The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (1)




EC·U·ME·NISM (noun)1. A movement promoting unity among Christian churches or denominations.

2. A movement promoting worldwide unity among religions through greater cooperation and improved understanding.

ecumenical?Is the BIBLE


The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (2)

COVER: “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Cor 6:14). As religions of the world unite in the name of unity, peace, justice, equality, and tolerance to create a utopian "kingdom of heaven on earth” (including many Christian denominations and organizations that are increasingly determined to “break dividing walls”), what should be the response of biblical Christians who labor in the field while looking up, for our “redemption draweth nigh”? (Luke 21:28)


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The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (3)



According to the Scriptures

Dave HuntThe Bible makes uncompromisingly

clear to all mankind its claim to be the infallible, inerrant Word of the only true and living God. It denounces all other gods and scriptures as false, as well as the religions they represent. Of Jesus, God’s Word declares, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (Jn 3:36). Peter told Jewish religious leaders (and was beaten, imprisoned, and killed for testifying to Christ’s resurrection): “There is none other name...given among men whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

Such unequivocal statements cannot be misunderstood. Jews would not have been persecuted and killed had they presented Yahweh as just one more god to be added to the Roman Pantheon. Christians were considered an even greater threat because in obedience to Christ they preached the gospel everywhere and thereby “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Even they would not have been persecuted and killed had they presented Jesus Christ as merely one of many possible saviors. It was their firm proclamation of Christ’s claim, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (Jn 14:6), that threatened Caesar and aroused such vicious hatred. Today, however, to avoid the objectionable exclusivity of their faith, “Christians” often compromise and many ecumenically deny the biblical gospel.

Christianity is a biblical faith, and the Bible is not an “ecumenical” book. It makes no compromise with any of the world’s religions. Those who support ecumenism to any extent, no matter how loudly they defend their orthodoxy, are not Bible-believing Christians. At worst they are deliberate frauds; at best they are confused into simultaneously professing two contra-dictory beliefs (syncretism). Which do they really believe? Speaking out of both sides of their mouths is a popular ploy today of both political and “Christian” leaders.

Anyone is free to invent any new reli-gion—but not free to call it Christianity. That faith is founded upon facts: Scripture, history, and prophecy, all of which are a matter of clear record and none of which

can be changed. These facts cannot hon-estly be denied.

What must we say of “Christian” lead-ers and even entire denominations that do not follow Christ and His Word? We have exposed many by name and have docu-mented in these pages their inexcusable hypocrisy and deceit, which must be sum-marily rejected. Away with all duplicity!

Whoever (Bush, Rice, et al.) insists that Islam is a “religion of peace” and that Allah is the God of the Bible is either deceived or lying. Islam has its founding prophet, Muhammad, who began his career with numerous murders, attacked peaceful villages and caravans, and beheaded hun-dreds who surrendered in exchange for his sworn promise of peace and safety. Islam has its scriptures (the Qur’an and Hadith) and 1,350 years of the bloodiest and most violent history of any religion ever known, including the merciless slaughter of mil-lions (more millions in the take-over of India than Hitler killed in all of Eastern and Western Europe).

We fully document the truth about Islam in Judgment Day, which every Berean ought to donate to his or her local public library. One can only say that all those (from Bush and Rice on down) who turn a blind eye to the indisputable truth about Islam and call this violent religion “peace-ful” are engaged in a cover-up.

It is indisputable that today’s Islamic terrorism may not honestly be blamed upon “extremists.” This is true Islam as it always has been from the beginning! Terrorists are sincere Muslims following both the teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over of the entire world and death to all who will not convert. True, not every Muslim is a terrorist, but nearly every ter-rorist is a Muslim!

The scriptures and history of any religion are a matter of permanent public record that cannot be disputed, much less reinvented. Both those who attempt to do so (whether with Christianity or Islam) and those who accept and pass on their lies are guilty of the same deceit.

While terrorists are genuine Muslims who follow Muhammad and the Qur’an, the Crusaders were not biblical Christians. They followed Rome, not Christ and His Word. The popes had their own agenda of world conquest by force. Crusaders waved

the Cross but denied Christ by killing His brethren, the Jews, wherever they went. Attempting “in the name of Christ” to retake the “Holy Land” from the atroc-ity-committing Islamic invaders violated Christ’s declaration to Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world [or else] would my servants fight” (Jn 18:36).

Yes, Israel was commanded to wipe out the Canaanites, a particular people in a very small part of the world with clearly defined borders—to execute God’s judgment upon their unspeakable wickedness and perver-sion. Israel was not told to “convert” them or anyone else with the sword nor to take over the world by violence—as both the Qur’an and Muhammad (claiming an edict from Allah) declared from the beginning to be Islam’s mission. This fundamental teaching of Islam cannot be changed with-out renouncing Islam.

Equally important to understand is the fact that the Bible, in contrast to the so-called scriptures of every religion, gives the proof of its claims. I don’t say “every other religion” because biblical Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship as children to a loving Father, which every true Christian has with God through Jesus Christ.

The God who inspired the Bible through His prophets and is presented therein does not demand “blind” faith, as Richard Dawkins and other atheists blasphemously assert. He offers proof and is willing to reason with skeptics and unbelievers, if they will honestly do so: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD...” (Is 1:18). Faith in God and in His Word is the only reasonable response to the questions with which the universe con-fronts us and to the answers God provides in Scripture. Peter reminds us that true followers of Christ do not threaten unbelievers but are “ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh...a reason of the hope...” we have in Christ (1 Pt 3:15).

We have proved these facts so often in this newsletter that I will not repeat the proof now. The major proof, of course, that God offers of His own existence and that the Bible is His Word is prophecy. It fore-tells events centuries and even thousands of years in advance. Biblical prophecy is always fulfilled right on time in every detail. (Those not familiar with these proofs may go to

Prophecy is absolutely unique to the Bible, being found in no other religious scriptures (though some contain false

“[The Bereans] . . . searched the scriptures daily, [to see] whether those things were so.” —ACTS 17:11

The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (4)

4 December 2007 T H E B E R E A N C A L L

prophecies). Israel’s prophets offered hundreds of prophecies concerning the promised Messiah so that He could be identified beyond question when He came as a humble, virgin-born child. After the resurrection, the apostles preached the gospel to everyone and everywhere, as Christ had commanded them. The two primary pieces of evidence were: 1) their own personal sworn testimony as eyewitnesses of what Christ taught and did (including His crucifixion and resurrection), though it cost them their lives as martyrs for refusing to ecumenically deny the truth they knew; and 2) the many prophecies in Scripture given centuries in advance, which were fulfilled to the letter in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.

There was no excuse for all of Israel not to have been anticipating and not to have welcomed Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah. How could they have closed their eyes to the fact that this healer of thousands, who did so many miracles witnessed by multitudes (even raising the dead), who was the talk of all Judea and Galilee, had arrived at the very time their prophets had foretold the Messiah’s com-ing? The precise day (Dn 9:25; Neh 2:1-9) that He would present Himself to Israel, riding on “the colt...of an ass” (Zec 9:9), was the date Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jeru-salem (now celebrated as “Palm Sunday”), was hailed by mobs lining the road down from the Mount of Olives (Mt 21:2-11), then, four days later, was crucified—a shocking twist but exactly as foretold (Ps 22:14-18; Zec 12:10). Then the resurrection!

Unquestionably His body was gone, the tomb empty, in spite of the platoon of Roman soldiers guarding it. Frank Morison, (who, as a skeptic, examined the evidence, determined to disprove the resurrection), presented a fascinating story in his book Who Moved the Stone? He showed beyond doubt that the only possible explanation was the resurrec-tion, exactly as the disciples testified, though it cost them their lives to do so.

America is no less guilty than Israel for her rejection of Christ. We have even more proof today than the Jews had then. A false Christianity’s perversion and rejec-tion of the gospel has stricken America with a blinding madness. Nowhere is that more clearly seen than in the attempt of “Christians” to embrace Islam as a partner religion. The president sought to curry Mus-lim favor by boasting that he had welcomed into the White House library a copy of the Qur’an—an aggressively anti-Christian document. How could any sane person sin-cerely insist that Islam’s Allah, who hates Israel, is the biblical God who 12 times calls himself “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...this is my memorial throughout all

generations” (Ex 3:15,16), and who 203 times is called “the God of Israel”?

Surely, with so many advisors (many of them professing Christians), Bush must know that the Qur’an aggressively opposes every foundational Christian doctrine. Excus-ing themselves because of the President’s example, church leaders persist in attempting to embrace Islam as a peaceful partner with Christianity. Yet the Qur’an contains more than a hundred exhortations to convert the world by violence. Sixteen times it declares that Allah is not a father and has no son, denies that Christ is God, declares that He did not die for our sins but someone died in His place, denies the resurrection, and declares that belief in the Trinity sends one to hell! All of this (and there is much more of the same genre) makes Allah the God of the Bible and Islam the friend of Christianity?!

At a recent student panel of “Pluralism at Harvard” (moderated by William A. Gra-ham, Dean of the Divinity School), Diana Eck, Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies and director of the Pluralism Project, who speaks approvingly of Islam, reminded the audience:

By the mid-1990s there were governors...and mayors who were recognizing Ramadan....[In] 1996...President and Mrs. Clinton invited members of the Muslim community to the White House to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan....In subsequent years we are seeing an increasing presence of this religious phenomenon in the American reli-gious landscape...the observance of Iftar in the Pentagon....Madeline Albright hosted an Iftar at the State Department for the first time in 1998....A week ago, we had President Bush holding an Iftar dinner at the White House [his seventh!]....[On] the White House home page there’s a whole list of Ramadan events....

Persisting in the lie that Islam is peace is like the United States responding to Nikita Krushchev’s “We will bury you,” with “We know you’ll do it peacefully.”

Muslims continue to kill thousands of Christians in Algeria, Indonesia, Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, etc., and to burn down Christian churches wherever they can. More than 3,000 churches have been destroyed in the last three years in Indo-nesia, 2 million killed in Southern Sudan for refusing to convert, plus thousands elsewhere. Muslims further demonstrate the true meaning of “Islam is peace” by continuing to slaughter one another in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the “World Without Zionism” confer-ence, October 26, 2005, that “Israel must be wiped off the map.” He has repeated this threat of “Islamic peace” elsewhere.

All of the high profile Islamic political and religious leaders of “peaceful Islam” have for at least 70 years boasted that they will soon achieve their long-standing ambition to annihilate Israel. Arafat declared, “Peace for us is the destruction of Israel”—and he was given the Nobel Peace Prize! Those holding this wicked passion seem unaware that three times the God of the Bible calls Israel “the apple of his eye” (Dt 32:10; Lam 2:18; Zec 2:8) and declares that He will protect her.

Millions of evangelical Christians were tortured and murdered by the Roman Catho-lic Church throughout history, yet many forgave their tormentors with their dying breath. Their modern successors, however, stricken with the ecumenical truth-denying insanity we’ve been describing, insist that Roman Catholicism is the same as evangeli-cal Christianity, though it preaches a gospel of salvation through rituals, works, prayers to the dead, suffering in purgatory to pay for one’s sins, and submission to the pope.

The few verses that we have quoted above make it clear that God does not “dialogue” with man, as though He might be willing to take some suggestions and modify the gospel to suit His deluded and wicked crea-tures. Christ agonized in the Garden because He was going to be “made...sin for us... [i.e., treated as though He were sin itself] that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Cor 5:21). The full penalty for sin had to be paid, and Christ would pay it for all mankind. All God’s wrath against sin was going to be poured out upon Him as He took our place.

Jesus pleaded with His Father not to make Him suffer this agony if sinners could be rescued any other way: “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me...” (Mt 26:39). No other way was possible. The full penalty had to be paid, and He was the only one who could pay it. So Christ, in love for His Father and for us, submitted to His Father’s will. In fact, Christ’s suffering the infinite agonies of an eternity in the Lake of Fire for our sins had already been fore-told by the prophets. This was the gospel [good news] that Paul preached: “how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Cor 15:1-4).

The New Testament explains, “That he, by the grace of God should taste death for every man” (Heb 2:9). That death would have had to include the experience of the “lake of fire [which is] the second death” (Rv 20:14) for all mankind for eternity.

May we stand firm in our love for all, rob-bing no one of heaven by compromising the biblical gospel, which alone is “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom 1:16). TBC

The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (5)

T H E B E R E A N C A L L December 2007 5

QuotableThe peace which our Lord wants us to

enjoy is that which He Himself enjoyed: the same restfulness in danger, the same equa-nimity in troublous circ* from anxiety....We share his unruffled serenity...and we shall rejoice to find “God’s greatness flowing round our incompleteness; round our restlessness, His rest.”

Amid the gathering tempest that filled my soul with dread,

He drew me to His bosom and gave His peace instead.

And thus in loving-kindness, He unto me hath shown,

My need to day, and ever, is just Himself alone!

Avis B. Christiansen (1895-1985), author of many hymns such as Blessed Redeemer, It Is Glory Just to Walk with Him, Jesus Has Lifted Me, Love Found a Way, Victory in Jesus

My King Jesus...hath broken upon the poor prisoner’s soul like the swelling of Jordan...a great high spring-tide of the con-solations of Christ have overflowed me....I care not for fire nor torture. They have sent me here to feast with my King....The Bridegroom’s love hath run away with my heart. O love, love, love! O sweet are my royal King’s chains!

Samuel Rutherford, letter from prison, Aberdeen, 22 November 1637

Q&AQUESTION: You were right when you said [on Search the Scriptures Daily] there will be lots of Christians left behind to face the tribulation because though saved, they were not ready for the first rapture according to Matthew 24:42, Luke 21:36, and Revelation 3:10. When questioned about what you said, you changed your mind, so I thought I would correct you with an understanding of a partial rapture.

RESPONSE: No, I did not change my mind. It was a slip of the tongue, which Tom immediately brought to my attention. I quickly corrected my error, which is clear on the video. I have never believed in a partial rapture. It is not biblical.

For there to be a partial rapture, there must be a Protestant purgatory for those who died in a state unworthy to be raptured. No longer on earth, they can’t repent and live in a man-ner, as you say, “worthy of heaven.” How will they qualify to be taken to heaven?

A partial rapture contradicts the gospel.

We are promised heaven on the basis of Christ’s full payment for our sins on the Cross, and His resurrection—not for living a good-enough life. It is in heaven at the judgment seat of Christ (not in some interim place) that we will be judged for our works: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body [i.e., in life on earth], whether it be good or bad” (2 Cor 5:10). Paul has explained this in another way in 1 Cor 3:11-15. The issue is not salvation but reward or loss of it. Even if none of a man’s works come through the fire of God’s evalu-ation, “he himself shall be saved....”

You also argue for a post-trib rapture, deny that the “restrainer” (2 Thes 2:7) is the Holy Spirit indwelling believers, misunder-stand that taking all believers to heaven in the rapture only removes God’s presence in believers who were raptured but does not remove the omnipresence of God, which always is. The Holy Spirit will still convict and save those who are not guilty of having “believed not the truth...” (2 Thes 2:10-12).

These and other related issues that you raise have all been explained in my books and previous newsletter articles, so I can’t take time to discuss them further. For help in locating books and articles, call our office.

QUESTION:You have three debates scheduled for the end of February near Toronto, Canada: with a Hindu, a Mus-lim, and an atheist/humanist, one right after the other—quite a challenge! What will be your main points in opposing atheism/humanism?

RESPONSE: I will need much prayer. I can do nothing in my own wisdom and strength.

We live in an incredibly complex uni-verse on an earth teeming with life, all of which science has been studying and attempting to explain for centuries. We are told that no scientist believes in God anymore. Yet the brilliant men who laid the foundation for modern science (Bacon, Boyle, Dalton, Descarte, Faraday, Joule, Kelvin, Kepler, Maxwell, Mendel, Newton, Pascal, Pasteur, et al.) were theists, who saw the hand of God in His orderly creation making science possible. Newton, regarded as the most original and influential thinker in the history of science, “wrote and pub-lished more works on interpretation of the Bible than on mathematics and physics.”1 Only lately have atheists aggressively taken the position of spokespersons for science.

Even Stephen Hawking admitted, “It is difficult to discuss the beginning of the universe without mentioning the concept of God.” “Fritz” Schaefer, director of the Center for Computational Quantum

Chemistry, University of Georgia, third most quoted chemist today, has said:

The significance and joy in my science comes in the...moments of discovering something new and saying to myself, “So that’s how God did it!” My goal is to under-stand a little corner of God’s plan.2

A significant number of Christians are among top scientists and modern Nobel laureates. William D. Phillips, for example, winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, “once quipped that so many of his colleagues were Christians that he couldn’t walk across his church’s fellow-ship hall without ‘tripping over a dozen physicists....’” Professor Richard Bube of Stanford says, “There are [proportionately] as many atheistic truck drivers as atheistic scientists.”3 But among Nobel laureates, the number who recognize the hand of God in the universe is very high.

The atheist must explain everything without God, which science cannot do. Everything is made of energy, but science cannot tell us what energy is or how or why it came into existence. Stephen Hawking asks, “Why does the universe go to all the trouble of bothering to exist?” Why is a question that atheism cannot answer. Mat-ter simply exists; it contains no explanation of why. The maker’s purpose provides the meaning for anything that is made. Unless there is a Creator, the universe and all in it, including mankind, has no purpose or meaning. Atheists confess this fact.

Today’s most famous atheist, Richard Dawkins, boasts of the consequences of atheism: “There exists no objective basis on which to elevate one species above another. Chimp and human, lizard and fungus, we have all evolved over some three billion years by...natural selection.”4 No evolutionist could argue with this repugnant statement.

Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule, as an athe-ist and evolutionist, begins his best-known book with this statement: “The Astonishing Hypothesis is that ‘You,’ your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.”5 The aver-age person would reject such nonsense. He knows that he is not just a bag of molecules but a thinking person, who carefully weighs choices, experiences joys, sorrows, hopes, fears, remorse, and regrets. Crick’s atheism traps him in a net of meaninglessness.

Attempting to describe the physical world, science provides names and cat-egories but can’t tell us what anything really is. Energy, electron, gravity, space,

The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (6)

6 December 2007 T H E B E R E A N C A L L

time, life, and death—what do they mean? What is life; what is its source? How is it imparted to lifeless matter—and why does it depart so quickly? As Nobel laureate Erwin Schrödinger said, “[Science] is ghastly silent about all...that really matters to us....It knows nothing of...good or bad, God and eternity....Whence came I and whither go I? That is the great unfathomable question....Science has no answer to it.”6

Atheism “explains” that the universe began with a sudden, almost infinite, burst of energy called the “Big Bang.” But sci-ence can’t tell us where this energy came from, why it got together and exploded at that particular moment—nor how out of a giant explosion the orderly arrangement, from molecules to galaxies, occurred.

Furthermore, atheism faces dozens of “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” conundrums that stop evolution before it can even start. For example, DNA (deoxy-ribonucleic acid) is what makes protein, yet DNA is itself made of protein. So, which came first: the DNA that makes protein or the protein out of which DNA is made?

There is no life without DNA, but DNA itself has life. What came first, the DNA that is essential for life or the life that is essential for DNA? Living cells are made up of incred-ibly complex nano-chemical machinery, and some of this machinery synthesizes DNA. So, which came first, the DNA without which there could be no cell or the cell without which there could be no DNA?

The problem of “origins” is one of the major questions for which science has no answer. The most amazing thing in the universe is life, but science neither knows from whence life comes nor what it is. There is no life without enzymes, although they themselves are not living things. And there are no enzymes without life because it takes life to produce them. Which came first—the enzymes without which there can be no life or the life without which there can be no enzymes? The enzymes that make the amino acid histidine contain histidine. Which came first—the histidine or the enzymes that manufacture it, which themselves contain histidine?

Many different enzymes are required to translate the genetic information encoded on the DNA. Yet the enzymes are themselves encoded by DNA. Thus, the genetic code cannot be translated except by products of translation. This is a vicious circle that allows for only one conclusion: the molecules that encode the information and those that decode it existed simultaneously from the beginning. That fact cannot be explained by any gradual natural process. It requires an act of creation by God. Yet the major motive of Darwin (who knew nothing

of DNA) was to prove that God was not needed to explain life and the universe.

As noted, the incredible nano-chemical machinery in the cell is responsible for synthesizing DNA. But it is the DNA that carries the code that constructs and oper-ates the cellular machinery. Which came first, the DNA that carries the information for producing each cell or the machinery in the cell produced by DNA, which must first make the DNA? Obviously, both had to exist simultaneously from the very beginning or neither would exist. That fact requires a creative act of God.

The genetic code has vital editing machinery, which is itself encoded in the DNA. What came first, the machinery that edits DNA or the DNA that produces the editing machinery?

Again, the DNA molecule is made of pro-tein; but it is the DNA by which alone protein is produced. DNA cannot function without at least 75 pre-existing proteins—but only DNA can produce these 75 proteins. The machinery to convert the DNA information into the protein is itself made of the protein it alone can produce. There is only one sensible answer to the classic question, “Which came first?” Obviously, God.

The Law of Biogenesis, which Pasteur proved, states, “Life only comes from life.” That ended the superstition of “spontaneous generation.” The alleged Big Bang would have sterilized everything a trillion times over, making it impossible for any life to exist thereafter.

How could life come out of death? Of Jesus Christ, one with the Father, who cre-ated everything, the Bible says, “In him was life” (Jn 1:4).

QUESTION: From “God created man in his own image” (Genesis 1:27), I like your application that the most perfect image is seen in a mirror and that man is like a mirror designed to reflect God. Since a mirror’s only purpose is to “reflect a reality other than its own,” you show the folly of a mirror trying to develop a “good self-image,” exposing the “self-image” error that psychology has brought into the church. But then you say, “If there is something wrong with the image in the mirror it needs to get back into a right relationship with the One whose image it was designed to reflect.” Shouldn’t the mirror rather look to its owner to clean, polish it, and place it in the right position to reflect what it’s supposed to?

RESPONSE: No illustration is perfect. This one simply shows that developing high self-esteem and a good self-image turns one away from God and to oneself—and how unbiblical and foolish such a concept is.

News AlertThe Edmonton Journal, 8/4/07: Disorders plague psychiatrists. Name-calling, factions and conspiracies are common in the “dysfunctional” office of more than a dozen psychiatrists who analyze criminals for the courts, an Edmonton judge has found.

In a 55-page decision released Friday, Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Erik Lefsrud ruled that...the department was plagued by infighting and lack of leadership...“a very dysfunctional working environment in which name-calling, finger-pointing, intransigence and conspiratorial workings have thwarted the best intentions of all the psychiatrists involved,” he wrote. “How such a group of obviously intelligent profession-als could work themselves into such a state is beyond comprehension. “This litigation a forum for a litany of complaints [of] dis-crimination, intimidation, harassment, misman-agement and lack of effective leadership.” The psychiatrists...are highly trained medical doctors who have spent years studying psychiatry.

They regularly write psychological assess-ments of criminals that are instrumental to the justice system. Lawyers often rely on them in making their arguments before judges, and judges cite their reports in sentencing decisions.

In testimony and letters, doctors in the depart-ment told of “politics of intimidation,” “gossip and innuendo,” as well as “personal attacks” and power struggles. In a letter of resignation on April 1, 2004, one doctor wrote that....“There is a general distrust, apprehensiveness and uncer-tainty and no one on medical staff knows exactly what is going on, they are totally demoralized, the place is rudderless.”

An [Alberta Justice spokesman] said Lef-srud’s judgment did not indicate that the dysfunctional environment had affected the psychiatrists’ work.

[TBC: This is one more example of the psychological charade that poses as science, is extremely harmful to the practitioner as well as the client, yet continues to draw the masses into its delusion.]

Endnotes1. Francis S. Collins, The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief (New York: Free Press, 2006), 162.2. U.S. News & World Report, December 23, 1991; See also Charles Colson, “BreakPoint Commentaries; Health & Science: The Nobel Scientists,” article.sp?ID=4918&print=1.4. Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 30th anniversary edition, 2006), Foreword to the First Edition.5. Francis Crick, The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scien-tific Search for the Soul (New York: Touchstone/Simon& Schuster, 1994), 3.6. Erwin Schrödinger, quoted in Quantum Questions, ed. Ken Wilbur (Boston, MA: New Science Library, Shambhala, 1984), 81.

The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (7)

T H E B E R E A N C A L L December 2007 7


Thanks for your letter. In these days you and your staff are a necessary voice for the gospel. Your Berean Call articles are better than going to college. I have several years’ worth and I can talk to anyone with the information therein. If the trumpet blows before you get this note, I’ll tell you in person. WS (FL)

Dear Dave Hunt,Interested in what you might be writing

about yoga, I purchased and read Yoga and the Body of Christ. It was quite a shock to find that your case study examines the yoga cult I was in for 15 years—SYDA Yoga. I lived with and traveled the world with Muktananda....After he died it took me several years to fully escape, after which time I studied and documented cults, occa-sionally helping teams of de-programmers exit-counsel young people out of groups like scientology, the moonies, hare krishna and such. Praise God, the Lord Jesus made me His own since my first Bible study, five years ago. MA (email)

Dear Brethren at TBC,About six...years ago I “met” you on

the internet. Your teachings made a deep impression in me....I’ve been on your mail-ing list for several years, and I know that the Lord’s laborers are worthy and need to be supported. Please forgive me for not encouraging you before and letting you know that I treasure every newsletter you mail me. HR (Chile)

Dear Dave,Over the years I have benefited from

your ministry, and I am grateful for that. However, as I have grown in my under-standing of the truth, it has become pain-ful to read your monthly publications. I am convinced that if you put the same willingness and objectivity, and used the same tools you employed to come to the conclusions you did about the fallacy of Calvinism, you would also come to see the errors of traditional Christianity....I can only hope and pray that you will be a part of the solution instead of being part of the problem. RS (CA)

Dear Dave,I wanted to write...and thank you...for all

your hard work in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Berean Call was sent to me here in prison at the request of a friend....The articles have opened my eyes to many false teachings out in the churches. I wanted to...also mention that many who claim to be a part of the body of Christ are not even hungry for...God’s Word. Church has become a “thing” to do to feel good! The service here...has become nothing more than singing a couple of songs and then a false doctrine of things such as “You can lose your salvation,” etc. The sad part is many are believing it!! They don’t even take the time to check what God’s Word has to say about it! The love of Christ has grown cold in the body!...Many “know” about Jesus but don’t live like He lived!! How sad! FC (prisoner, AZ)

Dear Mr. Hunt,In recent days, I have come in contact

with several different false gospels and those who are being ensnared by them, and praise the Lord, several of those precious children of God have been prevented from following a destructive course because of materials gleaned from your and Mr. McMahon’s ministry. Berean Call is so valuable to me to have a solid, biblical backup. I am a 71-year-old widow and by myself people are not inclined to listen. Thank you and God IS blessing you!! DB (email)

Dear Mr. Hunt,I am a 24-year-old college student.

Lately I have been hearing a lot about the emerging church. Doing some research on my own I have grown very concerned about its teaching. I am...reading your book The Seduction of Christianity....Your book has brought a lot to my attention about the New Age movement and how it is infiltrating our churches. The sad thing is...this move-ment is hitting my generation so hard and many older people have little idea or little concern. BB (email)

Dear Dave,As a former Roman Catholic, I not only

applaud you but sincerely thank you for your undaunted work in speaking truth into erroneous situations. Your DVD A Woman Rides the Beast inspired me to get your book by the same name. I have worn out several markers in underlining and high-lighting the highly detailed and relevant information. I am greatly saddened by the countless millions who have been “hood-winked” by the RCC. EJ (email)

Hi Dave,Today I was somewhat discouraged...

and was grieved over the wickedness of some people. I prayed for the situations that grieved me, but the oppression still seemed to be there. I went into the Psalms (80-100) where it is often spoken of surrounding enemies and the Lord’s protection. This helped, then, I...went onto...your [web]site where I read “Toward the Prize” [Oct ’07]. It greatly encouraged me to see that there are other people like me in the world who really want the Lord. [The oppression] lifted as I read your article. Thank you for your encouragement. TO (email)

Dear Dave,I just wanted to tell you that your book

Judgment Day is a masterpiece!...May YHWH bless you, Dave, for the great work you are doing for Him. I look forward to the next one. Maranatha! TB (email)

The Berean Call is a nonprofit 501 [c] [3], tax-exempt corporation registered in the State of Oregon. It is overseen by an independent board which has full and final authority over all corporate assets, personnel, and affairs. (12/07)

Speaking ScheduleJan 17-20 Calvary Chapel Finger Lakes(Dave) Farmington NY (585) 398-3550

Feb 3 The Home Church (Dave) Lodi CA (209) 339-7333

Feb 22-23 Debate Series(Dave) Whitby ON (905) 922-2589

Apr 10-12 Red River Prophecy Conf(Dave) Fargo ND (701) 232-5869

May 4 Bayside Community Church(Dave) Tampa FL (813) 837-6007

Jun 8 Coastline Christian Fellowship(Dave) Astoria OR (503) 325-1051

Jun 21-28 Word of Life(Dave) Schroon Lake NY (518) 532-7114

The Berean Call 2008 Conference

We have dates for our next confer-ence here in Bend, Oregon. The Lord willing, our gathering is planned for Friday and Saturday, November 14-15, 2008, with a Sunday service on the morning of the 16th.

The theme of the conference will be related to Dave’s forthcoming book, Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny. Although the details (speakers, ses-sions, meal options, etc.) have yet to be worked out, we wanted those who are thinking about attending to know what time of year it will take place.



TBC Notes

The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (8)

8 September 2007 T B C E X T R A8 December 2007 T B C E X T R A

FOR THOSE YET UNFAMILIAR with this movie and media event, an official press release announces: “Based on author Philip Pullman’s bestselling novel, The Golden Compass tells the first story in the His Dark Materials (HDM) trilogy. An exciting fan-tasy adventure, the film is set in an alternative world populated by talking bears who fight wars, witches, Gyptians, and daemons [Webster: “demons”]. At the center of the story is Lyra, a 12-year-old girl who starts out trying to rescue a friend—and winds up on an epic quest to save not only her world, but ours as well.”

Sound familiar? Enlightened children (neglected or ostracized by family or society) stumble upon a secret and are chosen to save the world, using any means afforded by their imagination while assisted by some form of ancient or supernatural power or spiritual entity. This premise is so widespread that many call it the “universal myth.” Yet, no matter the time or the setting, the young hero theme continues to fascinate audiences and sell more merchandise than any other plot device conceived.

So, why the uproar about this film? Well, for starters, as the official website informs, “In the world of The Golden Compass, a person’s soul lives on the outside of [one’s] body in the form of a daemon, an animal spirit that accompanies [one] through life.” While spirit guides in the form of animals are as universal and ancient as shamanism itself, Pullman’s books are perhaps the first to popularize a creature as a manifestation of one’s personal spirit rather than a separate “helping” entity (such as fairy, elf, angel, or “ascended master”). Also notable is the brazen stroke of calling such spirits “daemons” (which is exactly what these are, according to a biblical understanding of our real world). So clearly, this “literary device” reeks of occultism.

For this and many other reasons, it is difficult to swallow Pullman’s professed atheism as genuine humanistic natural-ism. While he steadfastly maintains that “this life is all we have,” he has created a pseudo-scientific “parallel universe” based on quantum theory and metaphysics. These identical principles un-dergird the “secret knowledge” of esoteric religions, reflected in other postmodern stories, e.g., The Matrix trilogy and The Tru-man Show, where “true reality” is discovered through a process of rebellion against “authority,” rebirth, and self-discovery.

Pullman’s utter contempt of Catholicism is not even thinly dis-guised: the evil hierarchy established by HDM’s “Authority” (the trilogy’s euphemism for God) is none other than the “Magiste-rium.” It is not surprising that Rome’s perversion of the biblical gospel and persecution of true believers has actually destroyed the faith of many over the centuries—including, it seems, Pull-man’s hope of his own redemption. Informed evangelicals are well aware of the evil perpetrated by Catholicism in the name of God. Additionally, Pullman’s perspective has also been skewed by the torture and murder committed in the name of Calvinism. For this reason, it is not surprising that he fails to distinguish bibli-cal Christianity from the counterfeit forms that the world has long observed. It is this bias that forms the foundation for HDM in what may be the most powerful contemporary dismantling of the next generation’s perception of Christianity.

No doubt children will be enraptured by the film and its fasci-nating gadgets and thereby drawn into Pullman’s novels in Pied-Piper fashion. One of the primary tools used by the trilogy’s hero, Lyra, is the “Alethiometer” (a.k.a. “The Golden Compass”). In much the same way as a dowsing pendulum or Ouija board, the device uses symbols, indicators, and “thought power” to divine

the truth (Greek: Alethia) of a given question. A remarkable digi-tal version of this imaginary instrument entertains guests visiting the official movie website, as does a 20-question personality pro-file that announces dramatically upon completion, “your daemon has been found.” Children and guests are invited to join a special online community where one can then download icons (avatars) representing one’s personal daemon.

It seems that Pullman has taken great pains to invert God’s Word, twisting biblical parallels into the exact antithesis of the biblical account. As one reviewer notes, The Amber Spyglass (HDM’s final installment) “recasts the biblical Temptation and Fall as the beginning of true human freedom.” Again, this is shaman-ism revived; many religions still revere the Serpent as “bringer of light,” as do modern esoteric cults and societies.

Pullman’s publisher is none other than Scholastic, a vast media empire that describes itself as “the largest publisher and distribu-tor of children’s books in the world, including the phenomenally successful Harry Potter®, Animorphs®, Goosebumps® and Clif-ford the Big Red Dog®....Scholastic reaches 32 million children, 45 million parents, and nearly every school in the United States. Scholastic is a $2 billion multimedia company with 10,000 em-ployees operating globally in education, entertainment and to children, parents and teachers.” This is a veritable army of darkness.Justifiably, many Christians are alarmed at Pullman’s character-

ization of God as a feeble, frail, frightened, finite being who is a pretender (much like the man behind the curtain in The Wiz-ard of Oz). Yet many of these same believers are supportive of ecumenical, mystical, and occult-based spirituality in their own churches—including yoga, centering prayer, and other decep-tive “spiritual disciplines.” This is Satan’s Trojan Horse within the church, accomplishing the same goal as His Dark Materials in the world: questioning the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word while looking inward to Self.

Pullman gives some insight into his own heart when a reporter asked what his personal daemon would be, if he had one: “She would probably be a jackdaw or a magpie, because those are the birds that are traditionally interested in little shiny things and go and pick them out. They don’t really distinguish between a diamond ring and a bit of Kit-Kat wrapper.” (Prov 16:16).

Tragically, Pullman has himself pegged—by acknowledging his own inability to distinguish the priceless wisdom of Scripture from “fool’s gold.” (1 Cor 2:14). His “Frankenstein” approach to spirituality (stitching together dead limbs of religion and “science falsely so-called”) has breathed new life into a Daemon of hell-ish proportions. In creating an emaciated God, which his tale “mercifully” euthanizes, Pullman has “changed the truth of God into a lie” (Rom 1:25) and “changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things” (Rom 1:23).

Resisting comparisons to J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fiction trilogy, Pullman insists, “What I’m doing is utterly different,” he says. “Tolkien would have deplored it.” Though divided on the merits of The Chronicles of Narnia, the ire of many evangelicals is further raised by Pullman’s candid disdain for C.S. Lewis, whom he re-viles in the same breath as the whole of Christendom: “I’m trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief,” says Pullman. “Mr. Lewis would think I was doing the Devil’s work.”

—Mark Dinsmore

THE GOLDEN COMPASS—DIVINATION & DAEMONS FOR KIDS?Movie adaptation of atheist’s controversial book trilogy creates ecumenical uproar; but is “killing God” the real threat?

The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (9)

T O L L - F R E E O R D E R S 8 0 0 - 9 3 7 - 6 6 3 8 • 7 A M – 4 : 3 0 P M M O N – F R I ( P S T ) 9

Proverbs and Song of SolomonIronside—H.A. Ironside had the God-given ability to teach the Bible and make the reader understand what he desired to get across with unusual clarity while at the same time captivat-ing the attention of the reader. You can see his great knowledge of the Scriptures displayed on these pages. A heart hungry for the truth will find rich blessing here as the uncompromised truth of God’s holy Word is expounded upon with reverence, warmth, and precision. Iron-

side tells it like it is, and there is a great deal to learn and be encour-aged by, in this, as well as in his other commentaries, which were penned for the admonishing, building up, and edifying of the Lord’s people. Kregel, 360 pp.B09163 wt 1.5 $24.00


Harry Ironside (1876-1951) was an American Bible teacher, pastor, and author. He authored more than 60 volumes as well as many pamphlets and articles on Bible subjects. For 18 of his 50 years of ministry, he was pastor of the Moody Memorial Church in Chicago. He is buried in Purewa Cemetery, Auckland, New Zealand.

Sailing With PaulIronside—Take a trip with the Apostle Paul through the fundamentals of the Chris-tian life. Moving through eighteen points of interest, Dr. Ironside leads us on a jour-ney through Paul’s teachings on subjects from “Conversion” to “The Judgment Seat of Christ.” Each section is brief enough to

be easily read, simple enough to be clearly understood, and pointed enough to encourage the spiritual traveler to press on in their journey with Christ. This book makes an excellent “handbook” for new believers, and is perfect for group or indi-vidual study. Moments With The Book, 60 pp.B97345 wt .2 $5.00

Unless You RepentIronside—There is an effort today to rede-fine repentance, denying the biblical defini-tion. This book deals with issues that are the subject of some modern misinformation. Dr. Ironside’s gracious handling of this important subject comes as a breath of fresh air, dispel-ling the fog. Gospel Folio Press, 160 pp.

B02277 wt .5 $11.00

NEW! LITTLE NUGGET SERIES A FAVORITE OF RUTH HUNT“We are pleased that TBC is offering three of Jerry Benjaminʼs booklets in the Little Nugget Series. To quote the

author, ʻThe writings are intended to introduce sinners to the Savior and to refresh and strengthen the spirits of

the saints.̓ We strongly recommend that these booklets be in every Christianʼs devotional library.” —Ruth Hunt

Simply Singular: Is Christ Prominent or Preeminent?Benjamin—Preeminence is different than prominence. Prominence suggests, “one among many.” Preeminence, however, conveys the truth that there is no one else. Every wife desires that place in her husband’s love, but in a far greater and deeper way, the Lord Jesus Christ is to have the preeminence in and over everything in our lives.

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What Is the First Indi-cation of Turning Away From God?Benjamin—God declares that the first indication of turning away from Him is an unthank-ful heart (Romans 1:21). We express that ungratefulness with our murmurings, com-plainings, and grumblings. Yet, we don’t realize that mur-muring maligns and defames the goodness of God! God is good! He does everything perfect and right.

B00341 wt .1 $4.00

Who Has the Right to Rule?Benjamin—When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, they declared themselves independent from God. This is the essence of sin—a spirit of independence or pride. Hence, if the entire Bible were to be summarized in one cen-tral subject, it would be: God bringing glory to Himself, by bringing all things into sub-mission to His will, by exer-cising His right to rule.

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DeYoung—The moon is more than just a rock. Our Creator has perfectly and purposely planned it and placed it. The moon has taken the impact of meteors that would have otherwise hit Earth. On the moon, there are 200,000 identified craters. On Earth, there are 200. We are so accustomed to its being there that we sometimes take it for granted. Think about the follow-ing: The moon is the perfect size to reflect sunlight to the earth, allowing for a soft nightlight. Without the moon, our seasons would be severe and unpredictable. Tides caused by the moon are essential for the health of the oceans. The life cycles of

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NEW! CHILDRENʼS BOOKWhiter than Snow and Little DotWalton—These are two excel-lent stories, both dealing with the Scripture, “Though your sins be scarlet, they shall be whiter than snow.” “Whiter than Snow” is a tender, sad story about a lonely

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The Golden Compass aUTHOR “LIBERATEs” …...teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam’s scriptures, which command the take-over - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the obedience of the Prophet Muhammad saw? ›

Hear and obey, even if the man in authority over you is a slave with a mutilated nose." He includes another hadith, also attributed to Muhammad, "Any one who rises up when the people have an imam, seeking thereby to create sedition and disunity, you must kill him." Quoting this hadith, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reportedly ...

What is the example Muhammad set for other Muslims known as? ›

They believe that Muhammad is the main and final Islamic prophet, through whom the religion was completed. The teachings and normative examples of Muhammad, called the sunnah, documented in accounts called the hadith, provide a constitutional model for Muslims.

Whose religious beliefs come from the writings and example of Muhammad? ›

Because Muhammad was the chosen recipient and messenger of the word of God through the divine revelations, Muslims from all walks of life strive to follow his example. After the holy Qur'an, the sayings of the Prophet (hadith) and descriptions of his way of life (sunna) are the most important Muslim texts.

What is an example of the golden rule in the Quran? ›

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” “What you hate, do not do to anyone.”

What are 3 of Muhammad's teachings? ›

He enjoined people to mercy, justice, pa- tience and faith, and abhorred oppression towards people, animals and the environ- ment. Amongst his many sayings are: Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it, or bringing about its ruin.

What is an example of obedience in Islam? ›

For example, younger siblings or grandchildren should not disobey their elder siblings or grandparents. However, if the latter order their siblings or grandchildren to do things like cut ties with family members or take someone's belongings without their permission, they should not do so.

What were Muhammad's religious beliefs? ›

Muhammad believed that he himself was God's final prophet. There is only one universal God: Allah. Followers of Islam (Muslims) are expected to pray five times each day while facing Mecca.

Who taught Muhammad about Christianity? ›

Before the First Revelations

At the age of nine, or according to some sources twelve, Muhammad went to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib and had interactions with Christians. One important contact was with the Nestorian monk Bahira in Bosra, modern Syria who foretold to the adolescent Muhammad his future prophetic career.

How did Muhammad came to believe he was a prophet of God? ›

In AD 610, he was meditating in a cave on Mount Hira when the Angel Gabriel appeared and spoke to him. The angel said the word 'Allah' and Muhammad began to recite words which he believed came straight from God. This was his first revelation from God. Over the next 22 years, Muhammad received revelations from God.

What are the golden rules of the Prophet Muhammad? ›

The prophet Muhammad (Pbuh): 'Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself'. Guru Granth Sahib: 'I am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me. Indeed, I am a friend to all'. Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself.

What is an example of the golden rule in religion? ›

Buddhism: “Whatever is disagreeable to yourself, do not do unto others” (The Buddha, Udana-Varga 5.18 – 6th century BC). Confucianism: “Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you” (Confucius, Analects 15.23 – 5th century BC). Christianity: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.

What is golden rules and example? ›

Golden Rules Of Accounting
Type Of AccountGolden Rules of Accounting
Nominal AccountDebit the loss or expense of the business Credit the profit or income of the business
Personal AccountDebit the receiver Credit the giver
Real AccountDebit what comes into the business Credit what goes out of the business
Nov 16, 2023

What were the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad saw? ›

Some 40 years later Muhammad started preaching a new religion, Islam, which constituted a marked break from existing moral and social codes in Arabia. The new religion of Islam taught that there was one God, and that Muhammad was the last and most important in a series of prophets and messengers.

Why is obedience to the Prophet important? ›

Obeying him brings guidance. Almighty Allah says: “If ye obey him, ye will go aright” (An-Nur: 54). We also read in the Qur'an, “So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, who believeth in Allah and in His words and follow him that haply ye may be led aright” (Al-A`raf: 158).

What were the main goals of Prophet Muhammad saw? ›

The completion of Divine guidance and finality of the Prophecy and Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH) logically necessitated that he, in addition to variegated missionary and soul-purifying and character- building activities, organize a revolutionary community of highly committed and dedicated men, and that, after ...

What are the moral teachings of Prophet Muhammad saw? ›

They include kindness (to people and animals), charity, forgiveness, honesty, patience, justice, respecting parents and elders, keeping promises, and controlling one's anger, love of God and those God loves, love of his messenger (Muhammad) and of believers.


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.