DD Beyond RIP - Vecna Eve of Ruin - Compressed (1) - Inglês (2024)

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CH. 1: RETURN FROM NEVERDEATH GRAVEYARDIntroduction: Danger to the MultiverseThis adventure celebrates �fty years of Dungeons & Dragons history. The story spans many beloved settings and wondrous planes of existence. Its castincludes characters iconic to longtime fans. This adventure’s stakes involve the fate of all worlds—in other words, the multiverse. If the player characters�nish this adventure successfully, they’ll reach 20th level and will have thwarted one of the most notorious villains in D&D’s history.The information in this book is intended for the Dungeon Master only. If you’re planning to play through the adventure with someone else as your DM, stopreading now!Vecna: Eve of Ruin is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure optimized for four to six characters. Characters begin at 10th level and gain a level at the end ofeach of this book’s chapters.The characters are the heroes of the story. This book describes the locations the characters explore and the challenges they must overcome tosuccessfully complete the adventure. All pertinent details about the adventures’ settings and locations are covered in this book.Existence in PerilPREV CHAPTERTHE CHARACTERS ARE DESTINED TO BECOME EMBROILED IN THE LEGENDARYHATRED BETWEEN THE LICH-GOD VECNA AND THE WARLORD KASARTIST: CHRIS RAHNhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/00-001.vecna-vs-kas.jpgFor many years, the lich Vecna has imagined remaking existence. When this adventure starts, Vecna is already a god. Never truly satis�ed, he yearns tobecome the most powerful being in the multiverse. Unfortunately for his enemies, Vecna recently devised the Ritual of Remaking to turn his dreams intoreality.The Ritual of RemakingVecna’s Ritual of Remaking involves gathering powerful secrets, extracting energy from them, and interweaving this energy with the lich’s essence andmagic. After Vecna and his cultists extract enough secrets, the lich plans to weave the ritual alone in the Cave of Shattered Re�ection on the plane ofPandemonium.The cave holds the power to harness energy and reveal fundamental truths, making it the perfect location for the ritual. The combined power of Vecna’smagic and the collected secrets reaches critical mass at the end of the ritual, triggering an explosion of su�cient magnitude to destroy Pandemoniumand unravel the multiverse. Vecna, with his consciousness preserved inside a magical singularity, can then reknit the multiverse exactly as he wants,sealing the multiverse’s terrible fate.Vecna plans to elevate himself above all others and to rewrite the histories and details of the entire multiverse. In Vecna’s new reality, all people serve him,he has never known defeat, and all who oppose him live in torment.By the time this adventure begins, the lich has gathered a hoard of secrets and is nearly ready to begin the Ritual of Remaking. Only the characters canstop Vecna’s evil plan.Vecna’s HistoryThroughout the adventure, Vecna proceeds with his plans as if nothing can stop him. However, the waves of magic the lich and his cult unleash inpreparing for the Ritual of Remaking garner the attention of powerful individuals.One is Kas, a vampire warrior who once served Vecna but is now Vecna’s eternal enemy. Kas learns the details of Vecna’s plans and plots to co-opt theritual for himself.Kas and VecnaHundreds of years ago, Vecna and Kas were close associates. They were driven men who shared similar evil outlooks. Kas admired Vecna’s sadism andthirst for power, while Vecna valued Kas’s ferocity and cruelty.A YOUNG KAS AND VECNA MUSE ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF OERTHARTIST: LILY ABULLINAhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/00-002.young-kas-and-vecna.pngBy the time Vecna became a lich and the despotic ruler of an empire on the world of Oerth, Kas was the leader of Vecna’s armies and the lich’s mosttrusted lieutenant. Kas pledged his life to Vecna, and Vecna gave Kas generous gifts. The lich created the Sword of Kas (see the Dungeon Master’s Guide)for his lieutenant. This intelligent artifact of pure evil was meant to serve Kas unquestioningly, but the sword soon developed other ideas.Over time, Kas and Vecna began disagreeing about strategies to expand the lich’s empire. Convinced Kas was more gullible than Vecna, the sword urgedKas to kill and supplant Vecna. The sword wanted nothing less than full control of Vecna’s empire through Kas.Kas �nally betrayed his liege when he confronted Vecna in the lich’s tower. Kas killed Vecna, but before Vecna died, Vecna �ung Kas across the multiverse.Kas lost the Sword of Kas in his �ight. All that was left of Vecna after he died was one hand and one eye. These eventually became artifacts known as theEye and Hand of Vecna (see the Dungeon Master’s Guide).In the aftermath of this battle, Kas transformed into a vampire. He became the ruler and prisoner of a Domain of Dread (a mist-bordered realm in theShadowfell) called Tovag. Eventually, the Dark Powers whispered to Kas that Vecna had risen again, becoming an evil god of secrets and magic on Oerth.Vecna’s defeat of Kas grates on the warlord’s ego. Kas aches to annihilate Vecna. Meanwhile, Vecna has been building his power, though the lich yearns to�nally destroy his former lieutenant.Kas’s PlanShortly after Vecna began traversing the multiverse to gather secrets, Kas learned of the lich-god’s plan from the Dark Powers. Upon working out a bargainwith those powers, Kas devised a plot to usurp the power Vecna was gathering.The moment before the lich unravels existence, Kas plans to slay Vecna and step into the lich’s place, reshaping the multiverse to his own whims.Domain of Dread ParoleeKas uses an artifact called the Crown of Lies to impersonate a powerful wizard and manipulate others into retrieving an item that will allow him to free ademon lord ally named Miska the Wolf-Spider. Together, the two can defeat Vecna. Kas is attuned to the crown throughout this adventure.Crown of LiesWondrous Item, Artifact (Requires Attunement)THE DARK POWERS HAVE GIFTED KAS A POWERFUL ARTIFACT TO HELP HIM DESTROY VECNAARTIST: LAUREN WALSHhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5427-sword-of-kashttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5425-eye-and-hand-of-vecnahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419440-crown-of-lieshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419440-crown-of-lieshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/00-003.kas-and-crown-of-lies.pngAfter betraying and nearly destroying the lich Vecna, the warrior Kas found himself trapped in the Shadowfell, imprisoned in a Domain of Dread calledTovag. There, he languished as a vampire. In time, the Dark Powers of the Shadowfell lured Kas to a hidden forge, where he found the Crown of Lies. OnceKas vowed to deliver Vecna into the Dark Powers’ clutches and donned the crown, the Dark Powers released Kas. From there, Kas set out to ruin hisformer master. Should Kas fail, the Dark Powers will reclaim him.The crown is made of burnished and entwined metal rods. To attune to it, you must place it on your head and speak a true desire of your heart. You knowhow to attune to the crown when you touch it.Random Properties. The Crown of Lies has the following random properties (see the Dungeon Master’s Guide for options):1 minor bene�cial property1 major bene�cial property1 minor detrimental propertyPerfect Disguise. While attuned to the crown, you can use an action to transform yourself to look and feel like any creature you’ve seen at least once andwhose size is no more than one size smaller or larger than yours.The new form mimics the chosen creature’s appearance exactly, including its voice. Your size and speed are replaced,by the chosen creature’s. Youotherwise retain your own game statistics. While in this new form, the crown melds into your person and is undetectable.Your new form lasts until you die, your attunement to the crown ends, or you use another action to transform into a different creature or your true form.Interactions with you while you are transformed by the crown reveal no illusory magic, nor do they reveal anything other than details about the creatureyou’re disguised as. You count as the chosen creature for the purposes of spells, traps, and other defenses that wouldn’t target the chosen creature.While in your disguised form, any lies you tell always seem to be true, no matter what magical or mundane methods are used to try to detect yourfalsehoods. You are the recipient of Sending spells addressed to you and the creature you are disguised as, and Scrying and similar spells that target thecreature you are disguised as actually target you. The only way to reveal your true nature while transformed by the crown is with a Wish spell.While wearing this crown in your true form, you can choose for the crown to be visible if you wish.Destroying the Crown. If a creature wearing the crown is killed by the creature it is disguised as, the crown disintegrates and is destroyed.The Wizards ThreeWhen the Dark Powers divulged Vecna’s plan to Kas, the powers also whispered that Lady Alustriel Silverhand was marshaling allies to stop the lich. Kasdidn’t relish the thought of facing the might of one of the multiverse’s most powerful good-aligned spellcasters, so the warlord devised a plot to trickAlustriel into helping him defeat Vecna.With the help of spies, Kas learned that Alustriel intended to summon two powerful friends to oppose Vecna: the wizards Tasha and Mordenkainen. (Formore information about Alustriel, Tasha, and Mordenkainen, see appendix B.)Kas knows Tasha only by reputation, and he holds a grudging respect for the daughter of Baba Yaga. Kas is more familiar with Mordenkainen, as the twohave clashed on Oerth in the past.CROWN OF LIESARTIST: LAUREN WALSHhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmg/sentient-magic-items-artifacts#ArtifactPropertieshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/sendinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/scryinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#AlustrielSilverhandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#Tashahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#Mordenkainenhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossierhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/00-004.crown-of-lies.pngKas disguised himself as Mordenkainen using the Crown of Lies and received Alustriel’s summons to her sanctum in Sigil, the City of Doors. Throughoutthis adventure, the real Mordenkainen is traveling the multiverse, unaware of Kas’s impersonation.When Kas arrives in the sanctum, he realizes that Alustriel plans to combine her magic with Tasha’s and Mordenkainen’s to craft a Wish spell to thwartVecna. Alustriel intends to dispel the collective power of the secrets Vecna gathered, rendering the lich’s Ritual of Remaking useless.Despite looking identical to Mordenkainen, Kas has no signi�cant magical power. This lack sabotages the Wish spell exactly as the warlord hoped,allowing him to suggest an alternate course of action: reassemble the artifact called the Rod of Seven Parts and use it to defeat Vecna instead. Kas islying; he wants the rod only for his own sel�sh ends.Confronting VecnaWhen the spellcasters’ Wish spell goes awry in chapter 2 of this adventure, the player characters are shunted to the sanctum in Sigil. Kas doesn’t expectthis development, but the characters are the perfect patsies. Kas planned to retrieve the pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts himself, but now he sends thecharacters to do so. Kas plans to use the rod to free the demon lord Miska the Wolf-Spider, his ally against Vecna, though he falsely claims that the rod isthe key to stopping Vecna. (Read more about Kas’s plan in chapters 2 and 9.)Rod of Seven PartsRod, Artifact (Requires Attunement)Eons ago, a war between the primordials and the gods scarred the planes of existence. A demon lord named Miska the Wolf-Spider eventually pushed theprimordials’ enemies to the brink of annihilation.Desperate to save themselves and their allies, powerful elemental beings called the Wind Dukes of Aaqa rose against Miska. Committed to the concept oflaw, the Wind Dukes descended from a people called the vaati, who once ruled many worlds. Seven Wind Dukes wove their power into an artifact called theRod of Law. The dukes used the rod to imprison Miska on the plane of Pandemonium. As a result, the rod shattered into seven parts that were scatteredthroughout the multiverse. The rod thus became known as the Rod of Law.Possessing the Broken Rod. The rod can’t be attuned to while it is broken. While holding one piece of the broken rod, you know the general location of thenext consecutive piece, as the rod yearns to be a complete artifact. Multiple rod pieces can be assembled into one piece or disassembled again, eachrequiring an action, although a partially complete rod doesn’t gain any other abilities.Additionally, while holding one piece of the broken rod, you can use an action to cast the spell associated with that piece, as listed on the Rod Pieces table.Once that piece of the rod has been used to cast a spell, it can’t be used that way again until the next dawn.https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419440-crown-of-lieshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-threehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-betrayer-revealedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468332-miska-the-wolf-spiderRod PiecesPiece SpellFirst CommuneSecond Arcane GateThird Reverse Gravity (spell save DC 18)Fourth RegenerateFifth Find the PathSixth Mirage ArcaneSeventh SimulacrumPossessing the Whole Rod. Once all seven pieces are reassembled, a creature can attune to the Rod ofSeven Parts. While attuned to the rod, you gain the following bene�ts:Magic Weapon. The Rod of Seven Parts functions for you as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +3 bonusto attack and damage rolls made with it.Rod Spellcasting. The Rod of Seven Parts has 7 charges and regains 1d4 + 3 expended charges daily atdawn. While holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and cast any of the spells in theRod Pieces table. You can also use an action to cast Detect Evil and Good from the rod without using anycharges.Ultimate Law. If you are not of a lawful alignment, you �nd your worldview shifting toward keeping a personal code. You are more apt to keep yourpromises, follow through on your declarations, and adhere to your beliefs.Destroying the Rod. The only way to destroy the Rod of Seven Parts is to immerse the assembled rod in lava in the Abyss. It must remain in the lava for�fty years before it �nally is consumed.A piece of the rod may be temporarily destroyed in this way, but each piece re-forms one year after it has succumbed. A re-formed piece teleports to arandom place in the multiverse.The Rod’s PiecesDuring this adventure, the characters might recover all the pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts. Each piece’s location is presented in the Rod Piece Locationstable below.Rod Piece LocationsPiece Chapter Place Setting LocationFirst 2 Underdark, Toril Forgotten Realms A covert base of Lolth worshipersSecond 3 Astral Sea Spelljammer Near the wreckage of a spelljamming shipThird 4 Mournland Eberron The control room of a deactivated,colossusFourth 5 Death House, Barovia Ravenloft The house’s dungeonFifth 6 Northern Dargaard Mountains, Krynn Dragonlance The Three Moons Vault’s upper levelSixth 7 Isle of Serpents, Oerth Greyhawk The Tomb of Wayward SoulsSeventh 8 Avernus, Nine Hells Planescape The Red Belvedere casinoAdventure SummaryWHEN WHOLE, THE LEGENDARYROD OF SEVEN PARTSLOOKS FORMIDABLEARTIST: COUPLEOFKOOKShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419442-rod-of-seven-parts-first-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/communehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419444-rod-of-seven-parts-second-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/arcane-gatehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419447-rod-of-seven-parts-third-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/reverse-gravityhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419443-rod-of-seven-parts-fourth-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/regeneratehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419441-rod-of-seven-parts-fifth-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/find-the-pathhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419446-rod-of-seven-parts-sixth-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/mirage-arcanehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419445-rod-of-seven-parts-seventh-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/simulacrumhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/detect-evil-and-goodhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-threehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-lambent-zeniths-last-voyagehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-ruined-colossushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/death-househttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/night-of-blue-firehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/tomb-of-wayward-soulshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-dragon-queens-pridehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/00-005.rod-of-seven-parts.pngThe adventure is split into three narrative components:Discovering Vecna’s Activity. In chapter 1, the characters stumble upon a cult of Vecna performing a ritual to extract secrets. When the characters clashwith the cult, they become linked to the lich, which sets them on the path to discover Vecna’s plot to remake the multiverse.Seeking the Rod. In chapter 2, the characters’ link to Vecna shunts them to Sigil when powerful spellcasters botch a Wish spell to stop the lich. Thecharacters are asked to retrieve the pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts, as detailed in chapters 2 through 8.Stopping the Ritual of Remaking. In chapter 9, “Mordenkainen” reveals himself as Kas in disguise. Kas steals the reassembled rod and heads to the planeof Pandemonium to co-opt Vecna’s ritual. The characters can chase and confront Kas, but they must stop the Ritual of Remaking from being completed.Chapter 1 SummaryChapter 1 takes place in Neverwinter, a city on the Sword Coast on the world of Toril. The characters are investigating the disappearance of high-rankingnobles in Neverwinter when they stumble upon a cult of Vecna. The characters stop the cult from performing a ritual to steal a kidnap victim’s secrets. Inso doing, they are shunted to Evernight, a gloomy version of Neverwinter in the Shadowfell, and receive Vecna’s Link, which ties their fate to that of thelich-god.Chapter 2 SummaryThe �rst part of chapter 2 takes place in a secret sanctum in Sigil, the City of Doors. The second part takes place in the Underdark on Toril. When twopowerful spellcasters and an impostor try to cast a Wish spell to stop Vecna’s plot, the botched spell latches on to Vecna’s Link and pulls the characters tothe trio’s location. Lady Alustriel Silverhand, Tasha, and Mordenkainen (secretly Kas) are ba�ed by this development, but Mordenkainen pretends toimprovise a plan to stop Vecna. He falsely claims that the Rod of Seven Parts, a powerful artifact, might be the only way to stop Vecna now. He knows thelocation of the �rst piece, which is in a covert base for Lolth operatives, and sends the characters after it. Each rod piece will point the way to the nextpiece, and all pieces are in different locations in multiverse.Chapter 3 SummaryChapter 3 takes place on the Astral Plane. The characters learn that the second rod piece is in the wreckage of a spelljamming ship called the LambentZenith. The ship was carrying the piece when it crashed into a dying god’s body adrift on the Astral Sea. The characters soon discover that a dragonlikeKAS DISGUISES HIMSELF FLAWLESSLY ASMORDENKAINEN USING THE CROWN OF LIESARTIST: OLIVIER BERNARDhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-threehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-betrayer-revealedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-threehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-lambent-zeniths-last-voyagehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/00-006.kas-in-disguise.pngcreature devoured the piece and retreated into the heart of the god. The characters must confront the creature and retrieve the rod piece.Chapter 4 SummaryChapter 4 takes place on the continent of Khorvaire in the world of Eberron. The characters learn that the third rod piece is located in the Mournland, amagical wasteland. Eventually, the characters discover that the piece is located within an enormous, deactivated construct called Landro. The charactersmust navigate this colossus and retrieve the rod piece from Landro’s engine room.Chapter 5 SummaryChapter 5 takes place in Barovia, a Domain of Dread. The characters learn that the fourth rod piece was taken to a haunted residence called Death House.Cultists and the infamous vampire lord Strahd von Zarovich hope to obtain the rod piece themselves, and the characters must thwart all threats beforethey can claim the piece.Chapter 6 SummaryChapter 6 takes place on the world of Krynn. The characters believe the �fth rod piece is inside a gigantic tree, but with the help of good-alignedwerewolves, they learn that an evil group loyal to the mighty warlord Lord Soth took the piece to a complex called Three Moons Vault. The characters mustin�ltrate the complex and retrieve the rod piece, perhaps freeing a resistance leader in the process.Chapter 7 SummaryChapter 7 takes place on the Isle of Serpents on the world of Oerth. The characters learn that the sixth rod piece is in the crypt vault of the Tomb ofWayward Souls, a dungeon created by the lich Acererak. The characters must defeat a false lich that calls himself Rerak—a less-powerful version of theAcererak—before they can claim the rod piece.Chapter 8 SummaryChapter 8 takes place near the dragon god Tiamat’s lair in Avernus, the �rst layer of the Nine Hells. The characters learn Tiamat obtained the seventh rodpiece and stashed it somewhere near her lair. The characters discover that the rod piece is inside a casino called the Red Belvedere. They must in�ltrate amembers-only section and either defeat a champion of Tiamat or convince the champion to surrender the rod piece.Chapter 9 SummaryChapter 9 starts in Sigil and continues in Pandesmos, the �rst layer of the chaotic plane of Pandemonium. The rest of the adventure takes place on thatplane. With all pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts retrieved, the characters must allow the spellcasters to examine the rod—or so “Mordenkainen” claims.The archmage reveals himself as Kas and uses the rod to subdue Alustriel and Tasha. Kas �ees to Pandemonium to free Miska the Wolf-Spider and usurpVecna’s ritual. The characters must race to Pandemonium in pursuit of Kas, who has discovered where Vecna’s ritual is taking place.Chapter 10 Summary,In chapter 10, the characters follow Kas through Pandemonium toward the Ruinous Sea, an ocean of swirling, impassable, chaotic magic. On the coast, abattle rages between the demonic forces of Kas, who is attempting to free Miska the Wolf-Spider from his prison in the nearby Ruinous Citadel, and thedemon-god Lolth, who is allied with Vecna. The characters can manipulate the battle, or they can race straight to Kas, who eventually reveals the locationof Vecna’s ritual.Chapter 11 SummaryIn chapter 11, the characters must descend into the Cave of Shattered Re�ection, where Vecna weaves his Ritual of Remaking. The ritual is nearing its end,and the lich-god has created several demiplanes that offer glimpses of the multiverse he is creating. The characters must navigate these demiplanes to�nd the key to entering Vecna’s ritual chamber. Once inside, the characters must stop the ritual, which has left the lich-god in a weakened state.Running the AdventureARTIST: IRINA NORDSOLhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-ruined-colossushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/death-househttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/night-of-blue-firehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/tomb-of-wayward-soulshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-dragon-queens-pridehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-betrayer-revealedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-war-of-pandesmoshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/eve-of-ruinTo run this adventure, you need the �fth edition core rulebooks (Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual).The Monster Manual contains stat blocks for most of the creatures encountered in this adventure. The remaining stat blocks can be found in appendix Aor B, as indicated in the text, or in the encounters in which they appear.When a creature’s name appears in bold type, that’s a visual clue pointing you to its stat block as a way of saying, “Hey, DM, you better get this creature’sstat block ready. You’re going to need it.”Spells and equipment mentioned in the adventure are described in the Player’s Handbook. Magic items not described in the adventure’s text are describedin the Dungeon Master’s Guide.Using the MapsThis book contains a number of interior maps.Interior MapsMaps that appear in this book are for the DM only. As the characters explore locations on a given map, you can redraw portions of the map on graphpaper, an erasable mat, or another surface to help your players visualize locations with unusual shapes or features. Your hand-drawn maps needn’t befaithful to the originals, and you can alter a map’s features as you see �t. Nor do your maps need to be painstakingly rendered. Omit details that aren’treadily visible (such as secret doors and other hidden features) until the characters detect and interact with them. For example, locked doors are indicatedon the maps with dots, but you need not include this detail in your hand-drawn maps.One of the maps within shows the sanctum in Sigil that serves as the characters’ home base for most of this adventure. This map is further described inchapter 2, but don’t share information with the players that their characters wouldn’t know. For example, the characters wouldn’t know which magic itemsAlustriel keeps in area S3 of the sanctum unless they examine that area carefully. The map shows the sanctum as it is before the characters arrive.LADY ALUSTRIEL SILVERHAND, TASHA, AND MORDENKAINEN HAVE DISCOVERED VECNA’S PLAN TOREMAKE THE MULTIVERSE. MORDENKAINEN IS AN IMPOSTOR WHO HOPES TO CO-OPT THE LICH’S RITUALText that appears in a box like this is meant to be read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their characters �rst arrive at a location or under speci�ccirc*mstances, as described in the text.https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/phbhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/mmhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/mmhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiaryhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossierhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/phbhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-three#Map21TheSanctumhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-three#S3Workspacehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/00-007.the-three-wizards.pngNondeadly ResolutionsThis adventure sets up a number of encounters for the characters to �ght their foes. However, other nondeadly resolutions are equally valid ways toresolve enemy encounters. The characters might knock out enemies, intimidate them into running away, bribe them for information, or otherwise �ndcreative ways to resolve con�icts. Use your discretion, and if the characters attempt to resolve encounters without violence, go with it if the story allows.Character CreationBefore starting this adventure, consider spending your �rst game session helping your players create characters. This adventure recommends 10th-levelcharacters to start, so make sure your players have appropriately leveled characters before play begins. Chapter 1 provides instructions for starting thisadventure with 7th-, 8th-, 9th-, or 11th-level characters.Existing CharactersOne or more of your players might want to continue playing characters who have successfully completed previous D&D adventures, and that’s �ne! Anycharacter from any campaign setting is appropriate for this adventure, as long as they aren’t higher than 11th level.The beginning of this adventure takes place in the city of Neverwinter on the world of Toril (in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting). If a character isfrom a different world or is from somewhere else in that setting, work with the player to devise a reason why that character is in Neverwinter and answersLord Neverember’s call for help in solving the disappearance of several nobles. The reason might range from the magical (an unexpected magicalbacklash transports them to the city) to the mundane (a family connection brings them there).If a character takes a break after their previous adventure, consider rolling on or picking an option from the Purpose in Neverwinter table, expanding on itas necessary, to provide a reason the character has come to Neverwinter.New CharactersPlayers might create a 10th-level character from scratch for this adventure. For ease of introduction, the character might be from Neverwinter orsomewhere else nearby.If one or more of your players want to create characters from more distant lands, use the suggestions provided in the previous section for why thecharacters are now in Neverwinter. If they don’t already have one, the characters need a reason for Lord Neverember to request their help in chapter 1,even if it’s simply because their heroics are widely known.Regardless, 10th-level characters have already had long careers and earned their abilities through experience. These characters have likely accomplishedimpressive deeds, so encourage your players to describe how the characters reached 10th level.The 10th-Level Backstories table contains sample backstories for new characters. Roll on the table or pick your favorite option when working with yourplayers to determine their characters’ backstories.10th-Level Backstoriesd6 Deeds Accomplished1The character began their adventuring career investigating zombies that rose from a once-peaceful graveyard. Their investigations revealed a cult.The character fought the cultists and defeated the cult’s archmage leader.2 As a bodyguard for a high-ranking political or business �gure, the character has staved off attacks from assassins and demons.3 The character hunts evil dragons or another dangerous kind of creature.4The character is a private investigator who, for the right price, retrieves kidnapped loved ones and recovers stolen documents and items from craftyvillains.5The character,studies and preserves nonmagical historical artifacts and has traveled widely in pursuit of rare items of deep signi�cance. Whilesecuring items for local museums, the character has thwarted threats ranging from ettins to glabrezus.6The character is in the service of a god and on a mission to protect the helpless. The work doesn’t pay well, but the character has saved childrenfrom hungry monsters, thwarted rampaging monsters in villages, and protected the poor from greedy overlords.https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16860-ettinhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16902-glabrezuPurpose in Neverwinterd6 Reason1The character is in the employ of a powerful merchant, mage, or monarch who sent the character to Lord Neverember as a favor. Neveremberneeded the character’s help to handle growing problems with undead in Neverwinter. The emergency involving the missing nobles is the character’smost recent assignment.2After a long struggle, the character defeated a powerful sorcerer. In the throes of death, the sorcerer’s magic back�red, opening a portal andshunting the character to Neverwinter. The character has been working for Lord Neverember as a mercenary while �guring out what to do next.3The character fought an adult black dragon. The �ght wasn’t going well, and nothingness enveloped the character as the character was about to die.Instead of dying, the character woke up in Neverwinter outside Lord Neverember’s villa. It’s up to you to decide why; perhaps a god’s or spellcaster’sintervention is involved.4The character defeated an evil leader and was given the pick of the spoils from the villain’s lair. While examining the items, the character stumbledupon a Cubic Gate that sent them to Neverwinter. The character agreed to work for Lord Neverember in exchange for the spellcasting services theyneed to return home.5The character is an expert at retrieving kidnapped individuals, even those on other planes of existence. The family of one of the kidnapped nobles inchapter 1 reached out to the Harpers, who recommended the character’s services. The family promised a high price for the character to come toNeverwinter and look for the missing loved one.6The character is an explorer charting the multiverse. During their travels, they’ve come to recognize the foreboding sense of danger they feelwhenever they’re about to encounter evil. The character can’t shake a sense of dread about Neverwinter, so they’ve come to the city to ask LordNeverember if there’s a threat.The Power of SecretsVecna uses stolen secrets to power his ritual to remake the multiverse. When the characters stumble on the cult of Vecna, whose members are trying toextract secrets from a captive, they gain access to magic fueled by powerful secrets. The characters can spend secrets like currency once they receiveVecna’s Link in chapter 1.CULTS OF VECNA EVERYWHERE ARE CONDUCTING RITUALS TO SIPHON VICTIMS’SECRETS, WHICH WILL FUEL THE LICH’S RITUAL TO REMAKE THE MULTIVERSEARTIST: WADE ACUFFhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4612-cubic-gatehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/00-008.cult-of-vecna.pngThroughout the adventure, the characters can learn many secrets. Each chapter’s beginning includes a “Power of Secrets” section that lists each secretthat can be used with these rules. The Secrets Tracker in appendix C helps you keep track of secrets the characters have learned. The Secrets Trackerincludes spoilers, so keep it hidden from the players.Learning SecretsEvery time the characters learn a powerful secret, note it on the Secrets Tracker. Once the characters learn a secret, they can’t learn it again. When onecharacter learns a secret, it counts as a secret learned for the whole party.Revealing SecretsA character can magically spend a secret like currency, revealing it to the multiverse to gain a momentary boon. To do this, the character must use anaction to whisper the secret into the wind. The secret is then gone from the minds of every character in the party. There is one exception; if the charactersspend the secret they learn from Kas in chapter 10 about Vecna’s location, they still know where the lich-god weaves his ritual.When a character spends a secret, every character in the party gains advantage on d20 rolls for 1 minute.The characters might hear the information from the secret again, but they can’t spend a secret more than once. If the characters share a secret with anonplayer character, that secret immediately loses its power and counts as revealed. It remains in the minds of every character in the party, but thecharacters gain no bene�t from revealing the secret.Keeping SecretsWhen the characters confront Vecna in the Cave of Shattered Re�ection in chapter 11, they can use any number of secrets they’ve kept to help thwart thelich-god’s Ritual of Remaking. See chapter 11 for more details about how secrets the characters kept can affect their confrontation with Vecna.Linked to VecnaOnce the characters are metaphysically linked to Vecna and can spend powerful secrets, their connection to the lich-god might manifest in additionalways, at your discretion.For instance, the characters might periodically see mental images of Vecna weaving his ritual in a mysterious, crystal-�lled cave. Or the characters mightdream about foreboding Vecnan images, including the lich-god’s unholy symbol or robed cultists worshiping Vecna. Reminding the characters periodicallyabout the lich-god’s evil plan adds a sense of urgency to the adventure.Challenge RatingsThe Stat Blocks by Challenge Rating table sorts the creatures in this book by challenge rating. It also lists their creature type and where in the book theyappear.Stat Blocks by Challenge RatingCR Stat Block Creature Type Chapter1 Warforged warrior Construct A5 Night scavver Monstrosity A5 Kakkuu spyder-�end Fiend A6 Black rose bearer Undead A6 Moonlight guardian Construct A6 Priest of Osybus Humanoid A7 Blade scout Construct A7 Lost sorrowsworn Monstrosity A8 Bone roc Undead A8 Inquisitor of the Tome Humanoid Ahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/secrets-trackerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-war-of-pandesmoshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/eve-of-ruinhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468343-warforged-warriorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#WarforgedWarriorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2821187-night-scavverhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#NightScavverhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468329-kakkuu-spyder-fiendhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#KakkuuSpyderFiendhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468313-black-rose-bearerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#BlackRoseBearerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468333-moonlight-guardianhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#MoonlightGuardianhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1680942-priest-of-osybushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#PriestofOsybushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468315-blade-scouthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#BladeScouthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2560863-lost-sorrowswornhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#LostSorrowswornhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468317-bone-rochttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#BoneRochttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1680928-inquisitor-of-the-tomehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#InquisitoroftheTomeCR Stat Block Creature Type Chapter8 Star angler Monstrosity A8 Whirling chandelier Construct A9 Blade lieutenant Construct A9 Lonely sorrowsworn Monstrosity,A9 Necromancer wizard Humanoid A10 Eye monger Aberration A10 Mirror shade Undead A11 Degloth Fiend A11 Glaive Humanoid 411 Spiderdragon Monstrosity A11 Vlazok Fiend A12 Blazebear Monstrosity A12 Granite juggernaut Construct A13 Deadbark dryad Fey A13 Adult lunar dragon Dragon A13 Phisarazu spyder-�end Fiend A14 Cadaver collector Construct A14 Hazvongel Fiend A15 Green abishai Fiend A15 Borthak Monstrosity A15 Deathwolf Undead A15 Relentless impaler Fiend A15 Strahd, Master of Death House Undead B17 Blue abishai Fiend A17 Hertilod Monstrosity A17 Quavilithku spyder-�end Fiend A18 Citadel spider Monstrosity A18 Cosmic horror Aberration A19 Red abishai Fiend A19 Raklupis spyder-�end Fiend A19 Lord Soth Undead B19 Tasha the Witch Humanoid B21 Astral dreadnought Monstrosity A21 False lich Undead A21 Alustriel Silverhand Humanoid B22 Camlash Fiend 1023 Kas the Betrayer Undead B23 Windfall Humanoid 824 Miska the Wolf-Spider Fiend B26 Vecna the Archlich Undead Bhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468339-star-anglerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#StarAnglerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468344-whirling-chandelierhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#WhirlingChandelierhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468314-blade-lieutenanthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#BladeLieutenanthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2560862-lonely-sorrowswornhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#LonelySorrowswornhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2560883-necromancer-wizardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#NecromancerWizardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2821163-eye-mongerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#EyeMongerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468331-mirror-shadehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#MirrorShadehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468323-deglothhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Deglothhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468325-glaivehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-ruined-colossus#Glaivehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468338-spiderdragonhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#SpiderDragonhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468342-vlazokhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Vlazokhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468316-blazebearhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Blazebearhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468326-granite-juggernauthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#GraniteJuggernauthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468321-deadbark-dryadhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#DeadbarkDryadhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2821144-adult-lunar-dragonhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#AdultLunarDragonhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468334-phisarazu-spyder-fiendhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#PhisarazuSpyderFiendhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/93826-cadaver-collectorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#CadaverCollectorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468327-hazvongelhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Hazvongelhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/94566-green-abishaihttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#GreenAbishaihttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468318-borthakhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Borthakhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468322-deathwolfhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Deathwolfhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468337-relentless-impalerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#RelentlessImpalerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468340-strahd-master-of-death-househttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#Tashahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/94561-blue-abishaihttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Blueabishaihttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468328-hertilodhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Hertilodhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468335-quavilithku-spyder-fiendhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#QuavilithkuSpyderFiendhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468320-citadel-spiderhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#CitadelSpiderhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2821160-cosmic-horrorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#CosmicHorrorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/94605-red-abishaihttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#RedAbishaihttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468336-raklupis-spyder-fiendhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#RaklupisSpyderFiendhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/3081118-lord-sothhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#LordSothhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468341-tasha-the-witchhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#StrahdvonZarovichhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/93789-astral-dreadnoughthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#AstralDreadnoughthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468324-false-lichhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#FalseLichhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468312-alustriel-silverhandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#AlustrielSilverhandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468319-camlashhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-war-of-pandesmos#Camlashhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468330-kas-the-betrayerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#KastheBetrayerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468345-windfallhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-dragon-queens-pride#Windfallhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468332-miska-the-wolf-spiderhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#MiskatheWolfSpiderhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2590978-vecna-the-archlichhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#VecnaDANGER TO THE MULTIVERSE CH. 2: THE WIZARDS THREEChapter 1: Return from Neverdeath GraveyardAs the adventure begins, the characters are established heroes currently in the city of Neverwinter on the Sword Coast. Several calamities have batteredNeverwinter in the recent past. The greatest was the eruption of nearby Mount Hotenow, which nearly destroyed the city forty years ago, though most ofthe damage has since been repaired.Neverwinter is ruled by its Lord Protector, Dagult Neverember. Rising to power through a tenuous claim of descendance from one of Neverwinter’s pastheroes, Lord Neverember has nevertheless provided stable leadership.Unknown to the authorities, a cult of Vecna operates in the catacombs beneath Neverwinter’s sprawling Neverdeath Graveyard. Cult members have beenkidnapping city residents who carry signi�cant secrets, draining their knowledge and their souls in a fell ritual and passing the collected secrets to Vecnaas he gathers power for his Ritual of Remaking. (See the introduction for more information about Vecna’s plot.) In the process, the kidnap victims becomecreatures robbed of their knowledge and volition.Running This ChapterA BIZARRE RITUAL REVEALS THE CULT OF VECNA’S TERRIFYING ACTIVITIESARTIST: KATERINA LADONhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-threehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#TheRitualofRemakinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-001.vecnas-ritual.jpgIn this chapter, the characters discover a cult of Vecna preparing four kidnap victims for a ritual in the catacombs beneath Hallix Mausoleum. Disruptingthis ritual hurls the characters and an elf scholar named Eldon Keyward into Evernight, Neverwinter’s sinister re�ection in the Shadowfell. To return home,the characters must confront the lonely legacy of the Dolindar family and �nd a rift that leads back to Neverwinter.Character Advancement,The characters should be 10th level when this chapter begins; see the “Lower-Level and Higher-Level Characters” sidebar for accommodating charactersof other levels. If the characters are 10th level or below, they gain a level after returning to Neverwinter from Evernight.Power of SecretsThe characters can learn three secrets in this chapter applicable to the Power of Secrets rules found in this book’s introduction. These secrets are tied tothree NPCs whom the characters encounter in the Neverdeath Catacombs:Indrina’s Secret. A prisoner named Indrina knows that Lord Neverember doesn’t have a legitimate claim to his title. The characters can learn this secret inarea C20.Sarcelle’s Secret. A prisoner named Sarcelle recently received a disturbing vision. The characters can learn about Sarcelle’s recent vision in area C5.Umberto’s Secret. The characters can learn about Umberto’s secret role as a historian of Vecna in area C11.The �rst time the characters learn one of these secrets, they feel a sense that the information they’ve discovered is important. Describe the Power ofSecrets rules to the players at this time, but don’t let them spend any secrets yet. When the characters receive Vecna’s Link, they can spend secrets usingthe Power of Secrets rules, as described in the introduction.Lower-Level and Higher-Level CharactersThis chapter is a preamble to the adventure’s primary plot. You can run this chapter for lower-level characters, adapting it as described below. If yourcharacters are 7th, 8th, or 9th level, remove creatures as noted in the Creatures to Remove table.Additionally, have the marid in area C10 surrender if reduced to fewer than 150 hit points (rather than 100 hit points).Creatures to RemoveArea RemoveC2 Two wightsC7 Two water weirdsC14 Two cult fanaticsC16 One mageC17 Two cult fanaticsC25 One nothicC26 Three nothicsEvernightAwakeningThree ghoulsB1 One vampire spawnIf the characters are 11th level at the start of this chapter, they don’t gain a level for completing it.Getting StartedThis adventure begins when Lord Dagult Neverember summons the characters to his modest villa in Neverwinter. Several local guards are present, as arethree priests of Oghma—a god of inspiration, invention, and knowledge—from Neverwinter’s House of Knowledge.https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17143-maridWhen the characters enter his audience chamber, Lord Neverember is busy discussing politics with his advisers. He breaks off the discussion, gives thecharacters a smile of recognition, and says the following:Lord Neverember describes the kidnap victims as follows:Eldon Keyward is a highly knowledgeable scholar who specializes in the Outer Planes.Indrina Lamsensettle is a human actor who moves in Neverwinter’s highest social circles.Sarcelle Malinosh is a human wild-magic sorcerer who plumbs the mysteries of the Outer Planes.Umberto Noblin is a gnome historian who has written books on various deities.Lord Neverember con�rms that each victim was kidnapped at night. The victims don’t know each other, and there appears to be no connection betweenthem.Lord Neverember funded divinations from the House of Knowledge, hoping to �nd the victims. The priests reported that the mystical trail of the victimsends at a speci�c place: Hallix Mausoleum in Neverdeath Graveyard. The priests worry that their inability to see inside this mausoleum means that anunknown opponent is blocking their divinations.Lord Neverember asks the characters to investigate the disappearances at Hallix Mausoleum. He promises each character a �ne house in Neverwinter ifthey can recover the four missing townspeople and bring the kidnappers to justice.Neverdeath GraveyardLord Neverember and the priests provide an overview of Neverdeath Graveyard, which contains two sprawling, connected cemeteries: the Main Graveyardand the Pauper’s Graveyard. A thick stone wall separates the crypts of the wealthy from the graves of the poor.The Main Graveyard holds several mausoleums, some with expansive underground chambers. The Pauper’s Graveyard features numerous simpleheadstones, but a few civic-minded citizens funded communal catacombs when the graveyard was �rst built.“Greetings, my heroic friends! I’m so glad you came. I daresay, terrible events are afoot. Speci�cally, four prominent citizens have been kidnapped in the past severaldays. May I count on your help in rescuing them?”ARTIST: KATERINA LADONhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-002.kidnapped-nobels.pngIn the GraveyardThe wandering zombies and skeletons of Neverdeath Graveyard don’t pose a challenge to a higher-level party, so the characters can reach HallixMausoleum without trouble. The characters don’t yet realize that the mausoleum leads to a network of catacombs that extends beneath both the MainGraveyard and the Pauper’s Graveyard.General FeaturesThe following features are common throughout the catacombs and chambers.Broken StoneThe old stones used to build the subterranean areas don’t �t together well, leaving space for mold or tangled roots. Vecna’s cultists have scribbledsymbols on the walls, depicting staring eyes and left hands.CeilingsCeilings are 10 feet high in passages and 15 feet high in rooms unless otherwise noted.DoorsDoors throughout the area are made of heavy stone with metal hinges. The cult keeps the doors well-oiled, so they don’t make noise when opened. Alldoors are unlocked unless otherwise noted.LightingAreas C1–C12 are dark, and characters must have darkvision or a light source to see. Cult members frequent areas C13–C26, so lanterns hung on wallhooks create bright light there.Vestiges of the Waterclock GuildPart of the catacombs once belonged to an occult organization called the Waterclock Guild. The guild members are gone, though their bound elementalsand clockwork mechanisms remain. A network of pipes runs through areas C7–C12 and C14–C15, indicated on map 1.1 by solid lines. The sound ofdripping water echoes throughout these areas.Neverdeath Catacomb LocationsThe following locations are keyed to map 1.1.THE CULT OF VECNA HAS KIDNAPPED FOUR NOBLES IN NEVERWINTER: ELDON KEYWARD,INDRINA LAMSENSETTLE, SARCELLE MALINOSH, AND UMBERTO NOBLINARTIST: DYSON LOGOShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/monsters#DarkvisionC1: Hallix MausoleumThe well-oiled door opens noiselessly. The crypt interior is dusty, with numerous tracks leading to a descending staircase at the rear of the room.Against the walls rest six stone co�ns, three on each side. A stone slab engraved with a name, birth year, and death year covers each co�n. Thesemembers of the Hallix family died forty years ago, after Mount Hotenow erupted. The co�ns are empty except for scraps of cloth and bits of bone; thecult’s ghouls ate the former occupants.Noisy Investigations. If the characters make a lot of noise here, the wights in area C2 investigate.C2: Lower MausoleumIf the wights described below moved to investigate area C1, omit the last sentence when reading aloud:The cult pressed �ve wights into service as guards. The wights know the cultists by appearance and don’t attack them, but they attack anyone else.The older Hallix corpses once buried here were fed to the cult’s ghouls.Secret Door. One of the empty co�ns contains no evidence of a former occupant. The back of this co�n hides a panel with a latch that causes the wallbehind it to swing aside. A character who searches the co�n or wall and succeeds on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) checkMAP 1.1: NEVERDEATH CATACOMBSVIEW PLAYER VERSIONThe towering stone mausoleums in Neverdeath Graveyard cluster near the wall separating the Main Graveyard from the Pauper’s,Graveyard to the west. HallixMausoleum is a squat, unassuming granite block in the shadow of larger monuments to the west and south. Its metal double door bears a rusty broken chain and apadlock that hangs off the door.Stone stairs descend from Hallix Mausoleum to a large subterranean chamber with stone co�ns sitting on sturdy shelves. Part of the west wall has collapsed, creatingan opening into another chamber. Marching around the chamber are �ve pale, desiccated warriors wearing wicked-looking armor.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17059-wighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17059-wighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/1.01-neverdeath.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/1.01-neverdeath-player.jpg�nds this secret door. Neither the cultists nor the wights are aware of it. The passageway beyond ends at another secret door that is easily spotted andopened from inside the tunnel. It leads to area C9.Treasure. One open co�n contains four wool cloaks worth 10 gp each and two wide hats worth 5 gp each, which the cultists use to travel inconspicuouslyaboveground. There is also a Potion of Invisibility the cultists were saving for an emergency.C3: Uneven ChamberThis room is inaccessible from the surface since the stairway leading upward has collapsed. See area C5 for more about the padlocked door.C4: Trapped GrateThe iron grate covers a pit that’s 5 feet square and 3 feet deep. The openings in the iron grate are 5 inches square. A character who can reach the harp cancarefully tilt it and slide it through the grate with a successful DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. If this check fails by 5 or more, the harp falls backinto the pit.A cultist of Vecna tried to lever the harp from the pit but fell victim to the trap on the grate. The trap tore away half of the cultist’s jacket—the bloody clothnow at the pit’s bottom—and papers tumbled from the cultist’s pocket and through the grate. After that mishap, the cultists decided not to press their luckand left the treasure alone.Grate Trap. A character can detect the grate’s trap by examining the grate and succeeding on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check. The trap activateswhen more than 10 pounds of pressure is placed on the grate. Poisoned blades extend from grooves in the grate, dealing 14 (4d6) slashing damage towhatever triggered the trap, and if the target of the trap is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 14 (4d6) poisondamage. The trap resets after 1 minute.Notes. The papers detail plans to kidnap a Neverwinter aristocrat named Indrina Lamsensettle. The notes include a map of her estate, schedules of hermovements, and suggestions that she knows an important secret about Lord Neverember. A scrawl in the margin of a note claims that “her secrets willmake a worthy sacri�ce.” (The characters can learn more by examining Jerot’s papers in area C25.)Treasure. The harp is worth 2,500 gp.C5: Sarcelle’s CellThis room’s only door is padlocked from the outside. As an action, a character with thieves’ tools can use them to try to open the lock, doing so with asuccessful DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. The cult’s four mages (in areas C14, C16, and C26) each carry a key to the lock. Because the stone isunevenly set around this door, a character could use an action to try to pull the door aside, doing so with a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check.Roots protrude through cracks in the ceiling here. A stone stairway in the southeast corner has collapsed, and the nearby walls have crumbled. Three doors in the northwall are shut, and the middle door bears a new padlock. To the west, stairs lead to a small balcony that overlooks the room from �ve feet above, with just enough roomfor a door painted with an eye.A metal grate in the �oor of this ten-foot-square room blocks access to a shallow stone pit holding a small gold harp, a handful of loose papers, and a piece of bloodycloth.This old crypt holds a single open co�n containing a few tattered blankets. A pouf of wild black hair sprouts from the end of one of the blankets.ARTIST: KATERINA LADONhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4710-potion-of-invisibilityhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#AthleticsThe cultists repurposed this crypt into a cell for one of their intended ritual victims, Sarcelle Malinosh. Sarcelle is dozing inside the co�n, wrapped in theblankets so only her hair is visible.Sarcelle is a human wild-magic sorcerer whose spellcasting power was stripped during a recent excursion to a distant plane. Until her magic naturallyreturns, Sarcelle has the game statistics of a neutral mage without Spellcasting. She responds to some questions with cryptic-sounding predictions, butshe tries to keep this irritating habit in check.Sarcelle wants help freeing herself; she explains that without her magic, she feels uneasy and would appreciate being escorted from NeverdeathGraveyard. She can make her way home from there.Sarcelle’s Secret. Sarcelle’s psychic explorations showed her a glimpse of a dreadful future. She saw the desiccated �gure of a man levitating off theground, gathering evil energy around himself in glowing wisps. The desiccated man then screamed and the energy exploded, causing something terrible tohappen. This vision terri�ed Sarcelle. A character who interacts with Sarcelle and succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check realizes that something isbothering the sorcerer. If asked about what’s upsetting her, Sarcelle shares her vision.Learning of Sarcelle’s vision counts as a secret for the purposes of the Power of Secrets rules found in this book’s introduction.C6: Supply RoomThe cultists emptied this servants’ crypt to store supplies such as lantern oil, chains, and manacles.Treasure. Among the supplies are two Potions of Poison labeled “Healing Use Only.”C7: Fountain RoomIf the characters minimized the water pressure in area C8, omit the �rst sentence when reading aloud:SARCELLE MALINOSHStone shelves in this room contain boxes and bags. A few crates are stacked against the wall.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Insighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4712-potion-of-poisonhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-003.sarcelle-malinosh.pngSee area C11 for more information about the padlocked door.A water elemental and two water weirds live in the 25-foot-deep fountain. These creatures are indifferent toward intruders and attack only in self-defense.Once bound to serve the Waterclock Guild, they’re now free but enjoy the perpetual “rain” here. The cult bullies these Elementals, so they remain sulkingunder the water’s surface. Determined not to stand for further intrusion, the Elementals rise to attack anyone other than cultists. The water weirdsconsider the water elemental their leader. If reduced to fewer than 50 hit points, the water elemental retreats to the basin’s bottom with any surviving waterweirds.The water elemental enjoys conversation but speaks Aquan only. Characters who are able to communicate with the water elemental can learn thefollowing from it:Cult Activity. Cultists who worship,a god whose symbol is a hand and an eye recently moved into nearby rooms.Neighbor. A �sh-headed creature named Shanzezim lives in area C10.Prisoner. The cultists locked a small creature in an adjacent room (area C11).Treasure. A silver bracelet set with seven small diamonds fell to the bottom of the basin. It’s worth 150 gp.C8: East Pressure RoomThe wheels control the water pressure through the pipes, but they lack gauges to show how turning the wheels affects the pressure. A character candetermine that the water �ows west, as well as how to maximize or minimize the water pressure, with an hour of trial and error. A character who succeedson a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers this information in only 10 minutes. Alternatively, the marid Shanzezim in area C10 can describehow to work the wheels.Minimum Pressure. If the characters minimize the water pressure, the nozzles in area C7 stop �owing.Maximum Pressure. If the characters maximize the water pressure here and in area C12, the basins in areas C14 and C15 start to over�ow. After 10minutes, those areas become di�cult terrain due to �ooding. Five minutes after that, the denizens of area C14 come to investigate areas C8 and C12,Rusted pipes run along the walls and ceiling, and water �ows from nozzles in the ceiling pipes. In the center of the room is a deep stone basin that’s set into the �oorand �lled to the brim. The surface ripples, revealing several watery creatures inside. To the south, a closed door is padlocked.Pipes along the south wall of this room disappear into the walls near the ceiling. A complicated series of cogs and four hand-turned wheels connect to the pipes.MANY OF VECNA’S CULTISTS INNEVERDEATH GRAVEYARD BEAR TATTOOSOF THE LICH-GOD’S UNHOLY SYMBOLARTIST: COUPLEOFKOOKShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17051-water-elementalhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17208-water-weirdhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17143-maridhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#DifficultTerrainhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-004.vecna-cult-symbol.pngbringing along both ghouls from area C17. The cultists shout about “teaching those meddling elementals a lesson” as they arrive, allowing the characterstime to set up an ambush or another ploy.C9: Clockwork AlcoveThe cogs here are jammed together and don’t move. Whatever mechanism they connect to is inoperable.Secret Door. One cog on the north wall doesn’t connect to anything else on the wall around it. A creature must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence(Investigation) check to �nd this loose cog. When turned, the cog causes part of the wall to slide away as a secret door. The cultists aren’t aware of thisdoor. The small passageway beyond ends at another secret door that is easily spotted and opened from inside the tunnel. It leads to area C2.C10: Improvised WorkshopThe creature is a marid named Shanzezim. The marid was bound by the Waterclock Guild and can’t leave the crypts belonging to that organization, eventhough Shanzezim believes the Waterclock Guild has been defunct for years. Not quite ready to test the binding to make an escape, the marid spends timehere trying to reassemble one of the Waterclock Guild’s most intricate clocks.If the water elemental in area C7 �ed here, it informed Shanzezim about intruders in the area, so the marid attacks right away to drive off the characters.Otherwise, the marid asks the characters what they want. If a �ght breaks out, the marid surrenders if reduced to fewer than 100 hit points or if thecharacters insist that they aren’t with the cult.Shanzezim’s Lore. If the characters talk to the marid and reassure Shanzezim they’re not part of the cult, Shanzezim offers the characters a gold-colored�ywheel from the disassembled clock. The marid is chatty and can share the following pieces of information:Rusty standpipes and interlocking cogs cover the walls of this small alcove.THE MARID SHANZEZIM IS BOUND TO THE CRYPTS AND SPENDS TIME TINKERING WITH CLOCKS IN AN IMPROVISED WORKSHOPARTIST: LUCA BANCONERubble chokes the southeast corner of the room, leaving only a small gap near the uneven ceiling. Some of the rubble has been reassembled into a low table, whichbears small clockwork components. A hulking, �sh-headed creature wearing exquisite silk �nery carefully examines the tiny parts.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17143-maridhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17051-water-elementalhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-005.marid-shanzezim.pngClock Assembly. Shanzezim decided to reassemble a mechanical clock the Waterclock Guild left behind. The marid believes the thousands of parts are allhere and reassembly shouldn’t take more than another few years. The length of time doesn’t bother Shanzezim, since the marid enjoys the work.Cult Activity. Cruel cultists bully the Elementals in the next room and are keeping a prisoner nearby. The prisoner is a gnome whom Shanzezim hasn’t yetmet.Pipe System. The pipes running through this area lead to a part of the crypt where Shanzezim can’t go, but to which the pipes’ water �ows. Shanzezimdescribes how to maximize and minimize the water pressure in areas C8 and C12, opining with delight that turning the �ow to maximum pressure in bothareas should �ood out the recently arrived cultists in short order.Waterclock Guild. Shanzezim is bound to a portion of the catacombs once controlled by a vanished organization of arti�cers and geomancers called theWaterclock Guild. Additional guild catacombs lie past the collapsed portion of this room, but they hold nothing of interest.Beyond the Rubble. It takes several days of labor to clear the rubble so creatures can pass through it, but Shanzezim is right about there being nothingrelevant beyond it. If the characters are determined to explore the other Waterclock Guild chambers, you can invent water-themed or clockwork-baseddenizens and traps for them to encounter.Treasure. The clock parts include a gold-colored �ywheel that isn’t a part of the clock Shanzezim is trying to assemble. The �ywheel thus doesn’t interestthe marid, who gives it to the characters. The gold-colored �ywheel is magical and has the properties of a Stone of Good Luck.C11: Umberto’s CellThis room’s only door is padlocked from the outside with a new, sturdy lock. As an action, a character with thieves’ tools can try to use them to open thelock, doing so with a successful DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. The cult’s four mages (in areas C14, C16, and C26) each carry a key that unlocksit. If the characters are friendly with the water elemental (see area C7) or Shanzezim (see area C10), either is happy to �ow into the crack around the doorand burst it open from the inside, much to the surprise of this room’s occupant, Umberto Noblin.Water leaks down the walls of this cell and pools on the �oor near a rusty drain. A dejected gnome sits on a sodden mattress in one corner.UMBERTO NOBLINARTIST: KATERINA LADONhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4773-stone-of-good-luck-luckstonehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17051-water-elementalhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-006.umberto-noblin.pngUmberto Noblin is a gnome historian who is eager to escape Neverdeath Graveyard. Umberto has the game statistics of a lawful neutral mage withoutSpellcasting.Umberto’s Secret. Umberto knows that cultists of Vecna are his kidnappers, as he’s one of Neverwinter’s preeminent experts on Vecna’s history. He initiallykeeps his expertise from the characters lest they think he’s in league with the cult.To,keep his mind off of the nightmare of his capture and imprisonment, Umberto focuses on complaining about the poor cuisine. If the characters freeUmberto and share some tasty food with him, he reveals his expertise in Vecna’s history. Umberto especially likes food created with or by magic, such asberries from the Goodberry spell.If Umberto reveals his role as a historian of Vecna, it’s all he can talk about. He discusses his latest clandestine research project: the ancient rivalrybetween Vecna and his treacherous lieutenant, the vampire Kas. The historian has kept this research to himself so other scholars don’t beat him topublication; Umberto knows he’s a slow writer. The gnome’s chattering should be endearing rather than irritating, and you can use Umberto to impart basichistory about Vecna and Kas as described in the introduction.Learning about Umberto’s secret research topic counts as a secret for the purposes of the Power of Secrets rules in this book’s introduction.C12: West Pressure RoomThe wheels control the pipes’ water pressure. As in area C8, a character can determine how to maximize or minimize the water pressure with an hour oftrial and error, with 10 minutes of trial and error if a character succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation check), or with Shanzezim’s instructions.Minimum Pressure. Minimizing the pressure here doesn’t affect the nozzles in area C7.Maximum Pressure. If the characters maximize the water pressure both here and in area C12, the basins in areas C14 and C15 start to over�ow (see areaC8 for more information).C13: Wall CrossingThis room is set into the wall separating Neverdeath’s Main Graveyard and Pauper’s Graveyard. This room lets the cultists pass between the twograveyards without venturing aboveground.Arriving cultists ring speci�c bells in a predetermined pattern, based on their rank, so cultists in the common room (area C14) can prepare an appropriatewelcome. If the characters ring the bells without knowing their signi�cance and patterns, the cultists in area C14 are alert to trouble.C14: Common RoomA neutral evil mage and four neutral evil cult fanatics occupy this room. The mage, a sneering, human bully named Oxtu, insists the cult fanatics call himby his formal title of “Teeth of Vecna.” In turn, he refers to them as “Memories of Vecna,” their rank. Oxtu likes to describe violent methods of coercingsecrets from people, and the cult fanatics hang on his words. Oxtu carries keys that unlock all the prisoner cells (areas C5, C11, C18, and C20).The cultists are quick to �ght intruders. The fanatics try to stay out of the way of Oxtu’s spells, but Oxtu makes no effort to exclude them. The cultists all�ght to the death.Pipes climb the north wall, disappearing near the ceiling. A complicated series of cogs and three hand-turned wheels connect to the pipes.This small room appears to be a crossroads between different parts of the graveyard. Steep stairs descend from the east and west sides of this room. Four bells ofdifferent sizes hang from leather cords a�xed to the ceiling.Tables and chairs in this crypt are arranged to create a meeting room or mess hall. Water drips from a pipe into a basin in the southeast corner beneath a detailedimage of a staring eye gripped in a withered hand. Five robed cultists are in this room, with one bullying the rest.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/goodberryhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#KasandVecnahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16836-cult-fanaticA Noisy Fight. Loud noise here rouses the two mages dozing in area C16.Unholy Basin. The cultists desecrated the basin by placing iconography of Vecna above it. Creatures that aren’t devotees of Vecna that drink from thebasin must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or have the poisoned condition for 1 hour. Cultists who suspect a lack of true devotion fromtheir compatriots challenge each other to drink from the basin to prove their faith. If the characters come in disguise as devotees of Vecna, the cultistsdemand that they prove their faith by taking a drink.C15: KitchenThis kitchen remains empty except during mealtimes, and no one bothers to keep it clean. Removing the utensils from the basin reveals a wide drain.C16: Subleader QuartersTwo neutral evil mages, an elf man named Hannel and a human woman named Algra, rest here. They are surly, taciturn zealots who venerated Vecna insecret for decades before joining the cult. They love exercising their authority over junior cultists. Each wears a necklace of human teeth in honor of theirtitles within the cult hierarchy as “Teeth of Vecna.” They each carry a key to the prisoner cells (areas C5, C11, C18, and C20).The mages are quick to �ght if they spot intruders, since they don’t want the cult exposed. They are determined to vanquish intruders and prove their worthto the cult, even if it means �ghting to the death.Secret Door. An urn in a nook on the south wall rotates, sliding aside a wall panel that leads to a short tunnel between this room and area C25. A characterwho searches the room and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check �nds the secret door and the means to open it. The mages know about thesecret passage, but none of the cult fanatics do. At the far end of the secret passage is another secret door easily spotted and opened from inside thetunnel.C17: LibraryThis small crypt has been converted into a kitchen. Dirty utensils soak in a large basin to the east. A stone co�n serves as a �repit; the co�n’s lid has been repurposedas a table, which bears platters of dried fruit, nuts, and meat.Bones in nooks along this wall were pushed aside to make room for folded robes and other personal effects. Four narrow cots lie against the north wall. A robed humanand a robed elf each rest on a cot.ARTIST: MARK BEHMhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Poisonedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-007.vecnan-cultist-library.pngFour chaotic evil cult fanatics are supervising two ghouls trying to reorganize the jumble of books the cultists brought to this tomb. The library belongs toAyren Griffynstone, a human Neverwinter historian. The room hasn’t fared well in the graveyard’s upheavals, and the uneven �oor makes this room di�cultterrain.As Vecna is a god of knowledge as well as secrets, the cultists all contributed their personal libraries to this collection. Each of the cult fanatics has theirown ideas about how this hodgepodge of eclectic works should be organized, so the ghouls labor under constant streams of con�icting directions.Everyone here is on edge and grateful for the distraction of a �ght. If the �ght turns against the fanatics, one tries to escape through the secret door tofetch the demons in area C19.Secret Door. One shelf swings back to reveal a secret passage to area C19. A character who searches the shelves and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence(Investigation) check �nds the secret door and the means to open it. All the cultists know about this secret door. At the far end of the secret passage isanother secret door easily spotted and opened from inside the tunnel.Treasure. The collection of sinister books, many of which are duplicates, includes a few valuable tomes. A book describing the Eye of Vecna and Hand ofVecna is a masterpiece of writing and artistic illumination worth,450 gp. A book of nonsensical poetry titled Quite Good Verse has a gold-plated cover andis worth 200 gp. A book about Neverwinter’s history contains a Spell Scroll of Greater Invisibility and a Spell Scroll of Major Image folded in its pages.The characters can �nd these treasures with 10 minutes of dedicated searching.C18: Vacant CellThis room has a padlock outside like the other prisoner cells, but the lock hangs open.The planar scholar Eldon Keyward occupied this cell for many miserable days. He was taken to the ritual cage in area C26, so his cell isn’t locked.Eldon’s Notebook. Anyone searching the blankets �nds Eldon’s prize possession: a small notebook �lled with his cramped writing about extraplanarintersections, planar conjunctions, and similar esoterica.C19: Demon LairThe two barlguras here work as the cult’s kidnappers. With little to do until the next kidnapping spree other than guard the imprisoned aristocrat in areaC20, the demons spend their time scratching out the names on the memorial plates with their claws.Secret Door. One of the nameplates pivots to reveal a secret passage to area C17. A character who searches the room and succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom(Perception) check �nds the secret door and the means to open it. The demons don’t know about the secret door, but the cultists do. At the far end of thesecret passage is another secret door easily spotted and opened from inside the tunnel.C20: Indrina’s CellThis room’s only obvious door is padlocked from the outside with a sturdy, new lock. As an action, a character with thieves’ tools can use them to try toopen the lock, doing so with a successful DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. Each of the cult’s four mages (in areas C14, C16, and C26) carries a keyVECNAN CULTISTS KEEP A REPOSITORY OF INFORMATION AND SCROLLS IN A MAKESHIFT LIBRARY IN THE CATACOMBSThe long, low shelves of this room are canted at irregular angles due to the uneven stones in the �oor. The shelves are crammed with books, scrolls, and folios. Fourrobed cultists stand near the south shelves instructing two ghouls to tidy up the books.A stone co�n rests against the north wall, its top carved to look like pages of an open book. Engraved on the book’s pages is a name: Ayren Griffynstone.This squalid cell contains nothing but a bucket and a small heap of �lthy blankets.Hundreds of names are etched into metal plates set into the walls of this room, many scratched over and unreadable. Two hulking, red-furred, apelike creatures stalkaround the room.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16836-cult-fanatichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16872-ghoulhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#DifficultTerrainhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#DifficultTerrainhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/11112-eye-of-vecnahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/11114-hand-of-vecnahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/11114-hand-of-vecnahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5418-spell-scrollhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/greater-invisibilityhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5418-spell-scrollhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/major-imagehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17110-barlgurahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandto it. Once the characters open the door, read the following:The prisoner is a human actor named Indrina Lamsensettle. Indrina’s normally haughty demeanor has diminished in her imprisonment, though she’sdetermined to make the cult pay once she escapes. Indrina dreams of returning to her estate, cleaning up, and dousing herself in perfumes. She doesn’tknow anything about Vecna or what the cult has in store for her; she believes that Lord Neverember is behind her imprisonment. Indrina has the gamestatistics of a lawful neutral noble but is unarmed and unarmored.Secret Door. Part of the south wall swings aside when shoved. The short hall beyond leads to the latrine and smells even worse than Indrina’s cell. Acharacter who searches this room and succeeds on a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check �nds the secret door. Indrina doesn’t know the door is there.Indrina’s Secret. Indrina collected information from skilled genealogists and assembled proof that Lord Neverember isn’t descended from Neverwinter’sgreat hero, Lord Nasher Alagondar, as he claims. Indrina assumes Lord Neverember wants to silence her for what she’s discovered.If the characters admit to working for Lord Neverember, Indrina doesn’t reveal what she knows. A character who asks why Indrina is here without revealingwho hired the characters can attempt a DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check, with advantage if Indrina is given perfume or otherwise removed from thecell’s offensive smell. On a success, Indrina reveals her secret knowledge.Learning Indrina’s discovery counts as a secret for the purposes of the Power of Secrets rules in this book’s introduction. Lord Neverember casuallydismisses Indrina’s accusation if it’s later brought to his attention, insisting that the woman can’t prove anything.C21: Haunted RoomThe outside of this door bears a large “X” painted on it in red.The cultists disturbed two wraiths bound to the urns while ransacking the room. The cultists quickly retreated and haven’t been back. The wraiths emergefrom the dust and ash when anyone opens the door, shrieking, “Vecnans, die!” They vent their rage on nearby creatures, preferring to attack cultists. Thewraiths �ght until destroyed.This crypt smells like a sewer. A woman sits on a mattress atop a low shelf, her once-�ne clothing in tatters and a silk scarf wrapped around her face.INDRINA LAMSENSETTLEARTIST: KATERINA LADONSeveral urns lie shattered across the �oor of this room amid heaps of ash and bone dust.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16966-noblehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17064-wraithhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-008.indrina-lamsensettle.pngC22: LatrineSecret Door. The north wall of this disgusting room swings aside when a particular stone is pressed. A character who searches the room and succeeds ona DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check �nds the secret door. All the cultists know about this secret door and open it from time to time to waft the smellinto Indrina’s cell (area C20).C23: CorridorThe Vecnan cult leader, Jerot Galgin, used a dreadful ritual to drain the cultist of her knowledge and vitality. This cultist, as well as other people whosesecrets the cult have sacri�ced to Vecna, has the game statistics of a zombie. The cultist is a Humanoid rather than Undead and isn’t immune to poisondamage or the poisoned condition. She is dressed like the other cult members and doesn’t attack anyone dressed like cultists.Made an Example. Raina Kairls was caught planning to betray the cult to Neverwinter’s guards. Jerot �rst tested the sacri�cial ritual on Raina and thinksshe serves as a useful reminder of the price of betrayal.C24: Empty CryptsThese four rooms are empty.C25: Leader’s RoomThis �lthy latrine is merely a deep pit with a few boards across it. The stink is overpowering.A shu�ing cultist bearing a vacant expression moves through the corridor. Several narrow doorways lead off this long hall.This narrow doorway leads into a small, empty crypt.This large room has been furnished to resemble a cozy bedroom and study. Stooped over a desk and scribbling furiously on a parchment,is a gaunt, robed human man.Standing next to the desk is a one-eyed, bipedal horror with spikes growing out of its back. Tapestries depicting feasting undead creatures hang on the wall.ARTIST: OLIVIER BERNARDhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17077-zombiehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#PoisonedThe cult’s leader is a neutral evil, human necromancer wizard (see appendix A) named Jerot Galgin. A loyal nothic assistant named Maszundrin neverleaves Jerot’s side. A devotee of Vecna, Maszundrin learned Common while lurking in the catacombs for decades and considers the cultists vital servantsof the lich-god.Jerot is an aristocrat who has lived his entire life in Neverwinter. He has built his deep faith in Vecna and vast necromantic knowledge over many years,right under the noses of his peers. He’s engaging in this current research while his friends and family believe him to be on an extended trip to Waterdeep.Jerot considers his secret life as a cult leader, or the “Thought of Vecna,” to be yet another way to honor his evil patron.Jerot is re�ning the ritual occurring in the Sacri�ce Gallery (area C26) and is too focused on his work to be distracted by combat elsewhere in thecatacombs. He trusts his minions to handle any trouble. If intruders reach Jerot’s personal chamber, he commands the nothic to enter melee while he�ghts from a distance, summoning Undead defenders if the nothic falls. Jerot fears exposure more than anything else and thus �ghts to the death.Jerot’s Papers. Jerot’s notes on the ritual describe draining and sacri�cing a victim’s secrets and knowledge to Vecna. His notes illustrate the �rst test ofthe ritual, which used a disloyal cultist as the victim. For his future attempts, Jerot has chosen townspeople from Neverwinter whom he believes haveparticularly meaningful secrets. Their secrets are the cultists’ best offerings to Vecna.A character who examines Jerot’s notes and succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check �nds mention of magical phenomena called“Crevices of Dusk” that sometimes appear in Neverwinter. The notes indicate that these magical gateways connect to a plane populated by Undead, butit’s clear Jerot doesn’t know much more than that. His notes indicate his resolve to learn more after he �nishes his current experiments in stealing andoffering secrets to Vecna.Secret Door. A tapestry depicting a feasting ghoul conceals a secret, sliding door leading to a short tunnel between this room and area C16. A characterwho searches behind the tapestry and succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check �nds the secret door. Once inside the secret passage, a charactercan easily spot and open the secret door at the opposite end.C26: Sacri�ce GalleryJEROT GALGINThis enormous room features raised galleries at the east and west ends. Six chanting �gures ring the east gallery, their hands raised toward a spherical cage hangingfrom the 30-foot-tall ceiling. The ritual’s leader chants from the west balcony, surrounded by hunched, one-eyed creatures with knobby hides. A terri�ed elf struggles inthe dangling cage.ARTIST: KATERINA LADONhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2560883-necromancer-wizardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#NecromancerWizardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17092-nothichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17092-nothichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-009.jerot-galgin.pngThis room’s �oor is 10 feet lower than the raised galleries.The room is �lled with cultists engaged in an extensive, hours-long ritual to sacri�ce the elf Eldon Keyward’s secrets to Vecna. The ritual leader is a tall,proud, neutral evil mage named Kendri Nex. The �ve nothics around her attack intruders on sight. Kendri uses her magic defensively, retreating to theroom’s �oor if pressed. Kendri carries keys that unlock all the prisoner cells (areas C5, C11, C18, and C20), but if the characters haven’t already rescued theother prisoners, they might not have the chance to do so, as the encounter likely ends with them being shunted through a planar rift.The six neutral evil cult fanatics on the raised east gallery don’t �ght, since they fear interrupting the complicated ritual. They maintain their chanting andwild gesticulations.The Cage. Eldon is a lawful good elf priest who follows Deneir, a god of writing and knowledge. He can’t cast spells while he’s in the cage. Eldon’s cagehangs from a sturdy chain that ends 20 feet above the ground. The door on the cage’s side is latched but not locked. Any character who can reach thecage can open its door as an action.Fight’s EndThis �ght ends immediately if the characters kill Kendri, silence any of the cult fanatics, or attempt to free Eldon. Energy from the interrupted ritual opens alatent planar rift that shunts Eldon and the characters into the Shadowfell:Escaping EvernightThe cult’s disrupted ritual thrusts the characters (along with Eldon) through a Crevice of Dusk, a gap between the Material Plane and the Shadowfell city ofEvernight, a gloomy re�ection of Neverwinter. The Crevice of Dusk closes immediately after shunting the characters.The characters experience the following vision:ELDON KEYWARDA riot of silvery-purple energy �lls the room. You feel a sense of space tearing open—then you’re falling, and everything goes dark.Around the world and across the planes, you perceive innumerable cults of Vecna. They snatch away people and strip their secrets in rituals like the one you stopped.Behind them, the withered form of Vecna gathers the secrets like threads, adding them to a glowing sphere of hidden knowledge in some impossibly distant place. Thevision fades into darkness, leaving only Vecna’s glaring left eye.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17092-nothichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16836-cult-fanatichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16985-priesthttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-010.eldon-keyward.pngLink to VecnaThe characters each gain a metaphysical link to Vecna, which follows the rules for blessings presented in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Vecna’s Link is theresult of feedback from the interrupted ritual. Vecna is unaware the characters—or anyone, for that matter—are linked with him, so the god has no reasonto sever the tie. The link can manifest as subtly or as obviously as each player wishes, from the sensation of a speci�c smell when the character thinks ofVecna to a loud noise only they hear when the lich’s name is uttered.When the characters acquire this link, remind them about the Power of Secrets rules. Allow them to spend any secrets they’ve gained so far as usual.EvernightEvernight is a forlorn metropolis in the Shadowfell. It has geography similar to Neverwinter’s, but it presents as Neverwinter’s dismal opposite. The sunnever shines on Evernight, and ash-laden fog rises from lava �owing through the city in place of Neverwinter River, choking the city.While Neverwinter is �lled with living creatures trying to build a better future, Evernight is populated by Undead—primarily vampires and ghouls—who preyon each other and on travelers.Evernight is a crossroads of trade in the Shadowfell and hosts numerous markets, including the lively Corpse Market. There, undead merchants trade inthe bodies and blood of the dead—sometimes, the very recently dead.Evernight AwakeningSince the characters were underground in Neverwinter’s graveyard when shunted to Evernight, they’re similarly underground in Evernight’s graveyard.Each character appears within an open co�n. The,co�ns are jumbled near each other in a large, 10-foot-deep grave pit.Vecna’s Link. You gain a special intuition for secrets. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks. In addition, you can use an action to cast See Invisibility withoutexpending a spell slot. Once you cast that spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you �nish a long rest.EVERNIGHT IS A DISMAL MIRROR IN THE SHADOWFELL OF THE CITY OF NEVERWINTER.THE SUN NEVER SHINES HERE, AND ASHEN FOG CHOKES THE SKYARTIST: CALDER MOOREhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmg/other-rewards#Blessingshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Insighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/see-invisibilityhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-011.evernight.pngTwelve ghouls prowl the area around the party’s grave pit. Characters in the grave pit hear the hungry shouts and slavering of approaching ghouls, and youcan further ramp up the tension by concealing the total number of ghouls until a character emerges from the pit to look around. The co�n-�lled bottom ofthe grave pit is di�cult terrain. The muddy, sloping sides require a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to ascend, but moving down them doesn’trequire a check.Eldon’s Latest Imprisonment. In addition to the open co�ns for each character, the grave pit contains another co�n wedged into the dirt and nailed shut.Eldon Keyward is con�ned within it.Eldon grunts for aid and pounds at the wood. Unless a character uses an action to open Eldon’s co�n, he kicks a side panel free and squirms out after 1minute of effort. If the �ght with the ghouls is still going on, Eldon helps as best he can.Once the �ght is over, Eldon shares the following information, either all at once or in fragments:The characters have little to go on other than Eldon’s suggestion. Other explorations of Evernight are both dangerous and fruitless, so you shouldeventually steer the party back to the market even if they venture elsewhere.The characters don’t have other encounters as they make their way through Evernight’s graveyard, though they hear howls and cries through the fog thatlet them know the graveyard isn’t a safe place to linger.Eldon’s Notebook. If the characters found Eldon’s notebook and return it to him, he’s grateful and immediately starts adding notes about the Shadowfelland Evernight.The Corpse MarketEverything in the market exhibits pale, subdued colors, but the atmosphere is lively as ghouls, skeletons, and vampires meander from stall to stall.The Market’s GoodsGoods for sale in the Corpse Market include ghoulish remains intended for consumption, such as �ngers pickled in brine, jars of blood, and wrappedorgans. Shops sell bouquets of dead �owers, frayed burial �nery, jewelry displayed on severed hands, elegant canopic jars, and the like.Market ClienteleThe Corpse Market occasionally sees living visitors, though the characters are the only ones present now. If the characters don’t attempt to hide ordisguise themselves, they receive sidelong stares from merchants and customers. Everyone assumes the characters wouldn’t be here unless they wereunder the protection of an in�uential �gure in the city or were powerful travelers in their own right.Meeting Sangora“Very bad, but not surprising. I don’t know if the cultists planned to send us here, but here we are. Neverwinter has cracks between our world and the Shadowfell—Crevices of Dusk, they’re called. Planar travelers sometimes slip through.“We’re in a nasty city called Evernight. It’s an evil echo of Neverwinter, populated by undead. We arrived in Evernight’s graveyard because we left from Neverwinter’sgraveyard.“There’s no evidence of the crevice we came through. It doesn’t surprise me that it’s gone; stable crevices are rarer than spontaneous ones. But we need a stable one toget back to Neverwinter.“We shouldn’t spend a lot of time traipsing through an undead-infested metropolis, hoping to stumble across a gateway to Neverwinter. That feels unsafe. Maybe weshould ask around inconspicuously. There’s a market east of the Neverwinter Graveyard, which means it’s likely there’s a market east of Evernight’s graveyard, too. Butwe should be careful.”The wall around Evernight’s graveyard is riddled with gaps, and the ground near it is covered in fallen rubble, so leaving the graveyard is easy. Directly east of thegraveyard, a large market stretches for blocks in every direction. Tattered canvas and shrouds separate the numerous stalls. Feeble moonlight and �ickering torchesilluminate the city, regardless of the time of day.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16872-ghoulhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#DifficultTerrainhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#AthleticsShortly after the characters enter the Corpse Market, they draw the attention of a vampire merchant named Sangora. When she sees the characters, shespreads her cloak wide and shows sharp fangs in her smile. She says:Sangora is a centuries-old vampire with sunken eyes and a shock of long, white hair. She is inquisitive and happy to gossip.If the characters don’t seem inclined to speak with Sangora, Eldon blurts out a question about �nding a Crevice of Dusk.Sangora sells information at a higher pro�t than she sells blood, and she’s full of useful tidbits about the city. She charges 20 gp for each question sheanswers, but she also accepts an answer to a probing question instead of payment (primarily about where the characters came from, how they got here,and what they’re looking for in Evernight). Sangora isn’t looking for a �ght.Sangora can share the following points:Evernight. Sangora provides background about the city of Evernight, as presented above.Neverwinter. Sangora hasn’t been to Neverwinter in more than a decade and remembers the place as a lawless ruin. At that time, the populace viewedLord Neverember as a manipulative tyrant. Sangora knows that gateways called Crevices of Dusk occasionally appear in Evernight and allow passage toand from Neverwinter.Crevices of Dusk. Sangora explains that residents of both Evernight and Neverwinter dislike these portals being used indiscriminately. Those who knowthe location of stable Crevices of Dusk either guard or hide them.Stable Crevice of Dusk. Sangora tilts her head with a thoughtful look before revealing that she knows of a stable Crevice of Dusk in a tomb of one ofEvernight’s former living families, the Dolindars. The Dolindar tomb is in Evernight’s graveyard, and Sangora provides true directions to it.Dolindars. Sangora explains that the Dolindar family was exiled to the Shadowfell for reasons they never shared. The family studied wizardry and knewmuch about planar gates despite being unable to use them due to a family curse. They were miserable and lonely in life.“I am Sangora, proprietor of Sangora Sanguinaries. You’re not likely interested in a cup of warm blood, but perhaps you need something else? Something moreephemeral, like directions? Or knowledge? I’ve been in this city a long, long time.”SANGORAARTIST: ZUZANNA WUZYKhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17043-vampirehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-012.sangora.pngDolindar TombThe party’s best next stop is the Dolindar tomb, in a part of Evernight’s graveyard the characters haven’t yet seen. When the characters are ready to explorethe Dolindar tomb, Sangora can point the way.General FeaturesThe following features are common throughout the Dolindar tomb.Unending IsolationThe tomb isn’t precisely haunted, but the isolation the Dolindars felt living in a city of the dead suffuses their tomb. Creatures in the tomb or the porticooutside it can’t muster the will to support others,and thus can’t take the Help action.Stone ConstructionThe tomb is made of old, durable stone.LightingThe tomb is dark. Area descriptions assume the characters have a light source or some other means of seeing in the dark.DoorsThe heavy doors throughout the tomb are made of stone and grind noisily when open and shut. No doors are locked except the puzzle door in area B5.CeilingsCeilings are 10 feet high throughout the tomb.Dolindar Tomb LocationsThe following locations are keyed to map 1.2.B1: PorticoMAP 1.2: DOLINDAR TOMBVIEW PLAYER VERSIONARTIST: DYSON LOGOShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/combat#Helphttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/1.02-dolindar-tomb.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/1.02-dolindar-tomb-player.jpgFour vampire spawn catch up to the party when the characters reach the door to the tomb. After the characters left her, Sangora detailed her conversationto her vampire spawn assistants. The spawn decided to make a meal of the characters, assuming that Sangora would never discover their per�dy.The ground in the portico is swept and free of weeds, thanks to the efforts of the ghost Newmy (see area B2). The entrance to the tomb isn’t locked. Itopens onto a small room containing a steep spiral staircase leading 20 feet downward.B2: HallThe lesser-known Dolindars are interred here, buried in the alcoves behind the slabs. The images of the dead and their names have worn away. If thecharacters open these slabs, they �nd only dust and bones inside.The piece of paper is on a slab in front of an open nook that never held a dead Dolindar. Instead, a ghost custodian named Newmy lives inside. She’sa�xed a piece of paper with “Newmy’s Room” written on it in Common. If anyone approaches the slab, Newmy pops out, sputtering apologies.Newmy is a lawful neutral ghost who was once a moon elf. She can cast Prestidigitation at will. Newmy isn’t quite �ve feet tall, and she has frizzy bluehair and pale skin shot through with blue veins. She’s not interested in �ghting, since �ghts make messes.Talking with Newmy. Newmy would rather talk than �ght. She shares the following points:Crypt Cleaner. The Dolindars hired Newmy and paid her several lifetimes of wages up-front to keep their tomb clean shortly after the tomb was built—more years ago than Newmy can remember. When Newmy died, she returned as a ghost to continue her duties for as long as she was contracted.Lonely Family. The Dolindars were all lonely, and there weren’t many of them. They didn’t like Evernight but couldn’t leave it for some reason.Puzzle Buttons. Newmy doesn’t know anything about a rift or a Crevice of Dusk, but she remembers some “puzzle buttons” deeper in the tomb that shedoesn’t know how to work. Maybe they lead somewhere special.A roof supported by stone pillars extends from the Dolindar tomb into the weedy yard of uneven earth. The stone door to the tomb is engraved with the word“DOLINDAR” above it.Upright slabs are set into the walls of this large burial chamber. Each slab is carved with the faded likeness of a different robed human above indecipherable writing.One of these slabs is blank with a piece of paper stuck to it.NEWMYARTIST: NIKKI DAWEShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17044-vampire-spawnhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16871-ghosthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/prestidigitationhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-014.newmy-ghost.pngRestless Dead. Newmy doesn’t go through the doors at the end of the hall anymore. The Dolindars buried down there “aren’t resting right,” and Newmy isafraid of them. She hasn’t been that way in years and doesn’t remember what’s there.Newmy’s Room. Newmy rests in a burial nook large enough to hold the corpse of a Medium creature. The nook contains old rags and a decrepit broom.Newmy considers it her personal space and grumbles if anyone seems intent on disturbing it.B3: Lost DolindarsThe Dolindar siblings buried here were warped into two lost sorrowsworn (see appendix A). A visible sorrowsworn shrieks in rage and attacks anyone shecan see. A second sorrowsworn is resting inside one of the broken co�ns, initially out of sight but quick to join his sibling in a �ght. The sorrowsworn �ghtuntil destroyed.Treasure. The rubble includes the nameplates that once adorned the co�ns. One reads, “Nolan Dolindar, Beloved Brother” and the other reads, “EvishaDolindar, Beloved Sister.” Each silver nameplate is worth 75 gp.B4: VaultCarvings encircling the base of each pedestal read, “What good are treasures when home is denied?”Treasure. The following Dolindar family treasures sit atop the pedestals:2,200 gp in neatly stacked pilesA golden helmet worth 280 gpA Driftglobe with a map of the gate towns of the Outlands carved on itA Necklace of Adaptation bearing the inscription “My breath is yours, Kevetta—take it”A book titled Out of the Endless Prison, outlining methods of escaping the prison-plane of Carceri, worth 500 gp to a planar scholar (such as Eldon,who promises to buy the book once returned to Neverwinter)A snow globe containing a miniature replica of the city of Neverwinter, worth 350 gpB5: Puzzle DoorThe door is sealed with a puzzle that requires pushing the right letter tiles in sequence. A pushed letter makes its whole word sink into the door with aclick. The door unlocks when the correct combination is input. (Pushing a second letter in the same word doesn’t do anything.) The correct combination,which causes the wall to slide aside, is to push the letters spelling ALONE in this order:A in DOLINDARL in WORLDO in TON in NOE in RETURNTwo stone co�ns in this room have been broken open, littering the �oor with rubble and dust. A creature with too many arms and spikes in place of hands taps at theroom’s walls.This vault contains six pedestals, each bearing treasure.The door in the east wall of this otherwise empty room bears the inscription “DOLINDAR” above “NO WORLD TO RETURN.” Every letter of each word is set into the wallon a separate tile.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2560863-lost-sorrowswornhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#LostSorrowswornhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5349-driftglobehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4682-necklace-of-adaptationIf the �ve words sink into the wall in the wrong order, or if the wrong letters are used to push them in, all �ve words reset with a wave of painful loneliness.Creatures in the room must make a DC 16 Charisma saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) psychic damage on a failed save or half as much damage on asuccessful one. If the characters have a hard time �guring out this puzzle, Eldon gives them hints. Eldon stays at a safe distance from the trap and doesn’ttake damage if it’s triggered.The �rst time a character pushes the tiles incorrectly, they see a small mechanism below the phrase “NO WORLD TO RETURN.” This mechanism is a lock.As an action, a character with thieves’ tools can use them to try to pick the lock, doing so with a successful DC 16 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.Picking the lock has the same effect as solving the puzzle, granting access to area B6.B6: Matriarch’s ChamberIsolation warped the matriarch of the Dolindar family, Kevetta, into a lonely sorrowsworn (see appendix A). She remains near her co�n and uses herharpoon arms to attack anyone who enters the room. She �ghts until destroyed but doesn’t pursue foes who �ee.Blades. The blades on the �oor are di�cult terrain. When a creature moves into or through the blades on its turn, it takes 5 (2d4) slashing damage forevery 5 feet it travels. A character can use an action to pull a lever behind the stone co�n to cause the blades to retract into the �oor or to raise themagain.In the Co�n. Kevetta’s co�n still bears her name, but not her body. Instead, the co�n’s bottom,is a roiling swirl of silvery-purple energy. Eldon con�rmswhat the characters might guess: this is a Crevice of Dusk leading to Neverwinter.Creatures and objects placed into Kevetta’s co�n appear in a dusty, nondescript tomb in Neverwinter’s Pauper’s Graveyard. The name on the tomb isillegible due to advanced age, but the carved phrase “Home Again, To Rest Forever” is barely legible above the tomb’s doorway.The Cult ScattersTHE MATRIARCH KEVETTA DOLINDAR HAS BECOME A MONSTER CALLED A LONELY SORROWSWORNARTIST: JULIAN KOKOn the far side of this room rests a stone co�n. Between the door and the co�n, the �oor is studded with a sharp metal blades. A person-shaped �gure with elongatedarms lurks near the co�n.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2560862-lonely-sorrowswornhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#LonelySorrowswornhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#DifficultTerrainhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/01-013.kevetta-dolindar.pngWe have updated ourterms and conditions.Click the link to learn more.SUPPORTHelp PortalSupport ForumDon't Sell or Share MyInfoCookiesABOUTContact UsCareersWizards of the CoastFIND US ON SOCIALS D&D BEYOND APP© 2017-2024WIZARDS OF THE COAST LLC | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDungeons & Dragons, D&D Beyond, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coastproduct names, campaign settings, their respective logos, and The World's Greatest Roleplaying Game are © and trademarkWizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. © 2024 Wizards.PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF SERVICEThough any remaining cultists believe they’ve successfully stolen Eldon’s and the characters’ secrets, it doesn’t take them long to realize the signi�canceof the characters’ presence, which implies that important �gures in Neverwinter know about the cult.The cultists �ee Neverwinter shortly after the ritual’s abrupt end. By the time the characters return to the catacombs, the cultists are gone, along with anyloose treasure. Other monsters such as the demons and nothics might still lurk in the graveyard, but they don’t know anything about what the cult is doingor why the cultists departed so suddenly.Before scattering, the cultists murder any kidnapped townspeople the characters didn’t free from their cells. After all, the cult needs to keep its secrets.What’s Next?Apart from a few loose ends, the characters’ adventure is over when they return to Neverwinter. Grateful that the characters have ended the kidnappingthreat, Lord Neverember rewards each character with a large house in Neverwinter. These houses can be adjacent to each other or spread around the city,as the characters prefer—Neverwinter contains a considerable number of vacant residences. Lord Neverember also pays for a small army of constructionworkers and renovators to restore the houses.The rescued nobles and their families are grateful for the characters’ efforts and give them 9,000 gp in total as a reward.Although this chapter is concluded, each character retains their Vecna’s Link. Unknown to the characters, they are about to become embroiled in the rivalrybetween Vecna and Kas.If the characters aren’t yet 11th level, more adventure awaits; there’s no end of work in a frontier city such as Neverwinter. Alternatively, you can award thecharacters a milestone level-up and move ahead with the action of the next chapter.https://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/https://dndbeyond-support.wizards.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/bugs-supporthttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/cookieshttps://dndbeyond.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055233654-Contact-Informationhttps://company.wizards.com/en/careershttps://company.wizards.com/https://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policyhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/https://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/CH. 1: RETURN FROM NEVERDEATH GRAVEYARD CH. 3: THE LAMBENT ZENITH’S LAST VOYAGEChapter 2: The Wizards ThreeTime has passed since the characters’ experience in Neverdeath Graveyard. That ordeal might seem �rmly in the past, but the characters receivingVecna’s Link is the harbinger of events none could predict. In this chapter, the characters become involved in three powerful wizards’ desperate bid to stopthe remaking of existence at the hands of the lich-god Vecna. The characters are soon led to believe that retrieving and reconstructing a legendary artifactis the only way to avoid a bleak future for the entire multiverse.Running This ChapterThis chapter begins sometime after the characters’ adventure in Neverwinter—days, months, or years, at your discretion. After you and the playersdetermine what the characters have been doing following their Neverwinter escapades, the heroes are abruptly shunted to a mysterious sanctum in Sigil,the city at the center of the multiverse (see the “Surprise Development” section later in this chapter).The characters learn a sobering fact from the renowned wizards Alustriel Silverhand, Mordenkainen, and Tasha: the lich-god Vecna is planning to remakethe multiverse and emerge as its most powerful being, subjugating all existence. Mordenkainen, who is actually the vampire Kas in disguise, believes theALUSTRIEL AND TASHA DESPERATELY CAST A WISH SPELL TO TRY TO STOP VECNA’SEVIL PLAN. MORDENKAINEN, WHO IS KAS IN DISGUISE, SECRETLY SABOTAGES THE SPELLARTIST: EVYN FONGhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/return-from-neverdeath-graveyardhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-lambent-zeniths-last-voyagehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-001.the-wizards-three.jpgcharacters are the only ones who can stop Vecna’s plans using the fabled Rod of Seven Parts, pieces of which are scattered throughout the multiverse.Alustriel, Mordenkainen, and Tasha aid the characters in their task. This quest leads the characters deep into the Underdark in Faerûn, where the �rst pieceof the rod is hidden in Web’s Edge, a secret haven for cultists of the demon-god Lolth.Character AdvancementThe characters should be 11th level when this chapter begins. The characters gain a level after they retrieve the �rst piece of the Rod of Seven Parts fromWeb’s Edge in the Underdark.Power of SecretsThe characters can learn two secrets in this chapter or later that are applicable to the rules in “The Power of Secrets” section in this book’s introduction:Gertrude’s Secret. The characters can learn that Gertrude, the lone survivor of an ambushed caravan, and her friend Rockzanna knew about an imminentattack by Lolth’s cultists but said nothing (see area W6a in Web’s Edge).Mordenkainen’s Secret. Mordenkainen is duping Alustriel, Tasha, and the characters and is actually Kas in disguise. (The,characters aren’t likely to learnthis until later in the adventure.)First Rod PieceThe �rst piece of the Rod of Seven Parts is in area W12 of Web’s Edge later in this chapter. For more information about the rod and the spell this pieceallows its wielder to cast, see this book’s introduction.After NeverdeathIt’s up to you whether the events of this chapter happen after some time passes or immediately following the characters’ experience in NeverdeathGraveyard. If you wish to emphasize urgency, this chapter’s events happen a few days after the characters report their success to Lord Neverember inNeverwinter. If you’d rather emphasize the methodical nature of an eternal lich-god planning his dominance over the multiverse, months or years couldpass before the characters arrive in Sigil.Vecna’s LinkBefore resolving how the characters spend the time between their Neverwinter adventure and the events of this chapter, reiterate that each characterretains their Vecna’s Link. At various times throughout the interim period, the characters are reminded that they’re metaphysically linked to Vecna.However you narrate this, make it clear that there’s something supernatural about this connection. The link can’t be removed, and attempts to research thelink are unsuccessful. The characters don’t know it yet, but they’ll soon learn that the link is a harbinger of events to come.During the InterimIf months or years pass before the characters meet the Wizards Three (see the “Surprise Development” section later in this chapter), ask the players whattheir characters did during this time. The party might have stayed together and gone on further adventures, or each character could have gone their ownway.If the players aren’t sure or you’d like to offer them suggestions, consult the Interim Events table below. Choose your favorite result or roll randomly as yousee �t.Interim Eventsd6 Event1Determined to �nd answers about what happened to them, the characters worked as protection for gravediggers in Neverdeath Graveyard. Theyfought undead, grave robbers, and sometimes even devils who served evil cultists.https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419442-rod-of-seven-parts-first-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#RodofSevenPartsd6 Event2Hoping to put their Neverwinter experiences behind them, the characters hopped on a ship to the Moonshae Isles and escorted traders around theSword Coast area. They fought privateers and oceanic monsters in their bid for high adventure.3The characters became obsessed with the cult of Vecna, researching it in prominent libraries and memorizing historical accounts of its activities. Asa result, they know everything the Wizards Three tell the party about Vecna except his attempts to re-create the multiverse.4Sobered by their experiences, the characters passed the time peacefully in the houses Lord Neverember granted them in Neverwinter. Adventurebecame less of a priority as they settled into domestic life.5Obsessed with the concept of the multiverse, the characters studied the realms that make up existence, traveling between them to learn more. As aresult, they know everything the Wizards Three tell the party about the planes where the pieces of the rod are located.6Hoping to put their experiences behind them, the characters accepted a call for heroes to confront a murderous young red dragon namedRhagaermati in the wilds outside Myth Drannor. They are �ghting the dragon when they experience the events described in the “SurpriseDevelopment” section.Rise of the Lich-GodRegardless of the characters’ activities after their Neverwinter adventure, key plots elements of this adventure progress in the background. While thecharacters live their lives, a powerful wizard and former ruler of the city of Silverymoon, Alustriel Silverhand, detects a sinister wave of magic ripplingthrough the multiverse.Using her divining abilities, Alustriel eventually traces the magical pulse to Vecna. She learns that Vecna’s activities span multiple realms. After a period ofinvestigation, Alustriel discovers the sobering truth: using stolen secrets, Vecna and his cults have siphoned incredible amounts of power from individualsthroughout the multiverse. Worse, Alustriel eventually stops detecting these activities, leading the archmage to believe that Vecna plans to unleash thispower for a heinous purpose. Alustriel realizes this could unravel the entire multiverse, elevating Vecna and cowing all others to his will.The Archmages’ DesperationDetermined to oppose Vecna but unsure how the lich-god intends to unleash his amassed magic, Alustriel contacts her most powerful allies. Answeringher call are the archmages Mordenkainen and a version of Tasha from Oerth, though Alustriel and Tasha don’t yet know that Mordenkainen is Kas theDestroyer in disguise. These Wizards Three retreat to a sanctum Alustriel keeps in Sigil. Using their combined magic, the archmages weave a Wish spell inhopes of sabotaging Vecna’s accumulated power and defusing his ritual.Instead of any expected effect, the Wish spell shunts the characters to Alustriel Silverhand’s Sigil sanctum, as explained in the “Surprise Development”section later in this chapter. With time of the essence and the archmages weakened, Mordenkainen suggests a desperate contingency plan. Thecharacters could use the fabled Rod of Seven Parts to stop Vecna. The rod’s seven pieces are scattered throughout the multiverse, but Mordenkainenknows where the �rst piece is located.The Sigil SanctumHundreds of years ago, Lady Alustriel of Silverymoon needed a secure place to conduct sensitive magic work and research. After discovering a portalfrom Silverymoon to Sigil, Alustriel traveled to Sigil. There she spent decades creating a private sanctum around the portal.Alustriel magically fused the portal in her sanctum with a Well of Many Worlds, destroying the magic item in the process. As a result, the portal now leadsto numerous locations throughout the multiverse. Further, the portal reacts to magic items and artifacts, allowing those who carry such objects to stepthrough the portal to the exact places they wish to travel. Alustriel carefully maintains the sanctum’s secrecy, bringing guests here only after �rst meetingthem in a neutral location. So far, either her portal’s strange teleportation properties have gone unnoticed by Sigil’s Lady of Pain and her agents, or theLady of Pain is allowing the portal to function this way for reasons of her own.Magic in the SanctumPlanar magic functions differently in Sigil. For instance, the only way to reach Sigil is through portals; teleporting into or out of the city doesn’t work. Sincethe characters might spend signi�cant time in Sigil, take note of how the following types of magic work in the city:ARTIST: EKATERINA BURMAKhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468312-alustriel-silverhandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468341-tasha-the-witchhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468330-kas-the-betrayerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468330-kas-the-betrayerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4802-well-of-many-worldsBanishment. Effects that banish a target from Sigil treat the target as if Sigil were its home plane.Extradimensional Space. Extradimensional spaces, demiplanes, and pocket dimensions—such as those created by a Bag of Holding or the Rope Trickspell—function within Sigil, but those spaces follow these restrictions as if they,were part of the city.Planar Travel. Effects that allow interplanar travel, such as the Astral Projection and Plane Shift spells, fail if used to try to enter or leave Sigil, with oneexception (see “Teleportation Circles” below).Summoning. Spells, magic items, and effects that summon creatures or objects from other planes, such as a Ring of Djinni Summoning, instead summontargets from within Sigil if possible or otherwise fail. Effects that summon a speci�c target from outside Sigil, such as the Drawmij’s Instant Summons andLeomund’s Secret Chest spells, automatically fail.Teleportation. Attempts to teleport into or out of Sigil fail, but such magic functions normally when teleporting within the city.Teleportation Circles. Permanent teleportation circles exist within Sigil, but attempts to create new ones fail. If the Lady of Pain permits, they can be usedto enter the city via the Plane Shift spell but not to leave.General FeaturesThe features of Alustriel’s sanctum are described in the following sections.CeilingsThe ceilings on the �rst �oor of the sanctum are 20 feet high. The ceilings on the upper �oor are 10 feet high.DoorsNo doors separate areas S1–S3 of the sanctum, though open archways set off each area. The doors in areas S5–S7 of the sanctum are unlocked. Thedoor to area S8, Mordenkainen’s room, is sealed with an Arcane Lock spell that requires a successful DC 30 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check usingthieves’ tools to open.LightingContinual Flame spells cast on sconces bathe most areas in bright light. Only area S8 is unlit.Safe from Prying EyesEveryone in the sanctum is under the effect of a Nondetection spell while they remain inside the structure.WallsLADY ALUSTRIEL SILVERHANDhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4581-bag-of-holdinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/rope-trickhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/astral-projectionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/plane-shifthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4718-ring-of-djinni-summoninghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/drawmijs-instant-summonshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/leomunds-secret-chesthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/plane-shifthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/arcane-lockhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/continual-flamehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/nondetectionhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-001.lady-alustriel-silverhand.pngAlustriel magically reinforced the walls of the sanctum, which are made of a combination of brick and layers of cement. Only exceedingly powerfuldestructive magic could harm the sanctum’s structural integrity.Sanctum LocationsThe following locations are keyed to map 2.1.S1: LibraryThis section of the sanctum holds Alustriel’s collection of rare books. The books aren’t magical, but the characters can use them to research any esoterictopic.If a character researches a speci�c topic, roll a d4. On a roll of 1 or 2, the character �nds information about the topic. At your discretion, this might grantthe character advantage for the rest of the day on any ability checks made to recall or use the information they’ve learned.S2: ParlorMAP 2.1: THE SANCTUMARTIST: FRANCESCA BAERALDGleaming, �oor-to-ceiling bookshelves �lled with leather-bound tomes wrap around the sanctum’s west end, while marble pillars hold up vaulted ceilings to the east.Spiral staircases in the corners lead upward.https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/map-2.01-the-sanctum.jpgWhen Alustriel invites dignitaries into her sanctum, she holds business and political discussions in this parlor. The grand staircase ascends to area S4.Dais. The dais in the center of the garden is the site of the portal Alustriel has tweaked to lead to numerous multiplanar locations.Garden. The greenery is the result of Alustriel’s dabbling in magical gardening. The plants here need no tending.S3: WorkspaceCharacters transported to the sanctum by the failed Wish spell appear here (see the “Surprise Development” section later in this chapter).Curio Cabinets. Alustriel keeps an impressive collection of magic items here. If the characters ask, Alustriel allows each character to borrow their choiceof any single magic item of rare or lower rarity from the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Later in this chapter, Kas, disguised as Mordenkainen, retrieves theChime of Exile from one of these cabinets.S4: LoungeAlustriel and her friends socialize, dine, and relax in this lounge. Alustriel is known for her sumptuous dinner parties. Discreet drawers in the bottoms ofthe couches store �ne china and cutlery for when Alustriel transforms the center table into a dining table. Additional storage is in the northwest corner.When the characters are shunted to the sanctum, Alustriel offers them use of the lounge.S5–S8: BedroomsThese small but comfortable bedrooms are where Alustriel and her guests stay when they need personal quarters, whether it’s to sleep or be alone.Plush, antique furniture, including sofas and footstools, is arranged here. To the north is a grand staircase. To the south, a garden of ferns and �owering plants growsaround a raised marble dais.WHAT MISCHIEF IS MORDENKAINEN UP TO?ARTIST: LAUREN WALSHA desk covered in paperwork and books sits in the middle of this work area. Nearby are curio cabinets �lled with magical trinkets—everything from necklaces andbrooches to sparkling stones and shoes.Roaring �replaces are built into the east and west walls of this lounge. Comfortable couches and chairs are artfully arranged before a grand staircase that leadsdownward.https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419439-chime-of-exilehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-002.mordenkainen.pngArea S5 is the bedroom of Alustriel and her wife, Malaina van Talstiv. A retired adventurer, Malaina is a neutral good human who uses the assassin statblock. Malaina is meeting with associates to thwart a scheme against Waterdeep when the characters arrive. When the characters return, Malaina speakswith them (see the “Next Steps” section at the end of this chapter).Area S6 is Tasha’s room. Area S7 is an empty room, which Alustriel offers to the characters for their use. Area S8 is Mordenkainen’s bedroom, whichcontains clues hinting at subterfuge (see the “Evidence of Deception” section later in this chapter).The Wizards ThreeThree legendary archmages serve as the characters’ allies throughout the rest of this adventure, though one of these individuals is an impostor. (See the“Kas the Destroyer” section.) More information about each spellcaster follows.Alustriel SilverhandMore than seven centuries old, Lady Alustriel Silverhand is beloved throughout Faerûn for her kindliness and for using her incredible spellcasting power toprotect the innocent. Alustriel is an immortal daughter of Mystra, a god of magic, and is a chaotic good, human wizard. Alustriel served as High Mage ofSilverymoon, battled demons on the Outer Planes, and prevented the lich Larloch from ascending to godhood. She has seen the rise and fall of evilpowers, though Vecna’s plot troubles her greatly. More about Alustriel, including her stat block, appears in appendix B.MordenkainenRenowned for his bravery but not his judgment, Mordenkainen is a powerfulspellcaster from Oerth. The chaotic neutral, human wizard led a council of famousarchmages known as the Circle of Eight. He later became trapped in the dread realmof Barovia, where he lost his spellbook and staff as well as his grip on reality andwandered adrift for some time. Alustriel trusts Mordenkainen and respects hisgumption, even though he occasionally embarks on tasks that outstrip his capabilities.The real Mordenkainen doesn’t appear in this adventure, though the,characters likelybelieve they’re interacting with him.TashaTasha is a chaotic neutral archmage from Oerth, a renowned demonologist, and theadopted daughter of Baba Yaga. Tasha is widely considered the multiverse’s foremostauthority on the Abyss, having authored the fabled Demonomicon of Iggwilv. AlthoughTasha’s motives are �ckle, Alustriel has found Tasha an unparalleled ally when theirinterests align, as Tasha can access and in�uence places where even the daughter ofMystra dares not tread. The version of Tasha who answers Alustriel’s summons isfrom the past, before Tasha became Iggwilv the Witch Queen. More about Tasha,including her stat block, can be found in appendix B.Kas the DestroyerThe vampire warlord Kas maintains his masquerade as Mordenkainen, likely fooling the characters until the events of chapter 9. The blood feud betweenKas and Vecna stretches back centuries to a time when Kas served as Vecna’s �rst lieutenant. More about Kas, including his stat block, appears inappendix B.TASHAARTIST: IRINA NORDSOLhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16790-assassinhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468312-alustriel-silverhandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossierhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468341-tasha-the-witchhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/2407504-demonomicon-of-iggwilvhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossierhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468330-kas-the-betrayerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-betrayer-revealedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossierhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-003.tasha.pngManipulation in MotionAfter the Dark Powers released him, Kas tracked down a cell of Vecna’s cultists, who told the vampire more about the lich-god’s planned ritual. Thevampire used the Crown of Lies to intercept a message from Alustriel to Mordenkainen, then used the crown to mimic Mordenkainen. Kas then met withAlustriel and gained her con�dence.While posing as Mordenkainen, Kas sabotages the archmages’ Wish spell. As a consequence, the spell shunts the characters to Alustriel’s sanctum.Suspecting that the characters are somehow linked to Vecna, Kas urges them to retrieve the pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts. As Mordenkainen, Kasclaims that the rod is the only way to weaken Vecna to the point where the characters might thwart his ritual and banish the lich-god to Oerth.In truth, Kas intends to steal the Rod of Seven Parts once he has all the pieces. He plans to whisk the artifact to the plane of Pandemonium, use it to freethe demon known as Miska the Wolf-Spider, and kill Vecna. Kas doesn’t yet know the site of Vecna’s ritual is also on Pandemonium, the same plane whereMiska is imprisoned, but the vampire �nds out later in this adventure.Kas in the SanctumWhile disguised as Mordenkainen, Kas never lets his guard down or removes the Crown of Lies. Occasionally during this adventure, Mordenkainen isabsent from the sanctum. During these interludes, the vampire warlord travels to other realms and eventually deduces where Vecna plans to enact themultiverse-unraveling ritual. This sets into motion the betrayal that takes place in chapter 9.Evidence of DeceptionWhile in the sanctum, Kas is careful to leave no direct evidence that he’s not Mordenkainen. In Mordenkainen’s quarters (area S8), Kas leaves spellbooksand collections of notes spread across the desk to reinforce his fake identity.However, a character who searches Mordenkainen’s quarters and succeeds on a DC 30 Intelligence (Investigation) check notices that none of the famedspells Mordenkainen authored are mentioned in these spellbooks or notes. The jumbled notes are written awkwardly, while Mordenkainen is known for hisacademic, methodical style.Any thorough search of Mordenkainen’s quarters yields a black Bag of Holding tucked underneath the mattress. Inside the bag is a mundane silver chainbearing a sword-shaped pendant inlaid with black diamonds, worth 5,000 gp total. Also inside is a magically preserved, leather-bound journal.The journal’s contents are written in a cipher. A character who spends at least 1 hour examining the text can make a successful DC 30 Intelligence(Investigation) check, decoding it on a success. The journal tells the story of two people called “K.” and “V.” who once crafted murderous battle planstogether, but then parted bitterly and became enemies. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (History) check reveals that this story refers to Kas and Vecna.Mordenkainen’s Secret. If the characters �nd out at any point in this adventure that Mordenkainen is Kas in disguise, it counts as a secret for the purposesof the Power of Secrets rules in this book’s introduction.If They Find Out?ARTIST: DIANA CEARLEYhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419440-crown-of-lieshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419440-crown-of-lieshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-betrayer-revealedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4581-bag-of-holdinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Historyhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverseAlthough it’s unlikely, the characters might become suspicious of Mordenkainen and question him. The characters could investigate the wizard’s activitiesoutside the Sigil sanctum, or they might �nd the strange personal items in Mordenkainen’s Bag of Holding. If the characters put su�cient effort into theirinvestigations, consider allowing them to discover before chapter 9 that Mordenkainen is an impostor.Kas Defeats the Characters. If the characters confront Kas before chapter 9, allow the battle to play out using the stat block for Kas in appendix B. If Kasdefeats the characters, he kills them and absconds to Pandemonium. Alustriel has the clerics of Silverymoon bring the characters back to life, apologeticfor not discovering Kas’s ruse and angry she was duped. Alustriel suspects Kas knows where Vecna weaves his ritual and encourages the characters tofollow the vampire to Pandemonium when they can.In this case, Kas lacks the completed Rod of Seven Parts. Adjust chapter 10 to re�ect that Miska never begins to escape his prison. The characters’priority remains stopping Vecna, but if they don’t permanently destroy Kas, at some point the vampire hunts down the characters. Once the characterseventually defeat Kas, they learn where Vecna weaves his ritual and can proceed to chapter 11.The Characters Defeat Kas. If the characters defeat Kas, allow them to decide how to proceed. They might still want to reassemble the Rod of SevenParts to use its power against the lich-god. However, to reinforce the story’s sense of urgency, feel free to skip the characters ahead to chapter 10. If youdo, award the characters the appropriate number of milestone level-ups so they have a fair chance of defeating the threats in the adventure’s �nalchapters.Surprise DevelopmentWhen the failed Wish spell transports the characters to Alustriel’s sanctum, read or paraphrase the following:MALAINA VAN TALSTIVWith a �ash of multicolored light, the world winks out of existence. Nothingness envelops your senses, though you feel the thrum of magic rushing like an electric sparkthrough your veins.When you regain focus, you stand in a plush, candlelit parlor. A stately woman in blue robes leans toward you, her brow furrowed in confusion and concern. In the blurrybackground stand a frowning woman in a �owing, black dress and a man tugging in confusion at his high, crimson collar.https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4581-bag-of-holding,https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-betrayer-revealedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468330-kas-the-betrayerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossierhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-war-of-pandesmoshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/eve-of-ruinhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-war-of-pandesmoshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-004.malaina-van-talstiv.pngThe characters appear in area S3 of the Sigil sanctum. The woman leaning toward the characters is Alustriel, and the two individuals behind her are Tashaand Mordenkainen. “You can’t be the answer to our Wish,” Tasha sneers, while Alustriel shushes her and ushers the characters toward the sanctum’scomfortable lounge furniture.Some AnswersAt this point, Alustriel explains where the characters are and how they arrived, though she doesn’t understand why they teleported to the sanctum as aresult of the Wish spell. She then introduces herself and her wizardly companions.As the characters try to �gure out what’s going on, Alustriel asks whether they have any ties to Vecna. If the characters mention Vecna’s Link, Alustrielreasons that the characters’ fate must somehow be interwoven with Vecna’s. She surmises that since the Wish was unable to ful�ll its parameters, itinstead found beings tied to Vecna and brought them to Sigil. She then explains everything she knows as described in “Rise of the Lich-God” earlier in thischapter.Aftermath of a WishAs the characters interact with Alustriel, Tasha stands near them, aloof and occasionally interjecting acerbic comments. Mordenkainen remains silent,focusing intensely on everything the characters say.After a few minutes of conversation, the characters notice that the Wizards Three seem tired and weakened. Any character pro�cient in the Medicine skillunderstands that the wizards are extremely fatigued. Any character pro�cient in the Arcana skill realizes that the wizards expended a great deal of arcaneenergy casting the Wish spell. (Mordenkainen is faking his fatigue, but in the context of Alustriel and Tasha’s real physical weakness, it seems legitimate.)A New PlanAfter the characters absorb their situation, Alustriel expresses concern that the wizards can’t stop Vecna. Mordenkainen says, “I have an alternative plan.”Mordenkainen strides over to a cabinet full of magic items and picks up a silver chime. He then approaches the characters, displays the chime, and saysthe following:KASARTIST: EKATERINA BURMAK“I worried that perhaps our Wish wouldn’t stop one as powerful as Vecna. Alustriel, please forgive me, but I did plan a contingency.“Vecna is too powerful to stop directly at this point. However, no power is absolute. I suspect Vecna will be vulnerable while he weaves his ritual. If you confront andweaken him, this Chime of Exile can banish him to Oerth. He would no longer be able to affect multiple realms at once. His plan to remake the multiverse would fail.”https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wishhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Medicinehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Arcanahttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-005.kas.pngMordenkainen’s eyes gleam with excitement as he continues:Although taken aback at how much work Mordenkainen has done on this contingency, Alustriel and Tasha admit that the plan Mordenkainen has laid outis the best hope to stop Vecna. Alustriel compliments Mordenkainen on his foresight.The wizards answer the characters’ questions to the best of their ability. Like Mordenkainen, Alustriel and Tasha urge the characters to make haste,though they help the characters prepare for their journey any way they can. Mordenkainen, Alustriel, and Tasha explain that while the charactersreassemble the rod, the archmages must continue to research Vecna’s plans and potential weaknesses.Before the characters depart for Web’s Edge, Alustriel relays any information they haven’t yet learned, including the details found in “Magic in the Sanctum”earlier in this chapter.A Signi�cant LieIn the guise of Mordenkainen, Kas has lied to the characters about the Rod of Seven Parts. While the rod is useful against Vecna, Kas simply wants thecharacters to retrieve the rod so he can use it to free Miska.Kas doesn’t know that Vecna is weakened to pre-god status while weaving the Ritual of Remaking. The characters will learn this when they confront Vecnain chapter 11.Sending Vecna BackThe Chime of Exile is Alustriel’s property and ultimately can send Vecna back to Oerth, interrupting his ritual. The interruption would dissipate the secret-based magic Vecna is weaving, signi�cantly setting back his plot and leaving the lich-god in a weakened state. If the characters wish to take the chimewith them, Alustriel assents.Chime of Exile“There is an artifact that is, I believe, the only way to weaken Vecna so the chime can be used against him. It’s called the Rod of Seven Parts. Unfortunately, itscomponent pieces are scattered across existence.“While my esteemed colleagues researched the magic needed to cast a Wish spell powerful enough to stop Vecna, I looked into �nding the rod’s pieces should we needthem. The �rst piece is deep in the Underdark, somewhere inside a hidden safe house for worshipers of the demon-god Lolth. Web’s Edge, it’s called.“Find that �rst piece of the rod, my friends. The portal on the dais will take you to it. Once you locate the �rst piece, the magic inherent in the artifact will point you to thesecond piece, and then to the third, and so on. This sanctum’s portal reacts to powerful magic such as this artifact, so as you �nd each piece, this portal will lead to thenext. No need to use another key; the most recent piece of the rod will su�ce.“There’s no time to waste. Once you’ve reassembled the rod, we can all confront Vecna and stop his heinous plan. You’ll be the heroes of the multiverse! How does thatsound?”SUBTLE EVIDENCE OF MORDENKAINEN’STRUE IDENTITY IS HIDDEN IN THE SANCTUMARTIST: COUPLEOFKOOKShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/eve-of-ruinhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419439-chime-of-exilehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419439-chime-of-exilehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-006.evidence.pngWondrous Item, Very RareThis silver chime is engraved with delicate magic sigils. While holding the chime, you can use an action to cast the Banishment spell (spell save DC 20). Ifthe target of the spell has 50 hit points or fewer, it automatically fails its saving throw. Once the chime has been used to cast the spell, it can’t be used thisway again until the next dawn.Toward Web’s EdgeAfter stepping through the portal, the characters emerge deep in the Underdark in Faerûn. The rod piece is hidden in Web’s Edge, a nearby safe house foragents of the demon-god Lolth.The characters initially emerge through a door-shaped �ssure in one wall of a claustrophobic, seemingly abandoned corridor outside the hidden entranceto Web’s Edge. There is no light source, and the invisible portal back to Sigil remains open.Web’s Edge EntranceThe entrance to Web’s Edge is hidden mere steps from where the characters arrive in the Underdark. The 10-foot-wide doorway is closed and cloaked witha permanent invisibility effect. Those who can perceive invisible objects see a nondescript iron door. The door is sealed with an Arcane Lock spell andrequires a successful DC 22 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check using thieves’ tools to open.Visible to characters,who can see invisible objects are eight symbols subtly carved into the rock above the doorway. Tiny Undercommon characters areembedded in each symbol. When touched in the order that spells out “Web’s Edge,” the doorway opens.Web’s EdgeALUSTRIEL’S CHIME OF EXILE MIGHT HELP THE CHARACTERS DEFEAT VECNAARTIST: IRINA NORDSOLARTIST: IRINA NORDSOLhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/banishmenthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/arcane-lockhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-007.mordenkainen-holding-chime-of-exile.pngWeb’s Edge is a hidden meeting place for agents of Lolth who operate throughout the Underdark beneath the Sword Coast, pursuing missions for the gloryof their demon-god. These agents use Web’s Edge to plot in�ltration missions targeting virtuous clerical orders; to sabotage efforts to quash Lolth’sworship; to orchestrate the upheaval of good-aligned governments; and to plan large-scale conversion efforts in Underdark cities, including Blingdenstone,Gracklstugh, and Mithral Hall.Agents might spend a few hours in Web’s Edge, attending tactical meetings before dispersing. Others stay for 14 days or more while they await the arrivalof colleagues from all reaches of the Underdark. A few spend months at a time in Web’s Edge, using its barrack to lie low while authorities elsewhere huntfor them.Owing to the highly sensitive and wicked work that takes place here, Web’s Edge is a carefully guarded secret. Only the highest-ranking covert operativesand members of Lolth’s clergy know about it, though powerful demons and devils allied with the Spider Queen are also aware of Web’s Edge. A few cultistslive in Web’s Edge to maintain its facilities and serve as support staff to the operatives. These cultists are con�ned to the facility for life—a sacri�ce theymake willingly to show their devotion to the Spider Queen.General FeaturesRecurring features of Web’s Edge are described in the following sections.Agents and CultistsNo matter why they’re in Web’s Edge, all Lolth worshipers here are fanatics devoted to the demon-god. In a battle against the characters, these fanaticsalways �ght to the death.CeilingsThe ceilings in most areas of Web’s Edge are 20 feet high, with stalactites occasionally jutting down a few feet. The ceilings in the fodder chamber (areaW9) and Sacred Web Hall (area W12) are 50 feet tall and relatively smooth.DoorsThe doors in Web’s Edge are made of iron. The doors to areas W3, W4, and W5 are sealed with Arcane Lock spells, requiring a successful DC 20 Dexterity(Sleight of Hand) check using thieves’ tools to unlock. Additionally, areas W6a–W6d are locked and each require a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight ofHand) check using thieves’ tools to unlock. The nalfeshnee in area W5 carries keys to all the cells in area W6. All other doors in Web’s Edge are unlocked.LightingCHIME OF EXILEhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/W3SummoningChamberhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/W4Corridorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/W5GuardianChamberhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/arcane-lockhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16963-nalfeshneehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-008.chime-of-exile.pngThere are no natural or magical light sources in the complex. Area descriptions assume the characters have a light source or some other means of seeingin the dark. Light sources bring the attention of the complex’s denizens, although the characters might not immediately be recognized as intruders (see“In�ltrating Web’s Edge” below).Safe from Prying EyesEveryone in Web’s Edge is under the effect of a Nondetection spell while inside the structure.WallsThe walls in Web’s Edge are rocky, jagged, and uneven. Decades ago, Lolth’s faithful enlarged the chamber that contains Sacred Web Hall (area W12) usingthe Stone Shape spell. As such, the walls in area W12 are smooth.In�ltrating Web’s EdgeWeb’s Edge is a dangerous place. If the characters burst into the complex without a plan, they’re unlikely to survive the experience, let alone retrieve the�rst piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. See the advice below for handling strategies the characters might adopt.Being SneakyIf the characters are careful, they might be able to sneak through Web’s Edge and steal the rod piece without anyone catching them.If any devotees in Web’s Edge spot the characters in�ltrating the safe house, they scream for help to any denizen within earshot and attack unlessotherwise noted.Impersonating WorshipersMasquerading as devotees of Lolth could be an effective strategy. Creatures of all backgrounds and origins use Web’s Edge as a meeting place, a safehouse, and a place of worship. Web’s Edge has only a handful of permanent attendants, none of whom could possibly be familiar with every Lolth agent inthe Underdark.If the characters want to blend in with the Lolth worshipers, any disguises they use (magical or otherwise) should include spider-shaped paraphernalia. Asuccessful DC 14 Wisdom (Religion) or Intelligence (History) check reveals that “The Spider Queen smiles on you” is a typical religious greeting that thosein Web’s Edge expect to hear from fellow devotees. Any creature in Web’s Edge who sees a character wearing something spider-shaped or hears thecharacter speak this greeting has disadvantage on ability checks to see through the characters’ disguises.HEROES WHO STUMBLE INTO WEB’S EDGE UNAWARE OF ITS DANGERS USUALLY MEET A GRUESOME ENDARTIST: IRINA NORDSOLhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/nondetectionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/stone-shapehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Religionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Historyhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-009.webs-edge.pngDevotees in Web’s Edge who identify the characters as impostors scream for help and attack.Web’s Edge LocationsThe following locations are keyed to map 2.2.W1: False FrontTo convince unwelcome visitors that this cave is unused, the facility’s cultists created a false front in this foyer. The skeletal remains and rusted gearbelong to �ve long-dead adventurers whom the characters can identify as two dwarves, an elf, a gnome, and a tie�ing.Traps. The gleams in the northern part of the chamber are magical traps placed on �st-size, fake rubies tucked conspicuously next to two skeletons. Thefake rubies are �xed to the �oor and can’t be removed. Any character who touches one of the rubies must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54(12d8) lightning damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.MAP 2.2: WEB’S EDGEVIEW PLAYER VERSIONARTIST: DYSON LOGOSThe remains of mold-covered broken wagons and barrels languish in this large foyer. Humanoid skeletal remains lie strewn about, their swords and armor bent andrusted. Something gleams next to the bodies propped along the northern wall. Double doors on the east, northeast, and southeast walls are rusted shut, and asemicircular chamber that opens in the southwest wall contains a shrine.https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/2.02-webs-edge.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/2.02-webs-edge-player.jpgThe traps can’t be disabled, but a character who comes within 5 feet of one of the rubies and examines it can make a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation)check. On a success, the character,deduces that the ruby is fake, worthless, and magically trapped to release a violent electric shock.W2: Lolth ShrineTwo agents of Lolth have come to pray at this shrine. They are Makubli Khee, a chaotic evil, hobgoblin assassin, and Torkner Ironteeth, a chaotic evil,duergar mage. Because they’re engrossed in their prayers, Makubli and Torkner don’t notice the characters unless a member of the party deliberately hailsthem or the characters have a light source.The items on the shelves are nonmagical. Any character who looks at the ceiling and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check spots a small,spider-shaped carving in the rock—a hint of this shrine’s purpose.Makubli and Torkner. Both Makubli and Torkner operate along the well-traveled route between Menzoberranzan and Blingdenstone, sabotaging supplycaravans and generally causing mayhem. They usually kill or convert victims who survive their initial attacks, although Makubli recently turned overcustody of a cyclops to the Web’s Edge prison (see area W6a). Makubli and Torkner dislike each other intensely. Neither knows many other covert Lolthoperatives, so clever characters could masquerade as allies (see “Impersonating Worshipers” earlier in this chapter).The cultists who maintain Web’s Edge are friendly with both agents, making Makubli and Torkner good candidates for the characters to impersonate. Ifeither agent suspects that the characters aren’t fellow Lolth operatives, they attack.W3: Summoning ChamberCultists and agents gather here to commune with Lolth’s Abyssal servants and occasionally summon Fiends to assist with missions. The �gure at thetable is Grottenelle Stonecutter, a chaotic evil, svirfneblin mage who serves as the facility’s high summoner.This semicircular chamber forms a natural alcove. Shelves carved into the wall from �oor to ceiling hold small, repulsive items, including bloody baubles, shriveled�ngers, and idols carved from bone. Two �gures crouch before the shelves.MAKUBLI KHEEARTIST: HELGE C. BALZERTORKNER IRONTEETHARTIST: BRIAN VALEZAAn enormous pentagram drawn in chalk, with stubby unlit candles placed at each of its �ve points, covers the �oor of this open chamber. A hooded �gure hunches overa cluttered table in the southwest corner, mumbling profane phrases.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16790-assassinhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-015.makubli-khee.pnghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-016.torkner-ironteeth.pngSummoning in Progress. Grottenelle is in the middle of a summoning ritual. Have Grottenelle and the characters roll initiative. If the characters attack orotherwise interrupt Grottenelle before the start of her �rst turn, the summoning fails. Otherwise, a glabrezu appears in the center of the pentagram at thestart of Grottenelle’s turn. Grottenelle attacks intruders and commands the glabrezu to do the same if the summoning is successful.Grottenelle needs the glabrezu to assist in the operation being planned in area W7. At your discretion, the noise from a battle might alert the agents in thatarea, prompting them to investigate.Treasure. Grottenelle’s table holds a Spell Scroll of Circle of Death, an ornate +2 Dagger, and an assortment of unguents and oils worth 500 gp.W4: CorridorAdditionally, if the characters haven’t yet explored area W3, read the following aloud:The cultists keep the door to the fodder chamber (area W9) closed in case the food intended for Ker-arach in the Sacred Web Hall (area W12) tries toescape.W5: Guardian ChamberThe creature is a nalfeshnee named Maaltok, the guardian and keeper of the prison cells (areas W6a–W6d). Sometime in the last few decades, Maaltokswitched allegiance from Graz’zt to Lolth. Since he is a recent recruit, Maaltok’s yochlol handlers assigned him guard duty, which he performs grudgingly.HIGH SUMMONER GROTTENELLE STONECUTTER CALLS ON A GLABREZUTO HELP WITH AN EVIL MISSION THE LOLTH CULTISTS ARE PLANNINGARTIST: ZUZANNA WUZYKThis corridor is empty. Heavy iron double doors bookend the western and eastern access points.From the north, you hear a faint voice mumbling profane phrases.An enormous, winged biped with a boar’s head paces in front of a barred prison door to the southwest. A ring of keys hangs from a hook on the creature’s trident.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16902-glabrezuhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5418-spell-scrollhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/circle-of-deathhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5269-dagger-2https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16963-nalfeshneehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-010.glabrezu.pngMaaltok knows each of the prison cells’ inhabitants and doesn’t expect in�ltrators. If the characters are impersonating devotees of Lolth, Maaltok tellsthem who’s imprisoned in each cell.Cell Keys. Maaltok carries keys to each of the cells in the prison (areas W6a–W6d). Stealing Maaltok’s key ring without his knowledge requires asuccessful DC 16 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.W6: Holding CellsThe chest contains con�scated weapons and equipment from prisoners kept in the nearby cells. It’s locked and requires a DC 20 Dexterity (Sleight ofHand) check using thieves’ tools to open.Treasure. Inside the chest are a +1 Dagger and a +1 Longsword con�scated from the recently deceased elf prisoner, Fernil, whose body is in area W6b.The giant-size club next to the chest is a +2 Greatclub that belongs to Gertrude, the cyclops imprisoned in area W6a. The greatclub resizes to serve itswielder.W6a: Holding Cell AThis jail cell contains a bench and a bucket. The inhabitant is Gertrude, a chaotic neutral cyclops who was the lone survivor of an attack on a supplycaravan near the ruins of the city of Ched Nasad. Makubli (see area W2) captured Gertrude weeks ago and brought her here as a prisoner, hoping shewould reveal information about Blingdenstone’s interest in Ched Nasad. Gertrude is a caravan guard and has no information the cultists can use; as soonas they realize this, they’ll kill Gertrude, and she knows it. Her prized +2 Greatclub is stashed in the chest in area W6.Recruiting Gertrude. Gertrude hates Lolth and is eager to escape Web’s Edge. If she realizes the characters are in�ltrators, she begs them to free her. Inexchange for her freedom, Gertrude offers to help the characters, including giving them her greatclub from the chest in area W6.Gertrude’s Secret. Even if the characters free her, Gertrude remains despondent. If the characters ask her what’s wrong, Gertrude reveals that her friend, asvirfneblin named Rockzanna, was involved in a nearby mining operation and discovered that two of the operation’s leaders were secret Lolth cultistsplanning an attack on the operation. Rockzanna was too scared to tell anyone besides Gertrude, and the cyclops fears a terrible fate for the miners.Regardless of the characters’ reaction to this revelation, learning it counts for the purposes of the Power of Secrets rules in this book’s introduction. Themining operation is the same one the cultists in area W7 are discussing.W6b: Holding Cell BThe body was once an elf named Fernil Orellian, an adventurer and priest of Corellon Larethian. A cloaker in the Underdark injured Fernil and killed hiscompanions. An agent of Lolth came upon Fernil and marched him to Web’s Edge, where he died shortly thereafter.Treasure. Any character who examines the body and succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check notices a vial tucked into the corpse’s belt.This is a Potion of Fire Resistance—the agent of Lolth never noticed it.W6c: Holding,Cell CFour jail cells are arrayed along the south wall of this cavern. The �rst holds a cyclops; the second holds a dead elf; the third holds a bugbear slumped against a bench;and the fourth holds a hunched, gray-skinned �gure in robes. A worn chest sits along the room’s northwest wall. Leaning next to it is a giant-size club.A burly cyclops sits on a bench in this jail cell, shackled to the walls by her hands and legs. She holds her head in her hands, looking defeated.This jail cell contains a bench and a tattered blanket. The desiccated corpse of an elf lies on the �oor.A bugbear with thick eyebrows is slumped on the bench against the wall in this jail cell.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5225-dagger-1https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5245-longsword-1https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5274-greatclub-2https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17090-cyclopshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5274-greatclub-2https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5136-potion-of-fire-resistanceAlthough she looks like she’s sleeping, the bugbear in this cell, Rothgral, is dead. She deserted a band of mercenaries based near Mithral Hall aftermeeting a persuasive duergar agent of Lolth named Vundren. Vundren brought Rothgral here, but the cultists determined the bugbear didn’t have the skillsnecessary to become a covert Lolth operative. The cultists imprisoned her until they could determine what to do with her, and she died about a day agodue to neglect.W6d: Holding Cell DThis prisoner is Sril Brayspoke, a chaotic evil grimlock. Until a week ago, Sril was a cultist in residence at Web’s Edge devoted to serving the Spider Queen.However, the bumbling Sril accidentally insulted the yochlol in area W12. The powerful Fiend had Sril thrown into jail, and the cultists are consideringfeeding him to Ker-arach to appease Lolth.Recruiting Sril. Whether the characters are masquerading as Lolth worshipers or not, Sril begs to join the characters. A character who succeeds on a DC14 Wisdom (Insight) check knows that Sril is still devoted to Lolth and will betray the characters if necessary to return to the cultists’ good graces. If Sril isfreed and knows the characters are impostors, he reveals their charade as soon as he sees another Lolth devotee.W7: Meeting RoomA gray-skinned creature with stringy, black hair and cultist’s robes sits hunched in a corner of this cell.THE LOLTH CULTISTS ARE PLANNING AN ASSAULT ON A NEARBY SVIRFNEBLIN MINING OPERATIONARTIST: RALPH HORSLEYRelief carvings of spiders in webs decorate this chamber’s walls, which are papered over with tactical maps and schematics. Gathered around a paperwork-coveredtable in the room’s center are several cloaked �gures as well as a horned, winged devil with a whip on her belt.ARTIST: ROBSON MICHELhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16914-grimlockhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Insighthttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-011.lolth-cultist.pngSeven Lolth devotees are meeting in this room to plan an assault on a svirfneblin mining operation located about 20 miles from Web’s Edge. The devoteeshave coordinated with two Lolth operatives embedded in the mining operation. The devotees plan to kidnap the most powerful miners and feed them toKer-arach in area W12. They’ll kill any remaining miners who don’t worship Lolth.The devotees include a chaotic evil, elf assassin named Jolera Hartoph; two mages named Bromtok and Shiroktu, who are chaotic evil orcs; twogrimlocks named Roltharni and Sharlotte, who are chaotic evil; and an erinyes named Fernitha.Fernitha, Bromtok, and Shiroktu plan to attack the svirfneblin while the deep gnomes rest. If the characters eavesdrop on the planning before theyinvestigate the summoning chamber (area W3), they learn that the high summoner, Grottenelle Stonecutter, is summoning a glabrezu to help with theoperation.The Lolth devotees here attack any apparent interlopers. The glabrezu summoned in area W3 joins the �ght if the characters haven’t already defeated thedemon (or prevented its summoning).W8: Mission HallThe east end of this hallway holds a secret door that leads into the Sacred Web Hall (area W12). A character who examines the wall and succeeds on a DC16 Intelligence (Investigation) check �nds the door, which serves as an escape for the cultists who attend to Ker-arach when the creature is in aparticularly foul mood.W9: Fodder ChamberThe cultists keep a supply of prey creatures here to feed Ker-arach. Right now, the chamber is occupied by four giant lizards. The cultists release a lizardinto the Sacred Web Hall (area W12) whenever Ker-arach is grumpy, providing her with recreation and a meal.Releasing the Lizards. The cultists recently fed the lizards raw meat from the pantry in area W10, so the creatures are complacent. A character who holdsraw meat near a giant lizard can successfully give that lizard simple commands (such as “follow me,” “go where I point,” or “bite her”) for 10 minuteswithout giving the lizard the meat. If the lizard doesn’t get the meat after 10 minutes, it attacks that character.JOLERA HARTOPHPeering from this rocky room’s center are four large lizards. The pungent smell of raw meat hangs in the air.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16790-assassinhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16914-grimlockhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16858-erinyeshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16902-glabrezuhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16887-giant-lizardhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-014.jolera.pngIf either exit is left open, the lizards meander into the complex. If a lizard wanders into area W12, Ker-arach has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)checks and initiative rolls made in relation to the characters, since she is distracted while trying to capture the lizard and cocoon it in the chamber’s centralweb.W10: Barrack of the FaithfulThis meager barrack houses the cultists who live in Web’s Edge.Chests. The chests contain the personal belongings of each cultist. Each chest is locked and requires a successful DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)check using thieves’ tools to open.Each chest contains a ceremonial holy symbol of Lolth worth 50 gp. The chest near the bedroll closest to the entrance also contains two Potions ofHealing (superior). The chest near the southernmost bedroll contains a Gem of Seeing.Desk. A Detect Magic spell reveals an aura of conjuration magic around the desk, which bears a magical trap. Any character who touches the deskreleases a swarm of spiders and must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 20 (8d4) poison damage on a failed save or half as much damage on asuccessful one. The trap triggers once, after which the spiders disappear and the desk becomes nonmagical. Casting Dispel Magic on the desk removesthe trap.The desk contains notes about covert missions the Lolth worshipers are planning in the next few months. Additionally, it contains gold- and gem-encrusted, spider-shaped knickknacks worth 500 gp total.Dining Area. The resident cultists eat and store their food in the room to the south. Characters who search the room �nd boxes of dried meat and othershelf-stable provisions. An ice box in the southeast corner,is full of raw meat, which the characters can use to command the giant lizards in area W9.W11: PassagewayThe bones are remnants of meals eaten by Ker-arach, the spiderdragon in area W12.W12: Sacred Web HallThis cavern’s ceilings are 50 feet tall. The cavern is the lair of Ker-arach, the spiderdragon (see appendix A). Ker-arach crawled into this cavern through atemporary rift to the Abyss that opened during a ritual conducted here about half a year ago. Ker-arach brought with her a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts,which she uses to answer questions posed directly to the Spider Queen. Ker-arach is essentially a tourist attraction for the few Lolth devotees who knowshe exists. The cultists consider her a sign of Lolth’s favor, even though she eats hundreds of pounds of meat every few days and doesn’t otherwisecontribute to the complex.Five bedrolls, each with a small chest beside it, are tucked into this room. A large desk stands near the east wall. A small room to the south holds a long table withchairs around it.At the east end of this hallway is an enormous pile of bones.An enormous web stretches across this open cavern’s center, its strands plastered over stalagmites and stalactites. Crawling on the web is a gigantic reptilian creaturewith eight legs. Near that creature stands a smaller, one-eyed creature with a body that resembles melting wax.ARTIST: COUPLEOFKOOKShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5134-potion-of-healing-superiorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5134-potion-of-healing-superiorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4643-gem-of-seeinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/detect-magichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/dispel-magichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468338-spiderdragonhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Spiderdragonhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partsStanding near Ker-arach is a yochlol named Ylellith, which the cultists recently summoned to help with a mission. When the creatures see the charactersand realize the characters are enemies, they attack and �ght to the death.Ker-arach’s Web. The web in the center of the cavern is made of ultra-strong, ultra-sticky strands of Ker-arach’s silk. Additionally, Ker-arach has spun other,smaller webs throughout the area. The webs are di�cult terrain. Any creature that enters the webbing for the �rst time on a turn or ends its turn theremust succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or it becomes stuck and has the restrained condition. As an action, a creature can try to pull itself oranother creature within its reach from the webbing, doing so with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. A creature freed in this way is no longerrestrained by the webbing.The webs are �ammable. Any 5-foot cube of webs exposed to �re burns away, dealing 5 (2d4) �re damage to any creature in that area.Retrieving the Rod Piece. The �rst piece of the Rod of Seven Parts is wrapped tightly in silk at the center of this cavern’s web. Characters who havedarkvision or a light source can see the rod piece from up to 30 feet away. A character within reach of the rod piece can use a sharp tool to cut it free ofthe web as an action. For more about the Rod of Seven Parts, see this book’s introduction.Next StepsA PIECE OF THE ROD OF SEVEN PARTSARTIST: BRIAN VALEZAhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17127-yochlolhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#DifficultTerrainhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Restrainedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Athleticshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419442-rod-of-seven-parts-first-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/monsters#Darkvisionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#RodofSevenPartshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-012.first-rod-of-seven-parts-piece.pngWe have updated ourterms and conditions.Click the link to learn more.SUPPORTHelp PortalSupport ForumDon't Sell or Share MyInfoCookiesABOUTContact UsCareersWizards of the CoastFIND US ON SOCIALS D&D BEYOND APP© 2017-2024WIZARDS OF THE COAST LLC | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDungeons & Dragons, D&D Beyond, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coastproduct names, campaign settings, their respective logos, and The World's Greatest Roleplaying Game are © and trademarkWizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. © 2024 Wizards.PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF SERVICEOnce the characters have acquired the �rst piece of the Rod of Seven Parts, they can return to Sigil through the portal that remains open outside Web’sEdge. At this point, the characters will likely want to rest, confer with their allies in Sigil, and see where this �rst rod piece points them to go next.When the characters return to the sanctum, Malaina is there (see “The Sigil Sanctum” earlier in this chapter for more details). Malaina offers to helphowever she can, including seeking information outside of Sigil or retrieving speci�c magic items the characters might want.Once the characters have concluded their business in the sanctum, they can begin their quest for the location of the second rod piece, as described in thenext chapter.THE SPIDERDRAGON KER-ARACH AND THE YOCHLOL YLELLITH USE A PIECE OF THEROD OF SEVEN PARTS TO COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITH THE DEMON-GOD LOLTHhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/https://dndbeyond-support.wizards.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/bugs-supporthttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/cookieshttps://dndbeyond.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055233654-Contact-Informationhttps://company.wizards.com/en/careershttps://company.wizards.com/https://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-threehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-threehttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policyhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/https://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/02-013.ker-arach.pngCH. 2: THE WIZARDS THREE CH. 4: THE RUINED COLOSSUSChapter 3: The Lambent Zenith’s Last VoyageThe hunt for the second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts brings the characters to the starry void of the Astral Plane. Within its silvery depths, alienpredators lurk in silence and fallen gods lie in stasis. Adventurers known across the multiverse as spelljammers gallivant through space in ships poweredby magic.In this chapter, the characters search the Astral Sea for the second rod piece. The characters need to explore the wreckage of a spelljamming ship calledthe Lambent,Zenith, then retrieve the rod piece from a dragon-like creature that guards it inside the heart of a fallen god.Running the AdventureThis chapter begins after the characters retrieve the �rst piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. A character who holds that piece knows instinctively that thenext piece is in the part of the Astral Plane called the Astral Sea. As Mordenkainen previously explained, the portal in the Sigil sanctum leads to the generalarea of the rod piece the characters seek.THE SPELLJAMMING SHIP LAMBENT ZENITH WAS CARRYING APIECE OF THE ROD BEFORE THE SHIP CRASHED IN THE ASTRAL SEAARTIST: KENT DAVIShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-wizards-threehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-ruined-colossushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-001.the-lambent-zenith.jpgFeatures of the Astral SeaIn the Astral Sea, time is meaningless, and creatures can survive there inde�nitely without food or drink.The locations explored within this chapter are a small fraction of what can be found in the Astral Sea. As such, the guidance here focuses on informationrelevant to the chapter’s contents.AirThe Astral Plane contains breathable, comfortable air. Unless otherwise stated, creatures can breathe normally.GravityThe characters are in an area of normal gravity during this chapter.MovementThough many creatures use spelljamming ships or other vessels to traverse the Astral Sea, a vehicle isn’t required. In the Astral Sea, a traveler can propelthemself by thought alone. A creature can move in any direction at a �ying speed in feet equal to 5 × its Intelligence score.Character AdvancementThe characters should be 12th level when this chapter begins. The characters gain a level after they retrieve the second piece of the Rod of Seven Partsfrom the hertilod.Power of SecretsThe characters can learn two secrets in this chapter that are applicable to the rules in “The Power of Secrets” section in this book’s introduction:Figaro’s Secret. Figaro, the tie�ing �rst mate of the Lambent Zenith, knew about the dangers of the portion of the Astral Sea the ship was passing throughbut deliberately hid this information from the captain. The characters can learn his secret in area Z8 of the ship’s wreckage.Ikasa’s Secret. The blink dog Ikasa knows about another survivor of the pirate attack that stranded him and his best friend, the elf Daveras. The characterscan learn this secret in area Z12 of the ship’s wreckage.Second Rod PieceThe second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts is inside the hertilod in area A2 in the “Heart of Havock” section later in this chapter. For more informationabout the rod and the spell this piece allows its wielder to cast, see this book’s introduction.A Doorway to SpaceWhen the characters are ready to continue their adventure, they can step through the portal in the Sigil sanctum and emerge on the Astral Plane in theAstral Sea. Like with the �rst rod piece, the portal opens near where the second piece is located, but it’s up to the characters to �nd exactly where thepiece is ensconced.The Astral PlaneBy researching in the Sigil sanctum or talking with the wizards, the characters can learn the following information about the Astral Plane and the AstralSea:Planar Nature. The Astral Sea is in the Astral Plane, which is colloquially known as the realm of thought and dream. Creatures can propel themselvesthrough the plane by merely thinking about moving in a speci�c direction. Creatures can also traverse the Astral Plane using vessels called spelljammingships.Dead Gods. Scattered throughout the Astral Sea are the remains of dead and dying gods who are here either because they were forgotten by theirworshipers or slain at the hands of more powerful entities.If the characters ask about the location the rod piece points to, Alustriel determines that the dying god Havock is near the piece.https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419444-rod-of-seven-parts-second-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#RodofSevenPartsHavock. Havock’s petri�ed form is hundreds of miles long and weighs thousands of tons. It once had eight legs and two heads that each held a single,unblinking eye, but as Havock lost worshipers and power over millennia, its legs and heads snapped off, destined to drift forever in the Astral Sea.Timelessness. Time has no meaning on the Astral Plane. Creatures on the Astral Plane don’t age or experience hunger or thirst.Into the Astral SeaWhen the characters step through the portal to the Astral Sea to pursue the second rod piece, read or paraphrase the following:The characters emerge from a free-�oating doorway on the Astral Plane. On passing through, the characters are subject to the gravity �eld that extendsfrom the stony mass they’re falling toward: the petri�ed body of a dying god called Havock. The characters can immediately propel themselves using theirthoughts as described in the “Movement” section earlier in this chapter.The character holding the rod piece divines that the next rod piece is located within the stony mass. The doorway is anchored approximately 1 mile fromthe mass’s surface.Stalkers in the StarsAs the characters move toward the mass, something follows them. Read or paraphrase the following:Characters can make a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. On a successful check, a character notices a large, angler�sh-shaped outline following eachbobbing light—two hungry star anglers (see appendix A) are stalking the party. The star anglers attack immediately.THE ASTRAL SEA IS HOME TO MANY TERRIFYING PREDATORS, INCLUDING STAR ANGLERSARTIST: CHRIS SEAMANYou step through the doorway and enter a silver-clouded void. Lucent wisps of white and gray fog swirl in the distance among pinpricks of starlight. For a split second,you have no sense of direction. Then, you start plummeting. The silver clouds shift, and you see that you’re falling toward a colossal, misshapen mass.Amid the clouds, two large globes of light bob toward you.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468339-star-anglerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#StarAnglerhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-002.star-anglers.pngOnce the star anglers are dispatched, the characters can continue on to the surface of the dying god, where the wreckage of the Lambent Zenith lies.Wreck of the Lambent ZenithWith its navy-blue hull and golden gossamer sails, the spelljamming galleon Lambent Zenith once cut an elegant silhouette through the Astral Sea’s silverclouds. Its captain, the deva Inda Malayuri, was an arcanist and emissary tasked with guiding the lost and bringing peace to tumultuous worlds. During avoyage, Inda uncovered a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts.Using her extensive arcane knowledge, Inda harnessed the magic within the rod piece to augment the Lambent Zenith, allowing the ship to travel to thefarthest corners of the multiverse in the blink of an eye.But the Lambent Zenith’s expedition screeched to a halt when it encountered a dying god of chaos named Havock drifting through the Astral Sea. Thelatent chaos magic around Havock twisted the ship’s capabilities; the Lambent Zenith was ripped asunder, and its prow plunged into Havock’s heart.When the characters approach Havock and the wreckage (shown on map 3.1), read or paraphrase the following:The Lambent Zenith broke into three distinct pieces: the stern segment,,the starboard segment, and the prow segment. On their initial approach, thecharacters are closest to the stern segment and area Z1, but they can approach the segments in whichever order they like.The character holding the rod piece senses that the next piece is located somewhere in the ship’s wreckage.Accessing the Rod PieceThe rod piece was stored in a safe room in the Lambent Zenith’s prow (area Z19). When the ship crashed, the safe room’s security wards activated, andthe room’s doors sealed magically. To access the safe room and uncover the rod piece, the characters must �rst deactivate the security wards.Ward RunesThe security wards are powered by two magical runes: one in area Z8 and one in area Z13. The runes are invisible. If a creature can see invisible objects,each rune looks like a stylized carving of a crescent moon pulsing with silver light. Casting Dispel Magic (DC 17) on a rune destroys it. A rune can also bedeactivated if a creature within 5 feet of it says, “The moon sings a song for the lost.”Both runes must be either rendered inactive or destroyed for the safe room’s door to open. This allows access to the heart of Havock, where the rod pieceis located.Arcane PortalsThe crew of the Lambent Zenith used the magic contained within the rod piece to create portals through which the ship could travel across the multiversewith ease. However, when the Lambent Zenith approached Havock, the rod’s magic mixed with the latent power in Havock’s dying body and went awry.This volatile combination now causes teleportation spells and effects to function strangely in the segments of the shipwreck.When a creature within a wreck segment casts a spell (or uses a similar magical effect) that would teleport it or another creature, instead of the normaleffect, a 5-foot-diameter circular portal appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of the casting creature. The portal is a glowing ring �lled withopaque mist and remains open for 1 minute.When a portal appears, roll on the Portal Exit table to determine where the portal leads. If the result is where the characters already are, roll again. Anycreature or object that passes through an open portal appears in a random unoccupied space in the exit location.Portal ExitThe stony mass isn’t a planet or an asteroid, but a colossal creature that appears lifeless. Shattered ribs arch over the creature’s mossy spine, and the air crackles withdecaying magic.Among the bones is the shipwreck of a large galleon broken into three large chunks: the sterncastle, nestled in the corpse’s hip bones; the starboard section, embeddedin the ribcage; and the prow, stabbed into the creature’s heart.https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/dispel-magicd6 Exit Location1 Sterncastle deck (stern segment; area Z1a)2 Companionway (stern segment; area Z5)3 Starboard top deck (starboard segment; area Z10)4 Grell nest (starboard segment; area Z11)5 Study (starboard segment; area Z13)6 Bridge (prow segment; area Z17)Traversing Wreck SegmentsCharacters can forgo the portals and travel between the wreck segments on their own, either by walking or by �ying. The segments are 300 feet from eachother.The areas between the segments contain a multitude of hungry astral predators. The creatures trapped in the segments don’t traverse the wreck for thisreason. When the characters enter one of these areas, roll on the Random Wreck Encounters table to see what confronts the characters.Random Wreck Encountersd10 Creature1–2 Two night scavvers (see appendix A)3–4 One star angler (see appendix A)5–6 One cloaker7–10 No encounterStern SegmentThe largest piece of the wreck, the stern segment, is nestled in Havock’s hip bones. A handful of stranded shipwreck survivors led by the Lambent Zenith’s�rst mate, Figaro, are encamped on this segment.A death slaad recently in�ltrated the camp, sowing chaos and magically manipulating Figaro’s mind. This drove Figaro into a paranoid state, causing himto lock himself in his quarters, where one of the safe room’s ward runes is located.Characters approaching this wreck segment can land on either the sterncastle deck (area Z1a) or in the companionway (area Z5).Starboard SegmentThe starboard piece of the ship crashed into Havock’s ribcage. A small lifeboat also crashed into this area, carrying refugees from a space pirate attack:Daveras, his blink dog companion Ikasa, and a treant named Redbud. Daveras escaped the wreckage and joined the survivor camp on the stern segment.Unknown to Daveras, Ikasa and Redbud also survived and are on the starboard segment.Wreckage blocks off this segment’s lower decks from the outside. Characters approaching this segment must land on the starboard segment’s section ofthe top deck (area Z10).Prow SegmentThe wreck of the Lambent Zenith’s prow impaled the dormant god’s heart. The ship’s captain, Inda, is here, as is the entrance to the safe room.Characters approaching this segment can land on either the prow segment’s top deck (area Z14a) or the lower deck (area Z17).General FeaturesThe areas of the Lambent Zenith’s wreckage have the following features:Gravity. The wreck and the areas around it have normal gravity.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2821187-night-scavverhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#NightScavverhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468339-star-anglerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#StarAnglerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16826-cloakerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17113-death-slaadLighting. Unless otherwise stated, the ambient silvery glow of the Astral Sea �lls the wreck, rendering its areas brightly lit.Walls, Ceilings, and Floors. The �oors and walls of the ship are made from faded blue wood. The ceilings of the ship’s lower decks are 10 feet high.Lambent Zenith LocationsThe areas of the wreck are keyed to map 3.1.Z1a–Z1b: Sterncastle Deck and BelowTwo lawful neutral githyanki knights named Lysan and Zastra, who served as bosuns on the Lambent Zenith, keep watch here. Characters who want toavoid the githyanki must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check. The knights notice characters who fail the check, beckoning them to approach andstate their business.Lysan and Zastra are cautious but friendly. They have a sardonic sense of humor developed after being stranded for so long. If the characters express nohostile intent, the bosuns welcome them to the Lambent Zenith and call for Ilren, who stepped in as the camp’s interim leader when the ship’s �rst mateMAP 3.1: LAMBENT ZENITHVIEW PLAYER VERSIONARTIST: FRANCESCA BAERALDScraps of golden sails dangle from the sterncastle’s ruined mast. Two armored githyanki patrol the deck and below, silver swords at their hips.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17150-githyanki-knighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Stealthhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/map-3.01-lambent-zenith.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/map-3.01-lambent-zenith-player.jpgfell ill. The githyanki explain that they haven’t heard from the ship’s captain, Inda, who Lysan and Zastra assume either died during the crash or is strandedelsewhere in the wreckage. Lysan and Zastra introduce Ilren to the party.If the characters are hostile, Lysan and Zastra shout for help and attack the characters. After all combatants have taken a turn, all �ve sailors in the uppercrew quarters (area Z2) join the �ght.Talking with Lysan and Zastra. Lysan and Zastra know the following information:Last Voyage. The Lambent Zenith was a sailing ship that sought to herald hope, community, and order across the multiverse. But this mission came to anend a few months ago when the ship collided with the body of a dying god.Strange Magic. The ship’s prow was out�tted,with “fancy magic stuff” beyond the githyanki’s understanding. This magic malfunctioned when the shipcrashed, and now teleportation magic used within the wreck is warped. Instead of teleporting creatures, the magic instead spawns a portal that leadssomewhere else in the wreckage.Terrors of Space. The areas beyond the wreck are teeming with hungry astral predators. The survivors are too afraid of these predators to risk travelingbetween the segments. The camp has also been plagued recently by aberrant monsters such as cloakers, though the survivors don’t know why.If asked for speci�cs, Lysan and Zastra share a look before directing the characters to speak with the second mate, Kycera, in the galley (area Z3). Acharacter who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check intuits that the two are uneasy about some of their crewmates. If the characters press theissue, the githyanki pull them aside and admit that the camp’s interim leader, Ilren, and the Lambent Zenith’s �rst mate, Figaro, would have moreinformation. However, Figaro has been acting paranoid of late and refuses to leave his quarters (area Z8).Talking with Ilren. Ilren appears as a boisterous giff—a bulky individual with a head similar to that of a hippopotamus—wearing a sleek red coat. But Ilrenis a disguised death slaad who can cast the spell Modify Memory (spell save DC 15) once per day. Ilren is the reason the camp suffers Aberration attacks;the death slaad sneakily directs monsters toward the wreck’s survivors and revels in the victims’ suffering. Ilren also magically modi�ed Figaro’smemories and usurped power in the camp.On meeting the characters, Ilren claims to come from a similar background: the giff is an adventurer with heroic dreams who became stranded on thiswreck when his skiff crashed into Havock. Ilren claims that nothing of his skiff remains.Ilren welcomes the characters to explore the Lambent Zenith’s wreck and make themselves at home, but a character who succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom(Insight) check intuits that Ilren’s jolly demeanor belies a suspicious and cold attitude. If asked about Figaro, Ilren breezily explains that Figaro isrecovering from an illness but doesn’t elaborate. Ilren adds that he is happy to serve as leader while Figaro is indisposed.Ilren doesn’t reveal its true form unless attacked.ILRENARTIST: RALPH HORSLEYARTIST: SVETLIN VELINOVhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Insighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17113-death-slaadhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/modify-memoryhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Insighthttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-010.ilren.pngZ2: Upper Crew QuartersFive lawful good sailors from the Upper Planes (use the veteran stat block, but the sailors are Celestials instead of Humanoids) are lounging here. Thesailors are indifferent to the characters but jump into combat to protect themselves and their fellows.These sailors were lackeys aboard the Lambent Zenith. Though they can recount the ship’s mission and subsequent crash, these sailors know nothingabout the rod piece.Z3: Galley and PantryKycera Duskstride is the Lambent Zenith’s second mate and is a chaotic good, orc assassin. A former pirate, Kycera saw the error of her ways and joinedthe Lambent Zenith’s crew to �nd redemption. Now she spends her time in the wreck’s galley. Though the survivors don’t require food in the timeless voidof the Astral Sea, Kycera �nds that cooking and eating bring the restless survivors comfort.LYSAN AND ZASTRA ARE WARY OF STRANGERS BUT GLAD FOR FRIENDLY COMPANYThis room is plain yet inviting. Five sailors lounge in cramped bunks and colorful hammocks strung from the ceiling.The sound of sizzling and the smell of spices emanate from the galley. A tall orc woman in black leather armor works busily at the stove. A gold tattoo of a crescentmoon surrounds her left eye.ARTIST: ZUZANNA WUZYKhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17045-veteranhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16790-assassinhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-003.lysan-and-zastra.pngTalking with Kycera. Kycera gladly discusses the general history of the Lambent Zenith. However, if asked about the rod piece or the security system,Kycera clams up, suspicious of the characters’ motives. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check assures her of their heroicpurpose, at which point Kycera reveals the following information:Precious Cargo. The Lambent Zenith carried an extremely rare and powerful magic artifact. As a former pirate, Kycera helped Captain Inda design thesecurity system to protect the artifact.Safe Room. The artifact was stored in a safe room at the front of the ship. During the Lambent Zenith’s crash, arcane wards should have sealed the saferoom’s doors. The safe room is inaccessible while the wards are active.Ward Runes. Two runes hidden on the ship power the wards. Kycera knows one rune was placed in the ship’s stateroom, but she doesn’t remember thesecond rune’s location. She believes that magic or a pass phrase can deactivate the runes. She doesn’t know the pass phrase, but the captain would know.If asked about Figaro, Kycera expresses annoyance at his seclusion; her tone belies a sense of parental concern. If the characters help Figaro and defeatIlren, Kycera is grateful and provides all the information above willingly.Treasure. Within the pantry are 2d4 unopened casks of aged wine, each worth 500 gp. Kycera happily allows the characters to take them, as she’sconcerned about the crew getting too drunk to fend off threats.Z4: Mess HallKYCERA DUSKSTRIDEEmpty wooden tables and chairs �ll the mess hall. In the corner, an elf man plays a game of cards.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-011.kycera-duskstride.pngThe elf is Daveras, a neutral druid. Daveras joined the camp after his lifeboat crashed into Havock.The remains of his lifeboat rest on the starboard segment.If the characters haven’t met Ilren already, Ilren is here playing cards with Daveras.Talking with Daveras. Though gruff, Daveras is friendly. He shares the following information:Missing Camp Member. Daveras’s usual card partner, a hal�ing woman named Cirit, hasn’t shownup for their games lately. Camp members said Cirit left to scout the other wreck segments, butDaveras seems doubtful. Unknown to Daveras, Cirit is actually in the Lambent Zenith’s brig (areaZ9).Paranoid Leader. Figaro, the camp’s �rst leader, locked himself in his quarters and refuses tocommunicate. Daveras tried to talk to him, but Figaro used a magical device to erect animpenetrable barrier around the room.Personal History. Daveras wasn’t part of the Lambent Zenith’s crew. When his spelljamming ship, the Verdant Branch, was attacked by space pirates, heescaped on a lifeboat with his best friend, a blink dog named Ikasa, as well as a treant named Redbud, who had grown into the lifeboat’s hull. The lifeboatcrashed into a different segment of the wreck, and Daveras outran the raiders to get to the camp on the stern segment. He believes no one else survived.If Ilren isn’t present, Daveras con�des that he noticed Figaro’s odd paranoia started shortly after Ilren arrived.If Daveras is reunited with Ikasa (found in area Z12), he is elated and happily vouches for the characters when talking to Figaro in area Z5.Z5: CompanionwayThe port door is locked and leads to a guest stateroom that now serves as Figaro’s living quarters. Due to his paranoid state, Figaro uses a Cube of Forceto deter any living matter from entering his room.A character trying to sneak up to Figaro’s locked door must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity (Stealth) check to avoid being noticed. An unnoticed character,can, as an action, use thieves’ tools to try to pick the door’s lock, doing so with a successful DC 20 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.Gaining Figaro’s Trust. Figaro deactivates the cube’s barrier if he feels he can trust the characters. The barrier allows sound to pass through, meaning thatthe characters can talk with Figaro. A character talking with Figaro can make a DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion) check. On a successful check, Figaro truststhe characters, unlocks the door, and permits the characters to enter.By helping the people found throughout the wreck, the party can �nd individuals who will vouch for them. If two or more individuals vouch for the party,Figaro deactivates the barrier without the characters needing to make a check. If only one individual vouches for the party, a character makes the checkwith advantage.Z6: Lower Crew QuartersThe painted pieces of wood are makeshift remembrance markers, honoring those who died in the Lambent Zenith’s crash. Each piece of wood has a namescribbled on it with smudged graphite. The survivors long ago burned the deceased’s bodies on the ship’s decks.DAVERASARTIST: ZUZANNA WUZYKThe forward end of this hallway is buried in Havock’s �esh. The stern end holds two doors and two stairways leading up, and another door on the port side bears agilded plaque that reads “Stateroom.”The bunks and hammocks here are empty, and the walls are covered with colorful pieces of wood, each with something written on it.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16848-druidhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16809-blink-doghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4611-cube-of-forcehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Stealthhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-009.daveras.pngZ7: StorageCharacters who have a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher hear mu�ed shouting from below.Secret Entrance. Loose �oorboards on the room’s port side can be pried up, allowing access to the brig (area Z9). Ilren recently used this passage, thenattempted to hide the loose �oorboards beneath a canvas tarp. A character who searches the �oor and succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation)check notices the edge of the loose �oorboards jutting upward beneath the canvas.Z8: StateroomThe tie�ing is Figaro, a lawful good mage. If Figaro allowed the characters into his room willingly or if enough individuals vouch for them, Figaro shakilyintroduces himself and is willing to talk to the characters. Otherwise, he screams and attacks. Figaro surrenders after he is reduced to half of his hit pointmaximum, but he still refuses to talk with the characters.Talking with Figaro. If the characters gained Figaro’s trust, he answers questions about the Lambent Zenith. He knows the following:Experiments with the Rod. The Lambent Zenith harnessed the conjuration magic within a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts to create portals that allow theship to quickly traverse the multiverse. The rod piece was stored below the bridge on the ship’s prow.Emergency Security Protocol. Knowing that the rod piece shouldn’t fall into the wrong hands, the Lambent Zenith’s captain installed a security protocolthat sealed the rod piece’s location in the event of an emergency—such as a crash. As far as Figaro knows, the rod remains in the safe room (area Z19),though that area is inaccessible due to the activated safety protocol.Ward Runes. The security protocol is fueled by two runes in different locations aboard the ship. Both runes must be dispelled to access the room thatholds the rod piece. Figaro knows the runes are invisible. He also knows one rune is located in this stateroom, on the bed’s headboard, while the other is inUnused rigging and dusty old sails �ll this old storage closet.THE LAMBENT ZENITH’S FIRST MATE, FIGARO, IS EXPERIENCING THE EFFECTS OF A MODIFY MEMORY SPELLARTIST: ZOLTAN BOROSThe stateroom is simple but elegant. The warm light of the wall sconces bathes the mahogany bookshelves and crimson bedsheets. Sitting on the edge of the bed is apurple-skinned tie�ing. He stares blankly at the wall, but his posture is as tense as a wound spring.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16947-magehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-004.figaro.pngthe ship’s study (area Z13) on the wall above the desk. He suspects casting Dispel Magic on a rune would deactivate it, but the caster needs to see therune. He also suspects the captain knew another way to deactivate it. If she survived on another segment, the characters could try to reach her to ask; ifnot, it might be recorded it in her notes.Mending Figaro’s Memories. Ilren used repeated Modify Memory spells to manipulate Figaro’s mind. A character who studies Figaro’s symptoms andsucceeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check recognizes Figaro’s glassy gaze as a telltale sign of memory-tampering magic. Restoring Figaro’s truememories causes Figaro to immediately recall Ilren’s deception. If the characters haven’t confronted Ilren, Figaro rushes off to face the death slaad.Figaro’s Secret. After recovering his memories, Figaro remains agitated even if he confronts Ilren. If the characters ask what’s bothering him, Figaroadmits he knew about the dangers of this stretch of Astral Sea but didn’t warn the captain, since this route was economical and Figaro believed it wouldbe easy for the crew to traverse.Regardless of the characters’ reaction to this revelation, learning it counts as a secret for the purposes of the Power of Secrets rules in this book’sintroduction.Ward Rune. The ward rune is located on the bed’s headboard.Z9: BrigThe shouting is coming from a couatl named Cirit, currently in the form of a hal�ing priest. Cirit was one of the Lambent Zenith’s crew members and waspresent when Ilren in�ltrated the survivors’ camp.Cirit saw Ilren’s true aberrant form. But when Cirit confronted Ilren about the deception, the death slaad overpowered her. Believing Cirit to be an ordinaryhal�ing spellcaster, Ilren hoped to use her to create a green slaad and locked her in the brig instead of killing her. Cirit has been trying to escape since.The door to Cirit’s cell is locked. A character can pick the lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check using thieves’ tools, or acharacter can wrest open the door with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.Talking with Cirit. On seeing the characters, Cirit is relieved and immediately asks for their assistance. She provides the following information:Ilren’s Aberrant Nature. Cirit saw through Ilren’s disguise. She identi�es Ilren as a death slaad, an Aberration that relishes the suffering of others.What Happened. Cirit tried to speak with Figaro about Ilren, but Figaro did nothing; Cirit suspects Ilren magically manipulated Figaro’s mind. She thenconfronted Ilren, but the death slaad overpowered her. She doesn’t know why Ilren kept her alive, and she’s not keen on �nding out why.Cirit implores the characters to help her thwart Ilren. If the characters defeat Ilren, Cirit vouches for them when talking with Figaro in area Z5.Small cells with thin iron bars line both sides of the center hallway. You hear shouts for help from one of the cells.ARTIST: EKATERINA BURMAKhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/dispel-magichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/modify-memoryhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Arcanahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecrets,https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16832-couatlhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16985-priesthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17115-green-slaadhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Athleticshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17113-death-slaadZ10: Starboard Top DeckThe tree atop the crashed lifeboat is a treant named Redbud (use the treant stat block, but Redbud’s movement speed is 0 feet) that joined the crew andgrew into the lifeboat to strengthen its hull. The treant nearly died when the boat crashed, but Redbud survived by sending roots into the Lambent Zenith’swreck to feed off Havock. Redbud’s main purpose now is protecting the blink dog Ikasa (found in area Z11), who remains trapped aboard the lifeboat.Interacting with Redbud. Redbud remains silent and motionless until a creature attempts to enter the segment’s lower deck (areas Z11–Z13). Initially,Redbud affably discourages characters from proceeding deeper into the wreck; when pressed, Redbud claims this is to protect them from hungryparasites that have nested below. However, a character who makes a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check intuits that while Redbud is telling thetruth about monsters below, the treant has ulterior reasons for keeping the characters away from the lower deck.If the characters question the treant’s sincerity, Redbud admits to the deception. Redbud explains that a dear friend is trapped below, and the treant’s rootsare protecting this friend from being eaten by the monsters nesting on the lower deck. Redbud implores the characters to clear out the nest, allowing thecharacters to proceed further only if they agree.CIRITThe deck’s �ooring here is uneven, with roots woven around the planks. Jutting from the segment’s fore is the wreckage of a lifeboat. Atop this smaller wreck is a stouttree with vibrant pink and red blossoms.ARTIST: WADE ACUFFhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17037-treanthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Insighthttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-008.cirit.pngZ11: Grell NestSix grells have made their home here, feeding off hapless raiders looking to pillage this wreck segment. The grells are hostile toward all other creatures.Redbud’s Roots. The treant’s roots have warped and splintered the �oorboards, rendering squares with roots di�cult terrain.Redbud’s roots also block the entrances to the lifeboat wreck (area Z12) and the study (area Z13), the latter of which contains one of the safe room’s wardrunes. Redbud moves these roots if the characters eradicate the monsters nesting below. The roots also retract if Redbud is killed or forced to relocate.Z12: Lifeboat WreckIkasa the blink dog is out�tted with a magical collar that allows him to speak Common. Afraid to use his teleportation ability due to the wreck’s warpedmagic, Ikasa remained in the lifeboat, protected by Redbud.On seeing the characters, Ikasa excitedly bounds over and introduces himself. If the characters mention Daveras, Ikasa asks to be reunited with his oldcompanion.Ikasa’s Secret. If the characters speak with Ikasa about Daveras, the blink dog becomes uncharacteristically morose. On further inquiry, Ikasa reveals hesaw Daveras’s friend, the hal�ing Palenna Tindertoe, escape the wreckage of the Verdant Branch after pirates attacked it. Palenna �oated away from theship using the power of her mind and likely still �oats somewhere in the Astral Sea. Ikasa didn’t tell Daveras, who believes he, Redbud, and the blink dogwere the only survivors of the attack. Ikasa hasn’t had the opportunity to �nd Palenna due to being trapped on the lifeboat, and he is afraid Daveras willbecome despondent thinking about his friend trying to survive in the Astral Sea alone.Regardless of what the characters do on learning this, it counts as a secret for the purposes of the Power of Secrets rules in this book’s introduction.A TREANT NAMED REDBUD LIVES IN A LIFEBOAT THAT CRASHED INTO THE LAMBENT ZENITHThick, pale roots here form two dense walls on either side of the room. Six bulbous, brain-shaped creatures with snapping beaks and barbed tentacles bob through theair.A cot is shoved against one wall here opposite a desk. Sitting in the room’s center is a reddish-brown dog with a leather collar studded with glowing crystals.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17157-grellhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#DifficultTerrainhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16809-blink-doghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-005.redbud.pngTreasure. The lifeboat’s interior contains survival necessities. A character who searches the lifeboat and succeeds on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation)check also �nds an emergency fund of 100 gp stashed in one of the desk’s drawers.Z13: StudySecret Strongbox. A character who inspects the bookshelves and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers that one of the books—a volume titled Dissertations on the Abstruse Mind—is a disguised strongbox. The box is locked, but the lock can be picked with a successful DC 15Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check using thieves’ tools or forced open with a successful DC 11 Strength (Athletics) check. Inda carries the strongbox’s key.The box is trapped. When a creature attempts to open the box by any means other than the key, poisonous gas puffs out the keyhole. The creature mustsucceed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or have the poisoned condition for 1 hour.The box contains a Potion of Mind Reading and a journal. The journal belongs to Inda and contains writings in Common and Celestial regarding herexperiments with the rod piece. A character who spends 10 minutes reading the journal learns the pass phrase needed to deactivate the ward runesprotecting the safe room: “The moon sings a song for the lost.”Ward Rune. The ward rune is on the wall above the desk.Z14a–Z14b: Forecastle and Top DeckThe mast blocks the entrance to the navigation room (area Z16). The door to the captain’s quarters (area Z15) is unobstructed but locked; the lock can beopened with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check using thieves’ tools. As an action, a character can attempt a DC 15 Strength (Athletics)check to force the door open. A character who has a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 13 or higher and who is standing within 5 feet of the doorhears someone inside.Z15: Captain’s QuartersBooks and scrolls concerning arcane subjects pack the bookshelves here. Pressed against the wall is a redwood desk, atop which are clean sheets of parchment andtwo inkwells.A colossal heart—part �esh and part stone—looms over this segment’s top deck. What remains of the ship’s prow is plunged deep into the heart, and the deck rumblesas the heart pulses. Scraps of gossamer sails dangle off the ship’s broken-off mast, which is jammed through one of the doors leading into the forecastle.ARTIST: LINDA LITHENhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Athleticshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Poisonedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4711-potion-of-mind-readinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Athletics,https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#PerceptionThe one-winged woman is the captain of the Lambent Zenith, Inda Malayuri. Inda uses the deva stat block, except she has a �ying speed of 0 feet.Inda’s right leg and wing were severed in an attack years ago. She now uses prosthetics, but her prosthetic wing was damaged in the crash. She has beentrying to repair it in the navigation room (area Z16). She is determined to escape the wreck and reunite with whatever remains of her crew, though sheworries the rod piece will be stolen by raiders if she leaves.Talking with Inda. Having encountered raiders attempting to pillage the wreck, Inda is wary of the characters and pointedly asks about their motives. Sheis hesitant to provide any information about the Lambent Zenith’s cargo—especially the rod piece—and isn’t swayed by bribes or threats.A character talking with Inda can make a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If a character offers to aid her with repairing her prosthetic wing or toreunite her with her crew in the stern segment, this check is made with advantage. On a successful check, Inda agrees to help the characters. In additionto the general history of the Lambent Zenith, Inda knows the following points of information:Location of the Rod Piece. The rod piece was stored in a safe room directly beneath the ship’s bridge. To protect the rod piece from raiders, the safe roomwas equipped with magical security wards that triggered when the ship crashed.Deactivating the Ward Runes. The safe room’s wards are powered by two runes. One is located on the headboard of the bed in the ship’s stateroom, andthe other is in the study, on the wall above the desk. The runes are invisible, and both runes need to be deactivated to access the safe room. Inda knowsthe pass phrase for deactivating both runes: “The moon sings a song for the lost.”What’s in the Heart. Inda has avoided exploring Havock. However, she’s seen a serpentine monster emerge from Havock’s heart.If the characters have no way to see the invisible ward runes, Inda lends the party a Lantern of Revealing.Treasure. Inda has a Flame Tongue shortsword and a Ring of Evasion on her bedside table next to the Lantern of Revealing. If asked, Inda is reluctant togive away the shortsword or ring but can be convinced with a successful DC 22 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Inda has a key to the strongbox in area Z13and knows where the secret compartment holding a Spell Scroll of Flame Strike is in area Z17; she mentions these to the characters if they help her withher prosthetic wing in area Z16 or help her reach her crew in the stern segment.CAPTAIN INDA MALAYURI SURVIVED THE CRASH OF THE LAMBENT ZENITH BUT NOW MUST FIX HER PROSTHETIC WINGIn this cabin, clothes are tossed over chair backs, and open books are strewn across tables. At the back of the room stands a deva. Her right leg below her knee is awood-and-metal prosthetic, and from her back extends a massive, white-feathered wing.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16840-devahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4668-lantern-of-revealinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4898-flame-tongue-shortswordhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4720-ring-of-evasionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4668-lantern-of-revealinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5418-spell-scrollhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/flame-strikehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-006.captain-inda-malayuri.pngAs an action, a character who can reach the bedside table can try to steal one of the magic items atop it without being seen by Inda, doing so with asuccessful DC 19 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. On a failed check, Inda sees the attempt and immediately becomes hostile.Z16: Navigation RoomInda’s Prosthetic Wing. Inda’s prosthetic wing sits on the center table. Inda has been trying to repair it, but while she excels at theoretical studies, she isinexperienced with practical engineering.Characters can attempt to help Inda repair the prosthetic wing. A character must �rst succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom(Survival) check to know which joints must be reconnected. Then, the character must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to reconnectthe joints; a character who has pro�ciency with tinker’s tools makes this check with advantage.Once a successful Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check has been made, Inda knows she can tinker with the wing enough that it will eventually work.Inda is grateful to the characters for their help �xing the broken wing, even if their efforts are unsuccessful. If the characters escort her to the sternsegment of the wreck, she vouches for the characters to Figaro in area Z5.Z17: BridgeThe armchair served as the captain’s chair. The broken chair on the ground was the ship’s helm but is now irrevocably destroyed.Treasure. A character who examines the captain’s chair and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check �nds a secret compartment in the rightarmrest. The compartment holds a bronze tube containing a Spell Scroll of Flame Strike.Z18: Forward Cargo HoldThe door to the safe room is sealed by the ship’s emergency security wards (see the “Accessing the Rod Piece” section earlier in this chapter). Inspectingthe safe room via a Detect Magic spell or a similar effect reveals a strong aura of abjuration magic, as well as two tethers stretching toward the sternsegment and the starboard segment, respectively. These tethers indicate the links between the wards and the runes in these respective locations.Z19: Safe RoomThe rod piece was consumed by the hertilod lurking within the heart.Heart Entryway. The hole in this area leads into the heart of Havock, as shown on map 3.2 and described in the following section. To retrieve the rod piece,the characters must venture into the heart and confront the monster inside.Heart of HavockA chunk of mast has pierced the doors to the corridor and �lls one corner of the room. A large bronze sphere hovers in the center of the room, spinning idly. Splayed onthe table below is a wing-shaped contraption.This room formerly served as the Lambent Zenith’s navigation room. It now functions as Inda’s workshop.This room ends in a wall of Havock’s �esh, and glass shards from the shattered window litter the �oor. An armchair sits on a platform toward the back of the room;below it lies a silver-wrought chair, toppled over and broken in half.Empty crates and barrels litter this deck, and a double door stands at the fore. The doors’ surfaces shimmer as if trapped behind a wall of translucent silver light.An overwhelmingly foul stench �lls this destroyed and empty room. Where the prow should be is a gaping hole leading into the putrid core of Havock’s heart.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Survivalhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5418-spell-scrollhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/flame-strikehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/detect-magichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468328-hertilodThough much of Havock is petri�ed and crumbling, the god’s heart still beats. Over time, the heart spawned a parasitic monstrosity known as a hertilod,which feasts on the god’s residual divine power and terrorizes hapless astral,travelers who stumble on Havock’s corpse. When the Lambent Zenithcrashed into Havock, the god’s heart began absorbing pieces of the ship’s prow, and the hertilod gorged itself on the spelljamming vessel’s detritus—including the piece of the Rod of Seven Parts.General FeaturesThe areas of the heart of Havock have the following notable features:Foul Air. The air throughout the heart is foul. Any creature that breathes the foul air has the poisoned condition until it breathes fresh air again.Lighting. All areas inside the heart are dimly lit by �oating orbs of pinkish bioluminescence.Walls, Ceiling, and Floor. The walls, ceiling, and �oor of the heart are made of purple �esh. Parts of this �esh have been petri�ed, hardening into graycrystal, while other parts remain soft and spongy. The heart beats erratically, sending a dull pulse echoing through its chambers every few minutes. Theceilings in the heart are all 50 feet high.Areas of the HeartThe areas of the heart are keyed to map 3.2.A1: Entry AtriumA character holding the �rst rod piece divines that the next piece is deeper in the heart.Treasure. The heart absorbed detritus from the wreckage of the Lambent Zenith’s safe room and bridge. A character who searches through the detritusand succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check uncovers a gilded spyglass worth 1,000 gp.MAP 3.2: HEART OF HAVOCKVIEW PLAYER VERSIONARTIST: DYSON LOGOSBeyond the shattered safe room is an oval chamber with walls of purple �esh dimly lit by pinkish, bioluminescent orbs. The air reeks of death. An opening in one wallleads to another chamber.https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Poisonedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/3.02-heart-of-havock.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/3.02-heart-of-havock-player.jpgA2: Ventricle ChamberThe creature sleeping on the ceiling is the hertilod (see appendix A) that swallowed the next rod piece. A character can move through the area withoutwaking the hertilod by succeeding on a DC 18 Dexterity (Stealth) check. Otherwise, the hertilod wakes when it detects a creature within 30 feet of itselfand attacks.Retrieving the Rod Piece. The rod piece is deep within the hertilod’s gullet. If the hertilod is forced to regurgitate creatures in its gullet, roll a d6. On a roll of4 or higher, the rod piece is also regurgitated and lands in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of the hertilod. Alternatively, a creature within the hertilod’sgullet can use its action to make a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, �nding the rod piece on a successful check. Once the hertilod is dispatched, acharacter can easily recover the rod piece from the hertilod’s gullet. For more about the Rod of Seven Parts, see this book’s introduction.Caved-In Artery. A 10-foot-wide petri�ed artery leads from this chamber. The artery has caved in, blocking that exit from the chamber.A character who uses an action to dig through the cave-in can make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. On a successful check, the character clears apassage through the cave-in large enough for a Medium creature to squeeze through. Exiting the heart through this passage leads to the area above theLambent Zenith’s prow (area Z19).A3: Flooded AtriumA character who examines the sludge and succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check identi�es it as Havock’s blood. A creature that touches theblood immediately takes 10 (3d6) force damage. For each minute a creature spends in contact with the blood, the creature takes this damage again.DEEP IN THE HEART OF HAVOCK LURKS A CREATURE CALLED AHERTILOD, WHICH HAS SWALLOWED A PIECE OF THE ROD OF SEVEN PARTSARTIST: BRIAN VALEZAThe walls and �oor of this massive chamber alternate between gray, petri�ed stone and �exing muscle and �esh. Clinging to the ceiling is a serpentine monstrosity, likea skinless snake. Its long, draconic snout drips with venom as it slumbers.The air here is humid. Pooled on the �oor is black sludge that shimmers like an oil slick.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468328-hertilodhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Hertilodhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Stealthhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419444-rod-of-seven-parts-second-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Athleticshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Arcanahttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/03-007.hertilod.pngWe have updated ourterms and conditions.Click the link to learn more.SUPPORTHelp PortalSupport ForumDon't Sell or Share MyInfoCookiesABOUTContact UsCareersWizards of the CoastFIND US ON SOCIALS D&D BEYOND APP© 2017-2024WIZARDS OF THE COAST LLC | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDungeons & Dragons, D&D Beyond, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coastproduct names, campaign settings, their respective logos, and The World's Greatest Roleplaying Game are © and trademarkWizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. © 2024 Wizards.PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF SERVICECaved-In Artery. A 10-foot-wide petri�ed artery leads from this chamber. The artery has caved in, blocking that exit from the chamber. Characters canclear that exit as described in area A2.Next StepsOnce the characters have successfully retrieved the second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts from the hertilod, they can return to the portal to Sigil that�oats above Havock. After the rod piece is removed from Havock’s vicinity, teleportation magic within the wreck segments functions normally.https://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/https://dndbeyond-support.wizards.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/bugs-supporthttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/cookieshttps://dndbeyond.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055233654-Contact-Informationhttps://company.wizards.com/en/careershttps://company.wizards.com/https://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-lambent-zeniths-last-voyagehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-lambent-zeniths-last-voyagehttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policyhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/https://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partsCH. 3: THE LAMBENT ZENITH’S LAST VOYAGE CH. 5: DEATH HOUSEChapter 4: The Ruined ColossusSearching for the third piece of the Rod of Seven Parts takes the characters to the continent of Khorvaire on Eberron. The scars of the Last War are stillfresh on Khorvaire. Nowhere is this truer than in,the Mournland, a once-glorious nation destroyed during the apocalyptic Day of Mourning. Here, thecharacters must search for the next piece of the rod.Curtains of thick, gray mist blanket the Mournland. Sentient constructs, desperate adventurers, and ravenous mutated monsters roam the blastedlandscape. The characters must navigate this wasteland in search of the rod piece, ultimately discovering that the piece is located inside the remains ofan enormous, highly advanced, bipedal war machine called a colossus.Running This ChapterThis chapter begins after the characters retrieve the second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. The characters can knit the pieces together or keep themseparate, as described in the introduction. Regardless, when a character holds the second piece of the rod, they intuitively know that the next piece islocated somewhere on the continent of Khorvaire on the world of Eberron.THE NEXT PIECE OF THE ROD OF SEVEN PARTS IS INSIDE AN ENORMOUS WAR MACHINEARTIST: ONE PIXEL BRUSHhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-lambent-zeniths-last-voyagehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/death-househttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419447-rod-of-seven-parts-third-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#RodofSevenPartshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-001.the-colossus-warforged.jpgSpeci�cally, the piece lies in the Mournland, on the slopes of Mount Ironrot. If the characters ask the Wizards Three in the Sigil sanctum why it’s unclearexactly where the third piece is located, Alustriel shares the information in the “Exploring Mount Ironrot” section later in this chapter.This chapter �rst describes Mount Ironrot, including locations and encounters awaiting the characters. The chapter then details the ruins of a colossuscalled Landro, whose dangers the characters must survive to claim the third piece of the Rod of Seven Parts.Character AdvancementThe characters should be 13th level when this chapter begins. The characters gain a level after they retrieve the third piece of the Rod of Seven Parts fromthe graymatter engine of Landro.Power of SecretsThe characters can learn two secrets in this chapter that are applicable to the rules in “The Power of Secrets” section in this book’s introduction:Mercy’s Secret. Mercy is the leader of a band of warforged pilgrims. Mercy was separated from their best friend, the warforged Filch, after the two wereseparated after the Day of Mourning. They feel guilty that they haven’t searched for Filch. Characters can learn Mercy’s secret in the “Warforged Pilgrims”section later in this chapter.Kalyth’s Secret. Kalyth, the leader of a band of veterans, lost valuable magic items and money that could have prevented the current �nancial strain sheand her allies are under. Characters can learn Kalyth’s secret in the “Veterans’ Camp” section later in this chapter.Third Rod PieceThe third piece of the Rod of Seven Parts is found in area L28 within Landro. For more information about the rod and the spell this piece allows its wielderto cast, see this book’s introduction.Doorway to EberronBefore seeking the third rod piece, the characters can rest and prepare in the sanctum in Sigil. By doing some research in Sigil or conversing with theWizards Three, the characters can learn the following about their next destination:Ruins of War. The Mournland is a ruined wasteland. Before the Last War—a global con�ict waged across the continent of Khorvaire for over a century—theMournland was the nation of Cyre. An apocalyptic event called the Day of Mourning destroyed Cyre and transformed the region. Remnants of the LastWar’s battle�elds, such as the �re-spewing war machines known as colossi, lie strewn about the Mournland, and warforged wander the land.Warforged. Warforged are common on Khorvaire. These Constructs are formed from wood and steel, then magically imbued with life and sentience.Warforged were originally created to �ght in the Last War, though many survived that con�ict and now try to understand their place in the world.Unreliable Magic. In the Mournland, magic doesn’t always function as intended, particularly teleportation and divination magic. See the “Regional Effects”section later in this chapter for more.An Important DetailARTIST: CALDER MOOREhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#RodPiecesBefore the characters leave Sigil for Mount Ironrot, the Wizards Three share their concerns that this rod piece will be particularly challenging to �nd sincethe Mournland is di�cult to navigate. The wizards suspect that the rod piece is hidden in one of the dozens of ruined colossi scattered across MountIronrot (as shown on map 4.1).Instead of searching each colossus individually, the wizards suggest augmenting the rod’s divining power with local magic that can penetrate theMournland’s impeded navigation. The characters can do this by tuning their second rod piece to a working Docent from inside one of the fallen colossi. ADocent is a small, sentient metal sphere that employs its sentience and magic on behalf of an attuned warforged; the full description of a Docent is foundin the “Finding a Docent” section later in this chapter. The wizards correctly postulate that a Docent’s magic will stabilize and augment the rod’s diviningpowers so it will directly point the way to the third piece.About DocentsLong ago, colossi were powered and controlled by Docents. The techniques and tools to create Docents were lost, but working Docents can sometimesstill be found in colossi. The Wizards Three suggest the characters �nd a working Docent and tune it to the rod piece.Mount IronrotWhen the characters are ready, they can step through the doorway in Sigil. They arrive outside a jet-black, glass oval portal near the slopes of MountIronrot.Running Mount IronrotAs the characters search for a Docent, they encounter the Mournland denizens described in the subsequent “Mount Ironrot Encounters” section. Run anencounter each time the characters travel from one location to another. All three encounters should occur before the characters proceed to the “Landro”section.From their expeditions and these encounters, the characters learn of a working Docent in a ruined village called Ialos. They also learn that this Docent iscentral to a con�ict between rival groups of Mournland scavengers: a band of veterans and a community of warforged pilgrims.Exploring Mount IronrotTHE MOUNT IRONROT REGION IS A WASTELAND SCATTERED WITH BROKEN WAR MACHINEShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-002.mount-ironrot-region.pngUse the following rules when the characters travel around Mount Ironrot.Regional EffectsMount Ironrot is affected by these environmental phenomena:Impeded Navigation. In outdoor areas, creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to navigate.Lightly Obscured. Mist perpetually shrouds outdoor areas, rendering them lightly obscured.Muddled Magic. Creatures and objects within 1 mile of Mount Ironrot can’t be perceived through magical scrying sensors. Spells or magical effects thatwould reveal a creature’s or object’s location fail while that creature or object is within,1 mile of the mountain. The third piece of the Rod of Seven Partspoints only to Mount Ironrot without precision.TravelingDistances between locations anywhere in the Mournland are indeterminate and ever-changing. Map 4.1 shows the approximate positions of locationsaround Mount Ironrot relative to one another. The map doesn’t include a scale due to this effect.Whenever the characters travel from one location to another, roll 2d4 to determine the number of hours it takes the party to reach their destination. Havethe players designate one party member to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check on behalf of the group each time the characters travel. On a failedcheck, double the number of hours the party must travel to reach their destination.DangersThere is no safe food to forage in the Mournland, and monsters are everywhere. If the party lingers too long between locations, introduce randomencounters with creatures such as blazebears (see appendix A) or blade scouting parties (see the “Blade Scouting Party” section later in this chapter).Mount Ironrot LocationsThe following locations are keyed to map 4.1.ARTIST: FRANCESCA BAERALDhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Survivalhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#VisionandLighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Survivalhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468316-blazebearhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#BlazebearOval PortalA Detect Magic spell reveals an aura of conjuration magic emanating from the oval. This oval served as a conduit for powerful teleportation magic in Cyre,but the Day of Mourning rendered its magic unstable. The oval serves as a portal to Sigil while the characters carry the second piece of the rod.If a creature tries to teleport to the Mournland using a Teleport spell, a Plane Shift spell, or similar magic, the spell’s caster must make a DC 15Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the spell fails and has no effect. On a successful save, the spell works, but teleported creatures arrive in anempty space near this oval, regardless of their intended destination in the Mournland.A creature that studies the re�ection of the Mournland in the oval clearly sees the ruined colossi, the veterans’ camp, and Ialos (see map 4.1 and thesections below). Otherwise, the view from this hill is limited, offering a glimpse of only the nearest ruined colossus.Ruined ColossiEach time the characters investigate one of the colossi shown on map 4.1, read or paraphrase the following:MAP 4.1: MOUNT IRONROT OUTSKIRTSVIEW PLAYER VERSIONA twenty-foot-tall, vertical, black oval made of glass sits on the muck atop a low hill. The oval re�ects the surrounding mist-shrouded landscape with supernaturalclarity. The oval looks like a giant mirror, but it functions as a door between here and Sigil.https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/detect-magichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/teleporthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/plane-shifthttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/map-4.01-mount-ironrot-outskirts.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/map-4.01-mount-ironrot-outskirts-player.jpgThese colossi are smaller than Landro and are easily accessible, making the task of searching them relatively quick. For this reason, no maps of theseruined colossi are provided. You can simply narrate the characters’ foray into each colossus.It takes 1d4 hours for the characters to search a colossus’s wreckage for a Docent. At the end of this time, have one character make a DC 17 Intelligence(Investigation) check for the group. On a failed check, the characters don’t �nd a Docent, but they can’t be sure they didn’t simply miss it; the characterscan spend another 1d4 hours to reattempt the check. On a successful check, the characters not only determine that the colossus’s Docent is de�nitelygone, but also uncover one of the following clues (determined by you):Deep Tracks. Deep, angular boot prints belonging to unusually heavy, bipedal creatures lead to and from the wreckage. Examining multiple colossi andtriangulating the boot prints’ directions (no check required) points to the village of Ialos.Second Party. Smaller, fresher boot prints made by lighter bipeds meander aimlessly about the wreckage. It’s impossible to discern the aim of theselighter bipeds from these tracks alone.Skilled Extractor. The Docent was removed with surgical precision, likely by someone who knew exactly what they were looking for.LandroThis unusually large colossus contains the third piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. Landro is described later in this chapter.Veterans’ CampThis campsite belongs to the ex-soldier Kalyth and her two companions (see the “Cyran Veterans” section later in this chapter). The veterans rest herebetween expeditions around Mount Ironrot. If the characters meet the veterans here and aren’t hostile toward them, Kalyth offers to share her group’smeager food supplies with the party.Kalyth’s Secret. If the characters are friendly with Kalyth, she asks to speak with them privately. In a quiet spot, Kalyth admits that in the aftermath of theDay of Mourning, she lost several valuable magic items and a purse full of gold that she could’ve used to stave off the veterans’ current �nancial plight.The items are long gone, and Kalyth fears that the other veterans would reject her—or worse—if they found out she once had the money they desperatelyneed and lost it.What was once a massive, bipedal war machine made of stone, metal, and wood now lies in ruin. Fragments of the mechanical titan lie scattered about, each piece asbig as a barn.A crumbling stone bridge crosses a river of indigo water. Beneath one side of the bridge, soiled leather tents and bedrolls are arranged around a �repit.ARTIST: ZUZANNA WUZYKhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-011.kalyth.pngRegardless of the characters’ reaction to this revelation, learning it counts as a secret for the purposes of the Power of Secrets rules in this book’sintroduction.Treasure. A character who searches the area and succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check spots a loose brick among the bridge’s remains.Behind the brick are a Potion of Healing (greater) and a moldy hunk of bread—part of the veterans’ provisions.IalosMournland-roaming pilgrims (see the “Warforged Pilgrims” section later in this chapter) turned this ruined mill into an ossuary for fallen warforged.From this base, pilgrims venture out to �nd relics or lost warforged. At such times, 2d4 pilgrims (use the warforged warrior stat block in appendix A)remain in Ialos to guard the mill or patrol its surroundings. When no expedition is underway, thirteen pilgrims (including their leader, Mercy, who also usesthe warforged warrior stat block) occupy Ialos. The pilgrims defend their home against attackers, but they �ee when they’re outmatched.The following locations are keyed to map 4.2:A windmill towers above this ruined village. The windmill’s sides and blades are reinforced with badly rusted steel plates, and the attached wooden outbuilding is inshambles. Muddy roads separate the mill from the ruined buildings. In the center of a nearby intersection stands an eroded stone statue of a humanoid draped incolorful scraps of cloth.MAP 4.2: IALOSVIEW PLAYER VERSIONARTIST: DYSON LOGOShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perception,https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5133-potion-of-healing-greaterhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468343-warforged-warriorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#WarforgedWarriorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468343-warforged-warriorhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/4.02-ialos.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/4.02-ialos-player.jpgFounder’s Statue. Colorful scraps of fabric drape over the shoulders and outstretched arm of this statue. The warforged pilgrims decorated the statue ofIalos’s founder as a gesture of respect; they are grateful to the village’s original builders for creating this space they can use to mourn.Mill. The millstones have been removed from this mill, leaving an empty space. Warforged pilgrims use the mill to plan expeditions.Ossuary. Bodies of deceased warforged line this cleared-out basem*nt. Each body is carefully secured to the wall in a digni�ed pose: back straight, armscrossed, and head slightly lowered.Ruins. Except for the mill, every building in Ialos was destroyed on the Day of Mourning. Broken stone and rotten timber lie strewn about the village.Storeroom. Objects the warforged pilgrims deem sacred line the shelves of this storeroom (see “Treasure” below).Treasure. The storeroom contains curiosities and trinkets salvaged from Mournland ruins. Some of these items had magical properties until the Day ofMourning destroyed their magic. The storeroom’s notable treasures include the following:Art Objects. Clean tapestries, intact sculptures, and leather-wrapped oil paintings are carefully piled in a corner of the storeroom. Altogether, these relicsof old Cyre are worth 2,000 gp.Docents. Half a dozen metal orbs line one shelf, but only one is a functional Docent (see the “Docent” section later in this chapter). These items weretaken from the area’s ruined colossi. A character can touch a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts to the working Docent to determine the location of the thirdpiece (see the “Finding a Docent” section later in this chapter).Magic Ring. An iron ring etched with angelic feathers hangs from a silver chain on the wall. This is a Ring of Feather Falling.Mount Ironrot EncountersThese encounters should occur, in the order presented, as the characters travel from one location on map 4.1 to another. Each encounter occurs onlyonce.Warforged PilgrimsThe characters spot a band of �ve bipeds walking single �le across a distant ridge. These are warforged pilgrims. Each uses the warforged warrior statblock (see appendix A).The pilgrims are peaceful folk who wander the Mournland in search of friendly travelers and artifacts important to warforged. A purple-hued ex-soldiernamed Mercy is the group’s leader. Mercy is initially indifferent to the characters, but the leader responds positively to any aid the characters offer, such asadvice or adventuring supplies.ARTIST: CONCEPTOPOLIShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4721-ring-of-feather-fallinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468343-warforged-warriorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#WarforgedWarriorPilgrims’ ProblemsAt �rst, Mercy speaks vaguely about the pilgrims’ goals. If the characters offer aid or helpful advice, Mercy talks about the pilgrims’ expeditions to ruinedcolossi. Mercy then tells the characters that the pilgrims have been extracting Docents from these ruins, and that the pilgrims consider the items sacred.Mercy also talks about the pilgrims’ recent run-ins with rival salvagers. Mercy mentions two other groups in particular: a band of Cyran veterans thatwatches Mercy’s group from the shadows, and a gang of openly hostile warforged that the pilgrims avoid at all costs. This latter group, Mercy explains, isloyal to the Lord of Blades, a local warmonger who conscripts warforged to his bloody cause of wiping out anyone who opposes him.If the characters offer to help the pilgrims, Mercy suggests they meet at the pilgrims’ base in Ialos (see “Ialos” earlier in this chapter). Mercy and thepilgrims happily travel with the characters, though they hide if violence breaks out, emerging only when it’s safe. If the characters wish to attend to otherbusiness before meeting the pilgrims at Ialos, Mercy draws a rough map in the mud to show the way. The pilgrims head straight to Ialos and are therewhen the characters arrive.Mercy’s Secret. If the characters befriend Mercy, they sense during their conversations with the warforged that something weighs heavily on Mercy. If thecharacters ask the warforged about their melancholy, Mercy asks to speak with the characters privately. In private, Mercy admits that their best friend hasbeen missing in the Mournland since the Day of Mourning. Weighted with the responsibility of leadership, Mercy has never searched for this friend, a blue-and-red warforged named Filch. If the characters offer to search for Filch, they �nd the ex-soldier in area L4 of Landro.Regardless of the characters’ reaction to this revelation or whether they offer to look for Filch, learning it counts as a secret for the purposes of the Powerof Secrets rules in this book’s introduction.Cyran VeteransThe characters encounter three lawful neutral veterans wandering through the mist. Once it’s clear the characters aren’t monsters or violent marauders,the wanderers introduce themselves as the Turquoise Spear, a small platoon of Cyran ex-soldiers that scours the Mournland for relics.An orc artillerist named Kalyth speaks for her companions, two hal�ing soldiers named Dortle-Lynn and Grezan. Kalyth explains that the Turquoise Spearrecently discovered a stockpile of Docents taken from colossi. She wants to claim the Docents to sell in markets outside the Mournland, but she’d happilylet the characters borrow a Docent beforehand. Unfortunately, Kalyth says, the Docent stockpile is in Ialos, a ruined village currently occupied by “roguewarforged.” The Turquoise Spear attempted to in�ltrate the ruins, but the warforged made it clear they wouldn’t give up their stockpile without a �ght.MERCYhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17045-veteranhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-013.mercy.pngKalyth doesn’t know that the warforged are peaceful pilgrims, nor does she know that the pilgrims regard the Docents as sacred. Regardless of thesefacts, the veteran insists that these treasures rightfully belong to “living, breathing Cyrans.”If the characters agree to help the Turquoise Spear, Kalyth gives the party directions to Ialos (see “Ialos” earlier in this chapter). She adds that the town’smost prominent structure is a large metal windmill that glints faintly in the mist.Blade Scouting PartyAs they pass between scorched thickets, the characters are ambushed by violent followers of a bloodthirsty warmonger called the Lord of Blades. Thesescouts have orders to search the region for a suitable colossus to turn into a new outpost, but they’ll happily make time to slay a few people in their way.The scouting party includes two blade scouts and one blade lieutenant (see appendix A for both stat blocks).The blades �ght until destroyed. They remain tight-lipped if captured, but if a character demands information and succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma(Intimidation) check, the lieutenant says his party’s commander is a powerful warforged headhunter named Glaive. “She’ll make mincemeat out of you,interlopers!” the lieutenant scoffs. The blades,can point the party to ruined colossi in the area but otherwise have no useful information.Finding a DocentThe party’s �rst task in the Mournland is to �nd a working Docent to which they can tune the second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. In the course of theirexploration, they learn that the only operational Docent in the region is in a storeroom in Ialos.The DisputeBy the time the characters reach Ialos, they should have met the pilgrims and the Cyran veterans. Both sides might ask the characters to intervene andresolve their dispute. Here is a breakdown of the situation:What Kalyth Wants. The Cyran veterans want to sell treasures from their ruined homeland in markets outside the Mournland. With the money, Kalyth says,she and her comrades can fund new, better lives for themselves.What Mercy Wants. Mercy regards Docents (and any other items intended for warforged use) as sacred. The pilgrims believe that such objects belong inthe hands of warforged who fought in the Last War.What They’ll Settle For. Ultimately, Kalyth’s group wants money, and Mercy’s group wants respect. If both parties get what they want, the dispute ends.WARFORGED TRY TO SURVIVE IN THE BLASTED WILDERNESS AROUND MOUNT IRONROTARTIST: RALPH HORSLEYhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468315-blade-scouthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468314-blade-lieutenanthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#BladesofEberronhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Intimidationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-003.mount-ironrot.pngSettling the DisputeMercy doesn’t understand that the Cyran veterans’ true motivation is money, nor does Mercy recognize the value of the items in the pilgrims’ possession.Though reluctant to bargain with the veterans, whom the pilgrims consider warmongers, Mercy can be persuaded to negotiate if the characters act asintermediaries.If the characters explain the veterans’ �nancial need and convince Mercy that the veterans mean no harm, Mercy offers to give the characters the artobjects kept in the pilgrims’ storeroom. If a character succeeds on a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check during this discussion, Mercy also offers thecharacters the Ring of Feather Falling in the storeroom.Kalyth doesn’t realize that the pilgrims’ have valuable art objects or a magic ring. If told about these treasures, Kalyth says the Cyran veterans would gladlytake either option instead of the Docents. If Mercy offers the ring as well, Kalyth insists the characters keep either the art or the ring, whichever they’dprefer, in thanks for brokering a peaceful resolution.Helpful InformationIf the resolution allows the warforged pilgrims to keep their Docents and no one is harmed in the dispute, once it’s clear the characters are looking for apiece of the Rod of Seven Parts, Mercy tells the characters the following about Landro’s unique power source:If the characters negotiate a deal that the Turquoise Spear �nds agreeable, Kalyth tells the party the following about the third rod piece:Tuning the RodRegardless of which side, if any, the characters take in this con�ict, the characters must pair the second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts to the workingDocent in Ialos to continue the adventure. (A character need not be attuned to the Docent to pair the Docent to the rod piece.)When a character touches the rod pieceto the working Docent, the piece emits a loud, metallic ping. Thereafter, the piece points in the direction of the thirdrod piece inside Landro. If the party travels in that direction, the characters eventually reach the ruins of Landro (see the “Landro” section below).DocentWondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Warforged)A Docent is a 2-inch-diameter metal sphere studded with dragonshards. To attune to a Docent, you must embed the item somewhere on your body, suchas your chest or your eye socket.“I’ve heard tales of an unusual colossus called Landro powered not by a Docent, but by a device called a graymatter engine that incorporated part of an artifact—perhaps that’s what you seek? The graymatter engine was said to generate a magical barrier around Landro, making it impossible to enter Landro except where thebarrier has already been broken.”“Rumor has it there’s a colossus powered by part of an artifact. Supposedly, if you remove this piece, the colossus will begin a self-destruct sequence, and there’s noway to stop the colossus from detonating in a terrible con�agration.”ARTIST: COUPLEOFKOOKShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4721-ring-of-feather-fallinghttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docenthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/215652-docentSentience. A Docent is a sentient item of any alignment with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 14. It perceives the world throughyour senses. It communicates telepathically with you and can speak, read, and understand any language it knows (see “Random Properties” below).Life Support. Whenever you end your turn with 0 hit points, the Docent can make a Wisdom (Medicine) check with a +6 bonus. If this check succeeds, theDocent stabilizes you.Random Properties. A Docent has the following properties:Languages. The Docent knows Common, Giant, and 1d4 additional languages chosen by the DM. If a Docent knows fewer than six languages, it can learna new language after it hears or reads the language through your senses.Skills. The Docent has a +7 bonus to ability checks using one of the following skills (roll a d4): (1) Arcana, (2) History, (3) Investigation, or (4) Nature.Spells. The Docent knows one of the following spells and can cast it at will, requiring no spell components (roll a d6): (1–2) Detect Evil and Good or (3–6)Detect Magic. The Docent decides when to cast the spell.Personality. A Docent is designed to advise and assist the warforged it’s attached to, including acting as a translator. The Docent’s properties are under itscontrol, and if you have a bad relationship with your Docent, it might refuse to assist you.LandroIn the Last War’s climactic �nal years, Cyran arti�cers crafted massive war machines called colossi. One of the nation’s greatest specimens was deployedto the battle�eld just as the Day of Mourning swept over Cyre and destroyed the nation. Instead of teleporting to the front lines, this colossus, calledLandro, appeared miles away, half-buried in the face of a soaring mountain. Landro’s crew was killed instantly.Landro now looms empty and foreboding over Mount Ironrot’s eastern �ank. The experimental magic that powers Landro—an eldritch machine called thegraymatter engine, fueled by a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts—continues to function, creating a magical force �eld around the colossus and altering thegravity within it. In addition to the aberrant monsters and restless Undead that haunt Landro’s remains, another faction is determined to plumb the ruins’depths: violent, zealous warriors loyal to the Lord of Blades.Lord of Blades’ Strike SquadA DOCENThttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Medicinehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Arcanahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Historyhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Naturehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/detect-evil-and-goodhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/detect-magic,https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-004.docent.pngWhile the characters explore Landro, they’re pursued by a warforged named Glaive (see the accompanying stat block). Glaive is a high-rankingcommander loyal to the Lord of Blades. She has orders to �nd a ruined colossus suitable to transform into an outpost for the blades, and Landro �ts thisdescription perfectly. When she becomes aware of the party’s presence in Landro, Glaive relishes the opportunity to destroy these “meddlesomeinterlopers,” as she calls them.Glaive is accompanied by two blade scouts (see appendix A) named Rack and Crunch. The three blades prefer to split up and sneak around Landro andthe adjoining caves. They take turns using hit-and-run tactics to harry the characters, creating a sense that more blades lurk around every corner. As longas Glaive is around, the characters can’t �nish an uninterrupted long rest inside Landro or in the caves of Mount Ironrot.It’s up to you where the characters encounter this strike squad, though Landro’s location descriptions provide suggestions. If you don’t want to ambush thecharacters with this encounter, it should occur in area L27. Glaive is devoted to her mission and �ghts the characters until destroyed, but her subordinatesare less motivated. If Glaive is defeated, Rack and Crunch �ee.GlaiveSince the Mournland’s earliest days, Glaive has wielded her namesake weapon in service to the Lord of Blades’ bloody conquest of the blighted region.Among the blades, Glaive is best known for her talent at self-modi�cation. “Glaive” is etched onto the back of her neck-plate. It is the only name Glaive hasever known, and fellow blades don’t dare call her anything else. Mournland adventurers, however, refer to the terrifying commander by another name: KillSwitch.GLAIVEMedium Construct (Warforged), Chaotic EvilArmor Class 16 (natural armor)Hit Points 187 (22d8 + 88)Speed 30 ft. (50 ft. with Overdrive)STR20 (+5)DEX16 (+3)CON19 (+4)INT11 (+0)WIS16 (+3)CHA9 (−1)Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +7, Wis +7Skills Athletics +9, Perception +7, Stealth +7, Survival +7Damage Resistances poisonCondition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisonedSenses passive Perception 17Languages CommonChallenge 11 (7,200 XP) Pro�ciency Bonus +4Heatsink. When Glaive takes cold damage, her Overdrive immediately recharges.Pack Tactics. Glaive has advantage on attack rolls if at least one ally is within 5 feetof the creature she’s attacking and the ally doesn’t have the incapacitated condition.ActionsMultiattack. Glaive makes two Spiked Glaive attacks and two Serrated Bolt attacks.Spiked Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10+ 5) piercing or slashing damage, or 14 (1d10 + 9) piercing or slashing damage ifGlaive is in overdrive.Serrated Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d6+ 3) piercing damage. If Glaive has advantage on the attack roll, the serrated boltlodges in the target, and the target’s speed is reduced by 10 feet until the serratedbolt is removed. A target’s speed can be reduced by only one serrated bolt at a time.A creature can use its action to remove a serrated bolt lodged in itself or anothercreature within its reach; when the bolt is removed from a creature, that creaturetakes 5 (2d4) slashing damage.Bonus ActionsOverdrive (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Glaive enters a state of overdrivethat lasts for 1 minute or until she has the incapacitated condition. While inoverdrive, Glaive gains the following bene�ts:Glaive has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.When Glaive makes a melee weapon attack, she gains a +4 bonus to thedamage roll.Glaive’s speed increases to 50 feet.ReactionsSelf-Preservation. In response to being hit by a weapon attack, Glaive reduces thedamage by 11 (2d10).ARTIST: CLAUDIO POZAShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468325-glaivehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468315-blade-scouthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#BladeScouthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468325-glaivehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Athleticshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Stealthhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Survivalhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Charmedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Exhaustionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Frightenedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Poisonedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Incapacitatedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#IncapacitatedEntering LandroThe invisible barrier described in the “Landro Features” section below makes it impossible to enter the colossus via typical means. The barrier is damagedin three places, allowing ingress via paths along Mount Ironrot into areas L5, L11, and L16 of the colossus. Map 4.3 includes a side view of Landro and thepaths that lead into the colossus’s interior.The easiest way to enter the colossus is through the mountain caves that lead to area L5. The characters can also search higher up the mountain alongoutdoor paths for the entrances to caverns that lead to areas L11 and L16. Searching for area L11 takes 2d4 hours, and during the characters’ search, ahungry roc ambushes them. Searching for area L16 takes 3d4 hours, and during the characters’ search, they stumble on a nest with two rocs and one rocegg the height of a human. The angry roc parents attack the characters, though the rocs don’t pursue if the characters �ee.Landro FeaturesThe following features are common to all areas of Landro unless otherwise noted.Antigravity MagicThe piece of the Rod of Seven Parts linked to the graymatter engine creates special gravity-altering effects in parts of Landro. The areas affected by theseeffects are denoted on map 4.3 as the swirled features in areas L5, L6, L7, L8, and L9. These have the following effects:Antigravity Wells. Landro’s ankles, legs, knees, hips, spine, and elbow are �lled with magical energy meant to allow the colossus’s body to bend and rotatefreely. Creatures and objects can enter and exit these permeable “antigravity wells” like any normal space. While inside an antigravity well, a creature isaffected by a Levitate spell (no saving throw). Regular notches in the walls make it relatively easy for creatures to move up or down a well to reach otherareas of the colossus.Gravity Tiles. Landro’s upper levels are enchanted with gravity magic that keeps passengers safely rooted to the �oor. Creatures can move across the�oor in areas L20–L28 normally, no matter the orientation of Landro’s upper body.The effects of the antigravity wells and the gravity tiles end if Landro’s shutdown sequence is activated (see the “Shutdown Sequence” section later in thischapter).CeilingsGLAIVEhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16998-rochttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16998-rochttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/levitatehttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-005.glaive.pngThe height of the ceilings varies considerably in Landro; see individual area descriptions for details. In areas L1–L4 of the cave network, the ceilings are 15feet high unless otherwise noted.Graymatter FluidA steady stream of thin, oily liquid leaks from the graymatter engine and runs into other parts of Landro and the connected,caverns. This graymatter �uidis the engine’s sensory appendage. The graymatter engine can’t move or control this liquid, but it has blindsight within 60 feet of anywhere the graymatter�uid touches.When a creature looks at a puddle of graymatter �uid, the creature sees a twisted, monstrous version of itself with an inscrutable expression rather thanits actual re�ection. A creature that ingests any amount of graymatter �uid must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or experience thefollowing effects:Altered Speech. The creature gains telepathy to a range of 30 feet but loses the ability to speak. Any attempts to speak generate only incoherent babbling.This effect ends after the creature �nishes a long rest.Psychic Damage. For each ounce of graymatter �uid consumed, the creature takes 11 (2d10) psychic damage. A creature killed by this damage rises as azombie 1d4 hours after dying.Invisible BarrierThe graymatter engine creates an invisible barrier around the intact parts of Landro. Nothing can penetrate the barrier, which is similar to the effect of aWall of Force spell, though a Disintegrate spell can’t destroy it. The barrier is broken in compromised sections of Landro (areas L5, L11, and L16).LightingLandro’s interior areas and the adjoining caves are dark. Area descriptions assume the characters have a light source or some other means of seeing inthe dark. During the day, the parts of Landro exposed to the outdoors are shrouded in the same lightly obscuring mist as the rest of Mount Ironrot (see“Exploring Mount Ironrot” earlier in this chapter).WallsAs long as the graymatter engine is active, Landro’s body—which is made from steel-plated stone blocks—is immune to damage. The adjacent caves aremade of naturally formed stone.Landro LocationsThe following locations are keyed to map 4.3.ARTIST: DYSON LOGOShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/monsters#Blindsighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17077-zombiehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/wall-of-forcehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/disintegratehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#VisionandLightL1: Cave EntranceThe shallow stream of graymatter �uid originates from the upper levels of Landro.L2: Cave GraveyardA character who examines the area and succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check notices a thick layer of powdery residue has settledacross the scene, suggesting the remains have possibly been here for years. Anyone who examined the thin, gray liquid in the cave entrance realizes thatthe white powder is residue from this liquid.MAP 4.3: LANDROVIEW PLAYER VERSIONThe jagged cave entrance in the side of the mountain resembles a yawning maw. Warped stalactites droop at odd angles like monstrous fangs. A shallow stream ofthin, gray liquid dribbles from the hole. Inside the cave, darkness awaits.The corpses of recently fallen human soldiers bearing �ne weapons and well-oiled armor lie scattered about this musty cavern.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/4.03-landro.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/4.03-landro-player.jpgThe corpses are Cyran soldiers who were instantly killed by mysterious magic on the Day of Mourning. The Mournland’s magic has preserved their bodies,which a character can determine by examining the corpses and succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom (Medicine) check.If a creature picks up the armor or weapons, two �ying swords and two suits of animated armor rise from the scattered gear to reclaim the stolentreasure. They attack the thief and the thief’s allies, but they don’t pursue foes outside this area.L3: Cave ShackThis area is separated from the rest of the caves by rickety metal sheets scavenged from the debris of Landro’s right foot (area L5). The area serves as ashelter for three Brelish soldiers who were transformed by the strange magic of the Day of Mourning. Use the fomorian stat block for each soldier, exceptthey are Large instead of Huge.The cowardly soldiers make occasional forays into the caves to smash rats or other easy prey. They attack only if they can surprise the characters,perhaps at the narrow tunnel to the north (area L4), or if the characters are already in a �ght with Glaive’s squad. The soldiers know nothing of Landroother than to avoid drinking the graymatter �uid.L4: BottleneckIf the characters haven’t run into signi�cant challenges yet, Glaive and one of her blade scout companions attack the characters from both ends of thisnarrow tunnel. After all combatants have taken a turn, the attackers �ee into Landro and hide for another surprise attack.Regardless of whether the characters �ght the strike squad, if they search this area, they �nd a comatose warforged warrior (see appendix A) in thenortheast corner of this area. A character who tries to rouse the warrior and succeeds at a DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check wakes the warrior, whoidenti�es themself as Filch. Filch wandered in here shortly after the Day of Mourning looking for their best friend, the warforged Mercy (see the “WarforgedPilgrims” section earlier in this chapter). The stress of the situation caused Filch’s comatose state. Mercy and Filch would be happy to be reunited.Rickety metal sheets separate the east end of this cave from the rest of the complex. Aggressive growling emanates from behind the sheets.FILCHARTIST: CONCEPTOPOLIShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Arcanahttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Medicinehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16865-flying-swordhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16786-animated-armorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17146-fomorianhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468343-warforged-warriorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#WarforgedWarriorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-010.filch.pngL5: Right FootWithin the mushroom patch are two shriekers. The shriekers’ high-pitched screams might attract the Brelish soldiers from area L3 or alert one of Glaive’sscouts to the characters’ location.The 20-foot-diameter cylinder of light extending up at the back of this foot is an antigravity well (see the “Antigravity Wells” section earlier in this chapter).The well connects to Landro’s right hip (see area L8).L6: Left FootA character who searches the area and succeeds on a DC 11 Wisdom (Perception) check spots a dusty, lusterless gemstone lying in a corner. This is an idcrystal, which the graymatter engine’s consciousness can be transferred into (see the “Crystal Companion” section later in this chapter).L7: Leg ShaftsEach of Landro’s 130-foot-tall legs contains two 20-foot-diameter, cylindrical antigravity wells, one in its calf and one in its thigh, connected at the knee bya 20-foot-diameter antigravity sphere.L8: ArmoryThe two 20-foot-diameter antigravity spheres in this 30-foot-tall chamber serve as Landro’s hip sockets. Gaps in the �oor and ceiling of each sphere grantaccess to the colossus’s legs (area L7) and abdomen (areas L9–L11), respectively. A 10-foot-wide antigravity well cylinder serves as a spine, connectingto area L9.Treasure. A weapon rack on the wall opposite Landro’s spine contains two halberds and one hand crossbow with a case of 20 bolts.L9: Blocked Antigravity WellRubble in area L18 blocks travel through Landro’s spinal antigravity well above this �oor. Otherwise, this area is empty.L10: Arti�cer QuartersThis 20-foot-high chamber is affected by a persistent Silence spell. A Dispel Magic spell ends the effect.Aura of Slumber. Lingering in this chamber causes creatures to feel drowsy. A creature,that ends its turn in this chamber must succeed on a DC 13Constitution saving throw or have the unconscious condition for 1 minute. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is unconscious for 1 hourinstead. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature uses an action to wake it.Sleeping Ghost. The �gure dozing in one of the beds is the spirit of Alamar-Vatashi, a soldier who overslept on the Day of Mourning. In life, Alamar-Vatashiwas a kalashtar, a Humanoid bound to a dream-spirit called a quori. The Day of Mourning caused her to remain asleep in this chamber. She is a neutralgood ghost who can speak Common; she can also communicate telepathically within a range of 30 feet.If Alamar-Vatashi awakens and becomes aware of the characters, she telepathically asks why they aren’t sleeping and yawns deeply. If questioned, shesays she’s too tired to talk, but she offers to share her dreams with the characters if they wish. A character who touches Alamar-Vatashi’s incorporeal palmAside from a narrow passage, the 10-foot-tall toe section of the colossus’s foot has collapsed. Oversize, skull-shaped mushrooms pockmark the heap of debris thatmarks the rough division between the colossus’s interior and the adjacent cave. At the chamber’s far end, motes of dust and debris �oat in a cylinder of glowing, greenlight that stretches from �oor to ceiling. The cylinder of light continues upward into Landro’s leg.The stone door at the toe end of this hollow foot has broken in several parts and is jammed shut. Through the cracks in the door, you can see the solid stone of thesurrounding mountain.Absolute silence �lls this tranquil sleeping area. The walls are lined with wooden bunk beds draped in green and purple quilts. Motes of dust drift with a peculiarlanguidness. A woman sleeps in one of the beds.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17013-shriekerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/equipment/halberdhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/equipment/crossbow-handhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/equipment/crossbow-boltshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/silencehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/dispel-magichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Unconscioushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16871-ghostexperiences a vivid vision of the day Landro came to this mountain on the Day of Mourning. This touch doesn’t damage the character. Read or paraphrasethe following to describe the vision:The vision lasts only a moment but feels like it lasts hours to the creature experiencing the vision. A character who receives this vision gains the bene�tsof a short rest. No character can receive the vision more than once.L11: WorkshopThe ceiling here is 20 feet high. Any characters pro�cient in tinker’s tools or woodcarver’s tools can assemble a set of either tools from the items in thisroom with 1 minute of work.Repair Paste. The steel vat contains magical paste specially formulated for strengthening Constructs. Turning the knob on the attached faucet releases apalm-size dose of paste. A creature can take 1 minute to apply a dose of the paste to a Construct to grant it 10 temporary hit points. Once dispensed, adose of paste loses its magic if not applied within 1 minute. The vat contains three doses of paste.L12: Lost SoldierThe lawful good ghost, who says its name is Chandry, pleads with the characters to help it reunite with its comrades inside Landro.Suddenly, Chandry cries out with joy and sprints toward the colossus. When the ghost comes within arm’s reach of Landro, it blinks out of existence.Chandry then reappears at the bottom of the cave with no memory of the last few moments’ events and asks the characters for their help again. Everytime Chandry approaches Landro, the ghost disappears and reappears in the same way. If the characters tell Chandry about the fallen soldiers in area L2,the ghost is put to rest and doesn’t reappear.L13: Dragonshard PoolAs if through the eyes of a soaring bird, you see a titanic stone statue standing amid a circle of glowing sigils. A dozen robed �gures, as small as ants, stand around thecircle and murmur arcane words, their heads bowed in concentration. Impossibly, the stone colossus begins to levitate.As silvery light swirls around the colossus, the ground quakes, breaking the mages’ focus. The colossus is buried in crumbling stone, surrounded by shifting mountainsand sickly gray clouds. Years pass in rapid succession while the colossus stands like a stone sentinel, stuck inside the craggy mountainside.Fine tinkering tools, woodcarving equipment, and metal plates hang from hooks above a stone table and counters in this crowded workshop. In one corner, a faucet jutsfrom a tall steel vat. The opposite corner has collapsed, allowing access to a tunnel beyond. A rivulet of graymatter �uid oozes across the �oor and down the tunnel.The ghostly image of a human Cyran soldier paces nervously at the bottom of this sloping cavern. On seeing you, the �gure smiles with relief and waves, shouting,“Please, help me �nd my comrades!”ARTIST: LINDA LITHENhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/equipment/tinkers-toolshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/equipment/woodcarvers-toolshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/combat#TemporaryHitPointshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16871-ghostPulverized dragonshards—special gemstones native to Khorvaire—mixed with the graymatter �uid here, creating a pool with strange magical properties.Enchanted Pool. A Detect Magic spell reveals an aura of enchantment magic emanating from the pool. Drinking from it exposes a creature to graymatter�uid (see the “Graymatter Fluid” section earlier in this chapter). When a nonmagical item is dipped into the pool, roll on the Dragonshard Pool Effects tableto determine what happens to the item. An item can be affected by the pool only once; subsequent exposures have no effect.The pool has 4 charges. It expends 1 charge each time an item is dipped into it. The pool regains all expended charges daily at dawn.Dragonshard Pool Effectsd6 Effect1–2 The item is destroyed.3–4 The item gains a cosmetic defect such as discoloration, mild warping, or mysterious engravings.5–6The item craves more graymatter �uid. Every time the item’s wielder comes within 30 feet of graymatter �uid, the item emits a high-pitched hum thatlasts until the character moves away from the �uid.Treasure. A suit of chain mail, two shortswords, and a mace lie on the �oor. All are twisted and malformed, as if they were affected by a roll of 3 or 4 onthe Dragonshard Pool Effects table.L14: Blazebear DenThe monster dwelling here is a blazebear (see appendix A). It attacks any creature it sees and �ghts until destroyed.A STRANGE POOL FOUND INSIDE LANDRO HASMAGICAL EFFECTS ON ITEMS DIPPED INTO ITThe deep pool of gray liquid in the corner of this chamber glitters oddly. Around the pool, bones and battered armaments litter the cave �oor.A pile of leather scraps, broken bones, and sludgy offal �lls a corner of this cave. Nesting in this nauseating pile is a monstrous beast that resembles a bear with threelong, �eshy tentacles sprouting from its skull. Each tentacle is topped with a glowing, knobby lump of �esh.https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/detect-magichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/equipment/chain-mailhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/equipment/shortswordhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/equipment/macehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468316-blazebearhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Blazebearhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-006.dragonshard-pool.pngL15: OverhangAssuming they haven’t both been defeated, one of Glaive’s blade scouts (see appendix A) hides on the overhang here while the other scout hides down theeastern tunnel, near area L16. When the characters are within range, the scouts �re their crossbows,at a random character.Any creature atop the overhang has half cover from creatures in the tunnel below.L16: Ruined ChamberThis 30-foot-tall chamber is choked with debris and is di�cult terrain.L17: BridgeAs long as Landro’s magical barrier is active, the view port’s crystal is immune to damage. The ceiling is 30 feet high.Broken Control Helmet. The silver helmet once created a magical link between its wearer and the graymatter engine. A creature that puts its ear to thehelmet hears a faint, metallic clanking. A creature that dons the helmet must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature hasthe incapacitated condition for 1 minute. On a successful save, the creature experiences a vision of what happened to Landro on the Day of Mourning (usethe read-aloud text of the vision in area L10). The helmet loses this effect if removed from this room.L18: Collapsed Antigravity WellDamage to Landro’s spine has disabled this antigravity well from this point upward. The rubble blocks access to area L9 below, but the path up to area L20and beyond is clear.Without the aid of antigravity magic, a creature can climb the notched walls inside the shaft only by succeeding on a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.From this area, the shaft stretches up 100 feet before terminating at the roof of Landro’s head (area L28).L19: Muster PointThree Cyran soldiers in full regalia stand diligently at the arrow slits in this 30-foot-tall gathering hall. When they become aware of the characters, thesoldiers turn to the party, revealing ghostly, screaming skulls instead of faces. The soldiers are three hostile wights. Three will-o’-wisps, previouslyinvisible, appear at the start of combat and �ght alongside the wights.L20: War RoomThe table is a magically animated servant (use the stone golem stat block). It is designed to defend Landro from enemy boarders. As soon as a creaturedisturbs the table’s contents, the table reveals its true nature and attacks.Treasure. The vellum maps depict regions of Cyre that bear no resemblance to the current topography. Though useless to navigators, the maps are worth2,500 gp to historians, collectors, or Cyran expatriates.Two tunnels branch off opposite sides of this thirty-foot-high cavern. The tunnels reconvene at an overhang �fteen feet above the eastern passage.A wood-and-steel captain’s chair tops the platform in the center of this room. Slumped in the chair is a skeletal corpse wearing Cyran regalia. The skeleton wears asilver helmet with a sizable dent. A view port made from shimmering crystal overlooks the mists of the Mournland.Rubble chokes this shaft. A steady trickle of gray liquid burbles through the rubble.This thirty-foot-tall chamber centers on a massive, stone table. Dozens of large maps and scroll cases lie scattered across the table.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468315-blade-scouthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#BladeScouthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/combat#Coverhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#DifficultTerrainhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Incapacitatedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Athleticshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17059-wighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17060-will-o-wisphttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Invisiblehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17025-stone-golemL21: ShouldersBallistae mounted on wheels point out the windows at each of Landro’s shoulders. A total of twelve ballista arrows are scattered on the �oors in theseareas: �ve in area L21a and seven in L21b. The ceiling in these areas is 40 feet high.L22: WalkwayA 3-foot-tall stone battlement wraps around this open-air walkway.L23: Holding CellsThe forearm and upper arm both house pairs of holding cells. Designed to hold prisoners of war, these empty cells never saw use. The ceiling in eachroom is 15 feet high.L24: Intake ChamberWhen the lever on the wall is �ipped, the hatch in the �oor opens, and a 10-foot-diameter, 30-foot-deep cylindrical antigravity well emanates from thecolossus’s palm. Any Large or smaller unattended object that enters this antigravity well slowly �oats into this chamber. The antigravity well deactivatesand the hatch closes when the lever is returned to its original position.L25: VaultThe chest is a mimic in disguise. As soon as a creature touches it, the mimic attacks. Once it has grappled a creature, the mimic attempts to drag itsvictim outside so it can drop the victim off the edge of the walkway (area L22). Creatures that fall take 45 (13d6) bludgeoning damage.L26: ThroatIf she still lives, Glaive has set a trap here for the characters. She tore out the weapons system from area L27 and moved it to the edge of that chamber sothat it points down Landro’s throat.As soon as a character is halfway up this area, Glaive activates the weapon, which ejects a jet of water in a 60-foot line. Any creature in this line mustsucceed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage and fall down to area L18, landing with the prone condition.Glaive compromised the weapons system when she moved it; once �red, it breaks, losing its magic.L27: Weapons SystemIron bars along either side of this hallway form two cells, each with a locked iron door.This small, �fteen-foot-tall chamber features a metal hatch in the �oor and a lever attached to a nearby wall.The �oor of this ruined, thirty-foot-tall chamber is bare except for a large, wooden chest. The ostentatious chest’s dark walnut planks shine, and its iron straps are gildedwith a thick sheet of gold leaf. An iron padlock crafted in the shape of a grinning demon hangs from the chest’s hasp.This twenty-foot-tall cylinder is the equivalent of Landro’s throat. Above, a tangle of metal dangles like a mechanical uvula.ARTIST: CLAUDIO POZAShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16957-mimichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#ProneIn this 15-foot-tall room, which is effectively Landro’s mouth, Glaive (see her stat block earlier in this chapter) makes her �nal stand against the charactersif she has survived this long. Her blade scouts (see appendix A), Rack and Crunch, �ght alongside her if they’re still alive.L28: Graymatter EngineYears after its abandonment, the graymatter engine still churns with arcane power. Crafted from experimental designs based on unfamiliar technology, thegraymatter engine converts the power of the third Rod of Seven Parts piece into magical effects throughout Landro. The colossus’s force �eld, weaponssystem, and antigravity wells are all powered by this eldritch machine.When the characters arrive in this area, the graymatter engine manifests a physical entity to converse with the party. Proceed to the “Graymatter Guardian”section below.Hidden Sentinels. This chamber contains false walls made of thin metal plates. A character investigating the walls can tell that they are hollow bysucceeding on a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. Behind these walls stand four defense sentinels bound to the graymatter engine (each uses theshield guardian stat block but is Medium instead of Large).If a sentinel takes damage or the rod piece is removed from the graymatter engine, the walls around all four sentinels slide into the �oor and the sentinelsactivate, attacking all intruders.GLAIVE AND HER SUBORDINATES MIGHT CONFRONT THE HEROES INSIDE LANDRO’S WEAPONS SYSTEMS ROOMThe mechanical guts of what must have been a magical cannon were torn out of the platform in this room. To the south, a three-foot-tall ledge is all that separates thischamber from the open air. If not for the dense mist of the Mournland, this window would afford a spectacular view.Dripping pipes and rusty chains hang from the �fteen-foot-high ceiling,of this chamber. Deep-red light courses rhythmically through the pipes, which converge on a largeobject atop a circular dais.The object resembles an oversize brain made of iron-gray ceramic. Its surface is molded with countless grooves that form mesmerizing patterns. A crack along theceramic brain’s frontal lobe leaks a thin, gray liquid that pools around the dais.Floating above the brain and scattering light across the room is a small, slender object: a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468325-glaivehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468315-blade-scouthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#BladeScouthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17012-shield-guardianhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-007.glaive-and-subordinates.pngRetrieving the Rod Piece. As long as the graymatter engine is active, the rod piece �oating above the engine’s ceramic shell is held in place with powerfulmagic. As an action, a creature can try to remove the piece. A creature that touches the piece must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,the creature takes 11 (2d10) psychic damage, and the piece doesn’t move. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage but is able tograb and move the piece freely. Successfully casting Dispel Magic (DC 14) on the piece suppresses the magic for 1 minute, during which time the piececan be touched and removed without requiring creatures to make a saving throw.When the piece is removed, the four defense sentinels attack the characters, and Landro’s shutdown sequence begins (see the “Shutdown Sequence”section below). For more about the Rod of Seven Parts, see this book’s introduction.Graymatter GuardianThe graymatter engine has—or, more aptly, is—a mind of its own. It sensed the characters when they �rst entered Landro and has watched them curiously.When the characters arrive in this room, the graymatter engine manifests a swirling mass of animated graymatter �uid.The animated �uid takes the shape of a tall, lithe humanoid and introduces itself as Landro. This neutral-aligned being uses the water elemental statblock, except it has telepathy out to 30 feet.Landro isn’t interested in �ghting. Rather, it wants to question the newcomers who’ve made it all the way to the colossus’s uppermost level.Landro the HostIn its manifestation as Landro, the graymatter engine assumes the role of a gracious host. It is far more interested in learning about its visitors than intalking about itself. If pushed, Landro brie�y explains how it was created by Cyran mages to control the colossus of the same name. On the day of itsdeployment, the colossus teleported halfway into this mountain, where it has remained since. Unable to wrench its body from Mount Ironrot, thegraymatter engine fell into a despondent torpor that lasted until the arrival of its recent visitors.THE GRAYMATTER ENGINE SERVES AS LANDRO’S BRAIN, THOUGH IT CAN’T CONTROL THE COLOSSUS’S MECHANICAL SYSTEMSARTIST: ALFVEN ATOARTIST: BRIAN VALEZAhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/dispel-magichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#RodofSevenPartshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17051-water-elementalhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-008.graymatter-engine.pngSharing SecretsLandro understands the world by peering into the thoughts and memories of living beings. During conversation, the entity asks the characters to share asecret with it.Landro wishes to learn secrets from the characters through a type of osmosis. Landro tells the characters that this process is harmless and takes only amoment, though it does require physical contact with the head of a consenting character, as well as spending a secret the character has learned. If thecharacters reject the idea, Landro doesn’t push the matter.If the characters consent to the entity’s request, Landro extends a ribbonlike tentacle of graymatter �uid. Landro uses this tentacle to brie�y touch thehead of each consenting character in turn. An affected character hears a deep, sloshing sound and experiences a sensation like being underwater, butwhen the tentacle is removed, the character is as dry as before.After this process, Landro nods in quiet appreciation and thanks the party for sharing their secrets.Secrets Revealed. If any character consents to the graymatter engine’s secret-learning process, the most recent secret the party learned is spent, asdescribed in “The Power of Secrets” section in the book’s introduction. Instead of the usual bene�t of spending the secret, the characters all gaininspiration. Mark off a secret spent in this way on the Secrets Tracker in appendix C. No matter how many characters consent, only one secret is spent.The Engine’s AidIf the characters befriend Landro, or if two or more of the characters agree to share a secret with it, the entity warns the party of the engine room’s defensesentinels and explains how the colossus’s shutdown sequence works. Even though it is mentally merged with the colossus of the same name, the entitycan’t control the colossus’s systems.LANDRO“I already know a great deal,” Landro says. “The knowledge I now seek is of the clandestine variety. I would be interested to learn your secrets.”ARTIST: CONCEPTOPOLIShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/phb/personality-and-background#Inspirationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/secrets-tracker/https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-012.landro.pngWe have updated ourterms and conditions.Click the link to learn more.Crystal CompanionAt the end of their conversation, Landro asks to travel with the party so it can continue to learn from them. If the characters �nd a special kind of gemcalled an id crystal, Landro explains, they can transfer the graymatter engine’s consciousness to it. Landro tells the characters that a suitable id crystal canbe found in the colossus’s left foot (area L6).When an id crystal touches the graymatter engine, the graymatter engine’s consciousness is transferred to the crystal, which becomes an Elemental Gem(emerald).As soon as the graymatter engine’s consciousness is transferred to the id crystal, the rod piece powering the graymatter engine falls to the �oor, activatingthe hidden sentinels in area L28 and starting Landro’s shutdown sequence (see below).Shutdown SequenceWhen Landro’s shutdown sequence is activated, a magical, soothing voice announces: “One minute until self-destruct.” The following things then happenimmediately:Antigravity Deactivated. Landro’s antigravity magic—including the antigravity wells and �oors—is dispelled.Barrier Dropped. The invisible barrier around Landro disappears.Self-Destruct Initiated. Characters inside Landro must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or have the prone condition as the colossus heaves andshudders. After 1 minute, the colossus explodes in a �ery con�agration. When this happens, creatures inside Landro must make a DC 18 Dexterity savingthrow, taking 99 (18d10) �re damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. Unattended, nonmagical objects inside Landro aredestroyed by the explosion.Next StepsOnce they’ve acquired the third piece of the Rod of Seven Parts, the characters can return to the oval portal on Mount Ironrot’s outskirts. Stepping throughthe portal returns the characters to the sanctum in Sigil.ELEMENTAL GEM (EMERALD)https://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4889-elemental-gem-emerald,https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/4889-elemental-gem-emeraldhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Pronehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/04-009.emerald-elemental-gem.pngSUPPORTHelp PortalSupport ForumDon't Sell or Share MyInfoCookiesABOUTContact UsCareersWizards of the CoastFIND US ON SOCIALS D&D BEYOND APP© 2017-2024WIZARDS OF THE COAST LLC | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDungeons & Dragons, D&D Beyond, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coastproduct names, campaign settings, their respective logos, and The World's Greatest Roleplaying Game are © and trademarkWizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. © 2024 Wizards.PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF SERVICEhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/https://dndbeyond-support.wizards.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/bugs-supporthttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/cookieshttps://dndbeyond.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055233654-Contact-Informationhttps://company.wizards.com/en/careershttps://company.wizards.com/https://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-ruined-colossushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-ruined-colossushttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policyhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/https://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/CH. 4: THE RUINED COLOSSUS CH. 6: NIGHT OF BLUE FIREChapter 5: Death HouseThe fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts is in Barovia, one of the Shadowfell’s Domains of Dread. With the aid of an Ulmist inquisitor, the party in�ltratesthe basem*nt of an eerie locale called Death House. Here, they must stop cults plotting to use the fourth rod piece in vile rituals while also preventing theartifact from falling into of the hands of the infamous vampire Strahd von Zarovich.Running This ChapterThis chapter begins after the characters retrieve the third piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. When a character holds this piece, they instinctively know thatthe next closest piece is located in the village of Barovia, in the domain of Strahd von Zarovich. Although it’s a small village, Barovia teems withsupernatural threats—including the forebodingly named Death House, the location of the fourth piece.By researching Death House in the Sigil sanctum or asking the Wizards Three about it, the characters learn that Death House is owned by two Baroviansnamed Gustav and Elisabeth Durst, who run a small cult devoted to Barovia’s Darklord, Strahd von Zarovich. Given the domain’s many greater threats, thisDEATH HOUSE IS A SOURCE OF TERROR IN BAROVIA, AND THE CHARACTERS SOON DISCOVER WHYARTIST: ANDREW MARhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/the-ruined-colossushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/night-of-blue-firehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/05-001.the-death-house.jpgminor cult and the house draw scant attention. If the characters ask, Alustriel shares the information in the “Knowledge of Barovia” section. Neither thewizards nor the available research materials in Sigil can reveal further details.This chapter begins with the characters’ approach to Death House. Their journey is interrupted by a mob of scared peasants as well as a potentiallyhelpful inquisitor. Most of the chapter describes the horrors the characters encounter as they explore Death House. Once the characters acquire the rodpiece, Strahd arrives at Death House to toy with the characters and tries to block their escape.Character AdvancementThe characters should be 14th level when this chapter begins. They gain a level after they retrieve the fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts from DeathHouse.Power of SecretsThe characters can learn one secret in this chapter that is applicable to the rules in “The Power of Secrets” section in this book’s introduction:Sarusanda’s Secret. Sarusanda is an Ulmist inquisitor, but her father, Galias, joined the evil priests of Osybus. Sarusanda expected to �nd and slay him inDeath House. The characters can learn this secret during one of their encounters with Sarusanda, as described in the “Meetings with Sarusanda” section.Fourth Rod PieceThe fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts is in area D38 of Death House. For more information about the rod and the spell this piece allows its wielder tocast, see this book’s introduction.BaroviaThe third rod piece allows the characters to step through the portal in the Sigil sanctum and emerge in the western outskirts of the village of Barovia.If the characters haven’t already, allow them to research Barovia in Sigil or ask the wizards about the place, then convey the points listed in the “Knowledgeof Barovia” section below. When you’re ready to start the chapter, proceed to the “Arriving in Barovia” section.Knowledge of BaroviaCharacters who research Barovia can learn the following:Domain of Dread. Barovia is the name of a village as well as the name of the Domain of Dread that encompasses that village. A Domain of Dread is ademiplane hidden in the Plane of Shadow. Every Domain of Dread is separated from the rest of the multiverse by the mysterious Mists.The Mists. The Mists are unfathomable and unpredictable. Once an individual has been taken by the Mists, there is little chance of escape. The onlyentities with in�uence over the Mists are the unknowable Dark Powers, which control the Domains of Dread, and the Darklords, who each rule a domaincreated to torment them.Strahd the Vampire. As Barovia’s Darklord, the vampire Strahd von Zarovich wields immense power and usually has the �nal say over who comes andgoes in his domain.Arriving in BaroviaWhen the characters step through the portal in Sigil, they wade through a thick mist before emerging on the western outskirts of Barovia. Read orparaphrase the following:If the characters attempt to leave or circumvent the village, the Mists return them to where they started.Thick, gray fog shrouds this small, gloomy village. Dismal houses and outbuildings line the cobblestone streets. The sound of a child weeping echoes preternaturallyfrom a tall house looming in the distance.https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419443-rod-of-seven-parts-fourth-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#RodofSevenPartsThe third piece of the Rod of Seven Parts points toward the tall, gloomy house on the village’s far side, where the sound of weeping is coming from.Unwelcome PartyWhile making their way across the village, the characters are accosted by a throng of panicked villagers fearful of the newcomers.,Read or paraphrase thefollowing:The mob consists of twenty hostile commoners who surround the characters. As Sarusanda later explains to the characters, the priests of Osybusforesaw the characters’ arrival and sowed foul rumors about them to turn the villagers against them. The characters must diffuse the situation with thevillagers before they can proceed.The characters can disperse the mob in a variety of ways. They can lie about their identities or intentions; they can convince the villagers that they meanno harm or that they hope to help the children crying in the distant house; or they can threaten the villagers’ lives. To successfully sway the mob in one ofthese ways, at least one character must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check, using whichever skill isappropriate. A character who casts Calm Emotions on the mob’s area has advantage on this check.Until the characters disperse or escape the mob, one randomly determined character takes 1 bludgeoning damage from hurled debris at the start of eachturn. Each round on initiative count 0, the DC of the check to disperse the mob increases by 1. The villagers immediately disperse if the characters attackor deal damage to any of them.The Ulmist InquisitionAfter the characters are free of the mob, a cloaked adventurer named Sarusanda Allester approaches them. Sarusanda is a lawful neutral, humaninquisitor of the tome (see appendix A) who speaks Celestial, Common, Draconic, and Elvish, and can cast Speak with Dead at will. She introduces herselfBAROVIAN VILLAGERS CONFRONT THE CHARACTERS WHEN THEY ARRIVE, BELIEVING THEY’RE VILLAINSARTIST: MARK BEHMAs you move through town, a handful of murmuring villagers follow you at a distance. More villagers emerge from houses on all sides, and soon you’re surrounded by asmall mob. A farmer carrying a pitchfork points at you and calls you interlopers. Other folks brandish brooms, axes, and large stones. They scream at you to leave thevillage.https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16829-commonerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Deceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Intimidationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/calm-emotionshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1680928-inquisitor-of-the-tomehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#InquisitoroftheTomehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/speak-with-deadhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/05-002.barovian-villagers.pngand asks to speak with the characters in private. The characters can slip into an alley for this discussion, or they can duck into the Blood of the Vine, thevillage tavern, for a quiet conversation.Sarusanda’s MissionSarusanda’s initial impression of the characters depends on how the characters handled the angry mob. If the party dispersed the mob without harmingany villagers, Sarusanda is friendly toward the characters. Otherwise, Sarusanda is indifferent but wary.Sarusanda explains that she is a member of the Ulmist Inquisition, an organization dedicated to rooting out evil throughout the multiverse. She asks thecharacters what business they have at the house on the far side of the village.However the characters respond, Sarusanda says she is also going to the building. “The locals call it Death House,” she says. “Perhaps we can help eachother achieve our goals there.”In the course of their conversation, Sarusanda conveys the following information to the party.Cultists in Death HouseDeath House is owned by Gustav and Elisabeth Durst. It’s an open secret that the Dursts use the building to host cultists who venerate the Darklord ofBarovia, Strahd von Zarovich. This minor cult occasionally causes trouble, but until now, it hasn’t merited intervention by the Ulmist Inquisition.Unexpected Discovery. Recently, the cultists in Death House obtained something important: a fragment of the Rod of Seven Parts. Sarusanda believes thecultists don’t know much about the rod piece, but she suspects the cultists plan to use it to somehow attract Strahd’s attention.Priests of OsybusThe Death House cultists’ discovery roused the attention of another wicked group, the priests of Osybus. Una�liated with the cultists in Death House, thepriests of Osybus are necromancers who steal souls to fuel their evil, life-prolonging magic. They wish to claim the rod piece for use in their necromanticrituals, and they’ve divined the characters’ arrival and know the characters will try to stop them. To slow the characters down, the priests spread dreadfulrumors about them throughout town. This stirred the villagers into a frenzy. Sarusanda heard about the priests’ activities, discovered the presence of therod piece, and traveled to the village. She has vowed to stop the priests of Osybus’s activities in Death House and any other evil happening there.Eight priests of Osybus have in�ltrated Death House. They are all neutral evil humans who speak Abyssal, Common, and Infernal.Strahd WatchesSARUSANDA ALLESTERARTIST: ROBSON MICHELhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1680942-priest-of-osybushttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/05-003.sarusanda-allester.pngIf Sarusanda’s information is correct, Strahd is also aware of the activities at Death House.Sarusanda’s PlanSarusanda needs to act quickly to stop the priests of Osybus and Strahd from acquiring the rod fragment. She doesn’t care if the characters take theartifact; as long as it stays out of her enemies’ clutches, she’ll consider her work done. To this end, she invites the characters to join her cause. Regardlessof whether the characters cooperate with Sarusanda or ignore her, their interaction with her now affect subsequent meetings with her inside Death House.Approaching Death HouseAs the characters come within sight of Death House, read or paraphrase the following:The children are Rosavalda “Rose” and Thornboldt “Thorn” Durst. Rose explains that the monster arrived just after the children’s parents, Gustav andElisabeth, ordered Rose and Thorn outside to play. Rose is especially worried for Brigetta, the family’s nursemaid, who’s always been kind to both children.After Rose and Thorn came outside, they heard screams inside the house, followed by terrible howls coming from the basem*nt. Recently, a group ofrobed adults (priests of Osybus) arrived and entered the house without a word.If calmed with a successful DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check, Thorn sni�es that his parents often invite weird friends over for parties, but this timeseems different.The children have no other useful information, and neither has any idea how much time has passed since the events they’ve described. They have no ideathat their parents are cult leaders in possession of a powerful artifact. If the characters express hesitation about leaving the children alone, a friendlyneighbor arrives and offers to keep the children safe.Sarusanda Splits OffAs soon as the characters enter Death House, Sarusanda suggests she and the party explore the house separately. This way, you can focus on thecharacters without having to run Sarusanda alongside them. The characters will have several opportunities to run into Sarusanda in the house. See the“Meetings with Sarusanda” section for more details.If you wish, Sarusanda can stay with the characters, and the events described in that section happen while she accompanies the party.Death HouseA boy and a girl stand in the middle of the dirt road outside a grim house. The boy is weeping and clutches a stuffed doll. The girl is trying to quiet the boy. She turns toyou. “There’s a monster in our house!”,she says. “Mom and Dad told us to play outside. Please, won’t you make it safe?”ROSE AND THORN DURSTARTIST: COUPLEOFKOOKShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/05-004.rose-and-thorn.pngBefore the characters enter Death House, make sure the players understand their goals. The characters can’t leave until they encounter Strahd vonZarovich, as described in the “Leaving the House” section later in this chapter.Death House ObjectiveThe characters must take the fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts from the Strahd-venerating cultists who operate from Death House’s basem*nt.The priests of Osybus have their own plans for the rod piece. As long as the eight priests inside the house are alive, they’ll try to keep the characters fromtaking the artifact.Death House EncountersThe foul energies coalescing in Death House have spawned numerous horrors. When the characters enter locations with an “Encounter” subsection forthe �rst time, the description will instruct you to roll on the Death House Encounters table below. With the exception of Meetings with Sarusanda, if you rollan encounter the characters have already overcome or an encounter that would be di�cult to resolve in the location, choose an unencountered resultinstead.Death House Encountersd12 Encounter1–4 Meeting with Sarusanda (see below)*5–8 Three priests of Osybus (see appendix A) lurk nearby, poised to strike†9 One whirling chandelier (see appendix A) falls on a random character before two invisible stalkers join the surprise attack10–11 Four vampire spawn attack the party12 Four helmed horrors, disguised as inanimate suits of armor, attack the characters*Since there are three possible meetings with Sarusanda, you can use this result up to three times.†If the characters don’t face this encounter before leaving Death House, assume that Sarusanda defeated these three priests on her own.Meetings with SarusandaThe characters occasionally reunite with Sarusanda as they explore Death House. Each time you roll this result on the Death House Encounters table, runone of the following encounters, starting with the �rst and proceeding in order.Wounded PrideThe robed bodies belong to two priests of Osybus (see appendix A), each of whom is stable at 0 hit points. When the characters enter the room, eachpriest’s Tattoo of Osybus trait causes the priest to rise on its next turn, at which point it attacks the characters.Development. Sarusanda has 30 hit points remaining and is obviously in pain. If the characters offer to heal her, she downplays her injuries. A characterwho succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check realizes that it’s not just Sarusanda’s body that’s hurt—her pride is badly wounded too.If unaided, Sarusanda gains 1 level of exhaustion, which she retains until she �nishes a long rest outside Death House.SéanceThe remnants of a deadly battle lie about this chamber: broken bits of furniture, scattered weapons, and two bodies shrouded in dark robes. Sarusanda kneels in onecorner, wrapping a linen bandage around her leg. She startles at your intrusion, then relaxes.ARTIST: ROBSON MICHELhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468340-strahd-master-of-death-househttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468340-strahd-master-of-death-househttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1680942-priest-of-osybushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#PriestofOsybushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468344-whirling-chandelierhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#WhirlingChandelierhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16934-invisible-stalkerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17044-vampire-spawnhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17159-helmed-horrorhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1680942-priest-of-osybushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#PriestofOsybushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Insighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#ExhaustionSarusanda uses Speak with Dead to commune with a preserved skull she found in this room. The skull belonged to a cult member named Elya who wassacri�ced by his fellow cultists.Interrogating the Skull. Elya’s skull offers its words in hair-raising, singsong whispers. The skull doesn’t know anything about the Rod of Seven Parts orthe priests of Osybus. It can, however, give directions to the cultists’ ritual chamber (area D38) and describe their general motives: “We wish to impress ourglorious lord, Strahd von Zarovich!”Once Sarusanda is done speaking with the skull, it cackles in grim amusem*nt, then �oats into the air. Three will-o’-wisps emerge from corners of theroom and join the skull (use the �ameskull stat block) in attacking the party and Sarusanda.Crisis of FaithRun this encounter with Sarusanda after the characters have claimed the rod piece from the cultists (see area D38) but before they encounter Strahd.Three priests of Osybus (see appendix A) attack Sarusanda and the party, entering the room from multiple directions if possible.With or without the characters’ help, Sarusanda �ghts passionately against the priests. She discards her normally staid demeanor for this battle andopenly rages at the priests, making careless tactical decisions amid the turmoil.Sarusanda’s Secret. After the battle, a character who asks Sarusanda what’s wrong is greeted with a long, bitter sigh. The inquisitor then reveals thesource of her distress.SARUSANDA INTERROGATES A DECEASED CULT MEMBER TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE ACTIVITIES IN DEATH HOUSEPungent sticks of incense burn around this room’s perimeter. Sarusanda stares intently at a human skull clutched in her outstretched hand.“Now tell me, servant of evil,” Sarusanda demands of the skull, “where do your fellow occultists hide?”The skull replies, its teeth chattering, “Occultists? How droll! A better question: where are your manners?”Sarusanda stands in the middle of the room. Her shoulders are slumped beneath her grimy armor, and dark circles underline her weary eyes. She doesn’t turn to faceyou, but she holds a �nger in the air to indicate silence. A moment later, the room erupts into chaos as three tattooed �gures dart from the shadows.https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/speak-with-deadhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17060-will-o-wisphttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17091-flameskullhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1680942-priest-of-osybushttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#PriestofOsybushttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/05-005.sarusanda-interrogation.pngShortly after she joined the Ulmist Inquisition, Sarusanda’s father—a man named Galias—joined the priests of Osybus. Sarusanda witnessed him commit aterrible act in the cult’s name, though she doesn’t give details, and the inquisitor admits she didn’t arrest her father. Sarusanda considers this her greatestfailing.Galias was fully inducted into the priests of Osybus, and Sarusanda heard that he would be among the cultists at Death House today. She is enraged thatshe hasn’t found Galias so she can confront him.Regardless of the characters’ reaction to this revelation, learning it counts as a secret for the purposes of the Power of Secrets rules in this book’sintroduction.Death House FeaturesThe locations in Death House have the following features.CeilingsCeilings vary in height by �oor. The �rst �oor has 10-foot-high ceilings, the second �oor has 12-foot-high ceilings, the third �oor has 8-foot-high ceilings,and the attic has 13-foot-high ceilings.Haunted DoorsWhen Strahd enters the house later in this chapter, certain doors marked on the map become haunted doors; see the “Haunted Zones” section for details.,LightingUnless otherwise noted, each room in the house is lit with bright light by oil lamps, a �replace, or some other light source when the characters arrive. Thecultists take oil lamps into the ritual chamber (area D38) when they gather there.The MistsWhen the characters enter Death House, the Mists surround the building and prevent them from leaving. A creature that enters the Mists around DeathHouse reemerges seconds later in a random room in Death House. Only Strahd can disperse the Mists (see the “Leaving the House” section).Self-RepairAfter 24 hours, any damage to the house repairs itself. The house also repairs itself as soon as Strahd enters the building.WallsThe walls of the house are made of 1-foot-thick brick. The dungeon is carved from earth, clay, and rock. Dungeon tunnels are 5 feet wide by 10 feet highwith timber braces at 5-foot intervals.Death House LocationsThese locations are keyed to map 5.1.ARTIST: DYSON LOGOShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverseD1a–D1b: Portico and AntechamberThe doors are unlocked.D2a–D2b: Main Hall and CloakroomThe hall is bare of furniture. Faint footprints lead to the cloakroom (area D2b).Encounter. Roll on the Death House Encounters table the �rst time a character enters this room.MAP 5.1: DEATH HOUSEVIEW PLAYER VERSIONA hinged, wrought-iron gate �lls the archway leading to a stone portico. Oil lamps hang from the portico ceiling by chains, �anking an oaken double door.The double door opens into an empty antechamber. On the south wall is a shield emblazoned with a stylized golden windmill on a red �eld.A closed double door stands a few steps beyond.This hall runs the width of the house, with a black marble �replace at one end and a sweeping red marble staircase at the other.The door to a cloakroom on the east wall is slightly ajar; the black cloaks inside are damp.https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/5.01-death-house.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/5.01-death-house-player.jpgD3: Den of WolvesTrapdoor. A character searching the southwest corner of the room �nds a trapdoor with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Thetrapdoor is barred from the other side (area D32). It is a Medium object with AC 13, 15 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.D4a–D4b: Kitchen and PantryThe kitchen is area D4a, while the pantry is area D4b.Dumbwaiter. Behind a small door in the southwest corner of the kitchen is a dumbwaiter—a 2-foot-wide stone shaft containing a wooden elevator boxattached to a hand-operated rope-and-pulley mechanism. The shaft connects to the servants’ quarters (area D7a) and the Durst parents’ bedroom (areaD12a).A Small character can squeeze into the elevator box with a successful DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The dumbwaiter’s rope-and-pulley mechanismcan support 200 pounds of weight before breaking.D5: Dining RoomThis area is empty except for the immaculate table dressing.Treasure. The silverware and crystalware here are worth 2,500 gp total.D6: Upper HallThe red marble staircase that started on the �rst �oor continues its upward spiral to area D11. A cold draft �ows down the steps.D7a–D7b: Servants’ Room and ClosetAn empty footlocker rests at the foot of each bed. Tidy servants’ uniforms hang from hooks in the adjoining closet (area D7b).Dumbwaiter. A small door in the corner of the room opens onto the shaft of the dumbwaiter.D8: LibraryThis oak-paneled room looks like a hunter’s den. A stag’s head is mounted above the �replace, and three stuffed wolves are positioned around the outskirts of the room.The kitchen is tidy, with dishware, cookware, and utensils neatly placed on shelves. A dome-shaped stone oven stands near the east wall. Near the oven is a well-stocked pantry.The centerpiece of this wood-paneled dining room is a carved mahogany table, covered with resplendent silverware and crystalware and surrounded by eight high-backed chairs.Unlit oil lamps are mounted on the walls of this elegant hall. Hanging above the mantelpiece is a wood-framed portrait of a family: a man and a woman with two smilingchildren—the same children you saw outside. The marble staircase continues upward.An undecorated bedroom contains a pair of beds with straw-stuffed mattresses.ARTIST: WADE ACUFFhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#AcrobaticsThe bookshelves hold hundreds of tomes on topics such as history, warfare, and alchemy.Encounter. Roll on the Death House Encounters table the �rst time a character enters this room.Secret Door. A secret door behind a bookshelf in the southeast corner of the room can be opened by pulling on a switch disguised as a red-covered bookwith a blank spine. A character inspecting the bookshelf spots the fake book with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Unless the secretdoor is propped open, springs in the hinges cause it to close on its own. Beyond the secret door lies area D9.D9: Secret RoomThis secret room contains bookshelves packed with tomes describing Fiend-summoning rituals.Trapped Chest. An unlocked treasure chest stands against the room’s south wall. When a creature opens this chest’s lid, poison-tipped darts shoot from aspring-loaded mechanism attached to the lid’s underside. Each creature within 10 feet of the chest that isn’t behind total cover takes 2 (1d4) piercingdamage and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 22 (4d10) poison damage and have the poisoned condition for 1 hour.A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check while examining the chest spots the trap mechanism. As an action, a charactercan use thieves’ tools to make a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to disarm the trap. Failing this check triggers the trap.Treasure. The chest contains three blank books with black leather covers (worth 25 gp each) and three Spell Scrolls (Bless, Protection from Poison, andSpiritual Weapon).D10: ConservatoryTHE PRIESTS OF OSYBUS ARE KNOWN FOR THE EVIL PRACTICE OFTRAPPING ENEMIES’ SOULS INTO TATTOOS ON THE PRIESTS’ BODIESA mahogany desk faces the �replace of this private library, and two overstuffed chairs �ll the room’s corners. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves line the south wall. A rollingwooden ladder allows access to the higher shelves.A harpsichord and bench �ll this elegant hall’s northwest corner. On the opposite side of the room, a large standing harp rests near the room’s �replace. Upholsteredchairs line the walls.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/combat#Coverhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Poisonedhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5418-spell-scrollhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/blesshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/protection-from-poisonhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/spiritual-weaponhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/05-006.priests-of-osybus.pngEncounter. Roll on the Death House Encounters table the �rst time a character enters this room.D11: BalconySecret Door. A character who examines the west wall and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check �nds a secret door that pushes open toreveal a cobweb-�lled wooden staircase leading to the attic.D12a–D12c: Master SuiteThe couple in the portrait are the same people from the family portrait in the upper hall (area D6). A door,facing the foot of the bed opens to an emptycloset (area D12b). A door in the parlor leads to an outside balcony (area D12c).Dumbwaiter. A dumbwaiter in the southwest corner connects to areas D4a and D7a below.Treasure. The jewelry box on the vanity is made of silver with gold �ligree (worth 75 gp). It contains three gold rings (worth 25 gp each) and a thinplatinum necklace with a topaz pendant (worth 750 gp).D13: BathroomThis room is otherwise empty.D14: Storage RoomDusty shelves line the walls of this room. The shelves hold linens and other household goods.D15a–D15c: Nursemaid’s SuiteThis elegantly appointed bedroom (area D15a) and an adjoining nursery (area D15b) were occupied by the Dursts’ nursemaid, Brigetta, the cult’s latestvictim.The double door opens onto a balcony (area D15c) overlooking the front of the house.Encounter. Roll on the Death House Encounters table the �rst time a character enters this room.Signs of Abduction. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check ascertains that the disarrayed nightstand and brokenwindow are the result of a recent struggle. Rainwater on the �oor around the broken window indicates the struggle occurred within the last few hours.A character who examines the area and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check �nds scuffs on the �oor in area D15a from the victim’s shoes.These scuffs create a trail to a secret door that leads up to the attic.At the top of the red marble staircase is a balcony with a suit of black plate armor standing against one wall.Burgundy drapes cover the windows of this large bedroom. The furnishings include a four-poster bed, a matching pair of wardrobes, and a vanity with a jewelry box. Aportrait of a man and woman hangs above a �replace. A parlor in the southwest corner contains a table and two chairs.This dark room contains a barrel under a spigot in the east wall, a wooden claw-foot tub, and a small iron stove with a kettle resting atop it.This bedroom contains a large bed, two nightstands, and a large mirror. A double door �tted with stained-glass windows opens onto a balcony. One of the nightstandshas been knocked over, and one of the windows has been smashed.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SurvivalSecret Door. A character who examines the mirror and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check �nds a secret door behind the mirror.(Characters who saw scuff marks leading to the secret door �nd it without needing to make a check.) The secret door pushes open to reveal a cobweb-�lled wooden staircase leading to the attic.D16: Attic HallThis bare hallway can be accessed by the staircase behind the secret doors in areas D11 and D15a.D17: Spare BedroomThis room is otherwise empty.D18: Storage RoomSecret Door. A character who examines the east wall and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check �nds a secret door that opens to reveal asecret stair (area D21) to the dungeon (area D22).D19: Spare BedroomThis room is otherwise empty.D20: Children’s RoomCharacters who investigate the dollhouse �nd all the house’s secret doors, including one in the attic leading to a spiral staircase (area D21) that descendsbelow the house.Encounter. Roll on the Death House Encounters table the �rst time a character enters this room.Treasure. Inside the toy chest is a doll that resembles a tall, pale human with black hair and a pronounced widow’s peak. Something papery rattles insidethe doll’s hollow body. A character who removes the doll’s head and looks down its neck �nds a Spell Scroll of Detect Evil and Good.D21: Secret StairsThis narrow spiral staircase is made of creaky wood contained within a 5-foot-wide shaft of mortared stone. The staircase descends 50 feet from thehouse’s attic to area D22 in the dungeon level.D22: Dungeon Level AccessThe wooden spiral staircase from the attic (area D21) ends here. A narrow tunnel stretches southward before branching east and west.Chanting. From the moment they arrive in the dungeon, the characters hear an eerie, incessant chant echoing throughout the chambers. It’s impossible todetermine which direction the sound is coming from until the characters reach areas D26 or D29. They can’t discern its words until they reach area D35.D23c–D23f: Family CryptsThis room contains a narrow bed, a nightstand, a writing desk, and a rocking chair.This chamber is packed with old furniture draped in white sheets.This room contains a narrow bed, a nightstand, a rocking chair, an empty wardrobe, and a small iron stove.This bedroom contains two small, wood-framed beds, a toy chest, and a dollhouse—a perfect miniature replica of this dreary mansion.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5418-spell-scrollhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/detect-evil-and-goodThese crypts are intended to hold the remains of the Durst family members on their deaths.The crypts in areas D23a and D23b are empty, and the slabs for these crypts are unmarked.The remaining crypts (areas D23c–D23f) each contain an empty co�n on a stone bier.D24: Cult Initiates’ QuartersA wooden table and four chairs stand at the east end of this room. Four alcoves containing straw pallets open off the west half of the room.D25: Cultist Quarters and WellThe �ve small bedrooms serve as quarters for senior cultists. Each contains a wood-framed bed with a straw mattress and a wooden chest. Each chest issecured with a rusty iron padlock that can be picked using thieves’ tools with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.Encounter. Roll on the Death House Encounters table the �rst time a character enters this room.Treasure. In addition to worthless personal effects, each chest contains one of the following:110 gp and 60 sp in a pouch made of human skinThree pieces of cut jade (worth 100 gp each) in a folded piece of black clothA black leather eye patch with a peridot (worth 500 gp) sewn into itA chess set with pieces made of obsidian and chalcedony (worth 250 gp)A +2 ShortswordD26: Hidden Spiked PitA character who examines the �oor and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check notices a suspicious absence of footprints in this hallway.A character searching the �oor for traps �nds a 5-foot-long, 10-foot-deep pit hidden under rotted wooden planks. The pit has poisoned wooden spikes atthe bottom. The �rst character to step on the cover falls through, landing prone and taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall plus 11 (2d10)piercing damage and 11 (2d10) poison damage from the spikes.D27: Dining HallThese moldy Humanoid bones are the remains of the cult’s vile banquets.D28: LarderAside from scraps of food, this alcove is empty.D29: IntersectionThe chanting heard throughout the dungeon is noticeably louder to the north of this intersection.Each crypt is open to the hallway. The stone slabs meant to seal the rooms lean against the walls outside the crypts.This area centers on a 4-foot-diameter, 30-foot-deep cistern with a 3-foot-high stone lip. A wooden bucket hangs from a rope-and-pulley mechanism bolted to thecrossbeams above the well. Five small rooms with no doors branch off the well room.As you move farther down this tunnel, the chanting heard throughout the dungeon gets louder to the west.This room contains a plain wooden table �anked by long benches. Bones lie scattered on the �oor.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#SleightofHandhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/5293-shortsword-2https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigation,https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#ProneD30: Stairs DownAny character standing at the top of this 20-foot-long staircase realizes the chants originate from somewhere below. Characters who descend the stairsand follow the hall beyond arrive in area D35.D31: Darklord’s ShrineThe statue depicts Strahd, to whom the cultists make sacri�ces in the vain hope that he will reveal his secrets to them.Encounter. Roll on the Death House Encounters table the �rst time a character enters this room.Secret Door. Characters searching the room �nd a secret door in the middle of the east wall with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check.The door pulls open to reveal a stone staircase that climbs 10 feet to a landing (area D32).D32: Hidden TrapdoorThe staircase ends at a landing with a 6-foot-high wooden ceiling with a trapdoor set into it. The trapdoor is bolted shut from this side and can be pushedopen to reveal the den (area D3) above.D33: Cult Leaders’ DenThis is Gustav and Elisabeth’s den. Iron candlesticks stand in two corners, their candles lit.D34: Cult Leaders’ QuartersAt the foot of the bed is an unlocked but empty wooden footlocker. This is Gustav and Elisabeth’s bedroom.D35: ReliquaryLurking in the shadows are two shambling mounds that move to attack as soon as anyone enters this room. The cult keeps “relics” in this chamber. Theseworthless items—human remains, mundane material components for spellcasting, and so forth—are stored in thirteen niches along the walls.This room is full of moldy skeletons that hang from rusty shackles against the walls. A wide alcove in the south wall contains a painted wooden statue carved in thelikeness of a gaunt, pale-faced man wearing a black cloak.A chandelier hangs above a table in the middle of this room. Two high-backed chairs �ank the table, which has an empty clay jug and two clay �agons atop it.This room contains a wood-framed bed with a feather mattress, a wardrobe containing several robes, a pair of iron candlesticks, and an open crate containing thirtytorches and a leather sack with �fteen candles inside it.Loud chants issue from a hallway near the southwest corner. You discern many voices repeating, “She is slain, she is risen.”ARTIST: KENT DAVIShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17011-shambling-moundD36: PrisonDespite the ominous trappings, the alcoves are empty.Secret Door. Characters searching the area �nd a secret door in the south wall with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. It pulls open toreveal area D38 on the other side.D37: Tunnel to PortcullisThis tunnel slopes down at a 20-degree angle into murky water and ends at a rusty portcullis. The �oor around the portcullis is submerged under 2 feet ofsoupy water.The portcullis can be forcibly lifted with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. Otherwise, it can be raised or lowered by turning a wooden wheelin the east wall of area D38. (The wheel is beyond the reach of someone east of the portcullis.)D38: Ritual ChamberDEATH HOUSE'S RELIQUARY IS HOME TO LURKING MONSTERS AS WELL AS COMPONENTS USED IN THE DURST FAMILY'S RITUALSThe alcoves here feature chains ending in shackles attached to the back walls.This tunnel is blocked by a rusty iron portcullis.Featureless stone pillars support the high ceiling in this forty-foot-square chamber. Murky water covers the �oor, and a breach in the west wall leads to a dark caveheaped with refuse. Stairs lead up to dry stone ledges that hug the walls. Fourteen hooded �gures stand atop the ledges, chanting loudly.In the middle of the room, an octagonal dais rises above the water. Atop the dais is a stone altar drenched in freshly spilled blood. The source of the blood is the body oflifeless woman dangling above the altar from chains mounted to the ceiling. A ceramic stake has been plunged through the woman’s heart. Standing next to the altar isa large �end wielding a gruesome crimson spear.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Athleticshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/05-007.death-house-reliquary.pngThe cultists chant: “She is slain, she is risen. Come to us, Lord Strahd. Receive our gift!”The water here is 2 feet deep. The ledges and central dais are 5 feet high (3 feet higher than the water’s surface), and the chamber’s ceiling is 16 feet high(11 feet above the dais and ledges). The chains dangling from the ceiling are 8 feet long.Embedded in the east wall is a wooden wheel connected to hidden chains and mechanisms. A character can use an action to turn the wheel, raising orlowering the portcullis in the eastern wall (see area D37). The hole in the west wall contains a heap of stones, rags, and plant matter.Cult’s Ritual. The �gures along the ledge include Gustav and Elisabeth (cult fanatics), �ve senior cult members (cult fanatics), and seven cultists. The cultmembers �ght only to defend themselves.Dangling from the chains above the altar is the corpse of the Dursts’ nursemaid, Brigetta. The cult ritually sacri�ced Brigetta using a ceremonial staketipped with the fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts, which is still embedded in Brigetta’s chest.A relentless impaler (see appendix A) has risen from the pool of Brigetta’s blood on the altar. When the impaler detects the characters, it attacks. Theimpaler hunts them throughout the house until it is destroyed or the characters defeat it. For its Bloodheart Stake trait, the impaler is bound to the stake inBrigetta’s corpse.Retrieving the Rod Piece. If the relentless impaler is destroyed, the cultists cower in fear and allow the characters to take the rod piece from Brigetta’scorpse. For more about the Rod of Seven Parts, see this book’s introduction.Development. Once the characters claim the rod piece, Gustav and Elisabeth regard them with bitter disdain. “None dare trespass in the territory ofStrahd,” Gustav says. “You will answer to our master,” Elisabeth adds with sinister certainty. They offer no further comments or information. As thecharacters leave the area, the cultists chant, “He is the Ancient. He is the Land.”The cult leaders aren’t blu�ng. As soon as the characters take the fourth rod piece, Strahd enters Death House and makes his presence known. See the“Strahd’s Presence” section below.Sarusanda’s CompanyOnce the characters have defeated the Death House cultists and claimed the rod piece, run the “Crisis of Faith” encounter detailed in the “Meetings withSarusanda” section earlier in the chapter at a time of your choosing to ensure she rejoins the characters before they face Strahd.Having slain the priests of Osybus, seen the cult’s plans thwarted, and made sure the Rod of Seven Parts piece is safe with the characters, Sarusanda’swork in the house is done. She accompanies the characters for the remainder of their time in Death House (see the “Leaving the House” section).Strahd’s PresenceStrahd has �nally deemed Death House worthy of attention. Once the party retrieves the rod piece in the ritual chamber, read the following to describeStrahd’s arrival at Death House. The characters won’t yet see Strahd, but they’ll feel his presence.The characters must now contend with Strahd’s nightmare magic in Death House until they �nd and face the Darklord directly.Haunted ZonesStrahd can twist his domain to suit his whims. Starting when he makes his presence known, certain doorways in the house no longer connect to therooms they did before. Instead, creatures that pass through these doorways enter an isolated demiplane called a haunted zone.Entering a Haunted ZoneA character enters a haunted zone whenever they do one of the following:A gust,of wind blasts through the halls of Death House, and the temperature drops precipitously. Candles and lamps snuff out and relight with dark-purple �ames. Thewind takes on a monstrous timbre—like screeching bats or howling wolves—and crescendos to a deafening roar. Suddenly, it stops.For a long moment, you hear nothing. Then, as clearly as if it were happening right next to you, the house’s front door creaks open and slowly closes, latching with acrisp click. Then, once again, nothing.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16836-cult-fanatichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16836-cult-fanatichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16835-cultisthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419443-rod-of-seven-parts-fourth-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468337-relentless-impalerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#RelentlessImpalerhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#RodofSevenPartshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partsFinish a long rest in Death HouseMove through a haunted doorway (marked on map 5.1)Only one haunted zone manifests at a time. As long as at least one creature is in a haunted zone, any other creatures that enter a haunted zone appear inthat same zone regardless of how they arrive. Once all the characters inside a haunted zone exit it, that zone can’t be encountered again. The hauntedzones are described below in the “Death House Hauntings” section.Haunted Doorways. The room on the other side of a haunted doorway is �lled with magical darkness and silence, giving no hint of whatever is within. Acreature that partially passes through a haunted doorway—such as by poking a limb or held item into the darkness—is magically pulled into the hauntedzone.Haunted doorways are one-way passages. Within the demiplane, nothing exists except what is described in each entry. When a character passes througha haunted doorway, that haunted doorway turns back to a normal doorway after 1 minute.Exiting a Haunted ZoneTo leave a haunted zone, a character must perform the task speci�ed in the haunted zone’s “Correct Exit” section. The “Failed Exit” section describes howcreatures that don’t perform the required task are eventually forced from the haunted zone.Finding the Correct Exit. A character who casts Detect Evil and Good or Find the Path or who has truesight sees a faint aura around an object related tothe task necessary to exit the room. A character can also locate such an object by looking at the area and succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence(Investigation) check.Leaving a Haunted Zone. A character who exits a haunted zone appears somewhere in Death House. Characters who leave the same haunted zoneemerge in the same part of Death House. The transition is sudden and disorienting, like waking from a dream. Roll on the Emergence from a HauntedZone table below to determine where the characters appear when they leave a haunted zone, or choose one of the locations listed.Emergence from a Haunted Zoned6 Location Emerged1 The characters sit in the dining room (area D5), sated and covered with sticky crumbs, though there’s no food in sight.2 The characters stand in the storage room (area D18), draped in sheets.3 The characters kneel at the side of the cultists’ well (area D25), desperately parched.4 The characters are slumped over the furniture in the storage room (area D18).5 The characters lean against the railing of the nursemaid’s balcony (area D15c).6 The characters are shackled to the wall in the prison (area D36), each character in a different alcove. The characters can easily break their bonds.Once the characters have encountered all four haunted zones, they don’t encounter any more. Long rests function as normal, and the haunted doorwaysbecome normal doorways.Death House HauntingsARTIST: MARTIN MOTTEThttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/detect-evil-and-goodhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/find-the-pathhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/monsters#Truesighthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#InvestigationThe characters enter the following haunted zones in the order presented.Castle Dining HallThe “Strahd” in this haunted zone is an illusion. The illusion stands still in anticipation of the characters returning its toast, at which point the illusionquaffs its drink; it doesn’t respond to anything else. If the illusion is struck with an attack, it dissolves into a cloud of bats (see “Failed Exit” below).The chamber distorts and elongates as a character attempts to move throughout it. No matter how fast or far a character moves, that character winds upa step or two away from the end of the table where they started.Correct Exit. To escape the dining hall, each character trapped in it must drink from one of the chalices on the table. The wine is thick and metallic tasting.When the character drinks it, the character’s vision slowly turns red before returning to normal when the character exits the haunted zone. The only thingthe character can hear during this time is the sound of Strahd’s deep, spooky laughter.Failed Exit. If after 1 minute no one has drunk from a chalice, Strahd’s illusion dissolves into a cloud of bats that quickly �lls the chamber. At the start ofeach turn, the bats deal 7 (2d6) piercing damage to each creature in the haunted zone. After 5 turns, the bats completely obscure the characters’ vision,and the characters exit the haunted zone.Endless GraveyardIF THE CHARACTERS FALL IN DEATH HOUSE, STRAHD WILL HAPPILY CLAIM THE PIECE OF THE ROD OF SEVEN PARTS THEREINYou stand at one end of an impossibly long wooden dining table in the hall of a stone keep. Gilded plates, cutlery, and goblets of blood-red wine are set for eachmember of your party.At the other end of the table stands a tall, pale man. He wears regal, red garb, and his raven hair comes to a prominent widow’s peak. He smiles menacingly at you as heraises his goblet in a toast. “Welcome, my guests. May you �nd the eternal hospitality of Strahd von Zarovich to your liking. Should at any point you wish to leave, simply�nd me and ask.”Countless headstones dot this barren landscape as far as you can see. A pale full moon looms over the horizon.https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/05-008.strahd-with-rod-piece.pngThe headstones continue in every direction no matter how far a character travels. Each headstone is inscribed with the name of a different individual whodied within Strahd’s domain (the names eventually repeat). Buried beneath each tombstone is a co�n that either is empty or contains an illusion ofStrahd’s corpse.Correct Exit. A character who reads the headstones �nds one bearing their own name. A character can exit this haunted zone by disinterring the emptyco�n buried beneath a headstone bearing the character’s name, opening the co�n, and lying in it.Failed Exit. If a character fails to leave the graveyard, that character must eventually make camp. When a character �nishes a long rest in this hauntedzone, the character gains 1 level of exhaustion, doesn’t gain the bene�ts of the long rest, and exits the haunted zone.Ghostly RecitalThis zone resembles Death House’s conservatory (area D10), except the room’s doors and windows overlook a black, featureless void.If a character makes any noise or otherwise disrupts the performance, the musician—yet another illusion of Strahd—ceases playing, scowls at thecharacter, and disappears. Eight specters �y out of the harpsichord and attack the characters in anger.Correct Exit. A character at the harpsichord can make a DC 14 Charisma (Performance) check to play the rest of the interrupted melody. On a successfulcheck, the ghostly �gures sigh with contentment, and the characters exit,the haunted zone.Failed Exit. If after 1 minute no one has successfully played the rest of the song, the illusion of Strahd reappears at the harpsichord and hammers out aseries of chords. Each character takes 11 (2d10) thunder damage and exits the haunted zone.The Crying RoomThe children are illusions of Rose and Thorn. They are inconsolable; any attempt to interact with the children reveals their illusory nature. Every minute, thewater covering the �oor of the 10-foot-high bedroom rises an additional 1 foot.A character who inspects the items in the room discovers that the dolls look like cartoonish versions of the characters, Sarusanda, and Strahd.Correct Exit. To exit the haunted zone, a character must pull the head off the Strahd doll. If the characters struggle to �gure this out, allow them toexamine the doll and attempt a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check to realize the truth. The doll’s neck reveals itself to be a drain hole, and the head isa plug. All the water in the room spirals into the drain, pulling the characters with it and causing them to exit the zone.Failed Exit. If the characters are still in this haunted zone after 10 minutes, the water level reaches the room’s ceiling, and each character in this hauntedzone gains 1 level of exhaustion and exits the zone.Leaving the HouseThe characters can attempt to leave Death House at any time. If the characters haven’t yet faced Strahd, the Mists invariably return them to a randomroom. Teleportation spells likewise fail.To leave Death House, the characters must �rst face Strahd.Reuniting with SarusandaIf Sarusanda hasn’t yet rejoined the characters, run the “Crisis of Faith” encounter detailed in “Meetings with Sarusanda”; she then rejoins the party and iswith them when they face Strahd.You’re seated in an ornate chair on the edge of a dimly lit parlor. Eight ghostly �gures sit in identical chairs to either side of you. At the parlor’s far end, a pale man at aharpsichord slowly plinks out a haunting elegy. The ghostly �gures listen to the song with rapt attention.The �oor of this bedroom is littered with creepy dolls, monstrous stuffed animals, and misshapen toys. The two children you saw outside the house stand in the middleof the doorless, windowless room, weeping uncontrollably. Large tears run down their faces, pooling in impossible quantities on the �oorboards.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Exhaustionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17017-specterhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Performancehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigationhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#ExhaustionWe have updated ourterms and conditions.Click the link to learn more.SUPPORTHelp PortalSupport ForumDon't Sell or Share MyInfoCookiesABOUTContact UsCareersWizards of the CoastFIND US ON SOCIALS D&D BEYOND APP© 2017-2024WIZARDS OF THE COAST LLC | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDungeons & Dragons, D&D Beyond, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coastproduct names, campaign settings, their respective logos, and The World's Greatest Roleplaying Game are © and trademarkWizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. © 2024 Wizards.PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF SERVICEFacing StrahdAfter he arrives at Death House, Strahd, Master of Death House (see appendix B) waits for the characters in the house’s main hall (area D2a). He isaccompanied by two vampire spawn.If the characters don’t intend to return to the main hall, Strahd and his minions wait for the characters in another room of the house, such as the diningroom (area D5) or the den of wolves (area D3).When Strahd encounters the characters, read the following:Sarusanda’s In�uenceIf Sarusanda is with the party, Strahd regards the Ulmist inquisitor with grave respect and allows her to leave the house. “I will permit you to �ee this place,”he intones. “But only if you do so immediately, and you never return.”He glances at the characters, then asks Sarusanda, “Do you know them?”Sarusanda’s Answer. If Sarusanda is indifferent to the characters, she denies any a�liation with them and takes her leave. Strahd applauds the charactersfor surviving so long in his realm, then attacks them.If Sarusanda is friendly with the characters, she says that they are also members of the Ulmist Inquisition. Strahd asks the characters if this is true. Acharacter can then make a DC 20 Charisma (Deception) check to convince Strahd they are members or otherwise important to the group. On a successfulcheck, Strahd allows the party to leave Death House with Sarusanda. On a failure, Strahd sees through the ruse and dismisses Sarusanda beforechallenging the characters to combat.Next StepsOnce the characters have acquired the fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts and escaped Death House, they can travel to the western outskirts ofBarovia without trouble. The characters easily �nd the portal to Sigil in the mist.“So, intruders into my realm, we �nally meet. From the way the villagers spoke about you, I expected you to be more impressive. Ah, well. I am forever disappointed withthe insects that think themselves worthy of meeting me. I suppose I could entertain myself with destroying you.”https://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/https://dndbeyond-support.wizards.com/https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/bugs-supporthttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policy#donotsellhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/cookieshttps://dndbeyond.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055233654-Contact-Informationhttps://company.wizards.com/en/careershttps://company.wizards.com/https://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.facebook.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/death-househttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/death-househttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://dndbeyond.com/discordhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://www.twitch.tv/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://twitter.com/dndbeyondhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPy-338BEVgDkQade0qJmkwhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fandom.playercompanionhttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://apps.apple.com/us/app/d-d-beyond/id1501810129https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/wizards-coasts-privacy-policyhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/terms-conditionshttps://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/https://www.esrb.org/EPCConfirm/916/https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468340-strahd-master-of-death-househttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#StrahdvonZarovichhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17044-vampire-spawnhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Deceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419443-rod-of-seven-parts-fourth-piecehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partsCH. 5: DEATH HOUSE CH. 7: TOMB OF WAYWARD SOULSChapter 6: Night of Blue FireTo �nd the next piece of the Rod of Seven Parts, the characters must travel to the world of Krynn where the Blue Fire Wardens, a coalition of benevolentlycanthropes, have clashed with the death knight Lord Soth and his minions. By in�ltrating a heavily forti�ed keep, rescuing the Blue Fire Wardens’ leader,and unraveling the schemes of the evil mage Teremini Nightsedge, the characters can claim the �fth rod piece.Running This ChapterThis chapter begins after the characters retrieve the fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. When a character holds this piece, they instinctively know thatthe �fth piece,is located somewhere on the war-torn world of Krynn. That character senses that the �fth piece is located near a massive, magical tree, in aregion called the Northern Dargaard Mountains, but this indication seems inexact. The �fth piece’s location is unclear to the characters.Neither the characters nor the Wizards Three know why the location of the �fth piece is ambiguous. In truth, the �fth piece was housed in the tree untilrecently, when it was taken to a nearby castle called Three Moons Vault. The crimson moonlight that now surrounds the castle warps the rod’s magicalproperties. To retrieve the �fth rod piece, the characters must dispel the magical moonlight by disrupting a wicked ritual in the vault.TO RETRIEVE THE FIFTH ROD PIECE, THE CHARACTERS MUST INFILTRATE THREEMOONS VAULT, A COMPLEX TEEMING WITH ALLIES OF THE EVIL LORD SOTHARTIST: JEDD CHEVRIERhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/death-househttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/tomb-of-wayward-soulshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/3081118-lord-sothhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/06-001.vault-infiltration.jpgThis chapter starts when the characters step through the portal in Sigil, emerge on Krynn, and begin their search for the magical tree. Though initiallyfruitless, the characters’ search puts them in contact with benevolent lycanthropes who know where to �nd the �fth piece. The characters must thenin�ltrate the Three Moons Vault. There, the characters must secure the �fth rod piece from Teremini Nightsedge, an ally of Lord Soth.Character AdvancementThe characters should be 15th level when this chapter begins. The characters gain a level after they retrieve the �fth piece of Rod of Seven Parts from theupper level of Three Moons Vault.Power of SecretsThe characters can learn two secrets in this chapter that are applicable to the rules in “The Power of Secrets” section in this book’s introduction:Gazaia’s Secret. The dryad Gazaia hid and watched while soldiers attacked the peylon tree where she lived and looted the �fth piece of the Rod of SevenParts, which was sustaining the tree. Gazaia now hides in the grotto (area P4) described in the “Peylon Tree Locations” section later in this chapter.Valendar’s Secret. The werewolf Valendar led an assault against his enemies without properly planning the mission. Valendar is the leader of the Blue FireWardens and is held captive in area V7 of the Three Moons Vault.Fifth Rod PieceThe �fth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts is in area U5 in the upper level of the Three Moons Vault. For more information about the rod and the spell thispiece allows its wielder to cast, see this book’s introduction.KrynnOnce the characters decide to seek the �fth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts, the portal in the Sigil sanctum takes them to the world of Krynn, where evilplots complicate the party’s search.Knowledge of KrynnThe libraries in Sigil contain the following useful information about Krynn:Dragons of Krynn. Dragons have a strong presence on Krynn. Chromatic dragons swear allegiance to the expansionistic Dragon Armies of Queen Takhisis.Unusual dragons such as sapphire dragons and lunar dragons pursue hidden agendas.Ruins of the Cataclysm. A world-shattering event called the Cataclysm swept across Krynn centuries ago. The apocalypse destroyed nations, unleashedmonsters, and cast Krynn into a dark age.War Torn. Recently, war has spread across Krynn. Infamous warlords such as the elf mage Feal-Thas and the death knight Lord Soth (see appendix B)have taken up arms in their bids for greater power.Arriving on KrynnWhen the party steps through the Sigil portal and arrives on Krynn, they arrive through a doorway in a massive tree. Read the following:The fourth rod piece points its wielder to a dying peylon tree. This peylon tree grew to a titanic height thanks to the magic of the rod piece that waspreviously embedded in its trunk. The rod piece was recently removed, resulting in the tree’s current state of decay.The rising sun limns the rolling hills around you. In the purple sky hang three moons—a red moon, a white moon, and a black moon discernible only because of the starsit blots out. Behind you stands a tall fruit tree in early bloom, its bright-orange buds still �owering. The doorway through which you’ve just emerged is a deep, darkfurrow in the tree’s bark.The fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts points to another tree on a nearby hill. That massive tree’s ashen bark and lea�ess branches suggest it is dying.https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468321-deadbark-dryadhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17057-werewolfhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#RodofSevenPartshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/3081118-lord-sothhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/character-dossier#LordSothThe tree still bears traces of the rod’s magic. The fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts points here due to those traces, and the crimson moonlight andlatent magic from the Three Moons Vault warps the artifact’s divinatory properties. The characters must investigate the tree and talk to its occupants tolearn the �fth rod piece’s true whereabouts.The Peylon TreeThe characters begin their exploration of the peylon tree at area P1. When they arrive at the tree, read or paraphrase the following:Tree FeaturesThe peylon tree has the following features:Light. During the day, the peylon tree’s interior is dimly lit by light �ltering in from outside.Trunk. The tree’s rotten bark is soft and easy to climb both inside and out.Peylon Tree LocationsThe following locations are keyed to map 6.1.AN ENORMOUS, MAGICAL TREE SEEMS TO BE THE LOCATION OF THE NEXT RODPIECE, THOUGH THE CHARACTERS SOON LEARN THE PIECE IS ELSEWHEREARTIST: LUCA BANCONEThis tree is hundreds of feet tall. The tree’s lea�ess branches and bark are pale and soft-looking, and the hill is covered in the decomposing remains of sticky, gray fruitsthat hum with swarms of �ies. Deep holes in the tree’s trunk—like rents in a rusted suit of armor—provide glimpses inside the tree’s rotten, hollow interior.ARTIST: DYSON LOGOShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/06-001.magical-tree.pngP1: Rotted RootsA character who examines the ground around the tree can make a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check. On a successful check, thecharacter spots vague humanoid footprints in the soft dirt. The tracks lead into area P2.Alternative Entrance. A character who scales the roots that form a mound along the east side of the tree can enter through the east side of area P3, 60feet up.P2: HollowThe fourth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts points its wielder to the boulder along the tree’s interior northwest curve.If the characters enter this area from area P1, they attract the attention of the treant and spiders dwelling on the ledge above (see area P3).Grotto Entrance. Inspecting the boulder reveals a hole dug into the loamy soil beneath it. The hole connects to a small grotto beneath the tree (area P4).With the boulder atop it, the hole is big enough for a Small or smaller creature to �t through.A creature can spend 1 minute digging to widen the hole so Medium,creatures can �t through. Alternatively, the boulder can be pushed aside by anynumber of creatures with a combined Strength score of 30 or more.P3: LedgeMAP 6.1: PEYLON TREEVIEW PLAYER VERSIONThick, gnarled roots spread in all directions. A gaping �ssure at the base of the tree forms a rough, arched entrance into the trunk.A ledge of interwoven roots and packed dirt hangs sixty feet above the hollow’s eastern half, and a boulder leans against the hollow’s northern wall.This thick, tangled mat of roots overlooks a broad hollow within the peylon tree’s trunk.https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Survivalhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partshttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/6.01-peylon-tree.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/6.01-peylon-tree-player.jpgRosintar, a neutral evil treant who hates intruders, hides on this ledge above area P2. Two giant spiders lurk in the ledge’s corner and follow Rosintar’scommands.While motionless, Rosintar is indistinguishable from the rest of the peylon tree. A character looking out for trouble notices the two giant spiders with asuccessful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. Shortly after the characters arrive in area P2, Rosintar silently signals for the spiders to sneak up on theparty. Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher notices the spiders readying to attack. As soon as the spiders attack,Rosintar hurls a rock at a random character, then �ghts viciously to drive the intruders away.If the treant notices characters arriving on the ledge via the alternative entrance (see area P1), it screeches in surprise and attacks the intruders.Rosintar �ghts until reduced to 30 or fewer hit points. At that point, Rosintar surrenders.What the Treant Knows. If the characters allow Rosintar to surrender, the treant tells the party that a cruel dryad named Gazaia dwells in the grottobeneath the tree, accessible via a hole under the boulder (see area P4). The treant bemoans that it didn’t notice “the previous intruder”—a small person in adark-blue cloak—until the intruder had already squeezed into the hole under the boulder. Rosintar doesn’t go near the hole, both because the treantwouldn’t �t and because it is afraid of Gazaia. Of the blue-cloaked intruder’s fate, Rosintar says �atly and with certainty: “The blue-cloaked gnat must bedead.”P4: GrottoIt’s a 50-foot drop from the hole in area P2 to the �oor of this underground chamber. Even during the day, the fetid grotto is dark.The rummaging �gure is a kender named Riffel who also happens to be a werewolf (use the werewolf stat block, except Riffel’s size is Small and hisalignment is neutral good). When Riffel realizes he has company, he jumps to his feet and draws his spear, but he doesn’t �ght unless attacked. He isinitially wary of the characters but is willing to hear them out. If a character mentions the rod piece, or if a character tries to befriend Riffel and succeedson a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check, Riffel relaxes and puts away his weapon.Riffel’s Quest. Riffel says he is searching this grotto for a fresh peylon fruit. He explains that he is a member of a group called the Blue Fire Wardens:naturalists who oppose the death knight Lord Soth. The wardens recently attempted to besiege a group of Soth’s followers in a keep called the ThreeMoons Vault, but the attack failed. Riffel and his fellow survivors �ed to the nearby wetlands, but then were attacked by a violent monster.If the characters mention the rod piece, Riffel says:Riffel explains that he needs the peylon fruit to distract a borthak—a bog monster that attacked the Blue Fire Wardens and trapped Riffel’s allies.Riffel continues his explanation:The Deadbark DryadAs Riffel and the characters talk, the peylon tree’s guardian emerges from the grotto’s wall and stands before her uninvited guests. This is Gazaia, adeadbark dryad (see appendix A). Annoyed at the disturbance, Gazaia tells the party and Riffel to state their business or leave her sanctum at once.Tangled roots anchor the dirt walls of this damp, subterranean chamber. The rinds of large, rotten fruits litter the �oor. A thick taproot hangs from the ceiling. In onecorner of the grotto, a kender wearing a blue cloak rummages in the dirt on hands and knees.“The artifact was taken to the Three Moons Vault, but you’d be foolish to simply walk in and try to take it. I can sneak you into the vault—but �rst, I need your help.”“Borthaks love peylon fruit. When we were attacked, I ran here to �nd a peylon fruit so I could return and distract the borthak so the others can escape. It’s not fruitseason, but this tree used to be magical, so I thought it might still have fruit. Anyway, if you help me �nd some, I’ll help you �nd your artifact.”https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17037-treanthttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16895-giant-spiderhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Perceptionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17057-werewolfhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Persuasionhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468318-borthakhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468321-deadbark-dryadhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#DeadbarkDryadThe Last Peylon Fruit. Gazaia says that there is one ripe peylon fruit left in this tree, and she’s willing to give it to the party—for a price. Gazaia requestsany magic item in exchange for the fruit and will take no other payment.Bargaining with GazaiaGazaia can convey the following points to the party:Corruption of Soth. Not long ago, Gazaia and her tree were verdant and thriving. A powerful artifact buried in this hill—the rod piece—infused the peylontree with its magic and enticed Gazaia to become the tree’s guardian. When Lord Soth’s soldiers recently stole the artifact, Gazaia failed to defend hercharge. The tree turned fetid without the artifact, and Gazaia became angry, vengeful, and grief-stricken.Gazaia’s Anger. If the characters refuse Gazaia’s offer and fail to promptly leave, or if Gazaia catches a character attempting to take the peylon fruit bystealth or force, she attacks the party viciously and �ghts until destroyed.Gazaia’s Secret. The deadbark dryad bitterly recounts the tale of Lord Soth’s soldiers assaulting the tree. If a character tries to comfort Gazaia, sheconfesses that she hid while the soldiers were around the tree. Gazaia feels extremely guilty that she didn’t defend her charge. Regardless of thecharacters’ reaction to this revelation, learning it counts as a secret for the purposes of the Power of Secrets rules in this book’s introduction.Gazaia’s DeathIf Gazaia dies before she shares information with the party, the characters �nd the ripe peylon fruit in her possession.Leaving the Peylon TreeOnce the party has the peylon fruit, they can leave the peylon tree with Riffel and continue the adventure.Bittergrass FenTo help Riffel save his fellow wardens, the characters must follow the kender werewolf to a marshy lowland called Bittergrass Fen.Journey to Bittergrass FenBy foot, the trek to Bittergrass Fen takes an hour. Along the way, Riffel conveys the following:Teremini’s Vault. The Three Moons Vault is a heavily forti�ed keep in the nearby mountains. It’s overseen by the archmage Teremini Nightsedge, whoserves the dreaded Lord Soth.The Stolen Shard. Teremini’s soldiers stole a magical shard at the heart of the peylon tree. The tree and its dryad became corrupted shortly thereafter.(The characters are certain this is the �fth piece of the Rod of Seven Parts.)The Blue Fire Wardens. Riffel is a member,of the Blue Fire Wardens: benevolent lycanthropes and trackers who oppose Lord Soth and worship the naturegod Habbakuk. The wardens’ attack on the Three Moons Vault was a catastrophic failure that resulted in the capture of the group’s leader, Valendar.Valendar knows more about the vault and the stolen rod piece than any of the other wardens.Approaching the FenOnce the party arrives at Bittergrass Fen, show your players map 6.2. Read the following to describe the scene:ARTIST: DYSON LOGOShttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468321-deadbark-dryadhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiverse#ThePowerofSecretshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/danger-to-the-multiversehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17057-werewolfhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16789-archmagehttps://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/8419448-rod-of-seven-partsThe Blue Fire Wardens are trapped inside their own temple. If the characters don’t intervene, the borthak (see appendix A) will soon break through thetemple door.The borthak is too large to �t through the stone door and into the temple, though smaller creatures can slip through with some effort. Left alone, theborthak uses its action on each of its turns to attack the temple door. The door has AC 20, 225 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Ifthe borthak succeeds in breaking down the door, it enters the temple and attacks the seven wardens (use the werewolf stat block, except their alignmentsare neutral good) who are trapped inside.The underground temple isn’t shown on map 6.2. Hewn out of the rock and earth, it has a central gathering area and six adjoining cells, where the wardenssleep and pray behind thin wooden doors. The temple contains supplies but nothing of value.Distracting the BorthakIf one or more characters attack the borthak, it stops attacking the temple long enough to defend itself.MAP 6.2: BITTERGRASS FENVIEW PLAYER VERSIONRising from the fen are two rows of standing stones, each one a rough-carved pillar twenty feet high and ten feet thick. Floating inches above each standing stone is aten-foot-diameter boulder. West of the fen is a swiftly �owing creek with muddy banks. Slopes to the north and east meet to form a rocky bluff.An enormous, slavering monster attacks the bluff face, where a stone arch marks the entrance to an underground temple. A crumbling stone door separates themonster from the temple’s interior.https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468318-borthakhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/veor/bestiary#Borthakhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468318-borthakhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17057-werewolfhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/6.02-bittergrass-fen.jpghttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/6.02-bittergrass-fen-player.jpgAs an action, a character can use a ripe peylon fruit to distract the borthak. If the fruit is hurled toward the borthak, the monster moves toward the fruit onits next turn and uses its action to devour it. If a character holding the fruit moves within 20 feet of the borthak, the borthak pursues and attacks thatcharacter, eager to obtain the fruit.While characters contend with the borthak, Riffel moves quickly toward the temple door and crawls through a narrow gap underneath it. The gap is just bigenough for a Small character to squeeze through. Once inside, Riffel urges the other wardens to evacuate the temple while the borthak is distracted. OnRiffel’s next turn, he and the wardens push open the temple door so everyone can escape. Once outside, they skirt along the bluff, heading north. If one ormore characters assist with the evacuation, they can keep an eye on the borthak and distract it if necessary while Riffel helps the wardens get to safety.Bittergrass Fen FeaturesThe fen has features the characters can use to their advantage in a confrontation with the borthak:Floating Boulders. The boulders �oating above the stone pillars are held aloft by ancient druidic magic. Casting Dispel Magic on a boulder causes it to falland tumble to the ground. As an action, a character within reach of a �oating boulder can try to push it, doing so with a successful DC 15 Strength(Athletics) check. Pushing the boulder ends the magic on it and causes it to fall in whichever direction the character prefers. Any creature in the path of afalling boulder must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to avoid it, taking 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save.Muddy Bank. The ground within 20 feet of the creek’s eastern shore has turned to sticky mud and is di�cult terrain.Escaping the FenOnce all the wardens escape the temple, each warden transforms into a wolf and �ees from the borthak. End the characters’ encounter with the borthakwhen they defeat it or after they and all the wardens have escaped, whichever happens �rst.The Blue Fire WardensOnce the wardens are safe, a human werewolf named Argentia Skywright (use the werewolf stat block, except her alignment is neutral good) thanks thecharacters on behalf of her group. She expands on what Riffel told the party earlier about the Three Moons Vault, conveying the following points:A TERRIFYING MONSTER CALLED A BORTHAK HAS TRAPPED SEVERAL BLUE FIRE WARDENS IN BITTERGRASS FENARTIST: SVETLIN VELINOVARTIST: CAROLINE GARIBAhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468318-borthakhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/4468318-borthakhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/dispel-magichttps://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Athleticshttps://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/adventuring#DifficultTerrainhttps://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/17057-werewolfhttps://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/veor/YzlEjWeqRbhK0ANf/06-002.borthak.pngBlue Fire Attack. Shortly after Teremini Nightsedge’s soldiers seized the rod fragment from the peylon tree, the Blue Fire Wardens assaulted the ThreeMoons Vault. They refer to their attack as the Night of Blue Fire. Teremini, a renegade from the Mages of High Sorcery’s Order of the Red Robes, foresawthe attack and used powerful lunar magic to create a shroud of transformative red moonlight around the vault. Werewolves that step into this moonlightlose control of their powers and succumb to raw, animalistic instinct, making it easier for Teremini to manipulate or trap them.Mage’s Ritual. Teremini learned her red moonlight magic from a lunar dragon named Orinix. Orinix also taught Teremini a ritual to make the wall oftransformative moonlight permanent and tasked her with completing this lengthy, taxing ritual. While she focuses on the ritual, powerful magical barrierssurround Teremini and her ritual components, which include the �fth rod piece.Stopping the Ritual. Argentia insists there must be a way to disrupt Teremini’s ritual so the characters can seize the rod piece. She encourages thecharacters to �nd and rescue Valendar, the wardens’ imprisoned leader, who might know how to stop Teremini’s ritual.Wardens’ AidArgentia gives the characters a Spell Scroll of Moonbeam. She also explains that if Valendar is stuck in his wolf or hybrid form, they must bring Valendarclose to death before he’ll return to his true form, which is a human.Riffel agrees to take the characters to the Three Moons Vault’s secret entrance. Before the party leaves, Argentia leads a quick rite to cast a protectiveward over Riffel. For the next 12 hours, Riffel and allies within 10 feet of him are immune to the Forced Transformation effect of Teremini’s curtain of redmoonlight (see the “Environmental Effects” subsection of the “Three Moons Vault” section). The wardens have enough power to cast this ritual only once,so it’s imperative Riffel return to Bittergrass Fen with Valendar as soon as possible.Three Moons VaultThe Three Moons Vault is a remote dungeon complex in the mountainous outskirts of Lord Soth’s domain.Millennia ago,
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DD Beyond RIP - Vecna Eve of Ruin - Compressed (1) - Inglês (2024)


What is in Vecna Eve of Ruin? ›

Vecna: Eve of Ruin celebrates the cumulation of 50 years of Dungeons & Dragons adventures. You will get to visit legendary locations, rub shoulders with famous archmages, and face off against one of the most deadly villains of all time. The time of Vecna is nigh. Gather your party and prepare to save the multiverse!

How long is the Vecna Eve of Ruin campaign? ›

Vecna: Eve of Ruin is a high-level, 10-20 adventure that spans nearly every official setting and famous region in the D&D Multiverse on a quest to stop the archlich from remaking the multiverse.

What is the eve of ruin about? ›

Vecna: Eve of Ruin™ is a high-stakes Dungeons & Dragons adventure in which the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance. The heroes begin in the Forgotten Realms® and travel to Planescape®, Spelljammer®, Eberron®, Ravenloft®, Dragonlance®, and Greyhawk® as they race to save existence from obliteration.

How to get early access to Vecna Eve of Ruin? ›

Players can access the early version of the game by pre-ordering the deluxe edition for $69.95. Vecna: Eve of Ruin adventure begins in the Forgotten Realms of Dungeons and Dragons.

Is Vecna a Demon? ›

Originally appearing in the Greyhawk campaign setting, Vecna was described as a powerful wizard who became a lich.

What made Vecna evil? ›

Vecna does understand notions of good and evil, but in his rationalization, morality is meaningless, the simplest form of insanity ever devised, and so Vecna chooses to be a cold-blooded serial killer because at the end of the day, it's all he wants to be, and no reasoning can divert him from his dream.

Is Midnight Ruin spicy? ›

CW: I'm going to quote the content note verbatim here: “Midnight Ruin is an occasionally dark and very spicy book that contains violence, murder, blood, guns, pregnancy (not the heroine) and abortion (off-page, not the heroine).”

Do Finley and Nyfain have a baby? ›

A few months later, Hadriel checks in on Finley-now visibly pregnant-and Nyfain cuddling on a couch in the library. Then she gives birth to their daughter, Tabitha, which Hadriel ends up holding while Finley is resting for a bit.

Is The Ruin a good book? ›

Best of all, the dramatic tension in this novel never flags. I was absolutely riveted to the page, each new unexpected turn tightening the screw. And, no, I didn't guess the murderer! The Ruin is world-class crime fiction, and Dervla McTiernan cannot write fast enough to please me.

Is Strahd in Vecna Eve of Ruin? ›

Strahd Von Zarovich, the ancient vampire and lord of Barovia, is back in Vecna: Eve of Ruin. You might have encountered the ultimate Dracula in Curse of Strahd, widely regarded as one of 5th Edition's best campaigns.

What adventure to run before Vecna Eve of Ruin? ›

If you need help setting the stage for Vecna: Eve of Ruin, you can run its prequel adventure Vecna: Nest of the Eldritch Eye for your players. This one-shot for 3rd-level parties introduces your players to Vecna's cultists and establishes their reputation in Neverwinter.

Where is Vecna from? ›

Vecna's Early Life on Oerth

Vecna was born to a hedge witch on the world of Oerth in the Greyhawk setting. His mother, accused of practicing forbidden necromancy, was exiled by an order of wizards, leaving Vecna orphaned and bound into their servitude.

What possessed Vecna? ›

In the Upside Down, Henry began to transform into a mutilated and burned creature, later nicknamed "Vecna." For seven years, Vecna put the lifeforms of the dimension under his thrall by combining them all to a shared hive mind, in part thanks to his bond to a creature later known as the Mind Flayer, whose appearance he ...

Is Tiamat in Vecna Eve of Ruin? ›

2 Telling Tiamat Of Vecna's Plans

The theme of peaceful negotiation with bosses in Vecna: Eve of Ruin is a gift that just keeps on giving, and it even applies to the dragon goddess Tiamat herself.

Is Lolth in Vecna Eve of Ruin? ›

There are a lot of plot threads dangling in this chapter, and a few new ones added that weren't present in the rest of the adventure: Lolth is helping Vecna. There are two drow, 100% not affiliated with Lolth, looking for a lost item. There are two armies of demons fighting, Lolth's and Miska's forces.


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.