Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

Automotive Automotive Automotive B-4 TOE STATE JOURIVAL Saturday, Sept. 8, 1962 Michigan Classified Advertising Obituaries, and Funeral Notices FUNERALS AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 11 HILLMAN 1955 red convertible. New tires, top. paint and battery. Firm $300 cash.

Call before 9 p. OX ISETTA 1957. very clean, overhauled. uu nines, ago, good tires. $iu.

can KARMEN-g'HU. Convertible. 1561. new cunaiuon. reared party, consider trades.

Call evenings 455-7994. MERCURY 1962. See Al Edwards Co. 3125 E. Saginaw (north of Frandor).

MERCURY 1954. Mercomatic. 4-door. power steering, radio, whitewalls. leather interior.

$250. Call TU 2-8S40. MERCURY 1955. 9-passenger station wagon, good condition. $395.

owner. pnone g.u tiilA. MERCURY 1957 hardtop 2-door. $256. van BiKe snop.

507 E. Shiawassee. pnone iv 5-1963. MGA 1957, wire wheels, new blue fin-ish. Real sharp! Brooks Imported -ara.

suit i. uranq mver. OLDSMOBILE lSSiTTdoor Holiday. rower steering, power oraKes. luily equipped, excellent condition, turquoise andwhite.

Reasonable. Call IV OLDSMOBILE 1962. 88. Holi- oay, uamet Mist, a.buu mues. power.

deluxp interior. S9 IrJTi Ph TV A-IY7Ji OLDSMOBILE 1962 Starfire convert ible, just like new. Loaded with extras. $3,575. can finance.

Call ED i-uauo or E.LI J-tftMJb. OLDSMOBILE 1954 hardtop. Full power, raaio. neater, uyaramauc. 5175.

Call MI 1-6714. OLDSMOBILE 192 98 mnvertihle Black witn white top, red trim, power brakes, steering and windows, 6 way seat, raqio. ft.uu. call jti 7-1S31. OLDSMOBILE 1962 Cutlass convert.

loie. nyoramatlc. Ducket seats, console shift. 6.000 miles. Call IV 5-8709.

2108 ivianon. OLDSMOBILE 1965 dynamic 3 seat wagon, radio, nyoramatlc. power oraxes ana steering, rn. iv 4-6TS8. OLDSMOBILE 1962 Cutlass coupe, standard shirt, good condition.

$2,350. Dd TIT rwf A rt. er OLDSMOBILE 1962, station wagon. low mileage, ruiiy equipped. 3-seater.

njne xv q-ai or IV OLDSMOBILE 1960 4-door Vin rvltnn Air- nnnriitlnnjul All Low mileage. Priced for quick sale. 1712 Osbom rd. rail TV OLDSMOBILE 1962 station wagon. Kea ana wnite.

run power, hy dramatic, super lift shocks, good rubber. tnn --ii tit imn OLDSMOBILE 1957 convertible. FuTl nnwpr J9 ono-i no SRQ men ali xtt Kfiiav OLDSMOBILE 1962 Atarflrp rnimo less man xu.uuu miies. aesi oiler over rn. jna iSd.

OLDSMOBILE 1956 JJ98''. Automatic power steering, power brakes, radio, heat, whitewall tires, very clean. Jim Harper Used Cars, corner Allegan ana Loran. rn. OLDSMOBILE 1955.

very good trans-portation. 5160. No money down. Jim Harper Used Cars, corner Allegan and OLDSMOBILE 1961 Dynamic conver- UDie. fower.

ruiiy equipped, isxceiient conaiuon. tw verunden. OLDSMOBILE 1962 Dynamic 4-door hardtop. Loaded with extras. Ph.

lva. OLDSMOBILE 1957 convertible, power braKes. steering, nyaramatic. new top. A-i conamon.

rn. iv q-vrzoi. OLDSMOBILE 1962 Dynamic Fiesta. b-passenger. Mileage economy engine, power steering and brakes, hydramatic.

custom interior and other accessories. Color white and sunset mist. Call IV 7-065S, OLDSMOBILE 1957. 4-door Holiday. ruwn uean.

une uwner. eou cu -uojj anytime OLDSMOBILE 1962 F-85 convertible. Garnet red with white top. Hydra-1 mauc. power steering, fix, iv a-uviu.

OLDSMOBILE 1962, 8" 4-door sedan. Diue ana wnite. loaded with accessories. S2.650. Ph.

IV 2-0102. OLDSMOBILE 1962 4-do6rnSS7r Power and all accessories. Very ftirary: zttuiain uin wixn wmie lop. rfrtrt ni. Tit OLDSMOBILE 1962 nvnamtf "RR' 4-door hardtop.

Power brakes, steer ing, nyaramatic Excellent condition. OLDSMOBILE 1962 F-S5 4-rionr apAan Hydramatic, radio, many extras. 643 nunier oivq. i-n. tu -aaaa.

OLDSMOBILE 1958 88' Holidav a- dan. A beauty, 2 tone finish, spotless xnienor, excellent wmiewaii ures. luily equipped including power steering and brakes. Be sure to look this over. Only S1.095.

England-Cook OK Used Car Lot No. 1, corner of E. Michigan aim veaar. rn. xv d-iu.

PLYMOUTH 1958 snorts suburban V-8, automatic transmission, good tires. Sheren Plymouth-Valiant 227 im. ceaar. Mason. Phone UK 7-3931.

PLYMOUTH 1960 station wagon. Many extras, i-none ia i-iiixs. PLYMOUTH 1959 two tone station wagon with real low mileage. Has auiomauc snitt, power brakes and sieenne. 3i.aa at, rnurt urmei inc.

1431 E. Michigan. Phone IV 4-4517, PLYMOUTH 1958 station wagon, power steering and brakes, new naint and good tires. S695. Call IV 5-2426 s.

PLYMOUTH 1956 wagon. Body and paint in good condition, $275. Call IV 2-3515 after 6. PLYMOUTH 1948 coupe, Only $95. Ph.

PLYMOUTH 1958. 8 cylinder. 9 pas-senger wagon, no rust, new tires, in excellent condition throughout. $625 with $50 down. Jim Harper Used Cars, comer Allegan and Logan.

Ph. 482- 7992. PLYMOUTH 1957 4-door. 6-cylinder. standard shift, good running motor.

Good body and tires. $275. Ph, IV PLYMOUTH 19b9 4-door Suburban. v-8. automatic, light green with wnite lop, raaio.

neater, wasners. new rupper. 1 owner, pn. iv 5-4220. PLYMOUTH 1959 deluxe 9-passenger smuuii wtiKuiu uu puwei gooa conai- PONTIAC 1955 4 door.

8. fuliy equipped, good running condition, good "III icwauj, CrlW, LUI J'JtC, PONTIAC 1959 Catalina. white and rea. q-aoor narotop. low mileage, A-l condition.

Ph. 9-1236 PONTIAC, STARCHIZF 1955. V-8 auiomauc, 4-uoor, power steering, power brakes. Real nice and dean. S295.

1237 S. Holmes. Call IV 9-4043. ask ior Annie. PONTIAC 1958 Bonneville, double pow- i o- ki up, nyaramauc overnauieo ui very clean, fn.

IV -bo4B. PONTIAC 1958 Star Chief 2-door. flower sieenng. power DraKes. Call IV 4-3440 or see at 722 Robblns rd.

PflNTTAr Qn.cP. neater, very reasonable. Memfield Motor Sales. Ph. jPONTIAC 1959 Bonneville convertible.

ouiumau iwwr sieenns ana brakes, spotless silver grey finish with 2-tone blue interior, black nylon top. whitewall tires. Sharp throughout See at A "The Place to Save." 720 Jan-ii. rnune IV -fuuo. PONTIAC 1960 convertible, power steering, etc 21,000 miles.

171854 Indiana ave." PONTIAC 1962 DEMONSTRATORS CATALINA 4-door hardtop. Automatic, radio, power J2.995 STAR CHIEF 4-door sedan. Automatic, power, air conditioning $3,300 BONNEVILLE 4-door hardtop. Full power, air conditioning $3,800 PHONE Jack Flood, evenings. OX 9-2463.

NORTON PONTIAC MASON PH. OR 7-1801 PONTIAC 1957, 9 passenger station wagon, excellent condition through- PONTIAC 1954 Star Chief i door hard- lop. ruii power, ail original finish that is spotless. Absolutely immaculate in every respect. $275.

Midway Auto RAMBLER I960 Custom. 6. i owner. tjiiuiuuii. rower steering, reclining seats, white sides, radio.

RAMBLER 1959 Custom 4-door wagon. sianaaru Transmission, radio, white walls. Like new. Merrifield Motor saies. rn.

jsa RAMBLERS. 'AMERICANS' Your cnoice ot two. Both very cheap. Save at Davis Miller. 1030 S.

Washing-tori; RAMBLER. 1959 Deluxe 4-door. owuuuu aimi, tiinuer, neaier. tinted glass, white sidewall tires Story sells Ramblers for less. $1,095.

Story Oldsmobile. 3165 Michigan. Ph. IV 2-1311. RAMBLER 1960 4 door.

6-cylinder. sianaara smit. radio, whitewalls. 1 year W. warranty.

$1,195. Al Rice Used Cars. Mason. Dial OR 6-5040 WHEN SOMETHING Is lost, put a aiy Kound" ad on it tracir. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 11 RAMBLER 1960 6-cylinder statioa wagon.

A beautiful Custom with actual miles. Must be seen to ba appreciated. Bill Richards Rambler. Mason. Dial OR 7-354L RENAULT 1962.

Drive the economy carl car-trance. 1105 E. Michi. gan. Phone IV 4-5469.

TEMPEST 1962 convertible, demon strator. Automatic transmission. Radio, heater, whitewalls. Winstanlev'a Pontiac Ramblers. "At the Edge of the Ledge." Grand Ledge.

Ph. NA THUNDERBIRD 1957. power steer- uig. automatic wmtewaus and extras. Sharpest '57 in the area.

See at lapeer. THUNDERBIRD 1956. Floor autoi iiiauu anui, power steering ana brakes. Continental kit. Only $1,395.

Richard's Auto Supermarket. 2621 N. i ii. XV TRIUMPH 1957. TR hanltop.

seat wu uiwiiuiniau conaiuon. (jail TRIUMPH TR3 1961. black." 3 tops." uvciunve, raaio. neat- Pr OVrallanr MnniAK 11 irt mn- af ter6 pm. TRIUMPH TR-3.

l95d. radio, heater; Lumicau nara ana soil tops. DunlOD tirc totl nr net 1959 convertible- white with VALIANT 1960 Suburban. V2to. siick Si.

conaiuon. 51.0UU. Beck's Farm Market. US-27 SU VAUXHAIX 1960 Motor VAUXHALL 1958. recently over 4i u.ea- CSSf" 10 selL Lt 216.

Trailer irK, virana ttiver. VOLKSWAGEN' 1961. I960. 195S. (3V aiY.aya a uetter selection at Spartan s.

Sunroofs. Kombis. and Spartan VOLKSWAGEN 1962 Sunroof. Well iin.rii talc ui. nitewaus.

raaio. Model 117. Call 4S5-7071. VOLKSWAGEN 1960. many extras.

mam, ninrc i X-VOB. VOLKSWAGEN 1961 sunroor. 14.000 qmeu 4014 VOLKSWAGEN 1957 2-door. Low milei age. Ideal for second car.

Hank Scher- o. qiai. rnone iv z-jrjj. VOLKSWAGEN 1961. sun roof.

SL491? or iraae Ior larger car. Ph. OX 9-2054. VOLVO I960, all extras. Extra clean.

ALL USED CARS Going at clearance minuuui rUDUac Used CaTS (new location). 2121 E. Michigan. CONVERTIBLE Lincoln ConUnentai; cAi-7iiciii wnuiuuii. power sieer-Ing.

brakes, power windows and power seats, plush, carpeting and tires like new. Full price $1,845. in uiac udue a no aiso arTanga financing for you. Call IV 5-0598 or PVPninw TIT 1Cj1V FALL Qearance sale at Signs FoFJ save a ioi. AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE 12 CHEVROLET 1960 1-ton.

dual wneels. 12 ft. aluminum van. full rear doors, radio and heater, like new. Make offer.

Ph. IV 5-1S92. 1018 CHEVROLET 1950 panel truck. Penn- syivania at Kalamazoo, standard Sta- tion. tjooo runner.

CHEVROLET 1956. ton pickup." Good condition. Only S495. Bill Fow- ler Ford Sales. US-27.

East DeWitt. Call NO 9-2725. CHEVROLET 1958 "Apache" $695: also 1954 Dodge pickup $275. Clearance priced at Auto Sales. 1717 E.

Michigan. Ph. IV 4-8473. CHEVROLET 1955 ton pickup, good FORD 1952 "6" pickup. ton, 6 ft.

box. top running condition. Make an offer. 908 Larnedst- F5RD 1959 F-600 truck with Day-brook grain box and heavy duty twin ram hoist. In excellent running con- dition.

good rubber, only S2.200. Call riu 3-43m Alma, Mich. GMC 19o8 ton pickup. Long box. 4-speed transmission.

1 owner. Ex- cellent condition. Crosby's. Ph. IV lb.

G. M. 1950 dump. All set to go. -J Runs good.

$3S5. Martin Auto Parts. Call ED 2-5319 or IV 4-709L GMC 1960 long wheelbase. "V-671 cab and chassis. also 1958 Studebaker ton pickup.

$195. Max Curtis. Truck Lot. 2900 bloclc E. Michigan.

Phone IV 7-3687. GMC 1962 new -ton pickup. Heater, defroster, washers, oil filter, spare tire and wheeL Delivered including all taxes. $2,040. Rhynard Truck Sales.

200 N. Larch. INTERNATIONAL 1958 panel, good wjiiuiuuii. ro. xjl, i (.

REO 1957. Model AC-633. O. E. tandem tractor.

235 h. p. engine. 10-speed Roadranger transmission. Reasonably priced.

White Truclc 2827 S. Cedar. Call TU 2-0271. TRUCK BODYRefrigerated. 14 fC equipped with large "Arctic-Travel, er." standby refrigeration, side door, bumper step, this equipment like new.

Beck's Farm Market, US-27 St. Johns. Michigan. AIRSTREAM Lightweight travel trail. er since 1932.

Guaranteed for lile. See them and get a demonstration at Bob Frank Trailer Sales. M-21 west, lonia, Mich- Plan to join one of Waily DUdn exciting caravans. ARISTO fTUrk. Fltwrwl.

Good selection of used. $200 up. Anything Of Valup toward rfnwn navmant Phone Gage. IV 5-22S9. IV 2-0529.

CENTURY 1958 15 ft. New awnihgT rreece mtcn. ooiue gas lights. I'll- OH -JtO, UA FAN RAMBLER 1962. 16 ft.

self contained. A 2-toned beauty. Like new and at a real savings. 234 N. natjaaom, lansing.

GARWAY New 13. 16. 17 and 23 ft-i up. oieeps to a. cans rates.

GEM TRAILER 18 sleeps 5. Stove ice dox. ah aluminum, very tau i iijuu. GEM 1959. 19 footer with bath, like new conaiuon.

htunung AloDile Homes. 6 miles north ot tanging on US-27. LAYTpN For 1963. One of America's leaning travel trailers, bee the new models, all MHMA code. 16 footers.

$995. We specialize In travel trailers. Trailer Sales. 3425 N. US-27.

ionising, rp. IV NEW MOON 10x45. 2 bedroom. Good conaiuon. i.b.

At Tony coau. your Elcar and Kozy mobile home dealer. 1 mile east of East Lansing on US-16. rn. NOMAD 16 ft.

self-contained, sleeps o. tiriton trailer rtepair. ivMt UWl. ln. IV M-bg39.

TRUCK CAMPERS Travel trailers? iutsmiiier bales, s. Pennsylvania at ceoar. pnone Bv-bo7i. UNITED 21 ft. with Nelson dolly.

$450. can i y-UDi weeKenas or alter a weeK days. ZIMMER Travel trailer. 16 ft. excel lent condiuon.

bleeps 4. ideal tor sportsman. 2-burner stove, ice box. sink built in. Must sell fast, very reasonable.

Call IV 4-0292. B-A-R-G-A-I-N-S BEECHCOMBER 1963, 17 foot, self-contained $1,385 VAGABOND 1953, 40x8 $1,250 SILVERCREST 1962. 52x10. 2 bedroom, save $1,000 $3,585 BEECHCOMBER 1962, 13 foot, sleeps BEECHCOMBER, new 16 foot-fully equipped $985 PEERLESS 1955, 40x8. 2 bedroom.

This is a gold seal coach $2,450 SKYLINE 1960. 55 foot. 3 bed- room, like new S3. 450 LINTZCRAFT TRAILER SALES GRAND LEDGE OPEN SUNDAYS IT'S HERE 1963 model. 12 wide 55 It.

long, it is iz wiae an me way with exclusive Revolvex windows. It Is new, all new. Ventura. Also 8x10 wide, new and used. Powers Mobile Homes Sales.

3435 W. SL Joseph, adjacent to beautiful park terrace. First arrange for your parking space, second your mobile home. Open to NEW 196250x10. 2 bedrooms, only 53.595.

Whitman Trailer bales, bass Lansing. Ph. ED 2-1S17. The all new Great Lakes. Liberty, Owosso.

Palace, Vindale. Windsor. VanDyke. Shasta. Holly.

NoMad and Frolic At Varney1! Trailer Sales. 2818 E. Grand River, open evenings and Sundays. MAKE SAFETY Your Motto When DRIVING Your Auto Phone IV 5-0512 O. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 11 CHEVROLET 1959 Bel Air 2 door.

Powergiide. power steering, radio, white side walls, low mileage. Clean inside and out. By owner. $1,150.

Phone CHEVROLET A 1960 for S1.475. You'll De pleasantly surprised witn mis door. We'll do right by you on trade allowance lor your present car too: Dan O'Shaughnessey Used Cars. 2501 E. Michigan.

Phone IV 9-2388. CHEVROLET 1959 station wagon. Clean. 3 seats, v-8. power steering and brakes, new tires.

117 w. lonia. CHEVROLET 1932 eouije. body in ex- ceuent condition, partially restored. everytning original except engine.

$300. Ph. TU 2-4525. CHEVROLET 1961 Corvair Monza. Must sacrifice.

A-l. 4-speed. all acces- sones. call IV 'J-1839 alter 5. CHEVROLET 1957 convertible, like new, imp ciliraale naslett.

CHEVROLET 1960 Impala 4-door se- aan. v- witn automatic transmission, radio, heater, whitewalls, all white finish. Excellent condition. Only S1.695. Bill Fowler Ford Sales.

US-27. East DeWitt. Call NO 9-2725. CHEVROLET 1955 Delray. 8 cylin- oer.

slick, raaio. neater, wnitewau tires, red and white, very clean inside and out. 5395. No money down. Jim Harper Used Cars, corner Allegan and Logan, pn.

4jg-7am. CHEVROLET 1957. standard shift. 6 cyunaer, a aoor, sib. laol buick, automatic, good transportation.

$40. Call IV 5-7573. CHEVROLET 1958 Bel Air 4-door, V-8. automatic transmission, radio and neater, whitewall tires. Excellent condition.

Special at only SS95. Quality Auto Sales. 2064 N. Cedar. Holt, pn.

lx CHEVROLET 1957 2-door, 6 cylinder. Standard transmission, wnitewau tires Pert with hlftrk toD. 1 owner. Low mileage. Jim Rebec Used Cars, 3440 N.

East st. (US-27 norinj. rn. IV 9-3580. CHEVROLET 1955 2-door hardtop, V-8.

Powergiide. 5225. Ph. IV 4-7188. CHF.VROI.ET 1956.

convertible, white- walls. radio, heater. Automatic S250 or best offer. Call 485-2091 after 6:30 p. CHEVROLET 1957.

4-door hardtop Bel Air. V-8. automatic transmission, full power. Wlnstanley Pontiac "At the Edge of the Ledge," Grand Iedge. Phone NA 7-5311.

CHEVROLET 1956. black. 2-dr. Bel Air hardtop. Automatic transmission, radio, heater.

Body and motor thor oughly reconditioned, diets oarage, 24Z74 s. Knndle. CHEVROLET 1957 powergiide. 6 cyl- lnoer. -aoor.

seas, am buck Chevro- let, Dewitt. Phone NO 9-2235. CHEVROLET 1959 Bel Air. Radio. heater.

Only SI. 095. Elmer Steele on Micnigan. east or prandor. CHEVROLET 1955 wagon.

stick. only S224.50. Graft Auto Sales, 3117 in. East su uau iv a-393. CHEVROLET'S 3 to rhns from.

An low mileage, clean cars. Superior Motors. s. ceoar. pn.

iv 4-9305. CHEVROLET 1960 Impala. 335 h. CHEVROLET 1953' station wagon. Good condition.

40 inch gas stove. Lan IV CHEVROLET 1959 Bel Air 4 door. V-8. Powergiide. 31.000 miles.

Thinks and drives like new. Will trade. 210 isueu. CHEVROLET 1954. $75: 1953 Ford wagon.

575; 1950 Plymouth. 550; 1953 Olds. 599: 1953 Plymouth. $60. Cos- grove used cars.

1410 W. Saginaw. CHEVROLET 1957 Bel Air 4-door station wagon, radio, heater, power-elide. Real sham. Rill Rnnriv Tispd Cars.

1926 W. Saginaw. Phone IV Z-U4WJ. CHEVROLET Lee MacGtlllvray. Has- leii.

Mien. necK our deals, upen every night till 9. Phone FE 9-8226. jk used cars. CHEVROLET 1958 4-door.

Automatic transmission, power steering, radio and neater, wmtewaiis. Extra clean. asou. can Kll 2HK30. CHEVROLET convertible.

needs some repairs. Call IV 9-7810 alter CHEVROLET 1958 convertible Im- pala. This is a sharp car owned by a lady. Has power steering and brakes, powergiide. small V-8 engine and oeauuiui turquoise finish.

A dandy all the way! Hodgson Os-born. 2601 E. Michigan. Phone IV -4oSJ. CHEVROLET 1958 Biscaynes (2).

one 6. one V-8, both low mileage one owner local cars for the discriminating buyer. Trade. Bank terms. Buy a newer used car from Boo Kidenour.

3000 S. Cedar. CHEVROLET 1959 Biscayne. 6 cylin-der with Powergiide, excellent condition with less than 18.000 miles. No trade-in.

51.050. pn. IV 4-4831. CHEVROLET 1960 Bel Air 4-door. standard shift, attractive turquoise finish.

Priced to sell at $1,395. will trade, zip isben. CHEVROLET 1954 4-door sedan. Powergiide and power steering. Better tnan average condition, price $lou.

pn. iv 3-6571. loib Hapeman. CHEVROLET 1955 2 door. V-8.

stick. with 1958 engine. 3322 Palmer after 9 p. m. can tu CORVAIR 1962 Monza.

like new. 4- speed. Phone 543-4636 Charlotte after p. m. CORVAIR 1961 4-door.

standard shift Consider trade. Call ED 2-6788 after 4 CORVETTE 1958; 3-speed. 230 engine, shadow grey, excellent condition. $1,695. Ph.

Corunna RI 3-3638. CORVETTE 1962. 360 fuel injection. 4-speed. positraction.

two tops, win saennce. tan iu -zoia. CORVETTE 1958. blue. 3.

speed trans- mission, radio, new wnitewans. Excellent condition. By owner. 3508 spnngorooK in. Phone iv 4-3Ubo.

CORVETTE 1961. 3 speed. 230 engine, 411 positraction. Excellent condition. 52.950.

Ph. IV 2-3818 or IV 5-8098. CORVETTE 1961, 4-speed. 230. 2 tops.

pnone iv o-vyrj. DODGE $2,750 buys this 1962 con- vertible. seml-oucKet seats, red vinyl Interior. Call IV 4-0568, 4804 W. St.

joera. DODGE ISM. 4-door. -6." 56,000 miles, excellent condition. Ph.

OX DODGE 1956 Custom Royal. 8 cylin-! der automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater, whitewall tires. This car is like new. Jim Harper Used Cars, corner Allegan and Logan. pn.

4bj-rra, EDSEL 1958 Pacer 2 door hardtop. push button transmission, power steering and brakes, good tires. Sharp. By owner. 5595, full price.

Call TU ENGLISH FORD 1959. 1 owner. Real good shape. Sell for $365. Ph.

FE 9-2156. FALCON 1960, 4-door. radio. heater, whitewall tires, black, it Is sharp, only 59951 Anything as down payment. Jim Harper Used Cars, comer Allegan and Logan.

Ph. 482- FALCON 1961. 4-door. radio, heater. standard Lf-tone blue with whitewalls" $1,295.

Gar's Used Cars. 2217 S. Cedar. Ph. IV 5-1972.

FALCON 1960 station wagon 4- door. Absolutely new inside and out. only 23.000 miles. Clearance priced only 51,395. A free tank of gass and new plates included.

See at Cosgrove's Used Cars, 1410 W. Saginaw. Phone IV 4-7715. FALCON 1960 4-door. 6 cylinder.

standard snitt, radio. A one year G. W. warranty. $1,195.

Al Rice Used cars. Mason. Dial OH 6-5040. FORD See our big display of new and used cars and trucks. For a better car and a better deal, drive out to Roy Chrlstensen Ford Sales.

Mason. nunc vi. i -juu, FORD 1954 9-passenger station wag- pnone uit 7-Bfau. 2-1732. FORD 1962 convertible.

Salesman's car. Jruu power including windows and seats. Save $1,200. Call Dick Burns. Max Curtis pprd.

iv 4-44MI FORD 1961 4-door, automatic. 5.400 miles, like new. pnone IV 7-Q303. 24UI Wellington. FORD 1956 2-door.

V-8. stick shirt. good condition, itto. 4XL naze. rn.

1V9-1S95. FORD 1959. Galaxie convertible, ex- ceptionally clean. 1 owner car. spar- tan Motors, juuu a.

Michigan. FORD 1954 4 door, good motor and body, i new tires. bdZL cooper ro. alter a p. m.

FORD 1958. Custom 300, 2-door. 8 cylinder automatic, radio, neater, like new. only 5595. $50 down.

Jim Harper Used Cars, corner Allegan and Logan. pn. FORD 1955 4-door. Fordomatic. little rust, also household articles.

Ph. IV 3-zaJ7. FORD 1956 convertible. Fordomatic. radio, heater, red rimsn.

special at only $195. Bill Fowler Ford Sales. us-7. East uewut. call iu a-rjj.

FORD 1958 V-8. 2-door. automatic transmission, radio, neater, clean, good condition. See at 1434 Wilshire. Haslett.

FORD 1940 coupe. Call IV 9-1224. 3318 westmont. alter p. m.

FORD 1958. 4-door hardtop, radio. heater, good tires, v-b. oroomatic $650 or best offer. Ph.

TU 2-7563. FORD 1929 model A. Good condition. pnone aja-4o. FORD 1956 two door.

V-8. sedan. manual transmission, can owner, xv 5-8097 after 6 p. m. FORD 1930 model A.

5250. After 5 call iv 3-JW4. 4ui Kicnaros st. FORD 1958 2-door. V-8.

standard shift. runs and looks good. 5iwu. wm take trade. 5o8 fc.

trreeniavvn. FORDS At Max Curtis. Inc. Used Car Lot. 244 E.

Michigan (corner ran-cis). Phone IV 4-4496. FORD 1958 4-door wagon. 6-cylinder. standard shift.

Mack Auto Sales. FORD 1960 4-door station wagon. 6- cyunaer, stanoara snitt. radio, wmtewaiis. 1 year G.

W. warranty. $1,295. Al Rice Used Cars, Mason. Dial OR b-5U4U.

FORD 1956 Convertible with radio. neater, power steering and brakes, Fordomatic Bill Bond? Used Cars, 1925 w. saglnaw. Phone IV 2-9466. FS5 1961 4-door sedan, vertf rleaiiT sanoaiwooa ana coraovan.

pnone IU J-ooii. Lansing Ionia Row Is Settled Court Ends Library Fund Controversy The Michigan supreme court Friday settled a fight over Ionia county library funds, saving in effect that two contesting libraries should be each paid in full instead of dividing available funds between them. The case involved distribution of penal fines by the county treasurer to the Belding city and Beld-ing school district libraries. The funds are allotted on the basis of the number of school age children living within the- library district. The city library contended that it should be paid on the basis of the 1.330 children living within the city and that the Belding school district library should get paid only for the 30 additional children of the school district living outside the city.

Supreme Court Justice Paul L. Adams, who was attorney general when the case started, had inter vened to urge that the funds be split 50-50 to the two libraries. The court's decision, written by Justice John R. Dethmers, said it disagreed with both the city plea and the general. The law, the decision said, provides only for payments to a library on the basis of the number of children in its district hence the city payment should be based on 1,330 children and the school library payment should be based on 1,360 children, even though the same children were involved.

Adams, because he was involved In the original suit, did not take part in the otherwise unanimous decision. Middleton Pair's Home Destroyed OWOSSO, Sept. 8 A Middleton couple lost their home by fire during their absence Thursday night. They are Mr. and Mrs.

Bernard Conley. They said they, left the house at about 6 p. m. for Durand to visit friends. Four hours later, a neighbor, James Clark, 16, saw flames coming from the windows.

When firemen from Owosso and Corun-na arrived, they could save only the walls. Area Births LAINGSBURG To Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Davis.

8669 Doyle R. 1, a son. Richard William. Sept. 2.

at Lansing General hospital (Osteopathic). Area Deaths Geo nee Rierson ITHACA. Sept. 8 George Rierson. 70.

R. 1. Ithaca, a retired employe of the Michi'jan Masonic home at Alma, died Friday at a Detroit hospital where he had been a patient since Aug. 12. Surviving are the widow, Anna; two sons.

Rex. Crystal, and Raymond, rural Ithaca: four daughters. Mrs. Mildred McFadden. Midland; Mrs.

Elsie McGill. Lansing; Mrs. Margery Hetzman. Alma, a nd Mrs. Marian Carjen.

Forest Hill two stepdaughters, Mrs. Marjorie Rier son. itnaca. ana Mrs. uorotnea ue-Line.

St. Louis: 21 grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, two brothers and three sisters. Services will be at 2 p. m. Monday at the Dewey funeral home.

Alma. Burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery, St. Leuis. Mrs. Lillian Green FOWLER VILLE.

Sept. Mrs. Lillian Green. SO. died Friday in McPher-son Memorial Health center.

Howell, after a long illness. Surviving are the daughter. Mrs. Richard Murray of Detroit, and a sister. Mrs.

Clara Woodley of Fowlerville. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2:30 m. in the Dillingham funeral home. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. Earl K.

Miner EATON RAPIDS. Sept. 8 Earl E. Miner. 66.

a former resident of Eaton Rapids, died Friday of a heart attack In Wellston where he had made his home for the past two years. He was a retired employe of Motor Wheel corporation. Surviving are the widow. Alice, and two brothers. Nelson of Rives Junction and Roy of Royal Oak.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Sunday in the Terwilliger funeral home. Kaleva. and at 1 p.

m. Tuesday in the Skinner funeral home. Burial will be in Bunker cemetery. Basin per Infant LAINGSBURG. Sept.

8 Teressa Bas-tnger. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Basinser, 7611 Hollister died at birth Friday at a Lansing hospital.

Surviving, besides her parents, are a sister, Charmaine; two brothers. Donald and Daniel, all at home; her grandparents. Mrs. Ada Lord. Lansing, and Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Pratt. Laings-burg. Graveside services will be at 9:30 a. rru Sunday at the Laingsbuxg cemetery.

Robert E. Collins LESLIE. Sept. 8 Robert E. Collins, i 64.

died Friday after a long illness. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Louis Dorenbush and Mrs. Sam Bues, both of Jackson; three sisters, Mrs. Lee Rosenbush of Lansing.

Mrs. Grace Collins of Ferndale and Mrs. Ray Cunningham of Sarasota. Fla. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.

Monday In the Luecht funeral home. Burial will be in Pleasant Grove cemetery. Andrew Hamilton LAINGSBURG. Sept. 8 Andrew Hamilton.

50. died Friday in Ypsilanti after a long illness. Funeral services will be held Monday at 10 a. m. in St.

Isadore Catholic church. Rosary services will be held at 8 p. m. Sunday at the MacDougall funeral home. Mr.

Hamilton was a stock broker. Surviving are the widow. Jean; two daughter's. Marily and Julia Ann; two sons. Thomas and Michael, and his mother, Mrs.

Stella Hamilton; a sister. Mrs. Helen Snyder of Lansing, and a brother, Thomas of Laingsburg. Burial will be In the Mt. Olivet cemetery.

Laingsburg. Mm. Fannie C. Wilrox CHARLOTTE. Sept.

8 Mrs Fannie C. Wilcox. 79. of 210 W. Shaw died Friday at a Charlotte nursing home vihere she had been a patient for nine days.

She moved to Charlotte from Lan- ing about 30 years aeo. Mrs. Wilcox was a member of the Lawrence Avenue Methodist church. Surviving are the huhand. Eugene; two daughters.

Mrs. Willard Baker. Columbus. and Miss Barbara Wilcox. East Lansine: a son.

Roger. Glen Ellyn. 111., and eight grandchildren. Services will be at 11 a. m.

Monday at the Burkhead -Cheney funeral chapel. Burial will be in Thomas cemetery. West Bangor. Legal Notices On Sept. 14.

1962, at 10 a. the undersigned will sell at public sale for cash one 1958 Lincoln Premiere 4-door hardtop, serial HSYD400338 at Renisrer Construction 200 Mill Lansing. Mich. The vehicle is stored and may be inspected at the said address. The undersigned reserves the right to bid.

Associates Discount Corp. No. 9-10 On Sept. 13. 1962.

at 10:15 a. the undersigned will sell at public sale for cash one 1961 Studebaker Lark Station WaEon. serial 61S5733 at ABC Gulf Service. 1715 E. Kalamazoo.

Lansine. Mich. The vehicle is stored and may be inspected at the said address. The undersigned reserves the rieht to bid. Associates Discount Corp.

No. 9-9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice hereby given by the undersigned that on Nov. S. 1962. 10 a.

at Potter Park Shell Service. 1440 S. Pennsylvania. Lansing. public sale of a 3955 Chevrolet panel truck, identification number 25SF02946S.

registered in the name of Zeryl L. Clark, total amount of claim being S235.40. will be held for cash to the highest bidder. Investigation thereof may be made at the above address, the place of storage. Dated Sept.

6. 1962. Potter Park Shell Service. By J. Legs.

No. 9-14 DEATHS BURGESS MRS. FANNIE Hart R. 1 Dimondale Mrs. Fannie Burgess, age SI years, died Saturday morning at a local hos- Lital.

She had been a resident of ansing and vicinity for the past 43 years, coming here from Wisan. Lancashire. England. Mrs. Burgess is survived by tro sons.

Charles P. of MusKegon. and 'Joseprj a. or Lansing; fivev Mrs. J.

E. Mike sell of Grand Ledge. Mrs. Robert E. Adams of Dimondale.

Mrs. Jonathan C. Ward, Mrs. Emma E. Foster.

Mrs. Leo F. Hvde. all of Lansing; 28 grandchildren and 46 fxeai-granacnuaren. tunerai services or Mrs.

Burgess will be held at the Estes-Leadley Colonial chapel at 1 p. m. Tuesday, Rev. Floyd H. Nagel, of the Oneida Gospel church will officiate with interment at Deepdale cemetery.

HEDRICKr LESLIE C. 821 Wisconsin ave. Leslie C. Hedrick. age 59 years, died siatiirrinv mnrnine at a local hosDital.

Mr. Hedrick had been a resident of Lansing for the past 40 years. He was a member of Lansing Lodge No. 33, F. A.

Lansing Rod and Gun club. Employed at Olds for the past 17 years in the maintenance department and before this was supervisor of maintenance at M. S. U. He is survived by a brother, Ross Hedrick, of Plymouth.

and a niece and nephew. Funeral arrangements are being made at the Estes-Leadley funeral home and will be an nounced later. HUMMEL MRS. HELENA 1920 Stirling Mrs. Helena Hummel, age S3 years, died Saturday morning at a local hospital.

Mrs. Hummel had been a member of the Trinity Lutheran church for 75 years and was a member of the Ladies Aid society. She is survived by a son, William Hummel of Lansing; a daughter, Mrs. Carl H. Schmitke of Lansing; four grandchildren and eight great-grandchil- aren, several nieces ana nepnews.

Funeral services for Mrs. Hummel will be held at the Trinity Lutheran church at 3 p. m. Monday, Kev. William Huener will officiate and in terment will be at Mt.

Hope ceme tery, jvirs. tiummei oooy wiu oe taken from the Estes-Leadley funeral home to the church to lie in state from 2 p.m. until service time. MEAD MRS. JOSEPHINE 3188 Pheasant ave.

Mrs. Josephine Mead. 81 years, died Friday at a local hosDital. She had been a resident of Lansing for 20 years, coming from i ruman. Ark.

She was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Helen M. Bishop of Lansing, 2 granddaughters, Mrs. Sharon Jenks and Mrs.

Anna Jo DeVaney. and three great-grandchildren, all of Lansing-Funeral services will be held at the Esres-Leadley colonial chapel at 11 a. m. Monday. Rev.

Odell Kirby of the Church of Christ will officiate and interment will be in Maple Ridge cemetery. Bearers will be Jake Bishop. Dennis Childress. Bill Jenks, Dwight RyaL SMREK EDWARD JOSEPH. JR.

E. St. Joseph st. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.

Edward J. Smrek died Friday. Sept. 7, 1962 at a local hospital. Surviving besides the parents are grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Hargrave and grandfather, Mr. Casimir Labloda. all of Lansing. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.

m. Monday, Sept 10. 1962 -at the Palmer-Bush funeral home. Interment in Evergreen cemetery. FUNERALS BEADERSTADT, MRS.

AUGUSTA 319 W. Willow Funeral services for Mrs. Augusta Beaderstadt. age 83. who died Friday, will be held at the Emanuel First Lutheran church at 1:30 p.

m. Monday. She had been a resident of Lansing for 64 years, coming from Germany, and was a member of the Emanuel First Lutheran church and the Ladies Aid society of the church for 64 years. Survivors are four sons, Harold. Frederick, Henry and Ted.

all of Lansing; also four grandsons, Ted John. Richard and Jan of Lansing. Rev. Karl Krauss and Rev. Leonard J.

Koeninger will officiate and interment will be In Mt. Hope cemetery. Bearers will be Harold Beaderstadt. Frederick Beaderstadt, Henry Beaderstadt. Ted Beaderstadt.

John Beaderstadt, Ted J. Beaderstadt. The body will be at the Estes-Leadley funeral home until time of service. BROWN ELEANOR A. 335 X.

Capitol ave. Funeral services for Eleanor A. Brown, age 73. who died Thursday. Sept.

6. 1962 at the residence, will be held at 10 a. m. Tuesday. Sept.

11. 1962 at St. Mary's church. Milwaukee. Wis.

Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. Milwaukee. The rosary will be recited Saturday at 6:30 P. m.

at the Palmer-Bush funeral home. CARR. HARVEY J. Klsslmmee. Fla.

Funeral services for Mr. Can will be held Tuesday at 1 p. m. from the Gorsline Runciman funeral borne. Rev.

Peter Ypma of the Vassar Baptist church officiating. Interment in St. Johns cemetery. Pallbearers are John Newman. George Davis.

Murl Croy. Howard Hicks. Henry Lietzke and Howard Gorsline. The body will arrive in Lansing Monday morning. CLARK, FLOYD B.

2515 W. Main DeWltt Funeral services for Mr. Clark were held from the Vincent-Rummell funeral home, 2 p. m. Saturday, Rev.

Averill M. Carson officiating. Interment in Gunnisonville cemetery. Pallbearers were Donald, Richard and Max Kranz, Wayne and La Verne Gibson Ralph Clark. COX, CHARLES WESLEY Maplewood dr.

East Lansing Funeral services for Mr. Cox were held Saturday at 1 p. m. from the Gorsline-Runciman funeral home. Rev.

Edward Roth of AH Saints Episcopal church officiating. Interment in Deep-dale cemetery. FOREBACK, MRS. BERNICE E. West rd.

Lansing Funeral services for Mrs. Foreback were held Saturday at 2:30 from the Gorsline-Runciman funeral home. Rev. J. C.

Lambert of Evangelical Methodist church officiating. Interment in Gunnisonville cemetery. MATER. ACGCST G. 1129V S.

Washington Funeral services for August G. Maler were held at the Estes-Leadley Colonial chapel at 2:30 p. m. Saturday. Rev.

E. L. Woldt officiated and interment was made in Deepdale cemetery. Bearers were Eugene Leyrer. Joseph Eichelbnrger.

Alfred Bley. Amil Mohardt. Paul Kleuckling. Phillip Gerstung. NICKELS, MRS.

CORA E. 806 Seymour Funeral services for Mrs. Nickels will be held Monday at 1 from the Gorsline-Runciman funeral home. Rev. Ruth Walling of the Spiritualist Episcopal church of Eaton Rapids officiating.

Burial will be in Chapel Hill cemetery. Pallbearers are Frank Harry. Robert Harry, Dick Harry. Bill Harry, Lawrence Elsesser. Cyril Sayles.

READ THIS PAGE If yon are ln- leresiea ia aewi ol oywruiniiira. TOMBACGH, JESSE G. Horton Funeral services for Mr. Tombaugh were held Saturday at 10 a. m.

from the Gorsline-Runciman funeral home. Rev. Millard a. Wilson of Church of the Brethren officiating. Graveside services were held Saturday at 2 p.

m. in Martiny cemetery. Rodney. Mich. WRIGHT, MRS.

EMMA E. 2013 Lyons Funeral services for Mrs. Wrieht will be held Monday at 10 a. m. at the Gorsline-Runciman funeral home.

Rev. Vernon Smith of the First Presbyterian church of Coldwater officiating. Burial in Lovejoy cemetery. Du-rancX Grandsons and nephews of Mrs. Wright will act as pallbearers.

Announcements MAIL IN BOXES AT 10 A. M. 11 22 25 31 32 53 60 61 91 110 113 130 131 132 143 145 151 152 162 163 164 lbo 111 lis FUNERAL DIRECTORS JESSEN FUNERAL HOME Dedicated to personal service. 24-hour arobu lance, uall LAVEY'S A reputation for finer professional care since 1918. Call IV 4-6329.

IN MEMORIAM HIGHFILL. DORHIS E. In lnwlv memory of our husband and father on ms juin Dirmaay, sept. Often a lonely heartache and many a silent tear. But always a beautiful memory of one we love so dear.

DIANE AND CHILDREN FLORISTS DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL Arrangements are best from Barnes Avenue Floral. Lansing's fastest growing flor ist. ij3 vv. uarnes. rnone iv MONUMENTS AND LOTS CHAPEL HILLS Cemetery.

2 lots In Garden of Apostles. $150. Call TU 2-8935 or TU 2-2237. IT COSTS NO MORE At Yunker Me morials, inc. Visit our showroom, 1116 E.

Mt. Hope. Phone IV 4-1433. LANSING MONUMENT CO. Where customers send their friends.

510 E. Michigan. Call IV 5-5b46. QUALITY Economy, service. Carving ny owner, upen tounoay iuioi wu-liamston Memorials.

Ph. OL 5-2828. PERSONALS 7 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS May reached by p. o. Box 991.

or pnona IV 2-0624. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.

AS NEAR TU YOU As your telephone. Call IV 2-1444. Michigan YeUow Cab. ABOLISH Bill worries. No matter what you owe.

call IV 7-5929. Budget Adjustment bervice. ALL IT TAKES Come in. We do the best to make feet comfortable. Bend' lin's, 18UG E.

Michigan CALL IV 2-6202 For free information on how to add protection against loss of Income to your present group hos- pitauzation. j. waiters Agency. DEBTS I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name, other than by myself, after this day and date. Saturday.

Sept. 8. 1962. Jesse F. Burks, 22114 N.

Logan Lansing. Allen. DEBTS I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name, other than by myself, after this day and date. Saturday. Sept.

8. lytfj. Jerry Alan Olger. 2098 Coolridge MOIt. Alien.

DETECTI ES All types of investi-sations. prompt services. Confidential Detective Agency. Ph. IV 4-9747.

TUJ DETECTIVES Ouick results on domestic cases. Also lie detector test Oldest agency In city. Greater Lan- Sing Detective Agency, can iv DOWNTOWN KARMELKORN Catering to churches, fraternal groups. scouts, qub N. Washington.

DRIVE-IN Prescription service at the Apothecary snop, oui-ft. wasningion. fhone IV Z-US84, DRUNK DRIVING Unsatisfied Jud ment. Financial responsibility Insur ance, premium. 5oo a year ana up.

Ph. IV 2-Q5S3. Quandt Insurance Co. FIRE INSURANCE For home, busi-ness or household goods. See your Auto owners agent.

FREE DELIVERY Free parking. i green stamps at Aicranane urug. 43 s. Washington, call tv GALS Want to lose weight? Come to i. w.

A. Monday nignts, 7:30. Dues 25c Der week. Don't shun. pnme.

have fun. The Winning-Losers Dieting iiuo. noom JUD. GET GAS ALL NIGHT At Mac's AI1- uar service, saginaw at Washington. r-none xv a-jaiu.

we never close. GET OUT OF DEBT Without a loan. une payment plan. Capitol credit Counselors. Phone IV 4-7418.

ITS BACK TO SCHOOL Time and time to have your youngster's eyes examined at Morgan's. Call our Dr. B. Bussard for an Immediate ap pointment, convenient terms. 121 s.

Washington. Call IV 2-7323. NEED GLASSES? Dr. C. L.

Chase, optometrist, 118 S. Butler. Complete optical service. Over 300 frames to choose irom. fnone iv WORK UNIFORMS For every Job.

for every season! At scnetzers Mens wear, but E. Michigan at mm. S10 REWARD Do you know anyone who needs rooiing or siaing? iau ua 4-7411 or IV 5-5035. BIDS WANTED 7B NOTICE Is hereby given that the foF lowing vehicles win ne oiierea ior rjublic sale to the highest bidder at 10 a. m.

on Sept. 21. 1962. at the Main Office of East Lansing state Bank. 100 W.

Grand River. East Lansing. Michigan. One, 1956. Willys pick-up truck, 4 wheel drive, serial number 13066: one.

1957. Willys jeep. 4 wheel drive with hydraulic equipment and winch, motor number 5754838220. The undersigned reserves the right to bid on the above vehicles. These vehicles may be inspected at 1846 Haslett road.

East Lansing, on Sept. 20. 1962. East Lan- sing State Bank. SHARE THE RIDE 7D CAL.

TECH STUD ENT Needs ride to southern California sept. 17-u. Experienced driver, will share expenses. Please call ja 7-bdUl STATION WAGON For responsible party over 21 to drive to San rran-cisco. Ph.

355-0260 5 to 9 p. m. CONVALESCENT HOMES 8A NURSING HOME Would like a con valescent patient. 1 boarding patient. special service, can LOST, FOUND, STRAYED 10 ALASKAN MALAMUTE About 76 lbs.

Looks like a husky, grey and white, fluffy white tail. Broken-hearted boy's pet. Lost Edgemont area. Re- ward. Phone IV 4-3113 or 373-3157.

ENGLISH SETTER Black and white male, answers to Tinker. lost Groesbeck area. Reward. Call IV MONEY LOST AT Federal's; needed oaaiy. tiiacK change purse, rn.

iv SIAMESE CAT LOST 3 weeks ago. Mate. tteart-oroKen lamiiy. reward. Call IV 5-7363.

TIGER CAT Male, black and white. front mostly white. Important to find, he bit child. Lost on west side. Please call IV 9-3272.

FOUND Lovely, young, gray striped male cat. vicinity isrookfieid Plaza. East Lansing, pn. el 2-8oi8. Automotive AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 11 BUICK 1954 Special, automatic trans mission, in good condition, pn.

iv BUICK 1954. 4 door, rebuilt motor. radio, heater, power steering and brakes. Phone Charlotte 543-013O. BUICK 1957 Super 4rdoor hardtop.

run iiuwei. cAcciieui. jnuiur auu uiTCt. This week's special only $695. Bill Fowler Ford Sales.

US-27. East Dewitt. can iu n-tijd. BUICK 1960 LeSabre blue convertible. tuny equipped, unginai owner, per-fect condition.

S2.100. Ph. OX 4-1397. BUICK 1960 LeSabre convertible. Titan red.

51.895. Ph. 676-5383. BUICK Best selection of clean, reconditioned late model Buicks and many other makes at Lorenz Buick Used Cars. Now at new location.

2407 E. Michigan ave. Open Monday. Wednesday. Friday till 9.

Phone IV 7-09S4. BUICK 1957 Super 4 door hardtop. Power steering and brakes, spotless bronze and ivory finish. sharp throughout. See at A "The Place to save." T20 IN.

Larch. Phone IV Z-7UU5. CADILLAC 1962 all models, biggest allowance ever. We need used cars. Cadillac tires.

U. Firestone and Goodrich, regular S48.95. now 529.50 plus tax with trade. McClintock caflmac. is.

Micnigan. CADILLAC 1956 Limousine. Low mile-age. excellent condition, loaded with extras including air conditioning. A.

F. Motors, can i -bjyu. CADILLAC 1962 6-window sedan, actual miles, power equipped. By owner. 3508 Springbrook hi.

Phone IV 4-3065. CHEVROLET 1956 wagon. V-8. auto-matic. Real good shape.

Phone IV 4-1 15. CHEVROLET 195S Impala convertible. 348 engine, positraction. Must sell. 5TOU.

Call EU 7-HD4S, CHEVROLET 1957 convertible, 8 cyl-inder, powergiide, positraction. new nylon top. Clean, pn. TU z-sjjs. CHEVROLET 1956 2 door hardtop.

6 cylinder, automatic transmission, radio, heater, excellent condition. $525. 2105 E. Grand Biver. Area Clubs And Lodges DIMONDALE The Dimondale chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will meet at the Masonic temple Monday evening The Swap-A-Plant- club will meet at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Emerson Goff at 6:30 p. m. Sept. 13 for a chicken barbecue.

Members are asked to call the Goff home for reservations. BATH New officers of the auxiliary of Rav Barker post, Amer ican Lesion, Yvonne Cow- dry, president; Josephine Miner, first vice president; Arlene Hansen, second vice president; Miles Herreuth. secretary; i 1 Allen, treasurer; Patricia Barrett, historian; Helen Howe, chap lain; Beatrice Shirey, sergeant-at-arms. Committee chairmen are Lois Anthony, Americanism; Ann Hotelling, child welfare; Eilene Allen, civil defense; Helen Howe, community service; Patricia Barrett, education and scholarship; Yvonne Cowdry, girls state; Beatrice Shirey, junior activities; Pauline Burdick. legislative: Jo sephine Miller, membership; Viv ien Swart, past president parley; Patricia Bell, doddv: Arlene Han sen, publicity; Vivien Swart, re habilitation; Arlene Hansen, refreshments; Vivien Swart, build ing, and Helen Howe, flower fund.

Plea Lost By Judge High Court Rejects Taylor on Back Pay (Journal Capitol Bureau) Thaddeus B. Taylor of Grand Rapids has apparently lost his legal fight for a pay raise he says he was denied as superior court judge in 1954. With Justices Eugene F. Black and Thomas M. Kavanagh dissenting, the state supreme court reversed the state court of claims Friday and denied Taylor's claim for $39,190.58 in back pay and accrued interest.

Taylor, who retired from the superior court bench in 1959, claimed he should have been granted a pay raise from $7,000 to $12,500 in 1954 when the legislature raised the salaries of circuit court ONLY FOR CIRCUIT The state opposed the claim on grounds that only circuit judges may receive salary increases during any elected term of office. The supreme court had ruled against Taylor in 1955 and 1960. Taylor held that the statute creating the superior court in Grand Rapids provides that the judge there "shall receive the same annual salary as may be payable to circuit judges and payable in the same manner." In the prevailing decision, Chief Justice Leland W. Carr said the constitution is clear and specific and there is nothing to indicate the legislature has at any time regarded the superior court as a circuit court. The dissenting opinion was handed down by Justices Black and Thomas Kavanagh, both of whom are suing the state in federal court to bring their own salaries up to that paid some others who joined the high court after they did.

Describing Taylor as "living in precarious health and on borrowed time," Black and Kava nagh said it was only fair that he should be paid the prevailing salary for circuit judges since he was performing all the functions of one. UNEMPLOYMENT CASE In an unemployment compensa tion case, the court reversed a decision by Noel P. Fox, then Muskegon circuit judge and now a federal judge in the western Michigan district, and upheld a Michigan employment security commission appeal board ruling against jobless pay for several workers idled in connection with a union contract dispute at the Whitehall Leather company plant in 1957. The supreme court decided the company's action in laving off employes was to protect $122,800 worth of raw leather from spoilage which would have resulted had there been an abrupt layoff and noted the union's refusal to make special allowances for clearing the processing line of leather' after the threatened strike dead line. An Ingham county circuit court decision in favor of the state board of registration ia medicine was upheld by the supreme court Fri day in the appeal of Ronald Clark.

a Farmington physician, over rev ocation of his license for alleged unprofessional conduct. Area Funerals OWOSSO. Sent. 8 Funeral xprvfrps win ue neia monaay at ju a. m.

at bt. r-aui inLnouc cnurcn ior miss Mary Lipovsky. 57. a veteran employe of the Redmond corporation hem. Rurini will take place at St.

Paul's cemetery. Miss Lipovsky dropped dead of a heart attack while operating her machine Friday. She had lived in Owosso since 1937. Surviving is one brother. Orlii Levi Hartr MmDLETO.

SeDt. 8 Funeral rrv- ires for Orlie Levi Hartpr. 47. nf Mirl- dieton. who died Friday morninsr at Car son ctty hospital, wm be held bunday at 2 p.

m. at the Dodge funeral home here. Burial wiil be in Fulton Center cemetery. Survivors include the widow, biizaoetn; lour aaugmers, Mrs Johnson of Lansing and Ada Louise. Betty Lou and Dorothy Mae.

all at home: one son. Jack, at home the mother. Mrs. Vera Parmeley of Shep herd: two brothers. Orville of Spring-: field.

and Stanley of Flint, and two sisters. Mrs. vtoiet cox ol Hives Junction and Beatrice Harris. TO BE PRIEST Gary Wayne Brya, C. S.

son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brya, R. 4, St. Johns, has received the habit in the Congregation of Holy Cross.

The ceremony was in Sacred Heart Novitiate, Jordan, Minn. Following one year in the novitiate, a year of intense religious training, he will return to the University of Notre Dame to continue his studies for the priesthood at Moreau seminary. Brya is a graduate of Holy Cross seminary, a college preparatory high school on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. Ex-Wheel Worker Fatally Stricken Earl W. Miner, '66, who retired two years ago as superintendent of machine repair at Motor Wheel corporation, died of a heart attack Friday while fishing near his Wellston home.

Mr. Miner, formerly of Lan sing and Eaton Rapids, started at Motor Wheel 29 years ago as a millwright and rose to mill' wright supervisor and then super intendent of machine repair. Surviving are the widow, Alice, and two brothers, Nelson, Rives Junction, and Roy, Royal Oak. Services will be at 2 p. m.

Sun day at Terwilliger funeral home, Kaleva, and 1 p. m. Tuesday at Skinner funeral home, Eaton Rap ids. Burial will be in Bunker cemetery, Eaton Rapids. Soviet Fires New Aerial A-Device UPPSALA, Sweden, Sept.

8 Wt- A new Soviet atmospheric nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya was registered, today by the seismologi-cal institution of the university here. The test was estimated to have a power of eight megatons, the university spokesman said. It was the seventh in the present Russian test series to be registered here. Novaya Zemlya is the Arctic island, usual Soviet test site. Officers Rescue Sewer Worker Trapped in a cave-in of a sewer ditch he was digging, Ted Boett- cher, 53, of 5501 S.

Washington was rescued about 8:15 p. m. Friday by two Lansing policemen. Patrolmen Donald Christy and Irvin Ruby were sent on the call and dug Boettcher free. The officers said the victim was buried up to his chest.

He was not seriously injured, but was taken to Lansing General hospital (osteopathic) and held for obser vation. Seedlings on Sale More than six million young trees now are on sale to landowners under a new system under which stock may be ordered for shipment this fall or next spring, reports the state conservation de partment. In the past, orders have been accepted only for the immediate planting season. The seed lings and transplants available include red pine, white pine, jack pine, white spruce, Austrian pine and Norway spruce. Carp Control Local residents have contributed $400 to keep a carp control proj ect going in a chain of lakes north west of Lapeer, the state conservation department reports.

The money was turned over to the department for operation of an electro-mechanical weir at the out let, of West ancTPero lakes. The money will keep the weir going for another five years to block the upstream movement of carp from Holloway dam on the Flint river. To Join in Rites (Special to The State Journal) GRAND LEDGE, Sept: 8 Mem bers of the First Methodist church will join their pastor, Rev. Har old Jacobs, services at the Grand Ledge convalescent home at 2:30 p. m.

Sunday. Classified Advertising Obituaries and Funeral Notices DEATHS LONG STREET MRS. ETHEL G. 201 X. Sycamore Aee S4.

died Friday at a local hos pital. Mrs. Longstreet was born Slarch 13. 1S7S. at N.

Brookfield. Mass. She was a resident of Lansing for 40 years, a member or Plymouth Congregational church and former mother at M. U. She was the widow of the late Arisen Long- street, a pioneer lumoer aeaier on E.

Michigan. Memorial services will be held at 7:30 p. m. Monday at the Bishoo chanei or the Plymouth. Con gregational church.

Dr. John W. Qax-ton officiating. Arrangements by the Gorsline-Runciman funeral home. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.

Elizabeth Merillat. Lansing; a grandson, Paul CiarK weniiau Lansing; tnree greatgrandchildren; a sister. Miss Bessie Kellogg. Napa. CaL We Repair POWER BRAKES POWER STEERING FRONT SUSPENSION TRUE BALANCE TIRES SAFETY SERVICE CLINIC 2339 W.

Main SINCE 1937 J. G..

Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.