The Bricelyn Sentinel from Bricelyn, Minnesota (2024)

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The Bricelyn Sentineli

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THE SENTINEL BRICELYN MINN 7 Memorial Day 1 4 Lesson for May 26 LAW IN THE HEART 81:1 40 if God us "NOW LIKE a lonely richer away i LYDIA PINKHAM MEDICINE CO LYNN MASS Day for Thoughts of Peace fit ybS as virtues and lack of them to make one a social out have I not sin What is sauce for one may make a goose of another old arid weak may these memories her more of peace and sweet life than of war and red death! Question for Question do you love much do you love me? much do you vZ 5' i Beauty is only skin deep and vometimes equally shallow Lirdia Pinkham's Afegetable Compound effective bran cereal makes it a pleasure to keep regiment in June and marched to the of Boston He fol Montgomery to Que good to his two sons God you never meet in he said one rode north to wear the ed Blue under General Patterson the other rode south to become 2 Sweepstakes the Scott at Vera Cruz and started toward the City of Mexico To his parents back in Ohio came cheerful letters from the boy telling of the rapid succession of victories won by the American army and as suring them that the war was almost over and that he would soon be home His last letter was written the night before soldiers stormed Cha pul tepee The parents awaited his return in vain Today in the en virons of the City of Mexico there is a little cemetery in which stands a small granite shaft bearing these words: the memory of the Amer ican soldiers who perished in this valley in 1847 whose bones collected by the orders are here bur ied 750? And so this Unknown Sol dier of the Mexican way sleeps among the 750 in alien soil ort Sumter had been fired upon In the upper Shenandoah valley of Virginia a father was bidding bye two And era! and a member of Gen Thomas Tael Rather Worse understand your wife locked you out of the house the other such answered Mr Meek ton locked me Looks Senator Edwards is the subject of a story that they are telling in Tren ton It seems that the senator made an anti prohibition speech at a Trenton banquet and was congratulated on his eloquence by a politician who had been changing from wet to dry and dry to wet every month or so for the last seven years said the politi cian never heard a more brilliant and moving speech And yet you look like an orator said Senator Edwards no more do you look like The Grief Senator Norbeck discussing his bird bill said in Washington: hope there is no hypocrisy in the love for birds that is voiced every where I hope nothing in it of the widower widower went on terribly terribly at the church services for his wife A friend the next day condoled with him saying bad never seen such awful grief George said the widower a pity you get out to the cemetery If you could have seen the way I cut up Blow bugles blow! They brought us for our dearth Holiness lacked so long and Love and Pain Honor hafcome back as a king to earth And paid his subjects with a £royal wage And Nobleness' walks in our ways again And we have come into our heritage Rupert JBrooke Growth Is Slow Growth 'You cau not force the growth hu man 7 life and civilization any more than you can force these slow grow ing trees That is the economy of Almighty Godi that all growth is slow Gaynor ELMO SCOTT WATSON ENLISTED in a Pennsyl vania 3775 siege lowed bee and starved and froze amid the snows of Canada Wearing the Continental Buff and Blue he fought under Washington at Tren ton and at Princeton and Whether or not his prayer was answered the father never knew He never saw either again Perhaps in some Valhalla two warrior spirits reminisce of Chancellorsvilleand Antietam of Manassas and Malvern Hill but there is no bitternessjn their tones as they call each other and The crumbling dust of the bodies which once housed these spirits rests under a great monument of rough hewn gran dite and polished marble ln Arlington cemetery near Washington On this monument is an inscription which reads this stone repose the bones of 2111 unknown soldiers gath ered after the war from the fields of Bull Run and the route to the Rappa bannock Their remains could not be identified but their names and deaths are recorded in the archives of their country and its grateful citizens honor them as of their noble armyof niartyrs May they rest in It was the spring of 189S A Col orado miner coming off' the night PCo Iqg TO bad Ben and is a ards that would have been shocking a few years ago are now regarded Is liable cast college co eds were decorat ing their frat house for? Christmas when one of the girls asked the head of the decorating we going to have any mistletoe this replied the other found that the fellows who need it worth a LESSON TEXT Jeremiah John 1:17 GOLDEN Thy word hid in my heart that I might against thee PRI MARY TOPIC Know! JUNIOR Knowing God INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC How Can We Know God? YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC God Law in the Heart 1 Restoration of Israel' (vv 1 14) 1 Time of (vv1 5) This points to the glorious future Not only the children of Judah but the other "tribes as well shall be re stored to their land They shall be drawn by everlasting love (v 3) God gave them the land The peculiar distinctions of the chosen na tion shall again be manifest The time fscoming when not only shall peace spread over that land but it shall again be tilled and fruitful 2 The Lord will conduct them to their own land (vv 6 9): (1) The cry of the watchman (v G) This will be the signal for return (2) Exultant prospect (v 7) The prospect of deliverance will call forth a song of joy (3) Prayer of the Jews (v 7) God Indites all true prayer moving the people to pray for that which He Is about to dp unto them (4) The returning remnant (vv 8 9) They shall come from all parts of the 'world whence they have been scattered When they shall look upon Him whom they pierced their con sciences shall be smitten causing them to repent of their sins 7 3 Appeal to the nations (vv 10 14) (1) Sound forth the goojl news (v 10) The one who scattered them will now gather them In and shepherd them (2) Ransomed by the Lord (v 11) Their deliverance is preceded by the provision of the ransom (3) The exiles shall flock back to their land to enjoy goodness in ThakJCind of ellow Altogether Too Slow much promiscuous kissing is for young declares Judge Lindsey robs juvenile life gayety of its whoTesomenessx and grave threat to high moral stand shift joined a group of his fellows gathered about one who read in a Denver paper the With A month later he was on an army transport that steamed through the Golden Gate into the broad Pacific The next year he was one of a detachment which set out through the Philippine jungle in pur suit of a party of Moro raiders Theie was a deathlike hush as they pushed on through the steaming heat of the jungle A moment later its stillness was shattered by the sounds of men engaged in furious hand to hand com bat bayonet against bolo a swarm of little brown men clawing at a group of swearing desperately struggling khaki clad figures and bearing them down to earth by sheer force of num bers? A few months later back the Colorado mining town a' baud played Be a Hot Time in the Old Town for the troop of was home from the wars But out in the province of Sulu a rusted Krug Jorgensen and a webbed cartridge belt already nearly hidden by the lush jungle vegetation marked the last resting plqce of oho who come an Unknown Soldier of November 'll 3922 In Arlington cemetery a great throng stood with heads as a bugler blew over a new White marble tomb in which had4 been placed the body of a dead Of him it has been written he trod our streets perhaps the very pavements which we daily travel It never entered his head that he would become a symbol of sacrifice and his tomb a shrine of pilgrimage If any one had foretold as much to him how he would have laughed 'If anyone were to reveal to us who he really was that he had been a cashier in a New York bank or a taxi driver in Chicago would he still retain vhis power so deeply to move us? Who was he this Un known Soldier whom we have ex alted out of humanity Into saint That question of identity can never be answered But of him this can be said: since that day seven years ago Memorial day has had a new meaning On this day his tomb is a shrine before 5 which in spirit all Americans bow reverent heads or thus they honor not only the Un known Soldier of the World war but the Unknown Soldiers of all of our wars the Revolution the War of 1812 the Mexican war the Civil war the Spanish American war We can not decorate their graves In accord ance with the Memorial day custom for their last resting places un marked are scattered far and wide oyer the face of the globe Some of them fell before Indian bullet and lance on the wind swept plains of' the Great West Some of them died in China in the Philippines in Mex ico Some of them on the battlefields of rance and Bel gium Sb in alien soil they keep their lonely of they and while' we cannot pay them the same honors on Memorial day that we do the others who gave their lives for their country we can offer up to them bur tribute of gratitude by remember ing on that day what they did even though we do not know who they were Easy Life An easy life is not likely tobe val liable to "itself or to others w'l Im 4 OT in flie summer of 1777 he went with Baril Morgan to repel Invasion of New York At Saratoga the bayonet thrust of a ljessian grenadier struck him down IE the historians of the future were to call this conflict whose din was now sounding faintly in his ears of fifteen decisive battles of thej He was conscious only of lhe torture of thirst as his life blood ebbed swiftly away until finally stilled his cry of Wa A great monument stands on thej spot which once witnessed the and circ*mstance of the surrender of a British army But nearby the smooth green sod gives no fsign that the soil beneath holds thei dust of a young Pennsylvania 4)ackwoodsman one of the many who died in defense of American liberty Who was he? Just an Sol dier of the Revolution Before the ink on his enlistment papers in the irst infantry was scarcely dry another boy who had nevor before been beyond the con fines of the rock strewn acres of the little New England farm where he wa i born was on his way to the western frontier there to serve in a lonely outpost called ort Dearborn It was as though he were on another planet so far as communication with lhe world he had known was con cerned But somehow he managed to liv( through the cold desolate win ters and the hot fever breeding sum mers amid the swamps along the Chi cago river With the summer of 1812 came the noys of war with Great Britain and more alarming still the threat of an Indian outbreak Then orders to evaluate ort Dearborn (Kne hot August day the retreat be gan rom out of the sandhills along Lake Michigan swooped the fierce A short desperate light and the ort Dearborn massacre was history That night there was a hellish orgy in the Indian camp and the pitying stars looked down upon a writhing figure at the stak What if jhis was one of the acts in the mighty drama called Winning of What if the future was to see one of the greatest cities rise on 'these sandy shores? Could that knowledge have been rec ompense for the fiery agony of this New England lad above whose un marked grave the hurrying feet of millions today beat an end less requiem? Who was he? An Un known Soldier of the War of 1812 'Though some of his neighbors de nounced it as an into which President Polk was leading the nation a certain'Middle Western farm boy was one of the first to respond when the President on May 13 1846 called for 50000 volunteers to drive the Mexicans back across the Rio Grande And so he was among those who landed with uss and The Dead' Blow out you bugles over the rich Dead! none of these so and poor of old But dying has made us gifts than gold These laid the world poured' out the red Sweet wine of youth gave up the years to be Of work and joy and that un hoped serene That men call age "and those' who would have been Their sons they gave their immortality Maybe So dear you dress too daringly All you flappers dad In a few years they will be referring to us as old fashioned Shampoo yourself with Caticura Soap irst rub your scalp lightly with Cuticura Ointment Then shampoo with a liquid soap made dv dissolving shavings of Cuticura Soap in a little not water Rinse thoroughly in tepid water A clean scalp is Essential to good hair Soap 25c Ointment 25c'and 50c Talcum 25c Sample each free Addrtss: Dept B6 Malden Mass? S'Cuticura Shaving Stick StISc Memorial day is no longer a day for "the recollection of martial times 7 alone It Is a day given less and less" to parades the salutes of guns the clank of swords It is a day more and more to quiet and individ ual strengthening of that of that stretches from the dead to i those who live It Is a day set aside for memory When the new and shin Jng link of World war veterans grows (4) Their mourning shall turn to joy (v 13) (5) They shall be satisfied with goodness (v 14)' II The Desolate Condition of Ephra im (vv 15 20) 1 Rachel weeping for her children (v 35) This pictures Rachel ancestress of certain of the tribes weeping for her banished children 4 2 Ephraim will surely return (vv 16 19) The nation Is seen showing penitence for sin requesting divine help in turn ing back and in confessing sin 3 Their tender reception (v 20) In spite of chastisem*nt God loves Israel and will with open arms receive her back III Action Urged (vv 21 26) Something is" required of Israel Before the prodigal could enjoy the blessings of his house be must return thereto 1 Israel must return and take pos session of the land (v 21) 2 Israel was to take the initiative (v 22) This is expressed by the' declaration that the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth namely woman shall compass a It is usual for the man to itake the Initiative to make overtures to the woman but In this case God shall create a new thing The custom will be reversed The woman the man pic tures Isreak with eager affection ap proaching her divine husband 3 The land shall' be' made righteous (v 23) The people are responsible for the restoration ot prosperity and the righteous rule of the land 4 A satisfied people (vv 24 26) IV The New Covenant (vv 29 40) reedom from the power of heredity (vv 29 30) Those who are joined to Jesus Christ are in possession of a new law of life superior to the law of heredity 2 The law within (vv 31 33) Through regeneration the heart has within it not only the desire but also th power by the Holy Spirit to rise auove unu io oe tree rrom carnal im pulses 7 TheSource of the New Covenant (John 1:17) Through the incarnation the Son of God Identified Himself with the race by the incorporation of Himself with it Those in Christ are crea tures Improved Uniform International junoaySchool Lesson (ByREV ITZWATER DD Dean Moody Bible Institute of Chicago) 1929 Western Newspaper Union Religion When you see a' mao1 with a'greaf deal of religion displayed in his shop window you may depend upon it he keeps very small stock I 1 x1 400000 Women Report Benefit by actual record "Have youreceived benefit from taking Lydia J2inkhamfs Vegetable Compound? A questionnaire enclosed with every bottle of medicine has brought to date over 400000 replies The overwhelming ma in fact ninety eight out of a hundred says If this dependable medicine has helped so many women it reasonable to suppose that it will help you too? Get a bottle from your druggist today "Extreme in Cemeteries r' The annual report of Quartermas ter General Cheatham says that Ar lington lsthe largest national ceme tery both in area and number of in terred The smallest is at Balls Bluff? near Leesburg Va about one half acre In extent and containing the bod of one known and twenty four un known dead Man's Uppermost Thought Whatever" one may read into the name of patriotism however variously the citizens of a nation may love their land with admixture of criticism and doubt yield their support love of home and fellowship with own people remain the com mon lot Man cannot escape them If he would beat bf their drum is in his blood and their memories march as banners in a lasting parade He who hesitates is honked i 4 fei 7 7 s' 7 '47 A 7 4 A 7 7 77 '7 'b Zi 7 (I III 1 'W 9 '7 LK 1 Bi i 'if i I I 7i' I 1 i 1 1 I mm1 I whn kkT I (Copyright WNU)L 7i I By iwi BMP A 4 1 Mr 72 NS Ji VC 1 JI A '77.

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