Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


Street Hallway System of Buffalo, Tiretity Seven Miles Distant, Operated by Electricity Furnished From the Great Pen Falls Turned on at Midnight and Everything Worked Smoothly. BUFFALO, Nov. At midnight last night the turning of a switch in tho big powerhouse at A Niagara Falls completed a circuit which caused Niagara river to flow up hill, so to speak, by returning a fraction of its resistless cuergy, which had already, swept past tho gates of Buffalo, back into that city, 27 miles distant. The harness was. buckled that, hitches the' factory wheels of Buffalo to: the cataract ou carth.

This morning the street cars of this city were moved by fall's power. Hereafter the falls must work enough to carn their livings The buckling of the harness could. have been done as woll 12 hours earlier, but owing to the fact that tho father of William B. Rankin of New York. secretary of the Niagara Falls Power conipany, is a clergyman, and in.

deference to his wishes the Niagara Falls' power wag not turned into the trausmitting system at 00011 yesterday, as had boon expected. The connections wero made The experts laving the charge were busy testing tho varions connections and going over the machine cry to innke 'sure that everything proper order, Who everything was in reaniness for the- switch- be thrown over the were that there need be no cessation of the carrent set flowing over the wires of the Buffalo street railway system. The distance covered by the line between Battalo and the falls is 27 miles and the expert electricans who had the work in charge estimate that the loss of the elegy, will be less than 10 per cent, andmay, not exceed five. Careful testa are to be made in this connection, the tests covering both might and day and clearus wellas rainy weather. Electricians are particular attention to this as on the perfect insulation of the carrying lines depends much of tho future success of the andertaking.

The line that- has been built to carry the current bearing wires is of most substantial naturo, Unlike the ordinary telegraph line the poles are placed very close together and are braced in -such a tanner 08 to proof against to overhead line extouds from the power nt the falls to the city limits of Buffalo where the wires enter cement conduits. On the overhead. line giass insulators aro found to the strain and porcelain were made specially to hold the wires, Theso insulators were subjected to a current: 80,000 volts There are at present our the poles cigbt cables each with a carrying capacity oft 5.000 horse power, or 40,000 horse power all The poles are of such a character, however, that this number of cables can be doubled without subjecting themsto a greater strain than The only coutract made so far for the delivery of power in Buffalo by tho power company is that with the Buffalo Street. Railway company for 1,000 horseCommunication was had with tho street railway company in Briffalo and word received from them thut everything was in readiness at that end of the the line. platform, Mr.

tqrew Rankin the then switch stepped over and to. Niagara's power was in salute of 21 gous was fired by a. battery "stationed near the powerhouse, ERA The switches in the Buffalostreet railactly at midnight by W. L. R.

Emmett. way powerhouse were turned off exchief engineer of the General Electric company. Mayor Jewett was present and hold the watch. Everything worked smoothly. RELIGIOUS MANIA.

Elijah. Rice and Ills Entire Family Affected. BOW MANVILLE, Nov. 16. -There.

is an extraordinary of religions. mania near the Long Sault, where Elijah Rice, his wife and 15 childron. The eldest son, Louis, 22 years old, recently announced himself as the "Prince of the Sandhills," and declared Christ had appointed him to reform world. The father, mother and the other children were affected spent their time in singing and praying. Recently the father conceived the idea that Lonis pursued by the devil and that it must be beaten out of him.

Louis war. knocked down with tho lex of a chair and beaten into insensibility. When this the driven out. The next move was to celebrato the Feast of tho Passover and one of the littie children, WAR to bo sacrificed as the lamb. One of the sons, a iner6 boy, told this to a clergyman, who formed the police.

On visiting the ily they found Rico and his son Louis suffering froin intense mania and they were taken to the insane asylum. The doctors think the other will recover. Council of -Jewish Women. NEW YORK, Nov. -The firat vention of tho National Conneil of ish Women was opened yesterday in the Tuxedo hall.

There were 120 delegates present, including about 50 from New York: city. Nearly all of tho delegates were present. Many of them had never been in New York and tho officers of the local section spent two honra in introducing them to the people of Now York, who comprised good majority of the council. Idkely to Cause Embarrassment, Paris, Nov. Rappel suggests that Lord Salisbury's recognition of the Mourn doctrino in the Venezuela agre-mout will embarrass tho settlomeat of the Calmu troubles.

A SHOES Beautiful Dolls Five beautiful dolls, lithographed on cardboard, cight inches Can be cut out and put together by the children- pasting. Each doll has two complete suits. American, Freuch, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, German, Swiss, Turkish and Indian costumes. All parts being interchangeable, many combinations can 1c. made, affording endless amusem*nt and instruction.

A high class series of dolls, patented and manufactured for. us exclusively and not to be compared with the numerous cheap paper dolls on the market. How To Get Them. Cut from Ave outside wrappers of None Such Mince Meat the head of the girl holding ple. Send these with ten cents in silver rapped tn.

paper -and your full name and address, and we will send the dolls postpaid. Or: wo will send them free for twenty heads of the girl. Rend only the heads to avoid extra postage. The Della MERRELL-SOULE. SYRACUSE, N.

Y. WE HAVE NO AGENTS bat have arid to the: consamer for 23 years, price the dealers! pro-. Lit Ship anywhere. for examination before gala warranted. styles of Car rages.

9 ayles of liar41 styles Riding Saddles: Top Buggieses low as Phaetobaas tow 011.50 Spring 231 to No. 723- Price, with lampa. sunshade, Send for large Catalogue tepders, $60.00. As good as sella for HART CARRIACE A HARNESS MFO. W.

B. Pratt. ELKHART. IMO 4. Money to Loans I have money to loan on farms and improved city property NOW! RATES: $2,000 $1,000 to and $2,000.....7 Per Per Cent.

Interest payable semi-annually, but not in advance. Room 3, Mark's Block, WM. E. HEAL, South Side Public Square. MARION, IND.

-IN ALL LARGE SAFE DEPOSITS 'Are grently patronized by women, not only for the custody of LETTERS JEWELRY, PAPERS HEIRLOOMS. KEEPSAKES. But for the seclusion, convenience and use which such tostitutions spectai are women THE THOM has spared nothing this particular. It cordially invites visits of inspection: Compartments $2.50 a year and up. BOGUE THOM ABSTRACTERS MARION, AND INDIANA.

LOAN AGENTS. For (URE For the last 20 years we have kept Piso's Cure for Consumption in stock, and would sooner think a groceryman could get along without sugar in his store. than we could without Piso's Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN Druggists, Ceresco, Michigan, September 2, 1896.

J. H. FORREST, M. D. r'.

TICK: 10 aDd "Porto mce street and Spencer erecte SPECIALTIES: EYE EAR AND THROAT. I have for placed the in my otice the latest and bast approve treatment of Hay Fever nd ali disence of the Nose Throat, All cells at waded to prom OXYICH 10 to 12 a. 1 to 3 and 7 DR. G. R.

FRAYELL, Hernia Specialist, 112 Sours Boots Street. MARION, Dr. R. A. Barnes.

ass removed bis odice to S. cornel af Adama- and '8th streets, OVER. Brandige's drag store. New Methode, New Treat. A meat.

Latest the DR. W. J. CARTER, (Corner Adains and Fourth) CATARRH LUNG DISEASES Genito- Urinary and Rectal CHAS. H.

FCKERT, Physician, Surgeon and Ac coucheur. attention pall to female and chit disease and oh ronie AND Black 1 Mooth to 010 Washington 2 to3 street. mad 7 A Telephone 116. PRICES WILL BE CUT Wire Nail Trust Will Drive Out Small Competitors. WIRE -NAIL TRUST'S PRICES.

J. Work of the Claims Commission -Pique (O,) Schools Closed--Murder Over Game of Dice -Shot Himself White Hunting Ile All-Around Criminal: CLEVELAND, Nov. 16. -A man who is familiar with the affairs of the wire trust says a drop in the price of nailsis likely to cone soon. The sharp increaso writhin the past two years has led to the starting of numerous small factories to competo with the trust, nud, this man says, the trust will drive those competitors out of the fold by cutting the price.

He predicts a drop from $2.00, the present price, to $1.70. At the latter figure, says, make money, because it manufactures its own wire, but the small factories, which buy. their wire from other mills, cannot business at a profit at the figuro unmed. Football Player Injured, LAFAYETTE, Nor. -During the football game hero Saturday, be: tween tho Indianapolis Training school and Purdue teams William Allen of the former team was seriously if not fatally injured.

Ho hit collided with a Purdue player, being ou tho by the Head of the other. At first' it was thought he was not seriously hurt us ho continued to play, but, when the was tinished he suddenly De into convulsions he young Allen, the son Judgo H. CIS who on Saturany the circuit bench of this county. Work of the: Claims Commission. claims commission has adjourned Nov.

Thestnto Nor. 30. The claim of A -0. Frank, John Schlichtman, John Telis and G. Peterson for $5,000 for the quarantining of cattle by the state live stock commission was dismissed, the claimants fail.

ing to appear. Another case dismissed for limo reason: was the claim of Jan Stepanyoka for $5,000, Stepanyoka, a member Illinois of National Company F. Second infantry. Guard, was durting the Chicago riots of 1894. "All other.

our the were continued. Want Damages Ford Boy's Life, ANDERSON, Ind: Nov. hag bcou entered for 810,000 damages from the American Wire Nail company of this city. The guardian of the late Willie is The and formed to The the grounds of negligenco of. the boy.

and the realization of thodanger he was iu. Gigantio Scheme, CHICAGO, Tor. 16. Oh mittion. dot.

lars has been subscribed and plans are being matured for the formation in Chi: within two weeks of a gigantic commercial enterprise to bo Known as the English -American Chinese Railway Construction company, which is to en ter tho field of Chineso trade as the rival of the American Trading compauy. The object of the company is to ovencontrol of trade in the flowery Diphtheria In SPRINGFIELD, Nov. 16. -Diphtheria has appeared to an alarming extent at the villages of Namco*ki and Mitchell, in Madison -county, and in re. sponse to from the villa age authorities, the state board of health has detailed Dr.

Kohl of Belloville, to make an investigation, with a view to determining whether n- general quarantine shall be established at the two places. Important Decision, Nov. 16. -Important Andings 'were mado by the probate court Saturday in tho matter of the assignment of Puden Bros. shoe manufactures, who failed for over 000 Inst January.

Preferences "to local banks and privato creditors were tained by the court an against the claimg of general creditors. The matter was contested by tho United States lonthor trust. Over Gaine of Dice. BEDFORD, Nov. 16.

-Jesso John- HOu shot Andy Popp on the public square Satarday night during a game of dice. Johnson was arrested and is now in jail. It is impossible for Popp to recover. The ball entered the right car and lodged in the brain. Johuson claims shot to savo himself, and claims Popp threatened to shoot him Ou night.

L-: Death the l'enalty, DECATUR, Nov. rid. tug ow a wagon With corn tho pubile highway near Berne Saturday, Christian Gerber, a young farmer, attempted pole to pull down an American flag near the road. As ho maized: tho flag ho fell under the wagon, which over his nock, killing him instantly. 4 Manager Seriously Injured.

HARTFORD CITY, Roynolds, manager of the Byram Oil company of Indianapolis, recoived sorious injuries on the company's lease; eight miles north of this city. He was inspecting an oil tank and us he started down the ladder it broko, throwing him headlong and both arms. Wrecked by Natural Can Explosion, Kokomo, Nov. a natural gas explosion last Saturday, the front of Bruboy's music store WAS wrecked, and in the frothnt followed it was dam: Laxed 'Che Kellar funruituro storo adjoining wus damaged 8500, The explosion was from hunting 14 gun leak with a light. Killed by Falling Slate, ODIx, Nov.

Crane, a cont miner, aged 18, was crushed to deaths full of late slate. Saturday iu the mino here by 1 5 ETHICS OF LITERATURE "Entere the arena as free lance against ENRAPTURED They gaze at our window display of shoes for rather everybody FINEST, SOFTEST, BEST for ladies and misses to the STRONG LONGEST WEARING SHOES and BOOTS for tho, workingman. But the window gives you only a chapter in the storythe rest of the book de inside. Iere's a ter you can study with profit. You can chap.

prom Boots 50 at the cts. to $1.00 on every pair of Shoes or' HUB SHOE STORE On North Side Public Square, Marion, Ind Repairing done neatly -while you BOY ORATOR. William. Jennings Bryan Addressed Two Large Meetings Saturday, LINCOLN, Nov 16. William Jennings Bryan delivered two speeches in Lincoln Saturday, which had been previously announced as the opening guns of the political campaign of 1900.

Mr. Bryan in the afternoontalked to an audience at the Fante theater. com. nosed or a of the, Mary in Allow mo thank you in behalf af myself and wifo for tho interest have taken in tho recent campaign, and still further for the kind reception tendered. us apou ouz- return front Washingtou.

I am glad to so5 the wives and 1 mothers at last deeply and fully interested in the great politienl issucs of the day. And if there is oud motto I should wish to impress anon their minds and to have them carry in their hearts tot their homes, that motto is this: a government like ours, deriving its powers through and by the poople, should be founded upon this one principle, equal rights to all and special privileges to 10110. At might Mr. Bryau-delivered a brief address to the Traveling Men's Bryan club, the veterans and Bryan hom*o Guards- the -operahonse, spoke juceting a for, Bohannon's minutes at an overtow. hall.

voico had practically failed him the afternoon meeting, and ho lad not sufticiently regained tho uro of his vocal and in general teton of the necessity on education maintaining their various organizations. 40 M'KINLEY. President Drive Webb C. lay ca. go CANTON, Nov.

With an ideal. as an inspiration for drive, President Elect McKinley yes. terday enjoyed a ride in the family caraccompanied by Webb. U. Hayes, 1 who at the McKinley home.

Mr. Hayes accompanied Major McKinles to the First church in the morning, the son of tho Ohio president and the president elect walking to and from the place of worship. Major Me. Kinley sat in the pew with his aged. mother and his sister whom he saw in their carriages after the services.

"In to- other callers Land entertaining Mr. Hayes, whois a- friend of the family of inany years standing, Major McKinley did. not forgot also to spent call at as his mother's home, and he much time as he could. with his wife, whose health has in proved considerbly during the last few days. Major McKinley yesterday received a card from Heidelburg, Germany, which 8259: "The American students at: Heidelburg send greeting and congratulations to representative of.

the American nation." WHI Probably Be Oates. BIRMINGHAM, Nov. 16. The; prevailing impression in this city last night was that Governor Willian C. Oates will be eloctod United States ator to succeed Senator Pugh, whose term expires March 4th' noxt.

Senator Pugh is candidate for re-election and the other candidates aro Congressman J. Il. Bankhead, General E. W. Pettus and Governor Outes, all silver Democrata excepts Governor Outes, who is an avowed gold man.

The election of Clements for speaker. a gold Democratic, was a surprise to the free silver men, but it showed Oates strength. BLAZE AT THE BATES HOUSE. Commotion Among Guesta. INDIANAPOLIA, Nov.

10. Smith's news stand in thy northond of the Bates Houso fronting on Illinois street was burned. last night about 6 o'clock. At 0110 timo it looked as though ft. would make a serious firo and there was some commotion umong the guests in the northeast section of the hotel who packod their belongings preparing to inove out.

The damago by fire was confined to the news stand, but the cigar etore and Knox'a barbershop. ou cither side were slightly injured by water. Blood 1g Life. It is the medium which carries to every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its nourishment and strongth. If the blood pure, rich and healthy you will be well; if impure, discase will soon overtake you.

Hood's Sarsaparilla has power 10 keep you in health by inaking your blood rich and pure. biliousness: 26c, HOOD'S PILLS are easy to take, oaky to operate. Cure indigestion, aackery, imposture and Reviews. is to oriticism that Mr. Kergey turns He la evidently sincere and la to be praisad for the measure of lite lianapolla News.

author talks about literature, freely riticieing a number of the old stand New orleans. Kersoy belleves that a great many of juigments-respecting famous authora and works of literature will not stand candid Journal, Charlotte, N. C. wide range of Investigation in shown in these discussions and the writer evlucce thorough study." -Dispatoh, Chicago, be appreciated the work must be read, and it makes a valuable addition to any librais impossible in a brief review to dwell -Democrat, I Howard, Dak. 48 we should like upon the author's spirited oriticism of Butler's Analogy and the truculence of theology toward science." -New York.

San. "The author engages with equal prowess in a sentimental tut with Tennyson, and a metaphysical combat with Emanuel Kant His learning la profound and 1 his methods fair and Journal. "It has a clearly defined purpose, and that purpose is to expose certain monstrous fallaales which have been paraded in the past as tundamental truths and infallible methods; errors in history, philosophy, literatare, science art and religion. Sentinel. Outh bound, 578 pages, $9.00.

A. W. LEEDY, swtt MARION, IND CENTRAL UNION TELEPHONE A PARTY LINE! EXCHANGE SERVICE This Company has successfully devisod. apparatus by moans of which (without in the least impairing the eflicioney of -transmis sion) two or more subscribers stations may be operated upon tho samn line or circuit, and bo onablod to signal the contral office, without disturbing each other. This improvement relieves "party-line" service of.

and makes Jar within very large eland of of service, for either aro aiming to bring that which is of the highest grade within the satisfactory reach. of those whor* requirements for telephone service are but limited, and to make its cost to them materially less than the -regular rates charged for Borvice. Wornfer with parfect confidence to such of our line" present servico with subscribers this a8 improved are using apparatus. partyThe rates for thia service will be quoted apon application to the Manager, or ho will be glad to call upon those who roquest it. Employ distribute sexes HIGH quo re Ind.

both Jo part bicycle. represented FERNALD, CO. K. CYCLE MARION TRAIN TIME. 3.

Big Four. Bouth North. 8. a. M.

2:21 p. 1:64 p.m. All trains stop at 4th 7:35 p. raid only runs to Warsaw, Change of Schednle on Pennsylvania WEST. EAST.

1:43 a. m. No. 10.., ..2:10 a.m. No.

11:12 A. DI. No. 9:08 19:01 45... I 2:45 p.

in; Clover Leaf. IN EST No. 3... A. m.

No. 4 5140 p.m. No. No, p.m, 8 4:20 a. a.

m. No. p. m. 3, 4, bund adatty between Toledo and St.

between Louts. Now. 1 and 2 dally except Sunday Toledo and- Frankfort. Nos. 24 and 25 local with frelubts.

Trains 5 and 0 are oguipped free r'elining chairs and Wagner sleeping Trains 3 and 4 with parlor and care. OYSTERS In Every Style impre CINCINNATI ENQUIRER G. C. BROWN, Agent for Marion, Postoffice Block. Can be obtained dally and Sunday at Spencer House Cigar Stand, Burrier House Cigar Stand, and Brown's Neva Sundays at Fisher's Drug Store, 11th and Washington Safford's Drug Store, 81st and Washington.

LAUGHRIDGE GAS FITTERS AND DEALERS IN Pumps and Gas Eixtures. 180 Firth St. All kinds of job work.given prompt and careful attention. Estimates all new work, First class work guai antood. Reasonable pricca.

UK. J. J. KYLE. Practico litaiter EYE, EAR, and THROAT Otloo 14 and 14, Commercial Ola) Bicol: At GEPHART'S, South Side Square.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. OFTICE CITY CLERK, MA TON, IrDA October 12,,1890. will Notice be la reroived hereby at, this given office that sealed proposals until November 17, 1890, for, the following 1m from Western The Improvement of First street Second. avenue to Butler avenue. running north The and south Improvement and of the alleys through block 25 original plat east of the and town wrat (anw city) of Marion.

All and work to ba deno in' accordance with clerk's Each bid now on fle in city by toned bond that or if contract obeck for $600, condi must be accompanied will within five days enter be luto awarded contract them with they bond for completin of the work. o'clock All bidA p. must of he the Bled with city clerk by 7 all bids, Connoll reserves the right to reject day of letting. any or By order common council. October 12, 1800.

JOIN WATTS, City Clerk. HOME-SEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Vin Big Four-One Fare Plus 82 and 85 for Round Trip: To Louistana. Alabama, Florida. Goo North gla. Kentorky, Colorado, Tennessee, Indian Virginia.

Territory, Arizona, Arkan. olina, and Minnesota, Nobraska. Iowa, Now Mexico, Kangar. North Utah, Wisconsin Houth and Dakota, voming. Oklahoma, Texas.

Dee, let and 15th, Jan. oth and 10th, Nov. Feb. 17th, and 10th, March 2nd and 10th, April uth ad 20th, May 4th and 18th, according to loca- and ton. Call NU on or addryes A gout Hig Four, 1' FL 6 LIL.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.