Top Posts Tagged with #an important update to your redbubble account | Tumlook (2024)


Apr 20, 2023

Let Redbubble know how you feel about them double-dipping and taking a (really large) percentage from their least-profitable artists after already getting money from all sales on the front end.Redbubble Feedback SurveyI'll also leave the raw link in a comment.

#redbubble#redbubble tier#redbubble artist#redbubble fee#redbubble update#An Important Update to Your Redbubble Account#redbubble tier structure#I barely scrape enough sales to get $20 every other month#now it looks like i'll only be getting $20 every 4-5 months with this new structure


Jul 12, 2023

Things Tumblr Can Do To Make Money

…Ask us what we would pay money for?

But seriously, yeah, we need to keep the lights on, pay people etc.

Now, I’ve never been a CEO, but I’ve worked in tech for about 30 years.

I was an early adopter of the first blogging platforms, when all the bloggers in my city fit around two bar tables. I was on Friendster. I was one of the first on Twitter. I’ve been to SXSW. I’ve seen these things rise and fall. I’ve seen their potential to bring people together and tear them apart.

Tumblr is unique because we’re mostly all pseudonymous here. Usually that’s a license to abuse people, but here we use that relative anonymity to be our truer selves, to explore, to help, to be kind.

The culture here is really positive. The improv yes-anding is really important. The memetic generation levels are impossible anywhere else.

Sure, we have some celebs on here and that’s cool, but it’s not why we’re here.

What would we pay money for?

If the goal is to support creators, then an algorithm that merely repopularizes what is already popular is the wrong approach. Creators need platforms and tools, namely: Ecommerce so we can sell things, subscriptions for ongoing support, and discovery tools so people can find the things we’re creating.

If you’re a musician, you want something like Bandcamp - digital with physical releases and a subscription tier to support things

If you’re an illustrator, writer or comics creator, you want to be able to sell prints, books and eBooks.

If you’re a crafter, jeweler, potter, painter: You want to sell your physical wares.

If you’re a theatre company, comedy club or improv troupe you want to sell tickets or be able to funnel people into your existing ticketing system, create calendar events etc.

If you’re teaching classes, you want to be able to create recurring calendar booking events, set numbers of spots and sell them.

If you’re a creator on tour - you want to be able to make it easy for people to find updated tour itineraries, locations, dates/times, ticket info, subscribe to get reminders and alerts, sell tickets etc.

And all creators need to keep the lights on too. You can’t create if you can’t be in a safe place, without time or energy, or regular meals. That’s why a subscription tool can help creators create.

So, yeah. What Tumblr needs, as we’ve all been saying, is to be a lot more WP-like under the hood in terms of tagging / search / custom fields / SEO; and extended with storefronts (or a giant Tumblr storefront we can set up shop in, a la Etsy / RedBubble / Bandcamp), subscriptions or fundraisers (Patreon / GoFundMe), calendar / reminder / booking functions, ticket sales (Eventbrite et al), opt-in newsletters (could be an extension of “post to email”), and (thanks to ActivityPub) a way to crosspost to other platforms (HootSuite?)

naturally, make these tools multi-user (admin / editor / contributor levels or whatever)

I mean…while we’re at it, why not a podcasting function (RSS feed, and theoretically broker sponsorships and ad spots?)

Tumblr builds it: They get a cut of the revenue.

As a creator, I would pay to have access to these tools (separately or bundled) so I don’t have to coordinate 74 different apps. Instagram alone is exhausting (if you’ve done the tap-7-times-to-switch-accounts dance you know what I mean.)

@macmanx @zingring @photomatt

Hello everyone! MY REDBUBBLE <-MY REDBUBBLE <-

I decided to update my account on redbubble! I want to sell prints myself, but at the moment I can't, so I use this printshop! (I will be selling myself in the near future)


If you like something from my art, you can view and buy it in my redbubble store. I will be adding new art to this shop!

If you like some art, but it's not on redbubble, please write to me about it! I'll try to add this <3

If you ordered something, please write me a review if you want! (you can text to the tumblr chat :D) This may be important as I want to monitor the quality of redbubble products.

thank you so much for your attention!And have a good day!p.s. I will be grateful to the repostsand also if you have any questions feel free to ask me :]

#prints#art print#harry potter world#illustration#postcard#poster#wolfstar#the maraduers era#the marauders#harry potter#fanposter#digital art#printdesign#redbubble#james potter#sirius x lupin#sirius orion black#remus lupin#harry potter fanart#artwork#support artists#digital drawing#hp art#hp marauders#hp fanart#sirius black#print shop#print harry potter#print sale


Feb 28, 2023

We are now 24 hours away from the beginning of our charity event, which will start at midnight EST on March 1!

Below is a very short thread on how the event will work, include donating, prizes, and important dates!

- On March 1, the two Tiltify campaigns will open: one supporting TWOCC and one supporting NPYWC. By donating to either of the campaigns, you may be eligible for certain prizes for our generous artist supporters!

- In order to claim a art prize, you can fill out the Google form linked in our carrd with proof of your donation (a screenshot of the confirmation email from Tiltify is perfect)

- Also on March 1, our Redbubble shop will open, and you may purchase stickers, prints, and pins of many amazing designs from Bootwt community members, with all proceeds going to the two charities!

- At 11:59 pm EST on March 31, the Tiltify campaigns will close and our artists will begin the process of creating your prizes! Don't worry though: the Redbubble shop will still be open for purchases

- On April 15, the prize posting will begin! All the prizes that our artists create will be posted between April 15-22, unless you hear from us specifically about your artist requesting an extension.

- The event officially ends at 11:59 pm EST on April 22. The Redbubble shop will close and on April 23 we will announce the total raised for both charities and thank everyone for their help and support!

Please see the carrd for more information, as well as the official bootwt twitter account for updates! :D

A community charity event supporting various BIPOC charities


Jan 9, 2021

Concerning user @/lanwanji on Redbubble

Hello everyone, we hope you’re all doing well.

Unfortunately it has been brought to attention that there is an account on Redbubble that is actively using MDZS artworks that aren’t theirs in their designs, thus capitalizing off of stolen / reposted artworks. The username of the Redbubble account is @/lanwanji and you can find their account through this link.

As of right now they have a total of 650 designs in their Redbubble shop, of which the vast majority contains stolen / reposted artworks. They sell everything from postcards, t-shirts, puzzles, notebooks, travel mugs, to phone cases, masks, coasters, mugs, etc. all containing stolen / reposted artworks.

Should you recognize your own artwork, you can file a takedown notice through this link. If you recognize an artwork from a specific artist, please contact them with the link to the stolen / reposted fanart so they can fill in the takedown notice. Important to note is that the only ones who can file for takedown notices are the artists whose artwork was stolen / reposted.

If you’re not an artist or your artwork wasn’t stolen / reposted, but you want to make a report in general, please visit this link. Click‘other’ and fill in the fields accordingly, but be aware that a Redbubble account is needed to be able to file a report.

In the description box, mention that Redbubble user @/lanwanji is profiting off of stolen / reposted MDZS artworks and that you would like for Redbubble to look into their account. If you recognize an artwork, you can always attach a photo of the original artwork to further support the report.

We ask of our followers to please mass report this account so they can’t continue capitalizing off of stolen / reposted MDZS artworks by using these artworks their designs.

As for ourselves, we’ve filed a complaint with Redbubble and sent them an email as well in which we asked them to look into this account, and we’ve asked them to give the appropriate response to our report. We’ll keep you updated on what happens through this post, and we hope Redbubble comes to a solution soon.

Using artworks that aren’t yours is an act of copyright infringement and can lead to serious fines. That said, reposting artworks or other original content that isn’t yours on Tumblr or other social media sites is also not something that should be done. We’d like to remind everyone of our known reposters list, and that you can always reach out to us through our F.A.Q if you suspect someone is reposting works that aren’t theirs.

If you wish more information on what to do if you suspect someone is reposting content, our original post about reposting can be found here.

That’s all for now.— The MDZS Network Admin Team 🐇❤️

#p:admin post


Sep 4, 2020

Thoughts on Nintendo making the Super Mario 35 game and 3D All Stars limited physically and even digitally?

It’s legitimately surprising how blind Nintendo is certain things. And even if they aren’t blind, they’re... ignorant, in a sense? Frugal to a fault? They’re dumb. Amazingly dumb. Let’s go with that. That's a nice way to put it.

I tweeted that I’d recently finished replaying Super Mario Sunshine a year or two ago (it took me roughly four years!) and that I’d burned through the PC port of Super Mario 64 not that long ago over the course of a single weekend. And that, because of this, I found it hard to justify paying $60 for the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection.

I don’t want this to sound like “because I played them for free, I don’t want to buy them.” I already bought and paid for Super Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube, and I own at least two, maybe even three copies of Super Mario 64 (original cart, Wii VC, Wii U VC). That's because Super Mario 64 is also one of the most influential games of all time. I know I say that a lot, but I'll repeat it as many times as I need to. Any third person action game made in the last 25 years owes something to what Super Mario 64 figured out -- analog character movement, how to set up the camera, all of it. Even if Super Mario 64 didn’t invent everything about 3D character movement, it probably still figured out a better way to do it. All modern game design roads lead back to that game. I will absolutely buy another copy of Super Mario 64.

But you have to do it right.

If you aren’t matching or or exceeding the work that fans are doing for free, then you are asking me to pay money for a worse quality product.

I can play Super Mario 64 at wide screen, in 4K, at 60fps, with modern camera controls, thanks to the PC port. It sounds cleaner, and it looks better than the N64 game did. Even if you subtract the recreated textures and the high-def models and just play the game with the original assets, it’s still running smoother and plays tighter, but still feels like Super Mario 64.

A case could be made that these enhancements to Super Mario 64 are pretty big and would require lots of new work and testing (as if Nintendo couldn’t just account for that). But, then, what about Super Mario Sunshine? Now, the All-Stars version has been updated to run in widescreen, sure, but even more could be done without messing anything up.

Super Mario Sunshine as it shipped on the Gamecube ran at 30fps, but that’s not always how the game was shown. For a large portion of its development, Super Mario Sunshine actually ran at 60fps. At some point, Nintendo decided to cap it at 30fps, likely because it couldn't maintain a stable 60. Using the emulator Dolphin, and the right Gameshark/Gecko code modifier, it’s possible to restore Sunshine’s original 60fps framerate.

All the game logic under the hood was probably always running at 60fps, it’s just they capped the rendering at 30 for the final game. And yet, the All-Stars version seemingly retains the 30fps cap, even though the Switch could probably do 60fps in this game with both joycons tied behind its back.

For a company that constantly oversteps their boundaries when it comes to fighting the threat of piracy, they sure seem to be making an excellent case for why people should pirate their games, because they’re lowballing things like this and expecting consumers to gobble it up. Thank you Mister Nintendo, sir, for this generous offering of reheated table scraps.

No other extras, no other bonuses. You get these three games and a soundtrack player. Development history? Alternate versions, like Super Mario 64 DS? What about archival material? Concept art, or anything like that? A lot of people are over the moon about Nintendo history right now thanks to the Gigaleak. No? You’re not going to provide anything interesting or cool? Just a bare bones collection of three games presented basically as-is? Not even Super Mario Galaxy 2? Can't be too generous, after all. It's only been 35 years, and Mario's just one of the biggest, most important franchises in all of gaming. Gotta save Galaxy 2 for the, uh... next 3D Mario collection...?

The whole release date thing is just the final slap in the face. It’s Nintendo creating their own artificial scarcity. This is something I’ve picked up on regarding t-shirts -- I run a Redbubble store with shirts I’ve done, and the sales have never been stellar. In four or five years, I’ve made something like $18. Total.

Why? Because they’re always available. The few times I’ve actually encouraged sales a little bit is when I suggested some shirts might be getting retired, eventually. And when you think about it, that’s the entire crux of something like The Yetee. Either you buy this shirt right now, right here, today, or it goes away and may never come back. Limited edition stuff boosts sales because it forces people to make a decision.

It also boosts a festering aftermarket, where, because people know this is a limited edition thing, they can effectively “buy stock” that will effectively collect interest over time. Buy them at $60 now, mark them up for $80, or $90, or $120+ in a year or three. But then all that does is create a scenario where legitimate customers aren’t going to be able to buy the product, because the people who flip these in the aftermarket will have spent $1500 hoping to make a return of $2500-$3000.

You saw this with Amiibo. You saw it with the NES Classic and SNES Classic. It is TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY and every store front worth a penny allows “third party sellers.” Everything is Ebay now. Wal-mart, Newegg, Best Buy, Amazon, Target, whatever. You name a major retail brand, and they probably let some random goober scalp aftermarket products out of their garage. In many states, scalping tickets is banned, but online this is just “business.” I’m sure Jeff Bezos is elated you spent $230 on a Squid Sisters Amiibo double pack (original MSRP: $30). You don’t get to be the richest man in the world by forcing your best moneymakers to play fair.

Nintendo has taken many notes. The bare minimum of effort, for full price, and “oh, gosh, you better buy it now! It might not ever come back! The faster you give us your money, the better!”

Go jump in a lake. I get better and more features in an emulator and I can play these games right now, today, if I really wanted to. If you aren’t going to offer competitive features and business, then our conversation is over.

#questions#nintendo#switch#super mario 3d all-stars#super mario 64#super mario sunshine#super mario galaxy#scalping#rant#Anonymous


Dec 20, 2019

A Eulogy to the Nads6969 Deviantart Account

Dearly beloved,

We are gathered here today on this most joyous occasion to celebrate the shamefully drawn out but nonetheless welcome banning of Deviantart’s resident fungus, Nads6969.

Despite describing herself as an artist with aspirations of becoming better and producing professional work, she instead nestled herself into the community like a tick and helped herself to other people’s artwork while her court of blind, mewling sycophants cheered her on.

If we should list Nads6969’s achievements, I assure you that they are few, and creativity will never be one of them.

Staunchly set in her status as a jobless slouch who stayed at home on the internet all day, she decided that learning to draw required too much learning. It also required too much time, something we all know that unemployed shut-ins supported by the government and the tired efforts of begrudged family members don’t have enough of.

Effort, to Nads6969, wasn’t worth the effort. Not when there was precious internet praise to reap during endless, uneventful days of doing nothing productive.

So began her 12 year career in tracing, which was nothing more than her make-believing that she was an artist by tracing off of other people’s hard work and passing it off as her own. Her existence on Deviantart was a poor, amateurish stage play that dragged on for far too many acts after the pity applause had long since ceased.

Her enablers enthusiastically celebrated her unoriginality and mediocrity, praising obvious, childish traces as works of art and feeding her engorged ego while ignoring the plight of her steadily growing list of victims.

And despite the slew of medication she claimed to be taking for various maladies, there is no doctor on earth that can fix a conscience.

This sentient void of unfeeling indifference spent her days seeking out the work of those more talented and creative than her and, like vampires who instinctively seek out beautiful things in order to own and destroy them, so too did she. And the overused sphincter she called her “imagination” produced unnecessary, disgusting amalgamations of the true talent of her victims and her own desperate, pathetic attempts for some aspect of her life to warrant praise.

Any attempts to correct her behavior were met with something even more engorged than her ego – her victim complex.

If you were not enthusiastically fellating her with undeserved praise of her nonexistent creativity and atrophied skill, you were a cruel, jealous bully and your words totally didn’t faze her and she would write an entire Status update or Journal post explaining how unfazed she was.

This drug-addled mess of a human being believed that her depression excused her from basic human tenets of courtesy (asking permission, giving credit, saying thank you) because her life struggles were apparently the worst in the world. So terrible, in fact, that she considered handing her own child over to her elderly parents so that she could focus on the most important thing in the world – herself.

Here is a quote from her:

“Right now, I am just interested in drawing random Sailor Moon related art. I have no inspiration for my fanmanga as of now with my depression that has come back to haunt my life. So much that I’ve considered letting my son be with my parents while I take care of myself.”

These were the four priorities in the life of this alleged stay at home mother… Self first, Sailor Moon second, child third, parents fourth.

The only other love in Nads6969’s life, besides Sailor Moon and tracing, was lying. She was amazing at lying. She lied to her friends, she lied to her watchers, and she lied to anyone who took even a moment to mention that her work looked suspiciously like someone else’s work, just uglier.

She lied about having/asking permission to use people’s works, she lied about creating/using sockpuppet accounts to support herself and attack others, and when the confrontations increased, she lied about tracing.

But in the end, it didn’t matter what she did or where she went. She was not wanted on any art site or image hosting platform. Artstation didn’t want her, Pinterest didn’t want her, Redbubble didn’t want her, and Deviantart didn’t want her. This poor, desperate creature longed for acceptance, but never once considered that, to be accepted, she had to play by the rules and treat others with the same respect she demanded for herself.

No matter what “art” she produced, it was always second-hand trash. Pieces that were built from scratch, from understanding anatomy and color and composition, became unskilled, regurgitated slop in her hands. And, after 12 years of being a slovenly Xerox machine, no improvement has manifested.

That is 12 years spent stagnating in mediocrity. 12 years spent focusing on a work of fiction, while the work of her own loins took second place. 12 years spent dreaming of producing something of value but never getting out of bed.

She wanted so desperately to look like an artist, but she never was one to begin with. At her core, Nads6969 was a dark, empty, ugly creature who choked on her own lies and drove people away just by being herself.

Everything she has lost - friendships, relationships, accounts, respect - are all the result of the radioactive Elephant’s Foot she calls a personality.

Failure was her destiny, no matter how many times she tried to outrun or outsmart it. Truth was her enemy, no matter how often she tried to suffocate or silence it. Justice was her executioner, no matter how often she tried to deceive and seduce it.

In the end, Nads6969 was a pitiful joke that no one laughed at, and soon, she will pass like a dead man’s last pungent breath in a world that never knew he existed.



Dec 31, 2019

Update - 31/12/2019

Aaand I took a long break again, lol. Anyway, quick update: last day of 2019. Exams are close. Cannot commission atm. I will post what I still have in the drafts though, and old asks. Oops.

There are a lot of plans I have for my blog for this next year. I also want to post my Medieval AU story sooner or later on! I have an account already, you can find me there! Oh, and I’d love to write a decent Pirate AU plot too (any help is very much appreciated).

The list of 2020 goals is long. More commissions, more art. But exams are important, so my activity will be limited. Anyway, I’ll make the most out of it!!

I know that America has a day to celebrate gratitude, but to me, that day is now.

I wanted to thank you all for the huge support I received on this platform for the whole time I’ve been here. I wanted to thank everyone for all the kind messages, the incredible number of asks, the amazing comments I received, and all the commissions.

I wanted to thank all those who became my friends, all those who don’t text much with me but keep supporting me in their own way, all those who gave me a chance and commissioned me or bought from my Redbubble store, all those who silently appreciate my art and keep following me, all those who connected with me in their own way: thank you. The positive feedback I received on this platform was huge. I cannot be thankful enough. I hope I can contribute to your day just like you made mine so many times on this 2020. I’ll do my best!

Top Posts Tagged with #an important update to your redbubble account | Tumlook (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.