinnen match with Werdekraf. It was only when all of Magdalena’s knights were trapped and devoured that she recognized she had half-stepped into the losing side.

Who has helped him with this plot? It didn't seem like Ferdinand’s style of playing, but there was too much scheming in Werdekraft's usual style.

When Werdekraft removed most of Magdalena’s pieces, leaving only one bow and one scholar left, Magdalena could not stand it any longer and interrogated him.

“Who helped you scheme this?”

“No one!” Werdekraft scoffed. “For you to ask me this question, I could say that you really forgot all the subjugation stories that I told you before.”


As Werdekraft recounted the tale of his first subjugation of a Lord of Summer, Magdalena's mind raced with realisation. She saw parallels between the trap set for her and the cunning strategy employed in Werdekraft's story. It dawned on her that she had been outmanoeuvred, just like the LLejowen beast.

Seeing Magdalena finally grasp the situation, Werdekraft couldn't resist mocking her. "Even after your defeat at the hands of Eberhard, you still haven't bothered to prepare for our match, have you? You're skilled indeed, and you're not one to focus solely on brute strength. Yet, you seem utterly ignorant of the true power of us. Dunkelfelger is full of men blessed by Brenwarmen and Angriff, yes, but we’re not lacking the blessings of Erwachlehren and Glucklitat. The pantheon of Fire never abandons the power of other domains. How could Dunkelfelger remain strong after all this time if we’re just focusing on our own passion?"

Magdalena was stunned by Werdekraft's words. Before she could respond, Eberhard interjected, his voice laced with a mix of amusem*nt and disdain. "If you're about to claim victory over both of us in the past, let me remind you that it's absurd to think two elder brothers would exert all their strength against a much younger sister. Remember, you're only two years older than my eldest child, and Werdekraft had his first child around the time of your baptism."

Had they been letting her win all along?

"But... why?" she asked, her voice trembling with confusion and disbelief.

“Is there any reason required for a big brother to let his little sister win and see that little girl happy with winning?” Werdekraft let out a weary sigh. "We had no reason to believe that letting you bask in the glow of success would lead to such dire consequences. In hindsight, perhaps it would have been better to defeat you decisively from the start, to make you understand your true position."

Eberhard chimed in, his tone more serious now. "In truth, winning has never been our primary concern unless the serious stakes involved. The Real Gewinnen is reserved for Lord Education, determining whether one can maintain their archduke candidate status after graduation. There's no need for a lady like you to be involved in such matters."

Magdalena felt a mixture of disbelief and resignation wash over her, as she recognised that the Ditters with Eberhard and the recent Gewinnen game with Werdekraft were merely orchestrated to teach her a lesson about the harsh realities that her talent was not something too exceptional in Dunkelfelger, that all her brothers didn’t even see her as opponent for them to put their effort to win against.

What's worse, Werdekraft's admission that he himself harboured a desire for revenge against Magdalena hit her like a blow to the gut. Never before had Werdekraft been so harsh, directly stating that Magdalena’s actions nearly destroyed the future of his children. As Werdekraft finished the match by destroying her last piece, he reassured Magdalena that, despite their parents' involvement in deciding the personnel to transfer to Dunkelfelger, none of them would pose a threat to her or her future child. His words offered some comfort, but they also served as a stark reminder of the intricate web of alliances and power struggles that soon surrounded her.

After Werdekraft left, Eberhard followed suit, his departure leaving Magdalena feeling more lonely than ever. His parting question lingered in the air, leaving Magdalena ponder in solitude

“Have you ever spent time thinking about the consequences that your actions placed upon Dunkelfelger, Magdalena? Or perhaps, your Geduldh is no longer aligned with your home duchy anymore?”

I just want to end this war... I did it truly for the peace of the country...

As the Gewinnen stakes were decided, she knew she could no longer keep the result hidden from her entourage. With a heavy heart, she gathered them together and revealed the outcome of her bride task, as well as the uncertain future that awaited her. As she spoke, she couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability wash over her. Would her entourage stand by her side, or would they turn their backs on her in her time of need? Only time would tell, but for now, Magdalena could only face the reality of her situation head-on and hope for the best.

Flutrane called upon the water to wash away Ewigeliebe, heralding the arrival of a new season, Magdalena couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within her. Despite not being outright ostracized in Dunkelfelger, her life was far from peaceful amidst the complex web of political intrigue.

"Lady Magdalena, you exploited the Bride Task to marry the man you loved, and Lord Ferdinand also exploited the Ditter to keep Dunkelfelger neutral following Aub’s Order. In the end, both sides have their own benefits, and we could not ask for more."

Magdalena couldn't deny the truth in those words from her head attendant. It was a harsh reality she had come to accept, albeit begrudgingly. Her defeat in the Ditter match had spared her from harsh consequences, but it had also left her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

And now, with the invitation from the Third Queen delivered to Dunkelfelger, Magdalena's apprehension only grew.

"I finished the Bride Task… the contract is done, the marriage cannot be revoked," she reminded herself, seeking solace in the knowledge that her parents had not opposed her decision. Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, Magdalena was relieved to know that Dunkelfelger would support her marriage to Prince Trauerqual, as going against the Bride Task was seen as disrespecting to the Pantheon of Fire.

With her father's permission, Magdalena departed for the Royal Academy, her heart heavy with anticipation and anxiety. The Third Queen had decided to meet her in Hauchletzte’s tea room, a decision that both intrigued and unsettled her.

After some initial pleasantries, the sound barriers were raised up, signalling the start of a more serious conversation. As the real dialogue began, Magdalena braced herself for whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that she would need to navigate them with cunning and resilience if she hoped to emerge unscathed.

"Your parents just sent word that you have completed the Bride Task."

"Yes, Your Majesty. It was thanks to Prince Trauerqual's grace that I had the luxury of completing it in a short time."

"My dear old friend Celestine has enlightened me about the unique characteristics and perspectives of the people of Leidenschaft, and I believe that you, too, have been blessed with the flame of Brenwarmen." The Third Queen's gaze seemed to penetrate Magdalena's very soul as she continued to speak. "Let's forgo concerns about Grammaratur, Lady Magdalena. What were your true intentions when you proposed to my son and defied your parents' wishes?"

"Your Majesty, I wish for nothing but the peace of the country. I did that because..."

"Cease those useless excuses, young girl. I seriously lack the Duldsetzen to hear such honeyed Grammaratur."

Magdalena felt a sense of trepidation as the Third Queen's piercing gaze bore down on her, her words carrying a weight that sent shivers down her spine. She had hoped to explain her actions and motivations, but the Third Queen's abrupt change in tone left her gasping for breath.

"I am not lying, Your Majesty," she insisted, her voice trembling slightly. "All the reasons I explained for my actions were true."

With a determined resolve, Magdalena poured out her heart, expressing her genuine desire for peace and stability in the country. She spoke of the devastation wrought by the prolonged war, the loss of countless lives, and the crippling effects it had on the nation as a whole."I believe that Prince Trauerqual is the best candidate to lead our country forward," Magdalena continued, her voice growing stronger with each word. "He is compassionate and level-headed, unlike Prince Bosekalt, whose recent behaviour only confirms my concerns about his unsuitability for the throne."

Magdalena spoke earnestly, hoping to convey her sincerity and genuine concern for the future of the kingdom. She had no ulterior motives or plans to exploit her marriage to Prince Trauerqual for personal gain.

The Third Queen's demeanour softened slightly, her voice taking on a more soothing tone. "I am honoured by the praise you give my son," she acknowledged. "And I, too, agree with your assessment of the current situation."But just as quickly, the Third Queen's gaze sharpened once more, her eyes boring into Magdalena with an intensity that made her heart race. "What is your plan after you successfully marry my son?" She pressed, her voice firm and unwavering.

Magdalena faltered for a moment, caught off guard by the directness of the question. "After the war... I believe that Prince Trauerqual, with the support of Dunkelfelger, Klassenberg, and Drewanchel, will be able to unite the feuding factions and bring an end to the conflict," she replied, her voice strong in certainty. “Once Gebordnung returned, we could focus on searching for the Grutrissheit and dealing with the aftermath.”

But the Third Queen was not satisfied with her answer. "What about Werkestock? What about the Second Queen, Prince Bosekalt, and his children?" She pressed further. "What is your strategy for when you become the First Lady of the country?"

"First Lady… no, I will not be the First Lady. As Dunkelfelger joined the war too late, and to respect the long-term efforts of the two princess consorts so far, it would be best for me to remain as a third wife. It would also help to soothe the ire of Klassenberg, Gilessenmeyer, and Hauchletzte for supporting Prince Trauerqual for so long.”

The Third Queen didn’t say anything; she just stared at Magdalena in disbelief for a long time. It was when Magdalena began to feel uncomfortable that her majesty sternly spoke.

“Lady Magdalena, I am now requesting you to cancel this Bride Task and annul this engagement.”

How could she?

“The Bride Task is sacred! Your majesty, you could not do that!”

“Sacred for your duchy only! There is no law in the Book of Law that requires the country to respect that. The only thing that is accepted is the Treasure Ditter that is used to solve interduchy disputes. And in fact, we will be ready for another Ditter with Dunkelfelger if we need to cancel this nonsense Bride Task of yours!”

She called the Bride Task nonsense? Magdalena was completely dumbfounded after the Third Queen’s comment. She wondered what...

“The Bride task doesn’t come alone as a verbal agreement. We have signed a magical contract with this.”

“And it still could be revoked. Either you agree to cancel it with my son, or we have to involve another Ditter. And let me remind you, while it seems to be an interduchy matter, it was actually you to fight against all, as I believe your parents and most people in Dunkelfelger also sided with us in this matter. Their joyful celebration at your nephew’s victory is proof.”

The Third Queen was not wrong.

But even in the face of the Third Queen's stern decree, Magdalena refused to back down. The Bride Task was more than just an agreement - to annul it would be to undermine the very fabric of Dunkelfelger’s culture. Desperation clawed at Magdalena's heart as she searched for a way to salvage the situation. She could not allow her engagement to Prince Trauerqual to be dissolved, not when so much was at stake. But the Third Queen's resolve was unwavering, her gaze cold and unyielding.

“Your majesty… I would like to seek the grace of Anhaltung in this matter…”

“To think that a lady like Celestine has such a daughter like you. I think I could understand why the whole Dunkelfelger is against you that much, even a seven-year-old child.”

That was a direct insult.

“You mentioned that joining late but attaining the highest seat of power would be disrespectful to other duchies that have supported my son from the start. It is true, but that thing would only apply to other duchies, such as Ahrensbach, as their support means little to the current situation. The duchy you hail from is Dunkelfelger - the only military duchy that has existed since the founding day of the country. No matter when Dunkelfelger joined the war, its credit would count the most because the presence of Dunkelfelger itself is the deciding factor that ends the war.” The Third Queen regarded her with a piercing gaze, her expression inscrutable. “You're trained as a knight, too. Surely you would understand that a layknight who encounters the feybeast and stays fighting with it throughout the subjugation is admirable, but the credit would go to the lead strategist who led the subjugation and the one who dealt the blow that killed the feybeast, not that layknight. Your submission to be the Third Lady with that reason of yours is just as if Aub Dunkelfelger decided to spend all the shares of his archknight retainers in the subjugation of the Lord of Summer and gave them to the layknight who stayed the longest in the subjugation journey!”

Like Verdrenna’s herald waking up all living things in the garden upon the Spring, Magdalena suddenly recognized she had been so focused on maintaining the status quo, on preserving the delicate balance of power within Prince Trauerqual's house, that she had failed to see the bigger picture.

“You said it would be respectful that you wanted to give to my other two daughters-in-law, but have you ever thought it was not respect but a burden to them? Do you really think that layknight in my story really could survive in the noble society after that by receiving all the shares belongs to the Archduke and those arch-knights?”

As the Third Queen continued to speak, her words cutting through Magdalena's defences like a sharpened blade, Magdalena felt a sense of clarity wash over her. She had been naive to think that her actions would not have consequences, that her submission to becoming the Third Lady would not affect those around her.

"I... I really never thought about that... I truly just didn’t want to mess with the order of Prince Trauerqual’s house..."

“Tell me, young lady. How have you received education in Dunkelfelger? As the heir, minister, Knight Commander, or daughter-in-law?”

“I... my parents decided that I would receive the education of a minister and allowed me to keep the archduke candidate status and open a matriarch house.”

“I see… Well, that explains much of the reason why you really didn’t know anything,” Third Queen sighed. “I assume you at least know the role of each wife in the Dunkelfelger archducal family. Could you enlighten me with this?”

“Yes, your majesty. The First Lady usually is an archduke candidate of other duchies, as she would responsible for dealing with interduchy relationship and have proper education to act as regent for younger Aub if require. The Second Lady would be usually an archnoble from the branch family of Dunkelfelger, who serves the role as Verfuhremeer to help the First Lady to acquaint with Dunkelfelger’s culture and calming down the over-abundant blessing of Brenwarmen of local men. The Third Lady was the one who balanced the factions of the duchy, depending on the situation.”

“So technically, beside the second wife and third wife's role, the role of the First Wife is not so different from Hauchletzte, Jossbrenner, and the Royal Family, I would say this,” the Third Queen continued, sharing her knowledge to Magdalena. “As you know, Hauchletzte was long famous for continuously engaging in Royal matches beside Klassenberg. My father, the former Aub Hauchletzte, received a secret order from Zent that I had been chosen as the candidate for Third Queen position when I was in my first year. Zent also sent a tutor to prepare me as the future Royal Bride once I graduated, so my education was shifted from being First Lady of fellow middle duchies to becoming a proper Third Queen that could stabilise the factions in the country.”

When she was 10... But, wasn’t her mother Celestine the Third Queen candidate all along until her father proposed a Bride Taking Ditter to marry her into Dunkelfelger when they were approaching the fifth year? Somehow, Magdalena felt that she found out a secret.

“Looking at your expression, I could say you also fell into that fake Ordoschnelli. It could not be helped, given Grammaratur has long abandoned that story due to the lack of Dregarnuhr’s grace. You could go ask your parents again about the truth behind, but I could assure you one thing: Both my marriage and your mother's marriage were all decided by Zent, and those lovely stories of Bluanfa and Brenwarmen were just a Verbergen shroud to blur the eye of Ewigeliebe to keep his hand out of Geduldh.”

All decisions were from Zent?

“To the Royal Family, especially those from the main family like Zent and his heir, the position of Third Queen is just helping the Second Queen in overseeing the collateral royals and producing children for interduchy marriages only, whether boys or girls. The other benefits of that position is only to gather intelligence, which benefits middle duchies and below only, so most greater duchies ignore that position unless they want to have a future prince or princess married into their duchy or they are so lacking in power that they need to cling to it. Of course, for the Third Queen position, an adopted or illegitimate daughter from greater duchies is sufficient.”

Magdalena nodded as she received this knowledge. It was similar to what she had learned from the Klassenberg native aides of her mother. The current First Lady of Dunkelfelger - her mother, was once the daughter of a third wife of the former Aub Klassenberg. While the First Queen had Klassenberg's blood, it was not enough for them to ascend higher, as power was mostly shared between Dunkelfelger and Werkestock. Thus, Klassenberg aimed for her mother Celestine to fight for the seat of Third Queen, even just for siring a princess who could be a future Queen for the next Zent, or a potential royal member to marry back into Klassenberg. However, the heir of Dunkelfelger at that time, inflamed by the heat of Brenwarmen, used Bride Taking Ditter to secure the marriage, and the match was approved by Zent.

Her father, hailed as Angriff for passing the Glucklitat's trials and earning the right to court his Verfurmeerer, had been a source of pride and inspiration for her. The story that had once been Magdalena's favourite now seemed like a cruel joke, shattered by the words of Third Queen Kreszentia, and Magdalena couldn't help but feel a deep sense of remorse for her naivety.

"The children from the Third Queen were originally planned to be at best collateral royals with decent credits or to be married off. My son was fortunate to be educated as a Knight Commander, so even his First lady would be expected to socialise with the arch-retainers of other archducal couples only. But now, he was forced to join the war, so his wives also got an unexpected promotion." Third Queen paused, her voice dripping with mockery. "And you expected those two daughter-in-laws of mine, one from Gilessenmeyer and one from Jossbrenner, could deal with all the interduchy businesses with much higher pedigree ladies and oversee the collateral Royals? And you - the daughter of the First Lady of Dunkelfelger, received an education to be a minister and a branch family matriarch of a first-ranked duchy - to stay silently in a villa and get blessing from Entrinduge only?"

The harsh truth of Third Queen Kreszentia's words cut deep, stripping away the illusions and revealing the stark reality of Magdalena's situation. By relinquishing her claim to the highest seat of power, she was not only denying the recognition her duchy deserved but also burdening the other two princess consorts with expectations they may not be equipped to handle.

To expect an archduke candidate from a middle ranked duchy like Gillessenmeyer to ascend to the position of First Queen and navigate the intricacies of interduchy politics was nothing short of folly. Similarly, to assume that a princess consort from a branch family of Jossbrenner could effectively manage the duties of a Second Queen was equally misguided.

Magdalena realised that she had much to learn and even more to atone for. Yet before she could express her concern, the Third Queen continued to reveal unexpected information: “To enlighten you further, my son has been discussing a match with a Drewanchel lady for the position of first wife. Aub Drewanchel has agreed to the match and has suggested three ladies for my son to consider. If you hadn't interfered, Trauerqual may have secured the match before the Interduchy Tournament, and Drewanchel would prepare for that lady a proper education for her future role!”

Magdalena gasped in surprise. If Drewanchel had agreed to a match for the future first wife position, it meant that regardless of the support given by the two princess consorts of Prince Trauerqual so far, they would still be demoted.

What have I done? To anger my family so much, and in the end, all for naught?

What should she do now?

Third Queen Kreszentia sighed, her voice softening. “I was young once, and I can see the sincere wish for spring in you. As a mother, I am indeed grateful, and I can now ensure that you harbour no harmful intentions toward my son.”

But then, her voice turned stern again. “However, my son is not educated to be the God of Darkness. That's why he needs a true Goddess of Light who can support him, something that even I, as one educated as a Third Queen, cannot do.” And with that, the Third Queen delivered her final statement. “If you wish to save Trauerqual, make way for a proper Goddess of Light to bring back Gebordning. We have no space to indulge a submissive Geduldh who has lost all her subordinates!”

The meeting ended, and Magdalena was dismissed. Until she regained consciousness, she found herself back in her own room at Dunkelfelger castle. She didn’t even know how she had returned to her room, nor how she had returned to Dunkelfelger.

Spring had already arrived, yet Magdalena felt a chill in her heart. The Third Queen had given her a season to make a final decision, so that Prince Trauerqual could court a Drewanchel Lady as soon as possible. Half of the season had passed, and she still couldn't think clearly about what she should do. She felt lost in her own inner conflict. Rationally, she knew that she could bring nothing to Prince Trauerqual’s side. Her loss in the recent Real Gewinnen had also stripped her of the right to choose retainers. Drewanchel had sided with Prince Trauerqual, and they also had many archduke candidates who could be selected as the First Queen.

But she couldn't bring herself to give up.

Deprived of Anhaltung, Magdalena found herself adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Seeking solace and guidance, she extended an invitation to her mother for a much-needed tea party.

They meticulously arranged a private gathering at the Gazebo nestled within the Hunting Grounds. Reminiscent of the revered Gazebo of the Goddess of Time in the Royal Academy, this tranquil haven served as the sacred meeting place for Dunkelfelger archducal members seeking genuine discourse, away from the watchful eyes of attendants.

While some preferred the seclusion of hidden rooms for intimate conversations, many Dunkelfelger individuals often favoured this serene sanctuary. Surrounded by the lush foliage of the hunting forest, where Forsente and the kin of Wind provided a sense of protection, the Gazebo of Autumn offered a refuge for those in need of solace and reflection. For daughters of archducal families, it held an additional significance as a place to bid farewell before the Jugereise’s dance.

As Celestine arrived, her presence imbued the Gazebo with an aura of maternal comfort and wisdom. Magdalena took a deep breath, gathering her courage to reveal the details of her meeting with the Third Queen, sparing no detail in her retelling. She spoke of the Third Queen's stern admonitions, her revelations about Prince Trauerqual's potential match with a Drewanchel lady, and the weight of her own guilt and regret.

When Magdalena finished speaking, there was a heavy silence between them, punctuated only by the soft sounds of the forest.

“You really surprised me, dear daughter,” Her mother began, her tone laced with disappointment. “For all the brilliance you've shown on the Ditter field, you seem to have overlooked many critical details, despite being raised to be a minister and the future head of a new branch family.”

Magdalena's cheeks burned with embarrassment, unable to meet Celestine's piercing gaze.

“Dunkelfelger is the Sword of Zent,” Her mother continued, her voice cold and unforgiving. “During my time, Dunkelfelger was also a backing maternal duchy of a Zent. Not to mention all matches between archduke candidates must be approved by Zent himself. Those fanciful tales you cherished were nothing more than a façade for the public eye.”

How could she have been so blind to the realities of their world, so easily swayed by pretty lies?

“If Zent truly wished for me to be his Third Queen, no amount of effort on your father's part could have secured my hand,” the revelation continued. “And if I had truly wished to be Queen, but with Zent's opposition, I would have still been forced to marry your father. Treasure Ditters are the only ones recognized by the Book of Law, and they are used to solve interduchy disputes. All other forms of Ditter are treasures of Dunkelfelger only, and Prince Trauerqual had no choice but to accept that Bride Task in a desperate bid for support.”

Magdalena felt as though the ground had been pulled out from beneath her feet, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty and self-doubt. She had been so naïve, so foolish to believe that her actions could change the course of destiny. “I was only trying to do what I thought was right.”

“Magdalena, do you really think that your father and I could not see what you have seen all along?” Her mother's voice was firm, her eyes piercing. “You think we could not see that Prince Trauerqual was innocently dragged into the war? You think we could not see that Prince Bosekalt could not be a proper ruler? You think we could not see the burden of the country due to this prolonged futile war? You think that we truly ignore our duty as the Sword of Zent, to protect the country? You think that we Dunkelfelger were just cowardly hiding rather than standing up and bringing back Gebordnung?”

I indeed really have some of those ideas in my mind.

“Have you ever thought of the consequences after this war? Right from the moment Prince Gewaltirre murdered Prince Waldifried, dragging Prince Bosekalt and forcing Prince Adalfried into the war, it was no longer just a dispute but a war between greater duchies behind each prince. Whoever won this war, the result would be the end of at least one great duchy that accounted for too much human power in Sovereignty and the whole country, either in knights, scholars, or attendants. Have you ever thought of the cost that we have to pay, not just to fix the damage of the war but also to replace the whole entourage system for the Royal Family aftermath?”

Magdalena listened in stunned silence as her mother's words cut through her like a knife. Magdalena realised the extent of her folly. She had been so blinded by her own desires that she had failed to see the larger implications of the conflict. “But you also agreed that the war has been too long…”, her voice faltering.

“Not that long until Dunkelfelger could assure there is no side that claimed victory in this war!” Celestine interrupted, her voice rising with intensity. “Tell me, Magdalena! Who is the winner of the fight for the sea, Elpberg or Brenwarmen?”

“No one,” Magdalena replied quietly, her mind racing to comprehend her mother's words. “The fight is futile as they're not courting Verfuhremeer properly, so the Goddess of the Sea is using her power to calm them down.”

“That's right, daughter! If Verfuhremeer wanted to choose any of them, she could have chosen from the start. Yet, rather than courting the Goddess they wanted so much, Brenwarmen and Elpberg lost themselves in the realm of Angriff, making the fight become overheated. Verfuhremeer could not let either of them win the fight and have any claim on her. That's why she raised her Staff to call upon the ocean to calm them down and cease that fight!”

What her mother implied was that Dunkelfelger would eventually join the fight, but not at the present moment. Only God knew when Dunkelfelger would raise their spear, but their aim was to ensure that no victory could be claimed for the throne through bloodshed without Grutrissheit.

"The Bride Task cannot be cancelled," Magdalena confirmed. "I have completed the task, and all that remains is the final evaluation by both sides."


"I understand that you all were displeased with my decision to submit to be the third wife," Magdalena acknowledged. "It was my oversight to leave the burdens to the two wives of Prince Trauerqual. I also understand that the education I received may not be suitable for wearing the Crown of Light. That's why I seek those who can be my Erwachlehren and Anhaltung now that my path may change."

Her mother raised an eyebrow skeptically. "And what benefits would you bring to their side?"

"I could learn to be the proper First Lady they seek," Magdalena replied

"I hardly think so," her mother countered. "I suspect Kreszentia didn't tell you the truth about the planned match with Drewanchel. They trusted Dunkelfelger with this information but not you! Based on our last conversation, I am certain that Queen Kreszentia wanted to cancel the Bride Task, regardless of the position you would hold, and she even asked for compensation for letting you destroy their plan."

Magdalena still hadn't fully grasped what her mother meant, but she could understand that there were deeper reasons behind the Third Queen's rejection, not just her desire to become a lesser wife.

"As the First Lady of Dunkelfelger, I hope the Bride Task cannot be revoked, as it would bring dishonour to Dunkelfelger's culture. Dunkelfelger would see you as having defied the Aub's order, betrayed your own duchy in your pursuit to marry Prince Trauerqual, only to revoke the contract and annul the match after completing the task. You would hardly be able to stay in Dunkelfelger without facing punishment, and demotion would be the least of your worries. Your life would suffer as long as you remained in Dunkelfelger."


“However, as your mother, I understand your sincere feelings and wish the best for you. Liebeskhilfe played her prank and involved Sterrat in tying the thread of the new couple, yet a rare number of them could receive the blessing of Bluanfa from both sides. I cannot say my marriage had a good start, but I am satisfied that it is going well and we are blessed by Brenwarmen.” Celestine softened her tone, her gaze filled with compassion. “Magdalena, you must prepare yourself. If you married Prince Trauerqual, you would also suffer from scrutiny and face the exceedingly harsh winds of all those who consider you a nuisance. Which means, Klassenberg for allowing them to be involved in a Ditter that brought no benefits at all; Drewanchel - for depriving them of the opportunity to secure a relationship with Prince Trauerqual and a chance to rise in rank if their side won the war; and Prince Trauerqual and Queen Kreszentia, as they need a flawless First Lady for the heir they support.”

Magdalena nodded, her throat tight with emotion.

“I asked your opinion first about the match with Heissh*tze, and if you disagreed with that, we could arrange another solution, such as finding a temporary political match just to secure your safety against the royal family, then using another excuse to cancel the match later such as mana matching,” Celestine criticised her. “The match with Heissh*tze was truly planned for both sides and not temporary. For you to abandon the boy right before his graduation and let him be escortless, have you ever thought of the feeling of his family? His grandfather is the current Knight Commander and one of few Lords who could sustain the archduke candidate status, and his uncle would soon be the next Knight Commander. Beside Millicent’s and Sieglinde’s family, his family is the highest ranked branch family in Dunkelfelger, only after Eberhard’s.”

“I had no choice, mother,” Magdalena replied, “the announcement of my previous match with Heissh*tze sent everyone into an excitable frenzy. I also thought that the Royal dispute between the First and the Third Prince would not escalate that much, and I still have time to work on changing my match.”

“If you had ever told me about your feelings earlier, I could have helped you,” Celestine's voice softened, a hint of regret in her tone. “Our plan is to set up one of the Princes as Relay Zent after ceasing the heat of Angriff, and Prince Trauerqual indeed a forefront choice for Dunkelfelger as he held no greater duchy backing.”

Magdalena listened intently as her mother outlined their family's plans and the potential opportunities that lay ahead. According to her mother, once the Relay Zent was set up under Dunkelfelger’s influence, she could marry to her Erwachlehren under the disguise of a political match, with the excuse that Dunkelfelger needed someone to hold power in Sovereignty to ensure that there was no sabotage to all the younger generation of the Royal Family regardless of their parents, and to take control if anyone dared to start a fight again. Whether the true match would be favoured in her feelings, at least to the public, it was carefully crafted and shielded under a Verbergen shroud.

“Mother, I do not regret my decision, and the weave of Ventuche cannot be unravelled back to the past,” Magdalena said firmly, she could not outright admit that it was her mistake for poorly gathering intelligence and seeking Anhaltung before hastily deciding to act. “I know I could not force Dunkelfelger to act on my behalf. However, without Ventuchte’s guidance, Liebeskhilfe could not do her job properly after the promotion. And just like father has declared, I wish to get the full support as a proper Royal Bride, including both wealth and human power.”

At least, she could bring those who would be useful in helping her secure the power as the First Wife, and to support Prince Trauerqual politically.

“Ventuchte cannot be unravelled, but she could weave the tapestry into a new pattern if she deemed it necessary, especially under the Supreme Couple’s order.” Her mother stayed firm. “I have received your decision to continue the match, but the real conditions would be discussed later with the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual. An invitation has been received, and I shall send a request for you to attend as well.”

Even if Magdalena had decided her new path, the results were still on hold. Furthermore, her mother just sent a warning to her: whatever the plan that she just told Magdalena was merely a prediction, and if the Aub and First Lady of Dunkelfelger see it necessary to support the Fourth Prince to be relay instead, then they would act to acquire the best benefits for Dunkelfelger.

The meeting with her mother ended peacefully, but beneath the calm surface, Magdalena felt a storm brewing within. She resisted the urge to bite down on her lower lip. It had only been a season since she had worked tirelessly for her future, yet now she found herself in a vague situation with an uncertain ending. Despite all the hardship she had endured, at least securing her match had felt like a small victory.



Side Story (Just for fun)
Magdalena emotional rolling chain:
*Hearing about the blessing* It’s all Ferdinand’s fault!!!
*Hearing report from Seradina's aid* Poor boy ~
*Losing the Ditter* It’s all Ferdinand’s fault!!!
Ferdie; What's wrong with Magdalena recently?
Sera: Come on son, comfort mother a little bit. I feel so lonely to not be with you all the time. *Dabbing tears*
Ferdie: Why does my mother suddenly turn 'Myne’s mode' for all the hugging requests? *Still come to hug her anyway*
Sera: *smirked* Still easy to be lured as before, ah ~ my son is adorable ~ acting all reluctantly but still snuggling in my arm ~

Chapter 28: Celestine - Final decision


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The request for Magdalena to join the next meeting was met with a resounding rejection. Celestine, perceptive as ever, could sense the undercurrents of secrecy surrounding the decision. It was evident that Queen Kreszentia desired a level of confidentiality that excluded Magdalena from the discussion, likely due to the involvement of a hidden princess.

If Queen Kreszentia still harboured hopes of persuading Magdalena to cancel the Bride Task, it made sense for her not to include Magdalena in the meeting. The final outcome, however, had likely already been decided, and Celestine knew her daughter well enough to anticipate her stubbornness in sticking to her choice.

As Celestine contemplated the ramifications of Magdalena's decision, she couldn't help but curse the peculiar culture of Dunkelfelger. The escalation of matters concerning Ditter to such a critical point was baffling, particularly when simpler solutions could have sufficed.

Celestine listed out all the potential negative outcomes that could result from the choices Magdalena had made. Despite the grim possibilities, Magdalena still believed that seeking knowledge to be trained as a powerless First Wife was preferable to remaining in Dunkelfelger and bearing the shame of her actions.

"She fails to consider the safety she would have if she remained in Dunkelfelger," Celestine lamented to her daughter-in-law Seradina - the only non-native Dunkelfelger that she could talk to. "She could still receive the proper treatment as an archduke candidate and, if need be, we could send her to the front to erase any dishonour from her failed Bride Task and Ditter. Once married out, beside the cold treatment she'll receive as an outcast, the worst she would face is assassination."

Seradina had worked hard to regain her strength in order to live normally again after three years sleeping in juvere, and Celestine was impressed by her resilience and determination. Seradina eventually removed all the strength-enhancing tools and returned to socialising, thriving in the ladies' society and quickly regaining most of her power share. While part of her success was attributed to Ferdinand's credits during the latest Ditter, Celestine wondered if Magdalena could achieve similar results in such a short time after marrying out.

"Mother-in-law, unless you speak plainly to Magdalena, she may not grasp the gravity of the situation. She's still in her summer, when the kin of Fire are strongest and least receptive to advice, even from their master. It may take the involvement of other seasons to calm her down."

"So now we must find a way to appease the Third Queen," Celestine concluded.

"Your previous offer to her should suffice," Seradina suggested. "The contract was signed by both parties, and Prince Trauerqual also bears responsibility for signing it without consulting father-in-law and you, especially considering Magdalena's status."

"You're right. But once Magdalena assumes the position of First Wife, her actions will inevitably affect Dunkelfelger's reputation. Unless we disown her completely, we'll be tied to her deeds," Celestine admitted with a heavy heart. "I fear that one year of training won't be enough to correct her mindset. The issue with my daughter lies not in her knowledge or education, but in her approach to problem-solving. It's only recently that I've realised just how twisted her thinking has become. Submitting to a lesser position to preserve order and show respect to duchies with longer support—such thoughts are unbefitting of someone of her rank. Has she also forgotten that Dunkelfelger holds a higher status than Klassenberg? We don't even bow down to Werkestock, so why should we to Klassenberg? Even I, as the daughter of a third wife, never entertained the thought of becoming a second wife to your father-in-law simply because Lady Millicent engaged and married him first."

"Could we request a postponement of the Starbinding? I could assist in educating her," Seradina offered, her concern evident in her voice.

"I'm grateful for your willingness to help, Seradina," Celestine replied. "As for postponing... I'm not certain. Queen Kreszentia informed Magdalena that Prince Trauerqual had secured a match with Drewanchel during the last Interduchy Tournament. Based on what I've been told, they wanted a lady from a great duchy to serve as the baptismal mother to the hidden princess. The decision to demote the Gillessenmeyer lady and arrange a new match wasn't made long ago. I have a feeling they're rushing this matter. Perhaps there's more pressure from Klassenberg for a new match?"

"Or... perhaps the princess is due to be baptised soon?" Seradina suggested, her intuition sharp. “Prince Trauerqual agreed to the match before, so the starbinding with Magdalena would still be sufficient in time to baptise that little princess!”

"That would mean next spring... Ah, so the little princess would be two years younger than our Ferdinand at least ," Celestine mused.

"Too bad... they would have quite a good age gap," Seradina lamented.

"Oh my, oh my, don't tell me you've already begun the search for your daughter-in-law?" Celestine teased.

"Well, if Prince Waldifried were alive and became Zent, I don't think it would be too much to ask for a princess from a Third Queen for my Ferdinand!" Seradina quipped. "In fact, given Ferdinand's early compression state, I can hardly think of a better match than a royal princess who could complement my son. Ideally, I'd like to establish a good relationship with the next Zent so that he might allow me to seek a match from my old house for Ferdinand."

Ah... Adalgisa...

Celestine's mind drifted to the mention of the secretive place that was despised for rejecting the blessings of Wiegenmilch and Entrinduge under a veil of Verbergen. She had learned of it through her training as a covert spy for Klassenberg, a role elegantly referred to as the Third Queen. Initially shocked to discover Seradina's origins from that place, Celestine soon realised the value of the offer Seradina brought—a proposition both Dunkelfelger and Zent coveted. She had never regretted her family's decision to pursue Seradina's hand in marriage.

Ironically, Celestine considered that perhaps only that place could provide a suitable match for Ferdinand.

"Your father-in-law suggested having Hannelore become his First Wife later, in case the war prolongs and Grutrissheit remains elusive," Celestine explained with a sigh. "All to safeguard both Ferdinand and Hannelore from the ambitions of other duchies. Ferdinand's match would be akin to Werdekraft, where his partner's power would significantly influence Dunkelfelger's fate, while Hannelore would follow a path similar to Magdalena's, becoming a champion for various factions seeking our support."

"Well, he's not entirely wrong," Seradina agreed. "Have you discussed this with Sieglinde and Werdekraft?"

"Not yet... It's still a long-term plan... Our most pressing concern now is addressing the aftermath caused by Magdalena..." Celestine trailed off.

"I actually have a proposal... but it hinges on confirming the real age of the hidden princess," Seradina interjected, her expression contemplative. "Let Magdalena be the third wife, if she so desires."

"Pardon?" Celestine's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Magdalena's desire to be the third wife isn't widely known outside our family circle, Queen Kreszentia's knowledge, and perhaps Prince Trauerqual's. To the public, if she were to marry into the Royal Family, she would be expected to hold the position of first wife. Therefore, being placed as a third wife could easily be perceived as a punishment in the eyes of others."

"Indeed, it's a strategic move," Celestine acknowledged, considering Seradina's proposal.

In the past season, being a third wife while garnering Dunkelfelger's support had felt like a reward for Magdalena, as she believed her decisions were right. But now, enlightened by Celestine's perspective and criticised by Queen Kreszentia, Magdalena recognised how wrong she had been. Her request for proper support as a Royal Bride and the desire to change her education reflected her aim to become a first wife capable of supporting Prince Trauerqual in ways the other wives could not.

Being demoted to third wife status at this moment felt like a true punishment to Magdalena, especially when she was unable to aid her future Dark God.

Seradina nodded in agreement. "And as you've mentioned, Queen Kreszentia and Prince Trauerqual care deeply for the hidden princess. The Third Queen might even be willing to accept a flawed candidate like Magdalena if it means securing Dunkelfelger's aid in protecting her grandniece. I couldn't help but think—if we're considering knightly abilities and combat strength, who better than a warrior princess from Dunkelfelger? Magdalena would have the opportunity to fulfil her duties as a knight."

"Are you suggesting we exploit Magdalena's skills and use her as a covert escort for the princess?" Celestine asked, raising an eyebrow.

"In special circ*mstances, we must find special solutions," Seradina replied calmly. "It's efficient, don't you think? Magdalena would have the chance to demonstrate her worth in the realm of knighthood, the hidden princess would receive protection, other duchies would be appeased by Magdalena's demotion, considering they also perceive her as flawed."


My girl would definitely jump on that proposal of being a knight immediately without thinking.

"Then, if the princess were well-protected until Prince Trauerqual ascended to be relay Zent, it would be counted as Magdalena's credits," Seradina continued, her voice filled with calculated confidence. "And it would be up to Prince Trauerqual or Queen Kreszentia to decide whether to promote her again. This would also provide an opportunity for Magdalena to build a relationship with the princess and her aides."

Celestine nodded thoughtfully, considering the implications. "And what about the role of baptism mother for the hidden princess?" she inquired.

"Ah, well, Lady Ralfrieda would likely be demoted for her fault," Seradina replied with a smile. "So, let Lady Clementine take on the role of first wife instead. With the war still ongoing and Prince Trauerqual merely a prince, Lady Clementine wouldn't need to fulfil any royal duties, especially as she seeks asylum in Hauchletzte. Strengthening the relationship with Hauchletzte would surely please Queen Kreszentia."

"True, but what about Magdalena’s later promotion? It would result in Lady Clementine being demoted once again without fault, and with her being the baptism mother of the hidden princess, Queen Kreszentia would never agree," Celestine pressed, her mind racing with possibilities.

"If Magdalena managed to get promoted later, she could still adopt the hidden princess. Being baptised as the former first wife’s child and adopted by the new first wife would guarantee the position of that little princess. But to ensure no opposition, it is better for Magdalena to get married as soon as possible.”

“Then we cannot afford for her to receive the full education in such a short time.”

Seradina's smile grew even wider. “As part of the compensation you offered to the Third Queen before, we could send a group of tutors proficient in the Royal Bride curriculum, focusing on educating a First Queen. Magdalena could continue her education while serving as an escort knight to the princess."

Assigning her a tutor to continue her First Queen curriculum seemed benevolent on the surface. However, educating her while she served as a knight to the princess could easily be interpreted as educating her in front of the princess, allowing Lady Clementine to potentially join the lessons if she wished. Given Magdalena's desire to respect the other wives of Prince Trauerqual, she would likely not refuse Lady Clementine's involvement, especially if it were pushed by Queen Kreszentia.

It would become a race to see whether Magdalena or Lady Clementine could earn more knowledge from that tutor in becoming a First Queen. With Queen Kreszentia already harbouring dissatisfaction with Magdalena, once Lady Clementine proved herself capable in interduchy relationships, Celestine was sure that Kreszentia would likely not care whether Magdalena became the first wife or not.

As for earning credits by protecting the hidden princess, the significance of those credits was primarily recognized by Prince Trauerqual and Queen Kreszentia only. Typically, people favoured male heirs, people would see Lady Ralfrieda's sons as true heir of Prince Trauerqual. Which meant, the likelihood of these boys encountering attacks from Werkestock would be higher. Unless something significant occurred in Hauchletzte's domain, Magdalena would essentially earn no credits substantial enough to warrant another promotion.

Initially, it seemed like Seradina had found a solution that would appease all parties involved. Upon closer examination, Celestine realised that Seradina was actually closing off all escape routes for Magdalena.

Celestine furrowed her brow as she seeked for clarification about the true intention of Seradina. "When do you think the demotion of Lady Ralfrieda should be announced?"

"To protect the hidden princess until her baptism, it would be best not to announce it immediately," Seradina replied. "Furthermore, my father-in-law has ordered that Magdalena be married off as a proper Royal Bride. The rightful position for a Dunkelfelger princess is, of course, as a first wife only. Therefore, right before the princess's baptism, Magdalena would volunteer to be demoted, citing her own flaws and the missteps of Lady Ralfrieda. With both Magdalena and Lady Ralfrieda shouldering fault, it would be easier for everyone to accept Lady Clementine as the first wife."

"So, instead of allowing Magdalena to marry off as a third wife from the start, you orchestrated her marriage as a first wife, resulting in Lady Ralfrieda's demotion and directing Gilessenmeyer's resentment toward Magdalena. Then, Magdalena serves as an escort knight for the hidden princess while receiving First Queen education alongside Lady Clementine. Subsequently, you told Magdalena to volunteer for demotion, allowing Lady Clementine to become the first wife, sending a message to the public that Magdalena was unfit for promotion and failed to fulfil her duties." Celestine's voice was high in sarcasm. "Ultimately, the best Magdalena can hope for is Prince Trauerqual's pity. However, with Lady Clementine being forced into the role of first wife, it suggests that Magdalena is anything but active in supporting him. Lady Clementine will receive favour from Prince Trauerqual and Queen Kreszentia, while Magdalena becomes the target of their resentment."

By orchestrating this scenario, even with the revelation of Lady Ralfrieda's true fault, Magdalena would still bear resentment for assuming the first wife position from the start while being at fault herself. The timing of the little princess's baptism remains uncertain, potentially prolonging Magdalena's resentment. Rather than seeing Lady Ralfrieda's late demotion as punishment for leaking information, people would view it as an excuse for Magdalena’s unwillingness to support her husband. They might argue that such a fault from Lady Ralfrieda should have been punished earlier, and if Magdalena truly wanted to show remorse, she should have been married off as a third wife from the start.

"Rather than letting the poor innocent Lady Clementine and the hidden princess receive the resentment, a lady who is heavily blessed by Angriff like Magdalena should be the one who faces Eifersuneid," Seradina continued, “And when did Prince Trauerqual’s faction stop resenting Magdalena?"

Alright, all of his faction now were resenting her. But this was not a reason to escalate that opposition.

In case Magdalena could not earn any acceptable credits, she would be stuck as a third wife. She would be despised in Dunkelfelger for volunteering to be demoted. To Prince Trauerqual’s supporters, she would bring nothing in return, not even a political facade. And to Drewanchel and Klassenberg, Magdalena would be a nuisance for taking up a wife position without offering any assistance. Queen Kreszentia would not care then, as she would have a better daughter-in-law who could assist her son in dealing with interduchy work, if Lady Clementine knew how to grab the opportunity to hone herself via Dunkelfelger tutor. And Dunkelfelger also secured a good relationship with her and the hidden princess via those personnels.

What's worse was that Magdalena might end up being completely ignored by her desired God of Darkness, and even receive hateful feelings from him. That would be a complete tragic ending for Magdalena.

Everyone got their benefits except Magdalena.

"It's just a proposal, Mother-in-law. The decision will rest with you and my father-in-law," Seradina reiterated, her tone calm and composed. "And all the potential negative outcomes are merely predictions in case Magdalena fails the Glucklitat’s trials."

"And you're saying that you are not predicting that my girl would jump on the proposal, and that she might focus too much on knight duty to the point ignore other type of education?"

“If Magdalena truly understood the weight of the Royal Bride education, she would not.”

I am afraid that she might not if she knew there was a way for her to earn credits via doing knight work.

"And do you think that Lady Clementine would ask to join the class from Dunkelfelger's tutor?" Celestine probed further, her mind whirling with the implications of such a scenario.

"I rather believe that Magdalena would actively request her for joining, with the excuse that all of them need to equip themselves in knowledge and skills to help Prince Trauerqual," Seradina responded, her expression serene.

That really sounds like that fool daughter of mine…

"And you believe that Magdalena would volunteer to demote herself after all those things?" Celestine pressed.

"If someone told her to do that to protect Lady Clementine - the baptism mother of the hidden princess, and depending on how much Magdalena witnesses the way Prince Trauerqual favours that princess… maybe…" Seradina shrugged.

That… that was indeed something Magdalena could do! Damn, I have to check the list of retainers following Magdalena carefully so that none of Seradina’s spies slipped inside.

“Gilessenmeyer already knows about their potential punishment for leaking out intel.”

Seradina's calm demeanour remained unchanged as she addressed Celestine's concerns. "Given the situation and the lack of information about the punishment so far, it's likely that only a select few, including Aub Gilessenmeyer and possibly Lady Ralfrieda, are aware of it," she explained. "Punishing Lady Ralfrieda now would essentially confirm the existence of the hidden princess. The optimal time to reveal Lady Ralfrieda's demotion would be during the baptism ceremony or after Prince Trauerqual ascends the throne."

That's why it would be better if Magdalena married off as the third wife instead, because it would clearly show that Lady Ralfrieda was demoted due to her own fault, not because Magdalena married into the family.

“You also said that Aub Gilessenmeyer and Lady Ralfrieda are already aware of it.”

“But I cannot speak for the whole Gilessenmeyer. Even a united duchy like Dunkelfelger has numerous factions, and it also depends on what other factions in Gilessenmeyer think about their lady being demoted and not getting the same privilege of receiving extra education from Dunkelfelger’s tutors.”

Given the situation that Magdalena was the one who actively requested Lady Clementine to join the lesson, she would be the one who received resentment from Gilessenmeyer, not Lady Clementine.

"And what’s about Prince Trauerqual?" Celestine questioned.

“If she passed the Glucklitat’s trials, Magdalena would earn the true standing that suited both her pedigree, her hardwork and her heart's desire.”

Which also means, if Magdalena failed, she lost all, including Prince Trauerqual’s potential affection.

Celestine's eyebrows furrowed as she regarded Seradina with a mixture of surprise and mockery. "Seradina, dear, I am surprised that you are outright telling me that you are calculating my own daughter and scheming to diminish her social standing."

Seradina's laughter was light, but Celestine sensed an undercurrent of seriousness beneath her facade. "I really didn’t mean it that way, mother-in-law. I am merely proposing a course of action," Seradina explained, her tone gentle yet resolute. "The Glucklitat’s trial is difficult, but there is always a solution. Once you overcome it, you will be blessed with Anwachs, and Greifechan will smile upon you. In the end, the choice is yours and father-in-law's."

What have you done to anger your sister-in-law that much, Magdalena?

“I could recognise your plan, which means Queen Kreszentia could also deduce it.”

"She won't oppose it, because whatever the final result might be, her son and her beloved grandniece would receive benefits," Seradina replied. "If Magdalena succeeds in passing Glucklitat's trials, then the little princess gets baptised under the first lady. Prince Trauerqual gets a good first wife who could work well in lady society. If Magdalena fails, the princess still gets baptised under the first wife, and Prince Trauerqual still gets a decent Royal wife, except that wife would not be Magdalena. In a much better situation, if Magdalena manages to get promoted later, Lady Ralfrieda may face further demotion, as Lady Clementine has gained credits and Magdalena has overcome her shame, leaving Lady Ralfrieda as the only one bearing fault. Her sons would not pose a threat to the little princess in status, unless they are exceptionally good."

“Your plan works only if Queen Kreszentia gives up completely on Lady Ralfrieda.”

“As the Queen had to evacuate to Hauchletzte and even brought Lady Clementine together with her, I am certain that the relationship with Lady Ralfrieda is not good at all.”

As Seradina smiled brightly, Celestine couldn't help but notice the resemblance to Ferdinand's expression.

I think I found the source of Ferdinand's smile... How synchronising…

She suddenly recalled that Ferdinand's retainers recently promoted him to the title of Lord of Evil instead of Lord of Ditter. It suited the boy with all his tricks in the Ditter field, but Celestine didn’t think much of it since Ferdinand had only played one Ditter match so far. He was young, and there was still time until he truly earned that title. Now, it was just a little victory fever of the youth.

But Celestine couldn't help but think that Seradina might suit the title "evil" more than her son.

And the most annoying thing was, all Seradina said was right.

The trap of Seradina could only work if Magdalena followed the same mistakes as she did in the past season.

If Magdalena could really learn from her missteps and improve herself, then Seradina’s offer became a perfect plan that could help Magdalena stand firm in the first wife position with her own credits, earn back the respect from the other, by balancing the knight duty in protection of the hidden princess and the royal wife duty in planning for socialisation, gathering support and building faction base. The most important one was playing Erwachlehren to the royal children. Given the chance of being close to the little princess to protect her, as long as Magdalena knew how to play her role right, she could earn the place as Erwachlehren to the little princess’s heart, thus earning favour from both Queen Kreszentia and Prince Trauerqual. Furthermore, Magdalena could also use the chance to acquire loyalty and support from Lady Clementia. This would help her a lot in case Lady Ralfrieda and Gilessenmeyer went against her.

But can my daughter get the blessing of Sehweit this time?

Celestine wouldn’t know, but she at least could discuss this plan to her husband.

And the first thing he ever said once the story finished was: “Have I ever made my daughter-in-law angry?”

Celestine sighed, "Don't worry, you haven't."

"Do you think Magdalena would fall for this trap? She has one more year for the changing curriculum. She is not blessed by Sehweit at the moment, but she is not completely devoid of Mestionora!"

"I will do my best!" Celestine said with a worried voice, "I also asked Seradina to help with the lesson, of course with my presence. Maybe if Magdalena manages to finish her education quickly, things would not be as bad as we predicted."

"The thing is how the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual receive the news and how they would decide Magdalena's position," Wencelaus frowned. "I hate to say it, but the best scenario for Magdalena now would be marrying as a third wife, then getting promoted later. This will soothe the ire from all sides."

"And your daughter-in-law suggested the other." Celestine scoffed

"What has Magdalena done wrong to Seradina? They've just reunited for a season, right? And Magdalena also hardly spent any time with her, I recall."

"I also wish to know," Celestine suddenly thought that maybe it was good for Magdalena to marry out. Since Seradina held negative feelings for Magdalena, who knew what Seradina would do to her once Seradina climbed to power later as the First Lady. She wouldn't harm Magdalena physically, but in her social and political standing.

Whatever the reason, it was not the time to discuss it. In the end, Celestine and Wencelaus agreed that if Magdalena navigated her actions correctly, they could use Seradina's proposed plan. It was a very high risk, but worth taking with careful calculation.

When they went to the meeting with the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual, Wenceslaus confirmed Magdalena's results of the Bride Task and her choice not to cancel the contract.

Let's see how the Queen and the Prince react to this news.

The Third Queen frowned, but Prince Trauerqual began to speak first. "I understand Lady Magdalena's choice. My niece also mentioned that this was partly my fault for signing a contract that decided our marriage without consulting Anhaltung, and it was also my fault for not gathering intelligence better, especially when Lady Magdalena is still in summer."

His niece... the little hidden princess? Celestine and her husband glanced at each other. It was understandable that the prince would like to mention his favoured niece to level her up, but Celestine really thought it was quite nonsense given the girl was an unbaptised child right now.

Queen Kreszentia sighed, "I would like to ask whether your daughter wants to wear the crown of light or hold the chalice of earth."

This matter fell under Celestine's charge, so she replied instead of her husband, "Her education will change to suit her status. However, Dunkelfelger would like a postponement of the Starbinding if possible."

"It seems we share the same mind," Queen Kreszentia said. "I also would like to postpone the Starbinding for one more year. Lady Magdalena can start her transfer to Hauchletzte in Autumn next year."

"I see," Celestine nodded. For them to propose such a thing, was there any news from their side?

"Actually," Prince Trauerqual said, "There is another matter that I would like to discuss with you two." Then he signalled for his scholar to bring up a contract, and all the retainers on the Royal Family side left the room.

Wenceslaus was also surprised, but he followed suit. It was quite dangerous to leave their aides outside, but Wenceslaus alone could handle any harm from both the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual.

The contract was delivered to Wenceslaus and then to Celestine to read. It was a simple contract stating that no information from the meeting would be allowed to be leaked. After seeing the parchment burned in the flame of Light, Prince Trauerqual began to speak.

"I would like to offer a proposal from my side, and I also want to know the real objective from Dunkelfelger."

"The real objective? Prince Trauerqual, we have already stated many times that Dunkelfelger would remain neutral only, and we will follow whoever possesses proof of Kingship," Wenceslaus said, crossing his arms.

"What if neither I nor my brother Bosekalt could find the Grutrissheit? I can't help but think that there must be some reason that both of us received minister education only," Prince Trauerqual said. "My brother was born from the Second Queen, so it's a little strange that our eldest brother Gewaltirre could receive heir education while he did not. And Bosekalt's age was not much different from my third brother Adalfried, but Adalfried also received heir education."

"Are you suggesting that there are other special requirements for obtaining the Grutrissheit?"

"I don't know. It's just a guess of mine. But there is a peculiar chance that it could be true," Prince Trauerqual said. "But that doesn't mean that the next generation of Royal children cannot find it. Furthermore, both Bosekalt and I were educated as ministers, so we don't have enough knowledge to sit on the throne. I didn't even know that there is an existence of an exclusive archive for the Aub."

What? Even with a ministerial education, is the curriculum for the Royal level THAT lacking?

Wenceslaus was also dumbfounded at the new information. He quickly regained his focus and asked, "So, what is your proposal?"

"Before that, I would like to confirm one more thing from you, Aub Dunkelfelger," Prince Trauerqual said. "Your duchy would support anyone who obtains the Grutrissheit, regardless of their pedigree or faction?"

"We would."

"What will happen to us if my brother's side obtains the Grutrissheit? Will Dunkelfelger help him to eliminate all the duchies and people following me?"

"We would do our best to stop it, at least to reduce the number of people being purged. The war has lasted for so long, and it would be a nightmare for the remaining duchies to compensate for the loss if a massive purge were to occur."

"But if he obtains the Grutrissheit, would you follow all of his orders?"

"As long as they are not too extreme, yes," Wenceslaus sighed.

Prince Trauerqual and Queen Kreszentia looked at each other once more, then he said, "Based on my niece's prediction, it seems that Dunkelfelger will soon step up in the war to cease the fight. And I have received your confirmation about not wanting to have a purge."

Why is he so desperate to give credit to his niece? Unless he was not lying, and that little hidden princess was indeed unusually mature for her age.

"My proposal is, I hope for Dunkelfelger to stand up to cease the fight as soon as possible, especially before any sides obtain the Grutrissheit!"

"What?!" Wenceslaus and Celestine were completely surprised.

"Please let me continue with my proposal! Once you cease the war, with Dunkelfelger’s power, please force everyone who holds enough power in each faction, including all the baptised children of the Royal Family, to sign a magical contract stating that whoever finds the Grutrissheit will be the Zent, and that the new Zent will not be allowed to order any purge unless there are treasonous acts that could lead to another war. Furthermore, if a purge is necessary, then only those who are found guilty will be punished, and those who have associations with criminals will have a chance to prove their loyalty before punishment."

It's exactly what our plan was from the start! If Celestine didn't know better, she would really think there was a spy in Dunkelfelger. But the plan was something that only she, Wenceslaus, and Werdekraf knew. Later, due to Magdalena’s misstep, most prominent figures in the archducal family knew about it, but it was still not widely known.

"How...?" Wenceslaus began.

"Prince Trauerqual," Celestine's gaze was deep, "Who is your Anhaltung in this matter?"

"My niece, the surviving daughter of my brother Waldifried - the latest heir of our country who possessed the Grutrissheit!"

"You can't be serious?"

"If your grandson can be a genius at his age, why can't my grandniece?" Queen Kreszentia chimed in.

Hey, what do you mean by that?

"I know it sounds like a joke, but it is true," Prince Trauerqual said. "She is still very young, but she is also very mature. And all of her suggestions were not without sources."

"I would like to hear more on this matter," Celestine asked.

“Well… she likes reading, and she is currently finishing reading a third of the books in Hauchletzte’s castle library. My uncle Aub Hauchletzte even has to prepare a separate bookroom for her in the place she lived and continuously deliver new books to that room. All to keep her from running out of the secret building and searching for new books. He even has to secretly slip those old books out of that room so that nobody realises that the castle library lost a big amount of books, but then it was found out by my niece, and she got angry at him for a day.”

A Mestionora’s seeker, and a troublesome child, like Ferdinand.

“She has already reached the matter of foundation magic, and then when she asked about how to do Entwickeln in the countrywide level, I mentioned the function of Grutrissheit in this. It was then she said that there must be some requirement to get Grutrissheit, just like how foundation magic was exclusive for archduke candidates, and those who do not possess Dark and Light attributes would have many difficulties in wielding this.”

“Yes, it makes sense…”

“As for the lack of education, it was the carelessness of my uncle when mentioning an exclusive archive for Aub, which made her come to ask me whether there is any exclusive for Zent and Royal members. It was then I found out I don’t know anything about this, and after talking with my uncle, I realised that my education in ruling is even worse than a typical Aub.”

“It was not your fault. Your education is decided by your father - the Zent himself,” Queen Kreszentia lamented upon her son’s confession.

“I don’t know how much education Bosekalt has received so far. However, I asked one of the Klassenberg scholars who once served my father, and he confirmed that my father - the Zent, only summoned Gewalttire, Waldifried, and Adalfried into his office for help. As for me and Bosekalt, we usually received documents only at our villa. Which means he might also not receive better knowledge than me in father’s side,” Prince Trauerqual continued, “In the end, both of us are the only ones left in the main Royal family but didn’t have sufficient education as heirs, and we might not even have the ability to wield the Grutrissheit.”

“I see what you’re worrying about. But I am surprised that you are willing to confess your weaknesses in front of us.”

“Aub Dunkelfelger, Lady Celestine…” Prince Trauerqual lowered his head, his eyes full of sorrow, “I know my place and know my real ability. I find joy in being Erwachlehren in the Royal Academy, and I was happy that my father entrusted me with that role. When Aub Klassenberg came to request my participation in the war, the first thing I ever thought of was evacuating my family, and thanks to that, my mother, my wives, my children, and my niece were safe. If Bosekalt hadn’t sent his army to ambush me at my villa, I wouldn’t have cared whether he became Zent or not. Right from the start, that position was too high for me to aspire to, while Bosekalt, at least, was the son of a Second Queen.”

Poor boy… Celestine sighed, he indeed had hard times… He reminded Celestine of Faramund - the soft, timid son of Third Lady Tulnesda.

Wenceslaus might have the same idea as her because Celestine also recognized that his eyes became much softer. “Prince Trauerqual, I believe anyone with sense now would support you, knowing your circ*mstances. However, as Aub of Dunkelfelger, I cannot support anyone just based on characteristics or good will. Let's get back to your proposal. Why do you think of that peace contract?”

“It was also one of my niece’s ideas. When her retainers comforted her that once the war ended and when our side won, Bosekalt and Werkestock would be punished. It was then my niece asked what kind of punishment would be applied. I didn’t want to scare her, so I planned to say that they would be put in jail. But then, as she read a lot, she found proof from the history books that all the opposite factions would be purged, and she was worried for the fate of other children.”


“Yes, she said that children are innocent. Even if the parents committed wrongs, the children should not be involved. My grandniece is actually very soft and has a pure heart.”

A soft heart… somehow it didn’t seem very good for the future ruler, especially in an unstable time.

“I commented that the unbaptized children would be spared, but then she replied, what if Bosekalt finds the Grutrissheit after she gets baptised, she would not be spared either. Then she said that if there is any way to make sure that everyone would not overkill, like how a magical contract ensures no business secret is leaked out by any parties signed up.”

“A business contract?”

“Oh, that’s right Celestine. I told you before, my Mestionora is favoured by Cuococalura. You have tried her invention - the pound cake,” Queen Kreszentia smiled proudly, “Due to the secrecy required for her existence, and also to protect her credits from unwanted exploitation, we have prepared a contract to keep the secret of all her food recipes. That’s why when talking about ensuring everyone was on the same page, she thought about a contract first.”

“I see…” Wenceslaus nodded in agreement. “After everyone signs the peace contract, what do you expect?”

“A relay Zent would be required, and in my opinion, Bosekalt would be very frustrated if he was not chosen. As long as no purge occurs and the safety of everyone is protected, I am willing to support him to be a relay Zent. I believe this would help to placate my brother.”

Sincere, goodwill, understandable, and supportive… yet naive…

A magical contract was not the most secure way as it still had loopholes, and who knew if Werkestock’s side would find a way to exploit that loophole?

But the idea matches with what Dunkelfelger plans, and it's worth considering, with a few revisions.

Wenceslaus asked for a moment of secrecy and gave Celestine a sound-blocking tool. “What do you think, dear? I think our bet on him is much more secure now.”

“He said it was his proposal, which means he requires Dunkelfelger to do this. And I guess he doesn’t know about our true plan,” Celestine said, “We could use this chance to request him to take up responsibility and add some more conditions.”

“I like the idea that anyone having Grutrissheit would be Zent. At least he could not show any bias toward his niece,” Wenceslaus smirked, “And Klassenberg would also be pleased with that condition, because they would think about pushing that hidden child of Prince Adalfried onto the throne.”

“Queen Theresa would be pleased too,” Celestine added.

“You suspect that the Second Queen is also biassed toward that secret child of Prince Gewalttire?”

“Lady intuition!”

“Oh, okay!” Wenceslaus nodded, “So, we’ll accept his proposal on the condition that he would be a relay Zent?”

Celestine smiled, “And on the day of signing the peace contract, any prince who wants to be the Relay Zent must also sign a contract agreeing to give up the throne for the one who has Grutrissheit.”

“At least we don’t need to go through with Seradina’s proposal.”

“On the contrary, it just secures the outcome between Prince Trauerqual and Dunkelfelger, not about Magdalena.”

“Let’s deal with this matter first,” Wenceslaus sighed, then they turned back, and he started to offer the conditions for Prince Trauerqual’s proposal.

Prince Trauerqual was shocked by Dunkelfelger’s conditions about him being the relay Zent and having to sign another contract to make way for the new proper Zent once Grutrissheit was found. It again showed that this prince still wasn’t prepared to rule.

He would be a perfect relay Zent to keep the country stable until finding out the Grutrissheit, but he would hardly stand up against the pressure of the greater duchies. It was quite late to help him re-change his education, so the best support he could get was from the proper Goddess of Light.

Celestine once again cursed the fact that this prince would be stuck with her foolish daughter. Maybe Seradina’s proposal was good in this situation; at least if Magdalena could not hold that position, Lady Clementine - who would ‘indirectly’ receive education from Dunkelfelger - could stand up to help Prince Trauerqual.

After a short time consulting with his mother, Prince Trauerqual replied, “If that’s the case, I would like Dunkelfelger to step up to help with the education for the next generation. My paternal grandmother was also a Dunkelfelgerian Queen, and my father was chosen as Zent. Dunkelfelger would have much more experience in what kind of knowledge an heir should have.”

“It was a must to do even if you’re not offering it. And I suggested that all sources from greater duchies must be included,” Celestine said. It was indeed a very promising proposal for Dunkelfelger’s side, to increase their influence in the Sovereignty. However, Celestine avoided agreeing to these conditions, as it would break the neutral stance and bring dissatisfaction from other greater duchies. Once Dunkelfelger wielded their power to cease the fight and set up the relay Zent, they would become targets for Klassenberg, Werkestock, and Drewanchel, and it was not wise to gain more influence than they had.

“Then… I would like to ask for protection for my niece,” Prince Trauerqual said, “Since she would not have the maternal backing beside Hauchletzte, and given how the Second Queen and Werkestock seem to aim at her, I would like more protection from Dunkelfelger against Ewigeliebe for our lone Mestionore.”

Such a strange request! Isn’t this matter solved already? I have offered to send attendants skilled in knight duties under the disguise as Magdalena’s retainers already.

“When my daughter becomes your Goddess of Light, she could offer her colour to protect Mestionora,” Celestine probed for more information.

“My niece would have her debut in the Interduchy Tournament!”

“WHAT?!!!” Wenceslaus’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Queen Kreszentia!” Celestine hardened her voice, “I believe you recognize the trap set by Queen Theresa and Werkestock!”

“I also don’t want that,” Queen Kreszentia sighed. “This is the request of my Mestionora. She proposed to be baptised under her deceased parents, then get adopted by Trauerqual only in the winter debut! With this, her position would be higher than Trauerqual’s son as we wished for, Hauchletzte would have reason to publicly support her, and more importantly, she wouldn’t need to get an adoptive mother because I would be assigned as her guardian.”

Prince Trauerqual continued, “It’s not like my niece despises Lady Magdalena or something, but it is true that after losing Dunkelfelger’s backing, Lady Magdalena would lose all the protection she could get, and I am also afraid that her safety would not be secure. If she were to become an adoptive mother for my niece, she would earn a lot of ire from the surviving entourage of my brother Waldifried and my cousin Roseliese, and it is not good for both Lady Magdalena and my niece once they get familiar with each other.”

Good grief, Magdalena, now even the chance for you to redeem yourself is not applicable anymore.

“It’s still too reckless for this plan!” Wenceslaus said, “We actually prepared another plan that could help you promote your current Second wife, Lady Clementine, instead.”

“Clementine?!” Queen Kreszentia paled. “If I could, I'd try. Clementine is actually too soft to be promoted. Even if you educate her yourself, she hardly changes. I’ve asked my sister-in-law - the First Lady of Hauchletzte, to help her hone her skills in dealing with interduchy relationships already!”

Okay, Seradina’s plan failed, but I don’t know whether I should be happy with that.

Prince Trauerqual then coughed, timidly looking away. “My niece said, and allowed me to quote her: ‘Once I get baptised, everyone will know the truth as the rumours about me have spread wide. We also need a mana test to be performed in public so that no one could use it as a weakness to attack me. It would give some time for Lady Magdalena to earn her credits. If she cannot and fails to earn the respect of my entourage, then we could ask for some compensation from Dunkelfelger for failing to be Erwachlehren. I am sure the duchy of Fire should take this matter seriously. Maybe they could send me some books for the waste of my time in trying to deal with their failed daughter’. ”

Well, well, quite precocious, huh?

Now Celestine was really impressed. She thought this was just a soft-hearted girl, but the way she plans to request compensation from Dunkelfelger is really promising for a child like her.

Soft but not naive nor submissive, interesting!

Wenceslaus chuckled at the quote from the little girl, while Prince Trauerqual seemed quite embarrassed for his niece to dare to threaten Dunkelfelger at this age.

This little princess might be worth our investment!

If she were to be baptised as Prince Waldifried’s child, then she technically could not gain support from either Klassenberg or Werkestock. The best outcome would be for this little girl to find Grutrissheit and become Zent, but if not, she would be in danger.

With such a promising young sprout like her, Celestine believed that it was fine for Dunkelfelger to accept this princess… as the First Lady of their heir.

“Queen Kreszentia, Prince Trauerqual…” Celestine smiled, “How about you listen to our proposal first?”

Celestine then started reciting the plan that she and Wenceslaus had agreed upon from the beginning, how to let Magdalena be the one to protect the little princess, and how Dunkelfelger would help in providing Royal Bride Education for both Magdalena and Lady Clementine. Of course, some details were omitted due to the changes from Prince Trauerqual’s side, such as the candidate for baptism mother of the little princess, or the risk of Magdalena to declare self-demotion.

Queen Kreszentia was quite satisfied with the offer, while Prince Trauerqual seemed a little awkward when Lady Clementine was mentioned. But Celestine assured him that even the Third Queen’s position would require dealing with interduchy relationships to some degree, and it would be better for Lady Clementine to equip some skills to protect herself and help educate royal children.

Finally, an agreement was met. According to this, Magdalena’s starbinding was postponed until the autumn of the next year, and she would prepare her transfer to Hauchletzte as the future First Lady of Prince Trauerqual. The next steps would follow just as planned, and until the time came, Dunkelfelger would raise the spear of Leidenschaft to stop Angriff’s wildness, then Prince Trauerqual needed to offer cooperation as soon as possible with his faction.

Celestine would say, the meeting was indeed a success for both sides, and it was good that Magdalena did not attend.

When returning to their private spaces, Wenceslaus suddenly asked her, “How much do you know about Lestilaut’s education recently?”

“He is a kind of indoor kid and interested in art, much like me,” Celestine felt proud. “But Sieglinde ensures that he would be a decent archduke candidate for Dunkelfelger. Werdekraft even told me that the boy really loves to hear about Ditter stories, and he even sulked that he couldn’t watch the record of Ferdinand’s match while everyone kept praising it.”

“Then it’s fine, as long as you keep the spirit of Dunkelfelger, it’s okay to have some private hobbies of your own,” Wenceslaus laughed, then he suddenly changed his voice tone. “Schedule a meeting with Millicent, Werdekraf, Seradina, and Sieglinde three days later. We will have much to do with the education for the next generation.”

“Dear…” Celestine suddenly felt worried. “Can I know what’s the problem with that?”

“I am planning to let Ferdinand take education as both heir and son-in-law! A son-in-law for the Royal Family!”

“By the Seven, what do you mean?” Celestine was shocked

“Just as I told you about the point I liked the most in the peace contract that deals with Prince Trauerqual - whoever gets the Grutrissheit could be Zent! Which means, our Ferdinand could be, too.” Wencelaus smirked.

“How could he? He is an archduke candidate of Dunkelfleger!”

“And a descendant of the Royal Family, too!” Wenceslaus was firm with his idea.

“Seradina was just collateral, she lost that status due to marrying our son!” Celestine protested. “And we all know her true identity!”

“That identity means nothing. Officially, she was the Royal Princess and she carries the blood of the Royal Family, maybe even thicker than those current princes. And for the collateral status, if Prince Waldifried were alive and became Zent, both Prince Trauerqual and Prince Bosekalt would also be collateral. All of their children would be fated to be married out, and it’s hard to think those children could even match the children of the first wife like any child of us or Ferdinand. Need I remind you that our Magdalena could sense Prince Trauerqual even though she is 14 years younger than him?”

“When did you ever have that kind of thinking?” Celestine asked, her brow furrowing in evaluating such a daunting idea from her husband.

“It was only today’s meeting when Prince Trauerqual confessed his lack of education that made me realise the current curriculum for heir education in our duchy would be much better than a minister education in the Royal. And he was also right about Dunkelfelger having a better understanding of what Royal heirs should learn.” Wenceslaus replied. “It seemed ridiculous at first, but having a Zent from Dunkelfelger was indeed a too good idea to ignore, and our duchy indeed had a Zent before.”

“Are you suspecting that the Dunkelfelger Zent in ancient times was also a kind of son-in-law?” Celestine gasped in realisation.

“Or adopted, yes!” Wenceslaus nodded in agreement. “During this sensitive time, it would be a little difficult for the adoption alone, and I am also afraid that those young princes could attack the legitimacy of Ferdinand in this situation. So, if Ferdinand could find out the Grutrissheit, he could be adopted and be a son-in-law of the Royal Family. After all, as a Zent consort, he would need to do the job when his Goddess of Light carried Geduldh’s burden.”

“How could you be so sure about that?”

“The gut of Dunkelfelger!”

“This is not a time for jokes!” Celestine scoffed

“Okay, to be honest, I am not. But given the report about how the eldest son of Prince Bosekalt performed in his first year, and how the second son acted in the last Interduchy Tournament, I hardly give my trust in the current state of the Royal’s education.” He sighed. “I hope for the difference in Prince Trauerqual today, but while he was not malicious nor foolishly arrogant, he was also not suited to be a ruler. Mestionora might be born high as the beloved granddaughter of the Supreme Couple, but if it was not for Erwachlehren to educate her, how could she flourish and become the Goddess of Wisdom? I really, really cannot trust the Royal Education state at this moment.”

“And what if Ferdinand could not? What about your plan for Hannelore to be First Lady?” Celestine asked, voicing her concern.

“If Ferdinand could not, he could still be the future Aub. As for Hannelore, she would be educated as First lady to marry out originally. If our plan today goes smoothly, then her match will not be an aim for those greedy princes as it would violate the contract. By the time Hannelore grows up, I believe it would not be difficult to find a duchy for her. Lestilaut could also receive the heir education, as he would compete fairly with Ferdinand and take the seat if Ferdinand would marry out. Even if not, Lestilaut could still be a minister like Eberhard and a relay Aub when Ferdinand goes to the Archduke Conference. Nothing actually changed, it's just a little addition to their curriculum.”

“Very well,” Celestine said, feeling a sense of resolve. “I will schedule the meeting with Millicent, Werdekraf, Seradina, and Sieglinde as you requested. We have much to discuss about the education of the next generation.”

It seems like Celestine had a lot of work to do as the season of Leidenschaft began, with piles of tasks waiting for her.




Endnote: I noticed that the last chapter made everyone angry at Magdalena, so I wanted to provide some additional context.

If Magdalena were to cancel the Bride Task, she would face a situation similar to Hannelore's in P5V3. Magdalena exploits the Bride Task to marry the man she loves against the Aub's orders, much like Hannelore exploits the Ditter to secure her love in Dunkelfelger’s students’ perspective. In the long term, Magdalena marries into royalty and Hannelore marries to Ehrenfest indeed brings some political benefits for Dunkelfelger, so people didn’t care about their action much. However, if they cancelled the match, they would be branded as betrayers and be subjected to numerous hardships. While Hannelore still has connections with Ehrenfest by her friendship with Rozemyna and some of the hardships was shared by Lestilaut, Magdalena bears the sole blame in her situation, making her prospects even more challenging.

Staying in Dunkelfelger may at least help her being safe from assassination, as her parents are still alive and her full-blood brother is the future Aub, just like Wilfried would be safe if Charlotte or Melchior were Aub, because they are full blood siblings. If it was Rozemyne or Ferdinand be Aub, Leisegang would take a chance to assassinate Wilfried immediately. Furthermore, as Sieglinde said in her POV in P5V3, Hannelore could still be fine with marrying off to another duchy as First Lady, because her stained reputation was in Dunkelfelger only, not in other duchies’ perspective. However, Magdalena's options are very limited due to her fully damaged reputation in the Ditter with Ferdinand, plus the lack of potential marriage partners during the civil war. Technically, staying in Dunkelfelger was like a closed-end to Magdalena, while marrying Trauerqual and becoming a First Lady could open up new possibilities for her.

As for this chapter, different situations would lead to different results even with the same actions but in different order. Canon!Magdalena’s self-demotion to the Third Lady right from the start was praised as humble, because of her efforts to get Dunkelfelger for Trauerqual's side. She enjoys respect from Trauerqual's family and compassion from Trauerqual himself, plus her action satisfies Klassenberg’s ego. Basically, she had credits so everything she did would be accepted in high regards.

In this weave, if Magdalena also demoted herself right from the start, it would be acceptable for all sides because she is flawed, no praise or no complaint. However, if she married as First Lady, then demoted later, it would cause a big problem just as explained. Basically, Seradina orchestrated a political murder plan that aligns with Magdalena's ego and characteristic, especially if Seradina's spies succeed in manipulate her into making missteps like Oswald manipulates Wilfried. As Seradina said, it’s up to Magdalena to avoid the trap. Furthermore, Seradina also hinted to Celestine that “unless you tell Magdalena plainly, she would not understand” = if you want Magdalena not falling to my trap, just explain directly to her, don’t make a hint or let her recognise herself. Yup, it’s a kind of Wilfried situation, tell him directly straight, because if following Florencia’s way of education as letting him recognise himself, then Wilfried definitely fails.

The only thing Seradina doesn’t expect is that her information about those wives of Trauerqual is not enough, and then her future gremlin daughter-in-law and her own gremlin son have another plan, and her plan is destroyed.


Side story (Just for fun)
Celes: How can the prince know our plan? There might be a spy!!!! Who???
*Little spy* is now snuggling in his mother's arms in hidden room... again. And now, he is justifying his action to his head attendant:
- "Mother's feeling became so unstable after sleeping in juvere so long like Rozemyne. This is not a spoiling act from me but a kind of treatment I need to perform as her son to calm her down and relieve the frustration built up inside her."
- Milord, your excuse is a bit old, would you mind changing it, or else your father would suspect.
- I am sure he would also do the same when they shared their privacy!
Little spy's father: My first wife is unstable? Are you kidding me?

Chapter 29: Short Story 2 - The undercurrent in Ehrenfest (Part 1)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Returning home after the most tiresome tea party he had ever attended, Bonifatius wasted no time in seeking out his younger brother, Adelbert. His mind was consumed with concerns about the budget cuts affecting the Ehrenfest professors and the troubling issue of forced nameswearing.

Adelbert tried to reassure him, claiming there may have been a misunderstanding and that he had already instructed his scholars to investigate the matter. But Bonifatius refused to relent, insisting that his own scholar be added to the investigation to ensure transparency.

"Adelbert, this goes beyond mere abuse of power," Bonifatius argued. "This concerns the reputation of the Ehrenfest archducal house, and you know it! Hirschur didn't even bother to conceal it, and if what Heidemarie and Eckhart said is true, then every Ehrenfest native in the Sovereignty is aware of this issue. As much as they may be from Ehrenfest, they are under the Sovereignty's employ, and this action could be interpreted as a direct affront to the Royal Family!"

"Bonifatius, I understand your concerns, but I believe the situation may not be as dire as you think," Adelbert replied calmly. "Let me investigate with my scholars before we jump to conclusions."

Bonifatius pressed further, questioning whether Adelbert would also investigate the matter of forced nameswearing. Under normal circ*mstances, name-swearing was a sacred tradition, a voluntary act of respect bestowed upon individuals who had earned admiration and trust. It was a symbol of loyalty and honour, not to be coerced or demanded.

Yet, unbeknownst to three generations of archdukes, Gabriele had immediately demanded names from not only her native Ahrensbach retainers, but also from their marriage partners of Ehrenfest’s side. Later, it was revealed by Georgine that Veronica had also spent a considerable amount of time demanding names from others as proof of obedience, mirroring her mother's behaviour. Adelbert, however, dismissed this as Georgine's tantrum, attributing it to her rebellious acts under Leisegang's influence.

"Name-swearing is not something to be forced on others," Bonifatius emphasised, his frustration evident. "Your wife is sullying such a revered tradition!"

"Brother, we've discussed this before. What's wrong with Veronica inheriting her mother's aides?"


"You know how my wife grew up, Bonifatius. You know!" Adelbert protested. "She lost her mother and elder brother at once. Her little brother – while at least could be baptised as a noble – was sent to the temple under Leisegang pressure. Veronica had no one to trust but her mother's retainers. What's wrong if they admired her talent and willingly submitted their names."

Bonifatius ground his teeth in frustration, but he knew Adelbert had a point. It was common for members of the archduke's family to have namesworn retainers, especially if they were exceptional. Veronica was chosen to be First Lady according to the contract with Ahrensbach and due to her status as the only surviving baptised noble child of Gabriel, and with no backing from her paternal house Groschel, she had no other choice by clinging from those Ahrensbach native, not to mention her scholarly talent.

However, as much as Bonifatius understood the logic of Adelbert's argument, he still felt something was off. Veronica had been nothing but ruthless when raising Georgine, all to ensure that Karstedt—a Leisegang—would never become the aub. Bonifatius had wanted to extend a helping hand to his niece, but his first wife’s relationship with Veronica hadn’t been the slightest bit positive. Plus, with Georgine viewing Karstedt as an enemy, there hadn’t been anything he could do to get closer to her.

After Kardsted's demotion and Sylvester's birth, Georgine had begun to show signs of instability. Bonifatius worried that the pressure of being the heir was too much for her. The decision to reassign Rihyarda to Sylvester left Georgine more vulnerable than ever until Adelbert negotiated an engagement with Zausengas for Georgine’s potential consort that could help her as future archduch*ess. Bonifatius couldn't understand the reasoning behind the decision until Adelbert explained his plan.

With Sylvester born with weak health, it was deemed more secure to have Georgine as the temporary heir in case the worst should happen. This decision led to the recall of Rihyarda, as Adelbert and Veronica were hesitant to entrust their fragile youngest son to anyone else. Additionally, Georgine had proven herself to be exceptionally capable even at her young age, and it was believed that she could recruit more loyal retainers to support her. Bonifatius also agreed, convinced that it was for the greater good. He believed that Georgine, being a smart and resourceful girl, would understand the necessity of the decision. He hoped that once Sylvester was successfully baptised, the burden of responsibility would be lifted from Georgine's shoulders.

However, Bonifatius soon realised that he had been mistaken. Georgine's reaction to the situation was far from what he had anticipated, and the consequences of their decisions began to unfold in unexpected ways. The girl started to attack Sylvester with all harsh treatment that she could make, hiding his toy and his pet, blocking him during his walking, taking his sweet, even going worse as tying him into a chair and beating the boy to force him study.

Georgine, feeling betrayed, sided with Leisegang and used her mother as a sacrificial offering to gain their support. She even tried to decide her own marriage match without the Aub's permission, all to maintain her position as the next Aub. Adelbert, seeing the harm Georgine's presence was causing, agreed to Veronica's proposal to marry her off to Ahrensbach's archducal family.

At her farewell dinner before leaving for Ahrensbach, Georgine removed all Gramatur blessings and told a harrowing tale of Ehrenfest's future. She spoke of how Veronica would use namesworns to seize and control power, how Leisegang nobles were being assassinated by poison, and how Sylvester was being groomed as a puppet. She predicted that the people would die at the hands of Veronica and Sylvester, and that Adelbert would be crowned the last archduke of Ehrenfest.

Both Bonifatius and Adelbert were furious at these accusations but were helpless to punish her as her departure was imminent. Adelbert confined Georgine to her room until the departure, but she didn't stop there. On the next morning of her departure, during the cape exchange, as if she lost all her noble education, Georgine suddenly stepped up forward and…


Veronica fell to the ground, her veil dropping to reveal Georgine's reddened handprint on her cheek. Everyone, from the whole Ehrenfest archducal family and the representative from Ahrensbach, were too shocked to act, and Bonifatius realised that Georgine was smiling—a beautiful yet victorious smile, though her eyes were filled with tears.

"I shall wait for the day Ehrenfest crumbles in your hands!" she declared before turning and leaving with her entourage.

It took Bonifatius a long time to accept that Georgine's accusations were mere tantrums borne out of a corrupted way by Leisegang, and he even released his anger towards his Leisegang’s aid for failing to notice him about this matter, but now, the allegations from Eckhart and Heidemarie suggested there was more truth to her claims.

"Name-swearing is a matter of utmost secrecy," Adelbert conceded, his expression troubled. "I admit that I may have overlooked this issue when Georgine accused her mother with all treacherous acts from her. I promise to speak with Veronica again and delve deeper into this matter."

Bonifatius felt very frustrated for not being able to investigate this matter on his own. But again, Adelbert had talked, and Bonifatius would need to follow his order.

Bonifatius stormed into his chambers, his frustration boiling over. The tea party had revealed more troubling dynamics within Ehrenfest’s noble circles than he had anticipated. Determined to get to the bottom of these issues, he sought out Eckhart, the main culprit of this mess. However, what Eckhart told him only added fuel to the fire.

“If you have time to interrogate me about all of these things,” Eckhart began, “you should take time to help Lord Sylvester build his faction. It was just a short time interacting with those from Dunkelfelger, and I found that, except for my father, Lord Sylvester has no supporters!”

Bonifatius exploded. “Eckhart!!! Explain!!!”

Eckhart, maintaining his composure, detailed how Heidemarie had approached Professor Hirschur to become her student, and through Hirschur, Eckhart had begun learning about the life and work of Ehrenfest’s native nobles in the Sovereignty. While there were still chances to encounter Adelbert and Veronica, becoming Sovereignty nobles offered a layer of protection, as they would be under the employment of the Sovereignty.

Heidemarie, wishing to keep her heirloom safe, and Eckhart, desiring to protect Elvira and his siblings, had sought ways to secure connections that could offer them security. They both agreed that aligning with the Sovereignty under the patronage of Professors from greater duchies could provide this protection. Among the many people they approached, Justus had stood out. It was Justus who had suggested Eckhart approach Dunkelfelger’s knight apprentices and gain their favour by challenging them to Ditter matches.

“Justus also shared stories about your friendships with Dunkelfelger and Werkestock. While Werkestock has a closer relationship with our family due to the marriage of Grand-aunt Gertrude, both Justus and Heidemarie suggested that Dunkelfelger was a safer bet during this sensitive time. So, I challenged Hermann to a Ditter match to exchange some ingredients for Heidemarie and Professor Hirschur. After I won, Dunkelfelger kept contacting me. Both Dunkelfelger Professors have a good impression of me, and Heidemarie also forged a good relationship with Professor Gundolf from Drewanchel. We planned to submit our application for professorship next year until Professor Rauffen approached me for the Ditter.”

“And you just accepted it?” Bonifatius’s voice was a mix of disbelief and anger.

“No matter how much I rack my brain and try to follow theories, no good ideas ever come to me. We’ve been a family of mules ever since you, and it was you who taught me to rely on my guts!” Eckhart pointed at himself emphatically. “I do exactly as your teaching, and my guts tell me that this Ditter is a huge opportunity for me and my family!”

“What kind of opportunity for your family? Being sullied and embarrassed in front of other duchies?” Bonifatius scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm—a tone he rarely used.

Eckhart, undeterred, met his grandfather’s gaze. “To let my family open their eyes and recognize how much they have been covered by Verbergen and how they should act to fit their status as the highest-ranked archnoble family of Ehrenfest instead!”

“How dare you, Eckhart!” Bonifatius slammed his fist on the table, making the wood creak under the force. “You will not speak to me this way!”

Eckhart’s eyes flashed with defiance. “I think our conversation cannot continue with you still blind to the truth. I heard you have met with Aub Ehrenfest; how about meeting with my grandmother and my mother to ask them about the condition of Leisegang recently? Or ask my father how Lord Sylvester has proceeded, or ask Lady Rihyarda and Lady Irmhilde about the neutral faction?”

“I am asking you right now, and you will have a conversation with me first, Eckhart!” Bonifatius demanded, his patience wearing thin.

“Milord told me that I need to take care to hear all sides of the story before making a decision. The truth will always be distorted if I listen only to what one person has to say.” Eckhart crossed his arms and protested. “You have always listened to Aub's words. Even if you listen to my words, it doesn’t change anything, as both sides have different stories. How about gathering more stories from other sides first?”

His lord? The little girly-looking boy from Dunkelfelger? Bonifatius couldn’t believe that Eckhart would go bragging about his new master at this age. The suggestion was not bad, but it still felt a little weird that such an idea came from a seven-year-old child. Maybe this was more influenced by his parents or grandparents.

“You think the advice of a mere child outweighs my experience?” Bonifatius said, a note of incredulity in his voice.

“It’s not about age, grandfather,” Eckhart replied steadily. “Sometimes, even a child can see things more clearly than those who have grown complacent.”

Bonifatius opened his mouth to retort but found himself at a loss for words. The boy had a point, as frustrating as it was to admit. He had always prided himself on his decisiveness and ability to judge situations swiftly, but perhaps he had been too quick to dismiss alternative viewpoints.

“I will speak with your grandmother,” Bonifatius conceded grudgingly. “But know this, Eckhart—if I find that you are misleading me, there will be consequences.”

With that, Bonifatius turned on his heel and left the room, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. He had never expected to be challenged in this way by his grandson. As he walked through the corridors of his home, he realised that the world around him was changing, and he felt himself barely able to adapt to it. Yet Bonifatius didn’t have time to gather any new information as Dunkelfelger’s letter had arrived: the transfer would be established in spring.

The warm spring sunlight streamed in through the window, illuminating the vibrant greens of the plants and the brilliant array of colours from the flowers. It was the perfect occasion for a casual stroll, but the castle garden was empty of people. Usually, this was the time when everyone was busy preparing for the upcoming Archduke Conference if the civil war had not occurred. Bonifatius, like so many others, had no time to appreciate the changing of the seasons. In fact, seeing the increasing vibrancy of the garden made him feel worse. This year, Ehrenfest was not anticipating an Archduke Conference but an unexpected visit from Dunkelfelger.

This visit was more than just a mere travelling; it was technically an investigation from the first-ranked duchy to claim Bonifatius' eldest and most promising grandson and to establish a long-time business with Haldenzel, a prominent member of the Leisegang clan and also of his daughter-in-law. With such a strong relationship with Leisegang, Bonifatius should have felt happy, yet it was a painful reminder that those old friends of his completely ignored the archducal house of Ehrenfest.

The Knight Commander of Dunkelfelger, an old friend of Bonifatius, Lonbauldt, arrived in Ehrenfest with his family in the middle of spring. His full entourage also accompanied him, saying they would help with the transfer of the book collection and investigate Haldenzel. Bonifatius was a little surprised to see someone of such high status like his old friend come to Ehrenfest just to oversee the transfer.

Lonbauldt revealed that it was his younger son who would adopt Heidemarie, and as the head of the house, he wanted to come to support his newly adopted granddaughter.

“I am happy to have a grandson-in-law like Eckhart!” Lonbauldt smiled. “As your duchy would not treasure them that much, let Dunkelfelger help them to flourish their talents.”

Bonifatius suddenly felt heat in his face. The reputation of Ehrenfest was indeed put into the mud with this sentence from Lonbauldt.

“I appreciate your concern, Lonbauldt, but Ehrenfest is capable of nurturing its own talents,” Bonifatius replied, trying to keep his voice steady despite the sting of his friend's words.

Lonbauldt raised an eyebrow. “Capable? Willing? That remains to be seen. I’ve heard troubling things, Bonifatius. You should pay more attention to the future of your duchy. Isn’t it the job of a Knight Commander and also a right-handed minister to the Aub?”

For being both archduke candidate and Knight Commander, Bonifatius and Lonbauldt surely have many things to share, yet somehow, Bonifatius felt like Lonbauldt was mocking him.

As swiftly as Steifebrise, Heidemarie’s family was summoned to the palace for the contract signing. They had long been informed about the girl's adoption and were given orders to comply once the Interduchy Tournament ended, but the girl’s father and stepmother appeared visibly shaken as they faced the Knight Commander of Dunkelfelger and the prestigious branch family members. Bonifatius could easily guess their thoughts; but they didn’t have a right to complain about anything. If they had known how to behave, things would not have escalated to this point.

When the contract was announced, Heidemarie’s stepmother nearly screamed, "You cannot sell the house off! You are being adopted; you have no right to do with the house anymore!"

“The contract has not been signed yet, and as the heir of House Maerbaum, Heidemarie has every right to control her heirloom. You are her stepmother, but you are not registered with House Maerbaum. You are the one without any rights here,” declared Meginrat, the eldest son of Lonbauldt and the future adopted father of Heidemarie.

"A mere Effolereum should know their place when the Goddess of Light gives her order!" Meginrat’s wife interjected. “Aub Ehrenfest, may I request the full registry of the house be presented? By the law of inheritance, only those who carry the name Maerbaum as their first family name have the right to decide the fate of the house, which means only my future adopted daughter, Heidemarie, and one of her aunts, who was married out long ago and no longer considered.”

Adelbert, sitting beside Bonifatius, commanded, “Give up and sign the contract. Aub’s order.”

Heidemarie’s father looked at his daughter with a pleading expression, as if this was his last hope for reconsideration. But the girl remained firm, her head held high. Behind her stood her new family from Dunkelfelger, with Eckhart, Bonifatius’s eldest grandson, standing resolutely by her side.

Defeated, the man finally gave in.

As the contract burned in the flame of Light, Heidemarie smiled brightly and turned her back on the man who was her biological father. The entire Dunkelfelger family behind her cheered in unison.

“Welcome to our family, little sister!” Heissh*tze, a brown-haired boy, cheered loudly. Bonifatius recognized him as the one who had fought alongside Eckhart and had a one-on-one duel with the princess of Dunkelfelger.

“Thank you, big brother!” Heidemarie replied happily. “Grandfather, father, mother! May I ask for personnel help in transferring now? I believe it would be better to start the job before someone tries to sell the heirloom of my old family. You all don’t have much time to interfere.”

The girl showed no restraint. She outright claimed that her former father and stepmother would interfere with the transfer even after signing the contract. She wasn’t being paranoid; only her father had signed the contract. Hopefully, they would not cause further trouble.

“I see the need for urgency, but you cannot go alone now, granddaughter!” Lonbauldt declared. He truly acted as the girl’s backing, but what Bonifatius did not expect was Lonbauldt turning to him. “My dear old friend, just in case someone so devoid of Mestionora’s grace opposes my granddaughter and my family, would you mind joining us to her house? I am sure all the nobles in Ehrenfest know your face well.”

Bonifatius glanced at Adelbert, who could do nothing but nod. The stress from Dunkelfelger was too much, and Adelbert seemed unable to hold on any longer.

Heidemarie’s father and stepmother, now pale and defeated, had no choice but to comply. They watched helplessly as Heidemarie, with the support of her new Dunkelfelger family, began the process of transferring her heirloom.

However, Bonifatius could not have anticipated that Lonbauldt’s wariness was justified. When Heidemarie showed up at her house, her two step-siblings dared to chastise her. It was only Bonifatius standing up and ordering them to back off that prevented further conflict. Their attitude was appalling—too arrogant for stepchildren and outsiders of this house.

Heidemarie scoffed at Bonifatius's ignorance. “I am the only descendant left of a Leisegang archnoble house, and I am underage while my stepmother is a beloved follower of Lady Veronica. Before getting adopted by Dunkelfelger, I only had some help from Eckhart. And what did Eckhart have besides Lord Karstedt and Lady Elvira? Your son, Lord Karstedt, was the vice commander and the head knight of Lord Sylvester, but he held no political power to stand against Lady Veronica. Lady Elvira was outright abused by Lady Veronica, and she tried her best to protect all her followers.” Heidemarie continued, “If Lord Karstedt truly had power like you, then Trudeliede would never have had a chance to marry him and be promoted as an archnoble!”

Eckhart added, “The only one in Linkberg who could oppose Veronica and protect the others is you, Grandfather, and you ignored that fact!”

All the people from Dunkelfelger heard their conversation. Heidemarie and Eckhart didn’t even try to cover this type of conversation from them. While those people said nothing, Bonifatius could feel their strict evaluative gazes, especially from Lonbauldt.

When scholars from Dunkelfelger were working on recording the titles and comparing them to Heidemarie’s list, they found that some of the books had disappeared. Eckhart immediately went to interrogate Heidemarie’s step-siblings and found out they had used those books as collateral to borrow money, receiving one large gold coin for each.

“What do you mean the book about Flutrane Night has been placed for just one large gold? That book alone is worth at least ten large gold coins!”

Bonifatius might not have known much about scholarly matters, but he did know how expensive books could be. The longer the history of the books, the higher the price. Heidemarie’s family was founded even before Ehrenfest, so it was expected that each book in this heirloom would be valuable. The reaction of the Dunkelfelger scholars shocked Bonifatius, and he began to imagine what would have happened if Heidemarie hadn’t received help from Dunkelfelger. Those fools might have sold off all those treasures at a cheap price just for their own lavish lifestyles.

“I will make sure that your books are retrieved, Heidemarie,” Bonifatius declared, stepping up. “You have my word.”

I cannot let Ehrenfest's name be sullied any further.

Bonifatius then called all of his entourage to help with the transfer and also to ensure that none of Veronica's followers came up to interfere.

Things became smoother once Bonifatius got involved. His scholar soon returned with the report that they had successfully retrieved the precious books. All the books, records, magic tools, and many ingredients from the storeroom were packed up to be transferred to Dunkelfelger. Some of the tools were donated to Eckhart, and Heidemarie outright stated that Elvira and Haldenzel were free to use them. Notably, she excluded Linkberg, clearly making a point.

As for the house, Heidemarie put it up for sale and ignored all her father's pleas about letting him keep it. Currently, her stepmother and step-siblings had to evacuate back to their original maternal house. In what seemed like a deliberate attempt to irritate Bonifatius, Giebe Leisegang stepped in and offered to buy the house. To make matters worse, Heidemarie agreed to sell it at a much cheaper price with the excuse that her family was also a descendant of Leisegang, so returning the house to the clan was something according to the norm. Her final words were, “I would rather sell my old house cheap than let any of Veronica's followers take it.”

This girl truly didn’t care to protect any reputation left for Ehrenfest.

Lonbauldt then invited Bonifatius for a sparring day, and Bonifatius agreed, hoping to discuss matters in a less formal setting. As they strolled in the forest for hunting afterward, he couldn't help but notice the vibrancy of the flowers, a stark contrast to the gloom that seemed to hang over their conversation.

“I can see that you are in a very difficult situation, my friend. Though I have to say, I am quite disappointed to see you in this state, and your duchy!”

“Lonbauldt, we are both knight commanders. Our duty is to protect the archduke, not manage faction politics,” Bonifatius said. “You may see that I am not able to protect my grandson, and I cannot deny that I was overlooked in this matter. However, protecting the duchy and the aub are my top priorities. Family must come second. I will not be so foolish as to personally approach any faction that could exploit my power to cause any war inside Ehrenfest!”

Lonbauldt paused, looking thoughtfully at a cluster of blooming roses. “I can understand why you stayed out of those futile feuds to avoid making a mess out of the situation. But I need to remind you of one thing, my friend: we are also archduke candidates. Unlike me, who was allowed to keep this status purely due to my Ditter accomplishments, you were raised as the heir of the duchy and entrusted to be the educator of the new Aub. Your responsibility is far bigger than mine.” Lonbauldt’s tone turned serious. “Shouldn’t you be aware of all the protests around the archducal family?”

Bonifatius sighed. “Things are more complicated than you think.”

Lonbauldt frowned. “I think I can grasp some of the problems inside. Is it just a normal fight between a long traditional faction and the newly established faction from non-native nobles through marriage?”

“It’s not just a simple faction fight like those in Dunkelfelger. Your duchy could not be used as an example at all.”

“Well, I can hardly deny that.” Lonbauldt shrugged. “But I do think that when the situation has deteriorated to the point that nobles in your duchy have to flee to Sovereignty and your grandson—the highest-ranked archnoble in Ehrenfest for his generation—needs to request help through other duchies, then you cannot use any excuse to stand aside from political factions anymore.”

Bonifatius wanted to protest that he didn’t even know about it, but then he recalled that Georgine—the rebellious niece of his—had indeed told this story once.

And he had decided to ignore it.

“As an archduke candidate of another duchy, I don’t have the right to tell you how to deal with your duchy’s internal matters,” Lonbauldt said, cutting through Bonifatius's thoughts. “However, I think I have the right to tell you to protect Eckhart until the day he marries into Dunkelfelger. Consider this my final word to you as a friend: if anything happens to Eckhart, Dunkelfelger will not remain silent.”

Bonifatius was shocked by the warning. To think his grandson would be treasured that much.

“Well, you see, our young Lord Ferdinand is very fond of Eckhart. That little boy is now the treasure of Dunkelfelger. I dare say that all the ladies in the Dunkelfelger archducal family adore him, especially his newly awakened mother.” Lonbauldt chuckled. “A little reminder for you: the Ladies of Summer are the most formidable force in Dunkelfelger. I cannot predict what those ladies would do upon knowing your sister-in-law made their treasure cry.”

So, if anything happened to Eckhart, that little girly boy would throw a tantrum, and all the ladies in Dunkelfelger would unite to harass Veronica?

The thought was indeed scary from Bonifatius’s perspective. He doubted Ahrensbach would stand up to protect Veronica in such a situation. Veronica's influence and the complicated politics of Ehrenfest had already put them in a precarious position. Any further conflict with Dunkelfelger could be disastrous.

“I understand your concern, Lonbauldt,” Bonifatius finally said. “I will make sure Eckhart is protected. He is, after all, my grandchild, and I also wish the best for him.”

Lonbauldt nodded in satisfaction, while Bonifatius returned to the castle with a heavy heart. The weight of his responsibilities seemed even greater now. The next few days were spent ensuring the safe transfer of Heidemarie’s belongings and overseeing Eckhart’s protection. Bonifatius kept a vigilant eye on Veronica’s faction, ready to counter any moves they might make against his grandson.

Bonifatius wanted to complain about many things, so he headed to his first wife’s chambers. Yet after listening to his grievances, Scarlette protested.

"Bonifatius, the girl suffered in her own house. Everything belonging to her was robbed right in front of her, and she could do nothing as her father—the son-in-law of the house—held the temporary ownership. To my understanding, the reason why she had not made a proper engagement ceremony with our Eckhart was because she was scared that her father and that stepmother of hers would use this chance to push her to be married out, and then she would lose all the rights to her house."

“That much?” Bonifatius questioned.

When his wife Scarlette put it like this, all of Heidemarie’s actions no longer seemed outrageous. In fact, if it were Bonifatius, he would have done everything he could to protect his house and heirloom.

Bonifatius then remembered his grandson's request to seek Anhaltung from different sides. If anyone could provide clarity on the current state of Leisegang and the factions within Ehrenfest, it would be his wife—the youngest daughter of Giebe Leisegang and the First Lady of Linkberg.

Bonifatius's marriage was purely political, meant to placate Giebe Leisegang after his eldest daughter was demoted from the future First Lady of Ehrenfest to the Second Lady of Giebe Groschel. However, Bonifatius himself was glad to accept the proposal from his father and enjoyed the match as much as he could.

Bonifatius had once made a promise to his father, the late Aub of Ehrenfest. To avoid having to rule the duchy himself, Bonifatius had agreed to become an educator of archduke candidates and transfer his knowledge to the next generation. Adelbert had not been well, so someone needed to teach his son in case he died prematurely.

As the one who received heir education, he was one of the few people in the archducal family who knew about the contract with Ahrensbach regarding Gabriel's demotion: either her son would be the future Aub, or her daughter would be the first lady. At the moment his grandfather—who had served as the archduke two generations ago—signed the contract, it was actually a silent agreement to the whole Ehrenfest archducal family, except Gabriel and her children.

[No son of Gabriel would be allowed to be baptised as a noble]

Gabriele died in childbirth, and her little son, despite having enough mana to be baptised as at least a mednoble, was pushed into the temple. Later, her eldest son died young, just before his baptism. Thus, Veronica, being a girl, was the only child of Gabriele allowed to live, destined to wear the crown of Light in this land. She was the Aub maker, and whoever married her would become Aub.

Deep inside, Bonifatius would never outright admit that part of his rejection to be Aub was to avoid marrying Veronica. But, he was glad that Bluanfa danced for his little brother and Veronica, thus fulfilling the contract with Ahrensbach while still allowing him to be free from ruling.

“And I thought you would never consider asking me about this matter,” his wife smiled sadly in response to Bonifatius' inquiry about the current state of Leisegang.

“Is there anything that I don’t know?”

“Dear husband, have you ever thought about why I was chosen to marry you?”

“Because the archducal family needed to contain your father’s anger after my uncle’s demotion.”

“Yes, but as the eldest son of the next Aub, it was certain that I - your wife, would soon be demoted to be a second wife to make way for Lady Veronica. After all, according to the contract with Ahrensbach, Lady Veronica would be your First Lady once you became Aub. Do you think my father would continue to contain the anger of this act?”

“But I didn’t become Aub, right? I refused... wait, you know about the contract?” Bonifatius was shocked. This kind of contract was completely private, signed by the Aub, and such knowledge would not be allowed to be released to keep Ehrenfest under control.

“Giebe Groschel knew due to his acceptance of the demotion, and with him knowing, how could my big sister know nothing? At least she got some hints that the permission for Lady Gabriele’s demotion from Ahrensbach must come with some strict agreement, so did I and my father.”

“That... is that why your father didn’t say anything about Adelbert becoming Aub?”

It was indeed strange for the old man Leisegang to do nothing to protest the idea of Bonifatius—another son-in-law of his—rejecting the Aub position. Many of his friends and retainers complained that the decision to let Adelbert—a sickly child who barely went out of the castle—become Aub was unusual, at least by the norm. Bonifatius said he didn’t want to be a ruler, but he also thought it would be the best way to satisfy every party in this mess. He could be free to be the Knight Commander, Leisegang could still have their power share via his mother, his wife, and his daughter-in-law, and Adelbert married his Geduldh, making Veronica the First Lady to fulfil the contract with Ahrensbach.

The reason why that father-in-law of his didn’t protest was because from the start, Adelbert was seen as a forsaken pawn by the two generations of Aub. He was not meant to sire any heir, so both of Bonifatius’s sons were baptised as archduke candidates. The moment Adelbert was gone, Veronica would be nothing, and power would return to Ehrenfest and Leisegang without Ahrensbach's interference.

Different from what they had planned, Veronica successfully saved Adelbert and even gave birth to three children for him. However, the expected future in which Karstedt became Aub with Georgine as First Lady was still very bright for Ehrenfest. All factions would unite into one, and harmony would find its way back to this land. But with Sylvester’s birth, things became more complicated.

“With a hint from the two previous Aubs, my father and my kin tried their best to sabotage Gabriele’s lineage. While they all agreed that Lady Veronica must be alive to fulfil the contract, it doesn’t mean that my father would stand down watching me get demoted. In this matter, Lord Adelbert and Lady Veronica were right—Leisegang is not innocent.”

“And… you all knew this? How much were you involved?”

“If I said that I wasn't involved at all, would you believe me?”

Bonifatius remained silent for a while, grappling with the implications. “Please tell me all you know.”

“Whether you believe it or not, both my father and my big sister didn’t think ill of Lady Gabriele marrying into Ehrenfest. My father might have had some outrageous ideas, such as Lady Gabriele lowering herself and asking for support from Leisegang just like the First Aub of Ehrenfest, but my big sister was more willing to welcome Lady Gabriele. Over time, the position of First Lady had become something exclusive for Leisegang, and there were a bunch of difficult tasks involving interduchy affairs that Leisegang princesses had to deal with as mere archnobles.” Scarlette shook her head. “Ehrenfest was low in rank, but we have never lacked talents that can be on par with top-ranking duchies. I am confident in saying at least half of the young nobles in our duchy wanted a chance to elevate Ehrenfest, and in fact, they saw Lady Gabriele’s marriage as a gift from the gods. My big sister was also the same; she was initially educated to put the duchy’s benefits first and foremost. However, what they received was different.”

“This, I can understand,” Bonifatius sighed. “Even the archducal family was not prepared for the demotion, and my father was pushed to be Aub instead.”

“And my big sister was severely harassed by Lady Gabriele. That lady saw my big sister and her children as obstacles. According to my big sister, she just needed to be silent and protect her children only, as she knew that it was the archducal family who would deal with Gabriele’s children and she would be free from dirtying her own hands.” Scarlette continued, “She even planned to make a good relationship with Lady Veronica and also advised me to do so, as she foresaw that I would soon become Lady Veronica’s subordinate if you became Aub in the future. However, once being demoted, Lady Gabriele’s harassment of my big sister worsened to the point she could not stand still anymore. Seeing that situation, with the silent agreement from your father, my father and my big sister dealt with Lady Veronica soon after her baptism, though I can see that they failed.”

"They dealt with her... What kind of actions did they take?"

Scarlette hesitated, then spoke quietly. "They attempted to isolate her, to cut off her support and weaken her influence. They encouraged others to undermine her and made her life difficult in every possible way. They believed that by isolating her, they could diminish her power without directly opposing the contract with Ahrensbach. And I suspect that..." Scarlette paused, pondering, "they might even have tried tampering with her food to prevent her from bearing Geduldh's burden."

Bonifatius was taken aback. "What?"

"It's merely a guess," Scarlette replied. "But until Lady Veronica's mana sensing was revealed, it wasn't certain that Lord Adelbert would be the next Aub. You, being healthier and having good relationships with greater duchies, were the frontrunner. To my father and sister, they felt it was inevitable to prevent me from being demoted. So the best way to avenge Lady Gabriele's harassment and diminish Lady Veronica's power, without directly opposing the Ahrensbach contract, was to let her become your First Lady in name. It was only when Lord Adelbert was chosen as her husband that the poisoning attempts stopped."

Bonifatius gasped, speechless. "It was... it was..."

"Yes, it was a desperate and cruel measure. They believed they were protecting Leisegang's interests and retaliating against Gabriele's cruelty. But such actions only perpetuate a cycle of suffering and mistrust." Scarlette sighed deeply, her expression a mixture of regret and resignation. "When Lady Veronica gained power through Ahrensbach, she repaid everything done to my father and family. She hasn't harmed me directly because she doesn't want to antagonise you, but that doesn't mean she'll let any vulnerable Leisegang children escape her retribution."

Bonifatius felt a chill run through him. The layers of betrayal and manipulation were deeper than he'd imagined. "I never knew... I always think myself not suit to be a ruler, and I also don’t favour the idea of marrying the gir that my brother loved. I thought refusing the Aub position would prevent further conflict. I thought it was a way to bring peace, to prevent the power struggle from tearing us apart."

"It was a noble intention, but the reality is far more complex. Every action, every decision, has consequences. My sister and other ladies in Leisegang isolated and harassed Lady Veronica in social settings, and she, in turn, is doing the same to Leisegang and Haldenzel – where my niece married into. It's a vicious cycle that may never end," Scarlette said softly. "I never told you because I felt somewhat guilty, knowing about it but doing nothing. Furthermore, the rift has only worsened recently, and I'd say it began with Georgine."

“Georgine?! What has she done?”

"Dear husband, why are you always so harsh to Georgine? I feel like you've been over-dramatizing her actions, and your attitude is partly responsible for Karstedt's skewed perspective."

"If you had witnessed what she's done, you wouldn't say that to me!"

"And I'll return those words to you. Tell me, how did Lady Veronica teach her to compete for the Aub seat?"

"It was truly harsh. I saw her scold Georgine for a minor spelling error in a greeting. I also heard from Rihyarda that Lady Veronica wouldn't even let the girl eat if she hadn't finished her homework, and no toys were allowed to prevent her from being distracted from her education," Bonifatius replied. "I tried to help her, but she preferred spending time with that scum Bezewanst instead of me!"

"So you're aware of how Lady Veronica educated Lady Georgine. Now tell me, how did Lady Georgine 'abuse' Lord Sylvester, according to what you've seen?"

"She hid and destroyed his toy! She even tied the boy to a chair and wouldn't let him eat if Sylvester hadn't..." Suddenly, Bonifatius couldn't continue speaking. He finally realised that what he recalled was merely a repetition of what he'd heard about Veronica's actions.

Just as Scarlette had told him, it was a vicious cycle that never ended.

"I see you've awakened from Schlaftraum, dear husband. In this matter, I even want to blame Rihyarda, as she also has a skewed perspective when comparing the two cases. But perhaps, at that time, Rihyarda had already become Lord Sylvester's retainer and had to prioritise him over her former mistress." Scarlette scoffed, "You all complained that Georgine harassed Sylvester and didn't support her little brother. However, all I see is Lady Georgine trying to give the same heir education to Lord Sylvester as a form of support, which you all prevented her from doing!"

“She antagonised our Karstedt!”

"Did Georgine ever poison Karstedt's meals or isolate him? The last memory I have of their competition was Lady Veronica herself pointing out every single minor error that Karstedt made during his first year at a tea party. At that time, Lady Georgine hadn't even been baptised. All she did was show determination that she wouldn't make the same mistakes as my son."

Bonifatius suddenly felt like the slap Georgine gave Veronica years ago was now hitting his own face. Why had he never seen things this way?

"Because you were so accustomed to abandoning your own thinking and simply listening to Lord Adelbert," Scarlette answered his silent question. "You taught our son and our grandson to trust their instincts, yet somehow, when it came to Lord Adelbert, your instincts were... blind."

Is that truly the case?

"My brothers, the heirs of Leisegang, and my two cousins, the Giebes of Groschel and Haldenzel, didn't actually oppose the match between Lady Georgine and Karstedt at all. Younger generations are more accepting in this feud, but the archducal family keeps letting them down," Scarlette sighed. "First, there was the demotion of your two sons. But when Lord Adelbert secured Lady Georgine's engagement to Zausengas, many youngsters were thrilled. They thought that with the old connection from your sister - Lady Adelheid and the new one with Lady Georgine, Ehrenfest would rise and temporarily escape Ahrensbach's influence. However, what they received was an unserious heir who tended to shirk his responsibilities. It was then that Lady Georgine sought Leisegang's support, and for the first time, I saw my father smile that happily."

"She offered her own mother as a sacrifice for her path to power! She even dared to challenge the Aub's authority by securing her own marriage! In any other duchy, she would have been demoted!"

"And you all did demote her, from the heir of a duchy to a mere Geduldh of another duchy!"

"It wasn't just another duchy; it was Ahrensbach! While you all complain about that duchy due to Gabriele, Ahrensbach ranks fifth, while Ehrenfest is only twentieth. It was actually the highest position any Ehrenfest lady had ever reached since the duchy's founding."

"That was just your perception, or Lord Adelbert's perception, not hers." Scarlette said sarcastically. "If I were educated as an heir and then married off as a third wife, I'd despise my family for the rest of my life. And for Leisegang, it was a major blow, a real disregard for them. But the worst was yet to come. I don't know why Lady Georgine lost her composure at that time, but her actions made Lady Veronica believe that the fault lay solely with Leisegang. We then faced the worst harassment imaginable: tax increases, a reduced Spring Chalice, children from Leisegang wives disappearing after the birth of Veronica's children, and no one could reach the Aub's ears with our protests. People started seeking refuge in other duchies, especially the Sovereignty. Hirschur's salary was partially cut for protecting a Leisegang student and refusing bribes from Veronica's students to raise grades. There may be more that I don't know, but I doubt the forced namesworn was not a lie, as our Eckhart isn't one who can fabricate such stories."

"But... no one ever reported these matters to me. You're from Leisegang, and Elvira was from Haldenzel. You could have talked to me!"

"You never actually asked about this, and whenever I tried to broach the subject, you'd dismiss it, thinking these political matters were Adelbert's domain, not yours. And for your information, the marriage with Frebeltag was also unsuccessful, as Lady Florencia was completely outmanoeuvred. Bad Ordoschnelli was much faster than Steifebrise, and nearly every influential figure in noble society knew that Lady Veronica would handle the education of Lord Sylvester's firstborn. With Eckhart and Heidemarie actions, the abuse toward Leisegang would only worsen. Those lands may never see even a shadow of a blue priest delivering the Spring Chalice again."

"That was reckless of Eckhart! If he knew this, he should have consulted with us first before approaching other duchies about this internal matter. Worse, he involved Dunkelfelger, and that duchy is far more unpredictable than you could ever imagine!"

Scarlette nearly shouted in Bonifatius' face, "You should be grateful that Trudeliede and Rosemary are fighting each other and haven't conceived a child yet, or else my three grandchildren would be climbing the tower height the very next day! Eckhart has done everything he can to protect his mother and his siblings, and I, as his grandmother, am willing to support him fully."

Bonifatius felt a lump in his throat, unable to utter a single word in protest. This was the first time ever that Scarlette was angry at him.

In the end, it was a sleepless night for him.

Just as Bonifatius had always taught his family, he let his instinct guide him, and unfortunately, this time it told him that everything Scarlette said was true.

Yet, Bonifatius tried his best to remind himself of his promise to support Adelbert unconditionally.

Let's see how Adelbert has investigated this matter so far, and then, I will act depending on how he handles it.

Bonifatius prayed earnestly that his brother would not disappoint him.



Adelbert grew up observing the strong, dominant presence of his older brother in noble society and the flourishing success of his two older sisters, who were praised as ideal noble ladies. Despite receiving praise from his father for being a fast learner, Adelbert's sickly constitution kept him tied to medicine and restricted his freedom. As the youngest of four siblings, the best outcome he could foresee for himself was to become a minister and live a normal, carefree life, and that was the expectation that everyone around him seemed to share.

Everything changed on the first day of his seventh winter, when he met Veronica, the youngest daughter of Giebe Groschel, in the children’s room.

She was pretty, with a presence that commanded attention, strong and dominant. Her every move was elegant, reminiscent of his older sisters and mother. Yet, there was a palpable loneliness about her. Despite being surrounded by a group of mednobles eager to be close to her, they could not truly support her or match her public stature.

And Adelbert could sense that everyone in the room was trying to isolate her.

Adelbert's mother - the First Lady of Ehrenfest had always emphasised the importance of maintaining control and harmony in the children's room as an archduke candidate. Taking her words to heart, Adelbert approached the lonely girl and extended his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Lady Veronica. You will join the Royal Academy around the same time as me. Which course would you like to attend?”

The room fell silent, every eye turning towards them in shock. Adelbert was aware of the astonishment but remained focused on Veronica's response. She smiled at him, a smile full of pride and determination. “As a daughter of the First Lady of Groschel, I am planning to become a scholar in the future.”

“I believe Giebe Groschel would be thrilled to hear that you want to follow the example of your siblings. Both your elder sister and brother were very notable scholars in the Royal Academy at that time,” said another boy who had just joined them. He introduced himself as one of Adelbert’s maternal family from Leisegang. Adelbert had so many relatives from Leisegang claiming familial ties that he had given up trying to keep track, except for his immediate cousins.

One of his attendants, also from Leisegang, suggested that Adelbert exchange information with this new boy, emphasising that he was a potential retainer. The implication was clear: Adelbert should cut short his conversation with Veronica. Talking too much with a girl was considered unhelpful, and he had no shortage of potential retainers without recruiting one of the opposite gender. Additionally, this would avoid any unnecessary rumours.

I'm just seven, why do they care about that? Adelbert thought, glancing back at Veronica. She looked sad, her small hand secretly gripping her sleeve tightly.

His eldest sister had always told him to act according to his status, to stand against injustice, and to protect the helpless. He felt he was just following her advice. “It’s just the first day. We will have plenty of time to discuss my retainers later. Now, I would like to continue my conversation with Lady Veronica. She is my first cousin, and I was the one who started this conversation. Let us finish it first.”

Turning away from the Leisegang boy, Adelbert continued his talk with Veronica. Her bright smile made him feel like he had done the right thing, protecting the weak girl and upholding justice.

That evening, he eagerly recounted his actions at the dinner table, expecting praise. Instead, his family looked at him warily. Adelbert felt uneasy. He had followed their teachings exactly, so why did it feel like he had done something wrong?

After a short silence, his big brother Bonifatius spoke, “Father, you see, Adelbert seems to have a good impression of Lady Veronica. Their ages are also more acceptable…”

“Bonifatius!” His mother scolded, “You are already 17 years old, you should be more aware of your position.”

His big sister Gertrude nodded, her expression a mix of anger and concern. “Bonifatius, as the eldest son and the firstborn of the archducal family, you should know your responsibility and not try to find a way to push it onto your weak little brother!”

He saw his big brother scoff. Even being the eldest and so strong, Bonifatius had never been a good talker against either their mother or the two big sisters Gertrude or Adelheid.

His father, always a man of few words, finally spoke. “Adelbert, I see that you don’t mind being friends with Lady Veronica, am I right?”

Adelbert nodded slowly, “Yes, father!”

“Well, her position is a little sensitive to be your retainer.” His father said, “But I don’t see why you shouldn’t be her friend.”

“Father!” His two sisters raised their voices.

“But remember, next time, try to find a better way to talk against those Leisegang children. They are your maternal relations and also your backing, just as they are to your mother, brothers and sisters. It wasn't a good look, and they would blame the fault on that poor little Veronica, not you.”

Getting advice and permission like this from his father made Adelbert feel so happy, as he saw it was actually a way his father acknowledged that Adelbert had done the right thing. “I remember, father! I will prepare better next time!”

His mother and his two sisters looked at him worrily, the same as his father's Second Lady. Only big brother Bonifatius smiled at him and even gave him a head pat, encouraging him to try his best. Then from the next day, all the study materials seemed to be increased, and his father's head scholar even dropped by and gave him lectures daily.

Adelbert didn’t think much about this, as he thought that it might be due to him already being baptised, so this must be the normal curriculum for all the archduke candidates. Now looking back, he knew that his curriculum had been changed to that of a potential heir's education, which meant, from that destined dinner, his father had decided to abandon him, and his brother was definitely avoiding thinking too much about that decision. In other words, his own family and everyone in this duchy wished for Adelbert's death with no descendants so that Veronica could fall into their hands.

Adelbert knew Bonifatius too well; his big brother must have thought that Adelbert's and Veronica's ages were better matched, and Bonifatius preferred not to marry her while Adelbert had a good impression of her. Bonifatius definitely didn't even think of the real cruel reason behind their father's decision. That's why, up till now, Bonifatius was the only family member left that Adelbert could consider having a good relationship with, and he also suggested Veronica do the same. The fact that his Goddess of Light had a peaceful relationship with his big brother showed that Adelbert was right after all.

As for his mother and his two sisters, he knew that they kept complaining that Bonifatius should just marry Veronica and become Aub. Adelbert knew that they didn't mean to harm him, as they saw it was too much of a burden on Adelbert and they blamed Bonifatius for running away from his responsibilities. Adelbert didn't hate them for that, but he could not accept the fact that they were part of those who wanted to take down Veronica—even though they knew that she was his Geduldh.

Years passed, and Adelbert always felt uneasy about how he was easily abandoned by his family on that day, but again, he prayed his appreciation to Liebeskhilfe for tying his thread with Veronica. It was Veronica who worked so hard and tried her best to help him be healthy enough to wear the cloak of Darkness in this land, to be blessed with three healthy children.

Of all people, only Veronica wanted Adelbert.

And of all people, Adelbert knew that only he could protect Veronica.

That’s why when Adelbert's head scholar, Blindtreu, presented an investigation into all the accusations against Veronica. Rather than act immediately, Adelbert decided to put the investigation on hold. He needed to talk with Veronica first to see if anything could be dealt with peacefully and avoid involving Dunkelfelger. What worried him most now was how much Dunkelfelger would stand by Justus, Eckhart, and Heidemarie against Veronica. Given how much they had backed those three, who were set to become retainers to the young Lord Dunkelfelger, the situation was precarious. That boy seemed very favoured and likely to be the future heir. With those three Ehrenfest youths close to him, and considering the boy's actions at the last tea party, Adelbert could see the potential for a very negative impression of him and Veronica.

The worst part was the fragile relationship with Ahrensbach. Adelbert didn’t dare to mention it with Dunkelfelger, and Veronica was aware of this. Never had Adelbert thought that his talented and composed eldest daughter would act so insolent towards her own mother right before the departing to Ahrensbach. He felt completely relieved that he had sent Georgine away from Ehrenfest, and everyone agreed with him that she had become so unstable and dangerous to the peace of the duchy. However, he suspected that it must be Georgine who had done something in Ahrensbach to damage the relationship with Ehrenfest to weaken her own mother. The only thing keeping such weakness of Veronica from being public was the civil war, with both Ehrenfest and Ahrensbach being neutral to avoid such a feud.

That night, he came to see Veronica to talk with her about the results of his scholar’s investigation. Veronica paced the room, her frustration evident in her every movement. She turned sharply to face Adelbert, her eyes blazing. "They lied, Adelbert! I have asked all of my trusted followers, none of them ever forced that Linkberg boy and that girl to give their names to me!"

Adelbert, seated calmly by the hearth, raised an eyebrow. "But have you ever asked Justus?"

Veronica’s expression hardened. "I didn’t. I did request him to serve our Sylvester. It was an honour, not something to be cursed for. I was angry at him for rejecting me at first, but I didn’t ask for his name. I have enough good retainers, and lacking him was not a big deal!"

Adelbert leaned forward, his voice gentle. "Then what about Hirschur? Why did you cut her salary and funding for her research?"

"She wasn’t doing her job right!" Veronica snapped. "She didn’t send any information or proper reports! I meant to reduce her salary first as a warning. But then she kept ignoring me, and until recently, she completely ignored her duties. It’s because of her failure that Ehrenfest was involved in the recent Ditter and the Royal feud while claiming to be neutral!"

Adelbert nodded, his expression thoughtful. "You’re not wrong. But, dear, Hirschur is now the only Sovereignty noble still connected to her home duchy because of her role as the Dormitory Supervisor. She represents our duchy's face, so we cannot let this punishment continue. From now on, let me handle her."

Veronica’s eyes widened in alarm. "That’s... Adelbert, it’s my duty! Suddenly changing who is in charge would make people suspect my power. Everyone would think that I’ve lost your trust! Those dreadful Leisegangs would use this opportunity to sabotage my reputation."

"Then at least try to be cordial with Hirschur," Adelbert suggested. "I know this girl. As long as she has her salary and some funds for research, she won’t care. It doesn’t need to be a large amount of funding; we’re bottom-ranked, and research is very consuming."

Veronica sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I understand. Let me handle this. I promise I can do it well."

Adelbert smiled, placing his hand over hers. "I know I can trust my Goddess of Light." He paused, his expression turning serious. "Dear, I’ve never asked about this matter, but could you at least enlighten me about who the youngest one of your namesworn is?"

Veronica stiffened. "Adelbert, namesworn matters are secret! How could you ask that question?"

Adelbert remained calm. "I understand that most of your namesworns are inherited from your mother, and I don’t oppose that. It’s normal for a parent to transfer their entourage to their child. With you receiving nothing from your father, it’s essential for your mother’s namesworns to follow you, and then their children can continue to serve you." He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "However, my beloved goddess, the situation is now very much against us. I just wish to have some more information so that we can work on this. I need one or two youngest names so that I can stand and assert that I approve of them, and that there is no heresy behind this."

Adelbert could see the conflict in Veronica’s eyes as she grappled with the complexities of their situation. But Adelbert also knew she trusted him, he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. With a resigned sigh, Veronica finally gave up two names. “It is Oswald and Giebe Dahldolf.”

“Them?” Adelbert echoed, raising an eyebrow.

“Oswald will be the one in charge of our grandson,” Veronica explained, her voice tinged with irritation. “It's not like I forced him. His father and he have followed us for so long, and he willingly offered his name to me…” She pouted slightly. “Giebe Dahldolf’s mother is one of my mother’s namesworn from Ahrensbach! It is natural for him to be my namesworn. I have not asked his heir to do that because I thought it should be for Sylvester or even Wilfried later.”

Adelbert sighed, “Then it would be fine. Just in case Dunkelfelger really files a complaint to the Sovereignty, I have enough proof to justify the namesworn thing.”

“The Sovereignty is at war now; they wouldn't care, I think.”

“But Dunkelfelger has the power to stop that war. Ahrensbach has nothing against Dunkelfelger. The only thing we hope for is that they would ignore such a small, rural duchy like us. However, until Eckhart graduates and marries out, I am afraid we need to stay low in this. Just avoid those Dunkelfelger as much as possible.” Adelbert understood well all the silent warnings that those Dunkelfelger scholars had given in the last tea party. The Knight Commander of Dunkelfelger even went to warn Bonifatius and If anything happened, Dunkelfelger really could make a move, and Ehrenfest would suffer.

“Those treacherous youngsters… it must be Elvira and Florencia behind them…”

“My dear goddess, from now on, let’s ignore them. My guess is that Dunkelfelger just wants to spoil that little young lord. Haldenzel has nothing for them to care about once they lose their interest in that dead land.” Adelbert said, thinking about those offers Dunkelfelger required.

As much as he thought, the collection of books from Heidemarie was the only noteworthy item. The Blenrus thing was something he had first heard of. A plant from Spring; Haldenzel always has spring late and barely contributes anything besides their wood carving, but it is nothing that even Klassenberg cares about. Soon, once that Dunkelfelger boy loses his interest, Haldenzel will not be much to worry about.

“Those people from Dunkelfelger seem to care about the chalices for Spring Prayer. Tell Bezewanst to make it proper.”

“Adelbert, the mana is not enough. You know Ehrenfest always has a much smaller population compared to other duchies. If we emphasised Haldenzel, other provinces would need to cut off their mana so that Haldenzel could get a full one.” Veronica frowned.

Adelbert could only sighed. “We must find a way to compensate for the lack of mana. Perhaps we could consider changing the ratio of the mana filled in the chalice depending on how much that province would need. This issue with the chalices must be resolved satisfactorily. Dunkelfelger’s interest, however fleeting, needs to be appeased. You could summon Bezewanst to the castle to meet us, as this matter is seriously important.”

“I see, I will tell Bezewanst to take care of this.” Veronica sat down and raised her hand to touch him, “Don’t be so worried, negative feelings would bring no goods to your mental health. Let me check your health.”

Veronica inspected his health as she used to. Adelbert closed his eyes, and felt the warmth of her mana running through his veins. It was always the gentle and so much care from this woman that he loved so much.

“I'm really healthy now thanks to you.” Adelbert smiled gently, and Veronica also returned with a such dazzling smile, “And I am being well protected now thanks to you.”

The only one who could protect Veronica is me!

Adelbert’s thoughts churned as he paced his study, grappling with the regret of marrying his middle child, Constanze, out. Compared to the instability of Georgine and the burgeoning rebellion in Sylvester, Constanze now seemed the best candidate to inherit the Aub seat from Adelbert’s perspective. She had managed to secure an archduke candidate as her spouse, and if Constanze were the heir, her husband, being a son of a third wife, would be easily accepted as the First Consort of Ehrenfest. Frenbeltag’s influence could not overcome Ahrensbach's backing of Veronica. So, marrying him into Ehrenfest would not threaten Veronica’s position.

Constanze was not someone who stood out spectacularly, but she was well-suited to her status. Most importantly, while Constanze’s relationship with Veronica was not entirely warm, it was not cold either. Adelbert wondered if Constanze had been influenced by Georgine’s attitude. Yet, Constanze remained a dutiful daughter who acted according to her status and supported her younger brother.

Too bad, she was already married out, Adelbert lamented.

Now, with Georgine trying to sabotage Veronica’s relationship with Ahrensbach and Sylvester being influenced by the Leisegang faction, Adelbert found no moment of peace. He feared the worst scenario—climbing the towering height earlier than expected and leaving his beloved wife alone in a duchy full of hostility towards her.

What should I do? Adelbert pondered, feeling the weight of his responsibilities press heavily on his shoulders.

It was then he felt someone touching his eyebrow. Adelbert opened his eyes and saw Veronica looking worried. "You frowned again, Adelbert. Is there something wrong?"

He gently pulled his wife near and enjoyed the warmth of the Goddess of Earth. He didn't want to worry his goddess too much about all those things, so he tried to change the topic of their discussion.

"Just forget those annoying things. Tell me, how was Wilfried today?"

"You see, my love. Wilfried is adorable..." Veronica started to retell some funny things that his two-year-old grandson did today. Sylvester became rebellious from the moment he saw Florencia at his second year, and then started to quarrel with Veronica all too often. That hurt the family's atmosphere the most. While he was not exactly satisfied with the result of Sylvester marrying Florencia, he actually understood his son's feelings a lot when trying his best to marry and protect the lady he loved. Yet Florencia didn't bring anything to the duchy and worse, she even sided with Leisegang to usurp her mother-in-law. The best she has done was giving Veronica a chance to get her bright smile back by letting Wilfried be raised and taken care of by the Goddess of Light of this duchy.

"A healthy boy, much better than me and Sylvester..." Adelbert chuckled.

"You're healthy now, so is Sylvester!"

"Yes, it's all thanks to you, but dear, I have to say that Dauerleben doesn't love me as much as my brother. Soon, maybe I..."

"Don't think such negative things. With me here, you will live normally like all the other Aubs in this country." Veronica stayed firm. "What should I do without you, my Dark God?"

That's right, Adelbert thought, without him, his dear Veronica would suffer.

"How about Wilfried's safety, Veronica? Do you think we need to recall Rihyarda to take care of Wilfred?"

"I don't think Rihyarda will be required. The situation is much different than before, the castle is under our control now, and Wilfried is not weak like Sylvester. You also needed Rihyarda to control Sylvester and make him do his job, right?"

"You're right. Sylvester is becoming more and more rebellious. We have been cordial to him for so long, as he was born weak. While we didn't expect much from him, he did indeed get honorary awards in his last two years, which made his political standing much better. Yet now, all his actions in trying to court Leisegang just show how short-sighted he still is." Adelbert sighed, "I was fine with him getting some Leisegang and neutral aid, given his reason to find good help like Karstedt as Bonifatius was late in autumn, but the way I see it, he's started to be corrupted with those poisoned words from Leisegang."

"Please don't be so harsh on Sylvester. I believe he's just soft toward his wife and those Leisegangs around him. You know Sylvester, until now, while he's still scared of Georgine, he hasn't spoken badly about her at all. Our boy was soft and good until Florencia corrupted him. She was just a daughter of a third wife and never meant to be the First Lady of the duchy. I suspect she wanted to grab power through Sylvester, only failed because Sylvester still loved and respected us." Veronica consoled him, "Sylvester didn't even question when entrusting Wilfried to me, as he also believed it was the best for Wilfried to be raised by me. And every time Sylvester plans something, he always asks for your permission."

"At least he's still conscientious enough to do that."

But Veronica's consolation didn't bring any peace to Adelbert.

Lying on the bed next to his goddess, Adelbert found it hard to fall into Schlaftraum. Sylvester was too easily swayed, and the two closest to him were both sided with Leisegang. He had suggested that Karstedt marry a Veronican second wife, and Veronica nominated her most trusted attendant. Karstedt didn't oppose, and what's more, he even took another Veronican lady for his third wife. Based on the rumours of how he doted on his new Geduldh, Adelbert could temporarily feel relief about Karstedt, as the soft power in that boy's house would be shared equally between two factions. Veronica and Adelbert could send messages through those two Veronican wives and guide the boy to have the right mindset to succeed Bonifatius's role in controlling Leisegang.

The problem, again, was Florencia. Sylvester loved her, and she was the mother of his grandson. But Veronica also told him that this daughter-in-law was too ambitious for her pedigree. If Sylvester became Aub, Florencia would indeed obtain power as the First Lady, and Constanze, being married just into a branch family, would be powerless to stop Frenbeltag from putting their influence into Ehrenfest.

We need to strengthen the relationship with Ahrensbach for Veronica... Or someone besides Sylvester must become Aub, and that person must be willing to protect Veronica. But who...

Adelbert looked at his wife who was sleeping soundly. He pulled one of her hair locks closer to his face. Even in the dark, he could see the shiny blonde like the Queen of the Sky. How pity, all of their children were sharing his dark purplish-blue shade instead. The only one who inherited this colour was his grandson...



Adelbert quickly calculated Wilfried's age and recognized that once Wilfried came of age, he would be 58 years old, just about the time to consider retiring, while Sylvester would be over 30, also the time to inherit the Aub seat.

But again, there was no law that a son must be the one who inherits the seat. A grandson counted too; that's how the First Aub of Ehrenfest passed down the seat to his grandson—the Second Aub of Ehrenfest.

As long as Dauerleben could continue to bless him...

Adelbert sat up, leaned over, and kissed the forehead of his beloved Goddess of Light, his Geduldh, his only Goddess.

"Don't worry my goddess, I will do all I can to protect you even after the Supreme Couple summons me."



This chapter was mostly inspired the very similar characteristics that I suddenly found in all the male archduke candidates of Ehrenfest = the feeling of being wanted and being asked for help, especially for those they cared for.

Bonifatius regretted that he could not help Georgine when she was forced to leave Bezewanst and Rihyarda due to politics, thus he desperately wished to give Rozemyne all the affections and help after Ferdinand left. He also showed that he wishes to be seen as he is the one who can help Rozemyne in everything.

Karstedt had a bad impression about Elvira mostly due to the claim that she won’t trouble him. He misunderstood that Elvira was looking down on him and he was not wanted, but in reality, Elvira felt sorry for troubling Karsted in this marriage, especially after he got demotion, Elvira just tried to lessen his burden. One misunderstanding cost 20 years of marriage until Rozemyne came. He favoured Rosemary so much and often sided with her because she was the only one who showed that she deeply needed him, as Elvira was so independent and Trudeliede had Veronica.

Ferdinand was too famous for this troupe. He was the one who first asked for books, then works, and even after the blue priests were summoned to Sovereignty, he was completely overworked, but he said nothing to Sylvester and that made Sylvester misunderstood that Ferdinand liked works. Similarly, Karstedt just asked for help, but Ferdinand actually didn’t need to help the Knight Order because he already withdrew to the temple, and Karstedt would also not force him. I suspect, after Adelbert died, Sylvester and Karstedt became the last two who can be seen as “family” to Ferdinand. The way Ferdinand accepted every request about work from those two was actually the way of self-delusion to think that Sylvester and Kardstedt still need him, and they cannot operate without him, that he was actually not being abandoned for real.

Sylvester changed himself better just to be the best big brother to Ferdinand. And like Karstedt said, Sylvester was angry and sulked because Ferdinand came to Karstedt for help about Myne in Part 2 but not him. Although due to Ferdinand over-competent, Sylvester completely lost the chance to be the reliable one, but as you can see, one of the ways that Sylvester shows his willingness to help Ferdinand is accepting “99%” Ferdinand’s request. Similarly, because Ferdinand was too over-competent, so compared to Ferdinand, it was his mother Veronica who seemed to need help, thus Sylvester chose Veronica over Ferdinand and sent him to the temple to “keep both of them safe” until the time Sylvester found a more peaceful way to force Veronica retire.

Wilfried was also the one who showed a little of this troupe. Via Charlotte SS, it can be seen that although Oswald tried to sabotage Wilfried in many ways, Wilfried was actually never objecting to the chance to help his little sisters, even though he would be grumpy about this. We could also see how Wilfried was very supportive to Rozemyne and Charlotte in end P3 after the kidnapping incident and early P4.

And given from all the information we have about Adelbert, that he loved Veronica, he desperately need her to live and he had done everything just to protect Veronica and ensure she would live good in Ehrenfest, I also suspect that Adelbert could deduce by his own that he was the forsaken pawn in the end. So Adelbert in my fic was the sensitive person who realised that no one wanted him to live and have children just because of his poor health and marry Veronica. The only one who actually did everything to care for him was Veronica, and unfortunately, the only one who actually needed Adelbert was also only Veronica.



It was very ironic when we review Ehrenfest in canon, both Veronica and Rozemyne became Aub-maker and it was all Leisegang’s fault, though in completely opposite situations.
And for once, let me speak for Veronica, she truly didn’t force on Justus/ Eckhart/ Heidemarie, it was the SCAM by those three, and of course, as their lord is not being kept “hostage” anymore, the duo Eck x Heid exploit every chance to sabotage Veronica, all to make her image as worst as possible.
But of course, Veronica is not innocent at all for all things she has done. She just less crazy due to no Ferdie at all.

Chapter 30: Short Story 3 - The undercurrent in Ehrenfest (Part 2)


I just cut the SS Ehrenfest into 2 chapters for easier to read on phone.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


From the moment Karstedt met Elvira, she always wore a smile like a mask, maintained an elegant appearance, and spoke little. When addressed, she would respond, but even then, her emotions rarely wavered. When she did speak to him, it was almost always complaints or advice. She was undeniably talented, but Karstedt saw her as a woman lacking warmth or charm.

Born to Lord Bonifatius and his first wife, a Leisegang princess, Lord Karstedt had been raised as the next archduke. Lord Adelbert was frail, and it wasn't clear if he'd have children. Karstedt was raised believing he would inherit the title, which is why his grandfather, the previous Aub Ehrenfest, ordered Rihyarda to serve as his tutor.

However, after his baptism and entry into the northern building, the archducal title passed to Lord Adelbert. Georgine was born, and Lady Veronica became determined to secure the succession for her child, thus Rihyarda became Georgine's tutor.

Policy changes were natural with a new archduke. Retainers from Karstedt's parents assured him he'd still be archduke, but as Veronica and Ahrensbach's influence grew, Karstedt began to believe Georgine would become archduch*ess, and he would become her spouse.

But Sylvester's birth changed everything.

Lady Veronica sought Ahrensbach's support for Sylvester's ascension. Karstedt was shunned, with Veronica insisting, "With Sylvester and two daughters, there's no need for other archduke candidates." He was demoted to archnoble.

Honestly, Karstedt didn't resent the demotion. He later offered to become Sylvester's guard knight, showing no ill will towards Veronica's son.

Around that time, Karstedt became engaged to Elvira. Just when he thought he'd escaped Veronica's harassment, he was chosen as Elvira's fiancé to protect her and the Leisegang nobles from the very woman he sought to avoid. The engagement felt like a trap, a cage he couldn't escape.

He vividly remembered Elvira's first words to him.

"I will try not to rely on you."

To Karstedt, it was a declaration of his worthlessness, of having no value due to his demotion.

And he hated it.

"Aren’t you a Haldenzel woman who can take care of herself very well? You have no need for the likes of me."

That was his response.

Until Hirschur – his former retainer and a senior at the Royal Academy who had been recruited as a Sovereignty noble – firmly reprimanded Karstedt and warned him about his actions.

"You're not the only one who didn't want this political marriage! You think your demotion benefited you, but have you considered the consequences for your former followers? Have you thought of your friends, your maternal family, your mothers... Everyone connected to you now has to find a way to survive under Lady Veronica. Even demoted, you're still the highest-ranking archnoble in this duchy, and as the future Knight Commander, you'd be the most prominent figure for Leisegang. You can't escape the struggle with Lady Veronica, and your only hope is that the young master has a good heart and listens to you. Take a closer look at your surroundings and consider the consequences of your actions. What will people think if you act hostilely towards your Leisegang fiancée and cannot work well with her? Those devoted followers of Veronica will hound you for your power and position."

She was not completely wrong.

He was fine to have such an extreme wife like Georgine from the start after all, so with Elvira, Karstedt guessed he at least could work well with her.

Their relationship wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either. Karstedt could say that Elvira was a trustworthy and independent woman, and he didn't need to worry about anything at home. Their marriage was relatively peaceful, and they had three children together. That was until Veronica began pushing for him to take a second wife – Trudeliede.

Due to Sylvester's recent interest in recruiting more Leisegang and Neutral nobles, Lady Veronica began her defensive manoeuvres, and Karstedt was the first target. Lord Adelbert even suggested it, and since Trudeliede was just a mednoble, Karstedt accepted her into his household. Elvira agreed as well, stating that the second wife position had been vacant for so long it was only natural to fill it, and it was best not to upset the archducal couple. Besides, Karstedt could barely sense Trudeliede's mana, so she wouldn't be a threat to his children.

But then Bluanfa danced with Karstedt at an unusual time.

Rosemary was vastly different from both Elvira and Trudeliede – one was strong and independent, while the other was so forceful. This young lady was like a delicate flower made of glass, cute and needing gentle handling. For the first time, Karstedt felt that someone desperately needed him.

Nobody was against him marrying Rosemary actually, as Joisontak was also from Veronica’s faction. Karstedt somehow even cursed that he didn’t see Rosemary sooner so that he would avoid marrying Trudeliede.

But the nightmare just started. Karstedt no longer can rest in his family, because everytime he returned home, it would always be a call for help from his poor Rosemary, and Trudeliede tried her best to sabotage his Geduldh. What's worse, Elvira even took sides of Trudeliede and against every one of his judgments. Elvira even used the right he gave her to take care of everything domestically, and Karstedt could not go against his own word.

He felt guilty for letting his fragile Rosemary alone in this house, so all he could do was to spoil his Geduldh everything he could.

Now, looking back, it might also be the time that both he and Elvira no longer shared any private discussion anymore.

Around two years… or three years… perhaps…

I wonder if this is the reason why I was completely outdated of news about Eckhart beside training grounds. It was funny how we found it easier to meet up at the training grounds than at home.

The image of Eckhart fighting during the Ditter was something profoundly strange to Karstedt. Despite his strained relationship with Elvira, Karstedt had always poured much affection into Eckhart, more so than any of his other children. This was only natural since Eckhart was his firstborn, and the feeling of being a father for the first time was always different from that of subsequent children. Both Karstedt and Bonifatius were thrilled to spend time with Eckhart at the training ground, sharing a sense of pride as they watched the boy grow under their guidance.

Yet, seeing the way Eckhart fought with the Dunkelfelger students, the brightness in his eyes when he talked about his new master, and the co*ckiness when he mocked the archducal family—all of it felt so alien to Karstedt. It was as if the boy he had cared so deeply for had suddenly changed into someone else.

After the most stressful Interduchy Tournament he ever had, Karstedt called Eckhart into his office for a talk. However, Eckhart didn’t come alone; he was accompanied by his courting partner, Heidemarie.

“Eckhart,” Karstedt began, “You know I want to talk privately with you.”

“It is my wish to meet you together with Eckhart, Lord Karstedt, as I believe I could provide more details about what you want to know,” Heidemarie replied with a smile.

Karstedt sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. “Then could you two explain what you think about destroying the reputation of the archducal family and making Ehrenfest so vulnerable in front of other duchies?” He paused, pondering his next words. “This will be our only opportunity to talk, so I want to hear both of your opinions. You don’t need to worry about being polite; I want to hear your true thoughts.”

Heidemarie and Eckhart exchanged glances before Eckhart started. “The current peace in Ehrenfest is just a facade. It is widely known that people are evacuating Ehrenfest to escape from Lady Veronica. With you soon falling into the hands of a Veronican woman, my mother, my brothers, and I would be kicked out of this house and disposed of. The best outcome I can imagine is being recruited to serve Lord Sylvester and his son, only to be abused within their faction. I am simply doing what I can to protect those I care about.”

“Why are you so opposed to serving Lord Sylvester or his children?” Karstedt raised his voice in confusion. “I understand your hatred towards Veronica, but Sylvester has never acted hostile towards you. It was he who stood up to protect you and Heidemarie from Veronica's wrath, and his wife, Lady Florencia, is your mother’s friend.”

“I am not so against Lord Sylvester; I know he is a good person, but that doesn’t mean he is a good ruler. Unless both Aub and Veronica climb the Towering Heights, serving Lord Sylvester for a pure Leisegang archnoble like me would be a torturous life without a future,” Eckhart scoffed.

“And please, Lord Karstedt, if you spend some time talking with Lady Elvira, you would know how tied Lady Florencia’s hands are. She is completely passive in front of Lady Veronica’s power and contributes nothing to balancing the faction,” Heidemarie added.

“Lady Florencia is in… a difficult situation. And Elvira, I did talk to her, but nothing new came up.”

“Are you sure you’re talking with Lady Elvira normally about Ehrenfest matters? As far as I recall, you only argue with her and blame her for acting harshly toward your pitiful, fragile, poisonous flower!”

“Heidemarie!!! I will not accept any baseless claims!” Karstedt shouted. He could understand if Heidemarie didn’t like Trudeliede, but using such a phrase to describe a poor lady like Rosemary was too much.

“Tss… You’ve really been tamed by those Veronican flowers. It just proves that I am correct in my decision to climb to Dunkelfelger. Soon, you will be the one to throw my mother and my brothers out of our home just to satisfy your flowers’ requests, and Uncle Claudio will be powerless to defend them.”

Karstedt’s eyes darkened. His boy was so out of place, his face full of arrogance. It was an utterly unacceptable way to talk to his father.

"If you think your poisonous flower was so innocent, why haven't you ever punished my mother and cut down her power in our house? As the Lord of the House, you could easily do that."

"Are you asking me to demote your mother?"

"I'm merely pointing out that even when my mother sided with Trudeliede and annoyed you, you simply ran away and left her in full control of the house. Doesn't that prove that, deep down, you also knew my mother hadn't done anything wrong?"


"You no longer share private discussions with my mother, yet you still trust her to work with my grandmother. You've never considered letting your 'poor flower' near my grandmother or Lady Florencia, yet you told me outright that my mother was Lady Florencia's friend and shared private matters about Lord Sylvester with her. Basically, you've indirectly confirmed that you don't trust your beloved flower enough to offer her protection through your own relationships. You never expected her to be a proper wife for a Vice Commander, yet you trust my mother with everything!"

Karstedt suddenly lost the ability to question himself. But once he regained his composure, he knew the answer to Eckhart's question. It was difficult to admit, but he had always complained about Elvira never relying on him for support. Yet, as his first wife, as the First Lady of the Vice Commander, and the future First Lady of the Knight Commander, she couldn't have been more qualified.

"Well, witnessing is always better than hearing. Would you like to witness it for yourself, Lord Karstedt?"

Karstedt took a deep breath, trying to contain his frustrated emotions. "Very well, then show me. Let me see the proof you have."

Heidemarie then presented a plan to sneak inside Rosemary's villa. She handed Karstedt a strange magic tool. “Once wearing this tool, you can fake the mana sensing of people around you for one bell within a 1 mile radius. I have set it to the range of Aub from greater duchies. In Rosemary's and Trudeliede's villas, no one will sense us as long as we hide well. Unless Aub Ahrensbach suddenly hits his head and decides to visit your lesser wives, we’ll be undetected.”

Karstedt, though hesitant, unconsciously followed the plan. He first informed Rosemary that he would be home later than usual, then secretly returned home earlier once the spy Heidemarie planted in Rosemary’s villa informed them the time. The moment he saw Rosemary torturing the little shumil he had gifted her, with a cruel smile on her face, he could barely stand. The sight unfolded in the little backyard garden, a place he once thought of as a sanctuary of peace and beauty.

Is that the petite lady I treasured so much?

Eckhart outright scoffed at Rosemary's actions, while Heidemarie shrugged nonchalantly. “I see that cruelty must be taught widely among Veronica's followers, even for someone so low in rank like Joisontak.”

Karstedt's shock deepened when he overheard Rosemary ordering her trusted attendant to prepare a scenario where Trudeliede is the culprit of this heinous act.

“She is just a mednoble. Why should she be the second wife and not me?” Rosemary grumbled, her voice dripping with resentment and envy.

“Milady, please don't worry,” the attendant consoled her. “Soon, with this proof, Lord Karstedt will demote Trudeliede, and you will be the second wife.”

Rosemary's smile was triumphant. “When I become the second wife, I will have enough safety to give birth. Once I have my own son, even Lady Veronica will need to support my children, as they will be heirs born from the Veronica faction.”

Karstedt felt like his heart was frozen, and the sky was falling down. The woman he adored was not only cruel but also manipulative, willing to harm others to secure her own ambitions. The shumil’s cries echoed in his mind, mingling with Rosemary’s cold, calculated words. The weight of his disillusionment was almost too much to bear.

As if she didn't know how to stop her dirty planning, Rosemary continued, "It's good that Lord Eckhart will soon be married out of the duchy. However, Lord Lamprecht is still much older than my future child, and who knows if there are any secret children from the main building."

"Don't worry, milady," her attendant replied smoothly. "That young Lord Lamprecht will never become our enemy. He will reach ten years old soon, but our spies say he is still crying over the death of his pet zanze. Such a soft child would be very easy to deal with. The most important thing now is taking down Trudeliede and getting the blessing from Entrinduge. Only then can Lady Veronica be your backing."

That woman… How dare she…

With no sound-blocking tool, those master and servant dared to speak out loud their malicious intent in the garden. Were they too stupid or too arrogant to care?

Karstedt’s eyes shone with fury, and the mana in his body started to rampage, making it hard for him to control. He wondered whether siding with Rosemary had given her too much power, allowing her to blatantly plant a spy near Lamprecht and even think of disposing of his son publicly without any secrecy.

"You two! Like father, like son! Could you at least be aware that we're in hiding and act like proper spies?" A hand suddenly gripped Karstedt's shoulder. He regained his composure and turned back to see Heidemarie, her other hand holding Eckhart back.

"That damn harlot dares to harm my brothers…" Eckhart grimaced, seething with anger.

Karstedt took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. For Eckhart to call his father’s lesser wife a "harlot" was really too much to bear, but Karstedt was too distressed to care about etiquette at this moment.

Heidemarie sighed, "Well, we're nearly out of time. And Lord Karstedt, this is the true face of the woman you thought you knew. Now, you understand the extent of her deception with your own eyes. I think it is time for us to leave this place."

Eckhart nodded. "Let's go before I crush that harlot."

Heidemarie's eyes were sharp with determination. "Eckhart, watch your language!"

Karstedt looked at his son and Heidemarie, their resolve giving him strength. "You're right. Let's leave. I still have another stage to present."

The trio moved swiftly through the villa grounds, the air thick with tension. Once outside the villa's perimeter, they paused to catch their breath, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The group made their way back to the training ground and prepared for the coming back at the preplan time.

At the moment Karstedt returned home, a familiar scene greeted him: Rosemary, his lesser wife, crying with a face that used to evoke his pity but now only stirred his revulsion. She was a poisonous presence, worse than anything he had faced in battle. Rosemary claimed her pet shumil, which he had gifted her, was missing, and she demanded the right to search Trudeliede’s villa. As usual, Trudeliede responded with anger, her loud protests echoing through the hall.

Karstedt glanced at Elvira, who remained composed as ever. Yet, for the first time, he noticed a slight furrow in her brow and the weariness in her eyes.

I have indeed been a failed husband, haven’t I?

Allowing Rosemary to search Trudeliede’s place, he followed to see how her plot would unfold. As expected, she led everyone to a hidden corner of the garden next to Trudeliede’s villa and dramatically revealed the bloody corpse of the little shumil, next to a thin veil embroidered with Trudeliede’s favourite decoration.

If it were last week, Karstedt might have blamed Trudeliede and tried to punish her.

“The harassment has gone too far. It is time to seriously investigate,” he declared. “I will submit a request to use the mind-reading tool to check the innocence of all people in both buildings.”

All of his wives were shocked at Karstedt’s declaration. Elvira was the first to speak, “Lord Karstedt, the mind-reading tool is used for the most unforgivable criminals. Isn’t it too much to use? It would harm the reputation of Trudeliede and Rosemary.”

“Disturbing the peace of the house and interrupting the workflow of the Vice-Commander of Ehrenfest and his First Lady is already a crime,” Karstedt replied firmly. “Not to mention, my First Lady is now chosen as the representative scholar for Haldenzel to work with Dunkelfelger for the annual trading business. She has many things to prepare for Dunkelfelger’s first visit next spring. Involving my First Lady in this household harassment is a serious crime that even my father, the Knight Commander, would never allow. Let's deal with it once and for all. If necessary, I will submit for divorce to free myself and Elvira from these disturbances.”

For once, Trudeliede and Rosemary shared the same wary expression toward his statement. Karstedt knew that mentioning divorce was extreme, but it was a strong enough threat to silence them for a while until he found a permanent solution. Even if Trudeliede was innocent of Rosemary’s claims, having Veronica’s spy in his household was the last thing he wanted to endure. This might be the perfect chance to rid himself of both nuisances.

Rosemary's face twisted in panic. "You can't be serious, my dark god! To use the mind-reading tool on us—it's an outrage! I am the one who is getting harmed!"

Trudeliede was also frightened. "The tool is an over-harsh measure, Lady Veronica would never allow it."

Lady Veronica would never allow it… Veronica again, how long will I have to endure that woman in my life… Why do I still need her permission to involve my personal life though I am no longer an archduke candidate?

[As an archduke candidate, isn't it too immature and unsuitable to show emotions on your face?]

[You've been granted the privilege of being baptised as an archduke candidate, and it's my job to prevent you from committing such a flaw.]

[This is unforgivable for an archduke candidate! Georgine, my dear daughter, you must see it as the failure example to not be such the one like him.]

[Yes, mother.]

The conversation from the past kept haunting Karstedt, making it hard for him to breathe. As the weight of the situation pressed down on him, Elvira's voice called out, pulling him back from the edge. Her eyes were a mixture of gratitude and worry.

"Lord Karstedt, I still believe it's unwise to use such a tool in this small, internal matter. Please let us investigate everything thoroughly before making a final judgement."

Karstedt nodded, trying to regain his composure. "Thank you, Elvira. Then I will temporarily consider this matter closed. From now on, I entrust everything to you. As I said before, this is your domain. You are free to decide everything. If you need any assistance with personnel, just ask, and I will provide whatever you need."

Turning to his other two wives, he continued, "Know your place and prepare yourselves for every inspection."

Rosemary's eyes widened in shock, but she quickly masked her emotions, bowing her head in compliance. "Of course, Lord Karstedt," Rosemary said, her voice trembling slightly. "I will do as you command."

Trudeliede, though visibly relieved, also bowed, her expression a mix of fear and uncertainty. She echoed her sentiments, "I will cooperate fully with Lady Elvira's investigation."

Elvira stepped forward, her demeanour calm and authoritative. "Thank you, Lord Karstedt. I will ensure that this matter is resolved justly and thoroughly."

With the immediate crisis averted, Karstedt felt a temporary sense of relief. He had placed his trust in Elvira, knowing she would handle the situation with the fairness and diligence it required. As he left the room, the memories of the past continued to nag at him, but he pushed them aside, focusing on the task at hand.

That night, he left his home once again, and found himself sharing drinks with his cousin.

“It was not easy for you tonight, as I heard…” Sylvester looked uncomfortable. He really wasn’t able to come up with any good consolation for Karstedt after hearing all the terrible experiences he had today, especially since it involved his mother in it.

While Veronica left nothing good in Karstedt’s mind, Sylvester was a different story. He was boisterous, cheeky, and a troublesome boy to Karstedt, but at the same time, he was like a playful little brother that Karstedt had long taken care of, even more so than the brother who shared half of his blood.

“I just want to slap myself for being so easily tricked by her… what was I ever thinking? That lady was from Veronica’s faction… nothing good could come from her…” Karstedt let himself loose in Vantole’s divine blessing. “She doesn’t care at all about secrecy. She outright said that once she has a child, she would dispose of my children with Elvira and your mother would even help her!”

“... I am also a Veronican, technically…” Sylvester murmured.

“Do you want me to hate you and take my revenge on you?” Karstedt’s tone was harsh, but there was no true malice in it, just the residual frustration and betrayal from the night’s events.

“But… it’s not like you don’t have anyone, right? You now know the truth, you are no longer in the dark. Your son and your future daughter-in-law will bring new power to your family.” Sylvester talked like he wanted to cry. “I… I don’t even know which one I should believe in… No one beside you actually supports me…”

Karstedt could only remain silent at Sylvester's confession.

It was the longest night ever for both of them...

The next day, Karstedt sent a request to visit Elvira’s quarters. Following his attendants’ suggestion to first take a bath to calm his nerves, he finally met Elvira in his sleepwear. It had been such a long time since they had been in this intimate setting. When all the attendants had left the room, he escorted her to help her sit, which made her eyes widen in surprise. It was quite amusing to see such a strange emotion from her, and Karstedt suddenly felt that Elvira in this state was actually… adorable.

Karstedt took a moment to steady his breath, trying to find the right words. He was nervous, unsure of how to start the conversation. For once, he decided to listen to Sylvester’s recommendation. If it didn’t work, then he could deal with that troublesome boy later.


For the first time in his life, Karstedt pulled his wife into a powerful embrace and said the words he never expected to utter.

"I'm sorry."

Sorry for only complaining about her perceived lack of feminine attractiveness.

Sorry for not respecting all her efforts in their marriage until now.

Sorry for constantly running away from his responsibilities as her husband.

Sorry for causing her so much trouble due to his marriages with other lesser wives.

"You don't have to bear all your burdens alone. Let me bear them with you."

Karstedt felt his shoulder getting wet and held his wife tighter.

After more than fifteen years of marriage, perhaps only now did he truly feel like Elvira's husband.



Elvira had never felt so alive. The past half season had been a whirlwind of activity, sparked by Eckhart and Heidemarie’s involvement in the Ditter with Dunkelfelger. The incident shattered the facade of peace in Ehrenfest that had barely held since Lady Georgine’s departure. However, watching Lady Veronica withdraw under Dunkelfelger’s pressure stirred a strange energy within Elvira.

As the northernmost region of Ehrenfest, Haldenzel endured long, harsh winters and suffered from a shortage of food. Most of their provisions came from Leisegang, but the deliveries barely reached Haldenzel safely. They had tried to send Haldenzel merchants to trade for some foods with Frenbeltag and Klassenberg merchants, but only on a small scale and between commoners, as larger transactions in nobles and duchy level required approval from the top - a chance Lady Veronica would never grant. Meanwhile, taxes increased steadily every year.

"The Aub ordered Leisegang to ensure food deliveries, under threat of punishment for failing in their duties," Countess Haldenzel said. "Yet so many food merchants have been ambushed on their way to Haldenzel. It is unusual for the number of accidents to increase this much recently, yet we lack concrete proof."

Her words hung in the air, laden with the weight of their truth. Elvira looked around the room, meeting the eyes of those present in this sudden meeting of Haldenzel folks after the Interduchy Tournament. She saw nods of agreement and expressions of frustration. The ambushes were a thinly veiled secret, a manifestation of the underhanded tactics used to keep Haldenzel subjugated.

Heidemarie, seated beside Eckhart, raised her voice. “By aligning ourselves with Dunkelfelger, we can bypass some of the restrictions imposed by Veronica. Their interest in Haldenzel's resources and our strategic location can be used to our advantage. They have the power and influence to help us protect our new trade routes”

Elvira felt a surge of hope. It was a risky move, and he knew it wouldn’t be easy. They would face resistance from Veronica and her faction. But it was a chance they had to take.

“We must also address the tax issue,” Another Haldenzel Lady said firmly. “We need to petition the Aub for a reduction or at least a freeze on tax increases. Our current situation is unsustainable.”

Elvira's brother, Giebe Haldenzel, shook his head. "They won't. I'm afraid they're even increasing the tax rate, given that Haldenzel would have more leeway to pay taxes as we are trading with a great duchy like Dunkelfelger. Dunkelfelger's patronage is only able to help us secure the Spring Chalice and new income sources." Pausing a little, then he said, "They might even reduce the mana quantity for Leisegang and other related provinces, using the excuse that they need to focus on Haldenzel."

"That would make us enemies of Leisegang!"

"Lady Veronica could handle that, I am sure," Elvira said sadly. "It would be better for her to separate Haldenzel from other provinces to isolate us."

"Lady Elvira, is there any way that we could ask Lord Bonifatius to get involved and send the petition to the Aub?" Countess Haldenzel asked, "If you could… discuss it with Lord Karstedt or maybe send news to Lady Scarlette…"

Elvira wanted to sigh. She and Karstedt barely shared private discussions recently, as she was also busy preparing for Cornelius' baptism and Lamprecht's first year. Of course, it was partly due to the cold atmosphere between them, as every time Karstedt was home, there would be a quarrel between his two lesser wives, and Elvira needed to give up all her time just to smooth things over.

As for her mother-in-law, Elvira believed that she actually tried to hide away from the problem, unless Lord Bonifatius was the one who touched the topic first.

“Let us deal with Lord Karsted.” Heidemarie suddenly chimed in, “I think I and Eckhart could find a way to talk with him.”

As the meeting adjourned, Elvira felt a pang of awkwardness at the thought of involving the youngsters in such adult matters, but as Eckhart insisted, she reluctantly acquiesced.


Spring's arrival was marked by a flurry of activity as Elvira meticulously oversaw preparations to welcome the esteemed delegation from Dunkelfelger. Amidst the whirlwind of activity, Elvira found solace in the deepening bond she shared with her husband, Karstedt. The once strained relationship had blossomed into a newfound intimacy, allowing them to open up and share their innermost thoughts and vulnerabilities. They delved into conversations they had never dared to broach before, gradually building the trust that had long been absent from their marriage. While a lingering hesitancy remained, their hearts were steadily drawing closer, fostering a sense of hope for their future together.

Unbeknownst to Karstedt, Elvira harboured a secret gratitude towards her eldest son and future daughter-in-law. Their subtle intervention, reminiscent of Hirschur's prior advice, had gently guided Karstedt towards a deeper understanding of his own actions and the unintended consequences of his blatant biases. This newfound awareness had fostered a more balanced and considerate approach in his interactions with others, much to Elvira's relief. In the quiet moments of reflection, Elvira also contemplated her own past shortcomings. She recognized that during their youthful engagement, she had been insensitive to Karstedt's feelings and struggles, adding unnecessary strain to their relationship.

Elvira stood in watching as the Dunkelfelger delegation made their bustling entrance. Their presence was overwhelming, a whirlwind of authority and demand that sent ripples through the once serene atmosphere of the castle. It was as if a great storm had descended upon Ehrenfest, and even Elvira felt a pang of unease.

From outsiders’ perspective, Dunkelfelger’s actions seemed almost invasive. Their working process on Heidemarie’s adoption and the transfer of the book collection was loud and uncompromising. Elvira had seen boldness in her time, she had friends from Werkestock during her scholar course, but Dunkelfelger was in a league of its own. Their confidence and dominance were unmatched, and for a moment, Elvira found herself intimidated.

If it wasn't for her firm support of Heidemarie, Elvira might have been frightened by Dunkelfelger’s assertive behaviour. Yet, she held her ground, knowing that this was a necessary step for Heidemarie's future and for securing a valuable alliance for Haldenzel. Elvira's thoughts drifted to Ahrensbach. In comparison to Dunkelfelger’s storm, Ahrensbach’s attitude seemed almost indifferent. They didn’t so much harass Ehrenfest as they ignored it, refusing to acknowledge its importance. The realisation struck Elvira: the Leisegang elders had misled the younger generation, spreading misinformation about Ahrensbach’s hostility when, in reality, they were simply dismissive.

Elvira’s inner criticism of the Leisegang elders was sharp. They had allowed their prejudices and fears to distort the truth, and the younger generations were now paying the price for their shortsightedness. The tension within Ehrenfest, fueled by these falsehoods, was unnecessary and damaging. Elvira resolved to address this when the time was right, to correct the narrative and foster a more accurate understanding of their neighbours.

After the matter of Heidemarie was settled, with the Dunkelfelger Knight Commander departing, a sense of calm returned to the castle. Only the scholar team remained, their purpose clear: a trip to Haldenzel to inspect the artistic carved goods and the Blenrus, as Justus had proposed. Elvira felt a mix of relief and anticipation. The delegation’s departure signalled the end of one storm, but the scholarly inspection promised new opportunities and challenges.

A biting wind howled through the desolate landscape of the northernmost province, the land locked in an icy embrace. Snowdrifts, sculpted by the relentless blizzard, obscured all but the tallest peaks, their jagged edges barely visible against the steely grey sky. The frozen rivers, once teeming with life, lay dormant beneath a thick layer of ice, their silence broken only by the occasional ominous groan as the frigid water expanded and contracted. The sparse settlements, huddled together for warmth and protection, were mere specks in the vast expanse of white, their chimneys spewing plumes of smoke in a desperate bid to ward off the encroaching cold. In the middle of a wide plain was a large stone castle of ivory white, which served as both a summer mansion for Giebe Haldenzel and a winter mansion for the people of the province.

“Welcome to Haldenzel.” Claudio greeted the guests warmly as Giebe Haldenzel, joined by the castle’s residents. Among the scholars of Dunkelfelger, there was young Lady Swanhilda, the fiancée of Lord Heissh*tze—the new adopted brother of Heidemarie. Lady Swanhilda had also been recruited as an adult scholar for young Lord Ferdinand. While Eckhart and Heidemarie were permitted to attend, they were barred from interfering with the inspection. Heidemarie admitted that the Dunkelfelger archducal family believed they needed to rectify their skewed common sense before being entrusted with real work. Elvira found it troubling that young people from Ehrenfest, including her son, were perceived this way from the outsider.

Following the lengthy greetings, Karstedt stepped forward with the High Priest of the Ehrenfest temple to deliver the small chalices. “By the grace of Flutrane, the Goddess of Water, the bringer of healing and change, and the twelve goddesses who serve by her side, Geduldh the Goddess of Earth has been granted the power to birth new life. I pray from the bottom of my heart that the countless lives upon this mortal realm are filled with Flutrane’s divine colour.”

“Indeed, Geduldh the Goddess of Earth is filled with Flutrane the Goddess of Water’s mana,” Claudio echoed. “Blessed be the melting of the snow. Blessed be the coming of spring.”

Elvira saw the thrill in Claudio’s eyes and the shared expressions of joy from the Haldenzel residents. She couldn’t blame them. Three full chalices were a sight they hadn’t seen in nearly two years. Though chalices had been delivered previously, they were never full. Last year, Claudio had complained to her that they received barely half a single chalice, with the excuse being a lack of mana. Lady Veronica’s scholars even suggested that more blue priests from Haldenzel would be welcome to increase the mana they needed.

They asked us to abandon our children and let them become blue priests that lived under the control of the enemy .

Elvira understood this all too well, recognizing it as Lady Veronica’s revenge for her beloved little brother. To protect themselves, there was even a mutual agreement among those opposing Lady Veronica to reduce the blessing of Entrinduge to prevent their children from being used as hostages.

After a short break with a cup of warm Blenrus tea, which had charmed the Dunkelfelger guests, one of Haldenzel’s scholars stepped forward. “I shall guide you all to our carving workshops,” he said. “Our craftspeople are working there currently, so you can observe their methods. After that, we will visit the scholars involved in storing designs and preparing orders.”

The Dunkelfelger scholars, upon inspecting the wooden carved goods in Haldenzel, were effusive in their praise. They marvelled at the intricate craftsmanship and the unique aesthetic that distinguished these pieces. One scholar remarked that the delicate and imaginative designs rivalled anything found in Klassenberg, noting that even the most discerning patrons there would covet such exquisite decorations. Many expressed their lament that such treasures were not more widely known, agreeing that the artistry of Haldenzel deserved greater recognition and appreciation across the duchies.

Elvira pushed her chest up, feeling a surge of pride upon hearing all the praise for the Haldenzel carved goods. As a lady who once led a faction, she knew the immense importance of setting trends in noble society. Trends always originated from the top; no matter how exquisite, trends released by lower tiers were never considered significant and were often relegated to secondary status. Understanding this, Elvira had advised Claudio to separate all goods currently traded with Klassenberg and Frenbeltag merchants, ensuring they were not included in the samples for Dunkelfelger. Instead, she suggested he delve into the archives that stored documents from the Eisenreich era, seeking out the most distinguished designs. This strategic move would highlight the unique heritage and superior craftsmanship of Haldenzel, making a powerful impression on their esteemed Dunkelfelger guests.

Approximately two hundred years had passed since Eisenreich was crushed for treason against the king. Ehrenfest had been born from its ashes, and once the king had redrawn the barrier lines and replaced the archduke, the new Aub had assigned Giebes to oversee the land. Naturally, ruling was done differently from the Eisenreich era, as Aub Ehrenfest worked to avoid any possible associations with the fallen duchy. Elvira’s ancestor had been entrusted with the position of Giebe when Ehrenfest was founded, and it was reasonable to assume they had tried to distance themselves from Eisenreich in a similar manner. However, it had been 200 years since anyone viewed Ehrenfest with the same respect as Eisenreich. With Ahrensbach's influence deeply entrenched in noble society, it was now safe to resurrect the old traditions from Eisenreich.

Elvira hadn't initially considered the significance of this move, but recent intelligence from her exclusive craftsmens Viethmar Company and Gilberta Company, the latter recommended by Justus and Heidemarie - sparked her interest. They revealed that some nobles from Hauchletzte were seeking a type of fabric dyed to produce a gradient colour effect, a method they believed was linked to an old Ehrenfest tradition. Upon investigation, Elvira discovered that these tie-dyed cloth was replaced and lost in the market due to the marriage of an archduke candidate of Ahrensbach into the duchy. Since that lady brought new cultural trends and technologies to Ehrenfest one after another, these new trends in style required cloth of a solid colour, which resulted in the technology for even dyeing being improved and embroidery growing in popularity. At the same time, it was said that the technology for dyeing subsequently degraded into what it was today.

To think that Lady Gabriel was the reason for the loss of such a wonderful trend…

But again, to be fair, the replacement and loss of old trends was a normal occurrence. It was the scholars' duty to preserve the traditions of the duchy, and Elvira could see that the blame lay more on Ehrenfest's side. Of course, Lady Veronica's rise to power had also contributed to erasing any remnants of old traditions in Ehrenfest, as she saw most of them linked with the Leisegang family, whom she despised.

Adding to this revelation, Justus provided surprising information about the First Lady of Dunkelfelger. While it was known that she hailed from Klassenberg, few knew her true homeland was Eisen. Her dowry included many artistic metal carvings with rare decoration styles distinct from Klassenberg. Justus even supplied a detailed draft of one such decoration, which Elvira immediately recognized as similar to many old Haldenzel castle decorations.

Now thinking back, Eisen and Haldenzel were actually neighbours, both specialising in carving: Haldenzel in wooden carving due to its rich forests, and Eisen in metal carving due to the location of the core iron mine of the Eisenreich.

Inspired by this connection, Elvira devised a plan to revive the old trends. By showcasing these historical designs, she hoped to not only impress Dunkelfelger but also to reclaim Ehrenfest's distinguished heritage and find a way to make a new connection with Hauchletzte, if possible.

Elvira had sent the request via her exclusive craftsman to secretly seek out the old dyeing masters. The priority now was recovering the lost technique and reproducing the fabric as soon as possible, thus securing the trade with those Hauchletzte nobles. It was fortunate that the Guild Master of Ehrenfest, Gustav, had also suffered under Lady Veronica’s heavy taxes on his family in the Leisegang province, and the exorbitant import taxes on Ahrensbach's spices and food ingredients for the castle. With his connections alone, Elvira now had access to a more extensive network via merchants throughout the duchy.

Another interesting piece of wisdom from Justus! Elvira had always heard Lady Rihyarda complain about her son wandering around downtown and not working properly, instead collecting seemingly useless items. However, as she now realised from her own experience with his guidance, the nobles had overlooked an essential link in the network chain. This merchant network, unrestricted by noble factionalism, could freely travel and exchange intel, making it potentially more useful than the noble network. This newfound understanding further motivated Elvira to harness this resource, recognising its value in gathering information that could serve the best for her soft power.


Claudio greeted Elvira warmly as she entered his office, his gratitude evident in his expression. "Elvira, I can't thank you enough for all the information and assistance you've provided. Thanks to you, Haldenzel has made a very favourable impression on the Dunkelfelger scholars. They've accepted all the decorations we presented, and the First Lady's scholar even suggested we push for more production. They foresee a significant number of orders coming our way."

Elvira nodded happily, pleased to hear the good news. "That's wonderful to hear, big brother. It's rewarding to know our efforts are paying off. But I do have some concerns about another request from Dunkelfelger—the Blenrus fruit. While the chalice was delivered in full and has helped reduce the snow, I'm worried there might not be enough Blenrus to trade with Dunkelfelger as they requested."

Claudio smiled reassuringly. "You don't need to worry about that. As long as the chalice was delivered in full, we can manage three fruits a year without any issue. I've been collecting and preserving as many Blenrus fruits as possible in storage, just to ensure we have spares in case we fall short of the requested quantity. Moreover, the Dunkelfelger scholars were impressed with the Blenrus fruit's value and agreed to send their own time-stopping tool to help us preserve them."

Elvira sighed in relief. "That's a huge relief. It's reassuring to know that we'll be able to meet their demands and keep the trade relations strong."

Their conversation flowed easily as they discussed the bright future for Haldenzel. However, when Claudio handed Elvira a sound-blocking tool, she grew alert, sensing the shift in the discussion.

Claudio leaned in slightly. "Elvira, I need to ask about the current situation in the Central District and how Florencia's faction is performing. You have done so much in less than a season. However, all of your credits now would go to the faction that you belong to, yet the leader of your faction has shown no appearance at all. No matter how much the members act, with no order and direction from the leader, the power gained would be meaningless in the faction fight."

Elvira's expression turned sombre. "Lady Florencia and I are in a difficult position. While my situation has improved somewhat thanks to my better relationship with Karstedt and gaining new information about Lord Sylvester, Lady Florencia is outmatched. Her recent Entrindunge’s visit and the loss of her son to Lady Veronica have weakened her significantly."

Claudio nodded thoughtfully. "And what about the gender of Lady Florencia's new child? Have you heard any news?"

Elvira shook her head. "I don't know yet. Before I had a chance to check on Lady Florencia, Eckhart dragged me into this business with Dunkelfelger. I’ve hardly had time to work with anyone in Lady Florencia's faction."

Claudio sighed, his expression a mix of concern and determination. "Elvira, maybe it's time for you to leave Florencia’s faction and lead one of your own."

Elvira's eyes widened in shock. "What are you talking about, brother? My faction merged into Florencia’s faction long ago. Are you suggesting I betray Lady Florencia at this crucial time?"

Claudio met her gaze, serious and unyielding. "Elvira, you also know this is a crucial time. That's why you can't let this opportunity slip away. The news about the potential successful trade with Dunkelfelger is spreading, and soon, Leisegang will try to claw their way into this connection. They want this power to fight the Aub and Lady Veronica. While I sympathise with Leisegang for being victims of Lady Veronica, it doesn't mean I want this connection to be used for their own greed."

"Brother..." Elvira's voice wavered, torn between loyalty and the logic of his words.

"Elvira, I know you treasure your friendship with Lady Florencia, but we need to utilise the power from Dunkelfelger's patronage. This power came from the hard work of your own son. He has risked his own future to secure this backing for you and your family, and you cannot let it go to waste." Claudio's voice was firm, almost pleading. "Haldenzel, under the patronage of the First Lady of Dunkelfelger, could become a faction on its own. You, the scholar chosen by them to work with, would be the best person to lead this new faction. And you know why you were chosen."

Because I was Eckhart’s mother!

Elvira thought, the reality of his words settling in.

Claudio continued, "This isn't about betrayal; it's about survival and seizing an opportunity that your son has fought hard to provide. According to your husband's information, Lord Sylvester is also in a difficult situation. I admit I bear some hopes knowing that Lord Sylvester is working on gaining support from different factions and learning to stand against Lady Veronica to protect Linkberg. If Lady Florencia continues to be tied like the current situation, Lord Sylvester has no chance to fight against his parents, and you would be the only one who could bring a new source of power to him."

Elvira took a deep breath, the weight of her brother's words heavy on her shoulders. "I'll consider it," she finally said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "But I need time to think this through. I cannot leave Lady Florencia while she is in such a vulnerable state."

""That's all I ask, Elvira. Becoming the leader of the new Haldenzel faction is not like working against Lady Florencia. In fact, it will be the three factions—Florencia, Leisegang, and Haldenzel—working together to fight against the Veronica and Aub factions." Claudio nodded, a small frown in his eyebrow. “And you should take some time to look at the new child from Lady Florencia. I hate to say this, but it should be a boy for the best. If not, you should recommend Lady Florencia to take the chance to have another son. History would repeat itself with another fight between a spoiled brother and a hard working sister, and we all know how that would end.”

Elvira's heart sank at the thought. If the new child was a girl, then no matter how excellent she might be, given she was raised by Lady Florencia, there was no way she could fight against a firstborn boy raised and doted on by Lady Veronica. The unfair fight between Lady Georgine and Lord Sylvester would repeat in the new pair of siblings, and Ehrenfest would likely collapse if this trend continued.

She nodded slowly, understanding the gravity of Claudio's words. Elvira left the meeting with a mixture of emotions, the path ahead uncertain but the possibilities immense. The future of Haldenzel and her family's legacy hung in the balance, and she would need all her wisdom and courage to navigate the storm ahead.

Elvira looked at the Haldenzel in Spring one last time before leaving to return to the Central District. The last remnants of winter's embrace clung to the landscape as the first hints of spring emerged. Patches of snow, now grey and slushy, dotted the ground like forgotten remnants of a dream. The air, still crisp and cool, carried the promise of warmth, a gentle whisper against the skin. The trees, skeletal and bare, stretched their branches towards the sun, their buds swelling with the anticipation of new life. Here and there, a brave blade of grass poked through the thawing earth, a vibrant green beacon against the muted tones of the landscape. The world was awakening from its slumber, slowly shedding the cloak of winter and donning the vibrant colours of spring.

With unwavering resolve, Elvira stepped onto the blossoming path of her new life, determined to usher in a season of renewal for both her family and her beloved Haldenzel.

May Flutrane bless the thaw.





And just a little remind…Little Nikolaus have not been born, heh heh heh heh heh ~


Update on Ehrenfest faction with their leader + backing power

1) Aub Faction - Adelbert (inherit from the former Aub and most current officers in Central District)

2) Veronica Faction (all mednoble carrying blood of Ahrensbach inherited from Gabriele + newly being forced given name) - Backing power: First Lady of Ehrenfest, Aub Ehrenfest and Ahrensbach (reduced gradually)

3) Leisegang Faction (most archnoble) - Leader: Giebe Leisegang - Backing power: The breadbasket of the duchy, the remaining faction from Eisenreich.

4) Florencia Faction (former Elvira faction + native Frenbeltag) - Backing power: Elvira (soon will left), Frenbeltag (low connection and currently on hold due to civil war)

5) Haldenzel faction - Elvira (newly founded, only Haldenzel and those closely related and some from former Elvira faction) - Backing power: Dunkelfelger (Ferdinand & Celestine) in return for traded goods

6) Neutral factions (no leader, no united, and many small factions inside)
- Completely neutral: Kirnbergen
- Leisegang leaning: Sovereignty nobles
- Aub leaning: Rihyarda, Bonifatius’s faction, Nobert
- Haldenzel leaning: Irmhilde’s faction

7) Sylvester faction: (Karstedt & some will join in the near future) Backing power: Only descendant of Aub remained and Heir apparent position.



So basically, Dunkelfeger Arc and Early Ehrenfest Arc are all done. Next chapter, we will move on Hauchletzte Arc and Royal Arc, then ending the war.

Chapter 31: Rozemyne – Try to move forward


This chapter happened around at the end of chapter 26, after Kreszentia and Celestine has discussed about Magdalena's situation

Chapter Text

After hearing about another blessing falling upon both Ferdinand and many others, including her grandmother and Uncle Trauerqual, Rozemyne wanted nothing more than to find a hole to hide in.

Ferdinand must be very, very angry!

She actually didn’t even know that she had caused such a commotion. However, things seemed to be not as bad as she thought. Grandmother had mentioned that Seradina had woken up and Ferdinand was allowed to return home to see his mother.

Good for you, Ferdinand!

Grandmother had also stated that there was a chance to revoke the Bride Task, and the First Lady of Dunkelfelger had agreed to send trusted personnel from the Sovereignty for Rozemyne’s protection. Everything seemed to be fine—until her grandmother pulled Rozemyne into a hidden room and demanded an explanation.

"Fabiane reported everything. Currently, only she, Michelle, and I know about your night escape and the Grunn-shaped high beast of yours. However, everyone in my entourage in the room at that time knows about how your high beast feystone suddenly got dusted and disappeared in the light. You must tell me everything so that I know how to deal with the flow of information."

Uh oh. What should I say now? Ferdinand!!! Help!!!

"Rozemyne!" The sharp tone in Kreszentia's voice snapped Rozemyne out of her panic.

"I… I went outside to inspect the castle!!!" she blurted out, grasping at any excuse.

"Inspect… what? Why did you ever have such an idea?" The Third Queen's eyes narrowed, suspicion lacing her words.

Perfect, grandmother believed it. Time for the "Angelica Ultimate Pose"! Let's see how I can put it…

Rozemyne placed one hand over her face and tilted her head slightly. "I… uhm… I just wanted to try my highbeast first, and then go around to see the whole castle to check the directions and to see if… there are… uhm… any possible escape routes…"

"Escape routes?" Kreszentia's eyebrow arched in surprise.

"I mean… we have to prepare for the worst-case scenario, right? Even in Hauchletzte, there were always hidden dangers waiting for me, you, or Aunt Clementine and little Theolinda, right?"

Kreszentia fixed Rozemyne with a sharp gaze, her voice low and firm. "Rozemyne, why in the garden would you think about travelling in the dark by a highbeast to inspect the castle? That is a knight's job, not yours."

Rozemyne shifted uncomfortably, searching for words. "Well, I… um… thought that it would be useful to familiarise myself with the castle's layout. You know, in case of an emergency. It seemed prudent to know all possible routes." Rozemyne fidgeted, her mind racing for a plausible explanation. “It was just… I thought that if something happened, I should be prepared.”

"If you wanted to inspect potential escape routes, it would be more logical to do it from the inside. From an outside view, the castle shows nothing except numerous large buildings with gardens. And I am certain you couldn't see anything if you travelled by highbeast from above."

"But maybe… maybe sometimes things look different at night…? I mean… like there could be a bunch of holes in security that we can't see in the light, but we could in the dark?"

Kreszentia sighed, rubbing her temples in exasperation. "I still cannot fathom why you would take such a reckless action for something so… so… nonsense."

With that comment, Rozemyne could only offer a sheepish smile.

Kreszentia's eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at Rozemyne. "Okay, let that matter aside, Rozemyne. Why did you choose a Grunn as the shape of your high beast?"

Rozemyne's expression shifted from nervousness to indignation. She puffed out her cheeks in a pout. "Lessy is not a Grunn, Grandmother! He's a red panda!"

Kreszentia blinked in surprise. "A red panda? What is a red panda?"

"It's a small, cute animal beloved by everyone," Rozemyne explained passionately, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Lessy is fluffy and adorable, not fearsome like a Grunn. He's red with white markings and a long, striped tail."

"Then why did you make it black with golden eyes? That ‘red panda’ is red, correct?"

"Because… I needed to travel in the dark and didn't want anyone to recognize me…"

"Then the golden eyes..."

"They were headlights that helped me see things clearer in the dark!"


"Why did you take the time to turn your Grunn… no, Lessy, into a black colour to cover your trip in secrecy, but then give him shining eyes that could attract people's attention?"

"Because… that's what headlights do…? To help drivers see in the dark?"


Kreszentia couldn't help but sighed at her granddaughter's fervour. "I see. I suppose I should have known your thought process is beyond me."

"Is that… a compliment?" Rozemyne huffed, still pouting. "Lessy is perfect the way he is. It's not my fault if people mistake him for something else."

Kreszentia chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Very well, Rozemyne. I'll try to remember that Lessy is a Red Panda, not a Grunn. But perhaps you should consider choosing a different shape for your new highbeast."

Grandmother doesn't need to say this, Lessy is forever gone because everyone is now starting to make him a God's messenger in various kinds of rumours…

Kreszentia's tone became more serious as she shifted topics. "Okay, next question. Rozemyne, do you know anything about why your highbeast stone got dusted and then your Lessy reappeared suddenly during the tea party several hours later, giving out a blessing?"

Rozemyne fidgeted nervously, trying to find the right words. "I… I'm not entirely sure, Grandmother. I didn't see what happened to know the cause."

Kreszentia raised an eyebrow. "Well, I told you about this already. Your Lessy just appeared in the middle of the tearoom, every attack went through him, and then he gave out a blessing. It's unusual for a highbeast feystone to behave that way. Can you recall anything specific that might have triggered it?"

Rozemyne hesitated, biting her lip. "Well, when I was out inspecting the castle… something happened. I was trying to be careful, but I might have accidentally… done something wrong."

Kreszentia's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Done something wrong? Can you be more specific?"

Grandmother is so insistent!!! What kind of excuse should I give her now? Should I tell her the truth?

Rozemyne immediately shook her head in silence. No!!! Grandmother might have a heart attack if she knew I visited the temple!!!

But… the praying… maybe it's okay to tell her, right? Then later on, if I lose control of my mana, I could just blame it on the prayer.

Rozemyne's face flushed with embarrassment. "It's… when I was travelling to inspect the castle, I suddenly thought of you and Uncle, so I… made a prayer to Schutzaria, and then my ring absorbed some of my mana and sent it to the sky…"


"Pr… prayer???"

Rozemyne fervently nodded. She continued to push her half-true explanation, "You see, I went around all night and met no one! It was because I prayed to Verbergen to give my high beast a blessing to hide me until I came back!"

"Blessing? What… what kind of… thing? Can you redo it for me?"

"I don't have my baptism ring now." Plus, she also didn't know what she should pray for.

"Schutzaria… then why… why did the blessing fall on that young lord?" Grandmother then looked at her, confused. "Rozemyne, have you ever met… wait, no, of course you haven't met him. But how…"

Actually, I know him very well, even what kind of food he likes, his bad habits of abandoning eating and sleeping just to research, even which side he tends to lie down on the chaise lounge in his hidden room …

Well, better not tell Grandmother about this, or she would have a heart attack.

Let's see…

"I actually prayed for Schutzaria to protect you and Uncle! When Michelle told me about the Ditter results, I was afraid that you and Uncle would feel hurt, so…"

"Oh my sweet child…" Grandmother was so moved that she doted on Rozemyne’s chubby face.

Hehehehe, I'm so smart… Grandmother is distracted… Fufufu… ~

"But it's still weird… Why didn't that blessing fall on me and your uncle, but on that person instead? And shouldn't a blessing from Schutzaria be light yellow? That blessing was more like the colour of a subordinate to me!" Grandmother quickly regained her focus, "Is it… Mestionora…"

"I think it might be Ordoschnelli!" Rozemyne quickly changed the direction, "To deliver my blessing to the Sovereignty, only Ordoschnelli can do this."

"Oh… That's quite logical." Grandmother nodded, then released Rozemyne and looked into her eyes. "Tell me, Rozemyne, what do you think about Ordoschnelli delivering your blessing to Schutzaria, and then to another person but not me and your uncle, the subjects of your prayers?"

The matter seems to be stretched too far, but well, I have no choice but to follow the story.

Sorry, Ferdie ~

"Maybe… because the Gods think that person is your and Uncle's Schutzaria?"


"That person… is our Schutzaria?" Grandmother asked in disbelief.

"Besides that, I cannot think of any other possible explanation," Rozemyne replied, trying her best to make use of her ‘Ultimate Angelica innocent eyes’.

"Have you ever prayed for something else after that? I mean, your little trip was on Sprout Day, and your high beast appeared on Fire day. But another blessing appeared on the morning of the Leaf day."

It must be the prayer I sent before I left the dream, but I cannot reveal it was me.

"I haven't sent any additional prayers on that day."

"But another blessing was bestowed upon us and some of our allies, also Dunkelfelger."

"Maybe it is the reply from the Gods?"

Grandmother then showed a series of changing expressions on her face, from confused, to dumbfounded, to shocked, to confused again, and then… gave up.

Kreszentia shook her head, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips despite herself. "Nevermind, your ways are a mystery to me, Rozemyne. Just promise me you'll be more careful in the future."

Rozemyne nodded vigorously. "I will, Grandmother. I promise."

Kreszentia studied Rozemyne's face for a moment, then softened her tone but her eyes became stricter, "No more weird blessings or prayers! Understood, Rozemyne?!"

"... Yes..."

I have to pray secretly from now on.

"Good," Kreszentia said, her voice gentle but firm. "Now, let's focus on ensuring everything is in order. We have a lot to discuss and prepare for."

“Grandmother, I’ve been thinking,” Rozemyne took the opportunity to present, “about the idea of being baptised under my real parents.”

Kreszentia’s eyes widened in surprise, and she immediately shook her head. “Absolutely not, Rozemyne. That idea is far too dangerous. You don’t understand the implications.”

Rozemyne frowned, her determination unwavering. “But, Grandmother, being baptised as the only child of my father Waldifried, the original crown prince and owner of Kingship, would ensure my pedigree is shown higher. It would secure my status more firmly.”

Kreszentia’s expression hardened. “Rozemyne, it’s not just about status. It’s about your safety. Being baptised under Waldifried would draw too much attention and could put you at risk. It would paint a target on your back and disrupt the delicate balance of power at this moment. It will be not only Werkestock, Klassenberg and Drewanchel could also try to…”

“Grandmother!” Rozemyne interrupted, “By doing this, I would officially get Hauchletzte as my maternal backing. I could stay close to you and Aunt Clementine without anyone accusing us of favouritism. We all share the same maternal backing. This way, I can avoid the complications of choosing an adoptive mother. There’s no one suitable for that role, and Uncle Trauerqual cannot divorce or abandon any of his wives. It simplifies the situation”

Kreszentia reached out, placing a gentle hand on Rozemyne's shoulder. "Rozemyne, you must understand that while your arguments make sense on the surface, the underlying risks are too great. Things haven't gone that far. I told you that my conversation with the First Lady of Dunkelfelger bore fruit. We could cancel the Bride Task and find you a suitable adoptive mother."

Rozemyne's shoulders slumped slightly, but she wasn't ready to give up. "Why must we cancel the Bride Task? Uncle Trauerqual also shares the same fault!"


"He agreed and accepted it himself without seeking proper information from different sides!" Rozemyne pouted. "Didn't you teach me to gather intelligence first before making decisions?"

"That..." Kreszentia sighed, "There is no need for you to take risks! I have decided, and I deem this matter closed!!!"

As Grandmother left the hidden room, Rozemyne’s mind still buzzing with the intensity of the interrogation, Rozemyne couldn't help but think about Ferdinand and the trouble she had inadvertently caused. But at least, for now, the situation seemed under control. However, the plan she discussed with Ferdinand about her baptism had been blocked by grandmother, and it was a little tricky now.

That night, Rozemyne prepared everything to meet Ferdinand to discuss the day's events to see if there was any good solution, but she found out… she couldn't enter the dream realm as she wished.

She waited… waiting with staring eyes up at the canopy until she fell asleep.

She didn't meet Ferdinand in her dreams at all.

Was it because he returned to Dunkelfelger, so they couldn't meet each other anymore? Maybe he was busy checking on his mother? Maybe he was being targeted by the Fourth Prince, so his grandparents were looking after him very carefully now?

Rozemyne planned to actively approach Ferdinand in the dream via the magic circle she remembered, only to realise that she had no schtappe, and it was incredibly difficult to get parchment for her own. As much as her grandparents spoiled her, they only let her freely use wooden boards, and she couldn't manage to hide one from her retainers' watchful eyes.

The next night, Ferdinand still didn’t reach her.

Rozemyne tried to cheer herself up, but in the end, she couldn't keep herself from negative thinking.

What if he was angry that I messed up with another blessing that made the Fourth Prince target him?

"Princess Rozemyne!" A hand gently patted her back, interrupting her chain of thought. Rozemyne looked up and saw her retainers all wearing worried expressions.

Fabiane's voice brought Rozemyne back to reality. "Your Highness! You have been reading for a bell. Would you like to visit the garden a little?"

Rozemyne recognized that they were trying to find a way to distract her, and she looked down at the book on the table. She had barely finished a page, and as Fabiane said, a bell had passed.

"I don't feel like going to the garden now…" Rozemyne refused. She didn't feel like continuing to read, but she also didn't want to go outside. Visiting the garden was actually pointless, as they would just lead her around without any real activities. Hauchletzte was in the south like Ahrensbach, and there was no sign of winter here. If she had to compare, Hauchletzte was like the Southeast Asian countries on Earth, which had no snow at all, only some cold wind in the northernmost provinces, and maybe some freezing rain or hail in the mountains of those provinces.

It was frustrating!!! Really frustrating!!! She understood the need for secrecy for her safety, but why did she have to live in such a suffocating condition like this?!!! Rather than focusing on keeping her cover in a cage, wouldn't it be better to teach her more to...

"Your Highness, how about preparing a report about Rinsham? We have prepared several samples for you to present."

Ah… Rinsham…

Rozemyne actually didn't want to introduce those familiar products to Hauchletzte. It was a simple and ridiculous reason: because those products were linked with her previous memories of Ehrenfest's downtown.

Rinsham was the first product she ever made. It started as a simple DIY project she did with her mom when she was Urano on Earth, then it became the outcome of her first rampage towards Tuuli. Tuuli was such an angel to overcome Urano-Myne's tantrum at that time. Then, Rinsham took its first official name when it helped her connect with Benno. It was also the product that brought her money so she could buy the broken magic tool from Frieda and survive until the day she came to the temple.

It was good that she was reborn as a princess, so she was taken care of very well by royal standards. Her hair was dry, but it was not to the point “unacceptable” like when she was Myne. Of course, having dry hair was unacceptable, but whenever she thought about Rinsham production, it reminded her of those memories, and she couldn't bring herself to remake it.

It was only when Ferdinand told her to proceed, as they couldn't wait until they reached Ehrenfest, that she decided to ask her retainers to make it.

The original Rinsham was easy to make, and Rozemyne could make it herself now that her body was healthy. However, mixing fragrances and elevating it into a fine beauty product required industrialisation. Temporarily, Rozemyne just let Michelle experiment with all kinds of combinations that Michelle could think of.

Regarding industrialisation, there were too many restrictions for her to deal with now. Hauchletzte was not a place to acquire a good source of plant oil for beauty products, so if they industrialised it here, the duchy would need to import oils or maybe oil-rich plant sources to avoid intelligence leaks. This matter needed to be handled by her grandfather, Heinrich. As for the Sovereignty, things would become much more difficult as she needed her grandmother and uncle's support within the duchy. Given that Ferdinand had become very wary of the Fourth Prince's faction, things might become much harder for her.

There were still crochet flowers, plant paper, the printing machine, the water pump, the coil spring…

It's not that she didn't want to start her printing industry, but she found herself lacking the same level of enthusiasm she had in her last life, or more specifically, when she had just become Myne. Perhaps it was also due to the fulfilment of her desire for books in this life.

According to the little Princess's memories and up until now, she—Rozemyne—had never been in a situation where she couldn't obtain a book to read. Father Waldifried was very generous in bringing reading materials to her, and now, Grandpa Heinrich had even prepared a whole private bookroom for Rozemyne just to satisfy her book needs.

Except when he dares to sneak books from my bookroom away without asking permission, I would say Grandpa has been very generous and spoiled me.

"Your Highness, you're lost in thought again..." Fabiane called out. "Is there anything bothering you?"

Should I say that it's your paranoia that annoys me?

Rozemyne pouted, and then she noticed that a sound-blocking barrier had been raised, and she was alone with all her three retainers inside the barrier.

"Your Highness, if there's anything we can do… please tell us. I know that I have failed as your nanny and attendant, and you must be disappointed in me. But I still want to help you with all my heart." Fabiane smiled sadly. "Once the situation is settled and the Third Queen acquires new trusted personnel, I will resign so that you can have more support that suits you."

"Wait!" Rozemyne shouted. "Why should I be disappointed in you? And how have you ever failed me? Don't just decide things like this!!!"

“I failed to notice how uncomfortable you were because of your overflowing mana. And I also failed to oversee your children’s tools properly, which led you to secretly compress mana at such a young age.”

Rozemyne’s eyes widened, it was just her excuse to compress secretly! She quickly shook her head: “Fabiane, it wasn’t your fault. It was my own decision to do things in secret. I didn’t want to worry anyone.”

“But I should have been more attentive. I should have realised what you were going through. Instead, I only focused on keeping you safe and healthy, not on understanding your feelings.” Fabiane’s tears spilled over, and she squeezed Rozemyne’s hand tightly. “I’m so sorry, my princess. It is the job of an attendant to understand the will of their master without any words being exchanged and act in their master's best interest but still keep the balance. I am not only your head attendant but also your nanny, yet I failed you as you are not able to relieve your stress with me. I consider myself even worse than third-rate attendants that only act when being ordered, at least those attendants could gain enough trust to receive an order.”

Not once had it occurred to Rozemyne that she was placing such a negative feeling on Fabiane. She had been so focused on her disturbed emotions and the past life that she ignored everything around her and the current reality in front of her. Since Rozemyne felt that everyone around her had become so paranoid, she started to assume that they would block her way and over-control her in the name of "keeping her safe”, so Rozemyne just did everything in secret.

But now, thinking back, she realised her three retainers were actually not trying to control her. They were indeed over-protective, but they listened well to her wishes and tried to coordinate everything so that both Rozemyne and her guardians were satisfied without breaking too much etiquette. They accommodated her needs for the bookroom, practising mana, and making highbeast. Even when experimenting with new food, they initially requested Rozemyne to write instructions and leave the communication to them, but they did allow her to communicate with lower-class servants after she fervently demanded it. When making rinsham, Michelle and Fabiane even found excuses to bring the necessary items to her room and experimented with her together.

"Your highness, we're here for you," Fabiane said, her voice filled with emotion. "Please tell us what you need, please let us help you."

Maybe because of the straight rejection from Kreszentia earlier, or maybe because she could not contact Ferdinand at this moment, or maybe because crying was also something so easily spread, a tear dripped down her cheek. Rozemyne had never even once thought about such negative feelings like being trapped in a cage. Even in the worst situations like in last weave, every time she had either her family or her retainers accompanied her to pursue her goals. Now, it was bad enough to be compared with the life without books and her family besides. Rozemyne could feel her mana stir together with her swelling emotion, and it was surging inside of her body.

"I don't want to be restricted anymore!!! I cannot read a book in peace if there is so much I need to care about on the outside. I am healthy now and yet I cannot do anything I want. It… it was… hic… just like… hic… not having a book…" She trailed off, crying too hard to continue.

All the emotions she had been holding back finally erupted, like the last drop that made the water spill out of the cup. Her eyes were blurred by all the tears and the children's tool on her wrist started to shine and leak out mana.


"Your highness!!! Please control your emotions!"

"Quick!!! The feystones!"

Rozemyne's retainers immediately took actions to calm her down. Until Rozemyne regained consciousness, she realised that she was already sitting on Fabiane's lap with Michelle and Desdemona staying close to them and putting their hands on Rozemyne's shoulder. The warm atmosphere around them really helped to calm Rozemyne down.

Only after seeing that Rozemyne had well and truly calmed down, Fabiane whispered gently to her. "I apologise for taking such an unmannerly action towards you. It was so urgent that we couldn't call for Her Majesty the Third Queen right now. How are you feeling, your highness?"


"To think that our actions in protecting you are seen as trapping… We really don't deserve to call ourselves your retainers." Michelle sighed.

"My princess, it was unforgivable for us to ignore your true wish. Please give us another chance to compensate for our fault. Please tell us what you really want, what you wish for, we will try our best to help you." Desdemona said, offering a sad smile while gently placing her hands over Rozemyne's small palm.

Rozemyne sniffed, then took a deep breath. "Grandmother didn’t allow me to pursue this, but I want to do it anyway. Will you help me think of a way?"

All three retainers' eyes lit up with determination. They knelt down, surrounding her. "Of course, Your Highness," they said in unison.

Rozemyne then retold her story, outlining her plans for her baptism and the steps she intended to take, though she kept certain sensitive details, like her relationship with Ferdinand and Ehrenfest, to herself. The more she spoke, the lighter she felt. It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders, and she could finally breathe freely.

When she finished, Michelle was the first to speak. "Your Highness, rationally, I would support the Third Queen’s idea, but your suggestion is not actually impossible." She smiled warmly. "And you’re right, Prince Trauerqual is also responsible for this marriage, so the cancellation is definitely a no. Personally, I don’t want you to be tied to that Dunkelfelger lady at all."

Desdemona nodded in agreement. "Honestly, I still think having you baptised under any other Royal Bride would be troublesome. While everyone aims for a Drewanchel lady, I personally don’t have a good impression of that duchy. They prefer merit but also exploit everyone else as much as they can. There is no guarantee they will support you just because you are talented and have connections via baptism. I expect a Liebeskhilfe’s blessing must be a requirement in the future. If one day you really choose a partner from Drewanchel, then there is no need for you to be baptised under a Drewanchel lady at this moment."

Michelle added, "It would be no good if you’re too tightly tied to any duchy, as you would be easily put under their pressure. As much as I recall, except Werkestock, Zent Waldifried gathered support from different duchies quite equally."

Desdemona sighed, "But Her Majesty has spoken; we cannot consult her anymore in this matter. Maybe we need to wait for Dunkelfelger's response."

"That would be too late," Fabiane interrupted with a strange smile. "But I think I know someone who might agree with our princess's ideas. And that person could help us to reach the person who can overpower the decision of Her Majesty Kreszentia."

Later that afternoon, Rozemyne received an unexpected invitation from Clementine. She found herself in Clementine's hidden room, where her aunt wasted no time in explaining the purpose of their meeting — an urgent, specialised training session.

According to Clementine, this was a special class aimed at cultivating essential skills for all Hauchletzte Archducal ladies to acquire the blessing of Efflorelume.

"Ladies are akin to flowers, delicate yet imbued with strength and talent. Each flower embodies a unique beauty and symbolises the protection of a goddess.” With an air of reverence, Clementine continued, "While your station may imply exemption, I firmly believe that every young lady should grasp foundational skills within Efflorelume's domain. We are favoured by Efflorelume and cherished by Flutrane naturally from the moment we are born — why neglect such potential?"

Um… why do I have a feeling that those lessons are just like special training for those soon-to-be concubines or high-class courtesans?

As her focus was on discussing directly with Trauerqual and Heinrich, Clementine quickly taught her a "crash course" on how to adopt different facial expressions and emotions to persuade them to grant her the permissions she sought.

"Men," Clementine advised with a knowing smile, "often yield to girls who are genuinely weak and seek for their help," Clementine advised with a smile. "Your youth and unfortunate background can work in your favour. Use them to your advantage. Your Uncle has a soft spot for studious and hardworking children, given his fondness for the role of Erwachlehren. As for your grandfather, Aub Hauchletzte, he's been already trained to resist those entreaties, so you must emphasise your shared lineage and how your plans can benefit the Hauchletzte to sway him instead."

Rozemyne couldn't help but feel a chill at Clementine's smile. She had expected Clementine to be gentle and soft-spoken, especially given her perpetual mourning for her newborn daughter and her reclusive lifestyle. Yet, Clementine's demeanour now hinted at a different aspect of her character—one that might have been obscured by tragedy.

Or, perhaps this was her true nature unaffected by sorrow of losing her only child.

It only strengthened Rozemyne's resolve to remain vigilant and protect her baby sister, Theolinda, from any potential threat.

Silently noting down all of Clementine's advice to prepare for the upcoming challenges, yet Rozemyne was surprised that before Trauerqual could arrive to talk with her, Ferdinand appeared in her dream first.

Overwhelmed with emotion, she threw herself into Ferdinand's arms, tears flowing freely.

"Where have you been, Ferdinand? I'm so sorry for putting you in such a difficult situation. I never expected the blessings to come from the gods right in front of the royals."

Instead of scolding her, as Rozemyne feared, Ferdinand sighed deeply. He explained how he had also tried to contact her through dreams but had been unable to until today. It turns out today was Earth Day, which was also the Day of Geduldh.

"That magic circle, a secret bridge built by Schaflarum and Orsdoschnelli to help Ewigeliebe meet Geduldh, can only be activated for cross-duchy communication on this day to avoid detection. The last time we could communicate freely was when I was at the Royal Academy, where the Life Gate is located and the power of Life is strongest compared to other duchies."

Rozemyne felt a wave of relief knowing that their connection had not been severed completely. Though they could only meet once a week now, it was better than nothing. Ferdinand then grimaced as he recounted how the Fourth Prince had been particularly annoying, but his mood visibly improved when he gently pinched Rozemyne's cheeks and informed her that Seradina had awakened.

"As much as I'd like to scold you for that blessing, I won't," Ferdinand admitted with a smile. "Your prayers were very helpful. Thank you, Rozemyne. Very fine job, indeed." His genuine happiness was evident, and Rozemyne couldn't help but feel thrilled seeing Ferdinand's light golden eyes full of warmth.

"An appreciative gyu is the minimum requirement, you know?" Rozemyne teased, and Ferdinand chuckled before opening his arms wide to welcome her.

Fufufufufu… Ferdinand’s gyu is still the best of all ~~~

They took turns sharing updates about their respective situations. While things seemed to be progressing positively in Dunkelfelger, Hauchletzte was a different story.

"To think that you have already revealed some information about the essentiality of the archaic language to them…" Ferdinand tapped his temple, deep in thought. "Yet once again, I am speechless at how people can still be surprised by that news. The use of the fake tool and the copied manual remains unknown, so the common perception of the Grutrissheit should be that it dates back to the founding of the country. How can the Zent expect to use it without understanding the archaic language?"

"Do you think I need to feed them more intelligence?" Rozemyne asked. "I can use my father as an excuse again to lead them to the Royal Library."

"No, don't do that," Ferdinand said firmly. "I want to keep the Royal Library out of everyone's sight until the war has settled. Remember, the purge has not yet happened. There are numerous collateral royal members who are omni-coloured. While those people cannot enter the deepest room of the underground archive due to being collateral members, there is one person who can enter it, and she is the last one I want to get the book."

"She?" Rozemyne questioned.

To enter the deepest room that held the fake Grutrissheit tool, one had to be a registered member of the main Royal Family. This included the King, the Queens, all the Princes and their wives, and all the baptised children of the princes. Given the current situation of the main Royal family, the only one who could achieve it must be…

"The Second Queen?"

"She is the full-blood sister of the current Aub Werkestock," Ferdinand explained. "She was initially married as the First Wife of your grandfather until she was demoted later by your paternal grandmother, a royal princess. While the Fourth Prince is born with six colours only, both Second Queen Theresa and her eldest son are omni-coloured. Being originally from Werkestock makes her fluent in the ancient language, thus she could read all the documents in the underground library, circle the shrines, and enter the deepest room to get the tool.”

"That's indeed dangerous…" Rozemyne murmured, realising the gravity of the situation.

"As the war would end with no winning side, there would be no purge, and all the librarians would survive. The foundation would be safe enough in their hands. I also ordered Heidemarie and Eckhart to keep donating mana to the library, in feystones or personally supply." Ferdinand continued, "Furthermore, I would prefer to let the country suffer a little longer without Grutrissheit."

Although Rozemyne didn’t want the country to suffer or the Royal Family to be blamed for the insufficient mana, she had to agree with Ferdinand’s opinion. The best way was to reform the temple and reveal the traditional steps of obtaining the Book of Mestionora gradually. Some lessons could only be learned through harsh consequences. In the last weave, despite many suffering from a lack of both mana and personnel, nearly none of the duchies recognised the importance of the temple. They put effort into religious rituals, but to involve themselves in the temple work, the answer is a big no no. In fact, even after Eglantine revealed the location of the foundation at the Archduke Conference and did many things to return the tradition back to the country, not many duchies accepted that fact.

“We must teach people the importance of the temple first,” Rozemyne said, clenching her fist with determination. “Then lead them to the religious rituals. Only after that can the Book of Mestionora be revealed.”

“Don’t act hastily! Are you forgetting something?” Ferdinand sighed. “Reforming the temple as a princess means you have to deal with the Sovereignty temple.”

Uh oh… I really forgot about those creepy Sovereignty priests.

The biblical fundamentalists in Sovereignty had been a painful existence. Yet, ironically, all their claims about the importance of ancient religious rituals and the requirements to be Zent were actually true.

Nobles could easily deal with them, but the number of blue priests would be significantly reduced, which was absolutely no good for the Sovereignty and the Royal Academy. Plus, it would lead to a similar situation as the last wave, when the Sovereignty needed to gather more blue priests from other duchies to compensate for the loss, and things would turn bad again.

“I can see you’re thinking in a different direction from mine.” Ferdinand lightly pinched her cheek. “What I mean is, you must find a way to work with those biblical fundamentalists if you want to reform the temple.”

“Wait… what? Are you broken somewhere in your head, Ferdinand?”

“While it seems like those priests create a lot of hassle, their influence was so minor that it’s hardly worth caring about. It’s already a miracle that none of them have been executed and can still be a nuisance for more than ten years. But I assure you, none of their claims are considered by noble society. Everyone just lets those priests dance like wild bataffe and exploit every claim they make for political use.” Ferdinand said, “However, of all people, they would support you wholeheartedly if you wanted to revive religious ceremonies and increase the awareness of people about the importance of the temple. But of course, you have to sort those corrupted priests like Immanuel first.”

Rozemyne furrowed her brow, trying to grasp the full meaning of Ferdinand's words. “So, what you’re saying is that the noble society and our family are the real barriers?”

"Exactly," Ferdinand confirmed. "The noble sees the temple and its rituals as something to be used only for convenience. The priests are seen as nuisances, tolerated only because their role serves the land's prosperity and some essential societal purpose. However, even this usefulness is hardly recognized in most duchies. Remember how most duchies suffered from mana shortages because they ignored the temple's role? Ironically, Ehrenfest recognized its importance the most due to the harassment they endured from Veronica and Bezewanst. I also wasn't aware of the temple work until I became the High Priest. If we want to reform the temple, we need to change this perception."

“Then we just need to demonstrate the practical benefits of the temple and its rituals. Show how they can improve mana distribution both on a personal and national level. Once they see the tangible benefits, they’ll be more willing to support the reforms.” Rozemyne said. “But we also did the same last weave, and no one cared!”

“Because it was also due to the fact that we are from Ehrenfest—a backwater duchy that only climbed the ranks due to being neutral. If it came from the Royal Family or Dunkelfelger, it would be a different story. Remember Frenbeltag?”

Rozemyne took a deep breath to control her frustration. Frenbeltag was the first duchy to learn about the role of the temple through Wilfried, and they actually let their archduke candidate get involved in temple rituals very early to enrich their land. Yet, they refused to take responsibility for managing the temple. They even let Ehrenfest be their meat shield, and only after most of the great duchies (except Klassenberg) announced the completion of their reforms did Frenbeltag step out of the dark and reveal themselves to be at the forefront among all the middle duchies, right after Ehrenfest.

“Another problem is your guardian. If Trauerqual and Queen Kreszentia planned for you to be heir, then no way would they allow you to be involved with the temple. Any actions of yours would be used as weakness for other princes to exploit,” Ferdinand continued. “Dunkelfelger would be easier to deal with, but the Royal Family may not be.”

“Saying this, does it mean you have successfully made the Dunkelfelger archducal family change their view of the temple?” Rozemyne asked.

“Not completely, but since my grandfather has seen the power of the Leidenschaft Spear, he has placed those tools under the charge of the Knight Commander. Once my mother recovers completely, I will involve her in creating divine tools with schtappe. When Dunkelfelger sees that their use is the same as their treasured Verfuhremeer’s Staff, they will start to reconsider the status of the temple.”

“Maybe I can try to do the same with Hauchletzte’s temple first!” Rozemyne beamed. “I can perform the healing ritual for Hauchletzte, and when everyone sees the complete difference between me using the tools compared to a normal blue priest, I can use this chance to ask for access to more old documents in Hauchletzte temple to get more clues!”

“Am I correct to assume that the last sentence is your real intention?” Ferdinand asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Uhm… but… but it might work… and… well, isn’t our real objective to revive the ancient rituals? There may be many old documents stored inside the temple about rituals related to the nature of that duchy,” Rozemyne smiled sheepishly. “I mean… we both know that all duchies with Border Gates encounter special fey creatures that require the Darkness Spell, and they have their own specific rituals for healing and prospering the land after each conjugation.”

“All I hear is indirect talk confirming your true intention to dig into all kinds of reading materials in the temple,” Ferdinand said, shrugging. “Very well, then tell me how you would do it.”

“I told you, I just need to perform the healing ritual and show off my power like when I did it in my first Trombe Subjugation.”

“Then how would you perform that ritual? You have no schtappe, so you must use the Flutrane staff. Under what circ*mstances will Aub Hauchletzte and the temple allow you to use it? If they ask you how you know that, what will you answer?”

Oops… I really haven’t considered those parts .

“You hardly ever change, huh? Your solution is not technically wrong, but the way you approach that solution is either ridiculously absurd due to your different common sense or completely reckless due to being unprepared.”

Oh no, here comes the scolding! Rozemyne winced internally.

“And yet I thought those from Hauchletzte and the Royal Family could help improve your common sense a little bit in noble society.”

“Uhm… they did, kinda… I did receive some lessons about politics and how normal nobles observe things…”

“Really, then why did you come up with such excuses about ‘my father once told me’ for all your new ideas? Have you ever considered that when Waldifried died, you were only around 2 years old?”


"Then how about..."

"Okay, okay, I got it! Rather than keep scolding me, shouldn't you just tell me how to do it? You said that my solution is not wrong!" Rozemyne pouted.

Ferdinand sighed, "You just said it yourself, every duchy with a Border Gate has to fight its own fey creatures and the healing rituals after the subjugation are a must."

"Are you saying that I have to follow the Knight Order to do this?"

"You fool! Have you forgotten that you are still unbaptised?" Now Ferdinand reached out to pinch her cheeks. "Not to mention, how could you answer the question of why you would know it? Not many know about the work of the blue priests and the temple in healing rituals except the Knight Order."


I really forgot my unbaptised status just now.

"Right now, what you should focus on is making your guardians agree with the idea of letting you be baptised parentless." Ferdinand released her cheeks. "Let the temple stuff aside for now. Except for Dunkelfelger, none of the factions should know the ability to create divine weapons with their schtappes. Otherwise, all my preparation to keep this war balanced would be undone."

"That won't be much of a problem now. I already have an idea of how to do this, but I think I need more to make it work out." Rozemyne crossed her arms. "Tell me, what has Dunkelfelger prepared to do exactly? I know they planned to let both sides exhaust themselves and then interfere in the war, but I don’t know when they will act."

"It doesn’t matter when they will act, but rather who they will support." Ferdinand tapped his temple. "Those blessings from you are unexpected and troublesome, but they worked in their own way. They show how the Fourth Prince is completely unsuitable for the ruling position, and my grandparents both agree that they would choose Trauerqual instead."

"If that's the case, then I have this idea..." Rozemyne began.

Originally, the war should have ended in the next two years with Dunkelfelger joining in. However, due to Ferdinand's actions, the results of this civil war became unknown. Rather than passively wait for Dunkelfelger to act, why didn’t they actively work with Dunkelfelger toward the results that both aimed for?

The plan was, Trauerqual would take the initiative to propose a deal with Dunkelfelger, suggesting them act earlier in the conflict. When Dunkelfelger acted, Trauerqual would silently support them by ordering his army and faction to obey Dunkelfelger’s lead. Then, he would then act as if submitting to Dunkelfelger’s power and agree to a peace contract. The contract would state that Trauerqual would serve as an interim Zent, a temporary holder of the throne until the next generation found the Wisdom and ascended. Additionally, the contract would include conditions that no purges were allowed and that any child with royal blood who found the Wisdom could become Zent.

Ferdinand chuckled at Rozemyne's plan, noting that she had essentially set a trap for Dunkelfelger. It was almost identical to the last weave, where Dunkelfelger led the army with Trauerqual to defeat the Fourth Prince. The only difference was the conditions bestowed on both sides and the power of decision lying primarily with Dunkelfelger, at least on the surface.

Ferdinand praised her for the phrasing of the condition. "Children with Royal blood" seemed to go against their wishes, but in reality, after thousands of years of intermarriage, it was 100% certain that all noble children of archducal families had Royal blood in their veins. This condition essentially allowed all archduke candidates in the country to become Zent candidates once they possessed Grutrissheit.

"First, we must lead people to believe in new thinking, from ‘Zent from Royal prince/princess’ to ‘Zent can be from any archducal family,’ and then, after we reveal the truth of the country's history, people will accept the idea that ‘anyone could be Zent if they receive proper education, even devouring children,’" Rozemyne proudly proclaimed.

It looked like Dunkelfelger received favourable conditions in this contract, but the real beneficiaries were Trauerqual and especially Rozemyne and Ferdinand in their plan for tradition reform.

“Once again, you remind me of the power of merchants,” Ferdinand chuckled. “Merchants may not understand political play and how to deal with it, but the negotiation skills they teach are something that even scholars of great duchies rarely have. The way they are able to pass on these skills to all their apprentices is remarkable. Even top-notch scholars of great duchies hardly deliver their skills to others. If you can get Trauerqual and Dunkelfelger to agree to that contract, we will be the ultimate winners of this deal.”

Rozemyne puffed her chest up, proud of her potential to play politics well. “Clementine has helped me schedule a meeting with Trauerqual, and I think he will agree with this plan, too.”

“Before that, try to guide him to realise his shortcomings first. This will also serve as an excuse for him to present to Dunkelfelger. My grandparents, especially my grandmother, are quite suspicious when things go too smoothly. We need a proper reason to persuade them that Trauerqual genuinely wishes to end the war without further bloodshed and is sincerely willing to pass the throne to the Grutrissheit wielder once that person appears.”

“Uh… how about intriguing him with more exclusive knowledge for the ruling class?”

“More? Does that mean you’ve tried before?”

“I once asked him about the exclusive archive for the Royal family and any core member of the Royal family, using the exclusivity of the Aub’s archive as bait. Trauerqual didn’t know anything about it.”

Ferdinand’s eyes widened in surprise before he grimaced. “To think the Royal Family has degraded to that level…”

“Hey! Trauerqual isn’t meant to be a ruler. Maybe he was also hidden from that treasure by his guardians, just like I was!”

“The only reason you’re hidden from that information is because we’re afraid you’d do a lot of disturbing things to become Aub Ehrenfest and then get sucked into the Aub’s exclusive archive, busy reading while the duchy rots from neglect.”

How rude! Though it is partly true, could he have put it in a better tone?

Ferdinand snorted, “It’s pretty common for the head of the house to hold the key to the treasure and the most important documents of the house. Being an Aub is no exception. Before being the ruler of the duchy, the Archduke is the head of the archducal family and the whole clan. There’s no need for anyone to tell you. I was quite shocked to know that you weren’t able to deduce it yourself.”

Funnu, now he blames me?

But again, Rozemyne remembered how ignorant she had been. She still wondered how she could forget the fact that the temple—a religious place—would be the easiest place for commoners to see any reading materials, or more precisely, BOOKS. After all, in mediaeval times on Earth, the literacy rate among commoners was nearly zero, except for those from rich merchant houses who were raised and hired as servants in noble houses. The only time they might see a book was the small bibles in the hands of priests and friars in churches.

Ferdinand was right; sometimes she missed things that were obvious to everyone else. Seeing her a bit down, Ferdinand changed the topic. They both discussed and reconfirmed what they needed to guide Trauerqual so he could propose and finalise the deal with Dunkelfelger. Once Trauerqual agreed, it would be easier to get Kreszentia to follow.

“If you want to witness the Knight Order fighting in fey creature subjugation and see how the temple works, then try to sneak out to the downtown,” Ferdinand suggested. “Don’t you want to make paper and set up the printing industry? This would require going outside of the castle.”

“My guardians and retainers won’t let me,” Rozemyne replied with frustration.

“Your guardians aside, have you ever told your retainers about this?”

“Uh…” She recalled that she had only complained about how paranoid they were, not letting her go outside the castle’s wing building. She hadn’t properly told them she wanted to go downtown. “But they don’t let me go outside the castle.”

“High ranking nobles won’t need to go to the downtown city, especially archnobles. Even laynobles have their own servants to interact with merchants, don’t use Justus and Sylvester as standard. If they understand ‘going outside’ the castle means wandering inside the Noble Quarter, then of course they’d restrict you because it’s dangerous. The Noble Quarter is actually very vulnerable to holding secrets,” Ferdinand explained. “However, with your situation, going downtown in fact would be much easier and safer as long as you have a cover.”

“How? What cover?” Rozemyne nearly jumped at Ferdinand. How Ferdinand knew a way was a mystery to her, but if it could work, why not?

It turned out that Justus used various disguises to gather information, initially posing as a distant relative of a laynoble or mednoble to visit cities with the help of exclusive merchants, then later emerging as a farmer in a farming town. However, he struggled to investigate information about “Myne” when Ferdinand ordered him, as he failed to recognize the subtleties of how different merchants wore different clothes to see nobles in the Central District. Justus's attempts to extract information from Tuuli and the soldiers at the South Gate were unsuccessful, only learning about how “little Myne” was too weak and loved by her dad, so he and Eckhart had to infiltrate the Merchant Guild at night. They learned about Myne through her activities and interactions with the Gilberta Company. Despite being blocked by Mark, other workshops inadvertently provided details due to their sympathy for Justus' fabricated merchant persona about “receiving orders from a weird little girl.”

Now that’s how Ferdinand found out about me…

Of course, Justus’ skills were something special, but there might be someone as skilled as him who could find out all the information about Rozemyne. Based on Ferdinand's suggestion, it would be better for Rozemyne to discuss with her retainers to create a cover for her first. All purchasing would be done via her retainers, who would place orders through the exclusive merchant of the house, and all product experiments should be conducted in a newly rented workshop under the protection of that house.

“It would be better if you could find a retainer who doesn't have any close relationship with your grandparents’ retainers. Your grandparents support you wholly, but you cannot say the same for the future. Soon after the war, Aub Hauchletzte will retire, and one of your uncles will become the new Aub. The relationship between you and your grandparents will weaken once they retire and you move to Sovereignty. It's better to set up the contract with Aub Hauchletzte instead, so that later your uncle cannot interfere and exploit anything.”

While Rozemyne felt a little uncomfortable, she knew she couldn't completely trust someone she barely knew. She had met the future Aub Hauchletzte in her last life, but she didn't have much of an impression of him. Due to the relationship between Hauchletzte and Corinthdaum, Alexandria avoided having any trades with Hauchletzte.

Seeing her feeling down, Ferdinand sighed and pulled her into an embrace. Rozemyne returned with a tight hug and buried her face in his chest. They took a moment of silence to let Rozemyne calm herself down, staying like that for a while as they talked more casually. They discussed how Ferdinand also got caught compressing early due to the urgency of the Ditter, how he was put under surveillance and monitored by many new adult retainers appointed, how he got a flood of invitations for Ditter, and how he got away with the new compressing method found in one of the ancient books in the castle. This made her jealous because Ferdinand had access to one of the oldest archives in the country—the castle library of Dunkelfelger.

I wonder how many books are in Dunkelfelger's castle. It must be more than in Hauchletzte…

Gradually, the sight in front of her disappeared...

When she opened her eyes, Rozemyne realised she had fallen asleep in Ferdinand's arms due to her mental exhaustion. It couldn't be helped; yesterday had been quite exhausting for her mind and body. Fabiane was worried and asked if they should send an apology letter to Clementine to postpone the lesson, but Rozemyne declined. She wanted to hone her skills with Clementine to be able to meet Heinrich and Trauerqual as soon as possible.

When Michelle asked her to prepare a proper plan, Rozemyne unconsciously removed printing and crochet flowers from the ideas. She still couldn't move forward completely from the memories of her last life. Reuniting with Ferdinand helped her maintain many nice memories, but she also started to worry that new memories of working on those inventions could gradually replace the old ones. And Rozemyne didn't want that.

She knew she was greedy, but she didn't want to lose any memories, no matter how much her life had changed and she no longer had any relationship with her old family.

Hopefully, Hauchletzte's downtown would have more new things to experiment with so that she could keep those products for Ehrenfest as long as possible.





Rozemyne is technically less than six years old, yet she has already reached the point of learning about simple politics, balancing factions, preparing contracts, and participating in political discussions. Technically, her lessons have progressed much further than those of normal noble children. Other guardians and retainers are worried that rushing her education, both in speed and the weight, could be detrimental to Roz and want to slow her down, aiming for a balance between "study and rest" to ensure her healthy development.

However, Roz is in her second reincarnation, so except for noble euphemisms and "normal traditional politics," she was well-educated in other matters by Benno and Ferdinand. Of course, she would feel bored with things she already knows and rush for more. That's why she easily feels frustrated about things around her and annoyed by everyone's paranoia. Furthermore, being put in a situation where she needs to have secret discussions to express herself freely makes her feeling extremely restricted, especially compared to Ferdinand—who still has Justus beside him and will soon have Lasfam and Heidemarie join in. Rozemyne only has Ferdinand to freely express herself to, and she wasn't the one who actively initiated the conversation. To sum up, Rozemyne's emotional state now is very fragile.


Chapter 32: Rozemyne - The Weirdo, the smelly sauce, and... Hello, Unagi!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The discussion with Trauerqual and Heinrich was successful, but it was not without its challenges. Heinrich, sceptical about allowing Rozemyne to venture into the Downtown freely while still unbaptized, eventually agreed to the idea of preparing a cover for her. In exchange, he requested a small sample of rinsham. He showed no interest in the "paper that was not parchment," dismissing it as implausible. Thus, he imposed a condition: if Rozemyne couldn't produce such a product by the time of her baptism, she would need to remain secluded inside the building until the war ended and sell the rights to everything related to making and selling basic rinsham for one large gold coin.

Initially, Rozemyne had proposed three large gold coins as the price. After fierce negotiations, the price was reduced to one large gold coin. Aub Hauchletzte’s eyes sparked a little at how the deal was made, not realising that the price he was willing to pay was still more than three times higher than what Benno had bought it for in the last weave.

Grandpa is indeed a tough opponent in dealing, but I am now well aware of how much profit such a simple product like rinsham would make.

If it was released as a trend under Hauchletzte, it would spread even better than from Ehrenfest. Not to mention, what Rozemyne promised was just basic rinsham, not an elaborated version with an exclusive signature scent. And of course, the deal was just on paper because Rozemyne was confident in her ability to successfully make paper. Further experiments with new materials were required, but it would not be as difficult as it had been in Ehrenfest. She had learned much since then and had more resources at her disposal now.

As for her baptism, Kreszentia and Vaitiare made a big fuss, and the meeting suddenly turned into a heated argument between the lords and the ladies. Clementine stepped in to support Rozemyne, Heinrich, and Trauerqual. Finally, it was decided that Rozemyne would be baptised first with only members of the archducal family present, including all the archduke candidates and their families. She would then make her debut at the Interduchy Tournament. However, all of this was contingent upon finalising the deal with Dunkelfelger.

The day for Rozemyne to make her first visit to the downtown city finally arrived after the first spring rain. As the frigid winds bid farewell, giving way to a gentle breeze and a soft drizzle, spring graced Hauchletzte's doorstep, bringing an abundance of life to the tender, verdant buds. The drizzling rain, characteristic of spring in the land of Water, fell like a veil of mist upon the land, whispering day and night to the flora and fauna. The rain was not heavy, but enough to moisten the soil. Following these showers, countless buds emerged, no longer timidly hiding among the withered branches. Myriad flowers bloomed in vibrant hues, adorning the earth and sky.

It was decided that Desdemona’s family would be responsible for Rozemyne’s secret identity. Desdemona’s grandfather, the youngest son of a northern Giebe of the land bordering Drewanchel, had been chosen as a retainer of an archduke candidate in his generation. After graduation, he married an archnoble lady from a northern duchy, and the couple managed to settle in the Central District. Normally, their eldest child would inherit the house, but all their children became Sovereignty nobles. It was expected that if no one inherited the house, it would be sold to other nobles. However, Desdemona’s cousin chose to stay in Hauchletzte and become a "contract" scholar instead of following the tradition of his family to become a Sovereignty noble.

“Contract scholar? What does that mean?” Rozemyne was confused. She felt relieved that someone who agreed to host her was related to her retainer, but seeing how everyone looked very awkward when mentioning this scholar made her feel a little uncertain.

“His characteristics are a little… weird, so no one wanted to employ him. But my cousin is a very excellent brewer, so most people hire him for brewing potions.”

Okay, a freelancer… Well, maybe that person doesn’t like to be stuck in office hours. Quite rare to see one in Yurgenschmidt, huh?

It was only when Rozemyne visited the house and met the head of the house - Sondern, that she finally understood why everyone was so… awkward. Inside the house was decorated with many… peculiar items, from a bone to a single branch. To Rozemyne’s eyes, it looked just like an "otaku house with a display of figures," but she could be sure that none of Yurgenschmidt's nobles could understand such a niche beauty. But what made Rozemyne more surprised was the appearance of Sondern himself. To be honest, her eyes twitched a little as she thought it was like seeing a red-haired Raimund kneeling in front of her.

“I see you have messed up the house again…” Desdemona grimaced. “I believe the message was clear that this house will be responsible for hosting a high-ranked lady with her entourage for several months and it NEEDS to be a PROPER NOBLE HOUSE.”

“The scholar just told me to make the house clean and decorate it properly,” Sondern tilted his head. “It took me one day to clean and three days to decorate it like this.”

“This is a decorated house already???” Everyone except Rozemyne and Sondern shouted in exasperation.

“Of course, this is all my treasure! You cannot find these in any other house, and they are exclusive samples of Hauchletzte, something all citizens should be proud of!” Sondern protested. “I took out all of these to present, and you guys even complained.”

“Insolent! Show some respect to our lady!” Due to being undercover, Rozemyne was not addressed as a princess, and introduced as a newly baptised archnoble girl.

“Tst! If this lady is not satisfied, she is free to return to the castle. This workshop of mine is not a play area for a child.”

“The last time I recalled, this is a house, not a workshop!”

Rozemyne could see Desdemona's veins bulging on her forehead.

“The condition for me to inherit this house is to do anything I want!”

The whole day will be wasted with just these two...

“I indeed need a workshop now! But I won’t use yours. I just need a place to stop by before changing clothes and going downtown!” Rozemyne stopped the argument between the two. “I will also need someone to represent me to make orders from merchants and workshops.”

“Eh? Is Aub Hauchletzte finally opening his eyes to stuff in commoner society?” Sondern’s eyes widened.

“Bwuh? What do you mean by that?” Rozemyne’s eyes also widened. The way Sondern talked made it seem like he was very familiar with commoner stuff and absolutely adored it.

“Oh no…”

“Why do I have the feeling that the Aub plan would fail…?”

What plan?

“Milady, the reason Sondern is considered a weirdo is because he is completely enamoured with non-noble things,” Michelle explained, rubbing her temples. “His brewing skills are absolutely top-notch, yet he spends his time gathering all sorts of garbage that cannot be used for brewing usable products. He also likes to brag about how commoner goods are much better than noble stuff. There was a time he brought a very scary food to treat his classmates at the Interduchy Tournament while still a student. It smelled so horrible that everyone suspected he outright poisoned them.”

“The reason he didn’t become a Sovereignty noble was due to his over-passion in sharing those strange things that could unintentionally harm interduchy relationships, so we better keep him in the duchy.” Desdemona continued, “He was chosen to be the cover for you because it was completely normal for him to do something so out of norm or order strange things from merchants. No one would ever suspect his actions…”

“Perfect! Prepare a small workshop following all my conditions first, then order all these things for me!” Rozemyne beamed and called Michelle over to hand her the wooden board.

Sondern glanced over the wooden board and shrugged. “I nearly have everything in my storage in the commoner forest. That storage is also located near a spring. If you don’t mind it’s not a river as you required, you can use that as your workshop. All types of woods would be easy; you can get them in just one day. But the sticky juice from either plant or fruit… let me check my plant collection.”

Wait, he nearly has it all?

Those tools and ingredients are actually not something so rare to have, but to possess all of them without being told or prepared was a different story. Where has this guy been in the last weave?

Rozemyne could not wait any longer and asked him to lead them to the storage he mentioned. They soon travelled there by his own carriage. They could have travelled by highbeast, but two problems arose: first, Sondern had never used a highbeast to go outside of the Noble Quarter due to his own preference, and the second reason was Rozemyne’s highbeast. The irregular form of it was banned from flying in Hauchletzte except in a “very serious exceptional urgent situation.”

Rozemyne was asked to make a unicorn, which was also the heraldic animal of Hauchletzte, and all she could imagine was Pony-Chan. But making her in a drivable form was a little bit difficult, so she decided on another approach.

Michelle suggested she make it either in shumil or zanze form. Rozemyne again ignored the shumil option, as she wanted something more special, more unique.

Zanze—a cat, huh… It could be either in her colour as light yellow or blue as the colour of summer. A bubbly, adorable cat in yellow or blue? Come on, there was only one suitable option.

And thus, her Dora-chan was born.

But once again, her highbeast form was criticised by everyone. Rozemyne pouted. She already had to sacrifice her Lessy-kun, but their expressions were something else that annoyed her.

The whole of Asia praised my Dora-chan nonstop. Yet, here you dare to criticise him. Oh, my second Brigitte, where are you?

Soon, the group arrived at the storage. It was completely perfect for experimenting with making paper, at least in Rozemyne’s perspective. The three retainers had completely different views, reminding Rozemyne that those three had grown up in the Central District. It seemed that the gap between nobles and commoners was biggest in the Central District and the capitals of most duchies, just as it was in Ehrenfest and Alexandria.

After inspecting all the tools and existing ingredients, it was clear that the bamboo mesh screen would need to be ordered to be made, as the one Sondern had was made of metal and the mesh holes were too big to keep and form the paper pulp. Furthermore, it had a handle, and to Rozemyne, it looked more like…

“Why do you have a grill mesh in here?”

“How does a newly baptised noble lady like you know about this? I only found out after I saw people grill ‘aal’ and bought it.”

“It is my fa… my guess. Because the holes in the mesh are too big and this mesh is made of metal, it must be good for something that needs heat.”

Oops… nearly slipped with the old excuse… Finding a good excuse is hard. How does Ferdinand do it all the time and not get busted?

“Oho, a rare genius… do you want to try the aal meat?”

“HEY! Stop it right there! I don't care how you treat your friends or colleagues, but don’t give that kind of awful meal to milady!”

“It’s ok, Desdemona, I want to know. What is aal?” Rozemyne immediately consoled her knight. Seriously, why did she feel that Desdemona’s paranoia had just upgraded to another new level?

“It is a rare type of fish that only lives in the central and southern swamps of Hauchletzte. It looks like the gelbeschlange, but it is not a sea creature and is edible. It is a very good food source when people can’t catch fish in the sea or during droughts.”

“Please, milady, don’t listen to all this nonsense. I once believed his word and even ordered one to try. It was such a horrible experience,” Michelle snorted. “The texture is not bad, but the smell is terrible—fishy, muddy—and tiny bones are mixed inside the meat. It is not a good food source because my exclusive merchant told me that even commoners don’t want to catch and eat those unless they really run out of food.”

Wait a minute… it sounds so familiar… but what kind of fish actually?

“Soon, it will be a good source. The sea level decreases every day, and the amount of goods we can harvest from the sea is gradually dropping. In about five years, even nobles will have to learn to eat those,” Sondern shrugged. “It’s not as bad as you say. Just add more stuff to the meat to overcome the fishy, muddy taste, and I found just the thing. Mixing it with the spices from Ahrensbach would make it like an explosion.”

The image he used for the comparison made the three retainers of Rozemyne immediately take guard, but Sondern just ignored their glares and ran to a bunch of boxes in the corner of the room, rummaging through them. When he returned, he brought a small jar covered with cloth and brightly introduced it to everyone. Rozemyne waved her hand dismissively and asked to see what was inside the cloth.

Sondern carefully unwrapped the cloth to reveal a very familiar salty smell to Rozemyne, but before she could lean forward to sniff it more closely, Fabiane already picked her up and retreated, while Desdemona and Michelle covered them and stood against Sondern as if he had just committed some sin.

"Oh gosh... pray to Flutrane to wash away the smell that’s worse than Ewigeliebe..."

"It’s just as bad as the smell of Grun!" Michelle added, pinching her nose. “Come one, let's get out of here!”

“NOOO… Let me down!!! My [shottsuru]!!! Let me smell it!!!” Rozemyne yelled, her voice tinged with desperation.

It’s fish sauce!!! It’s fish sauce!!! Can’t you believe it?!!! How can no one bring it to me?!!!

“What is show-t-soo-roo?” Sondern tilted his head, clearly confused. “This is a juice strained from making fish paste. There are many tiny fishes that are too small to have enough flesh to eat, so fishermen tend to mix them with salt to preserve it, like curing meat to make bacon. After several months, they strain the juice out. The remaining mixture is mashed into a paste to eat with bread.”

“You… you pay money to take a waste back and eat it? Even dare to propose it to a higher rank noble?” Desdemona clutched her head in exasperation.

“It took no money! Because it was a discarded juice, I got it for free!” Sondern was completely oblivious to Desdemona’s frustration.

“What’s wrong with everyone, why discard all the precious stuff!!!” Rozemyne threw a tantrum in Fabiane’s arms.


“I don’t care. Sondern! You used it with that ‘aal’ meat, right? Make one for me. I will test it first and make it a trend! I won’t allow such precious products to be wasted!”

Sondern’s eyes widened in surprise, then suddenly gleamed with a familiar light. “I have the stock!!! I can make it right now immediately!!!”

Wait, that light… Did I accidentally create a new Hartmut?

But a Hartmut that wishes to spread the preciousness of commoner stuff to the noble world?

I don’t mind it at all!!!

“Then return to his house first!” Fabiane said sternly. “As an attendant, I am not allowing you to be served any kind of food cooked in this storage! You can bring that juice and that metal mesh back and grill the meat as you said, but it must be at least in a proper kitchen!”

The seriousness in Fabiane’s voice made both Rozemyne and Sondern shrink back. Well, Rozemyne didn’t actually mind, but… maybe it needs to be done step by step…

When the dish was presented in front of Rozemyne, she once again wanted to scream it out loud to the whole world.



Unagi kabayaki, Unadon, Hitsumabushi, Unagi seiro mushi, Unagi Tsukemen…

“Praise be to the God!!!”


A large, bright blessing flowed around the dining room, surprising everyone.

Uh oh… I forgot that I have my baptism ring with me…

Due to being under the cover as a "baptised lady," Rozemyne was allowed to wear her baptism ring. This ring, even with her emptied children's tools, made it easier for mana to flow, as it served as a medium. Additionally, Rozemyne was very experienced in moving mana, and with her body completely healthy and free of mana lumps, the flow of mana was very smooth.

The one most impacted was Sondern, as this was the first time he had ever seen such a big blessing. His eyes widened in awe, his usual composure shattered by the abnormal display of mana from Rozemyne.

Oh no, he now looks even more like Hartmut… Rozemyne thought, observing Sondern's newfound reverence.

Rozemyne timidly sat down, playing the role of a good girl waiting for everyone to perform the poison test first. After Sondern took the first bite, Desdemona and Michelle followed suit. Unlike Sondern's proud expression, those two couldn’t hide their grimace as they immediately regretted it.

“This is absolutely not amazing at all!” Michelle exclaimed.

“I never thought you’d not only inherit Grandmother’s red hair but also elevate her strange quirks to a new level,” Desdemona pinched her nose bridge hard. “Grandmother indeed had some strange hobbies, but she was at least a very proper archnoble in public.”

Sondern said nothing, just sulking like a child being scolded by his mother.

Rozemyne pondered for a moment. Desdemona’s grandmother - an archnoble lady from a northern duchy… wait, hadn’t Desdemona once mentioned that her grandmother was from Ehrenfest ?

Suddenly, all the strange things about Sondern made sense. No wonder he expressed such a weird sense yet familiar.

Rozemyne regained her focus and tried the first bite of the dish. Unfortunately, just like Desdemona and Michelle had complained, the taste was far from blissful. If all the dishes Sondern recommended were of this level, it was no surprise that his friends would try to avoid his culinary offerings.

One of the major problems with the dish was the preparation. They had just cut the eel into chunks and removed the bones in a rather clumsy manner, making the served eel meat look like a hollow cylinder, thus giving the dish a poor appearance. While the smell wasn’t terrible—mixing spices with fish sauce wasn’t a bad move—the ratio was another matter entirely. Compared to soy sauce, fish sauce is saltier and lacks sweetness. Furthermore, its fragrance is quite unique, so it’s impossible to replace soy sauce with fish sauce in a 1:1 ratio. It requires more blending to make a good dish.

Grilled eel is a savoury dish, and whether using soy sauce or fish sauce as a marinade, it needs sweetness to balance the saltiness and elevate the umami taste of the sauce. Of course, this dish of Sondern’s completely lacked that required sweetness, so it tasted quite scary.

Sondern looked at her with hopeful eyes. “Isn’t it great? I told you commoner ingredients can be amazing! It is absolutely nonsense that we are trying to create new trends while there are a bunch of new things in commoner society. Just choose some and elevate them to noble status, we have new trends easily…. OW!!! What are you doing, cousin?!”

Desdemona finally gave up her noble facade and smacked Sondern with a resounding hit. Their dynamic was so funny that Rozemyne couldn’t help but giggle.

“This dish needs to be modified,” Rozemyne murmured. It needed sweetness, but she wasn’t sure if honey would suffice. Sugar would be better for caramelization in grilling with fish sauce. “You said you have a collection of plants. Does it include all types of plants in Hauchletzte?”

Sondern's eyes sparkled with excitement. “I confirm I have records of all plants in the Central District. As for other provinces, I have at least 50% of them.”

“Okay, then give your records to me. I need to research a little bit. Tomorrow, I will bring my chef here and we will remake this AAL dish!” Rozemyne nodded in determination. It was a crime to make eel like this.

I will do anything to recreate my unagi!!!

“Praise be to Cuococalura!” Sondern raised his hands to the sky with a broad smile. He really did seem like a distant relative to Hartmut.

But he indeed has potential to be more pious. Okay, I will start my “temple awareness education reform” with him first.

“Raise your arms higher, straighten them up to the sky!” Rozemyne chastised him. “Holding your left knee up!”

“Yes, sir!”

“I’m not a sir!”

“Yes, madam!”

“Whatever, look up to the sky and be sincere to your prayers!”

“Yes, madam.”

Rozemyne was busy fixing Sondern’s praying pose, while her three retainers were too panicked to even question themselves about how their little princess knew about praying pose.

“Why has it turned out like this?”

“Shouldn’t she be afraid of his weirdness and ask to go back to the castle?”

“Calm down, just wait until tomorrow. Maybe after she fails, she will reconsider.”

Rozemyne blissfully returned to the castle with a big stack of parchment. Bravo to the new reading materials tonight! And while her retainers looked wary of this, they still agreed to help her scan the records and research together.

The normal fauna and flora of Hauchletzte in general were not so different from Ehrenfest and Alexandria, so Rozemyne could be assured that her plant paper would definitely be a success, at least for a normal plant paper, as they also had a kind of wood that seemed similar to Volrin, but she still needed to test it out.

The fey species, however, didn’t include much useful information for her. It wasn’t that they were useless, but they were not what she wanted to look for now. Temporarily, Rozemyne spotted a kind of flower that looked similar to a lotus or water lily, which grew only in a lake or river, and was a very good source for Spring materials. It seemed the place where this flower grew was similar to the Goddess Bath in Ehrenfest, as Sondern noted in the record that only women and girls could harvest this flower.

Of course, fey creatures always had something scary, there was a kind of weed that could suck up nutrients from the land and kill all the wheat, similar to trombe and nanseb. According to Sondern’s record, this kind of weed only grew in land filled with non-sea water, which was a unique problem for Hauchletzte, as this duchy was filled with many water sources, such as lakes, springs, rivers, and swamps. If you over-watered the wheat just a little bit, the weed would grow up and take up all the space, preventing the wheat from growing. However, it was not as dangerous as the trombe because it could only grow up to a certain height and rarely succeeded in seeding. Sondern also tried to get one of the weeds and plant it at his workshop, but the percentage for it to mature was so low that it proved to be useless for anything, as the seeds harvested couldn’t be used for anything.

After they barely finished scanning all the records, night had fallen and Rozemyne was forced to go to bed. In the end, they still couldn’t find anything that could be used to make sugar.

Maybe we can utilise the “lotus-like” flower for the beauty industry, but all the other feyplants seem to be unsuitable for culinary or paper-making.


When they arrived at Sondern’s house the next day with Rozemyne’s twin chefs, he had already prepared everything she required, even the bamboo mesh. Seeing how quickly everything had been prepared made Rozemyne worry that Sondern had used his noble status to force commoners to work. However, it turned out that some workshops were so used to Sondern’s abnormal orders that they dropped everything to finish his order as quickly as possible.

Of course, it also due to the fact that Sondern was very generous in his payments. Money was the best magical spell to motivate people, after all. However, Rozemyne really wanted Desdemona to hit him hard when she found out that Sondern actually paid five times higher than the prices she used to pay for her tools in Ehrenfest. It was a miracle that this man could survive on his own, and Michelle whispered to Rozemyne’s ear that he earned nearly ten times higher by brewing due to the continuous war.

I am even more tempted to get him as my retainer now...

Rozemyne decided to let the twins prepare the aal meat first in the kitchen with her prewritten guide, while she dragged Sondern to the storage to start the papermaking. It would take a lot of time just to harvest the inner bark for the paper fibers. She planned to make it with Desdemona’s strength only, but after meeting Sondern, Rozemyne was very determined to get him under her entourage. Involving him in papermaking was even better than forcing him to sign a secrecy contract.

With one adult knight in her prime strength, two adult scholars, and one of them eager to try new things, the preparation process was smooth and well-documented. Even Michelle, who was initially very indifferent, got hooked. Rozemyne had to order the two scholars to stop bombarding her with questions. Witnessing the results would be the best answer, so Rozemyne restrained herself from spoiling them with any kind of information. After ensuring that no one could destroy the steamed barks soaking in the spring, Rozemyne urged everyone to return and test the new unagi dish.

Little did she know, due to the rushed preparations, some strange seeds “happened” to stick to the outside of the wood when bought from different workshop. While most were destroyed during steaming, some of them “happened” to drop in the spring, and the wicked weed had sprouted right inside it.

However, that would have to wait for another day, as Rozemyne was now enjoying her new “kabayaki unagi” version without soy sauces and sugar. To be honest, Rozemyne still was not yet satisfied with the dish, but now she had to temporarily accept this version. She started to consider whether she should pay more attention to non-japanese eel dishes, like spicy braised eel.

Okay, the new dish also needed to wait, as now Rozemyne needed to cling to Fabiane to escape Sondern's overwhelming worshipping.

What should I do? I want him as my retainer, but it doesn’t mean I want another Hartmut!!!!

“Praise be to Cuococalura! Praise be to whatever show-t-soo-roo! Praise be to aal! Praise be to the grill mesh!”

Someone stop him! Hearing him praying like this is even worse than a torture!!!



Rozemyne starts her journey to explore Hauchletzte and everything seems to be in good track... just for her and her potential new retainer.
But definitely not for everyone else LOL
Desdemona's grandmother is from Ehrenfest and this was already be spoiled in chapter 21.
And the new weed... has anyone guess out what is it?

Chapter 33: Rozemyne - Wicked weed


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The next morning, Rozemyne and her group set out to the spring to begin the next step in their papermaking process. After a night of soaking, the outer barks would be soft enough to harvest the white inner barks. The plan was to peel the inner bark and judge the condition of the fibers to see if they needed the ash water treatment. Rozemyne suggested working outside to take advantage of the natural light.

When they arrived at the spring with their tools, Sondern suddenly panicked and rushed to the edge of the spring.

“Oh no! The wicked weed!” he shouted.

Michelle quickly ran forward to help Sondern remove the weeds, while Desdemona immediately covered Fabiane and Rozemyne. They knew about the weeds from Sondern's report the previous night, and Rozemyne hadn't thought much of it because Sondern had clearly noted that while the weeds were wicked if growing in water, they were not as dangerous as normal trombe since they never matured and the highest height they could get was only around 30 centimetres. As long as these weeds didn’t grow in the wheat field and suck up the nutrition, they would just stay in the water and die in a season. But seeing Sondern's state made Rozemyne reconsider; there might be more harm caused by those weeds than she initially thought.

It took a while for Sondern and Michelle to return with a bunch of weeds and the packed barks. The weeds looked completely different from what Rozemyne expected, resembling long-leaf grass. The leaves were vibrant green, about 10 centimetres in length, and had a slightly curved appearance.

“This is indeed a feyplant!” Michelle exclaimed, turning one branch of weed into a tiny feystone. “Too bad, the quality is too low; it can hardly be used for anything except some very low-quality potion for laynobles. But it still surprises me that this weed has multiple elements.”

“It has a little darkness ability inside, but the problem is that the quality of each element seems to be unstable. I once tried to grow it, but the number of elements I found differed,” Sondern explained.

“You dared to grow a darkness feyplant? Are you really out of your mind? This is a deadly crime!” Desdemona was shocked.

“Come on! I didn’t even know it had the darkness element. Some of the weeds I harvested only possessed Water and Fire,” Sondern protested, then he took a bag and put all the weeds inside. “These weeds are actually annoying if they grow in places where you intend to harvest crops. Hauchletzte has very high humidity and water levels, so these weeds can grow anywhere the land is filled with water. Farmers in Hauchletzte have a lot of difficulty drying the land after every rain to protect the wheat fields and prevent these weeds from growing. Now is spring, the peak season for this weeds to grow.”

“So you also planted something here? Is that why you’re scared of these weeds?” Rozemyne asked.

“Not much, but I did plant some good resources here for harvesting,” Sondern sighed, pointing at the edge of the spring, which looked very dry now. “It will take a year for this area to recover. These weeds can also be materials, but their low quality means they can only be sold to laynobles and students for practice.” He turned to Rozemyne, “Well, young lady, you may want to check the barks here. I can’t tell whether their quality has been spoiled by the weeds.”

I am actually more curious about the weeds now… Rozemyne thought. But she held herself back and focused on the papermaking. The weeds were not hard to get, so her paper needed to be the priority.

The four adults followed her instructions to peel the barks, while Rozemyne checked the fibers to see if additional treatment was needed. Half of the barks needed to be boiled with ash water due to their hardness, while the other half, from softwood, could be bleached under the sun immediately after extra washing. It took them the whole day to process everything. Throughout the day, Rozemyne received multiple questions from the inquisitive Sondern, and Desdemona had to drag him away several times.

Ignoring the two cousins fighting each other, Fabiane gently picked Rozemyne up and smiled. “It’s okay, milady. You don’t need to tell us if you deem it unnecessary.”

Rozemyne silently nodded into Fabiane's shoulder. Her three retainers were undoubtedly suspicious, but they decided not to ask any further questions and let Rozemyne do what she needed to do.

"I am sorry..."

"No need for an apology, milady.” Michelle smiled, “Is there anything you wanted to do for today?”

“Uhm… if possible, I want to see the wicked weeds.” Rozemyne asked.

“It’s nothing. I think it would be okay for you to see how materials become feystones. These weeds make a good practical stone,” Michelle said, then took one from her own collective bag and handed it to Rozemyne.

While the wicked weeds were familiar to commoner society and scholars working in the farming industry, Michelle, who grew up in the Central District and moved to Sovereignty right after graduation, found them to be a new material. Even with their low quality, she considered them worth researching further.

Rozemyne took the weed and carefully inspected it. On closer look, it resembled wheatgrass, or more specifically, the freshly sprouted shoot of any type of cereal. She wondered if this could be one of those.

It grows in any land filled with water, even a flooded area after rain. The first condition for this weed to grow must be abundant water, like a flooded field. It takes a lot of nutrients overnight, so it must be planted alone and cannot co-grow with other plants.

Wait… flooded field… flooded-paddies? Single growth? Is that…


Rozemyne’s eyes widened as she stared at the weed in her hands, looking completely bewildered. What a plot twist! It sounded unbelievable, but the more she looked at the weed, the more it seemed plausible. Among cereals, rice is the one most commonly grown in flooded paddies. While some other varieties can tolerate wet conditions, paddies are not strictly necessary for their cultivation. The large amount of water needed during the early stages of growth and the specific water management skills required for paddies have historically made rice cultivation challenging in regions outside of Asia, a continent with a climate well-suited for rice production. Additionally, due to the unique water management needs of paddies, rice is often grown as a monoculture. This is because the constantly flooded environment in paddies can favour the growth of diseases and pests that could harm other crops.

The main challenge with rice cultivation was the need for precise water management, including transplanting and draining. Water was essential during the seedling, vegetative growth, and reproductive stages. However, for the plant to mature, the water needed to be gradually drained at least 7-10 days prior to the harvest.

Rozemyne knew this because all Japanese children had to learn about rice planting and its varieties in elementary school, at the 5th grade. Her school even required each student to practise planting at least one rice plant, from sowing the seeds in class with cotton wool, planting in paddies, to harvesting the marked plant.

Ancient rice varieties, unaltered by genetic modification, would follow a natural growth cycle over a year without human intervention. In autumn, these rice plants would drop their grains, which would lie dormant throughout the winter. With the arrival of spring rains and rising river water levels, silt would spread over the delta, providing essential water and nutrients for the rice seeds to germinate. As summer progressed, the water would gradually recede, allowing the rice plants to grow, mature, and produce grains once again by the following autumn.

Because people here didn’t know about water management and just let the plant grow in water, it could never mature. It grew easily in overwatered land, but wheat, in contrast, needed dry land; too much water could cause wheat to develop fungi and disease. Worse, since there was no product produced, it was seen only as a weed that destroyed the land.

The precious rice she had sought her entire previous life, now despised here as garbage.

“It is so unfair!!! First my precious [shottsuru], then my [unagi], now my [kome]... What’s wrong with the head of Hauchletzte's nobles???” Rozemyne exclaimed, her voice rising in frustration.

“Young lady, you are also Hauchletzte’s noble…” Sondern murmured.

“Milady, is there anything wrong with the weed? It looks like you have found something important,” Michelle asked, noticing Rozemyne’s intense reaction.

“Have you ever considered the chance that this is not a weed but a valuable food source like wheat?” Rozemyne asked, her eyes sparkling with newfound determination.

A moment of silence followed her declaration, the others exchanging puzzled glances.

… … Wait, why is none of them answering?

Fabiane immediately picked her up and gave orders. “Our lady must be too tired after such a long day. We will go home and rest for tomorrow!”

“I agree!” Desdemona chimed in.

“That’s right! We better call a physician to check her up.” Michelle added, her tone decisive.

“Hey hey, is that another way to say you think I’ve gone crazy?” Rozemyne protested, squirming in Fabiane’s arms.

“I will go destroy those weeds immediately!” Sondern declared, turning to leave.

“Put me down! I have proof! Look at this plant, don’t you think it looks like wheat?” Rozemyne pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.

“It does look like a young wheat sprout, but it’s definitely not wheat! This I can be sure of with all my scholar’s career!” Sondern snorted. “Young lady, I am very impressed with your innovative thinking in improving food. I am also very grateful that you support me in using commoner resources, but not everything could be turned into food for eating.”

“Never thought that I need to support this weirdo, but I am wholeheartedly agree, because no way you could eat a darkness feyplant,” Michelle added, her expression firm.

“But Michelle, didn’t Sondern say that some of them only had water and fire elements? That means if we can find a way to remove the darkness ability, we can eat it,” Rozemyne argued, her voice filled with conviction.

“How could you be so sure? This is the first time you see this weed, right?” Michelle retorted.

“Don’t call it weed! It has a name! It is ‘RICE’!” Rice is the pride of Japanese people, don’t insult it.

“Rice? Where do you get that name?” Sondern asked, his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

“I got it from a book,” Rozemyne replied quickly, trying to sound confident.

“What book?” Michelle inquired, her tone sceptical.

Uh oh…

“A very ancient book…” she said, trying to maintain her composure.

“I have a record of all kinds of books you have read, milady. If you don’t mind, please tell me the name of the book,” Michelle pressed, her eyes narrowing.


“If possible, I could go ask for the assistance of all scholars in the castle to search every book in our book room and the castle’s book room to check the fact you just stated,” Michelle continued, her voice calm but insistent.

What should I do? Why has Michelle suddenly become so insistent? Rozemyne wondered, feeling cornered.

Then Michelle, suddenly changing her atmosphere, made a very chilling smile. “So, milady! Please allow me to remind you, we know that all of your excuses over time are nonsense. We don’t ask, but please don’t think we are fools. By the way, I need to remind you that your father was actually very bad at anything related to culinary. He actually cannot distinguish the difference between mashed mehren and mashed zelbe if by taste alone. So please don’t use your father as an excuse when you are asked how you can identify meryl oil among those cooking oils.”

Wait, really? Waldifried is actually lacking the ability to appreciate subtle differences in taste?

Rozemyne thought that Michelle, being a fanatic of Waldifried, would just accept every reason related to him. To her dismay, that didn’t seem to be the case.

“I… I cannot explain my reason, but I truly believe that this plant is not a useless or harmful weed as you think. I know the way to cultivate it!” She insisted.

Michelle looked at her with an expression of skepticalness. “Let’s say that you’re right about this ‘rice plant’, but you don’t have any proof that this weed could be that ‘rice’, right? You only read about this yesterday and saw it just a moment ago. There is a high chance that the true ‘rice’ plant could be another plant in other duchies that looks similar to this weed. You said it yourself, it looks similar to wheat, and I am confident that there are at least five different types of plants that look similar to wheat in the whole country.”

Ugh… Michelle was right. It was just her own theory that this was rice…

“We could try to plant it my way to test it,” Rozemyne nearly pleaded. “It actually won’t harm anyone if we make an attempt, right?”

At that moment, Rozemyne spotted a slight gleam in Michelle’s eyes. No way, had she accidentally stepped on some prepared trap?

Michelle then gave a signal, and Desdemona immediately dragged Sondern away, letting only the echo of his voice linger.

“Hey, I also want to hear. What’s so secret about researching this weed and the source of her knowledge?”

Once Sondern was out of sight, Fabiane handed both Michelle and Rozemyne a sound-blocking tool. They had indeed prepared for this and were just waiting for this moment to set Rozemyne up.

Merchant-mode activated! No matter what they asked, she would definitely try her best to get her precious rice into her hands.

“Your Highness, I won’t mind letting you research this weed, but there will be conditions,” Michelle stated, her voice calm but firm.

Rozemyne narrowed her eyes, ready for negotiation. “And what are these conditions?”

“If you fail in this research, how about giving up on all downtown tours and staying in the castle instead?” Michelle proposed.

Rozemyne stayed firm. “I believe I have discussed it with Aub Hauchletzte already. The condition is only if I fail to make a sample of plant paper, and the timeline I have is until my baptism, which means more than one year later.”

“And you are so confident about the success rate of this?” Michelle asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I have to admit that I expected at least half a year to be able to make it, but with the help of Sondern, who could prepare all the resources in such a short time, I could see the plant paper ready in a few weeks,” Rozemyne replied with a confident smile. “All thanks to the support of Aub Hauchletzte, and I am very appreciative of it.”

It was very subtle, but Rozemyne could see Michelle’s eyebrow twitch slightly. Just as she suspected, the reason Sondern was chosen as the host for Rozemyne's downtown tour might not have been as simple as providing an easy cover for her actions. If Rozemyne were allowed to be bold, it might be because her grandfather and everyone else expected she would be scared or disgusted by Sondern's eccentricities and ask to stay in the castle instead. That also explained why all her three retainers talked about many things that sounded like explanations but were actually a form of sabotage.

Unfortunately for them, as eccentric as Sondern seemed, he appeared quite normal compared to the weirdos in Ehrenfest. And all the scary and dirty stuff from commoner society that they despised was still much better than the real life of commoners.

After all, Sondern purchased his supplies as an archnoble, and the merchants he interacted with were likely from big companies like Gustav’s, not even like Benno’s. And those products, of course, were polished and presented to be of the highest quality to suit his noble status.

If those three retainers had ever visited the Ehrenfest downtown before the Enwichken, Rozemyne guessed they would faint after five minutes of stepping out of the carriage.

“Well, I am glad to hear that your project will be fruitful. May I know what you intend to do after that? It would be one more year, right?” Michelle inquired.

“Of course, I will focus on the next research about rice and continue to tour the downtown to find more things to research, it is obvious.”

“More?” Michelle asked, raising an eyebrow.

“The condition that I negotiated with Aub Hauchletzte was that I could visit the downtown, and until this day, I haven’t even stepped foot on the street. I can’t even see what the street looks like while travelling by carriage, as you all forbid me to look out the window,” Rozemyne replied, a smug expression on her face. “This violates the condition, so I will definitely continue my tour in downtown and even visit the seashore.”

Michelle’s eyebrow twitched again, more noticeably this time. Good, now was the time to take the lead and create favouring conditions while steering the opponent!

Rozemyne placed her hand on her cheek. “I understand that you’re all worried for my health after knowing I am planning to make a darkness feyplant a food resource. How about we just research how to cultivate it to test my theory first, and no cooking tests until we can guarantee a way to remove the darkness elements?”

“It is actually a must-do for all kinds of research. You cannot trick me into agreeing with that condition,” Michelle smirked. “I wonder what Aub Hauchletzte and Queen Kreszentia would say about you secretly violating your promise with them about compressing mana harder than before?”


“Well, if we reveal that, it also means we must step down from our positions as your retainers and face punishment, as this is not the first time we failed to manage your situation. New personnel would be appointed, of course. I wonder if those new personnel would just try their best to accustom themselves to your... unique actions.” Michelle’s face darkened.

Wait… that…

Rozemyne paled. No matter how annoyed she was with the over-paranoia of her retainers, she still didn’t want them replaced. Maybe due to the influence of “the little princess,” to Rozemyne, these three retainers were very precious to her. After their heartfelt exchange last winter, Rozemyne started to trust them even more than her grandparents.

If they won’t be by my side anymore, does that mean I would be left completely alone?

Michelle gently came closer and held Rozemyne’s hand. “Again, you still need more training in your emotions, Your Highness. You’re still too soft and too easy to let others recognize your weaknesses,” Michelle sighed. “If you think more clearly, there is no way Aub Hauchletzte could replace us because we are Sovereignty nobles and currently your retainers. He doesn’t have the right to replace us. The only ones who could make that order are Queen Kreszentia and Prince Trauerqual—your current guardian. In this very sensitive situation, we are so used to your eccentricities. Any new personnel would only struggle to keep up with you, thereby hindering your life and potentially causing more harm than good.”

Hearing the confirmation from Michelle was indeed a relief to Rozemyne, but she still felt her hand turn cold a little bit.

Michelle sighed. “You indeed had the advantage in our negotiation, but with just a little provocation, you backed down and showed your emotions, giving up your advantage to me.”

Rozemyne knew that Michelle was right and understood this was her way of teaching, but Rozemyne couldn’t help but puff her cheeks a little bit.

“I understand that you want to hide the reason behind your wisdom and not easily give it away. You also do a good job of always preparing for negotiation, and you indeed excel at those skills. However, Your Highness, when you aim to do something, you’re so easily led by your emotions that you reveal it all on your face. It is very easy for everyone around you to recognize your weakness,” Michelle said sternly. “While the scenario of us resigning may likely never happen, you should not easily get swayed by it when mentioned. Until you reach ten years old, your official guardian or the head of your family has the right to replace us whenever they can. Even after you are given full control of your retainers, there are still countless ways to force you to dismiss us, like framing us for a crime, and you, as a member of the royal family, would need to remain neutral and punish us.”

“But I am your master, right? Is it not my obligation to offer my protection to my entourage? What is the use of a master if that person cannot protect their followers? No one would want to follow and obey a master like that!” Rozemyne protested.

“I don’t say that you should ignore your followers and not protect them, but the way you easily let your emotions show that you prioritise someone and favour them more. It was like you freely give away your weakness to your enemy,” Michelle sighed.

“I understand…” Rozemyne murmured, lowering her head.

“You’re the brightest and smartest child I have ever met, Your Highness. As a scholar and the one chosen as your tutor, I am very proud to have such a student like you, and I hope I can do all I can to let your talent flourish, though I have to admit that I actually don’t understand all of your actions. Personally, I really don’t agree with the idea of letting you roam downtown.” Michelle reassured, “But as you really want it, here is my condition for you to research this weed: please tell me the real situation of your mana compression and your true objective.”

“How do you know about this? I made sure that you guys wouldn’t find out due to the constant mana syphoning to my children’s tool.”

“Normally, we have to empty your magical tool before you go to bed because children can easily get emotional early in their sleep and soon wake up due to dreams, so the amount of mana released is usually more than in the daytime,” Michelle revealed. “You were indeed very careful and successfully deceived us. However, one day I stayed up late to prepare new materials, and I happened to pass by to check your magic tools. It was long past your bedtime, and I found your magical tool was still empty. The only explanation was that you had secretly removed your children’s tool right after pretending to sleep and compressed your mana for a while, which is why only a small amount of mana was released when you woke up.”

This is the first time I’ve heard about how nobles manage mana for children. Why has no one ever told me before?

“I immediately went to your room and checked your mana. While you were still sleeping with the children’s tool, the measuring device in my hand said otherwise, and it was nearly broken. Never in my life have I known that such an unbaptized child could compress that much while wearing the children’s tool.”

Uh oh…

It can’t be helped, I need a lot of mana to get the Book of Mestionora as soon as possible in my third or fourth year and match with Ferdinand.

Ferdinand already compressed earlier than her for two years. Not to mention, they don’t know whether Lanzenave will attack again. They need to be prepared to counter Gervasio. Ferdinand gave her the new compression method from the ancient Zent of Dunkelfelger, and Rozemyne also tried her best to combine the new method with hers, but only one further step could be applied.

“Well, Your Highness?”

“I hid it because all of you would be against the idea of letting me compress my mana. I am already familiar with it, and I find myself much more assured when I compress it. And didn’t you all emphasise that mana quantity is the most important for nobles?”

“We did, but compressing mana without proper supervision can be dangerous.”

“I don’t find it difficult, actually.”

“You may not find a suitable match in the future.”

“Are you sure? I have a lineage from a middle duchy. If anything, I should increase my mana more if I want to find a match with greater duchies.”

“It won’t be that bad, you can rest assured.”

“My uncle Trauerqual matched Lady Magdalena, right? And he is 15 years older than her.”

Sorry, uncle, I really don’t mean to sabotage you.

After a while, Michelle finally gave up. “I will talk with Fabiane to allow you some time to compress, but you must do it under our watch and keep it within the allowed compression rate.”

Michelle then explained how compressing too much and exceeding the rate would burden Rozemyne’s still-growing body and make her mana harden. It could also make her body become unstable and slow in growth. It seemed that while people didn’t know much about Ewigeliebe’s mark, they at least had some understanding about mana blockage and mana hardening in health management.

But Michelle indeed hit a sore spot because Rozemyne wanted to grow. Hearing the warning that someday her little sister Theolinda could grow taller than her was indeed the worst nightmare, just like how she was nearly the same height as Melchior but not Charlotte.

I want to grow normally, not be pushed by Answach anymore!

And so, Rozemyne had no choice but to nod in agreement to every warning and condition about mana compression from Michelle. It was also from that night, Rozemyne found that one of her three aides would stay in the bedroom to watch over her until she was “truly” asleep.


The next several days were quite simple as they all just focused on making paper. They successfully went through all the steps and acquired final products. Since this experiment involved all new types of wood, Rozemyne also prepared different glue mixture baths for each type. Softwood was still better to make paper due to its higher yield of usable fibers for paper production, plus the bond between the fibers was also stronger. Hardwood resulted in weaker paper, but the surface was much more smoother. There were still failed products, as some paper was too crispy or tore apart easily, but at least she got some samples.

Rozemyne puffed out her chest and beamed brightly, seeing all four of her retainers widening their eyes in awe.

“Success?! Really? To think that wood could turn into… this?” Sondern kept blinking his eyes in disbelief.

“A real revolution,” Desdemona said.

“We would save enormous amounts of feybeast materials used for making parchment,” Michelle remarked. “Those duchies that primarily produce parchment would face a horrendous threat to their economies.”

The same problem as always, but Rozemyne had prepared. She proposed how her plant paper could coexist with parchment. She also used some of the sample papers to illustrate how plant paper could be used in many different ways, like decorations as origami or gift wrapping.

“It would create dozens, no, hundreds of side businesses from this industry. Paper making could be done by craftsmen alone as long as the requirements about the water and wood source are met. If we could find how to dye the paper like cloth and how to make different types of thickness and surface, the real profit of this plant paper could be enormous. Each company could focus on making special types of paper and other supplies that support using that paper, like drawing supplies and colour inks for drawing purposes, or selling different concurrent patterns in paper for gift-wrapping as you suggested. This could prevent vested interests and encourage craftsmen to invent more varieties of paper.”

As expected of Michelle, the scholar got nominated to come to the Sovereignty right after graduation and get recruited by the heir apparent immediately. Her view was really deep and wide although she had so limited knowledge in merchant and commoner society.

Hearing about conducting more research on this plant incited Sondern, and he immediately nominated himself to research more about making paper. Just as he prepared to place orders to buy wood from other places, Rozemyne, in contrast, requested him to focus on perfecting a paper sample based on the current types of wood and suggested he work on making suitable ink for the paper.

“This will be a paper sample to present to Aub Hauchletzte. I prefer to make it from all local products first so that I can negotiate with him. You can try to mix different types of wood to get better results. If you want whiter paper, try finding a way to bleach it better—maybe with some mixtures from your plant collection.”

Then Rozemyne took one piece of paper and pointed at the ink test. “See here, it can be used for writing instead of parchment, but the ink is bleeding through the paper. In a place with high humidity like Hauchletzte, this paper would soon rot. We also need a new ink, but we can only finalise the recipe for paper.”

Sondern frowned. “You seem to trust me a lot. How can you be so sure that I won’t steal this credit from you?”

“You don’t dare!” Rozemyne smirked. “My retainers here won’t allow it, and Aub Hauchletzte won’t believe you.”

Sondern shrugged. It was then Rozemyne made her move. “I, of course, won’t let you do all the research for free. How about hearing my proposal first?”

Curiosity piqued, Sondern leaned in. "Go on then."

As soon as Sondern heard about Rozemyne wanting him as her retainer, he immediately stepped back and rejected the idea without any negotiation. “I try my best to avoid Sovereignty, and no matter how much I'm impressed by such a young genius like you, I won’t go to Sovereignty and serve any member of the Royal Family, as it is more risk of losing my own life than earning any new things for myself. If you want my services that much, then paying me well in exchange is more than enough.”

Wait, he could guess her true identity?

Seeing everyone's confusion, Sondern snorted, “I am not a good political person, but I am not a fool. My cousin and Michelle are both Sovereignty nobles. Even with the current war, I cannot expect Aub Hauchletzte to dare to appoint them as retainers to any archduke candidates, so you must be from the Royal Family. It is no secret that both the Third Queen and the Second Lady of Prince Trauerqual took asylum here, so you are definitely a Royal princess. But, your age doesn’t match with Lady Clementine's children, which means you are either a child of Prince Trauerqual’s mistress that is baptised under one of his wives, or a collateral princess whose parents have a good relationship with the Third Queen.”

Seventy percent correct already. Well, people with big brains could figure it out enough even if they're not politically savvy, huh?

Rozemyne blinked, trying to keep her composure. “You have sharp instincts, Sondern. Indeed, you are correct in some of your assumptions. However, I assure you that our goals align in this endeavour. I need your expertise in researching and making my ideas come true, while you will need me for my ideas and my power in distributing trends of commoner products.”

Sondern pondered for a moment, while Rozemyne needed to tug at her retainers' sleeves to hold them back from unleashing their fury on the man. To the three retainers, being recruited by the Royal Family and elevated as Sovereignty nobles was considered a great honour, and they couldn’t understand why Sondern would dare to reject the invitation.

“Seven new trends! And all must be secured under your own name!” Sondern concluded.


“As much as I am confident in my own skills, I know my own flaws and that I can hardly survive in an environment like Sovereignty,” Sondern explained. “I am glad that there is a princess interested in novel products from commoner society, but it would be all for naught if that princess could not do anything besides losing her own credits to her mother duchy or any male sibling of hers. That princess would be just a mere prize bride in the fight between the Royal Family and the Greater Duchies, and she would hardly be a master who could protect me.” He continued, “That’s why, if you could produce new trends from commoner society and secure them under your name, in a way that even Aub Hauchletzte, the Third Queen, and Prince Trauerqual could not take away your credits, then I will consider joining your entourage.”

Wow, he indeed has a very bad history with Sovereignty, huh?

It made Rozemyne really wonder how bad it was, but she could never imagine. She was just one step away from moving to Sovereignty last year, but the situation was much more different than now. All the impressions about the current Sovereignty from her retainers and her grandparents seemed very competitive and quite... bloodthirsty.

After a quick discussion with her retainers, a little negotiation happened, and Rozemyne smugly walked away with much sweeter deals as she needed only three more new products, and forced Sondern to promise to use all his time to take care of her "rice."

They managed to get many sprouts of 'rice' and started planting them in the flooded planters. It grew quite fast, and Sondern had to replenish the water constantly 3-4 times a day. After several days, it started to grow slower and now seemed to have stopped growing at the height of 25cm.

“I told you, it stopped growing and won’t mature. It won’t even produce any flowers.”

“It definitely can reproduce. Have you ever considered why there are seeds to germinate and sprout continuously if there is no matured plant existing? It must be available in a way you guys don’t know.”

“Well, if you say so…” Sondern scratched his head a little. While Sondern was interested in commoner stuff, he mostly kept contact with the merchant class, so things about farming were indeed beyond him.

Rice needed a lot of nutrients and water in the vegetative stage. In theory, the plant started going to the reproductive stage when the plant reached 30-60 cm and had a handful of stems. That was the time water started to be reduced and controlled to 5-10 cm deep until the end of the ripening stage. Only expert farmers could know when the time was based on the variety and their own experience.

Nitrogen is the primary source for the vegetation stage, and besides legumes, I hardly remember any other source. Normal compost also has phosphorus and potassium for grain filling, but that would be for later.

As none of them knew how to make good compost, Rozemyne requested Sondern to make an order to get compost from farming towns, prioritising mixes that contained legumes. After acquiring the compost, Sondern had to mix it with the soil, refill the water, and replant it.

It seemed that when coming to the vegetative stage, the fey characteristics started to lessen as it was now growing at a much more normal speed. There was still no good sign, but at least it wouldn’t become a dead plant, and that was enough of a success for her.

Rozemyne returned to the castle and spent a day relaxing, reading, and writing the report on the new paper she had produced. She could not wait to see the look on her grandfather’s face when he saw that he had lost the bet. It had been a technically good week with many new findings, and she was eager to share them with Ferdinand in their next meeting tonight.

Then Fabiane came with news from her mini kitchen. Erna had brought back a new secret ingredient that she had acquired from the seashore and wished for Rozemyne to review. After the experience with eel and fish sauce, Erna now spent most of her days traveling to seek more ingredients to experiment with, leaving her sister Linn alone in the kitchen to deal with food presentation.

Linn might not be a creative chef in creating new dishes like the other chefs, but her artistic sense in presenting food was something that could equal Wilma’s drawing talents. She was a plating master. Usually, the twins would meet Rozemyne when she had a request or when they had a completely new dish to present. To ask for a review of just an ingredient, it had to be something special, and Rozemyne, of course, wouldn’t wait for three days or something.

The new ingredient was a kind of watery fruit that could be used to collect juice to drink directly. According to them, the amount of this fruit produced each year was very limited, and the trees could not be planted. This fruit was especially harvested for the juice to be used during long fishing days, so the Giebe of the borderland had obtained permission from Aub to make it exclusive for fishermen only.

Oh, so a kind of mix of Apfelsigel and Blenrus in Haldenzel?

But when Rozemyne tasted the light green juice from the glass that Erna presented to her, she just wanted to curse all the people in Hauchletzte for hoarding such precious resources!


In the dream…

“You won’t believe it, Ferdinand! Not only fish sauce and eel, but those people in Hauchletzte also discard rice as a wicked weed and keep the precious coconut all for themselves!!! How could they?!!!”

“Stop all of your ranting and report it properly. I cannot understand a single thing you just mentioned!”

And so her "secret night" with Ferdinand started with all of her complaining and ended with a familiar cheek-pinching from him.


And that's how Rozemyne got busted! How about Ferdinand?

Aub Dunk: Woa, it took quite a lot of mana to charge the spear!
Dunk KC: Really, and Ferdinand did all in just a match. How excell... Wait!!!
All the adult immediately stomped the boy room and the interrogation began.
=> That's how our boy was discovered that he compressed early!

Chapter 34: Rozemyne - Travelling to the seashores and the mystery Karyda tree

Chapter Text

Rozemyne took her group to the nearest fishing towns to find the “coconut” she wanted. Accompanying them were the head scholar of Aub Hauchletzte, Engraulios, and the Guild Master.

The seashore in Hauchletzte was a picturesque tropical paradise. The shoreline was a stretch of golden sand, gently kissed by the turquoise waters. Wooden fishing boats were lined up along the shore. The boats have curved hulls and high bows, designed to navigate both shallow coastal waters and deeper seas. A group of fishermen, with sun-weathered faces and calloused hands, sit on the sand mending their fishing nets. Others are busy loading their boats with supplies – large woven baskets, coils of rope, and bamboo poles.

Lining the shore, coconut trees stand tall and proud, their long, slender trunks arching gracefully towards the sea. The fronds form a lush, green canopy, providing much-needed shade for the fishermen taking a break.

“Coconut!!! Coconut!!! Praise be to the GOD!!!” Rozemyne exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement and awe.

Everyone was shocked to see her praying and giving out blessings, while her three retainers merely sighed and muttered, “Here we go again.”

Once again, Rozemyne had forgotten that at her age, she should not have any knowledge related to the temple. After all, noble children only met blue priests during their baptism ceremonies.

But would Rozemyne care? Of course not. It was her retainers’ job to think up excuses for her behaviour. She also overheard Engraulios asking Michelle whether such behaviour was normal.

As always, Rozemyne ran forward to the nearest coconut trees without paying any attention to the shocked expressions of those around her. Thankfully, Desdemona managed to catch her.

“Milady, what did you promise us for this visit?” Desdemona scolded gently.

“Sorry…” Rozemyne replied sheepishly.

“I will count the blessing as one strike!” Desdemona said sternly.

“Ugh…” Rozemyne groaned.

She had promised that she wouldn’t act on her own without discussing her plans with her retainers and wouldn’t speak her ideas out loud before consulting with them. She was allowed three mistakes. If she made more than three, they would go home.

After taking a moment to regain their composure, the Guild Master began explaining the fishing process in Hauchletzte. Spring was the peak season for fishing, as this was also the season blessed by all the Spring Goddesses. When the first rain of the year dropped, fishermen started packing food supplies and setting sail once the rain stopped. Depending on the weather, the longest fishing trip could last several weeks. Some big companies could conduct a dozen fishing trips if resources allowed. At the same time, trading via the Country Border Gate occurred to exchange marine products that were not available locally. There were some familiar top-class food sources like [uni] (sea urchin) and [awabi] (abalone), but the most surprising were lacquerware products and pearls.

Both Alexandria and Hauchletzte featured oysters in their cuisines, but the techniques for making lacquerware were quite different. Rozemyne knew that lacquerware used Mother of Pearl, which was harvested from the inner layer of oysters, mussels, or clams. However, the oysters in Yurgenschmidt were not pearl oysters and had a pure white inner layer with no pearlescent sheen. She recalled that Ferdinand had spent months attempting to cultivate pearls from these oysters after she shared the story with him, but his efforts had all ended in failure. It seemed that the anatomy of the oysters here was not conducive to pearl production.

As the discussion turned to summer, the guild leader’s tone grew reflective. Summer was an off-season for fishing, as it was a time to allow the young fish to grow and mature. People would avoid fishing to ensure the next generation of fish was plentiful. Instead, they turned their attention to agriculture, particularly wheat. The southern heat dried the land, creating ideal conditions for wheat cultivation and preventing any interference from what they called "wicked weed."

My rice is not a wicked weed… Rozemyne pouted.

Autumn brought its own rhythm. In autumn, people shifted their focus back to the sea, but the fishing was different from spring. This was the season when sea-feybeasts mature, and the wind could encourage deep-sea monsters to surface, thus short-day fishing was preferred. Citizens primarily caught small creatures for fermented products. On the other hand, this was the peak season for fey-fishing among the nobles. Every two years, instead of the usual hunting tournament, the Archducal Family hosted a Fishing Tournament.

“It’s a grand event that highlights the skills and traditions of our duchy to noble society. It’s also a good chance to catch and trade materials freshly from the sea between nobles for brewing purposes,” Engraulios added.

Autumn was also a time for harvesting aquatic flowers, which were used as raw materials to trade with Immedink in exchange for beauty products. Rozemyne couldn’t help but think that Heinrich’s focus on rinsham production might affect the market for these flowers in the future.

Then came winter, when most people focused on crafting. Hauchletzte didn’t have snow like Ehrenfest or northern Alexandria, but the continuous heavy rain felt like Flutrane protesting over the season of Ewigeliebe, making most farming or fishing activities impossible. People focused on preparing tools for the next fishing season and weaving fabric. Due to the various types of plants here, there were hundreds of varieties of plant silks produced. The quantity was quite small, so Hauchletzte focused on making high-class products rather than mass-produced items. Besides trading those plant silks between duchies, they also traded them to the traded country beyond the Border Gate and received gold coins in return. When Rozemyne heard that a single piece of fabric could cost those on the other side a small to large gold coin, she could not do anything but gasp. Truly, this was the land of water; the people here must be blessed by Greifechan.

No wonder Hauchletzte sustains its high ranking. They baptised almost every daughter in the archducal family as an archduke candidate and sent them away for political marriages in greater duchies and the Royal family. No matter the rank of the husband's family, records showed that all Hauchletzte Ladies succeeded in having descendants and were treated well, thus extending the relationship network for the Hauchletzte archducal family. Rozemyne suspected that the wealth they brought with them and the sustainable financial support from Hauchletzte played a key role in this.

When Rozemyne asked about the “coconut tree,” the answer was disappointingly contrary.

“Those Karyda trees over there are not for harvesting fruit. They’re planted to prevent flooding or tsunamis only. In fact, they don’t even bloom or bear fruit.”

“Bwuh?” Rozemyne couldn’t hide her surprise.

He then explained a bit of Hauchletzte's history and the Water Gate. Similar to Ehrenfest, the original Water duchy was Kirschnereit. After siding with the wrong faction during a throne war (again?), Kirschnereit was split into many lands. The remaining member of the Kirschnereit archducal family, a son of a third wife, was granted a small land initially belonging to an archnoble Giebe. A large portion of the northwestern land was given to Drewanchel, elevating it to a great duchy. Several lands in the northeast and southwest were granted to members of other winning duchies, including Immedink - which later became a middle duchy due to acquiring a small portion of the original Light duchy. As for remained lands guarding the Border Gate, it was given to a collateral prince and formed the only middle duchy - Hauchletzte.

The Hauchletzte archducal family and the newly appointed giebes tried their best to familiarise themselves with the land, but many old documents were destroyed by the old Kirschnereit family. The new Kirschnereit Family tried their best to bait them with intel about the lands to secure lower trade rates and did all they could to sabotage Hauchletzte for the crime of “daring to take their Water Border.”

Wow, talk about pettiness…

“Currently, there are no natural tsunamis, as history retells. The only time any flooding could occur is if a Kraken appears, causing temporary over-flooding. But it’s a short-term consequence only because the Knight Order takes care of it quickly. Basically, those Karyda trees have become kind of useless. In recent years, due to the Gate was closing, less sea-feybeast appeared, so citizens are allowed to cut down some trees for wood sources, but of course, they limit the number of trees cut down.”

It sounded quite ridiculous to Rozemyne. All kinds of trees have ways to reproduce, whether via fruits or vegetative propagation. How could they never bloom or fruit?

The Goddess of Flowers was a subordinate of the Water Goddess, yet many plants in the land of Water could not have flowers for reproductive function — first rice, now coconuts.

Isn't it strange? Why has nobody ever thought about this?

The Guide Master then led them to another area where more trees were lined up. These trees were different—dwarf coconut trees. Beneath each tree, there were canvas cloths spread out and held up by sturdy ropes.

“These are Koryth trees,” the Guide Master explained. “Their name and appearance are similar to the Karyda trees, but they are much more useful to us now. They bear fruits that contain a green juice, which is very sweet and an excellent source of drinkable water for long fishing trips. The fruits are mostly harvested at the end of winter, but sometimes in spring and summer. The canvas cloths surrounding them are woven from a special type of wood thread, strong enough to hold all the dropping fruit.”

He called a servant over to retrieve one of the fruits for Rozemyne. It looked just like a young green coconut and fit perfectly in an adult’s palm. Curious, Rozemyne asked him to open one for her.

To her surprise, the outer husk was very thin yet incredibly hard, protecting the juice inside. When the fruit was opened, there was no coconut flesh inside, just a very thin membrane separating the juice from the outer shell.

Well, I should already be well-aware that the fruits and vegetables here are different from Earth.

“The juice is a vital resource for our fishermen. The trees are carefully tended to ensure a good harvest, and the canvas cloths help us collect every single fruit.” The Guide Master continued, “Korynth young sprouts don't come from seeds inside the fruit but from long stems that grow out from the main plant and develop new plants at their nodes. Those stems are also collected by the canvas cloths.”

But again, the most surprising thing was that this Koryth tree didn’t bear fruit from flowers but simply popped up the fruit from the main trunk. It was indeed a feytree, but it was strange for it to grow and reproduce without the interference of mana.

One more kind of tree that doesn’t bloom flowers… There must be something wrong here… Rozemyne thought, frowning slightly.

However, what Rozemyne worried more about was the lack of resources. No flowers meant no sap, no sugar, no wine, and no aminos (vegan soy sauce). No flesh meant no coconut cream, milk, butter, or oil. While the juice was a good resource for beverages and could be used as a marinade base, the quantity was so restricted that it could hardly be used for other activities or making wide-spread trends.

What if it needs additional mana to produce? Like Parue?

Rozemyne dragged her entourage back to the area of Karyda trees. She suspected these were feytrees and suggested that pouring mana might make a miracle happen. Engraulios shook his head and said, “Milady, I have checked the records and found that some of our scholars have tried pouring mana into the tree. We also requested the temple to perform a healing ritual to see if anything changed, but nothing happened.”

He then withdrew his schtappe and tapped it into the tree. The tree lit up a little but remained silent; nothing new occurred.

Rozemyne frowned, she pulled her hand from Fabiane’s grasp, rushed forward, and pushed mana into the Karyda tree. The tree again lit up in rainbow colours, but then it went silent.

"So it doesn’t help," Rozemyne sighed.

“Milady!!! Please don’t run away like that. You can just tell us…”


A loud sound erupted overhead.

“Geteilt!” Desdemona shouted. She drew her shield and ran to protect Rozemyne, covering her with the shield and picked her away, “Everyone! RUN!!!”


A bunch of “coconut fruit” fell from the tree, landing on the hard surface of the ground and echoing through the grove.

Did I just escape death from falling coconuts?

“Milady! That is the second STRIKE for you today!!!”

Woa, Fabiane, you’re starting to sound like Rihyarda now...

“What… what happened?”

“How… how could it…?”

“It… it doesn’t make sense!!!” Engraulios was truly shocked. He immediately ran to the next tree and tried pushing mana with his hand, just like Michelle and Sondern, but still nothing happened.

“Lady, can you try it again?” Sondern asked.

“Please, Milady!” Engraulios and Michelle pleaded.

They didn’t need to plead, as Rozemyne was curious too. Fabiane glared at those scholars, but Desdemona just carried Rozemyne in her arms to the tree. According to her, it would be better to let Rozemyne act only under their guidance.

This time, Rozemyne was guided to pour as little mana as possible gradually, just to see what would happen.


“Something appeared; just stop here!” Sondern said. He then took his highbeast out and flew up to inspect, followed by Michelle and Engraulios.

“I wanted to see it too!” Rozemyne pouted.

“Just wait a little, Milady. Let them see if it is harmful or anything,” Desdemona consoled her.

It took a while, but Rozemyne was eventually allowed to fly up there, sitting on Desdemona’s high beast. From above, Rozemyne saw many people rushing toward their location, and the Guide Master turned pale. The loud noise earlier had definitely drawn attention.

When Rozemyne looked at what appeared from her mana, she saw long, slender spikes, green and leaf-like, hanging beneath the fronds. Along those spikes were tiny, delicate white flowers arranged densely, releasing a gently sweet scent similar to vanilla.

Engraulios sighed in awe. “To think we ignore this Karyda for such a long time…”

“How long exactly?” Michelle asked.

“According to the records I checked before this trip, since the founding of Hauchletzte,” Engraulios replied.

“Does this mean Kirschnereit might know and be hiding it from us?” Michelle wondered.

“I’m not sure,” Engraulios said.

“But we don’t know exactly what this fruit could do, right? Maybe it is just the same as the Koryth fruit!” Sondern shrugged. “At most, we could have more quantity to present a new drink at our dining table. Wait…” He turned to Rozemyne. “You were the first one who insisted on this visit from the moment you tried the Koryth juice. Don’t tell me…”

Rozemyne puffed out her chest proudly. “Just Koryth juice was enough to start new trends and complete our deal. But now I have more—a whole industry that could change the future!!!”

Prepare yourself, Lanzenave! My beloved coconut sugar is coming!!!!

An ordonannz flew toward them, speaking with Fabiane’s voice. “Guys, we should go back. A lot of people are coming and there are too many curious eyes now.”

“Fetch some fruits and bring them back for me! We need a lot for my experiments!” Rozemyne quickly said. “And bring the flowers too… Sondern, go harvest the sap for me!”

“The… sap?”

Rozemyne then described how to harvest the sap of the coconut. Basically, cut the tip of the flower bud to expose the sap, then position a bamboo tube below the cut to catch the dripping sap and let it drop for at least a night.As much as Sondern felt it was odd, he still proceeded as instructed. The only one who had a processing error was Engraulios, but this was his first time accompanying her after all.

All the fruits were collected and transported to the castle later. As for Rozemyne, since the event was significant, she and her entourage were summoned to a meeting. On their way to the meeting room, the group of five had to endure her new “strange song".

Down at the seashore here, one evening I was there

When I heard a showman shouting underneath the flair

I’ve got a lovely bunch of Karyda

There they are, all standing in a row

Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head

Give them a twist a flick of the wrist

That’s what the showman said

I’ve got a lovely bunch of Karyda

Every ball you throw will make me rich

There stands my book, the thing that got my hook

Singing roll a bowl a ball a penny a pitch

“What is the meaning of the last sentence? Roll a bowl… a ball, a penny… and… a pitch?”

“We don’t know…”

“Why does every ball of Karyda make her rich? It could actually kill someone!”

“We don’t know…”

“Give them a twist… Karyda fruit looked even harder than Koryth, how can we twist it?”

“Stop asking, we really don’t know…” The three ladies nearly cried

“How could you guys not know anything and still be her retainers?”

There was no response.

When Rozemyne presented all her achievements to her grandparent, including the new dishes, fish sauce, plant paper, rice as potential replacement food source for wheat, all potential resources from Karyda tree like sugar as alternative sweetener, Wine as alternative to Vize, Amino as a cooking condiment, and her request to make Sondern her new retainer, the mighty Hauchletzte archducal couple could only react with a single exclamation...




Grandpa spilled all his tea and the cup was clanking, nearly dropping.

Grandma just twitched her eyes nonstop with a wide opened mouth.

Is this their way of freezing up and going into "blue screen" mode?


For the next week, Rozemyne was stuck in the castle. She complained to Ferdinand about how they had cast her out in their latest dream. When she mentioned the rare feytree, Ferdinand’s eyes lit up so brightly that it scared her. His mad scientist mode was definitely on, and she felt that if he were in Hauchletzte now, he would camp under the Karyda trees day and night to dissect them with all his heart's content.

Rozemyne wondered if it was Ferdinand's revenge as he told her to stay in the castle and test the products instead. But honestly, her last visit to the seashore and accidentally “waking up” the new type of precious plant had caused a big stir in the Central District. Maybe it would be much safer for her to hide in the castle for a while.

After receiving reports, Heinrich sent all the castle scholars to research Karyda. The research atmosphere was so hyped up that even apprentice scholars were welcome. Michelle mentioned that Giebes around kept sending requests for scholars to join the research. The existence of a new feytree attracted many people, especially since some results had leaked out. For instance, Karyda juice was like milk and could be used for tea, while the Karyda fruit was a very high quality Water ingredient.

Rozemyne was busy with the twins testing the newly collected Karyda sap and fruits. Unlike what she expected, after boiling, the Karyda flower nectar condensed into something like vanilla essence. The sweet smell was very attractive and drool-inducing, but it couldn't become the sweetener she wanted. At most, it could be used for flavouring desserts.

On the other hand, the Karyda fruit was a better clone of coconuts. The outer husk was thicker and quite woody, and Rozemyne could tear a fibre from it. It could be a good resource for making paper. The inner husk was indeed like the Earth's coconut shell, perfect for carving utensils and decorations. There was no flesh, but the juice inside was much denser than Koryth juice. To be honest, the green colour of Karyda's creamy juice made her think of matcha latte.

But the most important thing was sugar. The Karyda sap couldn’t make sugar, but the Karyda juice could. Boiling it down to condense the juice resulted in a dark greenish-yellow sugar. Hooray! Sugar acquired!!!

However, a few days later, Heinrich came to see her and delivered bad news.

“What do you mean the research will be halted?” Rozemyne asked. “Grandpa, Karyda is a golden resource. I’ve found so many new products from this. We have a new source for making paper, artistic carving, and a new sweetener that can replace honey. I’m working on finding two more products. Hauchletzte should focus on these Karyda trees more. The Border gate is closing and we don’t know how long until the day it could be re-open.”

She was now fermenting the Karyda juice to see if they could produce wine and aminos. Coconut sap fermented alone would become coconut wine, but with a little salt, it would become aminos, a popular soy sauce alternative for both vegans and soy-allergic people. It was very popular in Japan, and many people used it alongside normal soy sauce.

“I read Michelle's report and I wholeheartedly agree with you. The problem is, none of us have been able to make it bloom and fruit,” Heinrich sighed. “Both I and your grandmother have tried, I even asked Kreszentia and Clementine for help but nothing happened. We cannot even research it, so of course, we cannot industrialise this.”

“Wait…do you mean that I am the only one who can make the tree bloom?”

“Sadly, yes, you are the only one.”

“I can donate my mana for the research!”

“While I appreciate it, I cannot accept it. No one knew how long the research would take. Even if we found out the reason, I expect the tree that could only grow with your mana must be exceptionally difficult to cultivate. Your mana is too precious for funding the resource and plantation. Such an industry cannot flourish if it cannot be industrialised and localised in a duchy. One day you will return to the Sovereignty, and we cannot operate without you. Furthermore, it is absolutely ridiculous to ask an unbaptized child to supply mana for the operation of a big research and then a whole industry. Not to mention, there would be at least five industries if we counted each of your new trends as one.”


“Right now, the war is still our duchy’s priority. The rinsham and paper industries are more than enough for the future of Hauchletzte and yourself.” Heinrich waved off. “You can take Sondern as your retainer, and you’re free to research all you want about making paper, ink, or whatever weeds you like. But Karyda and Koryth, let them be! The best I can do now is stop everyone from cutting Karyda down and take better care of Koryth.”

Basically, he used Sondern, paper, and rice as bait to stop her from getting coconuts, sugar, and aminos.



No matter how angry she was, Rozemyne couldn’t protest Heinrich’s official order as Aub.

“Delicious… this ‘yu-na-ghee’ dish is the best of the best…” Sondern said, savouring the grilled eel.

“Milady, I strongly suggest you change the name of the dish. It’s quite difficult to pronounce,” Michelle said, enjoying her [umaki] (rolled eel omelette) to the fullest.

“Who cares? No aminos and no sugar means no way we can make my [kabayaki unagi] and bring this to the world.” Rozemyne pouted.

The four retainers looked at her worriedly. Yes, four retainers—Heinrich had allowed Sondern to become her retainer. According to the deal, she needed to invent three more trends for him to reconsider his choice. But after she presented the famous Japanese grilled eel, he immediately changed his mind. His excuse was: “Just the fact that Karyda can only produce fruit and flowers under your care is enough. I hardly think anyone could steal this trend from you. Aminos, sugar, and wine are already three trends.”

Another food lover, this time Japanese grilled eel. But I can understand. This dish can turn an eel-hater into an eel-lover.

Both aminos and Karyda sugar could be stored for several years in a refrigerator when unpacked. Yurgenschmidt didn’t have refrigerators, but they had time-stopping tools. Rozemyne gave Sondern several feystones containing her mana to harvest, and of course, saved some for Sondern and Michelle to research secretly. Sondern brought back nearly 150 fruits. He said he only harvested from one tree three times, and that tree seemed to be very healthy with no difference compared to the other trees.

Just imagine how much they can harvest from all the Karyda trees in Hauchletzte...

Temporarily, if they just used the current amount of harvested Karyda fruits, it would be enough to have sugar and aminos for Rozemyne and her retainers to eat unagi at every meal for the next two years.

“Could we replace fish sauce and honey to make it? Maybe change the ratio?”

“Nah, I don’t think so. I’ve eaten a bunch of grilled eel with fish sauce and honey already. The taste and the smell are completely different.” Sondern shook his head

Desdemona just glared at him.

"Your Highness," Fabiane gently consoled Rozemyne, "Today is Earthday. How about doing some reading and sleeping early? It might help you calm down a little in Schlaftraum's realm."

Bwuh? Wait… what did she just say?

"Earthday already?" Sondern exclaimed, "Okay, little princess. Go sleep early and tell me your new idea tomorrow." He stood up.

"I… I don’t understand what you guys are saying…”

Desdemona tilted her head, “Oh, you don’t recognize it? I thought that if any Goddess visited your dream, she would grant you their blessing.”

Bwuh? Please don’t tell me there was some blessing while I slept!

“Every Earthday, you tend to go to bed early, and the next morning you're always in a better mood,” Michelle said. “Sometimes you bring a lot of new ideas for research, even when we were all stuck the previous day.”

Fabiane smiled, “I’m just glad your mood always becomes more positive the next morning. And you're also more cooperative with us.”

No way… Am I that predictable?

“If it wasn’t because you’re just six years old, I’d think you secretly meet some pretty boy in your dreams,” Sondern smirked. “Not in the Gazebo of the Goddess of Time but in the Gazebo of the God of Dreams… OW!!!”

“Shut your ridiculous mouth, or you will be banned from eating grilled eel with aminos for a month!”

Rozemyne sheepishly lowered her head a little. Ironically, what Sondern said was true… Of course, no one could know, but now Rozemyne was really scared that she might accidentally mention Ferdinand’s name in her sleep.

But they're right!

There had been no good news from the research recently, except for finding out that her rice also needed mana to bloom and, again, only “her mana” worked. It hadn’t produced grains yet, but the flowers had appeared, and the plant was growing more steadily like wheat. It would soon be time to drain the water, and she was very eager to harvest her rice.

I wonder if Ferdinand could figure out something new on his end.


Chapter 35: Ferdinand - Life and balanced attributes


NOTE: The whole theory in this chapter is fanon - completely NOT canon. There must be bunch of holes in this chapter, so if you happened to find one, please ignore it LOL

Warning: There is a little Dark in this chapter so... yeah, read with care. AoB tended to be dark so I don't know what kind of warning could be sufficient.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"There must be something wrong, Ferdinand. All the feyplants I found recently seem to be lost ones. No one knows their true usage, and they cannot bloom or bear fruit. It's like they're just growing, but their development has been halted."

What Rozemyne said about the mystery in Hauchletzte made Ferdinand ponder deeply. He suspected that these feytrees might have been forgotten, just like in Ehrenfest, where the existence of Taue and Parue had been completely lost. But the inability to bloom and bear fruit was a completely different problem. Ferdinand remembered that his downtown family confirmed that Parue could bear fruit with just the heat from children’s hands, which meant it was an extremely tiny trace of mana from commoners. Ehrenfest had been low in mana due to the closing of the Border Gate for 200 years, coupled with the shortage of mana from a small archducal family and the loss of both priests and nobles, but the growth of feytrees had never been halted like this.

Rozemyne’s mana was also not as flexible and malleable as when she had the Devouring. If anything, Ferdinand expected her mana to be super rigid, just like his. She was not yet baptised, so she didn't even know her mana colour. Rozemyne told him that she might not be Omni anymore due to the influence of her mother.

What Ferdinand worried was, Rozemyne would not get a chance to gain colour via temples in Hauchletzte or Sovereignty, so she must visit small shrines at the Royal Academy and it would definitely bring numerous unwanted attention given her new status. Introducing the shrine tour was a must, but not until Ferdinand could ensure that those royal princes would be eliminated from the race. Rozemyne being Omni would save Ferdinand a lot of effort in limiting the number of royal members becoming Zent Candidates.

However, Ferdinand still had a slight hope that she was still Omni, given how his colour had remained similar to his last weave even after changing fathers, and Rozemyne still had a bias towards Wind despite having different parents and being born in Summer. If Rozemyne's colour hadn't changed, then the most likely explanation was the presence of Life – the rarest attribute that had ever appeared in most nobles of this time.

"What's troubling you now, son, that makes you forget you're having a tea with me?"

Seradina’s voice brought him back to reality. Today, he was having a tea party with his mother in her room. Seradina had woken up from a long treatment and worked hard to regain her physical strength. However, it was regrettable that Ferdinand had been baptised and moved to the northern building. Celestine then transferred the right of education to Seradina and only attended their weekly tea party as a guest, saying that it’d be better for Seradina and Ferdinand to have more time privately to reconnect the bond that they unfortunately lost over time.

"My apologies, mother. I lost my concentration."

"There is nothing to apologise for. This is just a normal family meeting," Seradina chuckled. "I’m actually quite glad that you can relax and express some of your childish side in front of me."

I'm not so sure whether it's good or not…

As days went by, Ferdinand felt how much more relaxed he had become after reweaving his thread and relocating to Dunkelfelger. He saw how "little Ferdinand" was being doted on by Seradina, but when it came to his own self, it was another story. He always felt a little ‘uncertain’ when staying with Seradina like this.

Furthermore, after waking up, Seradina became so emotionally unstable that it worried him. That’s why he tried to visit her frequently just to check on her health. Not to mention, he would need Seradina to stay firm in regaining her political power in Dunkelfelger so that his temple reform in the future would garner enough support.

No matter how much Ferdinand tried to stop the war from being defined, the influence of Werkestock and its following duchies would drop significantly once Trauerqual became interim Zent. It was expected that Werdekraft would soon need to marry a third wife, likely from an archnoble family controlling the land bordering Werkestock. Dunkelfelger would no longer need to care for an abandoned land from Werkestock, but it also meant their grasp would be much looser.

It is an actual relief that Sieglinde will be the one controlling the internal affairs in Dunkelfelger.

"Now, will you share with me what's troubling you today? Is Glucklitat giving you some difficult task in Schlaftraum’s realm?"


"Good, you've regained focus." Seradina chuckled, as did her retainers and, surprisingly, most of Ferdinand’s retainers except Justus.

"Lord Ferdinand, if you allow," Evelyn - Justus’ wife and Seradina’s trusted attendant, smiled, "We found out that despite your fervour in researching that even makes you forget to sleep on time, Earthday is the only day that you go to bed without needing a reminder from your retainers."

"My apologies, milord," his new head scholar - Blaurad, spoke up, "Then every morning on Waterday, you rush to the library to search for something that all your scholars can hardly interpret. I know we cannot compare to Justus, but we are eager to learn more about what you're planning so we can do our job properly."

I knew that too much relaxation would not be good… I need to be more careful…

Heissh*tze looked very agreeable at the comment, and Ferdinand felt he needed to give permission for that man to talk. Immediately, he asked, “Has Angriff sent something new to you, like a new way of Ditter?”

"What makes you think that?"

"Milord, the recent project you're researching seems more like a new type of weapon." Heissh*tze’s eyes gleamed.

Ah, the wooden gun… Dunkelfelger’s obsession with Ditter is really something else…

Well, Ferdinand indeed tried to remake the [water gun] as a magic tool. It would be four years more until he could get the schtappe, and Ferdinand needed a secret weapon for all the Ditter invitations now. Who knows if he would need it to deal with Werdekraft and Wenceslaus, and Ferdinand knew he would definitely not be allowed to use the temple tools in Ditter anymore.

Since [water gun] was something original in the Dream World of Rozemyne - where magic didn’t exist, Ferdinand asked Rozemyne for ideas on how it was made. It was quite surprising that that weapon was actually just a toy, and the real [gun] was made of metal. Rozemyne didn’t know anything about that kind of weapon, only that it needed a series of bullets also made from metal and explosive material called [gun powder]. All she knew was that after loading the bullet into the gun, the trigger would be pulled to fire.

It was still a mystery for him to understand and remake, but he could modify it a little from the [water gun]. The key principle was simple, as it was just a mimic to the bow and slingshot. The body of the gun would be an “assembled type” carved from wood, and he would let Heidemarie and Eckhart take care of ordering them in Ehrenfest, one from normal wood and one from trombe. He and his entourage would make a mana bullet - which was actually an explosive tool minimised in size. If he calculated right, the hardwood in Haldenzel could be used for one time while the trombe wood would be strong enough to handle at least three hits. Then it would break and leave no evidence, even if their enemy managed to steal them.

“It is indeed a new weapon, but it is still in the design process. If it is a success, I will grant you one as a reward.” Ferdinand said, using the wooden gun as a way to console the ‘Ditter head’ Heissh*tze. It would also be a good chance to let Ferdinand test its power when someone else beside him used the gun.

“Oh dear, it seems you’re planning to trap someone again. May I know who it would be?” Seradina smirked, her light golden eyes darkening a little, and even Ferdinand felt a slight shiver. This was a sight of Seradina preparing her own scheme inside her head to destroy her enemy.

I told everyone that she is very unstable, and yet no one believes me…

“Not currently. I just need to have some secret weapon of my own to deal with more Ditter invitations.” His answer made the whole room either chuckle (as non-Ditter heads) or become super excited (as Ditter-obsessed).

“But I do have a puzzle to ask,” Ferdinand decided to inquire if any of Seradina’s retainers knew. They were from various duchies, so maybe there was a similar situation elsewhere. “Has anyone ever encountered a situation where a feytree can only bloom but cannot produce fruit or seeds?”

“That sounds very strange to me, milord,” Blaurad said. “If it is a feytree, as long as the mana is properly supplied, it should grow normally.”

“We’ve also never heard of this.” Other scholars of Seradina said. “Both in Dunkelfelger and our home duchy”

Seradina didn’t show any emotion, but Ferdinand could sense that she was a little tense. The same atmosphere was even more pronounced in Seradina’s head attendant. While people were still discussing whether the situations Ferdinand suggested were real, Seradina handed him a sound-blocking tool and signalled for her attendant to turn away. It was quite a surprise, but Ferdinand followed her lead.

“Why do you have such a puzzle in your head, Ferdinand?” Seradina asked.

“Let’s say it’s a Glucklitat’s trial I received in Schlafaum's realm every Earthday night.”

“Quite a trial, I must say…”

“Indeed, mother. I dreamt of visiting a seashore where there were tall trees with everyone surrounding them, trying to pour mana into the trees, but nothing happened. I tried copying those people and the tree bloomed, giving me its fruits.”

Since he had already been discovered behaving strangely, rather than deny it, there was no loss in using this as an excuse.

“An interesting dream! No wonder it ignited your inquisitive mind. Seashore… means a duchy that borders the sea? Do you know which one it is?”

“No, but based on the surroundings I can guess it is not the northern sea.”

“And you want to look closer into this matter?”

“You also think it’s interesting, right?” Ferdinand smirked, playing the role of a child lost in his curiosity.

“All you have is a dream. What if it proves to be nothing?” Seradina raised an eyebrow.

“It won’t affect anything. This will be my own research in my free time, so even if it fails, it doesn’t matter. But if it succeeds in finding something useful for feytree cultivation, I believe you can understand the benefits it could bring to any duchy.”

Seradina sighed. “You will need to let me check all the results before publishing anything, even before telling your father and grandparents. I don’t know whether your curiosity will be good or not, especially in this sensitive situation.”

“May I know the reason?”

“As always, your maturity is impressive for an 8-year-old.” Seradina smiled. “There was a situation like you mentioned. Although I know some things about it, I have not yet conducted any experiments myself. Let’s say it’s some information I can give you as a direction for your research.”

“If you knew about this, why have you not started it?” Ferdinand asked.

“I don’t have a proper excuse to start this research. My background is quite sensitive for those who know this knowledge. Furthermore, Dunkelfelger doesn’t have that situation that could be used as my excuse.”

Her background… Royal Family?

“My original family is a collateral branch of the Royal Family, and its real function is actually as gardeners who cultivate special plants and flowers exclusively for the Royal Family.”


“When talking about fey creatures, people believe they are similar in the way they grow and get dyed, but actually, Fey Fauna are more like mana-ed people because they both have mana organs and inherit aptitudes from parents. Fey Florals, however, have unique cultivation and reproduction requirements.”

Logically, indeed. Ferdinand had spent some time researching fey trees and some fey animals from the sea last weave, but he had focused more on how Rozemyne’s malleable mana could affect those creatures instead of looking into something that seemed so basic. Not to mention, Ferdinand admitted that he definitely avoided all kinds of information that related to that dreadful place.

Pausing a little, Seradina continued, “There are indeed cases when a plant doesn’t produce flowers or fruits. Those plants likely lack Life in both inherent and transient elements or are foreign plants that do not belong to Yurgenschmidt.”

Lacking Life… so his suspicion was correct, which meant Rozemyne in this weave is also an Omni, too. But…

“Inherent and transient elements?”

“This is the key wisdom that not many know, and in my experience, it seems only my family and some from Sovereignty know about this.”

To sum up, the inherent element was the aptitude that was the original nature of that plant and, no matter the living environment, it would always have that element. For example, Blenrus would always be strong in Water while Ruelle would always be strong in Wind. Transient element, however, was needed only for a temporary period of the plant’s life cycle, either sprouting, growing, blooming, or yielding fruits.

“The primary difference in feyplants is that each part of the plant may carry different inherent elements. Some parts, like roots and leaves, are easily dyed just by transient elements from outside influences, so the flower or fruits of that plant are not in high purity, such as Flammerzung fruits. The Flammerzung plant itself is strong in Fire, but during the growing stage, because of the effect of transient elements, its roots become full-attribute materials with a slight bias toward Fire. However, if we harvest the fruit outside of Leidenschaft’s night, the fruit we harvest while strong in Fire would show a little impurity of Wind and Water.”

Ferdinand frown. He usually got Flammerzung fruit from Heissh*tze as Ditter loot, and he hadn’t had a chance to gather materials himself, so he hadn’t witnessed the plant firsthand.

“Has anyone in Dunkelfelger known about that?” Ferdinand asked.

Seradina shook her head. “I just wanted to test what I knew, which is why I ordered people to gather the root for me. To get the exact Omni-root, you must calculate and wait for the peak time of growth when the root system has fully developed and before the first flower stem appears. After that time, the Life element will reduce gradually, the same as Dark and Light, making way for Water and Fire elements to flourish.”

This needed to be researched in more detail. If it was true, it was safe to say all types of fey plant’s roots were all-attributed materials.

“Life is a key element in the Garden of Gods. You need Life, even just a very faint amount so that all the activities related to live and reproduce to be operated. Some fey plants don’t need Life to live, but they will need Life to reproduce as this is the power of a subordinate under Life domain. Just as the Theology says, the Dark God allowed the marriage between Ewigeliebe and Geduldh so that the life of all creatures could flourish. Even after Ewigeliebe was corrupted under Chaocipher’s whisper, it still couldn’t deny the importance of Life, and that is also the reason why the Dark God saved him from the Goddess of Light’s anger.” Seradina continued, “All plants need the Life element, either as inherent or transient elements, to live their own life. For the plant that cannot bear fruit, I suspect that plant lacks Life in both inherent and transient elements.”

“Based on your information, if the fey plant doesn't have Life as its inherent element, it must get Life as the transient element during its specific growing time. How can it get Life?” Ferdinand asked.

"From many sources, such as other coexisting fey plants or feybeasts that are strong in Life. The cohabitation between Flora and Fauna helps both share the elements they lack, whether Life or other elements. Feybeasts are like our nobles; when they get emotional, their mana can emit. Unlike us, feybeasts don’t get noble education to keep their emotions in check. Thus, the stronger the feybeast, the higher the amount of mana they emit, even if they don’t get angry."

"So the best source of Life elements from feybeasts would be… the Lord of Winter?"

"In theory, yes. The influence of the Lord of Winter can even affect the Royal Academy. That’s why the ingredients gathered in the Royal Academy are usually better than in other duchies."

The Royal Academy? No, that place hardly gets affected by the Lord of Winter, it would rather likely…

"Will the Border Gates of the country affect the amount of transient elements?"

"I have no idea, but I guess the Border Gates might have some influence based on what I overheard," Seradina shrugged. "Then we also have transient elements from the seasons."

No… not some influence, maybe the primary impact.

It was not known for everyone else that the Royal Academy was actually where the Gate of Life resided. Maybe it was the influence of Life Gate that affected the materials gathered in the Royal Academy.

"Speaking of this, shouldn’t those northern duchies with Lords of Winter, like Ehrenfest and Gillessenmeyer, or duchies that experience harsh winter like Jossbrenner, have richer flora than us?"

“In their turn, I guess they either lack other attributes in quantity or have an imbalance of transient elements the feytrees can get from that land,” Seradina explained. “You have learned about magical foundations and spells, so I guess you are already aware that Life must be accompanied by Earth to be included in every circle. The concept here is also similar.”

No Earth or too much Life that overshadows every other element could freeze the plant to even sprouting, but too little Life with too much Water would be of no use, as Water tends to wash Life away. No Fire would mean Water won’t stop its act, and no growing power from Leidenschaft would be blessed. Too little Wind in Autumn when the plant finishes growing would lead to a fruitless plant. Light and Dark are also important, as Dark would keep Life present and not get destroyed by Light, plus help acquire nutrients from the land. Light, on the other hand, would keep Life at baseline and make way for the power of Water to make the plant sprout and bloom.

Basically, just as Ferdinand suspected, all attributes were required. And as all plants likely needed all elements as transient supplies, it explained why Rozemyne’s mana was the only one that could make those trees in Hauchletzte grow.

As for imbalanced transient elements… took Devouring children as an example, their mana were flexible and very faint Omni with a slight bias toward the colour of the nearest Border Gate, like Rozemyne got her colour bias toward Wind, and some Devouring children in Alexandria got their colour bias toward Darkness. However, their colour was still considered null-element by noble standards, thus their baptism medals and their schtappes would also be non-colored.

If applying this concept to the feytree, then the feyplants of Dunkelfelger would likely be biased toward Fire, or feyplants of Ehrenfest would likely be biased toward Wind.

“Will southern duchies like Dunkelfelger, Ahrensbach, or Hauchletzte be at a disadvantage for not having winter?”

“I don’t know about other duchies, but for Dunkelfelger, I guess not. The country has been founded for 10,000 years already; many new plants from other regions have been transferred and cultivated successfully in the land, creating a completely new vegetation compared to the initial land. Furthermore, we also imported many new plants from other countries beyond the Border Gate. That is why each duchy nowadays has materials for all four seasons they need, even for those lacking one of the four seasons,” Seradina said. “If there are any elements that are difficult to acquire, it would be Light, Dark, and Life, but again, we have different types of feybeasts and feyplants for providing those elements, and specifically, from ourselves.”

“By ourselves, you mean foundation supply?”

“The only kind of mana resource that could provide all types of elements… besides the nobles ourselves, who else?”

Seradina didn’t reply more, but her smile was enough to answer.

Everything now started to connect to each other.

Dunkelfelger never faced the problem of mysterious or forgotten feytrees due to the adequate mana supply in both quantity and quality. Unlike Ehrenfest, Dunkelfelger's archducal family was always large and never short in number, with multiple branch families and numerous archduke candidates. The rule of always seeking Archduke Candidates from other duchies or Princesses for the First Lady Position and the preference given to Omni-candidates as Aub ensured that Dunkelfelger's foundation always provided enough Life for all the feyplants to grow normally and be identified. Furthermore, Dunkelfelger still kept many religious rituals; ensuring the sufficiency of other elements.

In fact, the strongest Fire attribute didn’t actually affect the plantation too much. According to Theology, among all the children of the Supreme Couple, only Leidenschaft was not included in the fight with Ewigeliebe. Fire and Life could not be combined without Earth due to the obsession of Ewigeliebe, but the antagonism between them was not as strong as with Light, Water, or Wind.

Similar to Dunkelfelger, Klassenberg also had enough all-attribute supplies from the foundation and must have some ancient rituals for preservation. However, Klassenberg with the Earth Gate suffered the longest Winter due to being the closest to Ewigeliebe and carrying the blessing of Geduldh, so due to the excess of Earth and Life attributes, it would need more quantity of other elements to balance it. Plus, the long winter must also erase all the new possible traces for Klassenberg to care for new feytrees.

As for other duchies, Ferdinand could deduce the reason behind them, just as his mother said, the lack of Life. For greater duchies like Drewanchel, Werkestock, and Ahrensbach, there would be some Omni being born or married into, so the foundation could still have Life in it. Some northern duchies like Ehrenfest, Jossbrenner, Zausengas, or Gillessenmeyer might get some benefits due to the influence of the Lord of Winter, but it cannot be said the same for those southern duchies. Hauchletzte would be the one affected the most due to the excess of Water elements. It is also affected by the indirect effect of Light from Gillessenmeyer, so the Life element would likely be attacked and washed away. Even with some influence from Fire, many fey plants could only sprout, grow branches and stems, but not bloom or bear fruit because Life was completely lacking.

If foundation supply was one of the sources for supplying transient elements from nobles, then it must be the same with Winter Dedication and Spring Prayer. Ferdinand remembered how Ahrensbach started to fare better, and many castle scholars reported that the land refilled with many ingredients reappearing after he took Letizia accompanied him in Winter Dedication and Spring Prayer.

I thought it was only due to the effect of temple rituals, but it seemed the Life attribute in my mana also affected quite a lot.

Given Hauchletzte was a highest-ranked middle duchy, Ferdinand expected that some Omni ladies had been married into the duchy in the past. However, due to the excessive Water element, the amount of Life from foundation supply might not be enough. If it was in ancient times, with archduke candidates performing Winter Dedication and delivering Spring Chalice that had Life elements, the situation would not be this bad. At this moment, Ferdinand could be certain that Rozemyne was the only one who could provide Life to those fey trees to yield.


Feeling a slight nudge on his forehead, Ferdinand was startled.


“I am happy that you’re so relaxed when talking with me, but don’t ignore your mother like this. It’s quite hurtful, son,” Seradina pouted.

Okay, this was such a familiar signal. Ferdinand sighed, then he instinctively moved down and pulled his chair closer to his mother.

See! She is incredibly unstable and emotional! Why does no one ever believe me???

Ferdinand absolutely rejected the idea of being hugged by his mother in public, even without anyone witnessing. But at least, he could sit near her and let her enjoy his… ears.

As expected, once Ferdinand sat properly, Seradina reached out and pinched Ferdinand’s ear softly.

“Your ear is so comfortable to pinch,” Seradina grinned.

“Really? I don’t think so… wouldn’t a pair of fluffy cheeks be better?” Ferdinand murmured, but he soon regretted saying that.

Because Seradina changed her target to his cheek.

“Huhm… you’re right, the cheek is softer…” Seradina pondered, then she withdrew her hand. “But it is not my taste. I still prefer something harder and easier to pull, like Werdekraf’s ear.”

This is not something I want to know…

“I see the importance of the wisdom you just shared.” Ferdinand tried to return to the main topic, “But I still don’t see the reason why it needs to be kept secretly.”

“The problem with this knowledge is understanding the mechanics that allow blending different species of feyplants and even cultivating foreign feyplants. Knowing this would help significantly in planting foreign species and creating hybrids in Yurgenschmidt. This has become rarer these days, as we can only perform such tasks secretly or under Royal permission. There are quite a few new species with unique effects that the Royal Family doesn’t want other duchies to know about and wield.”

Ah, understandable… What else should he expect from the Royal Family? Of course, they don’t want any duchies knowing about the effects of something like Trug.

“Then… is it okay for me to know it?”

“Even if I didn’t tell you, you would still want to research it, right?” Seradina chuckled. “Your inquisitive mind is something no one should underestimate, given that you dared to sneak into the brewing room when you were just three years old or how you tried to compress before baptism. It would be better to tell you the details and give you a warning so you can conduct your research with care.”

Ferdinand just shrugged. He definitely wasn’t responsible for the actions of “the little 3-year-old Ferdinand”. As for the compression… if it wasn’t because he needed such a big amount of mana to charge Leidenschaft’s Spear for the Ditter, he wouldn’t have pushed himself so soon. Ferdinand knew he was being monitored closely, and Justus was in charge of him, so he had to lay low as much as possible and keep the compression at one level to avoid suspicion until he could get firm control of his entourage.

“There is one more thing that you might want to look at, and be careful with this.” Seradina said, placing her hand on Ferdinand’s. “About the magical circle known as ‘the kick.’”

Another new and strange concept…

Due to the complexity of monitoring transient elements, there were different types of magical circles that served as a “kick.” In Yurgenschmidt, these magical circles forcibly added new transient elements or removed remnant elements to push the plant to another stage of its life cycle. In foreign countries beyond the Border Gate, the ‘kick’ circle served as a transition to help cultivate Yurgenschmidt’s local feyplants in foreign lands.

“I have an elder sister who was baptised under the retainers of our family instead of being a princess.” Seradina smiled sadly, “She once told me about those magic circles, and how it required some specific feystone and some strange spell to activate. Since she is only an attendant, she knew nothing except one thing: the feystone must be in purity of the transient element to be added. If you needed to push for more Water element to wash away Life enough for the seed to sprout, you need a very high quality Spring materials formed in a Water feystone, and some spells related to Flutrane and her subordinates”

Wait… spring materials… spells related to Flutrane and her subordinates…?

The Spring Ritual in Haldenzel!

No song or dance involved, so maybe it was a simplified version of the whole ritual.

So that family in charge of Adalgisa knew about them all along…

“Then how about the circle for growing feyplants outside of Yurgenschmidt?” Ferdinand asked, he wondered why but he suddenly had some bad feelings about this.

“There is no source of mana outside of Yurgenschmidt, even it has, the amount is so low to grow the whole vegetation like this country. The best source they need, of course, is an all-attribute stone. A stone that big enough to supply sufficient mana and be a good mediator in the circle. An absolutely…” Seradina’s face darkened a little, then she took a deep breath and regained her noble smile. “... balanced shared between each element in that stone.”

A sudden silence spread all over the room.

A shiver went down Ferdinand’s spine.

Balanced attributes…

Ferdinand’s expression went blank as he tried desperately to rein in the surge of despair from Seradina’s words.

So… that was the reason why “Ferdinand of Ehrenfest” was born…

As much as Ferdinand felt that he had changed a lot due to different upbringing, knowing the real reason behind his birth in previous life made him feel so wretched. It could not change the fact that Ferdinand himself before was born to become the fertilised stone to grow materials for gathering in that country.

“Ferdinand!” Seradina’s voice woke him up from his own reverie. She gently touched his face and smiled in console, “I don’t know what kind of scenario that you could imagine, but things might not be so bad as you, or I once thought. If there was anything I have learnt from this new Geduldh of mine, it was always facing the trials with positive thinking, as Glucklitat is the subordinate of Fire just as Brenwarmen. Never give up, never back down, believe in yourself, grow and achieve what you want.”


“You are heavily blessed by God, and while I am so proud as your mother, I am very worried that you’re always looking into the negative side. I’m not telling you all this information just to give you those thoughts. I’m telling you so that you won’t get lost in your research, so that you’re prepared and won’t get trapped by Chaocipher’s whispers. I have already witnessed how scary it can be when a researcher loses their own heart and falls into Chaocipher’s domain,” Seradina continued. “And always remember, I am here, your mother is always here with you. Just go enjoy your hobby as much as you want, and If anything happens that you feel is wrong, that you need Verfuhremeer to calm yourself down, or Anhaltung to lead you the right way, or Schutzaria to protect you from any forces, I will always be here.”

Ferdinand just lowered his head and used his small hands to cover his mother’s hand on his face. His ears must be all red now, as he could feel the heat spreading over them.

Well, now was not the time, but he didn’t mind sharing another tea party with Seradina tomorrow. He would consider inviting her to the hidden room and calming her down a little with a hug.

When receiving his invitation, Seradina just laughed and pinched his ears.

“Well, I will wait for this.” Her eyes gleamed a little. “I hope you can tell me more about exactly what Magdalena did to make you such a picky eater.”

Ferdinand's brow twisted slightly. The topic changed so fast that he barely could follow.

“I already told you that she is not related to that matters.”

“Besides her, I cannot think of anyone else.”

“My relationship with her is not that negative.”

It would be absolutely terrible if Seradina had a strained relationship with Magdalena.

“You're telling me that the relationship between you and your aunt is good enough for her to shoot an arrow directly at you when you were just seven years old?”

“That was on a Ditter field.”

“So she just ignored everything and shot her ‘beloved nephew’ just because you were both playing Ditter while she had plenty of opportunities to deal with the other members in your team?”

Seradina's smile was bright, really bright, but the aura she was emitting was exactly the same as Eckhart's. Ferdinand suddenly felt that if he nodded, Seradina would go and murder Magdalena immediately.

One would be the future First Queen and the other the First Lady of Dunkelfelger. If their relationship turned bad…

Unfortunately, Ferdinand could not order Seradina around like he could with Eckhart.

She is really, really unstable!!!





Ferdie: I told you she was very very unstable!!!

Everyone: Nah, she is fine! Looked, she regains her power, schemes like normal, she is definitely fine!!!

Chapter 36: Rozemyne – Building a greenhouse and giving a noble name!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It turned out that Life was the problem stopping Rozemyne from getting her beloved food and sweets…

Ferdinand told her that all feytrees needed Life elements, either as an inherent aptitude or as a transient element supplied to the plant during specific periods of its life cycle.

“I removed all the other elements from the soil first, leaving only one element. The soil in Dunkelfelger can sustain itself with enough mana, even with just one element. If you remove all the mana, the soil turns into white sand. I tried to plant feyplant in different soil samples and the results were the same in 6/7 samples, regardless of the type of feyplant. If the plant doesn’t have Life in its inherent aptitude, it could sprout to become seedlings, grow stems and leaves, even have flowers, but no fruits appeared, and the plant would never reach a harvestable stage.” Ferdinand tapped his temple. “As for the soil that contains only Life, you have to supply Earth, Dark, and Light before sowing the seed so that the non-life feyplant won’t be destroyed. Then Water, Fire, and Wind must be supplied at different stages for the plant to grow. Different types of plants and soils need different ratios of elements at various stages. The Border Gate and the season of sowing also affect the characteristics of the soil, so I can’t tell what is needed for the plants you want in Hauchletzte. It would be better if you asked your scholar to repeat my experiment to find out for yourself.”

To think that the Royal Family kept that information secluded… how many precious resources had been wasted and forgotten in the whole country?

During the talk, Rozemyne noticed that Ferdinand seemed a little uncomfortable when he explained how the ratios differ. He hid it well, but who was Rozemyne? She knew him well enough to sense he was thinking something negative, so she jumped on him and pushed for him to tell her.

Curse the stupid two brothers who founded Lanzenave and Adalgisa!

Rozemyne could do nothing except squeeze Ferdinand as tightly as she could, and Ferdinand just silently received her hug.

“I know that you would want to save those people in that place, but don’t act hastily and request it directly from Trauerqual. A young princess like you shouldn’t know anything about that place.” He tried to make a blank face, but Rozemyne could sense that he was very emotional at this moment. “Trauerqual will soon close that place, so if someone needs to stand up in this matter, it must be someone who knows about it, like… my mother.”

“You also want to help them, right?”

It was a while before Ferdinand resumed his talk. “My mother talked a lot about her elder sister, so I guess she really wants to save them.” He frowned. “It would be quite troublesome for all of them to be freed due to their potential to become Zent candidates and mess up the power balance, but if they could be baptised or adopted as archnobles, then we can work it out a little. Once Trauerqual is crowned and the political state is more stable, my mother could make her proposal.”

“I don’t mind having more Zent candidates! Isn’t it better to have more options to choose from?”

“But they have too strong Royal blood.” Ferdinand sighed. “First, it could give people the assumption that Royal blood still matters the most because all of them could get the wisdom. Second, those people don’t have real political backing and also don’t have proper education to be a ruler, which means they could become puppets under either Klassenberg or Werkestock. Third, most of Adalgisa citizens are ladies, and given their low political power, there would be a bunch of arrogant princes aiming to use them just to become King, like what happened to you in the last weave. Finally, with all Adalgisa children able to get the book, it could signal Raublut to contact Gervasio and bring him back earlier. Talking about mana capacity alone, I hate to tell you that the current countries have no one who can compare with that guy.”

“You talk like you already have a candidate in mind.”

“The best person to push into a Zent position must be someone from greater duchies to have a sufficient mana base, political backing, and the proper education to deal with all the aftermath and lead the system reform. That person also needs to be someone who can work well with us and is innovative enough to accept new ideas in temple reform and changing the common sense of this country. I intend to choose Lady Adolphine.” Ferdinand listed his reasons. “Being from Drewanchel makes Adolphine meritocratic enough, and we can involve her in the shrine tour with the excuse of research purposes. Compared to other great duchies, Drewanchel and Ahrensbach have less Royal blood as they are already several generations removed. There are also candidates from the Second or Third Wives, but their mana base would be low in both quantity and quality, and given their mana being too rigid, it would be hard for them to gain more colour. And choosing Ahrensbach also means we are likely to face Georgine’s children.”

“NO!!! Absolutely not Detlinde!!!”

“I would never consider her. I actually consider Georgine’s son, Wolfram!”

“Bwuh?! Wait, he is alive?”

“Now? Yes, he has successfully been baptised and is the same age as me. Maybe this time, with no clear winner or loser, Georgine won’t have the chance to be promoted, and that boy won’t climb to the towering heights at an early age. But still, Ahrensbach is quite a problem that we cannot ignore.”

Ferdinand pinched the bridge of his nose hard, and Rozemyne sighed in understanding. Ahrensbach was really in a tough spot. The children of the First Lady were all girls and all married out. The choice for Ahrensbach would be between either the children of Werkestock’s wife or the children of Georgine. Before they can get the Book of Mestionora, the Gate of Darkness will remain wide open, and Lanzenave could attack at any time.

“We only have Blasius’s brother and Wolfram to consider for the position. I have started to gather intel about Blasius’s brother, and I will assess Wolfram at the Royal Academy. If possible, we could avoid the adoption of Letizia.”

“You’re worried about our Letizia?”

“No, I’m not. Don’t put words in my mouth. I just find it quite annoying that her parents try to meet either one of us just to silently look hopeful for any news.” Ferdinand scoffed. “And we have to prepare for the Lanzenave war. We don’t know when the attack will happen this time, and letting Letizia be involved in this war would mean a security hole for Lanzenave to exploit. It would save Roswitha and Sergius from moving to Ahrensbach. The same applies to your side; keep that stupid son of Magdalena on track so he won’t mess up again and throw a tantrum in front of us!”

“While your comment about Hildebrand is very rude, it doesn’t deny that you care about Letizia and Sergius. Could you please be honest with yourself a little bit? Yet I hope you could be more open to the influence from Dunkelfelger rather than just being corrupted by Ditter.”

That was a very dangerous comment, thus Rozemyne’s cheek once again suffered.

“ow ow ow ow ow ow…”

“Huhm… cheeks are still better than ears…”

“What does it mean?”

Ferdinand just smiled, satisfied, while enjoying Rozemyne’s 'puhi puhi' as he pinched her cheeks.

Rozemyne woke up with a very unsatisfied look on her face. Funnu! Just wait! I will pinch him very, very hard next time for revenge!!!

And the first sentence she spoke in the morning to her retainers was: “I need to look for a very skilled artist!”

Drawing, pictures, cardboard cutouts, standees, key chains, voice-recorded plushies...

No one can stop me from selling “Ferdinand merchandise” anymore. This time, I will dry up all the wallets of Dunkelfelger for revenge once I enter the Royal Academy!


Sondern received Rozemyne’s instructions about the new direction of rice research and just shrugged, saying that her "dreamy boyfriend" was skilled. Of course, he immediately received a hit from Desdemona. Rozemyne did think about how to remove the suspicion from her retainers. She could meet Ferdinand only once a week in her dream, so there was no way she wanted to abandon this opportunity. However, Sondern’s reaction made Rozemyne worried, and she wondered whether she should pray to Ordoschnelli and Schafltraum to make some exception for her and Ferdinand to meet whenever they wanted.

It was very time-consuming and advanced skills required for this research, and in the end, Sondern involved Michelle and even ran to the castle to ask for more scholars to help them, but no one accepted. It was later that Fabiane told her Heinrich was the main reason why most scholars seemed uninterested in this project. To sum up, he didn’t want to shut down Rozemyne completely, but he also thought plant paper and rinsham were more than enough and lady-like for her to focus on, not “wicked weed”. With this answer, Rozemyne could only sigh.

At least the research started to show positive outcomes, as Sondern ran to report that they could now confirm the importance of the Life attribute in plantation. Michelle suggested that they should collect more feyplants to test and publish the results in next year’s Interduchy Tournament to contribute to Rozemyne’s winter debut.

But all the ideas came from Ferdinand, with the source of information being Seradina, and Rozemyne definitely didn’t want to steal it. However, Ferdinand consoled her in their weekly meeting, saying he welcomed Hauchletzte to publish this research to avoid Seradina being suspected. Ferdinand said Hauchletzte could publish the research about the Life element in cultivation, while he would push Dunkelfelger to focus on the ratio of elements needed to increase the purity of the materials gathered.

Talking about their meeting in a connected dream, unfortunately, the circle could not be used outside of Earth day. Ferdinand suggested they could push for the research to be published at the same time during Rozemyne’s winter debut, and Ferdinand would find a chance to go to the Royal Academy that year so they could meet each other and use the research as an excuse for later letter exchange. Better to lay a little groundwork so that no one found it strange they were so familiar later in the Royal Academy.

“When you enter the Royal Academy, we must avoid meeting in dreams, or else someone could connect the dots. My retainers have recognised my strange timetable already. It’s too bad we cannot delay our meetings until a later time at night because our bodies cannot handle it.” Ferdinand crossed his arms. “We better prepare so that when we exchange letters, no one becomes suspicious. At that time, we can use disappearing ink. No one will suspect, and being students could help us avoid being checked by our parents.”

That was another problem. Rozemyne would be fine using disappearing ink, but Ferdinand was not. There are five other Omni beside him in Dunkelfelger, and no one could know whether the letter Rozemyne sent could accidentally fall into their hands. Due to the last incident of exchanging letters with Anastasius, even if no one said anything, Rozemyne understood that all her letters were now screened by Kreszentia before sending. She never faced this problem in Ehrenfest, but she couldn’t be certain because she was now unbaptized, and information management during the civil war might be stricter.

Given how big Ferdinand’s rampage was recently, maybe every letter of his was pre-scanned too.

Since Ferdinand had prepared a good plan, Rozemyne just needed to focus on her side. New season came and the first batch of rice had been harvested—not much, but enough to make a proposal to Aub Hauchletzte. After eating the grilled eel rice bowl, Sondern never questioned any new ideas from Rozemyne anymore. It was indeed annoying to hear him praise eel every time they met, but at least for Rozemyne, he was easier to control just by using eel. Now, the mystery of her ‘Rice’ had been solved, there was no way she would allow her beloved Japanese cuisine to pass her by.

As much as Heinrich used to be annoyed with the fact his granddaughter loved the wicked weed so much, he finally accepted that he must treasure that ‘weed’ now because Rozemyne just invited all her guardians to a dinner and fed them a small banquet with all rice dishes.

“I’m sorry, Aub Hauchletzte. I know you don’t like my rice, so from today onwards, there will be no rice served for you, and it will be forever banned from your dining table.” Rozemyne smiled, puffing out her chest smugly.

Oh, the face of Grandpa is indeed a nice sight to see...

As expected of an experienced Aub, Heinrich showed a perfect noble smile to thank Rozemyne for such a wonderful meal. He tried his best to avoid the temptation of the food and leave the dining room with noticeable speed, but Rozemyne had prepared her trap properly. She ordered that every meal of hers must now use rice as an ingredient, so other people who shared meals with her but were not on the list of "approved people" would have to eat their hard, plate-like bread while watching her enjoy her beloved rice.

“Aub Hauchletzte, Princess Rozemyne sent me to deliver some of her new inventions for everyone working in the office. Please enjoy! This dish is my new favourite dish, a rice bowl topped with grilled eel, and don’t worry, Aub Hauchletzte, this is not for you but for everyone else.”

…The pen in Heinrich’s hand was broken!

“Aub Hauchletzte, I came to deliver the progress report on paper making. Have you tried the new rice balls? They come with dozens of stuffing flavors to choose from. Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that milady has banned all rice products from your dining table. Okay, everyone, I brought some samples for you guys, come on, enjoy!”

…The wooden board in Heinrich’s hand had a crack!

“Ah, such a nice smell. Aub Hauchletzte, please stop staring at me; I’m just following milady—also your own granddaughter’s—order. I came to deliver the new curry rice to Engraulios to thank him for his help in researching Karyda and Koryth.”

…Engraulios was as pale as a ghost!

“May I be excused, Aub Hauchletzte? It’s time for me to eat, and today Princess Rozemyne granted me the chance to try her new dish, a steamed bun stuffed with seafood. Ah... the smell of Aminos braised Tunfisk is so attractive, but the salted and spicy braised veggie is nice, too.”

…How many pens had already been broken?

Well done, Sondern! As expected of the weirdo of Hauchletzte, the only one who dared to provoke the Aub of the duchy!

A week later, Heinrich invited her for a tea party and tried his best to probe for a share of any new meal. He actually asked to buy the recipe first, but there was no way Rozemyne could just agree to sell them to him. Her goal with all these traps was not money.

Finally submitted to the pressure, the mighty Aub Hauchletzte agreed to read Rozemyne’s proposal about the future plantation of rice and Karyda. As for Koryth, Rozemyne decided to leave it out of her plan because those trees were very essential for fishermen, and new products from Karyda would be more than enough.

After a whole day of back-and-forth discussion, Heinrich gave permission for building a special greenhouse to cultivate rice and continue the research on supplying the Life attribute to Karyda. At this moment, with suggestions from Ferdinand, Sondern and Michelle successfully explored the final ratio of different transient elements supplied for rice plantation. It was recommended that high-purity Life and Dark materials would be required. The sowing must be at the end of Spring to reduce the Water elements in the environment as much as possible, then the Life element would be supplied in the middle of Summer to push for the reproduction stage. Depending on random tests of elements in the plant, other elements might be required, such as Dark to balance Light, Water and Life or early injection of Wind for harvesting. All the mana would be spread inside the closed greenhouse via magic circles carved in the wall. The first plantation would be next year, and depending on the results, they would continue to see which Giebe land would be considered for the rice industry.

However, due to the limited source of mana supplies, plus the dozen tools and machines needed, the newly harvested rice grains were put under a very high cost. Rozemyne wanted to protest, but this time even her retainers opposed.

“Hauchletzte is very active in trading; thus, there are dozens of slots for trading. Every new trend needs to be solidified inside the duchy first to adapt to the trade required from greater duchies and the Sovereignty. There must be at least three years for this rice plant to provide a sufficient amount. Then, if the research about those elements needed to cultivate feytrees is correct as you guys proposed, soon all the fey specialities of each duchy would be no more special. As long as they can get the seedling, they could just cultivate it by themselves and all the benefits would fall into the hands of greater duchies. We have to secure our benefits first before the greater duchies get involved.”

“I suddenly feel relieved that due to the lack of this wisdom, middle and lesser duchies have things to exchange, actually.” Engraulios sighed.

The way he spoke indeed sounded blissful, but the reality was not as honourable as they thought. That knowledge was hidden all because those higher ranks wanted to keep secrets and benefits for themselves.

“I do not agree! If I can guess about it, soon there will be other people who find it out. Rather than waiting passively, wouldn’t it be better to publish this knowledge and gain the exchanges we want first? At least we are at the forefront of this. And this is my research, actually, conducted under my direction by my retainers. Either Hauchletzte does it and gets its share, or it will belong to me all along. As you said, I have the seedling already, which means I can plant it on my own and anywhere in the country.”

Ferdinand had assured her that Dunkelfelger would publish the research about the modification of elements in mana supplies in cultivating feytrees next year. Rozemyne had no idea how he would push for it, but she needed to make Hauchletzte publish it at the same time.

Under her threat, Heinrich had no choice but to agree to all her conditions except the price of rice. But he promised that once the rice industry was secured and stable in Hauchletzte, plus if they found another, easier, and less costly way to supply Life elements, he would consider lowering the price to what Rozemyne suggested.

Vaitiare sighed that the operation of the mana circle for supplying Life elements in the greenhouse was too costly for such a low-price and wide-spread product as wheat and other cereal grains. She lamented that if they could grow Karyda inside the greenhouse, it would be more cost-effective.

Actually, they just need to supply Life via foundation and Spring Chalice.

It turned back to the problem at the beginning: no one else has Life in their mana except her. However, Rozemyne felt that she could hint at the temple rituals first, and it got rejected once again.

“Engraulios and Sondern told me that after the subjugation, the blue priests from the temple would perform the healing ritual by the Flutrane Staff. That ritual is counted as the Spring ritual, right? Michelle told me about the dance of Dunkelfelgerian Lords and Ladies performed before Ditter with a spear, so that is a Summer ritual.” Rozemyne tried to persuade everyone, “There must be a similar ritual related to Autumn or Winter. How about looking at the temple records to see if there are any rituals that were lost?”

The Archducal couple glared at those scholars when their names were mentioned.

“I see your point here. I will appoint Engraulios to investigate.” Heinrich waved his hand dismissively, “However, Rozemyne, never ever repeat what you just said in public. We know you did not mean any harm, but the way you spoke made it sound like you were grouping the rituals of the Dunkelfelger Archducal Family with those from the lowly temple. This is highly disrespectful and insulting.”

There is definitely a long way to rectify everyone's perspective on the temple…

Rozemyne sighed inwardly. From the time she re-weave until now, she had never stopped appreciating Sylvester’s skewed perspective and his bias toward allowing Ferdinand and her to do anything they wanted.

“Okay, Rozemyne, it was a good discussion today. Let your grandfather handle the business and the greenhouse. You should focus more on your baptism and winter debut next year.” Vaitiare changed the topic, “We will need two dresses for you, and they will need to be tailored carefully.”

“Speaking of that, it was decided that Lady Magdalena will be escorted by your uncle this year at the Graduation Ceremony, signaling their match. She will visit Hauchletzte next summer for the engagement ceremony and will also attend your baptism. Dunkelfelger will use this event to secretly send escort knights to protect you during the winter performance at the Royal Academy,” Kreszentia informed. “Rozemyne, you should focus more on polishing your socialization skills. You seem fine until something you care about is involved. Sudden praying to give blessings out of nowhere or rushing your retainers forward for books or new food ingredients are absolutely - unacceptable - for - a - princess!” The last part was pronounced with heavy stress.


“Indeed, we saw that your emotional state was not good last winter, so we decided to let you be free of your studies and enjoy yourself for a while,” Vaitiare smiled. “Compared to many children your age, you excel in Math, Literature, Theology, Music, and even Magic, but the Art of Grammaratur is something you still need to practice.”

“Maybe we should start with the art of naming first.” Sondern shrugged, “Milady, your food is delicious, but its name is bloody difficult to say.”

“That is also a start,” Engraulios nodded. “It would be good to hide the real name of the plant we use in the dish to keep it secret from spies from other duchies. We still have to be cautious about Kirschnereit.”

Michelle suggested that ingredients like “fish sauce” or “rice” could be kept because they were condiments and cooking ingredients, not standalone dishes, so even if anyone knew about them, no one could suspect anything. “Aminos” was also a nice name to keep since no one could relate it to salted fermented Karyda juice. As for Coconut sugar, okay, Rozemyne admitted she wanted to use a name that could show her Coconut sugar was much more premium than Lanzenave sugar.

Let’s see, coconut sugar was originally made from coconut sap harvested from the flower. After concentrating the sap, you got coconut nectar - a thick, syrupy liquid that was also the starting form of sugar.

Flower, Sap, Nectar… Ah!

“Let’s call it Efflorelume’s Nectar!” Rozemyne clapped her hands and beamed with pride.

What a beautiful name suited for the noble dining table! Come on, someone praise me for such improvement in using noble euphemism.





Urg… What happened?

“You guys don’t like Efflorelume because she is a subordinate goddess?” Rozemyne tilted her head. Maybe this was the reason; after all, Efflorelume was mostly used in neutral to negative euphemisms. “How about… Flutrane’s Nectar? Or Flutrane’s Water? Or Flutrane’s Sweetener?”

Wait a minute, why do I suddenly feel like I’ve heard this term before? Whoever had told me?

Nah, never mind!

“Although it comes from the juice of the fruit, it is used as a sweetener, so I think relating it to nectar would be better,” Rozemyne continued, explaining her ideas. “Since we need to avoid mentioning Karyda to keep it a secret, I still think it should be either Efflorelume or Flutrane.”

The entire room remained frozen.

Ferdinand is now in Dunkelfelger, so how could his "processing error" spread here?

“Karyda tree is a secret tree that needs Life to grow, so how about ‘Ewigeliebe’s sweetener’?” Rozemyne immediately shook her head. “No, Ewigeliebe could be misunderstood as something negative. How about… a tree of course needs to grow on the soil… Geduldh’s nectar? Geduldh’s sweet treasure? Geduldh’s…”

“PLEASE STOP TALKING!!!” The whole room burst out.

The next day, Heinrich ordered Engraulios to lead an army of “scholars” to her bookroom and review every book in it, while Rozemyne was stuck with the two grandmothers in a hidden room to check her “knowledge.”

She was luckily not grounded because everyone found it was just a “mere coincidence.” No one dared to suggest Rozemyne give new names anymore, and funnily enough, the term “Coconut sugar” was immediately accepted since it was still better than any beautiful noble names Rozemyne suggested.

As for the little bookworm princess, after being ambushed, she cradled her head and covered herself inside the blanket in her hidden room just to hide from all the secondhand embarrassment.

I’m sorry, Lieseleta! I’m sorry, Leonore! I’m sorry for forgetting all your “bride lessons”!!!

And curse whoever first thought about using not only winter but also spring vocabulary for 18+ content!



For any criticism why the guardian didn't teach her, please, our gremlin now was just six years old.
Lieseleta and Leonore DID teach her in the last weave, but our bookworm "temporarily" forget it all.
It's like learning a new language, you learned the vocabulary and grammar, you understand the meaning, but if you still cannot immerse yourself in the language, you cannot "talk" and cannot "write" as you please.
One of the reason why many people got A in English but still "think" in their native language first and then "self-translate" into English in their head before speaking and writing.

Chapter 37: Nahelache - The Art of Efflorelume and the secret princess


A chapter to show how people perceive things aside FerMai.
Except the mana-relationship test, which is confirmed in Fanbook 8, other things related to Hauchletzte here is fanon - so please don't treat it as real stuff.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Congratulations on turning ten, Lady Nahelache! I come to deliver a gift from Her Majesty the Third Queen," announced Lady Evelyne as she entered the room.

"It is indeed such an honour for a humble one like me. Lady Adelle, may I have the chance to offer my gratitude to Her Majesty as an archduke candidate of Hauchletzte?" Nahelache asked.

"As a subordinate of Schutzaria, Dregrahnur unfortunately finds it hard to grant her blessing in the season of Flutrane. But don’t worry, Lady Nahelache, I will definitely be Ordoschnelli to deliver your appreciation to Her Majesty myself," Lady Adelle responded with a smile.

Another rejection.

"Thank you, Lady Adelle. Please convey my deepest gratitude to Her Majesty."

Nahelache hid her disappointment well, but it was another reminder of the hurdles she faced.

The arrival of the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual’s Second Lady in Hauchletzte two years ago had been both a surprise and a huge opportunity for Nahelache. Nahelache had always known that her path would not be easy, so she desperately sought even just a slight connection with the Third Queen in such a rare opportunity.

The order established by the first Aub Hauchletzte since the duchy’s founding day stated that all girls born from a male archduke candidate would be baptised as archduke candidates, as long as that girl proved to have enough mana and at least five aptitudes . This ensured that no faults of the parents could affect the status of the girl. The key was to push for political marriages with as many prominent duchies as possible, while Hauchletzte could still exploit the benefits of having a former Royal Prince as its First Aub.

This is why Nahelache, though not the child of the heir, was still able to be baptised as a proper archduke candidate. She always appreciated that Anhaltung had graced the First Aub Hauchletzte and that Greifechan was the Goddess under the Spring domain.

Her father, Waltherdt, was actually the eldest son of the current Aub and his first lady, and he was at the forefront in the race for heir. Her mother, Gulbahar, was another archduke candidate of Hauchletzte. However, in the end, Aub—also her grandfather—decided that her uncle Jonathan was better suited to be Aub due to his marriage with an archduke candidate from another duchy, even though that duchy was lower in rank compared to Hauchletzte.

Despite being an archduke candidate, her position was complicated by her parents' status.

"It was actually my fault from the start to show my ambition too early and get caught. It was a demotion for me instead. So, remember to learn from my lesson, daughter," Gulbahar had advised.

The history of Hauchletzte was intertwined with the fortunes of many high-ranked duchies and the Royal Family. The duchy had strategically positioned its daughters in powerful marriages, allowing it to recover from past wounds and re-establish itself as a key player in the empire's politics. The Third Queen's presence in Hauchletzte and the birth of Prince Trauerqual were testaments to this strategy's success.

At first, Hauchletzte planned for another lady to be the First Wife of that young prince, but Third Queen Kreszentia had waved off the idea. Instead, she proposed having another Third Queen in the next generation to solidify the relationship with the Royal Family. At that time, there were two promising candidates: her mother Gulbahar, an archduke candidate from a branch family, and Lady Roseliese, the eldest daughter of the Aub with his First Lady.

"I was initially seen as a more advantageous candidate due to my excellence in the Art of Efflorelume," Gulbahar began, her voice tinged with nostalgia and regret. "However, I was angry at the thought of being a mere third wife of an heir rather than the First Lady of a Royal Prince. A lesser wife has no political power and can be easily discarded if the Prince needs a new position for a new relationship. A sudden death of a mere third wife is hardly noticed, while the death of a First Lady could create a scandal that would damage the husband's entire reputation."

Nahelache nodded in agreement. Being an archduke candidate, having the privilege of learning foundational magic, and being part of the social circles of archduke candidates seemed wasted if one only aimed for a lesser wife position.

By the time Gulbahar entered the Royal Academy, Hauchletzte was widely recognized as the highest-ranked middle duchy, considered as important as the great duchies. It had become normal for a lady from Hauchletzte to be friends with ladies from greater duchies and Royal Princesses.

"To avoid being stuck in the position of a third wife, I had to look for a potential candidate myself. At that time, a lady from Hauchletzte was considered suitable to be the First Lady of a Royal Prince. So, I thought I could at least look for a collateral prince or any candidate from greater duchies, bringing some political benefits and sparing myself from punishment for my silent objection. But the situation was urgent, and the time was short. Going to a lower-ranked duchy could result in Hauchletzte cutting off support, leaving me to suffer after marriage. I didn't have a full-blood sibling who would become Aub. So my last option was to become the First Lady of Hauchletzte. It was a success since your father courted me, but..."

Hauchletzte exploited political marriages to the core, including its own Aub. In the end, since Waltherdt's marriage didn't bring any benefits to the duchy, it was decided that Jonathan would become the heir. With Roseliese becoming Prince Waldifried's third wife, the position of the First Lady Vaitiare and her faction were solidified.

But things didn't go as smoothly for Gulbahar. While Lady Vaitiare and her faction didn’t openly mistreat her, Gulbahar's actions—seen as "seducing" the heir and causing her own demotion—led to her exclusion from important social circles. Waltherdt's workload was reduced in the Aub's office, and he was mainly entrusted with paperwork involving mednoble-land disputes.

"It was an absolute insult when I had to bow to Muirgel because she became the heir’s first wife and moved to the castle, despite just being a daughter of a lesser wife," Gulbahar grimaced. "I underestimated how much Hauchletzte emphasises inter-duchy relationships. My children, except for the girls, will be just archnobles, struggling to find their way up. Who knows if one day my son could be taken to serve either Muirgel’s or Roseliese’s children? All my hard work in building connections during my time at the Royal Academy has become meaningless. I’m not even given a chance to attend the Interduchy Tournament and Spring Conference despite being an archduke candidate."

Gulbahar's voice softened as she turned to Nahelache. "It doesn’t matter what position you start with; what matters is the status and position you can gain after marriage compared to your peers. Even the First Lady of the highest-ranked duchy must bow and be humble before a collateral princess born from a middle duchy's third wife. Now, as you can see, a youngest prince with a mother who was a Third Wife from a middle duchy has a chance to become Zent, the King of the country. No one can ever predict how the future will unfold."

Gulbahar's words significantly broadened Nahelache's perspective. Like her mother, Nahelache didn't have an archducal couple as parents, so her primary advantage was being the oldest archduke candidate of Hauchletzte's new generation, which could help her make a strong impression when she attended the Royal Academy.

However, Nahelache knew that her mother's information was outdated, so she sought out more current intel. Gulbahar's old connections for once proved useful.

"You are smarter and more skillful than your mother," remarked Lady Farzania, the cousin of Aub Hauchletzte. Lady Farzania was also an archduke candidate from a branch family and had been chosen as the heir of Florehrerin house - the branch family that served as the teacher for the Art of Efflorelume. It turned out that Gulbahar would be considered for Farzania’s heiress if she hadn’t been chosen as the third wife of Prince Waldifried AND if she hadn’t married Nahelache’s father.

"So, being distant from politics was this really a punishment for my mother?" Nahelache asked.

"Partly," Lady Farzania replied, "It was more a consequence for your father. Just as girls receive education under Flutrane’s domain, boys—especially those likely to retain their status—learn the Art of Defense to avoid backlash. Your father, as a contender for the heirship, prioritised his personal preferences over the duchy's interests, and that decision cost him the chance to become Aub."

That… unfortunately, made perfect sense to Nahelache.

"Your mother wasn’t wrong that she was a strong candidate, but that was only from a conventional perspective. She was naturally gifted, earning the blessings of Efflorelume, Grammaratur, Ventuchte, and Kunstzeal without much effort. For a position like the third wife, she was indeed well-suited to secure the chance for Entrinduge’s blessing. But excelling in those skills alone wasn’t enough to be considered for higher roles by those in power. And those skills weren’t valued enough for the First Wife position."

"Is that also why you weren’t chosen but Her Majesty Kreszentia was?" Nahelache suggested, letting a wild theory form in her mind.

"Oh my, oh my…" Lady Farzania covered her smile. "You are indeed much smarter than your mother. You might go further than she ever did."

"I am humbled by your praise," Nahelache replied, bowing her head with a newfound resolve.

“No need to worry about formalities here. I appreciate smart ladies, especially those who know how to utilise the power of Efflorelume—a power that many nobles overlook and disdain.” Farzania sipped her tea before narrowing her eyes, adding, "Every flower has its own unique beauty, and beautiful flowers naturally have protective defences and are surrounded by many insects, bugs, and pests. Removing all those pests and breaking through the flower's defences is a very tempting challenge for a flower harvester. However, if the flower is too difficult to obtain, or if the harvester becomes too obsessed in their pursuit, it can become a dangerous situation."

The First Lady was like a rare feyplant - a high-quality material that required every skill you've learned, whether you liked it or not, to acquire. Everyone would support you in obtaining the best material because it was essential to secure it through the Royal Academy or from other duchies. The Second Lady was a material you can find within your own duchy or from others, but it was less of a challenge since you already have experience. But the Third Lady? That was your own personal challenge. You might hunt for a fey flower as a backup material, or perhaps just settle for a mere ordinary flower to decorate your room.

Lady Farzania smirked with sarcasm after her explanation. "Do you think your parents and your duchy would be pleased to see you pour all your resources into obtaining such a flower, only to become obsessed with it and neglect all your duties?"

Nahelache shook her head, knowing exactly what the correct answer should be.

To summarise, Nahelache’s mother, Gulbahar, revealed herself to be the kind of "flower" that could drive its "picker" to obsession.

"When selecting a First Lady for a duchy, there are many qualities that vary depending on the duchy," Lady Farzania explained, "but there are two key points that are always considered: the education she received as an archduke candidate and the benefits she can bring from her home duchy. It's even better if she can work well with local nobles and lead the noble society in the absence of the Aub. Aside from being an archduke candidate with knowledge of foundational magic, Gulbahar has nothing to offer," Farzania snorted. "She is skilled, but the Art of Efflorelume, after all, is the art of a Subordinate Goddess—nothing more."

"Then what about being a Third Wife?" Nahelache asked, curiosity evident in her voice. "Both you and my mother are highly skilled in that art, so why were neither of you chosen? My mother told me not to follow in her footsteps, and you said I have the potential to go further. But history tells a different story. No matter what happens, it’s always the daughter of the Aub who is considered, not a candidate from a branch family."

"Lady Nahelache," Farzania responded, her tone measured, "why is the position of lesser wife, especially a third wife, often compared to that of a Subordinate Goddess?"

"Because she only needs to assist the First and Second Wives in managing affairs," Nahelache answered.

"Partly correct," Farzania replied. "But more importantly, it's because that lady needs to be reminded that she is merely a subordinate, under the authority of the Major Goddess." Her eyes darkened. "And a proper subordinate must know her place and lower herself before those higher than her."

Nahelache's eyes widened in surprise.

Lady Farzania continued, explaining why neither she nor Nahelache’s mother had been chosen. Astonishingly, it all came down to Hauchletzte’s ranking. After the usurpation of Eisenreich 200 years ago, the six Border Gates were divided between three Greater Duchies and three Middle Duchies, with Hauchletzte being fortunate enough to hold the highest rank among the Middle Duchies. With a Border Gate open, exclusive products, and multiple marriage connections with the Royal Family and various high-ranking duchies, Hauchletzte had finally secured its own place on the political power map. Though it couldn't quite compare to the Greater Duchies, it had become a partner strong enough for all of them desired.

However, at that time, the Zent was seeking a Third Queen—a position far from that of a mere third wife. The Third Queen was still a Queen; her position was within the main royal family, standing above all collateral royals and Greater Duchies, regardless of her original status. To be the lady honoured by the Zent himself, she needed to possess qualities strong enough to withstand silent prejudice but also knew how to be a humble subordinate to the First and Second Queen. A lady from greater duchies might be too high for the role, but a branched archduke candidate from middle duchies would face enormous difficulties in this role unless she was exceptionally brilliant enough to silence all doubters. Thus, Her Majesty Kreszentia was chosen.

The same reasoning applied to the selection of Lady Roseliese, though in a different situation and time. At that time, Prince Waldifried was favoured to be the heir, but the decision had not yet been finalised, so he remained a prince. With the support of Third Queen Kreszentia and Prince Trauerqual, Hauchletzte’s position was solid. As Gulbahar had mentioned, it was strong enough to have a First Lady for non-heir Royal Princes and Collateral Princes. This time, Nahelache’s mother’s status as a branched lady didn’t matter as much, but her own downfall came from being overly ambitious and overconfident, revealing herself as a rebellious candidate. Consequently, Lady Roseliese was chosen.

“Given the current situation, if Greifechan smiles upon our duchy’s bet on Prince Trauerqual, Hauchletzte could secure a spot among the top five duchies since its founding,” Farzania said with a confident smile. “Queen Kreszentia is already in her autumn years, and while Lady Clementine carries Hauchletzte’s blood, she is still a former archduke candidate of Jossbrenner and will soon be demoted to Third Wife. Gilessenmeyer poses another challenge—though it is the mother duchy of Prince Trauerqual’s heir, it ranks lower than us. With Lady Ralfrieda’s demotion, that duchy will undoubtedly seek another marriage alliance to protect its interests.”

The best political outcome for future would likely be another marriage to Prince Trauerqual’s son.

“It’s a fair trade,” Farzania continued. “A secured backing from the Royal Family would elevate Hauchletzte above the other Middle Duchies, and continued support from Hauchletzte for Prince Trauerqual’s children, who only have Gilessenmeyer as their current backing, would be assured. What matters now is which prince will become the heir and which lady from Hauchletzte will be chosen.”

Nahelache silently gripped her sleeve, anxiety creeping into her thoughts.

Prince Trauerqual had two sons with Lady Ralfrieda, both of whom had performed their winter debuts at Gilessenmeyer. Nahelache had already heard about the winter debut during the Interduchy Tournament and knew that Prince Bosekalt’s second son, young Prince Zigehirn, had made his debut two years ago.

Royal members traditionally performed their debuts at the Spring Conference, receiving greetings from all the Aubs. However, due to the ongoing war, no Archduke Conference had taken place. As a result, the only opportunities for all the Aubs to gather were during the Interduchy Tournament and the Graduation Ceremony. With Prince Bosekalt’s directive, all Royal members were allowed to have their debuts with the Aubs, except for his own eldest son Prince Fridenord, plus the two sons of Prince Trauerqual - Prince Sigiswald and Prince Anastasius. The court was abuzz with talk about how being in such an exceptional situation would put these three princes at a disadvantage compared to others. Last year, numerous collateral Royal members had performed their winter debuts at the Interduchy Tournament and presented themselves before all the archducal couples, underscoring the event's significance.

Yet, both sons of Prince Trauerqual did not enjoy the same royal privileges as others.

Nahelache thanked Lady Farzania for serving as her Anhaltung and returned to her room, her mind swirling with thoughts.


Growing up, she had always been aware of Gulbahar’s frustration for what her mother perceived as a wasted life in Hauchletzte. But it wasn’t until Nahelache was invited to meet Her Majesty Kreszentia and Lady Clementine that she truly understood what her mother had lost.

Bathed in the soft glow of the Goddess of Light, the two royal ladies exuded an aura of regal authority. Third Queen Kreszentia, with her dark purple hair and hawk-like gaze, seemed the very embodiment of wisdom and experience. Lady Clementine, younger and blessed with radiant beauty, possessed a captivating charm that drew all eyes to her. Their attire, adorned with jewels and rich fabrics that stood out against the dark backdrop of the Highest God, spoke of wealth and power beyond imagination.

Nahelache felt as though she had stumbled into a dream. The grand tea party room, coupled with the imposing presence of the two royal ladies, left her breathless even though it was the room she was so familiar with. Nahelache had always been proud of her lineage, but in this moment, she felt the vast chasm between her world and theirs. When she saw her grandmother Vaitiare, the First Lady of Hauchletzte, kneel down to greet the two royal ladies, Nahelache understood why Gulbahar had harboured such deep bitterness about her own position. A longing stirred within her—a desire to rise above her station.

I want it.

I want to become a lady of such grace, power, and influence like them.

I want to receive greetings from everyone, to be addressed as “Your Highness.”

I want people to call me… “Your Majesty.”

That aspiration, once a faint whisper in the back of her mind, now roared with the strength of a full-blown ambition.

Nahelache had much to consider, her primary goal being a match with the future heir. Mana compatibility and political status were less of a concern, as all princes currently hailed from middle duchies. After discussing with Lady Farzania, becoming a second wife seemed not an impossible dream for Nahelache.

The Dunkelfelger lady would soon be Prince Trauerqual’s first wife, but even if she bore the heir, the child would be too young. This was not a desirable option for Nahelache.

“Perhaps you should consider alternatives, Lady Nahelache,” suggested her head attendant, Narcisa. “The war’s outcome remains uncertain.”

When Nahelache returned to her room, she immediately discussed the situation with Narcisa, who had been her closest confidant since before she came to the castle. Although the head attendant for each archduke candidate was appointed by the First Lady, parents were allowed to suggest candidates for the role, and under normal circ*mstances, these suggestions were approved. Narcisa had been chosen because she had previously served as Gulbahar's retainer, and her husband was a scholar in the castle. This gave Nahelache an advantage in gaining information from the main building.

“Do you think we might lose?” Nahelache asked.

“Not if Dunkelfelger aids us militarily. However, Lady Magdalena married without backing. Dunkelfelger might only rescue her and any child she bears if things turned worse”, Narcisa replied.

Among all the current young princes, Prince Fridenord was the only one born from a First Lady. However, his status was compromised by the fact that he debuted in a duchy rather than at the Royal Academy, which was a significant flaw in the eyes of many. The same issue applied to Prince Sigiswald and Prince Anastasius, who were similarly disadvantaged and would soon be downgraded to the status of sons of a Second Lady. In contrast, Prince Zigehirn, despite being the son of a Second Lady, had garnered considerable favour. He had performed his winter debut in the Royal Academy, marking him as a proper member of the royal family. His debut was recognized as appropriate and fitting for his rank, which significantly boosted his standing. If Prince Trauerqual were to lose in the ongoing conflicts, aligning herself with Prince Zigehirn might be her safest option. Courting him could not only secure her position but might also protect her from being purged in the event of a major political shift.

Nahelache couldn’t help but feel a bit irritated by the fact that the Dunkelfelger Lady, despite bringing no external support, was still able to claim the First Wife position.

"Lady Magdalena may lack external backing, but she possesses the mana and education required to be Queen—qualities that neither Lady Ralfrieda nor Lady Clementine have. Furthermore, Aub Dunkelfelger promised her a substantial bridewealth, resources that a middle duchy like ours simply cannot offer," Narcisa explained. "Only a Queen’s family truly understands what is necessary to groom a future Queen. This is why the Greater Duchies have maintained their top rankings for so long and continue to sustain their positions. I learned that the Royal Family had to send a tutor to prepare for both Queen Kreszentia and Lady Roseliese since we don’t have a proper one."

This realisation struck a chord with Nahelache. No matter how excellent she was, she would always be considered for a lesser wife position.

Why wasn’t I born as a candidate from one of the Greater Duchies?

If she had been born as an archduke candidate in a Greater Duchy, it would be the princes who sought her hand, not the other way around. A Lady should have the privilege of being pursued and courted, not the desperate need to plan how to catch a prince’s attention.

Nahelache controlled her frustration and calmed herself. She turned back to Narcisa and expressed her assessment of each prince. Narcisa shook her head, "This winter will be just your first year. If anything, I suggest you present yourself as neutral and observe all the princes. Three of them will be attending the Royal Academy, and another will join in two years. You’ll also need to wait for your mana sensing to ensure a proper match. For now, focus on honing your skills and proving that you are the prime candidate of Hauchletzte. Your age is already an advantage, Lady Nahelache."

Narcisa’s words made sense. It was fortunate that she was the same age as two of the princes, and within an acceptable age range for the other two. However, Nahelache’s face darkened when she remembered that her half-sister would be baptised this winter and move to the castle. While her half-sister was unlikely to be a serious competitor, the mere fact that another female candidate would soon be in Hauchletzte served as a reminder that Nahelache could lose favour, just as Lady Farzania and her mother had.

As much as Lady Farzania and Narcisa could support her, it paled in comparison to being noticed by either Queen Kreszentia or Lady Clementine. Nahelache took a deep breath, resolute in her decision: she must continue to cultivate a relationship with these royal ladies.

Just one time, one invitation to their tea party would be enough to signal to all of Hauchletzte that I am the prime candidate for the next royal marriage connection.

The invitation arrived just as Nahelache had wished, though it wasn't for a personal tea party. Instead, she was invited to attend the Engagement Ceremony of Prince Trauerqual and Lady Magdalena, followed by a private tea party exclusive to the archducal members of Hauchletzte.

An engagement between a Royal Prince and a Lady from Dunkelfelger was a significant event, yet the ceremony was held in Hauchletzte, not Dunkelfelger nor Sovereignty nor Royal Academy. There were a few representatives from allied duchies present, but Dunkelfelger’s only attendee was a mere archduke candidate, not even the heir apparent. This detail alone spoke volumes about how this match was perceived by others—it was clearly not a favoured union on all sides.

Nevertheless, when Nahelache finally laid eyes on Lady Magdalena from Dunkelfelger, she was once again awestruck. She had expected Lady Magdalena to be more of a knightly, martial figure, but the reality was far different. Lady Magdalena was unexpectedly and breathtakingly beautiful. She shone with a radiance that rivalled Queen Kreszentia herself and utterly overshadowed Lady Ralfrieda and Lady Clementine. It was a stark reminder of the vast gulf between the greater duchies and the middle ones.

If a flawed lady from a greater duchy could possess such glory and hold her head high, what heights could a proper lady from those duchies reach? Nahelache’s resolve to establish connections with these influential women only grew stronger.

Tomorrow. At tomorrow’s tea party, I must present the very best of myself. This might be my only chance.

But things didn’t unfold as Nahelache had planned.

To the shock of everyone in the room, save for the archducal couple and Lady Clementine, a baptism ceremony was held under the guise of the archducal family tea party.

“Princess Rozemyne shall now enter,” the High Bishop announced.


It was only then that Nahelache noticed Prince Trauerqual's absence. As the High Bishop ensured that all preparations were complete, the estate's attendants opened the door. Queen Kreszentia and Prince Trauerqual entered, followed by a small, delicate figure. Another unexpected event was unfolding before her eyes. For Her Majesty, the Third Queen Kreszentia entered with Prince Trauerqual—a signal that she would be the official guardian of this child.

Is Prince Trauerqual planning to baptise his illegitimate daughter with the help of his mother - the Third Queen?

The reason Nahelache presumed the girl to be his illegitimate daughter was due to the surprised expressions on the faces of Lady Ralfrieda and Lady Magdalena. Yet, why Prince Trauerqual would choose to do this in such a manner remained a mystery to Nahelache, as he could easily have asked one of his wives to stand as the child's mother.

The girl did not flinch under the curious gazes of the nobles, nor did she look around with the usual childish curiosity. Instead, she continued forward with grace, wearing a gentle smile. As she walked in, Nahelache found herself unable to look away. Her hair, a cascade of midnight ink, shimmered with an almost celestial radiance, as if dusted with stardust. Delicate, unfamiliar blossoms were adorned into her hair, lending it a touch of wild enchantment. Her eyes held an otherworldly quality, gleaming like twin golden moons, their depths seemingly endless and captivating.

Nahelache had never seen anything like the girl's baptism dress. It was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, a symphony of white and blue. The white transparent strange fabric overlay, soft and ethereal, flowed gracefully over the dress, its edges melting into a mesmerizing gradient of blue. Intricate white lace, as delicate as spiderwebs, adorned the bodice, while blue embroidery like tiny blossoms trailed down the skirt. It was a dress that seemed to capture the essence of summer, fresh and pure, yet with an underlying depth and mystery. As the little princess passed by, Nahelache caught a faint pleasant scent that had a hint of citrusy, so refreshing yet delight. Everything about this little princess was so captivating and so novel, igniting a fire of desire in Nahelache’s heart.

Contrary to Nahelache’s expectations, two strange magical tools were brought forward. Her grandfather, Aub Hauchletzte, stood up and introduced these tools as part of a mana-relationship test to confirm the girl's lineage. Nahelache had heard of such tools before but had never witnessed them in use. The first test involved the archducal couple presenting an engagement stone crafted by their late daughter, Lady Roseliese, which was placed into the tool. The little princess then placed her hand on the tool to test the maternal relationship. Following this, Prince Trauerqual presented an engagement stone made by the late Prince Waldifried to prove the paternal relationship.

The test results were revealed to everyone in attendance, and Queen Kreszentia announced that Princess Rozemyne was indeed a true descendant of the deceased Prince Waldifried and Lady Roseliese of Hauchletzte.

Despite the shock, the ceremony continued. Princess Rozemyne grasped a magic tool, making it shine brightly—an indication that she had sufficient mana to be recognised as a Royal. The High Bishop then stepped forward to register her mana with the medal.

“The Seven Gods have granted Her Highness their divine protection: Dark, Light, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, and Life,” the High Bishop proclaimed, his voice filled with awe. The room buzzed with whispers of surprise at this revelation. Narcisa leaned in to whisper to Nahelache that it was quite unusual for a princess to be omni-coloured when her mother was not. Even Prince Trauerqual, like Queen Kreszentia, possessed just six colours.

“Congratulations, Princess Rozemyne,” the High Bishop continued. “You are now officially recognized as Prince Waldifried’s daughter. A new child has been born into the Royal Family.”

Lady Clementine was the first to clap, breaking the silence and leading the applause. As the room filled with applause, Queen Kreszentia took the stage, raising a blue feystone ring high above her head.

“I, as the current Third Queen of Yurgenschmidt, gift this ring to Princess Rozemyne, now recognized as a Royal Princess by society and the gods,” she declared, then slid the ring onto Rozemyne's finger. The High Bishop then brought forth an instrument from the temple and granted Princess Rozemyne a blessing from Leidenschaft, the God of Fire.

It was now Princess Rozemyne’s turn to give thanks for the blessing. Rather than blessing the High Bishop in turn, she turned to the audience. “I pray that Leidenschaft, the God of Fire, blesses all those in attendance, and the High Bishop for celebrating my baptism.”

The audience exchanged glances, surprised by this unusual development, as a blue light began to swell within Princess Rozemyne’s ring.

“What...?” Nahelache breathed, astonished as the blue light rose into the air, swirling and scattering across the grand hall like a blessed rain. It was a turn of events that no one could have predicted.

Is that the true level of a Royal lady?

Nahelache wondered, her thoughts swirling as she tried to process everything she had just witnessed. But as she glanced toward Lady Ralfrieda and Lady Magdalena, their expressions told a different story. They were just as astonished as she was, if not more so. This wasn’t just the mark of any royal; it proved that this Princess Rozemyne was something truly abnormal.


Once the ceremony was complete, it was time for the greetings from the attendees. Since the Princess stood higher in rank than everyone else except the other Royal members, she first gave her greetings to all her seniors. Afterward, Lady Magdalena and all members of the Hauchletzte archducal family lined up to greet her.

The first to be introduced to Princess Rozemyne were her guard knights, who would be accompanying her from today onwards. There were three Sovereignty-Hauchletzte knights led by Dame Desdemona. To Nahelache's astonishment, three other Sovereignty-Dunkelfelger knights, who had initially accompanied Lady Magdalena during the engagement ceremony yesterday, were also assigned to guard the princess.

Next were the retainers who would begin serving her, including attendants and scholars. None could have predicted that Sondern—the infamous scholar of Hauchletzte—would be presented as Princess Rozemyne’s scholar. Nahelache couldn’t help but frown as she recalled the rumours surrounding him. This man, despite his immense talent, had squandered it by immersing himself in lowly pursuits and worthless research with commoner stuff.

Maybe he is appointed due to his worth in brewing only.

Nahelache’s turn came, and she offered her greeting to the Royal members just as she had practised long ago. Being the only underage archduke candidate present and the only one Princess Rozemyne could socialise with until her half-sister was presented, Nahelache felt the weight of this moment. She couldn't help but curse the fact that she would be attending the Royal Academy this year, while her half-sister would have more time to interact with the Princess in the children’s room. Nahelache could only hope that the Princess might be more interested in the information from the Royal Academy, given her mature appearance and demeanour. It seemed more logical that Princess Rozemyne would prefer discussing interduchy relationships rather than the internal affairs of Hauchletzte.

But Nahelache quickly realised she was mistaken. Princess Rozemyne was indeed very mature—so much so that she largely ignored the underage candidate like Nahelache and focused her attention on discussions with the adults, specifically the other Royal members. Apart from the Hauchletzte archducal couple, no member of the archducal family had the slightest chance to engage in conversation with her.

The tea party was a grand affair, with an array of novel products introduced that caught everyone’s attention. The table, draped in a pristine white cloth embroidered with intricate patterns in purple and gold, was set with an array of delicacies that sparkled under the light of a crystal chandelier. Each dish, beautifully displayed on a three-tiered silver stand, was a miniature work of art, showcasing a harmonious blend of Kunstzeal and Cuococalura.

One of the standout items was the “finger sandwiches”—a dish made with two slices of incredibly soft, white bread as the container for various ingredients, all cut into small bite-sized pieces. While it wasn’t new to use bread as a food holder, this was the first time Nahelache had seen such delicate, fluffy bread. The sandwich fillings were equally intriguing, with various sauces that were completely new to her, turning the simple act of tasting into a journey of discovery.

Next to the sandwiches was a silver platter holding “scones,” a type of bread with a mysterious milky sweet scent as Princess Rozemyne called “Vanilla”, their golden tops gleaming invitingly. Beside them were glass bowls filled with cubes of another curious sweet called “pound cake,” light yellow, fluffy, and airy. Various pots of toppings were provided for both the scones and pound cake, including Clotted Cream from Jossbrenner, Honey from Gillesenmeyer, “Rumtopf” made from fruits preserved in Dunkelfelger’s Vize, Caramel sauce made from new ingredients in Hauchletzte, and Floral Jam made from a special flower of Hauchletzte.

“All of them were created by Rozemyne.”

Nahelache couldn't believe what she was hearing. The entire tea party, with all its delicate and innovative dishes, was being credited to Princess Rozemyne. Even a single, small thing in this tea party, as intimate as the silver-tiered stand used to serve it, could set a notable trend. It was clear that Her Majesty Kreszentia and the Hauchletzte archducal couple were determined to establish Princess Rozemyne as a genius Royal Princess. The casual conversation between Prince Trauerqual and Rozemyne about the pound cake only added to Nahelache's astonishment. The fact that even Prince Trauerqual supported Princess Rozemyne so fervently made Nahelache wonder why he didn’t show the same favour towards his own sons.

Princess Rozemyne's explanation about discovering a new sweetener from a forgotten fey plant in Hauchletzte was met with even more disbelief. The idea that this young princess could have discovered and researched such a significant resource herself was difficult for Nahelache to accept. Yet, the Hauchletzte archduke, and even Queen Kreszentia confirmed it.

The conversation continued with Aub Hauchletzte emphasising that unless Rozemyne allowed it, Hauchletzte couldn't capitalise on the new trend because the entire process—from discovering the plant to producing the sweetener—was under her control.

“That cannot be true!” Lady Ralfrieda frowned, “What kind of feytree that cannot be cultivated?”

Lady Ralfrieda's scepticism was quickly addressed by Queen Kreszentia, who confirmed that the fey tree was indeed real and forgotten, with no one else having any knowledge of its cultivation.

"But it was no coincidence that all the new products appeared, as Rozemyne had spent two years researching them with Michelle and Sondern."

An unbaptised child was researching with THAT Sondern?

Nahelache’s mind whirled with the information she had just absorbed. The revelation that Sondern, the so-called "self-downgraded weirdo," had played a significant role in the development of these new products only deepened her confusion. How could someone so eccentric and seemingly obsessed with mixing with commoners be responsible for something that was now being celebrated by the Royal Family? It made her uneasy, especially since she despised the idea of adopting trends that might have originated from lowest-ranked society. Yet, both Aub Hauchletzte and Queen Kreszentia had confirmed that these products came from a forgotten feytree, which meant that commoners likely knew nothing about them. This realisation eased her early distress slightly.

"Princess Rozemyne, your hair is absolutely stunning," Lady Muirgel interjected, "It's as dark as the midnight sky, yet it shimmers with a glossy sheen, like a dozen stars adorning your head."

It was clear Lady Muirgel was trying to diffuse the tension between Queen Kreszentia and Lady Ralfrieda. Nahelache took note of the strained relationship between the two Royal Ladies. It was vital information that might influence her decision on which side to align herself with in the future.

Princess Rozemyne's response about her hair being a result of a new product called Rinsham caught Nahelache off guard. The idea of a "simple" product becoming a "personal signature" for high-class nobles seemed contradictory to her. Another story emerged. It appeared that while attempting to replicate Immedink’s soap, the Princess had inadvertently discovered a new beauty product capable of creating lustrous, yet oil-free hair. Aub Hauchletzte’s attempt to purchase the rights to produce and sell Rinsham as a new trend for Hauchletzte, but he had apparently failed a wage with her little granddaughter, forcing him to buy it at a much higher cost.

However, the fact that the basic version of Rinsham would be exclusive to Hauchletzte was already a significant win for the duchy. For the more refined, personal signature version, further experimentation by Hauchletzte’s scholars would required.

The flower ornaments in Princess Rozemyne's hair were remarkably lifelike, baffling Nahelache. Everyone was astonished to learn they were crafted from thread. When Lady Magdalena inquired about the adornments, she received a concise reply: they were an experimental product called "stumpwork." Nahelache, upon closer inspection, realized the dress's embroidery was equally innovative. Instead of traditional stitching, it employed a vibrant, three-dimensional technique. This was no mere fashion trend; it signaled a groundbreaking advancement in textile artistry.

Nahelache was eager to bring any of those new trends to the Royal Academy and make a name for herself by being one of the first to present it. However, Aub Hauchletzte dashed her hopes by stating that the duchy would need to localise the product first. He emphasised that the all trends would only be released after Princess Rozemyne introduced it first, and only after the war was settled, effectively putting a hold on Nahelache ambitions.

This news left Nahelache feeling both frustrated and determined. The trends being introduced by Princess Rozemyne were revolutionary in every single product, but they were also tightly controlled. Nahelache would have to find another way to make her mark while waiting for the right moment to capitalise on these new products.

In the meantime, Nahelache resolved to keep a close eye on Princess Rozemyne and the developments in Hauchletzte. If she couldn’t bring Rinsham or Stumpwork to the Royal Academy immediately, she would need to find another opportunity to align herself with this little princess Rozemyne’s growing influence and ensure that she could earn a share in those trends.

Nahelache's resolve strengthened after returning from the tea party. She held an emergency meeting with her entourage, and they all agreed on one thing: Princess Rozemyne could very well be chosen as the future First Wife of Prince Trauerqual’s heir. Given her baptism with her original lineage and her indirect support from Dunkelfelger, it was widely suspected that Princess Rozemyne would soon be adopted by Prince Trauerqual and Lady Magdalena once the war ended and the couple claimed the throne. This would solidify Princess Rozemyne’s position as the likely future First Queen.

This means she will be my senior in the future…

Nahelache recalled the lesson taught by Lady Farzania: A proper subordinate must know her place and lower herself before those who are higher in status!

The Princess had been baptised and was expected to move to the Northern Building soon. This would make it much easier for Nahelache to approach her. Once the archduke candidate was baptised, the control of the adult and official guardian would lessen. As long as Queen Kreszentia and the Archducal couple did not interfere, Nahelache was confident she could gain the princess's favour before her half-sister presented.

Ironically, despite both being subordinates of Flutrane, Greifechan did not seem to be working in tandem with Efflorelume.

There was no sign of Princess Rozemyne moving to the Northern Building, and every attempt Nahelache made to suggest a meeting had failed.

What is going wrong with this princess?



Nahelache, Gulbahar, Farzania, Narcisa—these women might sound formidable, but if there is one word to describe them, it will be SHORT-SIGHTED.
I based their characters on historical stories from various Asian countries, including from my ancestors. Raised as "high-ranked concubines," they excel in the confined spaces like harems and forbidden cities, outshining commoners, merchants' daughters, and low-ranking officials in arts, literature, and politics. However, in the realm of state governance, their limited perspective becomes apparent. They grew up in learning things just to serve those following purpose: Get good marriage, earn favours from husband's family, bear sons, acquire benefits for their family, fight other competitors (main wife/ other concubines/ husband's siblings) to ensure that their son would be heir... Their shortcomings stem from cultural constraints and historical conditioning.

Chapter 38: Short Story 4 - The daily headache report in Dunkelfelger


I will be a little busy next week so a small fun short story for you guys here.
The Lord of Evil is on the loose ~~~ LOL

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

My head hurts...

Sometimes Sieglinde wondered if they had been wrong about the timing of revealing everything to Seradina. Seradina had just awakened from a long sleep, and her emotional state was likely still fragile. Learning that her only son had faced so many trials at such a young age would naturally anger her, and Sieglinde couldn’t help but sympathise with Seradina's feelings.

If I had been the one sleeping in Juvere for three years and similar events had happened to Lestilaut or Hannelore, I might have gone insane instead.

To be honest, Sieglinde doubted that either of her children could have managed to turn the situation around as Ferdinand had.

The boy was proficient in archaic language at just 7 years old, deciphering the secret code of the Ancient Zent in the Gewinnen records that led to a highly powerful compression method, secretly compressing mana even before baptism, reaching the maximum compression rate, and still having spare mana to store in children's tools to fool everyone else. Ferdinand had already accomplished all of this before his formal training even began.

He won a Gewinnen match against all male archducal members, negotiated to gain hundreds of books and two top students along with high-quality Spring materials by offering just a simple protection on a name, developed an extremely effective rejuvenation potion that could refill 90% of one's mana (though the cost and taste would leave anyone paler than Ewigeliebe), and designed an explosive weapon as small and light as a rock, usable with just a simple slingshot.

He also brewed a strange potion that could thicken and be able to immobilise full-grown knights and mature schnefeld. This potion could even temporarily take the form of a gel, faked as a rope and used as a trap just as in the Ditter. Then there was the mana net that could be compacted into a very small ball and easy to be hidden under the thin fur layer of a Zanze. Ferdinand was also the one exploring the usage of the temple's divine tools in Ditter, making blessings in Angriff and Heishmeiz without a schtappe, and forging Schutzaria’s shield with strange spells.

Everything that boy ever did was so unrealistic for a 7-year-old boy.

Of course, there was also the silent but full support from the archducal family, such as the Aub giving a secret order for everyone to join Ferdinand’s team to protect the boy.

When Ferdinand proposed the list of his team members, it included only Heissh*tze and Rauffen. Heissh*tze was chosen to join the match because if he lost with Ferdinand, it would justify Lady Magdalena's refusal to match with him. As for Rauffen, when the Aub sent a summon to call him back from the Royal Academy, he secretly slipped in a letter and ordered Rauffen to join. Rauffen's real mission was to protect Ferdinand in the field, and no matter what happened during the match or what the results would be, Ferdinand had to be protected at all costs. Under Aub's order, Rauffen suggested the member list to Ferdinand, which was actually the list of people the archducal family had chosen.

Geraldine was another case. As the first grandchild of the archducal couple, and with her father still an archduke candidate, it was technically acceptable for her to be baptised as an archduke candidate. However, at that time, it was planned that Werdekraft would soon become heir, so everyone agreed that letting the girl be an archnoble was a signal for Werdekraft's move to the castle. Her pedigree and age, however, became problematic later due to the complexities of the war. Geraldine, already in her third year, but could still be promoted via adoption and become the new bride prize from Dunkelfelger if the Fourth Prince faction pushed the Royal Order from the Second Queen. She was chosen to join the Ditter so that the future loss could keep her as archnoble and protect her from Prince Bosekalt’s grasp.

Hermann was chosen simply because he was suggested as a fiancé candidate for Geraldine. No one would protest if the two joined the Ditter together and then married each other. There would be plenty of excuses to provide. However, Sieglinde couldn’t expect Bluanfa to truly favour those two.

As for Eckhart and Heidemarie, the only two non-Dunkelfelger apprentices that were not under the archducal family’s control. Eckhart was recommended by Professor Rauffen when Ferdinand asked for an excellent knight apprentice from a lower-ranked duchy, and Heidemarie was suggested by Eckhart himself. Both Aub and Lady Celestine agreed with Ferdinand’s choice because they thought the presence of those two could serve as an excuse to mitigate any flaws Ferdinand might bear if he lost.

Exceeding expectations, Ferdinand and his team's victory was something else entirely. It completely changed the balance of power in Dunkelfelger overnight, and Sieglinde began to feel a little overwhelmed managing the balance between the two different factions.

Thank the Seven that Seradina woke up just in time.

Seradina was a very trustworthy and supportive companion, and she helped Sieglinde broaden her perspective—one that had been so skewed by Dunkelfelger culture.If there was anything to complain about at this moment, it was...

“Lady Sieglinde, Lady Magdalena’s attendant has come to ask if you have any free time to join the training session with Lady Seradina.”


“Yes, milady. Lady Magdalena said she would love to have another perspective in the training session. She even mentioned that Lady Seradina seems to have... hostile feelings toward her.”

Well, Magdalena wasn’t wrong about that.

When Lady Celestine shared Seradina’s plan with Sieglinde and Lady Millicent, both were shocked by how vile Seradina could be. Many plans were discussed to see how to separate Seradina from Magdalena, just to ensure Magdalena wouldn’t get killed before marrying off.

But Sieglinde agreed that Seradina’s strictness was necessary, given the change of Magdalena’s status in short notice, and how Lady Celestine didn’t interfere in the training sessions. If anyone could help Magdalena become a good Queen who could not only survive in the Sovereignty but also flourish, it would be Lady Celestine and Seradina. One had been trained to become Queen (even if just a lesser position), and the other was a former princess with a good relationship with the future First Queen.

Magdalena was an honourable Dunkelfelger archduke candidate, but that didn’t necessarily mean she would be a good lady in other duchies' cultures.

Sieglinde recalled the stories from Seradina and her entourage about life outside Dunkelfelger, especially those from middle duchies. Sieglinde saw herself as more logical and astute compared to most people in Dunkelfelger, but understanding a culture where Ditter was seen as a sport to be avoided due to its cost was really beyond her comprehension. The compulsory training in Dunkelfelger was also non-existent in other duchies, and in some, the archduke candidates only knew the most basic defense taught at the Royal Academy.

No wonder most foreign ladies hardly fit in with the Dunkelfelgerian lifestyle, and those from Dunkelfelger rarely adapted in other duchies after marriage. Once again, Sieglinde felt relieved and thankful that her senior was someone like Seradina.

Sieglinde waved off her attendant and instructed them to send her reply: that she was merely an archnoble educated to be a second wife of a duchy and did not have the proper education to understand or interfere with Royal Bride education.

The plan for Magdalena had already been updated due to the deal with the Third Queen and Prince Trauerqual, and since Seradina was the one who could separate her personal feelings from her duties, Sieglinde wasn’t too worried about that aspect. Especially now that they had Ferdinand.

The boy was the first to recognize his mother's emotional instability, just as he had noticed the oddities in Magdalena’s behaviour earlier. Such a perceptive child! That was why Lady Millicent suggested allowing Ferdinand to socialise with Seradina as much as possible to help stabilise her emotions. If they needed to send a message to Ferdinand, they could do so through Seradina, giving her more reasons to see her son.

So far, this approach had been effective. With Ferdinand visiting Seradina often, her mood seemed to have improved. Sieglinde could only hope that this peace would last until Magdalena was successfully married off.

In the worst-case scenario... Perhaps she should suggest letting Seradina have a second child when Ferdinand entered the Royal Academy, to redirect her attention to the new child.

But the most pressing concern now wasn't Seradina—it was Ferdinand himself.

“Lord Ferdinand reported that he discovered a method to modify elements while cultivating feyplants. He proposed making it a duchy-wide research project and presenting it at the Interduchy Tournament.”

“Lord Ferdinand invented a completely new weapon, which played a crucial role in his victory over Lord Geissleg in Ditter.”

“Lord Ferdinand won a Gewinnen match against Aub. He requested to accompany the Temple to observe the delivery of the Spring Chalice. Though his request was denied, he was permitted to study the temple records instead.”

“Lord Ferdinand defeated Lady Magdalena in Ditter. She was barred from the training grounds and had to focus on training with Lady Seradina for a month. Meanwhile, her entire entourage was tasked with gathering materials for Lord Ferdinand, instead of participating in the subjugation of the Summer Lord.”

“Lord Ferdinand won a Ditter match against Lord Werdekraft. Lord Werdekraft's entire entourage was assigned to transcribe books from the castle library to make copies for Lord Ferdinand’s personal collection.”

“Lord Ferdinand bested Knight Commander Lonblaudt in Ditter. This victory granted him permission to participate in the Hunting Tournament.”

“Lord Ferdinand successfully hunted a couple of Gotze using his new weapon.”

“Lord Ferdinand gathered all laynoble children together and taught them Ditter strategy through Gewinnen.”

“Lord Ferdinand taught all the children in the Winter room to pray with him. Only those who succeed in making Schutzaria’s shield would be considered to be his retainers.”

“Lord Ferdinand organised a new type of Ditter Tournament in the Winter room, where teams were divided based on their test results in Ditter Strategy and Prayers.”

“The new type of Ditter did not involve mana at all, and Lord Ferdinand agreed to let Knight Commander use it for knight training in exchange for copies of all the books in Lord Lonblaudt’s estate.”

“Lord Ferdinand created a new recording tool that is smaller, requires less mana, and can fly by itself to record entire Ditter matches from above. He successfully tricked the Aub, Lord Werdekraft, Lord Eberhard, and Lord Geissleg into purchasing samples of the tool for 3 large gold coins each.”

“Several duchies sent complaints to the Aub regarding Lord Ferdinand's rejuvenation potions being sold at the Royal Academy by his retainers at exorbitant prices. Lord Ferdinand had developed ten different versions beyond the original one.”

“Lord Ferdinand’s retainers were also selling explosive powder in the Royal Academy.”

“Lord Ferdinand…”

Someone, give me a break...

Turning the children's room into a mini Tournament, leading the middle and laynoble teams to defeat the archnoble team, forcing all the children to learn praying, using Ditter to bait other members of the archducal family into giving him money and books, inventing a new weapon that explodes after three hits and leaves no trace of evidence, selling potions and weapons in the Royal Academy through his retainers, tricking those Ditter-obsessed individuals into buying overpriced tools...

He's just a 9-year-old boy. He's just a 9-year-old boy. He's just a 9-year-old boy...

'Mother, I finished my calculations. Can I go drawing now?'

Okay, her son was also part of the problem.

Somehow, word had gotten out that Lestilaut was fond of the Kunstzeal domain, especially in art. So, Ferdinand sent a carved wooden picture as a gift to motivate Lestilaut to study hard for his baptism next year.

After receiving Ferdinand’s gift, little Lestilaut became eager to meet him. He kept asking when he could see his big brother, and Sieglinde had to tell him that he could only do so if he finished all his work because Ferdinand was in high demand and disliked laziness and a lack of talent. Well, she wasn’t lying.

But Sieglinde really wondered what Ferdinand was thinking when he sent a book on Theology to Lestilaut, claiming it was a study resource. That book was meant for first and second-year students, not a six-year-old boy.

And yet, this too became another form of motivation for Lestilaut to study.

Werdekraft didn’t help at all. Every time he visited, he would just go on and on about Ferdinand—how the boy defeated him again in Gewinnen, how he invented a new weapon, how he led the children in the training ground to play different types of Ditter. It was ridiculous to pay three large gold coins for a recording tool, but now Werdekraft brought all the Ditter recordings to watch together. And after Lestilaut saw Ferdinand perform a pre-Ditter dance and give the blessing of Angriff to his team, he started to draw Ferdinand a lot, a lot, a lot!

Please tell me Lestilaut isn’t turning into a second Geraldine!

As Schutzaria raised her shield, the ladies of the archducal family gathered to plan for the Hunting Tournament. However, the conversation somehow veered towards Ferdinand. Thank goodness the boy wasn’t here today.

“I hereby confirm,” Lady Millicent announced, “that Ferdinand is a new type of Dunkelfelger boy unlike any we’ve ever seen. The current curriculum of Verfuhremeer offers no solution for dealing with him, let alone controlling him.”

“That much?”

Lady Millicent then presented the records from all the tea parties arranged to find potential fiancée candidates for Ferdinand. Sieglinde skimmed through them and immediately felt the urge to cradle her head. The candidates’ reactions could be divided into three categories:

One: The girl was intimidated by how Ferdinand tested her knowledge and withdrew, saying she didn’t dare stand beside him.

Two: The girl was terrified by Ferdinand’s “as cold as Schneeahst” demeanour and wanted nothing to do with him.

Three: The girl was so astonished by Ferdinand’s achievements and ethereal looks that she turned into another Geraldine or Heidemarie, joining the ranks of Ferdinand’s admirers.

How on Erwaermen’s garden did Ferdinand manage to chase off all his potential future brides?

“Are there any other candidates?” Lady Tulnesda inquired.

“I’m afraid not. All the potential baptised candidates who match him in pedigree and mana have already been considered,” Lady Millicent sighed. “We may have to look at those not yet baptised. But first, we need to update our curriculum! Then with just one girl, one girl was blessed with Angriff to stand beside him and we will be her Erwachlehren to help the girl become a proper Verfuhremeer.”

“Have you figured out how to handle this newly discovered type?”

The room suddenly fell silent.

“I think he’s quite wary of your whip, Millicent.”

“He does seem to flinch a bit whenever Lady Celestine throws her cups.”

“Hm… maybe he’s fond of Angriff’s style?”

“At least it’s something to consider…”

“Maybe… uhm… someone with chubby cheeks?” Seradina pondered a little bit.


“He seems to prefer pinching something soft and squishy, so I ordered some plushies to help him vent his anger. He also likes shumils a lot, often petting them whenever he sees them.”

So, the boy inherited his mother’s bad habit.Still, it was hard to imagine a boy like Ferdinand enjoying petting shumils and playing with plushies.

The meeting was interrupted by yet another urgent report about Ferdinand.

To sum up, Ferdinand had defeated someone on the Ditter field again with his unexpected and crazy strategy, and this time, the losers were none other than Eberhard and Geissleig. The cause?

“What do you mean the Ditter was to test Ferdinand’s gender? How could you go greeting Schlaftraum when the Goddess of Light is still present? Did your head get hit by Verdrenna?”

It turned out that during a men’s social gathering, the conversation had somehow shifted to Ferdinand, and after some blessings from Vantole, those Ditter-obsessed men concluded that Ferdinand and Magdalena might have been born with the wrong genders. All these discussions arose from incidents that occurred in the Winter room last year, when some hot-headed boys mistakenly proposed to Ferdinand, believing him to be a girl. They even debated the size of Ferdinand’s... Damn! What was wrong with those men?

Of course, all their talk was complete nonsense—after all, the most recent time your family could see your full body was when you were just born. What no one could ever expect was that the effect of Vantole’s blessing was too strong. That was why Eberhard and Geissleig challenged Ferdinand to a Ditter match, with the stake being that if Ferdinand lost, he would have to share a bath with his two uncles.

The fight between Ferdinand and his two drunk uncles… The outcome was too easy to guess.

“And what was Ferdinand’s stake?”

“Lord Ferdinand simply requested the two Lords to follow his orders, without revealing them until after the Ditter ended. Now, uh, Lord Ferdinand has ordered his knights to strip the blessing of Ventuchte off his two uncles and hang them up on a tree, saying they need to cool their heads down for at least three days.”

Seven on high, please don’t tell me he hangs his uncles up clothless on the tree?

Of course, no one could do anything, as Ferdinand had made sure to properly prepare the magic contract for every Ditter he participated in. All the ladies of the house rushed to the men’s gathering to unleash their anger on those foolish men. Lady Celestine was so furious that she destroyed fifty carved teacups in just one evening. As for Werdekraft, Sieglinde let Seradina deal with his ear and ignored the cries of their husband.

In the end, the Aub and Lady Celestine had to negotiate with Ferdinand, and his request was clear: he wanted to attend the Interduchy Tournament and Graduation Ceremony this year. In return, he promised to stay quiet in the castle until the next Spring.

“I promised to give my blessing to Heidemarie, Hermann, and Eckhart after they’re awarded honours and graduate successfully. It’s unfair that only Heissh*tze gets the privilege!”

Hermann and Heidemarie’s eyes gleamed with such a fanatical light that it was almost frightening, and they began to pray to Ferdinand, while the other retainers looked on with jealousy. The Ferdinand fanatics were becoming more and more difficult to control… Just thinking that she would be the one needing to control them later on was so terrible.

However, Sieglinde now had more serious matters to consider.

Lady Millicent and Lady Celestine had just sent gifts to her daughter Hannelore, along with a letter: “May our Hannelore be known as the best Verfuhremeer ever in the history of Dunkelfelger.”

Sieglinde asked Cordula to open the gifts. Inside was a small whip and a box containing dozens of tiny teacups.

My Hannelore is only three years old…






UPDATE TIMELINE WITH CHAPTER: (all events happened in order)

Ferdinand 7yo, Rozemyne 5yo, Magdalena Year 5 RA


  • Mag DunkelDon Trauerqual (Ch11-12).
  • Interduchy Tournament: Ditter (C19)
  • The adventure of Lessy (C22)
  • Ferdie had tea party with Ehrenfest & received blessing from Lessy (C23)
  • FerMai reunion in dream (C24)
  • Sera awake, Celes x Kresz tea party (C26)
  • Ehren got bashed (C29-30, Kars + Adel POV)

Ferdinand 8yo, Rozemyne 6yo, Magdalena Year 6 RA


  • Roz get permission to go downtown (C31)
  • Roz rampage in hauch and Ferdie try to console Sera (C32-35)
  • Kresz bashed Mag, Celes x Mag discussion (C27)
  • Dunk visit Ehren, Heidemarie get adopted (C29-30, Boni + Elvira POV)
  • Dunk Aub + Celes finalise the deal with Kresz and Trau (C28)
  • Roz bullied Aub Hauch to get her rice and sugar (C36)

Summer: Ferdie bullied Mag in Dunk (C38), Roz focus on learning noble euphemism (after C36)

Autumn: Ferdie kept rampage in Dunk (C38), Anastasius baptised in Giles


  • Ferdie bullied children in Winter room (C38)
  • Mag graduated, get escorted by Trau
  • Eglantine baptised in Klass

Ferdinand 9yo, Rozemyne 7yo

Spring: Nahelache turned to 10 (C37)

Summer: Trau x Mag engagement ceremony, Roz baptised in Hauch (C37)

Autumn: Ferdie hang his uncles up on a tree (C38)

Winter: Interduchy Tournament, Roz performed winter debut, FerMai meet in public (C39)


That's how our boy secure a slot to go the Royal Academy to attend his waifu's baptism next chapter!
Ferdinand is the newly discovered Pokemon Dunkelfelger type

Chapter 39: Rozemyne – Winter debut at Interduchy Tournament


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Winter had arrived with continuous heavy rain, signalling the beginning of a busy season for the nobles and their attendants. The scholars were hard at work, relaying important information about the students who would soon depart for the Royal Academy. They coordinated with dormitory supervisors, gathered reports from sovereignty nobles returning home, and arranged meetings between the Aub and the Giebes for the upcoming winter social season. Attendants, too, were in full swing. They meticulously prepared for the winter social season by bringing out magical cleaning tools to spruce up the Dormitory and checking the furniture to ensure it was in proper working order. Everything had to be perfect for the influx of students who would soon gather.

Originally, Rozemyne was planned to be baptised under Trauerqual and make her debut at the winter performance alongside the other noble children of Hauchletzte. However, due to her insistence on changing the plan, she would instead perform her debut at the Interduchy Tournament. This change also meant that she would not be able to participate in the Winter Room, as Heinrich deemed it necessary to limit information about Rozemyne until the appropriate time. To maintain secrecy, they took advantage of the engagement ceremony between Prince Trauerqual and Lady Magdalena, using it as an excuse to invite only archducal members to Rozemyne’s baptism.

Rozemyne didn’t have time to lament her exclusion from the Winter Room, as Kreszentia and Vaitiare had assigned her a hefty amount of homework. She needed to learn the correct order of actions, how to greet each duchy, and which topics to discuss to leave a strong impression. To her surprise, the plan was for her to visit each duchy’s booth and greet the archducal couples with Kreszentia and Trauerqual first. Then, after the award ceremony, she would perform her winter music.

The reason for this change in order was to mitigate potential risks. There was concern that the Fourth Prince might cause trouble during the time she received greetings from the Aubs after performing her winter debut, particularly those aligned with his faction. By accompanying Kreszentia and Trauerqual, Rozemyne would force even the most reluctant Aub to greet her.

“All the winter performances by Royal members in the last two years didn’t face any objections, but we can’t be certain the same will hold true for you,” Kreszentia sighed, her concern evident. “The way Prince Bosekalt acted towards the young Lord of Dunkelfelger two years ago worries me. That boy was just seven years old, yet he was ready to raise his hand if Aub Dunkelfelger and Lord Werdekraft hadn’t intervened quickly.”

“He seemed quite pleased after learning that Prince Anastasius made his winter debut in Gilessenmeyer last year,” Heinrich added with a frown. “Perhaps he believes that performing a winter debut and receiving greetings from the Aubs truly gives his son an advantage. If you receive the ‘same privilege’ and are baptised under Prince Waldifried, who knows how he might react. By performing your winter debut after the award ceremony, we can also reduce the likelihood of being invited to a tea party immediately afterward. They’ll have to follow the usual rule of sending an invitation for the next day or three days later.”

“We will visit the Dunkelfelger booth first, then pick up Lady Magdalena to join us,” Trauerqual said, patting Rozemyne’s head reassuringly. “She will be your escort knight for the later greetings, so Werkestock won’t be able to act rashly. Everything will be fine.”

The morning of the Interduchy Tournament dawned bright and cold, the castle buzzing with activity. Rozemyne’s retainers worked diligently, dressing her in the meticulously crafted attire that had taken half a year to prepare. The air was filled with anticipation as they carefully assembled the pieces of her ensemble, while the scholars prepared the gifts Rozemyne and Kreszentia had personally selected for each duchy.

Rozemyne’s guardians had initially protested the idea of using the greeting as an opportunity to introduce trends through gifts. They worried it would draw unnecessary attention or invite criticism. However, in the end, they were swayed by Rozemyne’s persuasive arguments. By publicly presenting the gifts during the greeting, no one could ever dare to steal her ideas. Each trend was uniquely tailored to the duchies, incorporating their local products, making it an effective way to promote unity and exchange.

“There it is, milady. You look fabulous! As if Mestionora herself has descended to our world,” Fabiane praised as she took a step back to admire her work.

In noble circles, this was a high compliment, though Rozemyne was never particularly amused by the constant comparisons to that particular Goddess. Despite her personal feelings, she knew that embodying the image of Mestionora was a necessary sacrifice if it meant her “ambitious ideas” would be approved.

Rozemyne's dress was made in two separate parts: a deep cherry red, sumptuous damask bodice from Klassenberg’s damask, and sleeves of lighter-coloured velvet from Gaussbuttel. The edges were embroidered with modern stumpwork (1) (2) stitches using pastel-coloured thread from Immedink, combined with traditional stitches using silver and golden thread from Neuehausen. This created a decoration that shimmered like the blend between sunlight and early rising stars, adding a touch of opulence.

The skirt was open in the front, revealing the white kirtle dress underneath, which was made from multiple layers of silk-like and linen-like fabrics from Werkestock and Gilessenmeyer. A line of extravagant white lace from Lehmbruck peeked out from the sleeve cuffs and hem, intricate and delicate as a spider's web. Tulle from Ahrensbach served as the base for stumpwork flower hairpins, crafted using super-thin thread from a special plant and wooden pins from Drewanchel. Her shoes were modified slightly from a knightly Dunkelfelger style, using leather from Zausengas. In addition to the hair ornaments, Rozemyne also wore a belt that attached special glass-like stones found in Trostwerk and Frenbeltag.

The dress was complemented by a blended crimson red-black cape coat with a white collar. Crafted from a combination of a breathtaking gradient fabric from Ehrenfest and white fur from Jossbrenner, the coat represented the colour of winter and the signature colour of Royalty, adding a touch of luxury suitable for winter warmth. For the lesser duchies, Rozemyne decided to use their local ingredients for her new rinsham scent and incorporate their duchies' traditional patterns into the embroidery.

The combination of materials and craftsmanship from different duchies created a harmonious blend that symbolises the unity she wished to promote: “a united Yurgenschmidt”. Whether the other nobles liked it or not, as long as people praised her new dress, Rozemyne would seize the opportunity to share the significance behind each piece.

As she stood before the mirror, Rozemyne couldn’t help but reflect on the dire situation the scholars had reported. The ongoing war had stretched on longer than the previous conflict, leaving many people weary and desperate. Some middle duchies had begun to make drastic decisions to minimise harm. And those duchies, exhausted and fearful, might be more receptive to her message now than ever before. Convincing the powerful duchies like Klassenberg and Werkestock would be challenging, as they were entrenched in their ways, and unlikely to embrace change easily. But Rozemyne’s goal was to garner support from the middle and smaller duchies, those who were weary of the conflict and fearful of the purge that either Klassenberg or Werkestock might push for. She also hoped to prevent those aligned with the Fourth Prince from opposing Dunkelfelger and Trauerqual in the future.

The atmosphere was tense as Rozemyne and her entourage prepared for the crucial day ahead. Aub Hauchletzte had issued strict orders to ensure that no information about her presence leaked before she made her appearance publicly. Kreszentia and Trauerqual had already departed to visit Gilessenmeyer’s booth, with two main objectives: to check in with Sigiswald and to subtly signal their intentions to Aub Gilessenmeyer and Ralfrieda. Heinrich had assured Rozemyne that Aub Gilessenmeyer would be supportive, but Rozemyne couldn’t shake a lingering worry about Ralfrieda. The lady’s demeanour during Rozemyne’s baptism had been less than enthusiastic, plus her retainers’ views were nothing positive when talking about Ralfrieda.

Sigiswald was also attending the Royal Academy this year. Due to the ongoing war, he had to attend the Royal Academy while staying in Gilessenmeyer’s Dormitory. He only used Trauerqual’s tearoom for the winter social season, as people preferred the solitude and security of Gilessenmeyer’s quarters for the rest of the time. This was really an unusual situation for a royal member, but not only him, even Prince Bosekalt’s sons also shared the same situation.

Rozemyne had initially feared that staying in such a secluded environment might amplify Sigiswald’s already notorious arrogance. However, she had been surprised to hear that he had managed quite well even though following the old curriculum. It seemed that the loss of his once-privileged status as the Zent’s eldest son, coupled with the pressure of competition from Prince Bosekalt’s favoured son Zigehirn, had forced Sigiswald to adjust. Perhaps a little rivalry was just what he needed to develop a more tolerable character.

A familiar rush of mana accompanied the transportation circle, and when Rozemyne opened her eyes, she found herself in the Hauchletzte Dormitory. The surroundings were similar to the castle, with only a few close retainers of the archducal couple present to greet her. Before the main event, there was a final round of checks to make sure everything was in place. Heinrich and Vaitiare escorted Rozemyne to a secluded area where they could review the details one last time. As they walked, Rozemyne caught sight of Nahelache prepared to depart to the arena, looking stunned.

To be honest, Rozemyne nearly forgot about Nahelache’s presence. The young girl had attended her baptism, but Rozemyne had been too preoccupied to acknowledge her.

“Grandfather, there was...” Nahelache’s voice trailed off as she addressed Heinrich who stood beside Rozemyne. There was something off about the way Nahelache called him “grandfather.” It sounded forced, almost unnatural.

Simply put, Nahelache was reviewing the research presentations and discovered Rozemyne's research on the importance of Life elements in feyplant cultivation. Since Nahelache had not been informed about this research, she requested to read the report so she could help introduce the project as the archduke candidate of the duchy. However, the scholar leading the project was none other than Sondern, so of course he would not agree to let Nahelache read it.

Actually, Nahelache was the only archduke candidate represented at the Royal Academy, so she was required to be knowledgeable about the duchy's research to participate in social interactions, especially if other duchies inquired. It was a normal reaction, but Sondern's rejection seemed far from gentle for a young lady to accept.

“That is the research of Princess Rozemyne,” Heinrich responded firmly. “Her scholar will lead and present it, with our scholars assisting. That’s all you need to say when anyone asks about it. You’re just a first-year. Follow Murgiel and learn how to socialise with the other duchies. Focus on your own social network and leave the project to its owner. Your uncle Jonathan already knows all of this.”

Nahelache flinched slightly but obediently withdrew, her posture stiff. It was only natural for a young archduke candidate to follow the adults and learn how to navigate the complex web of duchy politics. To be fair, even if Nahelache knew about the research, she wouldn't have enough knowledge to lead the conversation or present it herself. The research needed the knowledge of those from third and fourth year, when you already learned about complexity magecraft.

However, Rozemyne couldn’t help but notice Nahelache’s hesitation. It was as if she wasn’t fully comfortable in her role, or perhaps she was struggling with the weight of her responsibilities. After all, Nahelache was only ten years old, still a child.With that in mind, Rozemyne decided to put Nahelache out of her thoughts. She had more pressing matters to focus on, and dwelling on the young girl’s thinking wouldn't help her cause. Instead, she turned her attention back to her own preparations, waiting patiently for Kreszentia and Trauerqual to return.

News from the Ditter arrived continuously, updating the situation of the Ditter team. At this present, Treasure Ditter was still being used for assessment, making it a hotbed of activity and danger. Knights were focused on the Ditter field, Scholars were divided between research presentations and field support, while attendants worked to host guests and ensure the smooth flow of intelligence gathering. The only truly peaceful places were the Dormitories and the Arena, where research presentations were held. This was the main reason why Rozemyne was planned to attend the greeting part first because it would be safer for her to wander around. Moreover, information flowed quickly within the Arena, so once Dunkelfelger led the greeting, other duchies were more likely to "follow the trend”.

When Kreszentia and Trauerqual finally returned, their expressions were unreadable. Rozemyne couldn’t tell whether their visit to Gilessenmeyer had gone well or not. But they just kept consoling Rozemyne that everything would be fine.

The first stop was Dunkelfelger.

Rozemyne’s heart raced as she approached Dunkelfelger’s table. This was the first time she would meet Ferdinand in person. Although it hadn’t been long since they last communicated, the reality of standing face-to-face felt surreal. Ferdinand had mentioned making deals with his grandparents to attend the Interduchy Tournament, but he had been vague about the details. However, Rozemyne could easily guess what had transpired—Ferdinand’s annoyingly bright smile spoke volumes. No doubt, some poor Dunkelfelger knights had fallen into one of his traps.

She was intensely curious about what kind of chaos Ferdinand had caused in Dunkelfelger. The thought of Justus, Lasfam, and the entire gang of Heissh*tze under Ferdinand’s command was almost terrifying. Eckhart wasn’t present, but Heidemarie, the scholar who Lasfam and Justus had praised so highly that could hold Eckhart’s leash, was also in Dunkelfelger. And let’s not forget that none of Ferdinand’s retainers were what anyone would call “normal.”

Rozemyne silently prayed for the souls of those caught in Ferdinand’s schemes.

As they reached Dunkelfelger’s table, Rozemyne’s attention shifted to the archducal couple. Aub Dunkelfelger, Wenceslaus, stood before her—a muscular, strong-built man who reminded her of Bonifatius. Wenceslaus’ eyes were a striking red, a distinct feature of the Dunkelfelger archducal family, but his silver hair made Rozemyne realise that Magdalena and Lestilaut must have inherited their looks from him. Ferdinand had once mentioned that his great-grandmother was a princess, further evidence of the complex web of royal intermarriages that had shaped Dunkelfelger’s lineage.

People often blamed Klassenberg for their relentless pursuit of royal connections, but Rozemyne suspected that Dunkelfelger’s royal bloodline was just as potent, if not stronger. Earth’s history had hundreds of examples of how ancient kings and emperors had tried to undermine powerful generals because those were likely becoming a threat to the status quo. Compared to situation on Earth, it was a miracle that Dunkelfelger had survived so long, given their formidable military strength. Their obsession with Ditter might have been the only thing that kept them from arousing suspicion or becoming a target of royal scheming. Any sensible king would recognise Dunkelfelger as the ultimate sword in their hand, whether against foreign invaders or rival duchies.

And of course, as much as they were obsessed with Ditter, Dunkelfelger understood their true power, so they carefully managed their support for the Royal Family. Rather than backing any particular individual, they seemed to adhere to a principle of “loyalty to the crown, not to individuals”, thus Dunkelfelger focused on supporting whoever possessed the Kingship, ensuring that their loyalty remained aligned with the country’s best interests.

“Aub Dunkelfelger, Lady Celestine,” Trauerqual started the greeting, “This is my niece, Princess Rozemyne. She is the eldest daughter of my second brother who was the latest owner of Glutrissheit, Prince Waldifried. Today, Rozemyne will debut here after the award ceremony.”

“It is an honour to meet you, Princess Rozemyne. May we pray for a blessing in appreciation of this serendipitous meeting, ordained by the harsh judgement of Ewigeliebe the God of Life?”

“You may.”

The Aub and the First Lady offered their greetings, then came Werdekraft, Seradina, Magdalena and Ferdinand.

Holy moly dolly, Seradina is THIS super beautiful lady?!

Damn, she was indeed a kind of beauty that could destroy humanity, so unreal. It was easy to see how Seradina could have been the kind of beauty that inspired legends, like the mythical Goddess of Love or any kind of beauty who could make kingdoms fall.

So this is what a female Ferdinand would look like. But I can't draw a picture of it anymore.

Rozemyne silently lamented the fact that she had lost a chance to play a trick on Ferdinand by selling a genderbent Ferdinand portrait to Dunkelfelger's boy.

Seradina’s ethereal appearance was so striking that Rozemyne could now understand why Ferdinand had such an allure to make both men and women alike go crazy for him. Yet, while Seradina radiated gentleness and a kind of angelic charm, Ferdinand exuded a much more formidable aura. As for Ferdinand, seeing him now, smaller, silent and dressed in the finest attire, was a surreal experience. His voice in reality was much more clearer than in a dream and melodious like a bell in a cathedral. It was evident that he was being well taken care of; no more dark circles under his eyes and his facial expression was also very bright.

Rozemyne had to use every ounce of her self-control to maintain her composure and not let her mana rampage. The urge to rush forward and embrace him was almost overwhelming, but she knew she had to adhere to the formalities of the occasion.

Someone please praise me for being so good in keeping an excellent noble facade in front of such a wonderful scene!

Once everyone was seated, Kreszentia subtly signalled for her to begin the gifting as planned. With a graceful nod, Rozemyne unveiled an assortment of finger sandwiches, honeyed raisin pound cake, jars of rumtopf filled with Dunkelfelger fruits, and, of course, consommé and cookies for Ferdinand.

The finger sandwiches were an instant hit with Aub Dunkelfelger and Werdekraft, while the three ladies seemed more enamoured with the pound cake, each slice disappearing quickly as they indulged in the delicate sweetness. As for Ferdinand, he was wearing a soft smile that was so familiar to Rozemyne whenever he enjoyed his beloved dish, and she could tell he was mentally cataloguing every flavour and texture.

“This soup is truly beautiful,” he said. “You can tell from a single sip how deep the flavour is, and how many ingredients were used to form it, can’t you? Each has its own delicious taste, but here they have been fused and condensed into one. And yet, there is nothing in the soup itself. It is so clear that one can see through to the bottom. The soup has a beauty that has been refined to perfection.”

Ferdinand’s long praise for consommé would always be a bit confusing for her, but Rozemyne had long ignored such minor complexities, because it was always a bliss to see Ferdinand so relaxed and enjoying food as he wished. He was now very small, so he needed to eat more to grow.

As always, the tea-leaves cookies also disappeared at a very noticeable speed. Fufufufufu! Looking at him, a tiny, angelic Ferdinand eating cookies was even more like a squirrel.

Food always tastes better when it’s enjoyed with good company!

“Princess Rozemyne, I am ever so grateful for your generosity in sharing such exquisite gifts from Cuococalura,” Seradina said.

“It was nothing. I'm thrilled to see you all enjoying the food,” Rozemyne replied warmly, returning Seradina's smile.

“May I inquire if the recipes for the soup and these cookies will be available for purchase?” Seradina asked, her tone gentle but with a clear undercurrent of interest.

“Of course, I would love to share them,” Rozemyne responded without hesitation. Just then, she felt a light tap on her thigh under the table. It was Kreszentia, her grandmother, subtly trying to signal her. Rozemyne wondered what had prompted the tap but knew now wasn’t the time to ask. She needed to focus on the business at hand. Establishing a relationship with Seradina could pave the way for selling her recipe books later.

Rozemyne continued, “The recipe involves a new type of sweetener from Hauchletzte, and it’s not yet ready for large-scale trade. I’m currently working with Aub Hauchletzte to accelerate the production of this new product, so it will be available as soon as possible.”

“Sweetener? Why can’t we use honey instead?” Lady Celestine chimed in, her curiosity piqued.

“This particular sweetener has a unique form that allows us to create both the pound cake and the cookies you’ve enjoyed today,” Rozemyne explained, seizing the opportunity to introduce her coconut sugar. “Honey can be used to enhance the flavour, as you’ve tasted in the pound cake served here, or as a topping for the cookies. However, honey alone cannot achieve the crispiness of these cookies or the sponginess and airiness of the pound cake. Coconut sugar is essential for that.”

People had initially suggested using the word “sugar” alone, but Rozemyne knew that Lanzenave would soon introduce its white sugar into the market. To set her product apart, she decided to stick with the name "coconut sugar." As Sondern had pointed out, the Karyda fruit didn’t resemble a “nut” at all, so no one would suspect the true nature of the ingredient.

“If it’s not available for duchy-wide trade, could you offer it as a personal purchase? I would like to buy a sample,” Seradina pressed, her eyes gleaming with interest.

“I can sell the basic recipe for these sweets to you for the price of one large gold coin each, and I could gift you the sample of sugar as the congratulation gift to honour my first Interduchy business trade", Rozemyne offered confidently. “Whether to use it in different flavours would depend on Dunkelfelger.”

“One large gold coin?!” The adults around the table gasped in surprise. Kreszentia discreetly tapped Rozemyne again, signalling that the price was higher than they had previously discussed. But Rozemyne had a plan in mind.

“Or,” Ferdinand joined in conversation smoothly, “one small gold coin for each recipe of all the dishes you’ve presented today, including those you plan to present to other duchies. In return, Dunkelfelger would ensure that we wouldn’t have the right to resell the recipes or any dishes to other duchies.”

“My recipes are somewhat unique,” Rozemyne added with a merchant-like smile. “Without clear and detailed instructions, most chefs would struggle to recreate them. In fact, I’m offering you a bargain—if I wanted to, I could charge five small gold coins for each individual pound cake recipe in each different flavour, plus an additional fee for the coconut sugar. For your information, I’ve already developed over 20 flavours.”

“Even if you wanted to sell it, I doubt you have enough of this ‘coconut sugar’ to make all 20 flavours. I also heard that Hauchletzte recently presented an interesting project involving feytrees,” Ferdinand smirked. “It seems this coconut sugar must come from a type of feytree, and Hauchletzte is still in the process of cultivating it. That’s why you said coconut sugar isn’t ready for widespread trade.”

Stop acting so high and mighty! You’re only saying this because you already know everything!

Rozemyne pouted at Ferdinand. Meanwhile, Trauerqual’s eyes were wide with surprise. He probably believed that Ferdinand had deduced everything on his own.

But this is all part of our plan, uncle. Sorry.

“I recently glanced over Dunkelfelger’s new research project,” Rozemyne said, continuing the charade. “It seems to involve modifying the elements of materials, and I believe Dunkelfelger would be interested in researching more types of feytree.”

As Rozemyne and Ferdinand continued their “negotiation,” Rozemyne took the opportunity to introduce other products like rinsham, diptychs, and paper, while Ferdinand skillfully suggested exchanging books. No one interjected them. It made her feel a little happy when seeing that the Dunkelfelger family trusted Ferdinand enough to let him freely negotiate with her.

Cough cough!!!

Kreszentia discreetly coughed, tightening her grip on Rozemyne’s hand under the table, signalling her to stop. It seemed that Ferdinand’s side might have received a similar warning, as Seradina was gently stroking his ear, a subtle indication that enough had been said.

Finally, Celestine and Kreszentia interrupted the discussion, bringing it to a close. Under the protection of sound barriers, they finalised the deal: Hauchletzte and Dunkelfelger would exchange their research materials on feyplant cultivation. They agreed on a price of one small gold coin for each detailed instruction of all the basic recipes presented. The recipes were to be paid for per chef and strictly for personal use, prohibiting them from being taught to others. Dunkelfelger would either provide Life materials in return for coconut sugar from Hauchletzte, or traded in silvers of equal weight. Due to the limitation in production rate, Rozemyne had no choice to keep the same price of white sugar trading, but once the coconut sugar industry became better, the price would definitely be reduced. Rinsham was not included in the deal, because Rozemyne had promised this to Heinrich, so Dunkelfelger would need to negotiate with Hauchletzte instead.

The best part, though, was that Rozemyne and Ferdinand secured the opportunity to exchange letters and copies of books. How cool!

Their group continued their journey, now joined by Magdalena. As they made their way toward the Werkestock area, Kreszentia asked Rozemyne about her thoughts on the recent meeting.

“Lord Ferdinand seems very mature for his age, and he knows a lot. He spoke about the research project so naturally, as if he were the one leading it—just like me,” Rozemyne said, turning to Magdalena, hinting that she wanted to learn more.

It couldn’t be helped. Ferdinand still had the bad habit of being overly secretive. He shared many things about his new life in Dunkelfelger in their shared dreams, but Rozemyne knew too well that he tended to share only the good news. Ferdinand was also rather dense emotionally and had a skewed perspective. Of all people, Ferdinand was the last one who had the right to blame her for having a different sense of common sense, considering his was far from “normal” as well.

Now that Magdalena was here, at least Rozemyne could learn how Ferdinand was faring in Dunkelfelger through the eyes of someone more “normal.”

“Princess, that nephew of mine is a peculiar one,” Magdalena said in a very concerned voice. “If I could offer any advice, please don’t take any of his actions as something to follow. He is beloved in Dunkelfelger, but our duchy has a very different standard for judging people.”

Good, so he’s still well-liked in Dunkelfelger, just as he was in the last life.

Hopefully, there wouldn’t be anyone like Veronica to restrict how much people adored him, and he could find more friends.

“I know Dunkelfelger has a different culture, and I wish to learn more. He seems to read a lot. I wonder if he has a book room like mine?” Rozemyne asked, trying to prob more information.

So focused was Rozemyne on Magdalena's response that she missed the moment when both Kreszentia and Trauerqual, along with her own retainers, were fervently shaking their heads behind her.

“Well… Princess, we still have 23 more duchies to greet. I suppose we should focus on our work first,” Magdalena replied, diplomatically steering the conversation back on track.

“Okay. Then please tell me the story when we finish our greetings and return to Hauchletzte’s booth.”

As naturally as ever, Rozemyne once again missed the moment when everyone behind her secretly sighed in relief, leaving Magdalena puzzled.

When the group approached Werkestock’s area, a noticeable tension filled the air. All members of the archducal family attending the Interduchy Tournament were already waiting for them. It seemed they had received word that Rozemyne would appear. Queen Theresa, Prince Bosekalt, and Prince Zigehirn were absent, but Prince Fridenordt was present.

Aub Werkestock was a man with reddish-purple hair and sharp, purple eyes that held a sly, snake-like gaze. Though they all smiled, their eyes conveyed something entirely different. His gaze lingered on Rozemyne with a hint of shock, as if he hadn't expected her to be quite what she was. There was also a subtle inspection in his eyes, as though he were trying to assess her worth. With both Kreszentia and Trauerqual present, the archducal family had no choice but to offer greetings to them and to Rozemyne, despite the fact that Rozemyne was certain they absolutely did not want to. Unfortunately, there was no business to discuss with Werkestock. Rozemyne was surprised that none of the attendees mentioned anything about her outfit, her hair, the dishes, or even the paper and the research.

If there was anyone in the Werkestock family who could be genuinely friendly with Rozemyne, it was Prince Fridenordt. The boy exuded a gentle aura, more akin to Trauerqual than to the rest of the Werkestock family. He seemed like a bit of a black sheep in his family, standing out in his kindness. Fridenordt simply greeted her warmly and wished her the best for her debut, a refreshing contrast to the tense atmosphere surrounding the other family members.

When they moved on to greet the Klassenberg archducal couple, Rozemyne immediately noticed something strange. The current Aub of Klassenberg was Eglantine’s grandfather and adopted father, a man with a reputation for being relentless. Rozemyne had only heard about him in the context of the purge he spearheaded to avenge his daughter and his persistent efforts to bring Eglantine back into the Royal Family. This had given her a very negative impression of the man, associating him with ruthlessness and ambition. However, as she observed his interactions with Trauerqual, Rozemyne detected an unexpected distress in his voice, particularly regarding Trauerqual’s decision to ignore Rozemyne’s safety and allow her to be baptised not only under Waldifried but also to debut here at the Interduchy Tournament.

He seems more concerned about my safety than I expected… So strange!

The heir of Klassenberg, the future Aub, was another story. He was the one Rozemyne knew from her last life, a snake in the grass who had been a constant thorn in the side of Alexandria and Dunkelfelger, always seeking to leverage his influence during Eglantine’s short reign. He showered Rozemyne with praise, repeatedly mentioning how Waldifried’s blood was also connected to Klassenberg, subtly reminding everyone of their shared lineage.

Please, my great-grandmother was indeed from Klassenberg, but four generations had passed already.

The First Lady was keenly interested in probing for information about her dress, the rinsham, and her hair ornaments. Rozemyne, while annoyed, decided to indulge them slightly, as she had her own goals to achieve. Her primary target was securing the services of the native Klassenberg retainers who had once served Waldifried. Among the few who were still alive was Hortensia, someone Rozemyne needed to secure for her own library and to protect from Raublut. Once Hortensia became her retainer, no one, not even Trauerqual, could force her future librarian into an unwanted marriage.

Dealing with Klassenberg took considerable strength. They scrutinised every component of her dress, especially interested in the gradient fabric from Ehrenfest. In the end, she used stumpwork as bait, securing a super high price and, more importantly, the retainers she needed. This was something she had previously discussed with Heinrich. Klassenberg’s level of embroidery was the best in the country. Stumpwork, with its intricate design and combination of stitches, required more time and skill than normal embroidery, making Klassenberg (with its long winters and desire for new trends in fashion) the ideal place to produce such a product. The negotiations were exhausting, but in the end, Rozemyne succeeded in acquiring Hortensia. Yahoo!!

Before they departed, the First Lady of Klassenberg commented that Rozemyne would likely spend several years with Klassenberg archduke candidates and expressed her hope for a fruitful relationship with Rozemyne in the future.

So she wants me to be friends with Eglantine? Well, I don’t mind, as long as Eglantine doesn’t force me to do anything against my will in the name of peace.

Drewanchel turned out to be an easy exchange. The archducal family was deeply interested in the diptych, paper, and, unsurprisingly, the research concerning the Life attribute in feytree cultivation. When Rozemyne suggested a collaborative research project involving Dunkelfelger and Hauchletzte, Aub Drewanchel’s eyes gleamed with a scary intensity, reminiscent of how Benno looked whenever he sniffed out a lucrative profit. This reaction was a clear indication of how valuable the proposition was to Drewanchel.

The First Lady, however, took a more personal approach. She lamented the missed opportunity for Drewanchel to become family with Rozemyne, expressing a sincere wish for more archduke candidates from their duchy to form a good relationship with Rozemyne in the future.

Of course Rozemyne agreed. She would certainly welcome Adolphine as a friend and do her utmost to protect her from Sigiswald.

The last great duchy was Ahrensbach, and for Rozemyne, it was quite nostalgic to visit their booth. Unlike other duchies where only the First Lady attended, Gieselfried brought both his Drewanchel First Wife and Werkestock Second Wife, signalling that Ahrensbach remained neutral amidst the ongoing tensions. This was the first time Rozemyne had met these two ladies, as by the time she became familiar with Ahrensbach in her last life, Georgine had already secured her position as the First Wife. Rozemyne couldn't help but hope that without a clear losing side, the Second Lady might live longer and be able to contain Georgine and her followers.

As Rozemyne presented the new sweeteners, she noticed that all three representatives from Ahrensbach visibly paled. It seemed that Lanzenave sugar had already made its way into Ahrensbach, and they had been eagerly awaiting its introduction. By presenting coconut sugar before them, Rozemyne effectively seized a significant portion of the market early on. Coupled with her recipes, the influence of white sugar would be greatly diminished in the future.

Well, sorry, but not sorry!

During the exchange, she was also introduced to Albanus, Blasius and Astede. Albanus was the unfortunate one who had been murdered by Lanzenave in the previous timeline, as Ferdinand had told her, while the other two were all too familiar. Gieselfried also expressed his hope that Rozemyne would build good relationships with Ahrensbach’s archduke candidates.

Detlinde? Hell no!

But Ferdinand wanted to review Albanus and Wolfram, so Rozemyne reluctantly agreed, though she subtly hinted that Gieselfried should pay closer attention to the education of Ahrensbach’s archduke candidate. As for business trading, Aub Ahrensbach gently rejected the offer of trying coconut sugar, but both his wives showed their interests in paper and diptych. Rozemyne agreed to settle a sample with them for spices and regish fish, ignoring Kreszentia's questionable eyes. Rare materials have! Woo hoo!

Returning to Hauchletzte’s booth, the archducal couple, as was customary, greeted her together with all the family members present as part of official greeting. Nahelache came forward and expressed her desire to learn more about the research. Rozemyne was surprised—she hadn't thought of Nahelache as someone interested in research. Curious, she asked how much Nahelache had learned about magecraft and suggested she study the foundational works in the castle library first. Additionally, Rozemyne advised Nahelache to send her scholars to discuss things with Sondern, as Rozemyne herself was more focused on giving ideas and direction of the research rather than handling the hands-on work.

Poor girl. Nahelache turned as pale as Ewigeliebe. It seemed Sondern had harassed her scholars before, so the prospect of working with him again was clearly terrifying to her.

The meetings with both Trostwerk and Gaussbuttel were quite peaceful, although the scrutinising gazes from their representatives made Rozemyne feel somewhat uncomfortable. Then came Jossbrenner, which was also Clementine’s home duchy. The archducal family greeted her warmly, and Clementine’s mother—who was also Kreszentia’s half-sister—expressed her gratitude for the emotional support Rozemyne had provided to Clementine thus far, even gifting her a book as a token of appreciation. What a wonderful grand-aunt! Aub Jossbrenner offered various types of cheese in exchange for recipes, and Rozemyne was relieved that they reached an agreement on trading at least one product. After all, Jossbrenner was one of the major producers of parchment, an industry that would face significant decline once Rozemyne introduced paper to the market.

Next was the 10th-ranked duchy—Frenbeltag. Eleven-rank gap… No wonder the daughter of Ehrenfest's First Wife, like Constanze, could only marry the son of a Third Wife, and Florencia, despite being the daughter of a Third Wife, was considered a high catch for Sylvester. Considering the timeline, Rutdiger would have already been born and baptised since he was supposed to be the same age as Rozemyne this time, but there was no sign of his parents here. It made sense—they were not yet important political players in the duchy. Instead, the archducal couple and their heir were present, none of whom bore any resemblance to either Florencia or Charlotte.

Frenbeltag was now aligned with Prince Bosekalt, so Rozemyne didn't anticipate much interaction with them, similar to her experience with Trostwerk. However, she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of concern for Florencia’s situation in Ehrenfest. Charlotte had once told her that maintaining good relations with one’s maternal duchy was crucial for a bride to thrive in her new duchy. The support Florencia received from Frenbeltag was already weaker than what Ahrensbach provided Veronica. If no purge had occurred, the First Lady’s line in Frenbeltag would have likely inherited the duchy, leaving Florencia with even less support. Given the timing, Charlotte should be two years old already, and the fight between her and Wilfried for dominance would begin in several years later. Rozemyne wasn’t worried about Charlotte’s abilities, but with Veronica still in power, anything could happen.

Next up was Gilessenmeyer, and Ralfrieda was already present with Sigiswald and Raublut. Trauerqual introduced Raublut to her as his most trusted escort knight, and Rozemyne even overheard Trauerqual referring to Raublut as "my friend." Due to the complexities of the Interduchy Tournament and the fact that Rozemyne already had Magdalena and Dunkelfelger knights for protection, Trauerqual had asked Raublut to remain in Gilessenmeyer as part of the archducal family to protect Sigiswald for today. It turned out that Raublut was Ralfrieda’s first cousin and had moved to the Sovereignty to serve as a knight guarding the Royal Academy, which was how Trauerqual had known him and become friends with him even before marrying Ralfrieda.

Raublut had known Trauerqual for a long time and understood how much he had suffered, yet he still poisoned him and used his friend as a mere pawn, all for Gervasio’s sake. A shiver ran down Rozemyne’s spine, mixed with a strong sense of anger, but she maintained her composure, presenting herself as the proper princess she had been taught to be. Raublut acted indifferent toward her, but Ralfrieda and Sigiswald were a different story. Ralfrieda seemed to be trying to curry favor with Kreszentia and Magdalena, while Sigiswald, though he smiled gently, exuded an aura of annoyance. Wonderful! So he would still be the same delusional arrogant prince as before.

Rozemyne decided to focus on conversing with the archducal couple and sending her regards to Anastasius. Business discussions followed, and she suggested several savoury dishes using honey in exchange for Life ingredients and snow. Rozemyne wasn’t sure if it would work, but according to Ferdinand, all fey creatures were interconnected in a circle of life. Rozemyne suspected that the concept of an ecosystem could be applied here as well, though not exactly like on Earth. Since all materials in Yurgenschmidt contained mana, it was possible that snow could also have some. They would need to test this hypothesis, but if it proved true, using snow in cultivation could become a much more efficient method.

After Gilessenmeyer, no further trade agreements could be processed due to the nature of factions or vested interests. Zausengas and Immedink were prime examples. Immedink, though in the same faction, was not at all pleased to learn about the presence of rinsham. They requested to purchase the right of rinsham and the stumpwork technique, but Rozemyne declined, as she had already promised them to Hauchletzte and Klassenberg. Zausengas, a duchy strong in hunting and one of the major producers of parchment and leather, seemed pleased when Rozemyne praised the quality of their leather. However, the moment the paper was mentioned, they tensed up, viewing Rozemyne as a potential threat to their business. Naturally, no business could be discussed due to the opposing factions each side belonged to.

With five duchies left to visit, Rozemyne finally arrived at the place she had been anticipating the most—Ehrenfest, ranked 20th. The absence of Ferdinand was palpable, and although there were some standout students like Heidemarie and Eckhart, their achievements weren’t enough to elevate Ehrenfest's rank. Especially now that Heidemarie had been adopted by Dunkelfelger, and with the news that Eckhart would soon move to Dunkelfelger after graduation, it seemed that Eckhart's status as the best student in the knight course was just enough to maintain Ehrenfest’s current rank.

Michelle had informed Rozemyne that while Eckhart was indeed exceptional, his excellence was largely limited to individual achievements in scores. Ehrenfest was unable to leverage his talents in any duchy events, from socialising to the Ditter Tournament. Moreover, Eckhart himself didn't socialise with other duchies, preferring instead to stick with Dunkelfelger students. In essence, Eckhart was practically a Dunkelfelger student temporarily residing in the Ehrenfest dormitory. Once the Dunkelfelger students became aware of Ehrenfest’s situation, and under the guidance of some scholar apprentices from the branch family, Dunkelfelger refrained from seeking interactions with Ehrenfest. This attitude from Dunkelfelger led most Royal Academy Professors to discount Eckhart’s accomplishments when assessing Ehrenfest’s overall performance.

Technically, when dealing with the five bottom-ranked duchies, Rozemyne didn’t need to engage in detailed discussions. However, she insisted on speaking with each duchy, using the excuse of acquiring forgotten products like Ehrenfest's gradient fabric or the rare Hwitblost flower that alike to Magnolia from Lortzing, which she used in her rinsham. Heinrich and Vaitiare supported her, viewing this as a valuable opportunity for Rozemyne to practise socialising independently without guidance. They believed that even if she made mistakes, these duchies wouldn’t dare to question or oppose her, ensuring that no significant problems would arise.

Rozemyne suddenly realised that this was the same perspective Ehrenfest had maintained even after rising in rank during Sylvester’s reign, never questioning and opposing the order of all those too higher than them. Only Ferdinand and his retainers had considered negotiation or how to avert pressures from above to benefit themselves. Ironically, Ferdinand's involvement with Dunkelfelger in Ditter, driven by his gremlin-like nature, had provided him and his retainers with the chance to learn how to deal with upper duchies as 'equal business partners.' On the other hand, Veronica — who always claimed to have the high pedigree of great duchies — acted much like the corrupt blue priests in the temple: utterly submissive to high-ranking nobles, yet tyrannical in front of those lower than her.

Meeting Adelbert, Veronica, Bonifatius, and Sylvester in this situation gave Rozemyne a strange feeling. Before her stood the Ehrenfest archducal family, yet their fashion, from clothes to face veils, screamed Ahrensbach. Florencia, the future First Lady of the duchy, was notably absent. Rozemyne noticed Karstedt standing as Sylvester’s knight, Rihyarda present as well, but Elvira was also nowhere to be seen.

"Aub Ehrenfest," Rozemyne began, "I happened to learn about this gradient fabric from my retainers, discovering that it was a lost trend from their elders’ generation. It’s regrettable that such a gift from Kunstzeal was forgotten, but thanks to the support of the Lady of Linkberg, it was revived. Many duchies have expressed interest in my coat made from this fabric, and while I’d love to keep it exclusive, it wouldn’t be fair to Ehrenfest. Therefore, I would like to propose a deal for Ehrenfest to provide this fabric to me and my family."

The mention of Linkberg elicited various reactions from the Ehrenfest side, though Rozemyne could tell that the reasons differed for each person. With the advantage clearly on her side, Rozemyne smiled and sipped her tea, waiting for their response. She noticed Rihyarda slipping a note to Adelbert, likely explaining the fabric’s history. Adelbert frowned, then subtly reached under the table—perhaps to console Veronica—before replying in a way that would surely provoke his wife.

"Your Highness, as you mentioned, this type of fabric is a lost trend, and our production capabilities are still limited. Since this is a personal project of the Linkberg lady named Elvira, may I summon her to answer your inquiries and arrange for the craftsman at your convenience?"

“Oh, is she present here in the Royal Academy?” Rozemyne inquired.

“She is not, Your Highness,” Adelbert replied, bowing his head. “But if you require, I will send word back to Ehrenfest and summon her here immediately.”

Though the idea of having Elvira summoned was tempting, Rozemyne knew she couldn’t afford to act like a tyrant. She politely declined Adelbert’s offer. “There’s no need for that”. Instead, she ordered aloud that she would send her scholars to collaborate with Elvira. Rozemyne made sure to emphasise that native Ehrenfest nobles in the Sovereignty, who were familiar with Elvira, would also be involved to ensure no deceitful individuals could interfere. This was a clear warning to Adelbert and Veronica that she would not tolerate any of Veronica’s followers attempting to impersonate or cause trouble for Elvira.

As the attendants changed the tea, Veronica, undeterred, once again suggested that Rozemyne consider a better product, subtly implying that something as rustic as Ehrenfest’s offerings wasn’t suitable for a princess.

Hah, catch you!

"Are you saying that this winter coat of mine, praised by my family and all the greater duchies, is something rustic and garbage?" Rozemyne shot back. Veronica’s face, hidden behind a thin veil, couldn’t hide the red creeping up her neck in shame.

"And what other product do you recommend?" Rozemyne continued.

Relieved by the change in topic, both Adelbert and Veronica discreetly sighed. Veronica immediately suggested tulle from Ahrensbach, as Rozemyne had expected.

"As far as I recall, trends come from the top. Yet here, a 20th-ranked duchy is introducing the product of a 5th-ranked duchy. Since when does Ehrenfest hold enough power to represent Ahrensbach and decide which trends to recommend?" Rozemyne pressed on, turning to Michelle. "Please send a message to Aub Ahrensbach and his wife to visit. I need to clarify the order of introducing products and whether Ahrensbach has accepted being under Ehrenfest’s asylum, giving Ehrenfest the authority to decide on their behalf."

The whole Ehrenfest turned pale, with students and nobles immediately kneeling. Rozemyne felt a twinge of guilt for scaring them, but she had resolved to publicly humiliate Veronica to lower her reputation and social standing, making life easier for Elvira and those belonging to Elvira's protection in near future.

"Your Highness! Things are not as you think!" Adelbert pleaded, kneeling before her. "My First Lady is a descendant of Ahrensbach’s archducal family. She merely wanted to suggest the best product she knew of to you."

"A First Lady of a duchy sabotages the traditional products of her own duchy? How has she been educated? Even archduke candidates from lower-ranked duchies should know their obligations to protect their duchy’s treasures." Rozemyne continued, "It seems there are significant problems in the education of Ahrensbach’s archduke candidates, given the production of such… results."

Rozemyne’s strict reproach exploited a glaring flaw in Veronica. Although the criticism was harsh, Rozemyne knew that rumours, once spread with careful monitoring, would overshadow the truth. Other duchies would only need to hear that Ahrensbach had problems educating its ladies, with Veronica being the prime example of a failed First Lady. This tactic would later serve to turn rumours against Detlinde when she entered the Royal Family, making it easier to manipulate public opinion.

"That… my First Lady is not an archduke candidate," Adelbert managed to respond.

"So, she’s an archnoble of Ahrensbach? That makes more sense, but her education still concerns me. Shouldn’t Ahrensbach invest more in educating someone who holds the position of First Lady in another duchy?" Rozemyne placed her hand delicately over her cheek, feigning concern. “Lady Veronica, right? Would you mind elaborating on your origins for me?”

It took Veronica a moment to gather herself before making a “public confession” about her bloodline and status. True to form, she couldn’t resist dragging Ahrensbach’s name and pedigree into the conversation, flaunting her connections. Rozemyne had never cared much for lineage or pedigree and disliked using such matters to undermine others. However, Veronica unfortunately belonged to the small group of people for whom Rozemyne made an exception.

“So, you’re originally an archnoble from Ehrenfest, from a giebe family that has ties to the archducal lineage.” Rozemyne confirmed Veronica’s status, no Ahrensbach mentioned, effectively ranking her on the same level as other Ehrenfest archnobles.

Rozemyne knew she was exploiting her new status Royal to "abuse" Veronica, but she couldn’t resist. After all, she was still a child, and who would care about her actions now? With this in mind, she continued to "educate" Veronica.

“You’ve never lived or been educated in Ahrensbach, so it’s no wonder you lack even a basic simple thing that a child should know. I now understand your limitations and your lack of wisdom. Ahrensbach is a southern duchy blessed with access to the ocean. The coastal winds in Ahrensbach can be harsh, which is why the ladies there need tulle to protect their faces. That tulle is completely impractical for winter fashion. On the other hand, Ehrenfest excelled in winter outfits designed for functionality. And with this newly revived trend, it proved that Ehrenfest traditional products are worthy for Royal uses. As the First Lady of Ehrenfest, rather than flaunting your distant maternal ties to Ahrensbach, you should focus on importing knowledge that will benefit your own duchy and protect the citizens of your duchy."

The reaction from the Ehrenfest nobles was telling. Most of the older, neutral nobles like Bonifatius and Rihyarda hung their heads in embarrassment, while those associated with the Leisegang faction were clearly amused at seeing Veronica chastised by Rozemyne. Meanwhile, Veronica’s supporters looked as if they were on the verge of fainting.

Now was the final blow. All Rozemyne needed now was for Sylvester to take the bait. Rozemyne turned to Adelbert and said, "Ehrenfest is known for producing many exceptional and unique talents, yet the duchy itself has not risen in rank. This leads me to suspect that the duties of the First Lady have not been fully met. Normally, I would suggest finding another archduke candidate for the position, but as you are already in your autumn years, perhaps focusing on securing a suitable match for your heir would be more prudent."

Too bad that things didn't proceed as she wished. Sylvester looked as if he wanted to take the bait, but he hesitated, glancing at his parents for guidance.

Sylvester is also a victim of their influence... It will take quite some time to undo the brainwashing...

Fortunately, Michelle stepped in to support Rozemyne by bringing up Florencia.

"I see, so Lord Sylvester has already taken steps in this regard." Rozemyne smiled warmly at Sylvester. "Ehrenfest is a very promising duchy, and it appears there are still many lost products to be rediscovered. I look forward to seeing trade between Ehrenfest and the Sovereignty established once the current disputes are resolved. And I hope next time I visit the Ehrenfest's host table, you would serve me the native Ehrenfest product, not Ahrensbach cuisine. When visitors come to Ehrenfest's booth, they want to learn about what makes Ehrenfest unique, not waste time seeing how well Ehrenfest imitates Ahrensbach. One is in the south, the other in the north; no matter how hard you try, there's no way they can be the same."

There were numerous issues Rozemyne wanted to address, but she knew she couldn't linger too long without raising suspicion. The meetings with the last four duchies went smoothly, with no significant problems.

However, Rozemyne's brief moment of relief was short-lived. No sooner had they returned to the Hauchletzte Dormitory than she found herself on the receiving end of a thorough lecture from Kreszentia, who was clearly displeased with her actions. Despite the intensity of the interrogation, Rozemyne answered all of Kreszentia's questions smoothly, leaving Kreszentia with little choice but to resign.

I admit I was a little emotional during the meeting with Ehrenfest, but there was a proper excuse. Why is Grandmother sighing?

But there was no time for lamentation. Rozemyne had missed the opportunity to gather more information about Ferdinand from Magdalena due to the long lectures, and now the fifth bell was approaching. The award ceremony would soon begin, and all the adults needed to prepare. Rozemyne, sheltered by her retainers, took her place in the seating designated for Hauchletzte in the arena, ready for the next stage of the day's events.

Once all the students were lined up, royalty entered. The arena was quickly surrounded by knights flourishing black capes, and highbeasts with widely spread wings descended one after another. The lead of the group was none other than the Second Queen Theresa. From afar, she was a mightily and elegantly noble lady with dark purple hair. Kreszentia also followed along but at a slower pace, always slightly behind Queen Theresa. Next were Prince Bosekalt and his first wife, then Trauerqual and his fiancée Magdalena behind.

Dunkelfelger ranked first for the Interduchy Ditter, with Werkestock as the second and Klassenberg got the third prize. It was not announced, but Michelle then whispered to her ears that Drewanchel and Ahrensbach shared the fourth, and Hauchletzte was ranked 10th only, with Zausengas and Trostwerk taking the sixth and seventh rank.

For the research project, it was decided that both Dunkelfelger and Hauchletzte shared the first rank in cultivating feytree. People around her were in awe, as this was the first time Hauchletzte had ever achieved such a high rank in scholarly research. Since both Ferdinand and Rozemyne had not yet entered the Royal Academy, their representatives, Heidemarie and Flynndre, stepped up to receive the awards for their outstanding work in the research project. Flynndre was Engraulios’s grandson and set to join Rozemyne’s entourage once he graduated.

Once all the awards related to the Interduchy Tournament had been given out, it was time for the Royal Academy’s honour students to be announced. Werkestock dominated the first- and second-year categories, with many Royal Family members and high-ranking archduke candidates also receiving honours, including Sigiswald, Zigehirn, and Nahelache. The attendance course was a playground for Klassenberg and Ahrensbach, while Dunkelfelger and Werkestock students shone in the knight course. The scholar course saw fierce competition between Drewanchel and Werkestock, with Werkestock coming out on top overall. The sheer number of times Werkestock was called upon to receive awards underscored its status as an all-around strong duchy, unlike other greater duchies that excelled in specific areas. The majority of honoured students were from the top 15 duchies, with few from lower-ranked duchies making the list. However, the crowd erupted when Eckhart was named the best of the knight course. As a sixth-year student from the 20th-ranked duchy Ehrenfest, achieving the top award four years in a row made Eckhart’s accomplishment all the more remarkable.

Rozemyne began to grasp the significance of Ferdinand’s continuous six-year top best student, not just in one course but all three, along with the best overall score. During the civil war, duchy rankings were based solely on Royal Academy results, so it was no surprise that Ferdinand’s achievements alone had elevated Ehrenfest’s ranking from 21st to 16th by the time he graduated.

With the awards ceremony concluded, Trauerqual seized the opportunity to address the audience before Bosekalt could dismiss them.

"Thank you to everyone who has gathered here. It is my great honour to introduce our niece Rozemyne, the only daughter of the late Second Prince Waldifried and his Third Wife, Lady Roseliese. Princess Rozemyne completed her baptism ceremony this summer, and now, she will perform a song dedicated to Leidenschaft for her Winter Debut."

"What on earth are you talking about? Both Waldifried and Roseliese passed away long ago. Where did this daughter suddenly come from?" Bosekalt’s voice was filled with incredulity.

"My brother Waldifried unfortunately passed away along with his wives when Rozemyne was still unbaptised. However, his loyal retainers managed to rescue the child and bring her to her maternal family, Hauchletzte. By a fortunate coincidence, Hauchletzte is also my maternal family, so we took the liberty of caring for the child until now. If anyone here doubts her pedigree, know that both my mother, the Third Queen Kreszentia, and I have conducted a mana test. The results have been verified."

At Trauerqual's signal, his retainers began distributing the test results to all the archdukes.

Trauerqual stood tall, his posture commanding respect. "Didn’t you once say that not having a debut ceremony at the Royal Academy before the archdukes is a significant disadvantage for new members of the royal family? You were the one who issued the order allowing royal family members to debut at the Interduchy Tournament instead, were you not?" He straightened his back, locking eyes with Bosekalt. "I am merely following your orders. Just as your sons and many of our relatives have successfully debuted here, I see no reason why our niece should not do the same."

"You speak so confidently, yet none of your own children have debuted. Your second son was only baptised last year!"

"Let’s just say I was overly cautious for my family’s safety. But after witnessing your grace and generosity in allowing collateral members to debut here, just like your son, I am now relieved and trust your words. You would be thrilled to welcome our niece like other relatives of ours, wouldn’t you?"

Suddenly, Rozemyne felt an overwhelming presence from Trauerqual. He seemed tall and powerful, a stark contrast to the pitiful, exhausted, wisdomless king who fell under the influence of Trug. This was the Trauerqual who had led armies into war, who fought for every chance of survival to protect his family despite being disadvantaged in both power and lineage. No wonder Magdalena had fallen so hard for him.

I will have to try my best as well.

Her entourage escorted her to the stage, and as she walked, Rozemyne offered greetings and prayers to all the dignitaries present. Bosekalt regarded her with mixed emotions—curiosity tinged with annoyance. His first wife appeared calm, but Rozemyne could detect the heavy scent of medicines emanating from her. Even thick makeup couldn’t hide her exhaustion when seen up close.

However, it was the Second Queen Theresa who truly unnerved Rozemyne. At first glance, she seemed like a gentle and friendly grandmother, but beneath that exterior lay a palpable sense of danger. It was as if Rozemyne was being stalked by a poisonous snake, one she couldn’t escape from because she was metaphorically tied to a tree. The tension was suffocating, and Rozemyne knew she had to tread carefully in this perilous situation.

“Now then,” Trauerqual announced, “Rozemyne, pray to the gods and offer them a song.”

Since Rozemyne would be offering a song to the god associated with the season she was born in, it would be a song for Leidenschaft, the God of Fire. Rozemyne sat down, prepared her harspiel, and glanced at Ferdinand who sat with Dunkelfelger family below the stage.

As long as I don’t pray, it won’t be a true blessing, but... I need to make it known so no one can question me if my blessing suddenly causes any problems later in future.

Just as she did in the last weave, as the song went on, Rozemyne's mana was sucked into her ring, quickly turning into a full-on light blue blessing above the stage before raining down upon the gathering hall.

Those in the audience all looked at Rozemyne with expressions of shock, awe, and confusion. There was barely any applause. The problem was, just as the blessing finished, except Hauchletzte archducal member, Kreszentia, Trauerqual and Rozemyne’s entourage, all the eyes of the crowd turned toward the Dunkelfelger seating.

She glanced over at Ferdinand and saw that everyone in his family stared at him, while Ferdinand himself wore a smile so bright it had to be fake. Judging by the looks on other people's faces, it was clear that everyone assumed the blessing was his fault.

AAAH! I’m sorry, Ferdie! I didn’t mean to be like this!





This is Rozemyne's POV, so things was under her view, and we all know how unrealiable she is as a narrator LOL

That's why, next chapter would be Magdalena POV to see what exactly happened in the Interduchy Tournament.

FYF, Nahelache didn't dare to steal any credits, she actually just wanted to prob Roz to invite her to a tea party in public, to make everyone thinks that she is a friend of a princess.

A song of Water and Fire - Valiente_Sheinkrol - 本好きの下剋上 - 香月美夜 | Honzuki no Gekokujou | Ascendance of a Bookworm Series (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.